An Amorioan Hern, After leaving Apaque'.s town the rim- widens and the mo of She water on the sindbanfc; gradually grew Jeer,. A.v evening drew near we •had a jood view of the natives who fwern fighting carruvicUy firm ii: •rr.ndb-. nks but thov nlwe--. : ; - ; Pd (aeration' to wo the Ofcfllys and .cherred us to stream. We armed nil well a A.'t.nau^c Vnrly one morning arid felt at horn ionce more. The overtuxi mail had pr* the pa. ?d and be Mpcttge sod dow Ji:sl arrived so thai I had 4e plea-tire c;f readme hon; • r. ■ ?■ r til; He, r;.;en t,» the doting pf my friend We were all busy reading, ’news camr that one cl li ary boys had been cap : , oil au.J jwa* on his way to ox cou pon as he’ hod been p'cac.i .15 famainst the Iroga of a nearby vil lage The doctor in ch:-go of he • tpan mission heal-ri of tills Impptn 'lag jtiat in. tbr,e to j.;ue the po. r iwtunst- sisuft.', ftt Abonl: o. . The 8 1 s. pj. i.ecr was Uv j| boat d ie to — e ill A - an. Mil:; I was lip to A.'.OilirtgC and tiun to t» bu r , on tin Anj't-tnt liv.'i'. a ijl’S a x l >.. • > ‘.-.ate . i r.ati 't ■ ) ! ;..,v r.: .. aiis uatf •. r a: C .. ct. I. . :.i ra\ that i l^:u:\ Y- -j -Uijf it tin" r:.. all xcppitx. , ■ ■ n c . i: i; ■ ■■ c t. nhd .'tii . u. .) \ a , as tins . I was i.) prove thorn Co i;\ ; - < • 1 jmiiiHi i.ivvii Sw. * d • • i. i .i :i V ;ain. I haa a u t' nd off fivin both ,h" tVh’.ff OoV’la'.r. and al ray -■ l.and was ; ail in a ..i:i . nape h u.: cwiii; up nicety .. . a.;.■ to want bual»i».;> tttyeisa; • ;i La.S:* A ,ugo and . in i■; i'ahct l ;n;iu; far i.'lsw’s town. Heir «: • I tia.i of import ance. The v.-iir Itdoetors and Nina cams ia the btweli to inert, ami grrei u And oi TTimctc myself as cou • boy. Gathering his laos together th 'brave doctor roved to ilia village •'Hr made one dash for the skull H-utise rnrt revolver in hand he ras fieued the' victim. -The njifives wor to much taken aback b sunrl; that, an old white man date ente their tample that they did nothin but. looked furpriced. This pave the doctor time to pu hi: boat, in midstream whilst ih natives fired *n him from Ihe bank tie pulled avrav to the Missto: station but hr got away wjthou aijy damage This v?» . n plucky dr." nnd the old doctor of that Presby terian Mission station was olway ootutdersd a hero after this deed He had saved the boy from a tor -JSWft daath, and tod riak cd his ltf< lor hts mission boy. rionerr Pilnlinj. i Count tie Brava the explore! i would be with us in the spring hk*wiv several other vioi-m-s Tht viver had nor i on enough to allbvi a stonmbor: to make the tr.p ant ,*•< Uis river v.-an avdl low no butihe- - , *‘*S done. 1 made ready however foi my trip to t • •• sea end the lake; and after dieeda inft ril matter.' concerning bUainev* to i>» done the first rise of .the r.vr; . ./-h mighi come at fiiy'iir..' and. sir V, did. Quit" unexpectedly the rain ha; fallen in bv.h river and a steady rise took place The sandbank's dis appeared as if b: magic. And all ‘was hurry and .scurry, l left for the sea that evetvnir there to meet the firat 'Winboot from Gaboon which 1 wax to pilot up rive, a t far ax our Restless, ■*^t sleep were days ^ -when^ I felt like I could not jet my work done. I would get so nervous and ‘trembly’ I would have to lie down. I w?.s very rest less, could not at night, xncther advised take Cardut, I certainly am e did. It is first thing that remeti to give me cnj strength. I felt the first It up now feel • Mi.ii T. thd cruelest woman In all I Africa, to whom human life was no move than a train of dust browing , in The wind l could The old ' Chief . i Doc!or had quite a loi to tell me of i things that had taken place and as ’, we ('hatted 1 invited him and his ,jcompanions to help themselves and , | thl* the;,- did in steal style soon be ■ ing quite happy. • J Of entire I t^ld them to -ret ready 'j for me at the Josh House as 1 !, wanted to make a big wish and was ready to pay for any favors 1 rc ! ceived front that ceremony ■ npd it hay were a!) more than pleased. It 'ms not long before they announced them, elves ready. Now was an irn portant tune dor me. a.-, 1 mfended to come away with the ruby at an j hazards. Theft or the Ruby. | I had the position of Urn masked i Zakirs at r glance The goddess ! looked charming: she looked bet ter than I had ever seen her be fore, I called the headman and had him lay down the presents I had brought for Nina, himself and the Other attendants, and then painted |tfr> rubv bending low and making 11( appear that I was receiving a j little pain from my wounded left i hand which I carried high ettougn i to hide the actions of mv busy right. The fuse acted ; plcndldly. I had the ruby in my right pocket whilst 1 held the imitation in mv hand it alj^ooked quite natural. The wand now moved down and mv wish was Rianied amidst the wcard sounds that came from spirits which! the head man said were all pleased.i ■ And so was I. . | The presents were removed and I! Walked away m usual to the music! • of the Ngombi I felt relieved when I reached the ullage and was soon .Mined by the fakers from the Josh 1 house. The Hittlr on the River. ' The trip to the sea was made j without nnv trouble and as the| . water was continually rising I wav' j -Quit" urc of being able to run the! First—in the dough. Then in the oven. You cen bt sure of perfect bakings in using— lir^[BAKINC IPOWDER SAME PRICE |0Vt»4p YEARS 25 ounces for 25c MILLIONS OF POUNDS UStD W OUR GOVERN MCNT ‘ tearner ft'- far as Samba Falla any way. AH my tnaijjulutlom and i workings. proved up to Hie mark .end even Cell pied our expectations. • The first boat to show by smoke tack was the puddle steamer Pio neer « laigc river boat which could navigate lit eight tcet of water. A .•i»c cm ted the ber and eunte in •jsrhl of T —’*• grave I boarded iter. . The i’V'pper ’ wgXI tBW riffiT and .was ft nervous matt and rs he In -Ssted on throwing the lead I told him I v> in charge being the eom ranle; pitot, and if he m istet) on ibeing L. 11 headed I would put him pi I . cabin and lake nil respon ■ v:qit1 *iei* oii niyi ’lf for my actions. Af t its he stood agon ami wanted j pr icy. T fpH in lilted and offered . .in 1 : choice. either the boat v.a | .n i.ty full charge or hi his. if lie v anted to take the bout up him.eil ihc totllil do so, At 1he cowed and told me I looked to young lie hated to give in 'os v.i- had a valuable cargo. I only laughed at him and showed my ..papers Pilot in lull charge. So the old paddles smashed away, she was ft splendid boat, I took him in rec ti d time to Angoljt, Ifp now got Vimte chummy and at, 1 via: always at home with the na tive chiefs anti m fact everybody ;else he commenced to get. confiden tial. told me of hi.s old woman at home and showed nil his daughters photo Like all Liver pool era he be came very communicative and be fore Ion;; grew quite chummy, es pecially on got rip (fibril e at* variotr landings 1 made it a strict practice of showing a military front which lie |soon found was quite necessary in a land of piracy, slavery and murder. As the old salt looked at me with m,v bandaged hand and many of m.v boys still patched he began to think that this was surely a land where* for a lad romance runs amuck. T had always placed the wild Ogovve river second to none where huntRn life was a stake and I soon i had the old Captain thinking as ] [did At Angola I took on a few Con:. ! of farirtia food for boys and a sup iply of fate wood, and after a two | hours stay the old Pioneer was j thudding up-strrftm land alls well1 and we battled up to Isoga town * where I recommended * short stay and of course made another wish. Stuck In the River. Here 1 found that the river was falling fast on account of the ab sence of rams in the interior and this I explained to the Captain, we were in a land of chance, Chief .Isogu on One side and Rengogu on the other both notorious river pir ates and this X told him was a place where we ccmld not afford to stick for long with a valuable cargo. If i they saw m well stuck they would attack us in a minute And then lie said. And then I answered. If they lick us vvr won t want any advice from anybody well all be dead if we lose out. Lose what he said. The figh‘ through I answered. Here tjvey commenced to stack up arid soon tipping, the sand banks although we carried 80 pounds of steam. River still falling we grounded fairly in midstream. It f:as evening just after sundown, we worked her all ways it was to no avail we were stuck. I called all my boys with Iwolo my general and we were soon putting the boat in shape to resist an attack which would surely come. The old captain now got up all arms he carried for de fense, about* 20 old Snyders aiid netting the stern we did all could.. (TO be continued i NOTICi: OF SI MMON* North Carolina Cleveland county In vhe Super tor Court Before th» Cler*. Harry Junmeiaon, *>t *i Petitioners • •? i 3- . C»WW RinOv Forrest Hippy, el a)... De fendants To JKd Rjppv and wife .Mesne Hippy Ucoige Rlppv Avery R.ppy and wit*. Mrs Avery Hippy Joase R;pp\ and wife, Mrs Jesse RIpo Robert, Hippy and wife Mr# Robert Hippy, Crayton Rtpny. Loister tieorge TCpoy mU Mae Gordon. Dither R;pp'> and husband w\.o*a name is tin* mown. Giles McJJwatn, Le.tnder McSwatn find wife. Mrs ! eander McSwam .»>nn e UcSwaiu and husband whose name is noi mown. Oubb Mcfiwam and wife Mr.r Rubb McStvain Alonso McSwam and Wile Mrs. A!oti?.o Mc3wa.n, Sen ora McSwatn. *nd Cephas McSwam. cum •resident <ie-‘ cubant* You and each or you are hereby noli sed that « special proceeding has been >e*un before the clerk of superior couu >t Cleveland count). H. C.. 10 partition ots No> 33ft. 236 and 23V of the HomesJv Vdcht on to the town of Shelby among the enanis in common, in wfv.dh you have >n n teres t, end that petit’on is on tile in lie office of ctevfc of superior court ol Cleveland county, end that you re* luired to appear and answer or demur 0 said petition on or beiora .lime 6 l»:u, >r the relief prayed tor will be granted. This the 27th dav of April. 16.1) A. M HAMRfCK. Clerk Superior Court. 1 T Fulls. Am 4t April 2&a TUI'S I'M'’* SAIT.(It UM). Under *u morn v conferred i. sf.-rd v'. trust cveined bv Men' end Till' Helen Home* I.-.. id U Ne*tw, trustee deled January |.y i»j? ana recorded In don,: lie el Base a» or th - terntvy ei Clot eland county* North Carotin Uu r-»id trustee will sell ,i n 0 ri(„ , n0JU on the toth day or May. isai n the tour, oou» door in Shelby. North Carolina at nubile auction for cash to me high est bidder, the folios trig declined d: up erir. situated m the city of Shelby. Non!, Carolina and more particularly uescnbec as tolios* Be,‘ns lot number a of the subdivision of that lot deeded b.v J. Mac (.rren >eid oweri to W It Newton end II L. Weath er* by deed dated July ts 19J4 and tc corded m the reenter,* os.ire tor Ove B lend county, North Carolina in boo.. OOO at pane 041. and,bounded ** fohoas Bej lining at rtt iron tulta at nor SI, edje of an alley, corner lot sold to Haste Thompson end sue end running tbenc with their line north 2 1-3 east 1 ‘,0 feet to *n iron atafce. thehre north a7>« seat V\ teet to an iron atalce thence youth -*'•« seat 1»« teet to an iron stoic on the' north edge of *n elie- thence v tth in* north edge of said alley sooth 8V1.* c..s Si feet to the brg'nuiny This sale ta made on arcoutit oh ete- i feutt in the payment of the ttutebtrunea.- ; secured by said deed of trust and is aub-1 teet, to alt tacts said property. 1 a nether no# due or id b’conte du; This (he iiltn day ot April, hkji U Z NBWTON Truster *l April Me Just Ten Years Ago % * * ; A Peep Or Two Back In 1921 f Items Taken f rom The Clereland Star ol 1921.) i Freni The Star of May 20. 1821 > \ The two story brick building own- i ed by T. W Hamrick, F. A. Ham-1 riel; and R. Z. Riviere, which has' been ia course of construction the; past year, v, ill be ready for occu-l pancy June 1. This building is a ve: 1 handsome one and represents an out I !r' of sistj' to seventy-the thousand dehors. Miss heti Hamrick entertained t< : three tables of cards at her home on North LaFayeltc street on Tues day evening, the following guests enjoying the delightful hospitality: Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, Mr. and ! 1 Mrs. Charlie Roberts. Mr. Rnd Mr--, i Wythe Royster, Misses May Kendal'. 1 Ruth Mttnday, Elizabeth McBraver, Messrs. Forrest Eskridge, Robert Dcggctt and Harry Wocd3on. ! _ i Mr Tom Dixon, known ns “Little • ,Tommy” veteran of-the Confedera c! army. di-d Tuesday afternoon at j | o’clock at his home three miles above Fallston following an illness Mayor Gardner and the board of aldermen^ in session Tuesday mg at | held a most important meeting .n ! which an election On a $100,000 bond 'issue for school was called, and the license tax on pool rooms was j doubled and the license tax on meat| i markets was removed to open up competition in the price cf fresh ■ I meats. j _ ; West, Marion street can boast c>f two early gardeners, namely Mes-1 I dames W. J. Roberts and George Blanton who are so far in advanc: J of the spring season that their re spective families enjoyed snap beans for dinner on Wednesday. | Shelby acquaintances if Mr. E. R 1 ; Cash of Gaffney, S. C , will be In terested to learn that he has gone | to Rockingham, to become $uper- j | iniendcnt of the Steele cotton mills j j Mr.-Cash organized and almost com j pelted the construction of the East-j •side mills in 3helby and the Cash mills in Gal'fnev _ Mr. Gordon, Dudley son of Mr ' and Mrs. J. G. Dudley, who is aj blight student at Binghams insti tute. at Asheville was taken ill sev-' eral days ago, but it was not until' Tuesday that his physician diagno;, ed the case as appendicitis, and his j parents were immediately notified of iris condition. Mr. John N. Dellinger, veteran grocery merchant of Shelby will open a first class general grocery , store and meat market in Shelby Julie 1 in the new T.' W. HamffcS company building which has just been completed on West Marion street. Miss Virginia Atkins of Boy ton, ■ Va.. and Miss Addle Cross cf Clarks- j ville. Tenn., attractive students of j Queens college. Charlotte are th? j house guests this week of Miss Dor-, othy Doter. The Month Orpin Boston News Bureau. A generation ago, nearly ete.'j boy in the United States possess ed a mouth organ. Very few of these instruments are seen in tbit country today. However, many «r» still in use in Germany; where most of the world's mouth organs have been manufactured. There they are played by adults as well as chil dren. Germany has a traveling mouth organ orchestra of 40 m\i>* notice or sal* or lavi*. resident* AND CHICKEN FARM. t'nfl": authority conferred »* deed oi trust executed by H McConnell end wile UlMeit McConnell to D. Z. Newton, trus tee. deled the J9th day ot April, 1*3*. and recorded n book 1*1 at nag# 233 of the teg.sir', of Cleveland county. North Caro ilida. the said trustee will at 13 o clock noon on the ::0th 'dev of Mar. 1031, ai the court houe door of Cleveland cou.t t , North Carolina acll at nubile auction, tor cash, to the highest bidder,, the foi lowing oescr bed prooerty j Situated lust north of the oitv ot ;ahetby. North Carolina, and known as tua McConnell reaidence and chicken farm and more particularly described as lol •owa: Tract No 1 being a portion of the Joe l Blanton home tract and bounded as ollons. Begisining at an iron stake, the sou.n**si corner of Garry Smart'd lot and IV. M. Wellmon'j line: thence with M V.elluion'a line south *9 degs. 44 minutes east 6SJ feet to a stake id a line art ween Joe t. Blantons home tract anti hit tV. D. Lackey tract. IV. M WeUmor s corner thence with said line between Joe ' Hianton tract and his XT. D. Lacker ree; north :i degs. 19 minutes rest 319.40 ,eet to a stake m emd line, hence a new lie north 99 degs 44 mmutee west 934 It. to a stake, thence a new line south 1 ie<t 39 nnnutes west 3*4 40 feet to the seginuing, containing 5 acral, more or less. Tract No 2 beginning at an iron stake -hr northeast corner of Oarry Smarts residence lot eud in west line or the S acre tract. Just 100 fact north t deg. 3» minutes east Jrom the beginning corner ut the S acre tract, thence with the 9 sere tract, thence a new line W. 99 degs. u \V. 270 teet toe atake *t east edge of :.0 tect to a stake «t east edge 8T the Sbelor-i'altsiou state highwav No. II: with the east edge of the aahl road south 1 deg 39 minutes west 190 • ret to a staae 6 metis* of a atone. Oarry ■Smart a northeast corner; thence with htr uno couth 99 riegi. 44 minutes east 290 icei to the place of beginning, contala .! 2V 000 feel. I'hi3 sale is made on acoount or «e au,t in the payment of the indehtedneds ecurcd by eald deed of trust and is Ubject to all taxes against said prope.-t *i«t a deed oi trust to the Shelby Build tig ano Loan association for 99000 00 This the 2*th day of April, 1131. D Z NBWTON Truatee it April 29c County Accounts Paid By Board The following April bills wove or dered prid by the county commis sioners this month: Standard Machinery and equip ment Co county home $2.10. Eagle Roller Mill Co., county home $26.26. W. T. Randall, repairing plumbing county home $10.65. J. C. Champion, gat and oil, county home $11.25; J. G. Dudley jr, county home $8.90. Gardner Electric Co., lamps, county home $1.25. A, V. Wray and Six sons, shoes and shirts county home $8.67. E. C. Hendrick, service station county home $10.58. John T. Borders salary, etc., county home $170.00; Mite I,. Borders, fertiliser and va ter, county home $481.58, Paul Pcs tpn. corn meal, county home $9.5)8. Quinn Drug Co., county home $6.b3. Cleveland Hardware Co., county home $59.7K Stephenson Drug Co., county home $18.40. W. C. Lipscomb, repairing plows, county home $2.00. T. P. Eskndge. county home $152.iO The Herald Pub. Co., sheriff $3.00. I M. Allen, trip to Raleigh $45: SUr Pub. Co,, by sheriff, et al $80.35. Star Pub. Co., for clerk superior court by R. L. Ttybum, ad\; taxes $111.10. 1. M. Allen, trip to Georgia $15.00. City Electric Shop, for jail $6,116. r. M. Allen, jail report $250.00. I. M. Allen, pencils etc., for office $15.52. Quinn Drug Co., jail $1.45. No. 6 highway commissioners, board for prisoners $526.00. Thompson Lum ber Co., jail $41.50. D. H. Cline, inc„ bridge depart $65.00. Shelby Vul Co., bridge depart. $21.35. Cleveland Auto Jk Body, bridge dept. $3.47. Shelby Radiator Shop, bridge dep . $2.So. George E. Sperling, bridge work $118.85. J. L. Hamrick, lumbe- $103.59 Marvin Jenkins, lumber $5.94. Pleas >B. Cabaniss, lumber $7.30 J. C. Weathers, bridge work $247.74. J. C. Weathers, concrete mJxc-r, county home $70. C. W. Hamilton, work on lawn mower 50c. Baxter Kirkpatriek repairing water works $20.00 Pound and Moore, register of deeds 55c. Mitchell Ptg Co., register of deeds *65.20. J. p. Ledford, capturing still $10.00. R. B. Kendrick, trip to Ra leigh $45.00. Buien Dedmon, 1-2 cord wood for J E. Helton $2.00. A. F. Newton, intieaing vital statistics, $94.85. a. P. Newton, s^ampg $3.60. Kester. Haftrrick, capturing still $11. Southern Public Utilities Co.. $16.40. City of Shelby, jail $88.73. City of Shelby, court house $25.65. Observer Ptg. Co., $63.22. North Carolina San atorium for K. H. Walker $24.53. State Hospital for D H. Houser $50. A. Blanton Orocery Co, 2 brooms court house $2.00. Plone Bros. Co., for Criss Rains and S. E. Bell $43 83. D. P. Moore, countv physician $152.50. M. A. McSwain i: Sons, by J. B. Smith $14.50. Camp bell Dept. Store, by J. B. Small $34.45. Southern Bell Tel. and Tel Co., $40.25. Usher Sarden, advance on crop *15.00. Observer Utg Co.. C. 8. C. and R. D. (63.22. dans, each of whom plays 12 or more instruments, mating a tou: of more than 500 mouth organs used by this one organization alone. Both popular and classical selection: are played on the instrument, which is there called’the mouth harp. i | W U.I.. tty. FELT LIKE GIVING UP. . NOW WELL; Charles C_ Demmir. 3606 \D' eourseyav., Latoma, K- , now add« his praise to MALVA. the wondu ful new family medicine “r have been m the grocery buii nee« all mv life, and like other but/ i people, neglected my health Eight p years ago, I found that I had fallen ; J into a bad condition of stomach, kid- | ney and bladder trouble, and felt i like giving up. Between then ard !j now I have tned many remedies 1 j| learned about MALVA and tried it. |i I have taken only a brief treatment 1 of MALVA. and can tiurhiuliy sav , that my ailments have disappeared, j < and life has taken bn a new inter' eat to me. ’" 1 Why not try a bottle—today ’ ■ lanu uuicias re., aseisun, oxie> ‘ •« > ! CLEVELAND |i DRUG CO. I! — PHONE 65— !■ Cell new fer this wenderful medicine e 1 ■ ' Tt|f Negro Community Center. i Winston-Salem Journal. The community center for negroes in the northeastern section of the ; city was well represented by the | Harper-Powell Singers who gave an admirable concert in a-local theater Sunday afternoon. This center is do ing a splendid work in teaching gardening, citizenship and other use' ful arts and Interests. It has grown | splendidly in,achievement and scope since It'was organized. While the! singers were heard by a good audi ence, there was still room for many more. And those who were absent — "-. > may be sure that they allowed *u opportunity to pass. The Exception. Miss Sourbrash—A woman is «■ old as she looks, don't you think? Slowboy—Oh, but surely you ai an exception to the rule! TRADE INj1 EXTRA SAVINGS if you buy in PAIRS Tremendous Savings! Latest 1931 GOO O T EAR> TIRES and TERES AH Tffpcn • AH Sizes • All Prirr* Pul your puncture money and the value left in those lire* into new Goodyears. Sate yourself trouble and money. Gel our Special Trade-In Proposition on new^AII-Weathers and Double Eagles. Drhe in today! r, mmm TIRED OF FIX1ISG FLATS? Look at these low prices on the big, tough. jyaud new St PFRTWIST CORD TIRK Lifetime Guaranteed Quality Tiren Within the Reach of ALL Frirr Cmrh frier frr trie " 30x3 ^ >.-.•'••• M.J9 $».S4 4.40-2! . (29xi.i«) 4-98 9.60 4.30- 20 .. (3MK4.30) 5.60 10.90 4.30- 21.s( 30*4,50) 5.69 11.10 4.75-19.< 28x4.75) 6.65 12.90 5.00-19 (29x3.00) 6.98 I3.6O *jl KHK.S I.O» r«J« KH IDEAL SERVICE STATION — ONE-STOP SERVICE — J. REID fifISENHEIMER. Prop. PHONE 194 _ SHELBY, N. C. Besides The Bride THE BEST HONEYMOON COMPANION IS A Bank Book Carrying a pood size balance to make the event as enjoyable and tree from financial worries as you ever dreamed the occasion should be. Save For A Purpose Whatever your aspirations may be, qiake your bank balance reach a figure where you will begin to feel a little pride and satisfaction tor having saved for some definite purpose. Start today—or next pay day— and save a part of your income, however small or large it may be, and then save regularly. First National Bank SHELBY, N. C. - - ' . • »

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