666 LKll'IU OR TABLETS Relieves a Headache or Neucalgla in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks .Malaria in three days. 666 Salve for Baby’s Cold. KJtEtlTOK S NOTICE. Bavin* this day uuallfiad sk executor under the last will »mt testament of D J. McCall, 1st* of Cleveland rounty, N. C . Will la to notify all per.,on* tutting claim, ifslnst the said estate to present same to me properly proven on or before the Bth day of May. 1933, nr this nott.e *U1 be pteadad In bur of any recovery thereof All perauna owlu* tho said estate will •leas* make immediate settlement lo the Undersigned. This May #th. 1U3I. WILL 8 ronTENBURRV, R.2 Kings Mountain, K. C.. Executor of 1) .1 \ McCall. itt Mav Up ■—a.. i. , . __ BAKING POWDER It's double acting Uac K C (or fine texture end terse volume in your baking*. MIUIONSOF POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES JUNE 5. 1931 FROM SHELBY No. Days TO Tickets Limited Atlanta *-5 $ 8.00 Chattanooga __ 9 $10.00 Birmingham_8 $10.00 New Orleans __ 10 $23.00 Savannah ______ 7 $ 8.00 Jacksonville_8 $16.00 Tampa_12 $23.50 Miami --12 $26.00 Havana_19 $50.75 Rates to many other Florida and Gulf Coast Points. Attractive optional rout es in Florida. Stop-over allowed at Jack sonville and all Florida points. For information call on TICKET AGENT H. E. PLEASANTS. DP A, RALEIGH. N. C. FAINS QUIT COMING "When I wiu s fir), I »uf Im*4 period loftily with ter ■Mft pfttafl Iq my buok and «*•■* Often I would bend flmo* double with the ln tonee pain. * Thl» would hurt for hours and I could got no rebel. "■ tried almost every ttataif that was reoom nModed to me, but found aotfcbf that would help > uMI I baton taking 1 Cental. My mother thought tt would be good for me, so she ; got ft bottle of Cftrdui and started me takls* ill 1 soon Improved, i The bad spells quit owning. I was soon hi normal health." *—ntra Jewel Harrtft Wiaiuboro, hut geld At 4tt Drug JgarM. «m CARDUI Helps Worm n to Health Nobody’s Business GEE McGEE—. tf We Had Open Saloons. , If booze could be bought on every i corner ,the government would have to retain First Aid stations and Bed Cross nurses at every mile post on every public highway in the country Wrecking cars and crews would line all thoroughfares set's they'd bi handy to puli automobiles apart when they met head-on and tall on and sideways and cross-wise. ' ■ . Every third man in the United States would have to turn police man, and court houses would have to be so thick over the country that they would be In hollering distance ol one another. Townships would b* fenced in and used for Jails. Pedes trians would never attempt to walk down or up a main rdad. They would be provided with little pig paths several hundred yards away from the lines of travel. Cities would of necessity quanan tine against all automobiles. It would take 1 thousand plumbers, 10 thou sands machinists, and 20 thousand common laborers to clear our streets every Monday morning after the Sunday frolics- If cars were permit ted to enter our towns. Speed linn's would have to be abolished. And women would wear shot-guns tied around their waists while milking or chopping cotton. If whiskey could be had with the ease and convenience of 25 year’s ago, it would require 5 grave digger,' to every hundred persons residing in this land of ours—to lay away her victims. Undertakers would be as 'EKtcJc as whiskers'on a 'Bdlxfiil vtk's chin. Ambulances and hearses would run in sections and carry trailer. Embalmers would be forced CO work overtime, and Judges ami Juries would work night and day in order that there might be standing room at the chaingangs. All of these calamities would com* because the times have changed since the advent of flying machines and good roads and bone-heads and reckless living, and s6 many people would get drunk at a time-there wouldn't be anybody left to nurse the baby or put out the cat. Polks are no worse than they useter be. It's sim ply the change in our way of 'ic ing that would make it Impossible to compete with John Barleycorn. We are living In a fast age. We run at break-neck speed all the time. We trot to our work, we run home to lunch, \v* don't have time to he respectable, and we think we are getting along in this world. We aft as poor as we were when we took things easy. We are all sick half the tune. If it ain’t indigestion, it's nerv ous break-downs. There's nothing wrong with us. meaning you and me, except we are a pack of derned fools from beginning to end. That's all. Spring Garden Fever. t am glad to see $o niuny people hustling around niakiug prepara tions to grow their own vegetables through the Spring garden method. Florida vegetables at N. , prices, make all of us anxious to gather our own truck from our own little back yard. I did this thing two years ago. that is—all except gather the truck. (There was none to gather.> I recall how interested I was in that garden. I bought posts and wire and hired a good cigarette smoker to build a fence ior me. He work 5 hours a day and smoked 3 hours a day and charged me for It hours. He sharpened his saw 4 dif ferent times while he was fencing for me. Hut the job cost me on'.' $43.25 and about half my religion. 1 walked out to my garden one morning after having been as busy as a woman at a rummage sale all the previous week—getting things planted, and I observed my neigh bors old rooster and his tl wives sit-1 ting (not setting) upon the fence i arid they were conversing about as j follows: “'Well, won't this be nice, I • hope the old fool will plant corn over ; High-Hat Mascot If ‘‘Condor” (above), 6-week*-<dd pup, doe* not nave rather high-hat Ideas as a mascot, he’s simply not running true to form in his rhosen profession. For “Condor," shown in his sky-helmet hammock, has compiled the startling record of 24 hours in the air, including; one fhrced landing. He’s the rightfully proud property of the If.' S. Amy ' bombers operating from Rockwell Field, California. there and English pease over there and lettuce over there. And the ground is so soft, and looks just right for seratchln." I “shooed" the flock back toward home with a rock, but they contin ued to visit my garden just the same. They would scratch up 2 rows of seed, while I was planting one. That bunch of fowls could have dug the Panama canal In 3 months. They were so systematic, they took every thing by rows. The old rooster would raise sand if a hen overlooked a hill of anything. I permuted my patience to prevail and finally got up a few sprouts here and there. The moles root"$'j subways in every, direction. No seidj or plant seemed able to escape them ■ and the chickens, but as I said—I saw a few signs of my efforts. A week before my Irish potatoes crack ed tile crust, there were 987 potato bugs encamped around- gach pros pect. They ate the stuff so fast, not a plant ever got its head an inch above the ground. Then came worms of all kinds, colors, and appetites. Ants at a thou sand holes through t he leaves of my only cabbage. Vhat cabbage looked like a lace table cover. Then it be gan to rain, and my wife couldn't get a chance to hoe any. When it cleared off. I ventured out there, grass was 3 feet faigh. Johnson grass and Bermuda bay had conquered everything from my sunflower to my squash vine. I found 2 peas and 1 onion and a sprig of mustard and that’s all I found. No price is too high now for me to pay for ,-ship I ped in'* vegetables.. They are cheap i er at 4 dollars a bite than trying to | raise them in your back yard, n flffea vRftocpc.zNto The highly revelatory clothes era ended just in time to keep the girls from utilising cellophane.—Arkansas Gazette. DR. S. F. PARKER — PHYSICIAN — Office Phones 64 and No. 2 Residence Phone 129-J For senterij Tl Diarrhea, Dysentery a ad other form* of div ordered stomach and bowels, respond Quickly und line! relief from ANTI-FERMENT f°r "10fo »« 2 generations it has been used by adults for up-set stomach and by mothers tor their children to avoid Colitis. .At all drug stores 60c and 75c. fi j Horned Toads, Big Fish, Blonds And Divorces-By Ramblin’ Bill Editor of The Star; My youngest son Jack played hookey from school one day this week and ventured Into the desert wilds and captured a "homed toad" which he has asked that I send to Renn Drum. He wants everybody in NortSi Carolina to know that he caught him with his own hands. He has named (\Jm "Arizona Lighting’ as he seems to be about the liveliest young reptile we have ever seen. When he arrives, do not become frightened because even though he might look dangerous, he Is as harm lew as a June bride on her wedding night. He will neither bite, sting new tell lies on you, and you will find him to be a perfect gentleman in every respect. You should catch him some small red ants and black ants, flies, etc,, and put him m a box with plenty of dry sand as he likes to bury himself in the sand occasionally when he happens to be blue and disgusted with" this ‘Hoover Prosperity,’ I be lieve" he Is a Democrat because I showed him ’Hoover's picture’ and lie spat at It and looked very angry. I then showed him A1 Smith’s picture and he looked pleased and If a Horn ed Toad ever smiled Arizona Light ening did surely do so. Go To England. I am sure that he will make the trip all right as X_ have sent them all the way to England and they were just as fresh and full of pep when they arrived in the Kingdom ns when they were galivanting in the desert sands. Jack says when he becomes a man he will catch you a full grown Mountain Lion and send to you. He has ambitions to become a cham pion wrestler and is getting ail the training possible during his early days. Evidently, he does not enter tain ambitions to become a college professor because we cannot keep him in school more than three days., per week ahd when ’he" Is not'dod§-~ Ing the truant officer, he is playing hide and seek with his mother around the wood shed. He likes to play with Horned Toads, Oila Mon sters, Giant lizards. Bull snakes, and other desert confetti and he Is es pecially fond of blend girls. This one trait only makes him akin to me, as I do not like snakes and reptiles at all but have never found any fault with blonds. However, I am told that blonds are more dangerous than the reptiles of the desert. One just killed her husband here a few days ago because she caught him joy riding with a brunette of the eenor ita type. No one ever heard of a snake being jealous like that. Shelby Fishing. I Just read a very good fish story In The Star where a gent from Shelby caught a 35 lb.. Bock fish. That was fine. But when anyone wants to actually catch fish come to Phoenix and visit the hundred and one artificial lakes where bass abounds, or take a little trip to the Gulf of California 350 miles from here and catch some real fish. Should X tell the site of fish I caught in the Oulf just 100 miles from AJo, Arizona, everybody in Shelby would cancel their subscriptions to The Star for publishing such. But the best way is to come out here and take a fish trip, and bring some of them 25 pound fish along for bait. Get a Divorce. While on this trip, one can visit Reno, Nevada, and get a divorce in six weeks time. It's not far and lots of Phoenix people avail themselves of the divorce evil while on their va cation and usually bring back another wife with them. Mad AU the Time. My neighbors states that his wife is the most even tempered woman in the world. She is mad all the time. Friends wife and I have only quarreled once since we were mar ried. It started In 1917. We were married that year. This is the age of consistency and we are trying to be consistent. I note that the luxury or sales tax was passed by the North Carolina legislature at their last session. I Hope that kissing one’s wife was not included In that bill as a luxury. Even so, I am sure that they will not be able to collect a great amount on that Item, but should they have Included a tax for kissing the maid, well, It might have been different. We have no maid, so that lets me out, but I am glad there is no law to prevent an old codger like me from sitting on his front porch and watching the pajama parade pass by. Pajama Rate. I do not know whether the paja ma erase has hit North Carolina or not, but Its surely hit this state. Old girls, young girls, tell girls, small girls, brown girls, blond girls and black girls and girls and women of all description are wearing pajamas on the streets. In my opinion, they look like the dickens and I would rather see them wear an old fash ioned calico dress or even a bathing suit than pajamas. But they seem to think they look cute in pajamas, or else they are trying to compete with Hoover times, because pajamas cost about a dollar wherein a dress costs several dollars. Can’t blame ’em I guess. If Hoover's re-elected wa will all be lucky to wear BVD’s and in another four years, we will nit be able to carry an overcoat let alone purchase one. Sincerely, RAMBLIN’ BILL. Box 1682, Phoenix, Ariz. May 23, 1931. Train Blown From Rail* By A Tornado Fargo, N. D., May 27.—A tornado wrecked the Great Northern’s pas senger train "Empire Builder” about eight miles southesat of here to night killing one person and Injur ing a number of others. The twister lifted the train from the tracks. Twelve steel coaches comprising the train were turned over on their sides. The engine and tender alone remained on the track: The man killed was believed to have been a section worker. He was pitched through a window as the coaches were blown from the rails. “SAFETY FOR YOUR SAVINGS” TRY OUR CONVERTIBLE ENDOWMENT. THE ROYSTER COMPANY, Inc. STATE AGENTS — SHELBY, N. C. The Conservative Life Insurance Co., WHEELING, WEST VA. We Accept Money On Certificate And Pay 6% Interest. PAYABLE <$R COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. We Loan Money on Good Endorsement or First Mort gage Payable in Weekly or Monthly Payments. S7b Cumulative Preferred Stock and Common B. Stock May be Obtained at Par ($100) per Share, by Applying at Our Office. Non-Taxable and Non-Assessable. Three Years Without Missing a Quarterly Dividend. Three Years Without a Loss. M. & J. FINANCE CORPORATION Phone 386 Shelby, N. C. Office: Thompson & Co. — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON, FAYETTEVILLE. a FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: ) LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.;-S:45 p. m.; 8:45 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:40 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 1:40 p. m.; 4:40 p. m.; 9:40 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—11:10 a.m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:40 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 1:40 p. m — FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 — QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY Shipment Of Nitrate Arrives In New Bags A new shipment of Chilean Nitrate of Soda has been received by C. C. Palls, local fertilizer dealer. All ol the stock is In new' 100-pound bags. This handy-size bag Is an innova tion in the industry for up to this year practically all of the nitrate from Chile was shipped in 300-pound bags. Besides being easy to handle, the new beg insures the arrival of the nitrate in better mechanical condition. Orders taken by Mr. Palls show that local farmers are taking advan tage of the new low fertilizer prices He says that Chilean nitrate is th? lowest in price it has been for 21 years. Invest $1.00 now and get $4 in return this fall. CLAUDE C. FALLS, Local dealer and broker, . adv. Try Star Want Ads. Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When, in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write n*f or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our tjeet of trucks, ws can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. i FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. [ESMEmmoMlPEm FREE ELECTRIC RANGE Demonstration OF HOT POINT ELECTRIC RANGES AT H ' : Patterson Spring's Tuesday, June 2 3:30 P. M. AT THE SCHOOL BUILDING Wednesday, June 3 Polkville — 3:30 P. M. Every Meal a Delightful Success with a -Hvtfwin£ Automatic Electric Range As Your Dependable Servant So easy to use—so simple to operate. Electric Cook ery means less time in the kitchen—more time for recreation and the things you really want to do. . \ 1931 Electric Range Campaign Offer ONLY $5.00 DOWN PHONE 90 Oar campaign offer W to custom ers on onr on existing lines, ex. dust rely. Hoi Point Ranges Are Te Be Sold At These Attractive Low Prices And Terms Exclusively to our Customers. An Allowance For Your OM Stove Southern Public Utilities Two Year* To Pay the Balance N. MORGAN ST. Electricity—the Servant in the Home. SHELBY, N. C.

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