T\ . fT ||* ’ _ —-— . . ■ i- ____ rAGE SBv* Do You Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star Want Ads. L whatYouwant 1 k In the WANTAPS^ Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. _ This size l cent per word each Insertion. ' TJ1’3 3ize type 2c per word each insertion. I ms size type 3c per word each insertion. nearly two hundred nserB In Cleveland county of Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not one has ever spent one cent for service. Robert C. Hord, Dealer, 8. Washington St., Shelby. u 25c FOR THE FAMOUS McCOR^ mlck-Deering grain binder see O. ®- Ford Co. 3t 25c WE DEVELOP KODAK FILMS. Expert work, 24-hour service. En larging and tinting. Hollywood Stu dio, over Woolworth's. tf 20c WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY repairing. L. C. Davis, next door to Eftrd'S. I appreciate your patroc •ge, large or small tf 18c IF YOU NEED A MOWING UA ehine caU on O. E. Ford Co. for the McCormlck-Deering. 3t 25c DON’T NEGLECT FEET tliese hot summer days. Be fitted correctly by shoe ex perts at A. V. Wray & 6 Sons, City. tf-27c SEE O. E. FORD FOR GALVEN laed roofing at the right price. 3t 25c WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER or steam fitter, call the Modern Plumbing and Heating Co., the plumbing and heating specialist. Telephone- 569. tf 20c it costs Btrr x few cents a day to protect your Income when disabled from sickness or accident .Write for full details. North Ameri can Accident Insurance Co., Box' 12, Shelby, N. a tf 23c FOR RENT: EIGHT ROOM house, steam heated, well located, good condition, formerly occupied by T. P. Eskridge on W. Marion St. A. Blanton Grocery Co. tf 22c I REPAIR LAWN MOWERS AND repair shoes too, at Sellers Shoe Strop- tf 15c DONT LET TOUR SHOE RE pairing cost you too much. See the Landis Shoe Shop. tf-8c THREE GRADES o f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, Relief g r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es a t a liberal dis count from list The Star. Phone XI. tflle PLENTY OP FERTILIZERS, Ni trate -of soda and sulphate of amonla at O. E. Ford Oos. 3t25c WE -BUY t PEAS, Can Seed and Coun try Hams. Cleveland Produce Co. tf-13c SEE O. E. FORD CO. FOR YOUR side dressing far all crops. 3t 25c A * MIDDLE AGED WHITE widow wants a place In the country. Willing to work and has boy eleven years old. We want a good home. Address Moon Creek Service Sta tion, Star Route, Danville, Va. 2t 29p FOR RENT: CHEAP. NINE room house on N. LaFayette St. Water, lights, bath, garage, bam, large lot. J. A. Phllbeck, Lawndale, Q* _ 3t 29c WANTED: SETTLED WHITE woman for housekeeper and to care for three children, write “House keeper,” care The Star. 3t 29p WANTED TO BORROW $100 for one year. First mortgage on city property as collateral. Write Box 8*8- It 29p CHICK SPECIAL - SATURDAY ONLY 100 week and two week old chicks $10.00 with ten free chicks with each hundred. Get yours early as only have lim ited amount. Suttle Hatch ery. _ltc NANCY HALL and Porto Rico sweet po tato plants, fresh daily. 20c per hun dred, $2.00 per thou sand. C. H. Reinhardt South Shelby. i2t-27c t, APARTMENT FOR RENT W. A. Pendleton. 2t 27c "open allnight. Central Cafe. West ern steaks a special ty. _ tf-4c O. E. FORD CO. HAS PLENTY of lime, cement and brick on hand all the time. 3t 25o NEW AND USED AUTO~PARTS.’ "All parte for some cars, some parts for all cars.” Automobile glass In stalled. Fink Iron and Metal Co.. Trade Alley, Phone 580. tf 25c YOU’LL NEVER FIND better Tire Prices than these, no mater how hard you try. Typical of the bargains we offer: 29 x 4.40 — 21.. $3.98 30 x 4.50 — 21 __ $4.69 28 x 4.75 — 19 _$5.46 29 x 4.75 — 20 __ $5.54 29 x 5.00 — 19 *_$o.74 30 x 5.00 — 20 __ $5.81 30 x 3 .. $3.48 30 x 3 1-2 — O. S. __$3.68 “It Costs Less to Ride on U. S. Tires.” SMITH’S GARAGE, Fallston, N. C. tf-13c LOOK - BUY YOUR oats, cane seed, peas, cotton seed meal and .lulls, and other feeds, from Cleveland Pro duce Co. Phone 694, Shelby, N. C. Dtfllc WE BUY CHICK ENS and eggs. Cleve land Produce Go. Dtf — * - ■ FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM FUR ntehed bouse on Oraham St. $25. Apply 112 McBrayer St. tf 13c WANTED TO BUY FRESH MILK cow. See C. A. Ed dings at B. s. Mauney farm. Fallston road, R-0 Shalby. l-29p BEE O. E. FORD CO. FOR BIND er twine. 3t 35c BEAUTIFUL WED DING A n n o u nce m e n t s and Invita tions. The famous Re lief graf at a liberal discount from list prices. Looks like cop per plate engraving, but c onsiclerably cheaper. We keep se crets of weddings to be. The Star. Phone 11. tfl4p OPENING, ROOM 16, LINE ' BERGER building, of Gas jtonia Conservatory of Music —enrollment and lessons Thursday, May 21, and every Thursday. Music under the personal supervision of Pro fessor William Goldman. Branch Studios at Cherryville, Lawndale, Lincolnton and Shelby. Private or class les sons on any musical instru ment for beginners or ad vanced students. Certificates or diplomas with each course. * tf-13c BRING YOUR LAWN MOWER, Shoes and parasols to the Sellers Shoe Shop lor repairs. tl 15c MAN WANTED FOR HAW^EIGH route of 800 consumers In northeast Rutherford, east Gaston counties, Cllffslde. Reliable hustler can start earning $35 weekly and Increase every month, write Immediately. Rawteigh Co., Dept. NC-W-52-S, Richmond, Va. at 27p FOR RENT. FOUR ROOMS and hall, private bath, hot and cold running water. Rooms being ref in iahedr Sea A. P, Weathers, phone 54. St 28p LOST: A SILVER LINK BRACE let with three rhinestones In It. It was lost between the Chocolate shop and W. A. Pendleton residence. If found call 696. 3t 39c Baseball umpires were introduced In 1879, and shortly thereafter ne cessity mothered the invention of pop bottles. Mooresboro News Of Late Interest Students and Teachers Home From School. Mrs. J. K. Smart III. Other News Items. (Special to The Star ) Mooresboro, May 28. Miss Mar garet Oreene, student of Ashevtlle Normal returned home Tuesday to spend the summer with her parents. Mrs. Edna B. Champion and chil dren are visjtlng her sister Mrs. Strait of Rock Hill, S. C„ this week Miss Daisy Lovelace, teacher of Kings Mountain school and Mtss Nola Patrick of Alexandria have re turned home for the summer Mlas Nan Blackwell of Chesnee. 8. C„ Is visiting her sister. Mrs, Fred Davis. Miss Iris Rollins, student at N. C. C. W„ spent the week end last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Burrus and Mr and Mrs. Clyde Goforth arc spend ing this week In Florida. Miss Frances McCardwell returned to L**notr-Rhyne college Tuesday to enter summer school. Mrs. J K. Smart Is sick at this writing, we are sorry to note. Miss Flora Greene who Is working In Asheville, spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Greene and baby of Asheville, spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. B, P. Greene. Mrs. Grady Walker Is spending a few days at Nebo, with relatives. A paragrapher asserts that gossip Is the only thing for which the sup ply 1s not equal to the demand. How about alimony? Future General Alfred Ashman' (above), Oak* ’.and, Calif., winner in the National Flag Contest conducted by Hearst newspapers, is to enter West Point Military Academy July 1. Ash- \ man accompanied other California j Sag winners to Washington, D, C.,: on an inspirational tour arranged 1 by William Randolph Hearst for! successful entrants from all parts of the country. Seeks Second Win Bu,w v 'Arnold Billy Arnold (above),Chicago boy, victor in the Indianapolis Speedway 600-mile grind last year, has en tered the lists for the 1931 auto mobile racing classic with a deter mination to be crowned speed king of the brick oval again. Billy's victory in 1930 was his first at In dianapolis, but he fully intends to duplicate it this season. Beluiood Section Events Of Week Bel wood, May 98.—The commun ity was visited by a hall and rain storm Friday afternoon. Some dam age was done to the crops and fruits. Mr. John Brackett, son <ti Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brackett had the mis fortune of getting shot through the foot Thursday afternoon, the gun was discharged accidentally. He is getting along .nicely Mnr tftid Mrsr Werth -Gaslpe and *on Arnold, of Wades boro, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Ca nipe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith. Misses Annie Richard, Lorene and Nannie Lou Ooodman spent Mon day with Mr and Mrs. Plato Meade Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Thad John son on April 19 a boy. A large crowd was present at Knob Creek church Sunday. Miss Dora Willis delivered a fine sermon. The Boyles and Upton quartet of Toluca and the 8hort quartet of Bessemer City sang in the afternoox Mrs. June Willis and son of Wash ington are spending some time with her mother Mrs. Mack Warlick. Miss Ethel .NortoaB of Henderson Quality Furniture On Phone 592. Shelby, N. C. vUle apent the w»k end 'with her parents Mr. and Mrs Kigink Nor man, Mr. and Mrs, Mack Smith and Mr and Mrs. Worth Canipe and son. Arnold spent Sunday in Hickory with Mr and Mrs. Pressley Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Davis and son Billy of Gastonia and Mi's. Wright visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Hartmun Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. C L. Kanisey and son Gene, and Mrs Mary Proctor and Mr; O. W. Kanwey and Mr, auid Mrs. Frank Olenn and children of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. lawraire Mil ler and children of Lawndale R-4, visited Mrs 8. L. Gantt Sunday aft ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bingham and mother Mrs. Alice Bingham * of FaUston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Willis. Miss Ann Warlick and cousin Mr. Everett Warlick spent Saturday night with Miss Ethel and Mr. Ed ward White. Mr. and Mrs. Bunyan Chapman of Llncolnton knd Miss Maggie Mere Chapman visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norman Sunday aftempon. Mr and Mrs. Ed Cooke visited WANTED Voice or'Musical Talent on any instrument for Radio Programs. Free Auditions next Thursday, 10 to 4 .Ask for Prof. Goldman Room 16, Over • Woolworth’s Notice Farmers Saturday, May 30, will be the last day that I , will thrash cane seed this sea son.' I have purchased a new threasher and will be ready to thrash your grain as usual and I will assure you with my new equip ment better service, both thrashing and bailing than ' ever before. v . MORRISON TRANSFER By 8. M. Morrison Phone 406 Prof, anrt Mr#, C. A. Ledford Sun day. Misses Ethel and Utile While spent Monday night with Mr, and Mr#, John T Wiulick. Mr*. O. Q. Richard Is spending several day# with her daughter Mrs Thad Johnson, The small children oX Mr md Mrs. B P. Peeler axe Improving aft' er a serious ease of whooping cough Mr. mid Mrs. Ambrose Jeffries .md children dT TJncoThf orf, Mr. and Mrs, Clem Johnson of Charlotte were vis itors in the community Sunday. Messrs Howard Devenny and Ave Price of Newberry, 8, C„ spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Deal. • Mr, Joe Short has moved to Bes semer City. Mrs Plator Peeler spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Oaston Hoyle of Beams mil Mr, Jim Oantt and grandson of Mooresboro, were visitors tn the community Sunday. vyvKv’ Besides The Bride THE BEST HONEYMOON COMPANION IS A Bank Book SSffiSWSj f‘fe hala.nce to make the event an enjoyable and iimil^be1 f,nancla worrie* as you ever dreamed the occasion Save For A Purpose your aspirations may be, make, your bank balance reaeh w Wher* ^U Wlil hegln i0 feel a m]e Pnde and satisfaction ^h,aving sa^ed for somt definite purpose. Start today—or next pay day— and save a part of your income, however small or large it may be, and then save regularly. ^ First National Bank SHELBY, N.C. • TOOTS AND CASPER A JC. O. For The Colonel. OLONEL Hooper. h£4 put IN A Lon4 PITTANCE CALL TO LARRY CH1V At Gopher CENTER, Alabama, and \<& ANXIOUSLY WAITING for the. PHONE TO RIN4! LAPRV <3H0ULD have returned HERE LAST WEEW. CAMPER= * ■ y*tKr '™E DELAY le? IMT0 4ETHALF0EHI?7 EARNING/ AND IVE A lOT i) Of CONTRACT-, AWAIT- / IK»4 Hl<=» *£l4NATURE! / HI-, DELAY \<>> COSTING ) HIM AND ME A LOT OF / D0U4H "THAT 'WE SHOULD \ ,/ft, I Be 4ettim4! J Wj AH! THEBES THE PHONE f R)N6»N4t IT MU5T BE j ?25 / C 1 ■ 31. fcng Fcajyt, Syndic.lt. Inc mi k\n / Crm Brtuta rlghtt r—ntd. hello, larry? -thi<=> \<? COLONEL HOOTER.'. WHEW ARE VOU COM IN 4" BACK,LARRY? YOU OU4HT YO BE HERE, 60 WE CAN 4ETYHEDCXJ4H WHILE "THE 4ETTIN4 YZ> <^OOD! \NHAT6> 'THAT ? z Aw, t>0**T -5AY THAT, LARRY!'.'. PURELY, YOU DON-T MEAN WHAT YOU’RE ^AYlM4-Hi THINK OP the MONEY! 1 WONT Believe thatc PlNAL! 1 WON-T BELIEVE IT-t— T00T5* ' 8RIM4 THE, ^MELLIN4 6ALT5! QuickTi colonel URW/i %XT PIP laroY CH!>£ 9AY THAT <*AU6CD COLONEL HOOPER TO WEEL OVER 04 A COLt> FAINT <8> O ~vom . fcnwwd The Bubble That Burst. ‘srf’EAk’TO ME, Colonel* thi5» \<=>, SOPHIEi OH*H! MAYBE WE OU^HT. TO CALL A i poctor; NWHAT HAPPENED* . "TO HIM,CA‘=»PER?j ALL» WNOW \fy HEWA6»TAIWN4 Loui distance TO larrv cwy V/HEN eUPDENLy HE FAJNTEP AWAY COLR ^ToffT's: W Ah! he«5 coming f To! HE-<5»ALLR14HT fy MOW!*. WHAT K HAPPENED TO I Tt)U,t>EAR? 6HT 'WHERE AM | -2 MOW I REMEMBER3. \ VAS TALklMZr TO LARRY CHIX* WE SAID HIS SWEETHEART OBJECTED TO HIM BEIN4- A PUGILIST, SO HE'S QUIT THE RINA FOR WEFPSl OLTHIS IS AWFUL I 'TERRIBLE.! , ITS THE. WORST OoLTi OPwER^CJTi) po-w i/ — 6 i93!-.y°«■ S»3dfcMe.!a&. Crttt BriUia rwiMi. / I PEEL SORHYFOR OJLCKEL ’ HOOFER. HE9 90blue! LARRY Ml&HT HAVE BECOME CHAMPION), AMD IF HE HAP THEY-P both MARE A i ruKiuN6-BUT IT£, T AU. OVER! OUST A CSfeAUTIKJU. Bubble that finally , Bursted! ( \ Tou4h e>P^K ' Foa him: wzs'jopi&ppom EP we ACTUALLY hapteabsikj ms E'rtS'. f=> TAkW^ HA&I h» And she MA* HIM ANp-fH*r<& All that MXTTSR&J

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