Nobody’s Business McGEE— news from flat. rock. miss jennie veeve brown received a sad foam message frcrn g?nr(ty last nite which said her gram pa?/ had suffered a backset with his side pleurisy and the doctors think ncwmony has set in on his left lung, if he dize, he will possibly be fetch ed here and berried betwixt his 3 wives which have gone on brfoar at rehober. he will be badly missed by all concerned, as he is now having to keep up nearly all of them. the little soldiers of the first bap tist church pulled off a play named —“scatter sunshine” friday evening in the scholl audy torium and it was enjoyed by all. the reseats was handed to the pasture of the church to help him meet 2 instalments on his ford which he bought when his son got his bonus and left 206$ be hind. our teachers have all gone to their respectible homes oner count of the session ended last week with an entertainment composed of the entire studdent boddy in a big cot ton parade, and we all hope both of them will come back and teech for us again and not get married like them 2 did last year after being re elected to return Tnr. Jones lost a fine cow by death last Sunday, he first thought a snake had bit her, but after holding an Investigation, he decided that she Jobbed a fence rail in her side when she tried to jump over into mr. mike Clark, rfd. fine patching of roasting years which will soon be reddy for the market, her milk will be badly missed, as she gave 4 gal lons, but he let her run out a right smart so’s he woulddent hafter feed her reglar ansoforth. the rfd mail rout has benn chang ed from io in the morning to 5 in the evening and the man goes around by smyrny chirch first in sted of by the mill and that gives us our papers too late to do anny thlng with excepp start fires anso forth. a pea tishion has alreddy bSnn sent to the p. o. department in new york asking for a change back to the old schedule, but as he is a republican, none of us expect to be paid anny attention to. well, mr. editor—the prosperity you said was jight arc and the cor ner last month must of turned back and went the other way. times is so hard in fiat rock that we hafter fill our gassyleen tanks only 3 thirds full now, and some of the farmers is falling off in wait, rite or foam if you hear when the farm bored will do annything for us. yores trule. mike Clark, rfd., ccrry rpondent. • The Old Place Has Changed So, You' Would dent Know It. j I was recently overcome by a liankering to visit my birth-place— my home for 12 years of my life, i That’s a sure sign of the approach J ;of old a^e. 1 was not satisfied to go 'alone, so X hunted up my good ! friend, “mike Clark, rfd" and then drove a few miles out of my way jen route to pick up Will Burdette, jmy boy-hood shirt-tail, rabbit j hunter, lizard chaser, doodle-digger partner. When I first arrived at the old [home-stead, I was surprised to see how much our dwelling had shrunk up. It useter be a great, big, long, broad, capacious house, but today it is only a 3-room, unceiled, awkward cabin. While it is the same house, it is only 3 feet from the ground: when I practiced falling out of the pi-izza betwixt the age of 3 and 8, that house was at least 10 feet above terra firma. The orchard—where Will and T ate green apples and peaches from the time they budded till frost—was gone. The old ash-hopper—where I [■helped mother make lye—was still [standing. The big field back of the ■barn had dwindled down to about [one acre. The awful gully "down to-ards the cow pastor"—as Will would say—was the only thing about the plantation that had grown, and man—that is a first cousin to the gr and canyon. I tried to locate the place where Tolly and Penny (.our favorite dpgs) slept at night, but somebody had torn down that shed. The space where we played marbles at dinner time—while the mules were eating —had been corfverted Into a wood pile. I had no trouble in locating the very spot where my little bull yearling kicked me on the side of the head one Sunday and laid me up 15 days for repairs. I lived to see him become a useful ox. The old oak tree—where every body—girls—boys—colored folks — white folks—and visitors skint cats —had disappeared.. But the “big slickery-ellum’’ where we had our grape-vine swing was still there. Our house had one glass window in it, the parlor-room—and to this day, that is the only glass window in the old shack. The little path where Will and I was won’t to chase toad-frogs near sunset was not even there. We were always careful about getting too close to toads—on ac count of their (then) capacity to cause warts. Yep, friends—I enjoyed that visit. Everything and everybody came back to my mind. Even the mules, cows, hogs, chickens—plus*6ur one sheep (Old Tib)—came back in re List Your TAXES Property and Poll Taxes for Cleveland County must be listed during the month of May, to avoid penalty. SEE THE FOLLOWING TAX LISTERS No. 1 Township-J. A. McCraw, Lister. No. 2 Township-W. C. Hamrick, Lister No. 3 Township-A. A. Bettis, Lister. No. 4 Township-H. B. Stowe, Lister. No. 5 Township-M. P. Harrelson, List er. No. 6 Township-T. P. Jenk's, Lister. No. 7 Township^R. W. McBrayer, List er. No. 8 Township-B. P. Jenkins, Lister. No. 9 Township-C. S. Beam, Lister. Nb. 10 Township-M. N. Gantt, Lister. No. 11 Township-Warlick’s Store. FAILING TO LIST WILL RESULT IN YOUR BEING PENALIZED BY LAW. FARM CENSUS: Each farm owner or his agent is to come prepared to report the acreage of each crop to be harvested on his or her tenants’ farm this year. Also acres cultivated, lying out, number of bearing fruit trees and the tons of fertilizer used for all crops. Pre pare your list now. This Farm Census is required by Stale law, but is NOT for taxation purposes. R. L. WEATHERS, Cleveland County Tax Supervisor. view before my memory—which was pleasantly awakened. Some day— I'm going to pick up my family (of 6) and hunt up Will Burdette and go down there and eat dinner in that very old house, and then take a nap on a “trunkle bed"—if the tenants should happen to have one. IN COMMUNITY BITCH OF NEWS (Special to The Star.) May 19.—Mrs. A. B. Wood of Max ton who is visiting her mother. Mrs. P. P. Gold and relatives made a very interesting talk Sunday in Sunday school and W. M. S, A number of the people in our community attended the memorial services at Union Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Neal of Patterson Springs is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, P. Cabaniss. Mr. Hugh Hoyle's children of Belwood are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Geo. E. Gold and family. Mr. and Mrs. Latham Wilson and son, Bobble Gold, spent the week end with Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gold. Miss Jane Irvin is home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Irvin for the summer holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Spangler and fam ily and Mr. Hugh Neal visited Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Cabaniss Sunday. The farmers are progressing fine with their crops. Sunday morning our Sunday school is planning a cradle roll pro gram. Every mother is asked to bring fier babe to church. Likely. Beast—I believe that everybody had a former existence. Beauty—That sounds reasonable.j It amuses me to think that I was probably once a butterfly or a little bird. Beast—More likely a whale. Foot Itch Millions Havo Athloto’o Foot ^ Why suffer from the queer akin disease causing severe Itching: of toes and feet, cracking:, peeling: skin, blisters. Ringworm, Trench Foot or Hand Itch, when you can avoid in quickly heal your akin with Dr. Nixon's Nlxoderm? Based on the famous English Hospital for mula, discovered by a leading Lon don akin specialist. Dr. Ntxon^e Nlx oderm acta with amaslngr speed, be 2uV«eai