/Vo Fake Flowers Among Poppies To Be Sold In Shelby Saturday Legion Auxiliary to Conduct Annua Poppy Sale For Disabled Yets Jne little white label attached I. Catit of the memorial poppies which L'-c women of the American legion auxiliary will sell on the streets nere Saturday is the public's protec hou. The label is the guarantee that 1 poppy has been made by a needy e: abled veteran and that every pe > ■ 1 paid for the flower will go to telle; of disabled veterans, their ta.n ihes and the families of the dead. The label, which is secured to the Siem of every poppy, bars on one ' me the words, “In Memoriam,’’ and the official emblem of the American legion and the American Legion tux iliary. On the other side it carrier the names of the two organization; end the words "Veteran Made Poppy" » No poppY which dpcs not bear this label is the official poppy of the le gion and auxiliary. The label give.'; assurance that the vast organization ef the legion and auxiliary stands behind the poppy, vouches that the Power is a veteranmade and pledges that tire best possible use will be made of the money paid for the flower, As a further protection for the public .all women selling the legion auxiliary poppy will wear distinctive badges with the auxiliary's name in large letters. To make sure that th’7 rre purchasing an authentic veter anniade poppy and are giving he entire sum of their contribution to veteran relief work, Shelby citizp is should buy their poppies only from women wearing these badges. Every auxiliary worker is a volunteer worker and every penny given them goes directly into the legion and auxiliary funds for the relief of the needy disabled and dependents. Declares Daniels Sees Just One Side Charlotte News. The News and Observer continues to fawn at the feet of the Eastern group in the legislature and is so determined to make the industrial section of the, state pay its tax bills. In answer to a comment by The Charlotte News in reference to the plundering attitude of the MacLean forces, Mr, Daniels seems to take the remark as a personal affront. He would have the public know that the contingent in the legislature that Is seeking to shift the burden of taxes from their own pockets to the purses of Piedmont Carolina are “not plunderer!* but patriots.” Just so! Anybody has always been a patriot in the estimation. of The News and Observer who cramped his mind into the narrow groove in which that newspaper habituates and anybody who thought contra.' ily was fit to cast into the outer darkness. It is not otherwise now. In the judgment of Mr. Daniel', there is only one side to this vexa tious problem in the legislature and that’s his side. He who dares to think in opposite terms may as well prepare to be villified and casti gated. That’s his method of argu ment and debate. Poplar Springs To Have Memorial Sun. • Special to The Star.) Memorial service at Poplar Springs Baptist church the fourth Sunday, May 24. Sunday school at 9:30 o’clock. 10:30 special program. 11 o’clock preaching by Rev. D. If. Putnam. The afternoon will be de voted to soitg service. A number of choirs will be present to take part in the singing. All singers are cor dially invited. The public is invited to come and bring well filled baskets. STAR ADVS. PAYS Mr. Peeler Resigns At Double Shoah I Quits For a Rest After 24 Tear With Double Shoals Store. Personals. "Special to The Star.) Double Shoals, May 19.—The fine rain that fell here last night wii; bring all grain up to a better stand Mr. John R. Peeler who has bee: manager of the Double Shoals stort for 24 years has resigned his posi tion for a rest. In 1907 Mr. peelei when a trung man In his teens be gan working for the Morgans whc owned the business. About 13 year, ago the Morgans sold out to what is known now as the Double Shoah Manufacturing company. Mr. Peel er was retained and has been held in the same high esteem by the present company these years. He has made many friends by his hon est -dealing, and a sense of regret will be felt by his retiring. Mr. H. R. Royster who is sec treas. of the company and Mr. Loyd Cook will manage the store. Mr. Cook has worked under Mr. Peela: for some one or two years. 'The Sunday school hour has been changed from 9:45 back to 9:ia every Sunday but the fourth. O11 the fourth Sunday the hour is 2 p. m.; preaching 3 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spangler went to Pleasant Hill Methodist mem orial last Sunday. Miss Helen Seism spent last week end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Seism. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cornwell spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spangler. Mr. Leland Royster of Furman university spent the week-end with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs H. C. Royster. Mrs. H. C. Royster has been sick from an extracted tooth, but is bet ter at this writing. Mr. John Cook of Eastside spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lessie Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Deele McFarlir spent Sunday at Henrietta visiting Mr. and Mrs. Foster Russ. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Toney and Mrs. A. P. Shytler of Shelby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L Champion. Mrs. Loyd Cook who has been very sick is abie to be up again. Miss Irene Cook has been spend ing several weeks with Mr. and Mr* Loyd Cook. Master Arron Cook spent Sunday night with his brother, Loyd Cook. Regular monthly services will be theld at the Baptist church Satur day and Sunday. Weekly teachers meeting at the church Thursday night. SCOTLAND YARD TO TRAIN WOMEN OF POLICE FORCE AS DETECTIVES London.—The feminist movement has won even Scotland Yard. It is learned that women police will now be trained in the intricate work of crime detection, and the Commis sioner, Viscount Byng, intends to transfer them to fire criminal in vestigation department as part oi his 1931 scheme of reorganization. New detectives will be recruited from the ranks of the existing wom en police. By the end of the year it is expected that there will be'twen ty-five fully trained women plain clothes defectives with the same status as their male colleagues. The women detectives will have unique | opportunities in dealing with ex ipert shoplifters and other women criminals. No Proposal. "D;d you hear that Miss Spinster was squeezed so hard that several of her ribs were broken?” , "Do tell, Was it a proposal?” I *'No, a bargain rush.” WEBB THEATRE - TONIGHT AND THURSDAY EVERYBODY 10c JOE E. BROWN Going Wild NEWS AND ACTS. SHOWS — 1 — 3 — 7 — 9. 11 — FRIDAY AND SATURDAY — GRANT WITHERS and MARY ASTOR IN “OTHER MEN’S WOMEN” ALSO EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION—CHAPTER NO. 1 — “ADVENTURES IN AFRICA.” COMEDY — FABLES. — REMEMBER 10c TO ALL — FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO WEBB THEATRE LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News I Mr. and Mrs. Louis McCoy and ,1 Misses Alleen Costner and Juanita j Hoyle spent Sunday at Lake Lure jand Chimney Rock. ! '<• _ Mr. and ^rs. John Logan an ; nounce the birth of a little daughter, j Betty Jewel, on May 19. at their j apartment in the home of M-s I Eugene Gamble on \V. Marion St. Some of the finest strawberries I of the season were grown this vear by Mrs. Eure Smith of Shelby route 3. She sent a quantity to The Star office yesterday, so large in size that a half dozen would fill a man's size hand. Mrs. Smith has an abundance this year of exceptional ly large and lucious berries. Mrs. Lander P. McBrayer has re I turned from Reidsvllle where she | has been visiting her son. Mr. Mc ; Brayer and Mrs. McBrayer. Hr. and Mrs. Sidney Chappel who (have been visiting Mrs. Chappel's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Arey, I left today for Murphy to spend a i few days. They will return the last I of the week to Shelby and go to ! their home in Norlina on Sunday. Mrs. G. S. Dellinger and Miss : Annie Ruth Dellinger spent the week-end with Mrs. Dellinger's sls | ter, Mrs. _R. L. Fritz, in Hickory. Mr. Hewitt Dellinger, of the Uni | versity at Chapel Hill, spent the | week-end at home with his home ;folks. Mrs. D. R. S. Frazier and little json, John Boyte, left the hospital ion Sunday and returned to their l home. i Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Beason, of Spartanburg, spent the week-end here with the former's father, Mr. J. T. Beason, and Mrs. Beason. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hopper an nounce the birth of a son bn May 19 at the Shelby hospital. Mr. Alton Kirkpatrick spent the past week-end at Graham and Dur ham where lie visited relatives and friends. Billy Bostic, of Mooresboro, wao ihas been in the Shelby hospital for - a month suffering from a broken I leg, was able to leave this morning and return to his home. Mr. Burton Mitchell, of Mount Holly, was in Shelby this afternoon and Mrs. Mitchell and little son, Burton, jr., who have been spending a few days here visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mitchell, returned home with him. Mrs. R. T. LeGrand, Mrs. Loy Thompson, and Misses ‘Elizabeth Riviere and Mary Reeves Forney are leaving on Saturday for Raleigh to attend the commencement exer j cises at Peace Institute, When Miss Minna LeGrand will be graduated from the institution. Little Julian Hamrick, son of Mr, and Mrs. Oren Hamrick, underwent an operation for removal of his tonsils at the Shelby hospital today and is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Luther G. Thonfpson spent the week-end in ‘ Greenville, S. C., with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aus tell and family. Mrs. S. F. Roberts, who spent last week in Greenville with her daughter, Mrs. Austell, re turned home with them. Cornelia Thompson and ' Loy iThompson. jr., children of Mr. and | Mrs. Loy Thompson, will go to Mooresville the latter part of this week to visit their grandmother, Mrs. C. E. Cornelius, at her home there. Mrs. W. L. McCord and little soi William Lucius, jr., were able t leave the hospital and return t their home yesterday. Mrs. McCord mother, Mrs. M« W. Parrish, < Asheboro, (arrived in Shelby yestei day to spind sometime with them Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stuart spentj the week-end at Graham visiting < friends and relatives. Miss Madeline Elliott, student secretary of Meredith college, Ra leigh, spent the week-end here as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fields Young. Mrs. R. E. White and little son, Robert Eugene, of Winston-Salem, arrived at Earl last week to spend a month with relatives in the coun ty. She will come to Shelby the lat ter part of this week to visit her sister. Mrs. George Washburn and Mr. Washburn,' Friends of Mias Minna LeGrand will be distressed to learn that she [is in the hospital in Raleigh with roseola. - Friends of Dr. A. Pitt Beam, who • as in the Shelby hospital last week, will be glad to know that he was able to return to his home on Mon day and is back at his office today. Mr. Oscar Stuart spent the week end at his home in Mcbane. Miss Etta Beverly is In Merchant villc, N. J. this week where she 1j visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harmon and Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Starnes, all of Monroe, spent the past week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Knox Har din. Mr. And Mrs. James E. Lambeth, of Thomasvllle, stopped over iu Shelby this morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Beason, on their way to Brevard, Asheville and other points in the mountains. Little Betty Washburn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Washburn, spent last week at Earl with her aunt. Miss Sallle Bettis, She return ed home on Sunday. w Bankrupt. Penlopc—Suzette never sues any of her husbands for alimony. Theresa—No, when she leaves them they're bankrupt. Bill'S TABERNACLE AND WILL START REVIVAL MEET Rev. J. A. Walker has bought the Tabernacle which is located m South Washington street and begins serrice Saturday night at 7:13. Everybody cordially invited. SOCIAL NEWS Pretty Party For Mias Pryor. Misses Rachel Wells and Eliza beth Riviere were charming hostes ses on Tuesday evening at a small bridge party and linen shower in compliment to Miss Ruby Pryor, commercial teacher, who will not re turn to Shelby another school year. Quests Included members of the high school commercial class. Bridge was played at two tables and after several progressions, when scores were added Miss Sara Best was giv en a pretty dance handkerchief as high score prize. Miss Wells aiid Miss Riviere were assisted by their mothers, Mrs, Charles Well and Mrs. R. Z. Riviere, and by Miss AUe *n Walker in serving a delicious sweet course with punch. After which little Lucille Wells, small sister of Miss Wells, entered with a pretty basket of .gifts in linens which she present - ed to the guest of honor. Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Riviere gave Miss.Pryor a set of pretty glass salad plSttes. Those playing during thg^evening were: Misses Sara1 Best, Sara Lee Hamrick, Juanita pwf, Gracs Bowling. Vivian Buice^RftJjy Pryor, and Misses Wells and Riviere. At The Theaters Even your best friend's wife won t resent it if she believes you consid er her rather nice, rather beautiful and rather desirable, is the belief of Edmund Lowe, star of ’’Don't Bet On Women,” the picture which opened this afternoon at Caro lina. Jeanette MacDonald does the feminine lead and an all-aiar cast lend able support to the entertain ment in this swanky force. Friday at the Carolina—"Sea ^Devils." Sat urday—Richard Arlen and Fay Wray. -Joe E. Brown, clown prince of comedy, is "Going Wild” at the Webb theatre today and Thursday. He’s an aero-nauty land-hibber who j goes up in the air over a girl . . and comes down head-over heels in love with her. Joes big inoutlwhe got it by arguing with producers about | his salary—is used to laughing ad-! vantage in “Going Wild.” Other im-j portant members of the cast are j Lawrence Gray, Ona Munson, Wal-1 ter Prldgeon and Laura Lee. Lily Mill Mention ' Of the Week s News '♦Special to The Star.' Prayer meeting at Mr. J. p. Wil son’s Friday night at 7:30. Mr. A. W. Ledford and family i motored to Lake Lure and Chimney ; Rock Sunday. Mr. W. H. Ledbetter visited rela tives at Hickory Orove Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. O. F Mull and baby and Mrs. Van Mull visited relatives in Clover, S C.. Sunday. Mrs. Jane Adkins of Clover, S. C., is visiting her brother Mr. Van Muil this week. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Allen and children visited their daughter Mrs Arene Robertson near Hollis Sun day. Mr. Jes&ie Mode and wife and j baby and Mr. D. B. Ivester and j wife motored to Oak Ridge dairy i near Nawton, Sunday. Mr. Ruffin Self is sick at this writing. Miss Blanche Wilson spent Satur day night with her sister Mrs. Ger trude Garver at Gastonia. Mr Clarenc§ Fisher and wife went to Union to memorial day and to Forest City to see the latter's grand father last Sunday. Mr. Fred Weaver motored to Chimney Rock and Hendersonvills Sunday. V Tar Heel Frog Loses In Jump Washington tntrj IBooks Hunky But Is Washout In Jumping Contest. Angels Camp. Calif.—Somewhere in the crowded pages of sporting history th» name of Budweiser, the 1931 champion jumping trog. must go down, if for nothing else than the thrilling comeback he staged to sweep the field in the fourth an i nual Calaverss county frog jump ing contest herk Budweiser's comeback was no cinch. The great mottled frog, who brought victory for his master, Louis Fisher, and renown for his home town, Stockton, Cal., was forced to run a gauntlet of roaring six guns, screaming men and women and | goading children to win first prize ,with his leap of 11 feet 5 inches, | Budweiser strained those great legs | that would make an epicure's I mouth water to repeat his victory jwon in 1928. That year he defeated ! a much smaller field. This year he i faced the competition of 150 others, i Four Indies behind Budweiser I came Puddle Jumper owned by John Decchenino of Oakland. Cal., Puddle Jumper managed to leap 11 feet 1 inch, while Joe placed third with a leap of 10 feet 6 inches. Joe 1 Cesa of Antioch, Cal., owned Joe. As representatives of the Kinston ! (N. C.) Kiwanls club released Ze nobla, a king of frogdom if there ever was one, from his cage he fuch ed toward the starting line with the nonchalance of a great victor. Wom en screamed, revolvers cracked, and the town went wild. Money changed hards quickly, odds went up, but in comparison to the great Budweiser, Zenob a prov ed a - dismal flop. lie placed fourth with a leap of 8 feet 6 indies. Smoke 'the Washington fire depart ment's entry, just couldn't get any j where. He did his best at 7 feet 1 i inch. Twenty thousand persons jammed Angels Camp for the celebration. The town's one hotel was packed to the rafters. Murphy's Flat was a tent city. Beds were at a premium. The footraii in the hostelry’s bar room cracked under the weight of heavy boots. Prior to the contest-charges were 'hurled unceremoniously. A group cf California owners of blooded ar.i pedigreed frogs charged Zenob.r. had been “hopped up” with a cer tain brand of liquid known only to the Sierra foothills. Iced container, were guarded zeulpusJf by trained frog keepe and tfaiiMuggery was prevalent. i But it’s til over now ar.d Bud jweiser is the king. Wilson Letters j Found Unpublished j New York Times. j Woodrow Wilson, termed by some ■the most austerely intellectual of presidents, is revealed as one of the most warm-hearted of sons in three hitherto unpublished letters I to his father, obtained by Thomas F. Madigan, autograph dealer. To “my precious father.” Wilsqn attributed “the hereditary wealth I possess, that capital of principle, of literary force and skill, of capacity for first-hand thought." As his tal ents and experience grew, he real ized more and more “the benefit of being your son.” He recognized his father “as in a certain real sense the author of all I have to be grate ful for. I bless God for my noble, strong and saintly mother and for my incomparable father." Mr. Madigan terms the letters the most personally revealing docu ments he has ever seen by the late president, who seldom expressed himself so emotionally in writing— at least not in letters which have come into the autograph market. These were obtained from a friend of the Wilson family and are en tirely in Mr. Wilson’s autograph. Tells Of Need For His Father. That Woodrow Wilson considered his mind “a poor thing" and that it could not give him “gratification,” he disclosed in one of the letters, j •I have to rely on my heart as the sole source of contentment and hap-; piness. and that craves, oh. so fiercely, the companionship of those I love." the future president wrote. The older he grew the more he needed Ids father, he said. The first of the letters was writ ten in 1888. when Woodrow Wilson was in his thirty-third year. The others were written during the next two years. At the time he was Pro fessor of History! and Political Economy at Wesleyan University. It was here that he completed "The State,” an analysis of various na tional governments. It was in 1890 that he was called to Princeton as professor of Jurisprudence and Po litical Economy. Just Too Bad. New York.—Max Pincus'has lost a smile that wouldn't come off and he has reverted to such an appeuv ance as folks except a hearse driv er to have. He had a lottery ticket; on the derby. As a joke somebody sent him a telegram that he had! won $20,000. He gave up his job and; spent $100 on a dinner for- friend before he was disillusioned. But he' cot his job back Fa listen Newsj Of Current Week Home Economic* Club Meei*. Per sonals of People Coming And (ioln[. ! 'Special to 'IIie Star.* | I Fa listen. May IS.—The Home Kc >• i nomlcs club nil) meet Friday after-! i noon at the club room Mrs. Wall.r.■*1 will make a strawberry short cate |and give the regular procram for! jthe month. All members and any J | hho would like to join arc urged to i be present. Mrs. John Purker of neur Lincoln twi, a iarnier resident of this place > and a slater of the late T. A. Stainer spent several days here last we’r i with her nephew, Mr. und Mrs Claude Stamey. Master C S. Hendrick of i.iic ! Beams Mill section was the week j end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray WIN * | son. Mr. und Mrs. T. A. Lee and daugk ter, Elizabeth, motored to Mars Hi’l 'Sunday to spend the day with their son Hoyle, w ho Is in school there. Mrs. A. L, Hoyle who has been visiting relatives at Hamlet return ed to her home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Snow of Mt Airy spent several days this week with their eon Rev. and Mrs. E. E,' Snow. Mr;:. Rob Cline and little son Bobby who have been visiting rela 1 lives in Bennettsville and Lumber : ton for the last two weeks returned i to their home Wednesday. Mr. an l Mrs. Franklin Warlick 1 spent the week end with their par ents Mr and Mrs W. A. Jolley of near Forest City. Mr. and Mrs. W G Bridges and, \ family visited Mrs Odus Champion j of near Lattimore Sunday afternoon 1 Misses Nellie and Zellie Williams who have been in school here lor1 the past year and were members of the graduating class returned to their home in Devreaux, Oa„ Friday; mornbig. Miss Elisabeth Bowens of near Double Shoals, spent last Wedne. day night with Mr. and Mrs. Clem j Royster. Mr. Charlie Alexander of near ! Waco Is spending this week with Mr iSloane Elliott. j Mrs. T. A. Stamey was the din jnsr guest of Mr. and Mfa. Clauds : oh-msy, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gettys Parker and :n Clarence Robert, visited Mr. c. Mrs. Max Boggs Sunday after ■.'v.n. and Mrs. Eber Champion and children were the dinner guests of Mrs. Champion’s parents Mr. and I Mrs. W. M. Smalley of Lawndale j Sunday. j Mrs. Lawrence Ware and little son ! Eugene. of Kings Mountain, spent ! last week with her parents, Mr. and : Mr*. P. O. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Kesson Pruitt of j Casar, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hoyle Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Edmonds and | family were Spartanburg, S. C., vis itors Saturday. Miss Minnie Mull of Toluca speii* several days last week with Miss Clara Williams, returning to her home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Adlai Elliott and family accompanied by Charles Stamey visited Mr. and Mrs. An drew Elliott of Waco Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Moore and family of Rutherfordton visited rel atives in Fallston Sunday. Mrs Moore's mother Mrs. A. L. Hoyle ie ■ turned with them to spend several days. Mr. and Mrs Henry Gantt and daughter Josephine were spend the day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Lends Sunday. Mrs. M. J. Bridges of FolkviUe, spent several days with her son Mr. and Mrs. W .a. Bridges last week. Mr and Mrs. J. W Wright and! family of Gastonia visited Mr. and Mrs. W A. Wright Sunday. Miss Helen Falls spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Falls. Mr. and. Mrs. E. A Hoyle and family visited Mr. and Mi’s. Amos i Pruitt of Casar Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Lem Hamrick and}: family spent Sunday with Mr. and j i Mrs. W. F. Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Toney of ; Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. Yates! i Williams Sunday ■ afternoon.. j j Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spurling and j sons, Everett junior and Carol, ids- j ited Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Lattimore j Sunday afternoon. Miss Muriel White of near Casar j spent several days last week with j Miss Ola Boggs. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Parker and J children of near Lincolnton visited i Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stamey Sun- j day. Mrs. John Parker their mothfn ] who has been visiting relatives here j for several days returned with them I \ ICE CREAM SUPPER SATURDAY ! AT EL BETHEL CHURCH j There will be an Ice cream supper | at El Bethel, Saturday night, May j 23. Public cordially invited. No Throating. - — - *» il , Hoa's :our car running?" •Not so good. I can t teep it j throttled doan.” "How's your wife?" She's about the same.” : Problem Of Choosing The Life For Students Some Ten Thousand Gainful Oc cupations f rom Which to Choose .hummer Jobs. "Special to The Star.i ' Wake Forest. May 15.—Speaking this morning to 700 Wake Forest college students on “Choosing a Lite's Work." flrvfl John Allen Fin ley, college chaplain, gave his answer to a question which has perplexed mortals since the world began. "The problem of choosing one s life work,” he stated, ”ls one of the most serious which a college student faces, It has been said that 65 pc cent of college students have not settled this question “The matter needs to be faced de liberately by e\edy college student No one need expect to drift Into his proper plucc In the world. On the basis of numerous surveys which hate been made one is safe in say ing that from onehalf to three fourths of ti e people in gainful oc cupations are misfits. “Roger Babson says: ‘Statistics show that 80 per cent of our young people get their positions in June or July, directly after the close of school or college .... When it is considered that most boys and girls talte the first eood position that is offered to them, irreapac tlve of the firm or character of the work, it is not surprising that there are so many failures in life.' "With possibly some 10000 gainful occupations to choose from, every man ought to find a Job to which he Is suited. ‘Each man,' wrote Emerson, 'has hfs own vocation. The talent is the call; There is onp direc tion hi which all space is open to him. He has faculties silently Invit ing him thither to endless exertion. He Is like a ship in a river; he runs against obstructions on every side but one; on that side all obstruction Is taken away* and he sweeps serer ly over a deepening channel into an Infinite sea.” "One should hear the call of his natural bent, the thing he likes to do and can do well. But it Is pos sible for a mans interpretation of his own aptitudes to mislead him. Of Goethe his biographer says, 'Till near his fortieth year lie could not shake off the Illusion that nature had given him equally the gifts of the painter and the poet. Many hours of the best years of his life were to be spent In laboriously prac - tielng on art in which he was doom ed to mcdiocrjty.’ CAROLINA — Shelby’s Popular Playhouse — — TODAY AND THURSDAY — If one kiss costs $10,000, who can afford love? “Don’t Bet On Women” With Edmund Lowe and Jeannette MacDonald EVERYBODY EVERY SHOW EVERY DAY FRIDAY .... “SEA DEVILS.” SATURDAY . . . “THE CONQUERING HORDE,” With Richard Arlen and Fay Wray. Supreme Shoe Values Never in all our merchandising ex perience have we seen such marvelous values in Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Dependable Footwear as we are now off ering. Good styles, good lasts, good workmanship and good materials . . . . ♦ Just selling at ridiculous prices, that’s all: $1 and $1.98 In these groups you will find Men’s Shoes and Oxfords, Women’s Oxfords, Ties, Straps and Pumps that have been selling at $4.00 to $7.00, all put out at these un heard of prices. Our only excuse for sell ing at these prices is because we have overbought and want to unload before styles change. CAMPBELL Dept. Stares SHELBY - LAWNDALE