Do You Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star Want Ads. tWKat Yoij Want * In the WAWTAPS^ Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size 1 cent per word each insertion. . I J1*8 sk® type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. noatu,! TWO HUNDRED u*ers in Cleveland county of Gen •ral Electric Refrigerators and not ons has ever spent one cent tor service. Robert C. Hord, Dealer. 8. Washington St.. Shelby. tf 25c FOR THE FAMOUS McCORl mick-Deering grain binder see O. E. Ford Co. 3t 25c THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS lor rent cheap. Desirable location. 324 W. Marion street, Telephone 623~J»2t 25p PAY $1.00 OR MORE ON subscription to The Star and receive free, the new highway map of Cleveland county. It shows the various types of roads, township lines, towns, large streams and consolidated schools. The map is just out. Get yours now. tf 4p SEE CREPES, LINENS, BRO CADES, Kids, Calfs and Patents, all recolored with Kydet. One of the greatest Improvements the recolor ing field ha* ever seen. Again Kydet maintains Its leadership. Shelby Shoe Shop, West Warrent St. 2t25c WE DEVELOP KODAK FILMS! Expert work, 24-hour service. En larging and tinting. Hollywood Stu dio, over Woolworth’s. tf 20c LET US DRY CLEAN YOUR rug. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone fi82-Ji Southern Rug Cleaners, op posite Southern Depot. 2t 25p WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY repairing. L. c. Davis, next door to Eflrd’a, I appreciate your patron age, large or small. tf 16c A FEW EXTRA COPIES OP High School annual for sale at Star Office at $1.25 per copy. 2t 25p FOR BALE: BLACK SHETLAND pony. See Virgil Cox, West Warren street. - 2t 24p IF YOU NEED A MOWING MA chine call on O. E. Ford Co. for the McCormick-Deering, ' 3t 25c DON’T NEGLECT FEET these hot summer days. Be fitted correctly by shoe ex perts at A. V. Wray & 6 Sons, Cityvtf-27c SEE O. E. FORD FOR GALVEN laed roofing at the right price. _ 3t 25c WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER or steam fitter, call the Modern "Plumbing and Heating Co., the plumbing and heating specialist Telephone 569. tf 20c IT COSTS BUT A FEW CENTS a day to protect your Income when cilsabled from sickness or accident. Write for full details. North Ameri can Accident Insurance Co., Box 12, Shelby, N. C. tf 33c FOR RENT: EIGHT ROOM house, steam heated, well located, good condition, formerly occupied by T. P. Eskridge on W. Marlon St. A. Blanton Grocery Co. tf 22c DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? If so See J. W. Denton, H o e y Apartments or Phone 4-J. Work guaran teed. tf I REPAIR LAWN MOWERS AND repair shoes too, at Sellers Shoe Shop. tf 15c SEE O. E. FORD CO. FOR BIND *r twine. 3t 25c BETTER CHICKS We are now hatching from some of the best flocks in the state that have been culled blood tested by state depart ment for years. Livability ex tra fine. Price lqjv. Hatch each Wednesday. Started chicks every day. Money in good poultry every month in the year. Try our tested chicks. Suttle Hatchery. tf-22c PLENTY OF FERTILIZERS, NI« trate of soda and sulphate of amonl* at O. E. Ford Co’s. 3t25c WE BUY PEAS, Can Seed and Coun try Hams. Cleveland Produce Co. tf43c SEE O. E. FORD CO. FOR YOUR aide dressing for mil crops. 3t 25c FOR SALE: GOOD FIVE ROOM house in west Shelby on small cash payment, six yean easy terms on balance. S. S. Royster, St 35c APARTMENT FOR RENT W. A. Pendleton. 2t 27c FOR RENT: EIGHT ROOM house one block from square rea sonable rent. Royster Oil Co. 2t 23c "open all night. Central Cafe. West ern steaks a special ty. tf-4c A FEW EXTRA COPIES OF High School annual for sale at Star office at $1.25 per copy. 2t 25p O. E. FORD CO. HAS PLENTY of lime, cement and brick on hand all the time. 3t 25c NEW AND~~Usin AUTO’PARTS. "All parts for some cars, some parts for all cars." Automobile glass in stalled. Fink Iron and Metal Co., Trade Alley, Phone 580. tf 25c WANTED BY TWENTY-ONE year old man, a Job as bookkeeper, salesman or clerk. Good reference. Apply at Star office. 2t 25p YOU’LL NEVER FIND better Tire Prices than these, no mater how hard you try. Typical of the bargains we offer: 29 x 4.40 — 21 ..$3.98 410 x 4.50 — 21.$4.69 28 x 4.75 — 19 . $5.46 29 x 4.75 — 20 _$5.54 29 x 5.00 — 19 ..$5.74 30 x 5.00 — 20 .$5.81 30 x 3 ..$3.48 30 x 3 1-2 — O. S._$3.68 “It Costs Less to Ride on U. S. Tires.” SMITH’S GARAGE, Fallston, N. C. tf-13c LOOK - BUY YOUR oats, cane seed, peas, cotton seed meal and nulls, and other feeds, from Cleveland Pro duce Co. Phone 694, Shelby, N. C. Dtfllc WE BUY CHICK ENS and eggs. Cleve land Produce Co. Dtf NANCY HALL and Porto Rico sweet po tato plants, fresh daily. 25c per hun dred, $2.50 per thou sand. C. H. Reinhardt South Shelby. 2t-27c FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM FtJR> nished house on Graham St., $25. Apply 112 McBrayer St. tf 13c DON’T LET YOUR SHOE RE pairlng cost you too much. See the Landis Shoe Shop. t'-8c OPENING, ROOM 16, LINE BERGER building, of Gas tonia Conservatory of Music —enrollment and lessons Thursday, May 21, and every Thursday. Music under the personal supervision of Pro fessor William Goldman. Branch Studios at Cherryville' Lawndale, Lincolnton and Shelby. Private or class les sons on any musical instru ment for beginners or ad vanced students. Certificates or diplomas with each course. tf-ISc BRING YOUR LAWN MOWER, Shoes and parasols to the Sellers Shoe Shop for repairs. tf 15c MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH route of 800 consumers In northeast Rutherford, east Gaston counties, Cliffslde. Reliable hustler can start earning $35 weekly and increase every month. Write immediately. Rawleigh Co., Dept. NC-W-52-S, Richmond, Va. 2t 27p THREE GRADES o f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, Relief ? r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es at a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone 11. tfl^c Try Star Want Ada. Burke Man Is Killed In Row; Another Cut Kd Mull Fatally Wounded Car Wreck En Route To Hospital. Morganton, May 25.—Out of a se ries of escapades which followed a birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Ed Williams, a few miles south of Morganton, Ed Mull is dead and Bruce Duckworth is in Jail but was painfully cut In the affray. _ _ It appears that a second fight which occurred about 5 o’clock Sun day afternoon was the aftermath of a fight soon after the dinner at the Williams’ home, near which both took place. Officers say that as nearly as they can determine the participants in this fight were, An drew Lefevers and Bill Cline ns the principals and Bruce Diifck-i worth, and Lone Williams. Later in the afternoon Till Cline, accom-J panied by Ed Mull and Gul Mull, encountered Bruce Duckworth and the hostilities were renewed, it is said. It has been difficult to get the details of the affair. In the second fight Ed Mull was mortally wounded but whether or not by Duckworth's gun is not known. En route to the hospital the car in which Mull was being taken by his brother, Russell Mull, collid ed with a car driven by Paul Low man. Mull is said to have been dy ing when the wreck occurred and was dead when the hospital was reached. The time for the preliminary hear inn has not vet been set SEE US FOR GENU INE government in spected Potato plants. Campbell Department Stores, Shelby and Lawndale. ltc FOR SALE — 300 bushels recleaned, inch-staple cotton seed, 75c per bushel; 300 bushels soy beans $2 per bushel; a 1 s o peas, cane seed, seed corn and other field seed. D. A. Beam. 2t-25c FOR PEAS, CANE Seed, Sudan Grass and all Field and Gar den seeds see Camp bell's. ltc Tt Pays To Advertise Boiling Springs News Of Interest; Book Club Is Entertained. Sewing j flub Members Guests Of Mrs. Jenkins. (Special to The Star.) Boiling 8prings, May 25.—Mrs. O P. Hamrick and Mrs. M. O. Panglc j were most gracious hostesses to thej Philsonlan book club and a few In-' vited guests on Wednesday after- j nooh at 4 o’clock. The house was beautifully decorated with a wealth! of summer flowers. A short business' meeting was held ably presided overj by Mrs. J. X.. Jenkins in the absence, of the president, Mrs. B. M. Jarrctt Most interesting and instructive pa pers were read by Mrs. Clifford Hamrick on "The Water Power of North Carolina,” and by Mrs. G. M. Greene on “The Forests of North Carolina.'’ Following the program the host esses served a delicious salad course with mints. Mrs. J. L, Jenkins charmingly En tertained the Tongues and Needles club on Friday afternoon at 3:30. Quite u number of members and several invited guests enjoyed Mrs. Jenkins’ hospitality. The business meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Rosina Grigg. Fol lowing the business meeting a sew ing contest was presented by the hostess in which Miss Johnnie Male McBrayer and Mrs. Rosina Grigg were winners of attractive prizes. The hostess assisted by Mrs. J. H. Jones served strawberries with cream and cakes. Misses Minnie Cabanlss and Pearl Cornwell of the Zion community spent several days of last week with Mr. and Mr*. C. I. Putnam. Miss Eunice Kneece of Sanford spent several days of last week at the college attending commence ment. Miss Kneece is a former pop ular member of the college faculty and will come to us again next year as dean of women. Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Weaver of Sanford attended commencement here last week. Their daughter, Miss Agnes, w'as a member of the grad uating class. Mrs. Grady Lovelace was a charm ing hostess to the members of the high51 school graduating class on Tuesday afternoon at a lovely re ception at the home of Mrs. Ladd Hamrick. Her attractive small daughter, Miss Linda Lee, is the mascot for this class. Mrs. L. O. Griffith, of Fleming, Quality Furniture On Easy Terms. Phone 592. Shelby, N. C. Ky., who was the lorrurr MU. Mary Jolley ami ku alumnus of our school, was a visitor hero during commencement Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Moore and daughters were visitors here over the ;>ast week-end. Mrs. Moore spent the time with Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Hamrick. Mr. Moore and Miss Frances Lee went, on to Hender sonville lor a visit with Mr. Moore’s mother. Miss Sarah Lee Hamrick of Pam lico, 8. C. and Mr. Cade Orrene of Black Mountain were visitors to their respective homes over the week-end. coming especially to at tend the alumni banquet on Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs C C. Oopde spent; the past week-end In Chcsnec. Mrs Goode will spend several weeks with her parents there Miss Rosalyn Pruett Is spending several days with Dr. and Mrs. B Jarrett In Shelby. Mrs. Roslna Grlgg and Mias Johnnie Male McBrayer spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Walker on Gaffney R-i, go- ■ to* over especially to- attend me mortal services at Camps Cm'; church. Miss Dovle Moore had the greet' misfortune of having his house bad ly damaged by the severe storm on Friday night. Mr. Moore's place We . diiocUy in the path of the twister.! and his crops, fruit trees and tenant j houses also suffered heavy damagt Mr. Rector Robbins, former stu dent here and Dr. Moose, both of Charlotte were visitors here Satin Mias Blanche Boyter, voice; teach er at the college, had as her guest during commencement her mother, Mrs, Boyter, of York. We will miss from our community Rev. and Mrs. G. H. Parris and Rev. and Mrs, Jennings Payne who are moving this week. Master Lansford Jolley was host to a number of his little friends on Saturday afternoon, the occasion being his fourth birthday. Game pyou7 SAVE I _ IN BUYING BAKING POWDER You save in using KC. Use LESS than of high priced brand*. cpAAE PRlQc roitoviR * <0 YIP3& it's douile acting mulionsof pounds used BV OUR GOVERNMENT were played and greatly enjoyed by the little folks, following which they were invited Into the dining room where the birthday cake was cut and let! cream and mints were serv ed by Mrs. M, A, Jolley assisted by Mrs. Ro'-ina Grlgg. Mrs. M. A. Jolley entertained at a lovely dinner on a recent even ing having as her guests Miss MU-1 dred Hamrick and Miss Ada Ham rick of the college. Miss Thelma Jol ley, Miss Johnnie Male MeBrayer and Mrs. Uosma Grlgg I'ire Destroys l) Roony House On Saturday! (Special to The Star) Kings Mountain, May 23.- Fire of, aii unknown origin completely rte-1 stroyed the 9 room home of W. A.i Morris near the Pauline Mills ln| Kings Mountain Saturday morning! at 2 o'clock Both the old and the1 Here is the medU cine that will do the work. It'a free action on the bowels quickly relieves constipation —the usual cause of stomach disorders, kidney and liver trouble, bilious* ness, dizzy feeling,gas pains, bloat* ing, neuritis, coughs and colds. Try Herb Extract, formerly called Herb Juice, and^know what it means to enjoy good health, You don’t need pills with this medicine. Refuse imitations, nothing like the genuine as shown above. Sold and recommended by Paul Webb & Son And Leading Druggists Everywhere. ~ We Accept Money Pay 6% PAYABLE OR COMPO We Loan Money on Good I gage Payable in Weekly or j 8% Cumulative Preferred S May be Obtained at Par ($1 at Our Office. IVon-Taxable and Non*Asset Three Years Without Missii Three Years Without a Los M. & J. FINANCI Phone 386 Shelby, N. C. dew fire trucks were taken to the scene but the fire had gained such headway that nothing could be done to save the house. Lonnie Camby and family, who were living In the house lost everything they had, even their clothes. BEAUTIFUL WED DING Announce ments and Invita tions. The famous Re lief graf at a liberal discount from list prices. Looks like cop per plate engraving, Your Child’s Diarrhea Need not be at all dangerous if treated upon first symp toms. Mothers for more than a generation have put an end to stomach and • bowei dis turbances of, their children by keeping handy a bottle of Anti-Ferment. It settles the stomach, soothes the pains, prevents violent paroxysms, tends to regulate the bowels and in the end may avoid Ccjlitis and more serious trou bles. It is harmless and non narcotic but a relief for Dys enterry, and Diarrhea and digestive disorders due to up set stomach and bowels. It may be obtained in separate formulae, for adults 75c or for children 60c at all drug stores. Keep it ready for em ergencies. adv.i On Certificate And Interest. UNDED QUARTERLY. indorsement or First Mort donthly Payments, took and Common B, Stock 00) per Share, by Applying sable. ig a Quarterly Dividend. 5. : CORPORATION Office: Thompson & Co. but c o n s i d e r a b 1 y cheaper. We keep se crets of weddings to be. The Star. Phone 11. tfl4p TUNE IN ON STATION wsoc GASTONIA | SHELBY’S ! MELODY [ MAKERS | EVERY | I Tuesday 1 | AND ^ | | Friday \ S AT 12:30 P. M. j Sponsored < j By i! i Betty>Jean Beauty Ij' Shoppe Central Cafe > * i } Pendleton Music ! Co. j | Jolley’s J ! Shelby Dry j Cleaners J. C. McNeely Co. Chas. L, Eskridge ' R. B. Keeter Keeter Bros. It Pays To Advertise Casper Has His Doubts. TOOTS AND CASPER eOME MEN, CAMPER, BUT WAU* Rl^HT IN'. Y&U ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT ANY J r\ ■s7 r''w^/ ^ uv* iU pay larrY f I'LL PAY LARRY ] ( 4EM7LEMEN-^ CHIY $50,000.00t CANTON C TO BOX AT CLEVELAND ANYTHIN^ UNDL , IN AUGUST1. LET-5, I LARRY RETURNS s^)4N THE CONTRACT /l 1 EXPECT HIM ^ 331 RI4HT NOW, r-/ \BACR VERY f , COLONEL. V)/ ^^HORTLY! J \ -.Oihoofer'^^v, / iW- v—*—,.—yofm I REPEAT* I LL PAY YOU *25,000. «& CASHFoRA HALF INTERS [\ LARRY CHIX '’J $"50, 000.5S ;\TO BOV IN X£2=R1MIAMI = fi canV—T ‘ U9EHIM \ IN 7^-, VAUDEVILLE \Li^\ LAPBVI ~ysk a La^j|| ▼I w%5() 1! V-Ya / » 4er half of lappYs>W Mdu should have EARNIN4S 1 I LL BE A //^VMSBKO “THAT MILLIONAIRE W A YEAR $a5;000.«S Poft A AWD tm doin4 rr all. half interest in FOR Tt)U,SOPHIE*. YOUR CONTRACT wrw I’M 4onna cover your labry. colonel* FIN4ER& WmVDlAMONDS. AS SOON J AS THE .3 C MONEY ’COME^RDtL SrrilL,l4UESST6U KNOW WHAT TbutSE DOIN4! AT LEAST Ending The Suspense. MYPROTE&E,IARWY CMlX, WENT BACVL TO Hl«=> HOME "TOWN TO FIND OUT WHY Hf5> SWEETIE. STOPPED WRITIN4 TO HIM, BUT JTB HIVjH TIME HE WAS* RETURNING CASPER'. »'M HOLDING UP CONTRACT’S TOTALING $200,000.^2 AW/AIT)kl.6- HIS SIGNATURE, AND HALF OF IT ^OESTO ME*. I WONDER. WHAT-S HIS iPELAY? Tt "THAT'S* A <^OOp IDEA, CASPERL1 I LL PITT IN A CALL FOR HIM Rt^HT AWAY YOU DON'T MIND . IF l/USE YOUR. S A PHONE, DO / YOU ? yV> I PON T MIND PROVIDING Yt)U PAY ME WHAT THE CALL COSTS! MY COUSIN BEANIE HOOUED ME FDR. SEVERAL LCMLr-DISTANCE kCALLS RECENTLY, BUT NrJAiNT ^ionna Let You !*9^.S't|n4' **r \me: 7 hello! Loki4 "Distance ? i want TO TALK TO LARRY CHI* AT Gopher center, Alabama! no, idont IA10W HI^’PHONE NUMBER. OR ‘STREET ADDRESS-.' EVERYBODY THERE WNCm Him! hubrVthe call! J IT MAY BE THAT ‘Somethin^ ha<& HAPPENED TO LARRY CHIXt VO BETTER ^ETTHfe •SMELUN4 HALT'S READYI CASE THE COLONEL1 is NEEDS, THEM'., There MUST BE SOME REASON! whY LARRY HASN'T returnee?, AND WELL SOON FIND OUT WHAT. ITIS* Continued tomorrow -o 5*27

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