8 PAGES TODAY tly tfmii w«i ■ e*i i m t#«ta«|| <terrt»r n*r »**r on ufttnetl — ffcj§ Late News Tuesday Fair. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Generally fair tonight, probably rain in northeast. Fair and warmer Tuesday. Breach Widens. Rome, May 31.—The breach be tween the Italian government and the Vatican widened tonight with the receipt of information that four bombs were exploded near Catholic property at Bolgona, with Premier Mussolini continuing to close Cath olic action clubs throughout Italy and with Pope Pius XI denouncing Fascist education as “given to hate” irreverence and to violence. Liquor Cases Again Lead In CoantyDockets Over Half Of Cases About Whiskey Recorder’s Court Convicts 150 Of 138 Tried During Month Of M*y Much Gambling. , Cases developing from some form of violation of the prohibition lu.v again led all other oases tried >in the Cleveland county recorder’s court during the month of May. In fact, the records of Deputy Clerk Cha-s. Woodson show that over half of the cases handled by the tribunal operated by Judge Maurice Weathers and Solicitor W. Speight Beam were whiskey cases. Gambling took second place. Of the 158 cases docketed during itfav, 38 were, connected with boore. Approximately 150 of the 138 d“ •» fendants tried during' the month were convicted. In the whiskey classification there were 42 charges of prohibition law . violation, 39 charges of public drunkenness, and five charges of operating an automobile while un der the influence of whiskey. Charges tried during the month, as classified, were as follows: Violating prohibition law. 42: public drunkenness. 39; assault, 15: gambling, 13; breaking and enter ing, 6; larceny, 6; driving drunk, 3; worthless checks, 5; assault with deadly weapon. 4; adultery, 4; non upport, 3; murder, 2; f and a, 2: carrying concealed weapons, 2; dis orderly house, 2; general disturb ance, 1; beating board bill. 1: op erating gambling house, 1; forger.’, 1; auto without proper license, 1; profanity and trespassing. 1; civil matter, 1. Washington School Has Final Program Margaret Hamrick And Harold Bet tis Win Prlaes. Graduating Exercises Held. The annual reading and dselcm*-. tion contests of the Washington school were held last week in th.3 school auditorium. The two winners, Miss Marga.’et Hamrick and Harold Bettis, were presented five dollar savings ac counts by Mr. Chan. C. Blanton, first National president. Others in the contest and on the program were 3am Ledford. Ruby Anthony, Ruth ilimbrell, Jeanette Post. In the class day exercises Friday the introduction was by Margar't Hamrick, the welcome by Keito Shull, the history by Sam Ledford, will and testament by Marguerite Wall, farewell by Tennlc Miller. Tennie Miller won the Mrs. T. W. Hamrick spelling medal as the beri grade speller and it was presented oy Margaret Hamrick daughter of the donor. Clifford Parker won the H. Clay Cox, prize as the most profic lent in arithmetic, William Leona; ci was presented the prize for perfect spelling in the fifth grade by iris teacher Miss A. Alexander. "Grade daddies’’ gave treats to the third and sixth grades. Ushers were Alphonsine Harris, chief; Marjorie Lutz, Bobby Lutz, Annabeth Jones, Richard Jones. Native Shelby Boy Moves Up In World Relatives here have been inform ed that Mr. Robert Beam, of Ra leigh, water inspector for the State Board of Health, has been notified that he is one of the seven men who have passed the examination for assistant sanitary engineer, grade of assistant surgeon, in the United States Public Health Service. Mr. Beam received his notification from Telfair Clark, acting surgeon general, who said. that he and his companions would be called in the Federal service when vacancies oc cur. He is a graduate of State col lege and the son of Mr. D. Augustus Beam. Masonic Meeting. a special communication of Cleve land lodge 203 A. P. and A. M. will be held Tuesday night for work in second degree i City Officials Will Slash All Salaries New Regime Goes In Office Today Total Salary Cut Around $5,000 An nually. Several Changes Will ' Be Made. A reduction in expenses and a general economy program in keeping with the times were as sured today by city officials who were sworiteinto office to con duct Shelby affairs for two Those sworn In today were May or S. A. McMurry, reelected last month; throe former aldermen, P. M. Washburn. John Schenck, jr., and Z. J. Thompson, and one new alderman, D. W. Royster. In with the city officials went a school board made up of Roger Laugh ridge, Dr. Tom Gold, J. Lawrence Lackey, L. P. Holland, and Tliad C. Ford. To Cut Salaries. “'Details have not been fully work ed out, and will not be until our first formal meeting tomorrow night," Mayor McMurry said today, "but wc have talked It over and the city payroll will be cut down be tween five and six thousand dollars per year. We believe the times and conditions demand It and the cut is being made from the mayor down." To Cut Force. It was also learned by The Star that tlfe force of employes will be lessened by two or three. Just who these will be it was not announced today, pending tlie first regular ses sion of the board Tuesday night. Those employes who are let go will be given. It was explained, sufficient notice so that they may seek other employment without being lopped off the payroll without notice. There is much conjecture about the city as to who will be given notices, but officials were keeping mum today and will, they say, until their offic ial action is recorded on the min utes of the first June business meet ing. In furthering the economy pro gram a department or so may be combined from the supervision standpoint. It was stated, however, that proposed changes and perhano consolidations would not decrease general service to taxpayers. The proposed economy program is in keeping with new governmental regulations as the la«t ses ion the general assembly passecKa^lavr mak ing local government aVvlsofy com mission somewhat of a guardian for municipal and county governments. Heretofore unu-ual expenditures of money, bond sales, and such cannot be carried out by municipalities without permission of the central commission. News of the cut of fire thousand dollars in the annual city payroll has leaked out to a certain extent and has received the commendation of many citizens. "Business houses and industrial firms have already reduced salaries and wages,’* one man said, "and new- officials taking of fice in cities and towns In this sec tion have also reduced their pay rolls. The move here will meet with general approval, or I am badly mistaken.*’. Will Open Curb Market In City Saturday, June 6 Home Demonstration Club' tV.il Test Out Curb Market Idea., A curb market, -where farm women may exhibit their pro ducts for house wives of Shel by, will be riven Us first trial in Shelby Saturday of this week. Mrs. Irrua P. Wallace, home dem onstration agent, stated today that the home demonstration clubs of Cleveland county will sponsor au open curb market on the vacant lor on North Morgan street adjoinin'; the Southern Public Utilities head quarters. Although the market is sponsored by the demonstration clubs all farm women may enter articles to be sold. The lot is being furnished !t>: the test through the courtesy of Mr. Chas. t. Eskridge. Sell Anythin*. In addition to produce. vegeta'o.'e> fruits, canrjed goods, garden foods and other things, all types of articles may be placed on the market Tor sale. It is likely that many women i will enter various types of handi work and other products of house hold arts. It is expected, too, that some of the county’s finest cooking will be exhibited for sale as a num ber of the club women are planning to offer cakes, pies and other deli cacies. Shelby women are invited to visit the market during the day as a stimulus to a movement which it i; hoped will add to the convenient; of both seller and buyer and will make possible another source of ’n come for farm wives. Saturday all entrants of article; to be sold at the market will be giv en temporary regulations and rules. Milk and uninspected meats cannot be placed on the market, but chick ens, dressed or undressed, may be placed there for sale. Grover Minister Is Honored By Degree Rev. Mr. Dendy Given Degree By Oglethoroe University At Atlanta. It is of interest in this iection to note that Rev, J. T. Dendy, pastor of the1 Presbyterian church at Gro ver, wag honored at the recent com mencement exercises at Oglethorpe university, Atlanta, with the degree of doctor of divinity. He was a fellow student with Dr Jacobs at the Presbyterian College of South Carolina. He is a member of the board of founders of Ogle thorpe and a brother to Prof. W. E: Dendy, principal of Atlanta's Uni versity school for boys. City Merchants Boost ‘ ‘Cotton Week” Carolina Products Beginning Today Visitors to Shelby stores and business houses this week will have the opportunity of seeing cotton goods boosted and displayed as never befOie, and what is move the majority of articles on display will be Cax'olina made goods. Prac.icaily all Shelby, merchants' are cooperating on "National Cotton' Week" and “Made In North Caro lina Week,” beginning today. Hie two movements are being concen trated in one and all citizens are urged to take advantage of the var jlouo displays. It is pointed out that the displays i at local stores should be of more than ordinary Interest in this sec tion as Cleveland county is not only the largest cotton-producing county in the state but is the home of many Industrial plants creating cot ] ton into wearing apparel. | Several score cities and towns hi i the state have announced that their I mercliahts are this week pushing the event, the aim of which is to ac quaint the people of North Carolina with what Is made in their state; to Increase the sale of home-made goods to local consumers; and. in the long run. to bring about Indus trial diversification. Governor Gardner has officially set aside June 1-6 as “Made in North Carolina Week” by proclamation. The same week has been designated as "National Cotton Week” by the Cotton Textile Institute. This lat ter movement has the active sup port and cooperation of the United States departments of commerce and agriculture. If these movements have the fullest cooperation they will stimulate retail busine.v, en courage local industrial production, and increase the consumption of raw materials. This in turn will keep money at home to pay additional wages, make possible additional buy ing and stimulate all industrial and commercial activity. The main purpose ol tins move ment, however, is to have retail merchants stock, mark and push the sale of North Carolina-made goods during the week. Merchants who entered into this campaign last year found that it was not merely a catch phrase, but that the peop.e were anxious to buy goods made in the-home state. One merchant re ported that his sales during “Made in North Carolina Week” last year were more than in any two montlus except December "It is at the re quest of some of these merchants that the campaign is being repeated this vear.” said Colonel HarrcLon. i For 25 Years Dr. Zeno Wall (above) yesterday celebrated his 151 li year in the min istry by returning to the rural church where he preached hi* first sermon a quarter of a century ago. Tax Sale Not Decided; Board . Studying List Slay Advertise Property For SaJe In July or Walt Until Fall. More Us tintype. When they adjourned for lunch at 1 o’clock this after noon the Cleveland county commissioners were still unde cided as to when they would advertise and sell property for unpaid taxes. A decision In the matter will be made today, however, it was de clared by members of the-board. Two Plans. Two procedures may result. The advertising and sale of property for taxes has already been postponed for a month due to general business conditions. Today the board may de cide to go ahead and start advertis ing unpaid taxes oil Monday. June 8. and then' conduct the sale on Monday, July 6. • Again the board may consider It best to await until early fall to handle the tax'sales. The proposition has been giving the commissioners considerable thought, and they desire to talk it over from all angles before reach ing a final decision. Due to the reg ular list of callers and delegations this morning the board had very little time in which to discus; the tax problem before noon. It will be given their first attention this aft ernoon. Much Paid. If one large corporation would pay its taxes, The Star learned today, the unpaid tax total would be only a little larger this year than it was last year and has been for years. This corporation is now being oper ated by receivers who say they will; pay the $13,000 tax debt at the ear- j liest possible moment. I.lstin; Time. Saturday was the last day for listing taxes this year but as the work, is behind the commissioners will likely extend the listing time for another week or 10 days. This move had not been made before the' noon recess, but It is known that the members of the board are agreed that a short extension of time should be given to list personal property not yet listed. Citizens who have not listed are urged to do | so at once s-o that the budget may be prepared. • -- Mrs. James Buried At Aak Grove Church Mrs. Mary E. Jenkins James, aged 76 years, died Friday at the home of her step granddaughter, Mrs. D. H. Connor, in the St. Peters section of this county. Funeral services were held Sun day at noon at Oak Grove church' near Ellenboro where Mrs. James had been a member for years. Rev W. G. Camp, of Oherryville, and Rev. Mr. Snow had charge of the services. Her husband. Robert G. James, died in 1922. Mrs. James a native of the section near Ellenboro, had been living in this county for some thru. Two sisters. Misses Nancy and Jenny Jenkins, survive. Surviving also are the following step children. William James, Caroleen; Robert James, Cliffside; R. R. James. Spin dale; Mrs. Lancaster . Caroleen Mayhand. Greenville, S. C.; Mrs Gossett, Cbesnee; Mrs. Henuursjn, Mr*. Hawkins, Charlotte; Mrs. Ma> Ellenboro. Twenty-seven step grand children also survive. , Wall Observes His 25th Year In Church Work Return* Where He Fir*t Preached Shelby Minister Itn Prrarhrd Over 3,6(H) Sermon* Since Kirst One May 36, 1906. Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the first Baptist chureli of Shelby and presi dent of Bolling Springs Junior col lege, yesterday celebrated his 23th anniversary in the ministry by preaching once more in the pulpit o: j Mt. Pleasant Baptist church , this! county, where he preached his first sermon on May 30, 1000. With a fourth of a century of ac-{ live ministry behind him, durlr* which time he lias beoome a leader In his denomination, Dr. Wall today j and yesterday received the congrat ulations and well wishes of scores pf friends and admirers. Remarkable Record. In the 23 years Dr. Wall has preached over 3,000 sermons, better than 120 per year, has held 123 re vivals, performed 123 marriage cere monies. delivered 215 special ad dresses, conducted 830 funerals, has -een.over 5,000 conversions, has bap tired 3,431, has ordained 52 preach era, and has travelled over three million miles in the service of the ministry. -Dr. \Vall was born-In Rutherford. county on August 20, 1882; he was baptised July 31, 1898 by Rev. A. C. Irvin near High Shoals Baptist church; he was ordained July 8. 1908 In the Baptist church at Cliffside; he was educated at Man Hill col lege and the Southern Baptist Theo logical seminary ; he has held the following pastorates; Marshall Bap tist church, Marshall,-N. C., Olive Baptist church, Mt. Olive. Miss., First Baptist church, Colum bia, Mias., The College church, Clin ton. Miss., First Baptist church, Ooldsboro, N, C., First Baptist church, Shelby, N. c. He, too, has been honored by nis denomination In serving as Enlist ment secretary of the Home Mission Board for one year. Vice president Baptist State convention of N. C.. Vice president Baptist Hospital. Sec retary Board of Trustees of Mississ ippi college. Secretary Board of Trutees of Mississippi Baptist hos pital, Chaplain 140 Field Artillery during World War; and in addition to his duties In his heavy pastorate here serves as President of Bolling Springs Junior college. On May 24. 1917 Mississippi college conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. TwoShelbyMen Injured In Car \ Wreck Sunday Mat Connor. Badly Hart. And ! Charlie Webb. Leg Fractured, In Gastonia Hospital. to Tht Star.) Gastonia, June 1.—Mat Con nor. former Shelby football star, is in a hospital here seriously injured and his companion Charlie Webb. Shelby business man and son of J. E. Webb. Gastonia and Shelby theatre man, has a fractured right leg as the result of an auto collision near here at 11:30 last night. The crash took place two or tore? miles west of Gastonia, on highway 20. between Gastonia and Bessem 'r, City. Connor is badly lacerated abo it the head and neck but It was said this morning that he was expected to live, although his condition was .very serious when first taken to the ' hospital. According to Webb. who was | driving his own car West towards Shelby, the other car headed east and occupied by two Gastonia boys and two Belmont girls, suddenly turned into a side road and the two cars crashed together as the east bound car turned in the path of the Webb car. Connor was hurtles through the glass. Three of the four occupants of the other car are also In the hospital. Ruth Sparks, of Belmont, one of the girls, has a head Injury Leckw* Langley, the other Belmont girl, has a fractured arm. Luther Russell, of Gastonia, has minor injuries ano lacerations. Bob Stowe, the other Gastonia, was able to leave the hos pital after treatment. A portion of Connor’s right eaF was cut off, tt was said, and he had bad cuts on toe head and throat It was unofficially stated that it was not believed that Webb couk' have prevented toe crash. Won't Fight; Denied Papers Bf>c»u*e they refuted to »wrar to fight for the Unitea State* in case of war, Mix* Marie Averill Bland, a 'New York nur e and Professor Douglas Clyde Mackintosh, of Yale University b-ith above, were denied eitiaenshin by the U S. Supreme Court by a b to 4 rote Pio feasor Mackintosh, a Canadian Bantirt minister, saw service during the World War. In seeking naturalization he said he would fight for the United States if he thought the war *n just Miss Bland said her religious scruples prevented her from fighting under any conditions. Value Of Farm Land Decreases In County Worth Slightly Less Than In 1925 But Mor* Than In 1920. Farm Buddings Ar» V/ort' More Now. Decline Shown In Livestock, Chickens, Hogs, Food Crops. - Agricultural Cleveland count ju)yis..g3u.iietl ijljiume piec es and lost ground in other phases since 1920 and' 192.1. ae cording to the 1930 farm census just released to The Star. The major gains are shown in an increase in value of farm buildings, a better division of farms, and an increasing potato crop. The decline covers a lower value on farm land, more tenant-farmed acres, and a full-off in hay and grain crops. There are how 5.181 Individual farms In the county, or 1,116 more than in 1920 and 50 more than in 1925. Per Acre Value. A total *of 242,902 acres is u^ed n farming, a smaller acreage than 10 years ago or five years ago. The present average farm Is 46.9 acres, or smaller than It was in 1930. The average Cleveland farm is now worth $3,576, according to the cen sus valuation, or near *1.000 less per farm in 1920 or 1925 The per acre value is $76.38. a dollar less per acre than in 1925 but six dollars per acre than In 1920. The total value of all farm lands and buildings, as listed by the cen sus takers for 1930 was $18,527,732 note quite tw>o million less than hi 1925 and almost a million more than In 1930. The land alone is valued at two million le.s now than In 1925, but only a half million less than in 1920. Gain Here. Farm buildings in 1930 were val ued a half million more than In < 1925 and a million and a quarter I more than in 1920. Slie of Farms. There are more farms ranging: I from 20 acres to 49 acres than any other size, showing a more inten sive cultivation. There are, however, over 300 farms ranging from 100 to 174 acres. The size of county farms is listed os follows: Si*e of Number . Farms 19211 1920 Under 3 acres _ 2 4 3 to 9 acres ___... . 152 112 i 10 to 19 acres . ..... 796 m 20 to 49 acres __ 2 415 1.498 19 Of Ballot Boxes In Here Nineteen of the S6 ballot 1 bum in Cleveland county have been delivered at the clerk’* office at the court house here as a part of the Impounding procedure in the Investigation of the contested Bailey - Pritchard senatorial election. The order to bring the senatorial boxes in was Issued last week by Judge John P. Mull, chairman of the coun ty election board. Nve of the 19 boxes already here are the four Shelby ward boxes and the South Shelby box. Seven rural boxes not yet In are ex pected to come in this week. When all are In Judge Mull w ill hare them sealed to await the next move of the investi gators. 30 to 99 acres ....... 1,412 1233 100 to 174 acres__ 324 <440 173 to 239 acres ...... 56 137 200 Cxj 499 acres_ ' 22 49 500 to 999 acres ... . 2 2 1.000 acres and over — , — Owners operate 1 913 Cleveland county tarms and tenants operate 3,203. Acreage operated by owneri totals 116.720 and 123.697 by tenants. This shows that more acres are be ing operated by tenants than m 'C'OATII.UEU ON MU* SIS.' 1,147 Laws Passed By Unusual Session Of N. C. Assembly; Remarkable Meet In Many Respect Legislature Set1 Records. Many Important Laws In Number. Raleigh. June l.^-THe North. Carolina general assembly, which adjourned ou the evening ot May 27, was. in many respects, one ot the most remarkable sessions ever held by a law making body In Nor h Carolina, not only in the length ot the session, but in the type of legis lation and deviation from norma! policies which it achieved. No other session has lasted for 121 legi-lauve days, except the I8u8 G9 reconstruction period session of 148 days from which 12 days of Christmas recess must be taken leaving only 130 days. It establishes a new record for length and devel oped Into an endurance test. No other session has tuken Iron, the local units and vested in til state more authority, particularly ui the maintenance ol roads and I schools and in the administration ci I county, city, town and local district I fiscal affairs. These local units gave up authority and autdnomy to a greater extent than ever before, trading, in their distress much loose, wefficiey.c and ineffective adminis tration 7or what is expected to oe greater' concentrated and rnuj-e ef-j fettive handling of governmental affairs. No other session has token boo.1: to tire property owners of the state a greater measure of tax relief, tor which real estate owners were clam oring. All taxes were not removed, but the operation of the highway, the school and the local government laws will bring a reduction of on average of 57 cents to the property owner, or almost half of the tax bill in many counties. No other session has placed upon big business the amount of taxes that was levied against such busi ness by the recent general assembly, a tax that would not have been reached but for the Insistent de mand for land tax relief. The bur den has. in large measure, been placed on more successful buaine s, that mo.it able to pay, and, while tppareutly more than a just si tare, may hot be an onerous burden. The closing day of the session marked the passage and enactment of several of the must important, pieces ot legislation ot the entire1 session, chief of which were the re venue, appropriations, machinery, school and several others. The revenue act provide., for ooi y t’f idOtmmTM) us rayt act Schools Finals Class As Class Of ’31 Goes On 74 Girls, Boys Get High Diplomat Jump' Mir pa rd And Sara fhonp* *on <•*<* ( ups a* LnSn| M mlr n( i. The cla.is ut 1MI—74 in all, 43 girls anti 32 boys—i.i no more an active ;>art oi the Shelby i.ls'i schooL The ■ 4 youn*: ,ers were given their dlplo ma» anti their final high f«h~d awards anil honors in a colorful program at tl e Central high aditorium Friday evening u fh# art feature of tlie Shelby common* smeiu season. The graduation exorcises differed . . me.\.\.t from the ? of the put . and the seniors in tearing left be aind them their boost for the nhw) . nd It Murks, particularly in z«gftt4 ,o extra-curricular activities, Hiinoi> sullen. Other than the actual awarding of diplomas, the announcement of the major awards of the evening me hie cen.tr of interest. To Mhw 8am Thompson, vs 'x'icteric n of her daw end v.imier uf the I 'neberger achat* rshlp msd.T for the bait work oesa our yea -,i, vent the Mrs, Clyde R. l.cey cup, the hi'7i?i •; ward Shelby ~‘3h hold tut to the best all* .... .few:uueUi. brtl liant studant, typic; 1 gentleman, and active partidpsnt In mrny »»>«an| activities wen the companion int^ the Mux Washburn cup for the tell all-around boy. It is an annual cue* tom lor t’ e school to award tteM honors, The two winners are picked on a secret vote by the entire high school faculty tn which every pbaee of work end conduct plays a part, and each year Shelby stands up »"t1 i vents enthusiasm for two such out* i standing youngsters. The awards h> ; years gone by have gone to children in all wall: of U'e. among them a cotton mill boy who has made good and a lad who now lives In the get* ; crnor's mansion. In the last contest held Mday Miss Margaret Louise McNeely won the J. R. Dover reading medal and Ray Hawkins won the Forrest Esk ridge declamation medal. Among ths other awards was that to Is. lene Orlgg, beat student In the teacher training department. I ast Program. Invocation by Rev. H. N. McDiar mld. of the Presbyterian church, opened the lest program of the grad uattng class. The salutatory by Frances Carver came ner.t, then the president's address by Hubert WU son. A group of seniors, all leader) In their activities, told the audi ence of the value of extra curricu lar activities. They were Matilda Jenks. Palmer McSralu. Louise MU ler, James Shepard. John Corbett and Pegram Holland. The actlvitlMI they covered were debating, athlet ics. creative wilting, dramatics, and music. Miss Sara Thompson gars the valedictory and the award# war* then aimounced and distributed by Principal W. E. Abernathy. The ft -nl act, before the benediction tf Rev. L. L. Je sup, of the Second Baptist church, was the presenta tion of the 7* diplomas by Supt. B. L Smith, popular head of the city school system. Seated on the stags w'tb the cappsd and gowned seniors was the class mascot, little Mias Beth SwoL'c.-d. The Graduate*. The following are the seniors who received diplomas: Lizzie Lena Allen. Claude Lots' Austell, Helen Florence Bass, Boyd Hampton Bltigon j:-„ Sdiiffi Muriel Blanton, Jcne SlfegbeSh Blanton, Evelyn Virginia Blanton. Annie Mas Eobbitt, Hessen tine Borders. Vir ginia Betty Cabaniss. William Al fred Cabaniss. Annie Gladys Calte lian. Mildred Jeanette Camp, Pran ces Demlviah Carver, John Oscar Corbett Jr., Julia Elizabeth Cc*. Dorothy Geneva JDedmon. Walter Lee Devine, Margaret Katherine Dixon, Adelaide June Elam, Alfred contis-uscd os ’’Au* sm Honor Society For High School Hera At the graduation exercises of til* ' Shelby high school it was unnoune ed that the Shelby high school ha* been accorded a chapter iu the Na tional Honor society for Secondary schools. The society has four pur poses: To promote scholarship, service, leadership, and character. The 10 seniors and three junior* awarded membership the first year were: Seniors May natthnore, Ma tilda Jenka. Elizabeth Blanton, wil liam Ingram. Prances Carver, Oral Lee White, John Irvin, jr.. vtttin Putnam. Felix Qee and Sara Thompson: junior. Edwina CMdaay, Torrey Typer, Bara Louse Falls,

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