DoYou Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star __ nyju Want Ads. i" ■a——r-ctgiacMapaawBBBBBMWMBRWHy Rates For Want Advertisements hi This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. Hils size 1 cent per word each insertion. m • size fcyP€ -c per word each insertion. this size type 3c per word each insertion. USED AUTO PARTS KINK IRON & METAL CO. Trade Alley. Phone 580. ___* tf-3Qc NEARLY TWO HUNDRED users In Cleveland county ot Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not one has ever spent one cent for service. Robert O. Hord. Dealer. 8. Washington 8c., Shelby. ti 26c PAY $1.00 OR MORE Ob subscription to The Star and receive free, the new highway map of Cleveland county. II shows the various types oi rgads, township lines, towns, large streams and consolidated schools. The map is just out. Get yours now. tf 4p WE DEVELOP KODAK FILMS. Expert work. 24-hour service. En larging and tinting. Hollywood Stu dio, over Wool worth’s. tf 20c WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY repairing. L. O. Davis, next door to Efird’s. I appreel&te your patron age. large or small. tf 16e DON’T NEGLECT FEET these hot summer days. Be fitted correctly by shoe ex perts at A. Y. Wray & 6 Sons, City. _tf-27c WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER or steam fitter, call the Modem Plumbing and Heating Co., the plumbing and heating specialist. Telephone 569. tf 20c IT COSTS BUT A FEW CENTS a day to protect your Income when disabled from sickness or accident Write for full details. North Ameri can Accident Insurance Co., Box 12, Shelby, N. C. tf 23c ~THREE GRADES o f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, Relief g r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es a t a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone 11. tfllc FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM house close in, all convenienc es, rent reasonably. Griffin P. Smith. tf-8e OPENING, ROOM 16, LINE BERGER building, of Gas tonia Conservatory of Music —enrollment and lessons Thursday, May 21, and every Thursday. Music under the personal supervision of Pro fessor William Goldman. Branch Studios at Cherryville, Lawndale, Lincolnton and Shelby. Private or class les sons on any musical instru ment for beginners or ad vanced students. Certificates or diplomas with each course. tf-13c FOR RENT: EIGHT ROOM house, steam heated, well located, good condition, formerly oocupied by T. P. Eskridge on W. Marlon St. A. Blanton Grocery Co. tf 22c DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? If so See J. W. Denton, Hoey Apartments or Phone 4-J. Work guaran teed. tf "lawn mowers repaired and sharpened at Sellers Shoe Shop. tl 15c I REPAIR LAWN MOWERS AND repair shoes too, at Sellers Shoe Bhop.^z ti 15c A TRUCK ALWAYS AT YOUR service. Long or short distance haul tng. Moving a specialty. Also sand for sale. Any quantity. Phone 100 or 339. Ellis Transfer. ‘ 3t 15p " bring your’lawn mower! Shoes and parasols to the Sellars Shoe Shop for repairs. tf 15c _ DO YOUR SHOES NEED RE pairing? If so call at the .Landis Shoe Shop. tf-8e FOR SALE - USllD Auto and Truck parts. Newman’s Service Station. Phone 58-J. — - — 2t-18c OPEN ALL NIGHT. Central Cafe. West ern steaks a special JUST RECEIVED shipment o f brown, yellow, and larado Soy beans. Have cane seed, peas, different varieties. D. A. Beam ty. tf-4c Co. FREE, NEW HIGHWAY map of Cleveland county showing the 79S miles of roads to be taken over by the state under the new road bill. You can get one of these maps by paying $1 or more on your subscription to The Star, tfp WE BUY' PEAS, Can Seed and Coun try Hams. Cleveland Produce Co. tf-13c SAVE MONEY BY TRAD ING at C. B. Elliott Store on Shelby-Polkville Road. Shelby Flour__$2.60 Mill Feed __$1.26 Sugar, per 100-lb. Bag _ $4.80 rhick Fat" Back, Pound_10c Pure Coffee___12c 6 Big Deal Laundry soap 25c Straw Hats 26c 29x4.40 - 21 Pathfinder Tires.. $4.98 30x4.50 - 21 Pathfinder Tires---$5.69 — C. B. ELLIOTT -t-8c YOU’LL NEVER FIND better Tire Prices than these, no mater how hard you try. Typical of the bargains we offer: * :~'~ 29 x 4.40 — 21 .$3.98 30 x 4.50 — 21 _$4.69 28 x 4.75 —19^,_$5.46 29 x 4.75 — 20 _Jm $5.54 29 x 5.00 — 19 _______ $5.74 30 x 5.00 — 20 ._ $5.81 30 x 3_$3.48 30 x 3 1-2 — O. S_$3.68 “It Costs Less to Ride on U. S. Tires.” SMITH’S GARAGE, Fallston, N. C. tf-13c SOME KRE6H MILK COWS FOR Mle. W. C. Sci^m, R-6, Shelby. 2t 18p LOOK - BUY YOUR oats, cane seed, peas, cotton seed meal ana mils, and other feeds, j from Cleveland Pro-i duce Co. Phone 694,' Shelby, N. C. Dtfllc FOR SALE: FRESH COW WITH second calf. See C. A. Wright, route 4, Lawndale. 4t 18c WE BUY CHICK ENS and eggs. Cleve land Produce Co.- Dtf FOR RENT: TWO OFFICE rooms, conveniently located. Inquire at Star office. ’ 2t 18c FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM FUR nished house on Oraham St. Apply 112 McBrayer St. tf 13c WHAT A DOLLAR Will Buy Now at C.H. Reinhardt’s, South Shelby: Today Yesterday Pork Sausage, lb. 18c 30c Cream’y Butter lb 29c 45c F. B. Meat, lb. _ 8 l-3c 15c Coffee, lb._10c 25c 6 Ounce Jar Sweet ; Pickles__ 10c 15c 1 can Potted Ham 4c 5c 1 can Vienna Saus. 8c 10c Fifir Bars_12$c 25c $1.00 $1.70 C. H. REINHARDT, SOUTH SHELBY lt-20c FOR SALE: BRIM MER Tomato Plants $2.00 per thousand. D. A. Beam Co. 3t-l8e AUTOMOBILE GLASS IN STALLED. Fink Iron & Metal Co., Trade Alley, Rear Ken dall Medicine Co. ' 4t-13c "DON’T STAY IN BED TOO LONG" LONGEVITY ADVICE OF BRITON, 103 London.—"Don't stay In bed too long," is the advice lor longevity ol the Rev. Denham Rowe Norman, former master ol St. Johns hospital, who celebrated htg 103d birthday Tuesday. Mr. Norman, who Is believed to be the world's oldest clergyman, retlr ed In 1925 and now lives with his son-tn*law. He enjoys listening to the radio and is fond of his pipe. Another centenarian pipe-smok er Is Charles Spurgin, of Yarmouth, who celebrated his 100th birthday Saturday. He is in good health and is able to walk to the postoffice lor his weekly pension. He eats plain food and like a "glass of beer" and occasional smoking of his pipe. BEAUTIFUL WED DING Announce ments and Invita tions. The famous Re liefgraf at a liberal discount from list prices. Looks like cop per plate engraving, but considerably cheaper. We keep se crets of weddings to be. The Star. Phone 11. tflip DON'T LET YOUR SHOE RE pairlng cost you too much. See the Landis Shoe Shop. tf-8c CHICKS EASY TO RAISE THIS warm weather. Pine leghorns, eight ■cents. Rocks and Reds, ten cents, day old each Wednesday. Chicks every day. Blood tested or non blood tested. Buttle Hatchery. 3t 18c FOR SALE: FINE BLOODED German police pups. $3.50 each. In quire at Star office. 3t 20c FOUND—A PAIR OF GLOVES In front of Woolworth Store. Owner may have them by describing and paying for ad. lt-20c Trinity Community News Of The Week • Special to The Star.) Memorial services will be held at the Dobbins cemetery one and one half miles north of Trinity church on next Saturday May 23. 1931. Ths program will last throughout the day and dinner will be spread on the ground An ordination service will be car ried out at Trinity Baptist church on the 1st Sunday afternoon in June, at 3 o'clock, when Messrs. H. W. McKinney, T. E. Bridges. Avery Gillespie and S. J. McClunney Will be made members of the board of deacons. Sandy Run. Mt. Pleasant and Race Path, three sister churches with their pastors are Invited to take part in this service, while all churches and pastors will be gladly welcomed. The W. M. U. and Sunbeams band will have a Joint business meeting at the church on next Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock. Misses Bertie Bridges and Sdrah Harris were Joint hostess at an in formal party on Saturday evening-; at the home of the former. About 40 guests called during the evening and much fun was had during the games and contests. Miss Ruby Greene was a gracious host at a beautiful dinner party given at lier home on last Sunday complimenting her friend Mrs. Dwight Winn,'a recent bride. Shar ing honors'with Mrs. Winn were Mrs Felton Frazier and Mrs Austell Lovelace also recent brides Thoee enjoying the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Felton Frazier. W. and Mrs. Austell Lovelace. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridges, Misses Ethel and Louise Lovelace. Misses Mary, flay and Katie Lou Brit: •* and Messrs Avery and Guy Gillespie, Sam Jenkins and Emmttt McKinney. Quality Furniture On Easy Terms. Phone 592. Shelby, N. C. — SPECIAL SUMMER OFFER — We are offering this summer a very unusual rate to those who want to qualify for an office position next fall. New classes in Bookkeeping, Stenography, Burroughs Machine Bookkeeping and Banking, and Secretarial courses will be organized June 1. By taking advantage of this offer you will be enabled to secure a thorough business training at a very material reduction. Our representative, Mr. Hudson, will be in Shelby Satur day, May 23, at Victor Hotel and will be glad to furnish you full information in regard to this remarkable offer. See our representative on the above date or write direct to— GASTONIA BUSINESS COLLEGE, , GASTONIA, N. C. r. y ~l.--- . ll. 1 ■..ji —■—111 Mrs. M. A. Jolley and son Lam ford and Mrs. A. B. Buchanan of Bolling Springs and Mrs. H. W Mc Kinney and Messrs Emntltt and Janies McKinney were the dinner guests of Mrs K. D. N. Jolley on last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs Dwight Winn and Mi's. John Lovelace spent, last Wed nesday night with relatives tn Mor gantou. Miss Francis Bridges has been spending a few days with ner grandmother, Mrs. Jlmmtc Robbs, near Gaffney, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Skinner and children of BoillnetSprings spent the past week end here with relatives. Miss Estelle Bridges of Bolling Springs has been visiting Misses Josle Mae and Ruth Hollfleld here. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Jones of ML Pleasant were callers at the home* of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridges Sun day afternoon, Mr. Joe Bridges, the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bridges, was carried to the Shelby hospital Monday, for a slight operation on Ills shoulder. Miss Bello Hawking of Race Path was a caller at the home of Mrs. W O. Winn Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Jessie Reinhardt of Shelby are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs Dwight Winn were visitors In Spartanburg, S. C„ on last Monday. Cotton Needs Extra Nitrogen At Chopping It takes sunshine, rain, and good food to make a crop of cotton, and It la up to the farmer to keep the crop supplied with food. No better way of keeping cotton well fed has been found than slde drcsnlug with quick-acting nitrogen about chopping time. This is the critical period in the life of the young-plants. The nitrogen applied before planting Is frequently used up by this time. As a result, the yield frequently depends upon the supply of available nttrogen in the Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 76m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. <, ■ T Here Is the Medicine That Brought Health and Happiness Thousandsof f formerly calle medkaneB an4_t P,'il5T#T^tfein8: d*j^ M t0 the merit* of HERB EXTRACT MB JDiCE in .that it restored them to health after other itmenta faiti i nese oases consist of stomach and liver disorders, indigestion, kidney trouble, bil TSusness, nervousness, bad completion, coated tongue, severe headaches, bacls aches, lose of sleep and appetite and cua down condition. If yog ire troubled with any of these condition* it will pay you well to get a bottle at once. Recommended and for sale by drugrlits ! everywhere.— Advertisement. | PAUL- WEBB AND SON AND LEADING DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE soil about 40 days after the cotton is planted. The common practice" ol side dressing is to use 100 to 200 pound., Chilean nitrate of soda per acre after chopping. Tho young plants lean use the littrafc nitrogen Im mediately after It Is applied. The extra tood keeps the plants work ing during tha summer and help;, them to mature a large crop of bolls on the lower branches be fore the weevil arrives. Always a stock on hand. Claude C. Pulls. Fullston, N. adv. i Memorial Saturday, Lattimore Cemetery Memorial services will be held at the old Lattimore cemetery near Polkville on next Sunday. May 24, at 2;3Q o'clock In the afternoon. Susan Lattimor*. -—.r Installment Plan. Mandy—Boy, dat sho am some ring. What size Is de diamon’? Rost us—Dat am de fo'teen-year huttallment size. We Accept Money On Certificate And Pay 6% Interest. PAYABLE OR COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. Wt* Loan Money on Good Endorsement or First Mort gage Payable in Weekly or Monthly Payments. fi'% Cumulative Preferred Stork and Common B. Stock May be Obtained at Par ($100) per Share, bv Applying at Our Office. Non-Tasable and Non-Assessable. Three Years Without Missing a Quarterly Dividend. Three Years Without a Loss. Phone 386 Shelby, N. C. Office: Thompson & Co. Get the facts behind this 3 YEAR GU4PNTEE A MILLION GENERAL ELECTRIC Refrigerators hire given eapen»e-free service in > million home*! Now General Electric give*.a remarkable''' guarantee and new low price*, new refinement*. Finger-tip latch. Sliding shelves. All-steel cabinet*, with porcelain lining that resists fruit acid*. The famon* MonitorTop mecha nism operate* quietly in a bath of oiL An aece** J»le temperature control provides fast-freezing of ice cube* and desserts. Individual zone* of cold meet every refriger ating need. Broom-high leg* make sweeping easy. Installa tion is a* simple a* connecting an electric fan. /«<» w *» t*« (T«Mro! Klmrtrte Prmgrmm, braeut ca$t ovary Saturday mm~ nmg, an a natian-ando X ft C «Wfu*rJk Down payments as low as ... . (with two whole yean lopay) GENERAL © ELECTRIC DOMESTIC. APARTMENT HOUSE AND COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC WATER COOLERS Robert C. Hord IOUTHERN REFRIGERATION Charlotim Distributor* TOOTS AND CASPER The Climax Of The Test. 1 --n... ■' -- - - I OUST SAW OUR FRIEND, COLONEL HOOFER,ARM IKi ARM WITH MI£S* MEADOWS OVER. IN THE PARK, TOOTS*! /tHOS*E TWO ARB . 4ETTIN6 PRETTV THICW, CAS-PER.! WELL,MRS*. HOOFER. FlEWTHE COOP AND c3He CAN'T EXPECT , HIM%_ / HOME AND \ hold his 7 MOW V^ONWRnJL -THAT OUR PATW<-> HAVE CROWED, COLONEL! YouRE^IMPlY IBBE&lfc-nBLE'. 1 CAKl'T LIVE WITHOUT You- COME, LET£ FLY AWAY FROM HEBE "TOGETHER.’. <Jue>T YOU AND I » Life to o& m/ill be a PARAP19E A HAPPY PAYS* HAVE COME 'TO «yTAYa -But '■itXK'WIFE \*> TOO OL.r> FCQTbOl ^HE VIEVEO APPRECtATEO ,Tbul BE<5lDEe.PU5^T 5>HE LEAVE TOU *>EVEK4 WEEW5»A40?, ‘ em, HAP MO FEEUN4& FOR/' 'Ol'OU» Vs/HT SHOULD TOU v CONSIDER HER. NOW? EQ-ER I MU«9T BE60INKJ NOW.MieS MEAP0W5', I PUT MI95 MEADOWA IN A , TAXI, AND “5HE <=>A1D FOR ME TD PHONE HER MV AN^ER AT TWO oaocw TOMORROW AFTERNOON1. eHEWANT^ ME TO ELOPE. WITH HE«'» 400t> HEAVEN^'. Vi/HAT 1F C9OPHI& SHOULD FIND, OUT ABOUT THI^? I S'. What will COLONEL HOOFERS ANSWER BE? TsfUMAX OF THE TE«?m& , AT hand! IFHEONL* kfoEW THAT Ml% MEAP0WS> ft Hft V/1FE, ^OPHIEWiTH A NEW FACE* True To. The Last MEADOWS* WANT«> WE HD ELOPE WITH HER» I'M TO PH ONE HER. MY ANSWER AT TWO O'CLOCK, ANDO'S NEARLY THAT NOW 1 SHE'S A CHARMING WOMAN, BUT SOMEHOW OR OTHER IT AIN'T (N ME TO 40 BACK ON SOPHIE THAT WOULDN'T BE Rl^HT* kb SOPHIE AND I kAYE BEEN MARRIED R)R A LONGTIME! •SHE'S •3TUCK “TO ME WHEN 1 DIDN'T HAVE A P)ME« THROUGH THlCLd AND THIN! eHE NURSED ME BACK TO HEALTH WHEN t WAS SICK.* SHE'S* WATCHED OUT FOR MV INTERESTS’ Like A mother.* »d be a fine heel to TURN HER DOWN NOW!'. OF COURSE, Younger AND WELL, ITS» ~TWO OCLOCR. NOW! rHELlO.MI<?5>MEAPCW£> THK& I6> COLONEL HOOFER.! I’M CALLING "TO eAV 4C0D-BYE *TO YOU*. WE LL NOT ^EE EACH cttoermaiu' MY WIFE I^.A FINE .WOMAN AND I'M 57ICWN4 WITH HER! THAT?) FINAL', WHEN HB «MdP OVER THE PHONE ^ that 6>-ncwiw4 to Sophie hoofer* COULP WU4- HIM -TO PEA7H'! I'M •bO HAPPY COULP CRYt I^NT HE A PARUN4? CM 4rOIN4 OVER Rl^rHT NOW ANP"TEU_ HIM "THAT I AM 6>OPHIE HOOFER* <<, EE, WHAT WILL HE «>AY? fTHHs* I5»40lKU-r fid BE A SHOC* TO HIM I J2 Vatch TOMORROWS PAPER ll TOMORROW ISTWEDAf V/HEM "THE CpiOWEL WILL LEARN THAT - MEAPOW$» ft m WIFE SOPHIE WITH 4 REMODELED FACE1. # *-2o.

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