With the First Full Analysis of Slick 1_Arthur Barry, America’s Ace Raffles $*#§|fj| i • w RAFFLES I Hi* Rather Sedate and Mild Featurea of Arthur Barry, Aroerica’a Moat Daring,and Mirceaaful Jewel Robber. He' Pictured Here in the Uniforn of a Butler, a Diaguiae Ha Sometimea Uaed to Gain Acceaa to the Hotnea He Planned to Rob. You'll Find t wo Contraating Appraiaala o the Man, by Two Famoua * Detectivea, Giren Below. "SUPPER MAN’S" END ‘‘Boston Billy" Williams, Confederate of Arthur Berry, En Route to Jail After Barry Had Confessed Their Seventy-Odd Jewel Robberies. This Extraordinary Photo Was Taken as Williams, Resentful at Being Snapped, Made a Lunge at the Photographer. “Note the ManiacatGleam in His Eye*. ™, Shortly After His Arrival in Dannemora, Williams Was Placed Under the Observation of Psychiatrists. JUST A GIRL FRIEND Mr*. Anna Blake, Inamorata of Arthur Barry, Visited Him Shortly Before He Escaped from Auburn. After the Livermore Robbery She Said Sbe Had Beileved He Made His Living by Gambling. New- York’s famous “Gold Coast’’ and its exclusive subur ban communities on Long Island and in Westchester County, have come reports of startling jewel robberies which have had what the police and private in-i v estimators term the “Barry touch.'’ But it is characteristic of the Barry legend that at the tame time this modern Raffles is reported as having been seen in Southern France, as having sailed for the Hawaiian Islands, as living in the Argentine and the Philippine Islands! What manner of man is this arch-thief, this debonair “sup per-man’’ whose name alone can cause a shiver of apprehension to run through the ranks of the rlit.#*? Thia ic whnt. Val fVlTnr 4* CUPPER-MAN ’— A term used *by police and private detec tives to characterize a skilful and expert type of burglar who preys on the very rich, robbing their palatial apartments and country estates after dinner and during the late evening supper hours when members of the family are likely to be av/ay. ON July 28, 1929, Arthur Barry escaped from Auburn Prison, where he was serving a twenty five year sentence for grand larceny. With him were three otfter felons, but of that desperate quartette Barry is the only one who has succeeded in re taining his daringly-won freedom. Since then, and especially during the past few months, from up and down re!I, famous detective, who succeeded in tracking him down, says of him: “Barry la an intelligent, well-man nered, courteous fellow, who gives one the impression that he comes from a good home. He uses good English and makes an attractive appearance. He \iias wavy, copper-colored hair, is about five feet seven and a half inches tall and looks jufet about his age—40. To the trained observer he has a slight limp, but the average person would never notice it. “In his chosen profession, if you can call it that, Barry is a consum mate artist. He is not a killer and he almost never bungles. If he plans to rob a certain house he will spend two of three hours a day, for weeks, study ing the house and the movements of the people who live there and the ser vants who wait on them. Before he enters a house he knows where he will .JARRY JOB? Photograph at th« Right Shows the Palatial Apartment of Howard J. iachs on the Nineteenth Floor of No. 784 Park Avenue, in th# Heart of New York’s Most Exclusive Residential Section. Thieves Climbed the Service Stairs to the Roof, Then Dropped to Terrace, as Shown by Dotted Line. Arrow Points to French Window They Forced. After Police Investigated They Said, "Barry!" find the jewels he wants. “And Barry has; been clever in avoiding crooks’ hang outs. He knew that in those places there would be stool-pigeons and informers who, soon er or later, would deliver him into the hands of the police. "Incidentally, law-breakers of the Barry type — men with ‘a price on their heads’ — are especially hard to nab because of the complete lack of co-operation between various police organizations. Each group — the , Federal men, State police, the local t precinct detectives and the private de tectives — follows jts own leqda^and jealously guards tty: infprmtyiou it un-, covers. 'Che lack of veal ty-operatiop,.' is an obstacle which is tyr3 to over come.” ' •' 1 ' On the other hand, Iittpectbr HaroM F. King, head of the''Nassau- l‘ountS" detectives, who arrested Barry and who had him under-guard,in, the - Mtneoia Jail for many days, feels that "thi»t Baffles is a killer, a desperate ctitnn inal of the most dangprous sort.” In spector King’s characterization of. Barry J »iven elsewhere on this page. Chari e;, Sheraton, the private deteetivd who Cii'ied “Boston Billy,” feels the same way. He says, “Barry was a-real killer, cold and calculating.” But all agree as to his cleverness'. ’ Police officialdom, private .detectives, prison authorities all will testify to his ingenuity. They tell, for example, how on several occasions he posed as a? butler in order to gain access to a house and thus acquaint himself with its floor plans. And they tell of the time he donned clerical garb and be came a “priest” in order to enter a home unquestioned. On still other oc casions he successfully masqueraded as a guest. Later will be told in detail, for the first time, the story of Barry’s capture, as narrated to the writer by Val O’Far rell. Now let us return to some recent robberies which, rightly or wrongly, The Many Causes of “Leaking HearC’ and Its Treatment Bj Hr.KBfc.KI L. HfciRSUlfc^S'OHN (Physician and Surgeim) THE heart is merely a pump, but the action of this mechanism is so important that it cannot stop Cor more than a few seconds without •eriously threatening the life of the body. Every bit of blood, from the head to the toes, must pass through the heart. From there it is pumped to the lungs, where a new supply of oxy gen is received in exchange for carbon dioxide, a waste product. Again the blood, which is now rejuvenated, re turns to the heart. It is then pumped into vessels which carry it to every corner of the body. This process is re peated over and over again, the heart beating, or more appropriately pump ing, on an average of seventy-two or more-times per minute. £ The heart is really a double pump, f each pert consisting of t,wo chambers. The blood first enters the upper one on the right by two large veins, one from the upper and one from the lower parts of the body. This compartment is called the right auricle. From here it is passed down into a larger, more powerful' chamber, the right' ventricle. It is necessarily more muscular be cause it must propel the blood 6 great er distance—to the lungs. Between the two chambers a valve-like arrange mj The \bo\t Diagram Shows the Course of the Blood Through the Heart. The Arrows Pass Through the Valves. RA and LA, Right and I^eft Auricles. RV and LV, Right and Left Ventricles. , itient prevents the blood from return ing into the auricle. When the blood comes back from the lungs it enters the left auricle. As on the right, the blood passes through a valve into the ventricle an*tfte'left M(le. Of all the four conjpartments this is the most muscular and largest as it must exert enough force with each beat to send the blood to everv part of the body, no matter how dis tant. The value of the heart depends upon the health of its muscles and the condi tion of its four valves (see drawing». Faulty valves cause either an obstruc tion or permit a partial backflow of the blood with each beat defeating to a v afying^jdegree the purpose of the heart. ThisAcondition is called "leak age of th£\beart.” The most outstanding cause of this condition is infected tonsils. The germs travel from the tonsils through the blood and lodge upon the valves. Here they produce little growths called vege tations. These vegetations alter the shape of the valves which now become infected. Rheumatism and St. Vitus’ Dance also are forerunners of a dis eased heart, but these conditions are themselves usually due to infected ton sils. Scarlet fever, pneumonia and kid ney diseases are often complicated by leakage of the heart. When this con dition appears for the first time about middle age, syphilis is one of the causes to be thought of. When leakage of the heart occurs, careful adjustment of daily , habits under medical direction may indefi nitely prolong life, ifr lhany cases even to a ripe old age C?* * ^°uniy i; Ki„, the police believe suggest Harry. $30,000 in jewel* stolen Conn., home of Melville D. Truetdale. Here the robber calmly walked into the h o U s e , took the - jewels and nonchalantly departed. His self-assur ance and familiarity with the surrounding deceived a gardener, who allowed , him to pass unchallenged. $20,000 in jewel* taken from the Charles A. Blackwell home at Brook ville, L. 1., The gems were in an alarm-wired •jewel box, but the thief worked so fast that the alarm sounded for but ' a second — not long enough to arouse the servants. $25,000 worth of gem* taken from the suite of the Robert T. Stones dur ing a week-end visit at Montauk Manor, a fashionable raaort hotel at Montauk, L. 1. $5,000 in gowns and furs from the Park Avenue apartment of Howard J. Sachs, millionaire banker. Here the burglar, or burglars, gained access to the 20-room duplex apartment, which was temporarily vacant, by a brazen climb up the service stairs to the roof, from which they dropped down to a ter race and forced a French door. After spending hours chipping away at a wall safe which held some $200,000 in jewels and securities, the burglars gave up in d-isgust. These are four of the many baffling robberies which are listed on the police accords as “unsolved.” A score of, New York’s most fashionable Park Avenue apartments, those barracks of the rich which always have been highly guarded and considered almost impregnable, have been looted, while an equal number of suburban homes have felt the touch of a clever “.^upper man.” It might be added at this time that O’Farrell believes that Barry has not been responsible for these recent Park Avenue burglaries, but there are others who feel equally certain that he had a finger in the pie. Barry’s arrest after the $85,000 Livermore robbery in 1927 was due to no flaw in his handiwork, but rather to tlte activities of informers. With “Boston Billy” Williams, his partner in many of hie old “supper jobs,” Barry arrived at the Livermore estate about the middle of the evening. By means of a double-jointed ladder they entered the second-floor guest room of the house, where they found Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aronson, guests of the Livermores. They relieved the Aron sons of their valuables and then herded them into the Livermores’ dressing room, where the Wall Street operator and his wife were. In this room was the wall safe which held the Livermore jewels. Livermore was told to open it, but in his excite .ment he could not work the combina tion, so Williams, with a few well placed blows of a hammer, broke open the door. — Twin pinky rings, worn by Mr, and Mrs. Livermore, were also taken, but when Mrs. Livermore begged that they be given back because of their senti mental value, Ilarry fished them out of Williams's pocket and handed them to her with the remark, “I hope they bring you luck, lady.” Then he held a match to her cigarette. Other vic tims have told of similar “courtesies” ori the part of this modern Raffles. After the dean-up the robbers made what seemed a perfect get-away. The Livermore jewels were, of course, insured, and shortly after the robbery Detective O’Farrell offered his sendees to the underwriters in captur ing the burglars. Afttr some negotia tion he was offered $,>,000 reward. “Well,” O'Farrell told the writer, “1 began to hear rumors. Here was a man who had seen Harry flashing a big roll. Here was another who nad seen him with a dame. Bit by bit the information seeped into the office. He wasn't as careful as he usually is. “Finally I was convinced that Barry was one of the men who had done the job. 1 had him watched, learned his home life and his haunts in New York. Then came the arrest. 1 had learned that he was to leave New York on a certain Long Island train, hound for his home in Ronkonkoma. I told the police that he was their man, that he would be on such-and-such a train and that he would be accompanied by the Mrs. Anna Blake, who shared his home. “They were waiting for him his train got to the lake. You know the rest, how he was taken to Minoola and finally confessed to some seventy jobs. But his confession , completely exonerated Mrs, Blake and she was releasej. Then he went to Auburn." The Mrs. Blake who was arrested with Barry has always been a mysteri ous figure. Little is known about her, During the time she and Barry lived at o Lake Ronkonkoma she led a most circumspect life—as did Barry, to all outward appearances. They were con sidered quite well-to-do. for did they not have an expensive automobile and a liveried chauffeur? After Barry's arrest Mrs. Blake said that she had always believed him to be a gambler. There is no doubt that Barry planned ahead, even in -the midst of his trial. He saved the woman, for whom he felt-an unmistakably real af fection; then set about fixing things for himself. Evidently Barry knew the layout of prisons as well as hr knew the plans of the houses he had robbed, for he determined that he would go to Auburn if it were in any way possible. He had squealed on "Boston Billy,” who had been captured and -sent to Dannemora 1‘rison, and Barry used this fart in his plea to be sent to Auburn. "If I go to the 'pen’ where Williams is, one of us will be killed!” he warned the court. Ho was successful. Mrs. Blake visited Barry while he was in jail, her visit being just a month before the bloody riot which marked his break. When the riot broke, Barry and the other ringleaders were armed, and in the fierce fighting that followed he and three othei^ escaped. Since that day, eighteen months ago, the police have had Mrs. Blake under surveillance, hoping that she would visit or be visited by Barry, but they have been disappointed. Where is Barry? Is he in France, the Orient, South America or any of the other places where he is reported as having been seen, or is he in New York, back at his old "supper game”? The faet remains that some of the . most startling of the recent jewel thefts have looked like his handiwork. As a result, guards are being doubled, doors and windows tightly locked and jewels hidden with a cunning never before known-~all in recognition of New \oik's baffling "Raffles!” Cop/rijttt. J3JI. laternaUtoal turtle*, ln