666 LIQUID OR TABLETS ReUrTM a Headache cr Neuralgia In 10 mlnutfs, checks a Cold the first fcf. and check* Malaria in three Rays. 666 Salve for Baby's Cold. EXECUTOR 3 NOTICE Having qualified at executor of the last »W and testament of D. J. Allen, deceas ed tare of Cleveland county, North Caro lina, thte Is to notify all persons navlno claims against the estate of said i ereasefl to exhibit them, properly Verified to the undersigned execuor at R, F. D, 7. Shel Waj^^a °-r- ■b®for?- ,h* r!*htft o[ or thle aiotlce will be plcudrd In bar of thetr recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This May 7, l»31 J. LANDRUM ALLEN, Kxecutor of the Last WU1 and Testament of D i Allen. 8t May Sc Oh as, A. llurrus, Atty. PILES THomm An old Chines* Proverb says, “Nino In 10 suffer from Mien,” but the pain tnd Itching of blind, protruding:Mor Uftdlnjc piles usually are allevlatod pithln * few minute* by soothing, healing Dr. Nixon s Chinarold, fort I E v v h * r“r®> Imported t'hlncao ” s vsa a. I is t V| IWI^/t _ ierb> having: amasing power to re in tm. it'* -—» O ill I»s. I U| tfuce swollen tleeuee. ft's the new •et and fastest acting treatment out. J°*L-cAn w.ork and “"ioT Ilfe right fronrthe start while It continue* its beallng action. Don't delay. Act In nine to avoid a dangerous and cost. Ir_operation. Try Dr. Nixon's China told under our tuarantee~to~ satisfy Completely end be worth Che small coet or jour money back* SUTOJT8 DRUG STORK. BAKING POWDER $MAE PR/q POR OVIR * <0 ycab> Guaranteed pure and efficient. USE Who owes the biggest grocery bill in town? 13) What married man has been seen In more places -. Well, finish It yourself for you can run faster than I. We told Wallace Wade to save you one of those seats on the big trip to California in 1933. However, keep your bag packed for we might go In 1932. Toss this in the waste basket for that Is what what we do with The Star, after we have read It twice. What is the big Idea of leaving "Around Our Town" out of the paper evet^ once In awhile? Don’t you know we'have to have our vitamin A. S. 'Apple Sauce) three times per week? Do you know what "Hoover Prosperity” means? It is the French for "patched pants." But don't tell H. Clay Cox for lie might cut off ©ur supply of free air about better business. "So long, B,” Perhaps you knew tills; we didn’t: A scientist has finally succeeded In breeding odorless skunks. Next, thing you know they'll invent some kind of tonic that will make us smile when we seo a bill collector coming. Or be selling a drink at the? soda fountains that will make us dash over to the court house and pay our taxes—and wonder why they are not more. WATCH HIM COME HOPPING HOME, RAMBUN’ BlIX T'other night a special delivery messenger left a small box on this colyum’s front door step. The top of the box contained a number of small air holes and beside the perforations was written: "A live horned toad. Compliments of the Arizona desert. Ramblin’ Bill, Phoenix." Somehow, being by nature kindhearted towards dumb brutes, ani mals, and other dumb people, we had an Idea the poor critter needed something to eat after the long trip from Arizona to North Carolina. Not knowing what tidbits horned toads are fond of, we carried him into the backyard, dumped him in the garden and tried to get the bllnklng eycd cactus-jumper of the desert to take on a meal of chicken hash and water. He backed away from both. our own children." The next day over came Mr. and Mrs. Anthony, muchly worried about the rebuke given them about the behavior of their boys. Mr. Dover did not tell them any better and that he wrote the letter until several days later. The boys were not told where the letters came from until they were 31, but there after when they went a-visiting other churches, they went inside and found seats. <> Earl Community * News Of Interest Dr. Aydolette Home From Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Hulsey Have New Son. Personals. (Special to The Star.) Earl. May 28.—We are glad to note that Dr. J. P. Aydolette is at home again after spending several days at the Shelby hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hulsey an nounce the birth of a son, A. L., Jr., Friday, May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Durham Jones and children, of the Golden Valley town ship, spent the week-end with his father, Mr. J. P. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and children, of Charlotte, were guests Tuesday of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Ay dolette. Mr. M. A. Francis and children of Hickory were the gupsts Sunday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wil kins. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Allison and family moved Thursday near Chim ney Rock. The community regrets very much to lose this young cou ple. Mrs. Ralph Callahan of Shelby [spent the week-end as guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wylie. Mrs. C. T. Berryman of Pender grass, Ga.. is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Hul sey. Mr. A. O. Diincan spent Wednes day night at Rutherfordton with his family. 1 Mrs. G. F. McGee and "children of Rock Hill, S. c. spent Tuesday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Green. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Green had as | their guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Oreen, of Camden, s. C., Mr. and Mrs. Vick Green and. daugh ter, of Gastonia, and Mr. Cranford Morris of Kings Mountain. Safety movements are having a Rood effect. We read that only one person was Injured while playing ping pong last year. -1-----—---—-' How One Woman Lost 47 Lbs. In 3 Months and Feels Years Younger Mrs. S. A. Solomon of New Bern, N. C„ lost 47 lbs. in 3 months with Kruschen Salts. She reduced from 217 to 170 lbs. She feels much stronger, years younger and pains In sides, back and abdomen that bothered her for years are all gone. She says she not only feels better but looks better as all her friends tell her. “I shall never be without Krus chen Salts, will never cease taking my dally dose and more than glad to highly recommend It for the great good that Is In it.” A bottle of Kruschen Salts that lasts 4 weeks costs but 85 cents at Stephenson Drug Ca and druggists the world over. Take one half tea spoonful in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast. Attention to diet will help—cut out pastry and fatty meats—go light on potatoes, butter, cream and sug ar—-the Kruschen way Is the safe way to lose fat. Try one bottle and If not joyfully satisfied—money back. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Havln qualified as administrator ol the estats of Mrs. L. C, P. HamrtrV. deceas ed. late of Cleveland tounty, North Caro lina. this Is to notify all persons haring ; claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the undersigned at 1 Shelby, N. C. on or before the 1st day of May. 1932, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery Ail persons In debted to said astate will please males immediate settlement. This April 29th, 1931 PRANK L. HOYLE, Admmlsrator of the Estate of Mrs. L. C. P. Hamrick, deceased. dno. P. Mull. Atty - Ct May lc Zoar Community News Of Interest High Efficiency B. Y. P. U. Mem bers. Birthday Party. Honor Roll. Personals. (Special to The Star.) Zoar, May 27.—The following members of our B. Y. P. U. reach ed the highest point of efficiency by averaging 100 percent during the month of April and we wish to pub lish their names as honor members: Group 1—Mrs. E. J. Cralne and Co rinne McSwaln; group 2—Delta Ware, Mr, Eate Warren, Lyman Humphries and Phocian Bohela; group 3— Esley Barnett, Chalmer Hamrick and Mary Sue Bell; group 4—Elizabeth Putnam and OHie Mae Putnam. The honor roll for the Junior boys class of our Sunday school for March and April Is as follows: How ard Sisk, Herman Allen and Thos. Humphries. Mr. Garland McEntyre who has been working on the railroad is spending some time at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mo-1 Entyre. Miss oertruae street spent the week-end visiting In Beaver Dam I community. Mrs. Lottie Dedmon and son and daughter of Buffalo were guests of Mrs. F. F. Po6ton Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Humphries of Polk county have moved Into the community. We extend to them a hearty welcome. Mr. Dan Davidson of livens City, Oeorgla, was a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Davidson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Alien and family attended the memorial serv ices at Poplar Springs Baptist church Sunday. The many friends of Miss Irene Allen pleasantly surprised her Sat urday evening by giving her a birthday party. A large number of young people were present and all reported an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Broadus McEntyre and farqily of Patterson Springs community were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McEntyre. Mr. Billie Poston spent the week end at the home of his uncle, Mr. W. C. Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Champion and mother of South Shelby were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Warren Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Putnam spent Sunday visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hicks in the High Shoals community. Mr. and Mrs. Collea Stroup of Charlotte were welcomed guests of their brother and sister, Mr. Cam eron Putnam and Mrs, Crawford Whisnant Friday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Spake and family motored to Lenoir Sunday. Miss Grace Cantrell, who is in training at the Shelby hospital was a caller at the home of her sister. Mrs. Clyde Putnam Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Cham pion of South Shelby visited Mrs. F. F. Poston Tuesday afternoon. We are glad to state that little Jack Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bell is able to be up again after an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Willie Hamrick, Mr. Everette and Ray Moud Hamrick motored to Grassy Pond, S. C., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Hamrick and family spent the week-end in Gas tonia visited Mrs. Hamrick's par ents who live there. FREE, NEW HIGHWAY map of Cleveland county showing the 793 miles of road* to be taken over by the state under the new road bill. You can get one of these maps by paying $1 or more on your subscription to The Star, tfp We Accept Money On Certificate And Pay 6% Interest. PAYABLE OR COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. We Loan Money on Good Endorsement or First Mort gage Payable in Weekly or Monthly Payments. 8% Cumulative Preferred Stock and Common B. Stock May be Obtained at Par ($100) per Share, by Applying at Our Office. Non-Taxable and Non-Assessable. Three Years Without Missing a Quarterly Dividenu. Three Years Without a Loss. M. & J. FINANCE CORPORATION Phone 386 Shelby, N. C. Office: Thompson & Co. Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, ws can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. . MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. CASH FOR POULTRY THE FOLLOWING CASH PRICES WILL BE PAID NEXT WEEK: HEAVY HENS. 13c LEGHORN HENS_ 11< COLORED BROILERS ( lbs. and up).25c LEGHORN BROILERS (2 lbs. and up) ..22c COLORED BROILER (2 lbs. and up).25c ROOSTERS.....t_7c DUCKS. lbc GEESE .. lbc TURKEYS_15c EAGLE Poultry Co. F. B. ROPP, Manager PHONE 149 — SEABOARD DEPOT SHELBY, N. C. Here Is the Medicine That Brought Me Health and Happiness forrnerl'y^caned^ER}^ J Uicfe* uf that^U * t0 t^G rT’€r‘ts EXTRACT medicines and treatments failed. t it restored them ta health after other i nese uses consist of stomach and liver disorders, indigestion, kidney trouble, bil iousness, nervousness, bad complexion, coated tongue, severe headaches, back aches, loss ijf sleep and appetite and rua down condition. If yon ue troubled with any of these condition* it will pay you well to get a bottle at once. Recommended and for sale by druggiat* everywhere.—Advertisement. PAUL WEBB AND SON AND LEADING DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 1 WHY EXPERIMENT WITH UNKNOWN FLOURS? cKR0U/V4 MADE SUPERLATIVE PbOUR. EAGLE ROLLER MILL CO. SHELBY. N.C. YOU CAN BUY NO FINER FLOUR AT ANY PRICE. ALWAYS UNIFORM. f.JSA JU._ . rf EAGLE ROLLER MILL CO. i Every Young Man Should | Be Successful If, at the beginning* of his career, he possessed the valuable knowledge gained through years of banking ex perience. • This bank offers ... ample re sources in accumulated knowledge and experience to young graduates who this season will begin their ca [ reers under the guiding counsel of j those who have been successful. The officers of this bank invite you to come in and discuss your plans ! with them. i Union Trust Co. “IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH”