666 LKll'IU OR TABLETS Relieves a Headache or Neucalgla in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks .Malaria in three days. 666 Salve for Baby’s Cold. KJtEtlTOK S NOTICE. Bavin* this day uuallfiad sk executor under the last will »mt testament of D J. McCall, 1st* of Cleveland rounty, N. C . Will la to notify all per.,on* tutting claim, ifslnst the said estate to present same to me properly proven on or before the Bth day of May. 1933, nr this nott.e *U1 be pteadad In bur of any recovery thereof All perauna owlu* tho said estate will •leas* make immediate settlement lo the Undersigned. This May #th. 1U3I. WILL 8 ronTENBURRV, R.2 Kings Mountain, K. C.. Executor of 1) .1 \ McCall. itt Mav Up ■—a.. i. , . __ BAKING POWDER It's double acting Uac K C (or fine texture end terse volume in your baking*. MIUIONSOF POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES JUNE 5. 1931 FROM SHELBY No. Days TO Tickets Limited Atlanta *-5 $ 8.00 Chattanooga __ 9 $10.00 Birmingham_8 $10.00 New Orleans __ 10 $23.00 Savannah ______ 7 $ 8.00 Jacksonville_8 $16.00 Tampa_12 $23.50 Miami --12 $26.00 Havana_19 $50.75 Rates to many other Florida and Gulf Coast Points. Attractive optional rout es in Florida. Stop-over allowed at Jack sonville and all Florida points. For information call on TICKET AGENT H. E. PLEASANTS. DP A, RALEIGH. N. C. FAINS QUIT COMING "When I wiu s fir), I »uf Im*4 period loftily with ter ■Mft pfttafl Iq my buok and «*•■* Often I would bend flmo* double with the ln tonee pain. * Thl» would hurt for hours and I could got no rebel. "■ tried almost every ttataif that was reoom nModed to me, but found aotfcbf that would help > uMI I baton taking 1 Cental. My mother thought tt would be good for me, so she ; got ft bottle of Cftrdui and started me takls* ill 1 soon Improved, i The bad spells quit owning. I was soon hi normal health." *—ntra Jewel Harrtft Wiaiuboro, hut geld At 4tt Drug JgarM. «m CARDUI Helps Worm n to Health Nobody’s Business GEE McGEE—. tf We Had Open Saloons. , If booze could be bought on every i corner ,the government would have to retain First Aid stations and Bed Cross nurses at every mile post on every public highway in the country Wrecking cars and crews would line all thoroughfares set's they'd bi handy to puli automobiles apart when they met head-on and tall on and sideways and cross-wise. ' ■ . Every third man in the United States would have to turn police man, and court houses would have to be so thick over the country that they would be In hollering distance ol one another. Townships would b* fenced in and used for Jails. Pedes trians would never attempt to walk down or up a main rdad. They would be provided with little pig paths several hundred yards away from the lines of travel. Cities would of necessity quanan tine against all automobiles. It would take 1 thousand plumbers, 10 thou sands machinists, and 20 thousand common laborers to clear our streets every Monday morning after the Sunday frolics- If cars were permit ted to enter our towns. Speed linn's would have to be abolished. And women would wear shot-guns tied around their waists while milking or chopping cotton. If whiskey could be had with the ease and convenience of 25 year’s ago, it would require 5 grave digger,' to every hundred persons residing in this land of ours—to lay away her victims. Undertakers would be as 'EKtcJc as whiskers'on a 'Bdlxfiil vtk's chin. Ambulances and hearses would run in sections and carry trailer. Embalmers would be forced CO work overtime, and Judges ami Juries would work night and day in order that there might be standing room at the chaingangs. All of these calamities would com* because the times have changed since the advent of flying machines and good roads and bone-heads and reckless living, and s6 many people would get drunk at a time-there wouldn't be anybody left to nurse the baby or put out the cat. Polks are no worse than they useter be. It's sim ply the change in our way of 'ic ing that would make it Impossible to compete with John Barleycorn. We are living In a fast age. We run at break-neck speed all the time. We trot to our work, we run home to lunch, \v* don't have time to he respectable, and we think we are getting along in this world. We aft as poor as we were when we took things easy. We are all sick half the tune. If it ain’t indigestion, it's nerv ous break-downs. There's nothing wrong with us. meaning you and me, except we are a pack of derned fools from beginning to end. That's all. Spring Garden Fever. t am glad to see $o niuny people hustling around niakiug prepara tions to grow their own vegetables through the Spring garden method. Florida vegetables at N. , prices, make all of us anxious to gather our own truck from our own little back yard. I did this thing two years ago. that is—all except gather the truck. (There was none to gather.> I recall how interested I was in that garden. I bought posts and wire and hired a good cigarette smoker to build a fence ior me. He work 5 hours a day and smoked 3 hours a day and charged me for It hours. He sharpened his saw 4 dif ferent times while he was fencing for me. Hut the job cost me on'.' $43.25 and about half my religion. 1 walked out to my garden one morning after having been as busy as a woman at a rummage sale all the previous week—getting things planted, and I observed my neigh bors old rooster and his tl wives sit-1 ting (not setting) upon the fence i arid they were conversing about as j follows: “'Well, won't this be nice, I • hope the old fool will plant corn over ; High-Hat Mascot If ‘‘Condor” (above), 6-week*-