Dr. D. M. Morrison OPTOMETRIST Office Days: Every Wedncsdiy And Friday. Woolwwrth Bldg. Shelby, M. V. Eyes Scientifically Examined. Glasses Fitted, Lenses Iruplt cated, Broken Frames Repaired. DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Farm Surveys, Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - BAKING POWDER SAME PRICE (orovtr 40 years hs double acting 25 OUHCF? FOR 25' Millions Of pounds used BV OUR GOVERNMENT I SPECIAL LOW Round Trip Fares June 19, 1931 Shelby To Washington __$13.00 ♦Baltimore_$14.00 x Baltimore___$15.00 Richmond_$ 9.75 Portsmouth $10.75 Old Point.. $10.75 Virginia Beach_$11.25 ♦Via Norfolk and Boat. xVta All Rail. Tickets limited June 24. For information call on Ticket Agent. H. E. Pleasants, D.P.A. Raleigh, N. C. SEABOARD BILIOUS "X have and Black Draught . . . and hare Ml fond anythin* that coold take its Place. I takt Black Draught for billous nsss. When I get bili ous, X have a nervous headache and a ner vous, trembling feeling that unfits me for my work. After X take a few Boses of Black Draught, I get all right. VWhen X begin to get btttoua, 1 feel tired and rundown, and then the headache and trembling. But Blaek-Draught re lieves all thl*.-_jr. o. Mmtdrtm. MnmnrvOU, On. Tar Indigestion, con stipation, biliousness, BIN S Thed Fords rm BLACKI ■RAUCH! i weanm who Med a tonic should J tales C^pwn. TJssd srsr 10 yssrs Some Facts About Jake7 Paralysis V. S. Public Health Service Issues a W anting Against Harmful Jamaica Ginger Substitute* — By R. S. COPELAND, M. D., U. S. Senator from New York. . Former Commissioner of r nth, Xcio York City. THE United State* Public Health Service announce* that case* of Jamaica Ginger paralysia are still present in this country. This is no laughing mat ter. Thia paralysia is indeed a acrious condition and I want to warn all my reader* to guard ft g a i n rt Its dangers. .Some time ago various vague ailments of a serious na t n r e were traced to the use of Jamaica Ginger. At first it was believed to be due to im pure ginger, bat later it was attributed to a. harmful substi-1 tote for ginger. Dr. Copeland In the manufacture of certain brand* of so-called Jamaica Ginger extract*. It haa been found that cer tain substitute* were need The re sulting product la similar U> com position to U>* chemicals used in the manufacture of varnishes, shel lacs and l^ke preparations. It is not astounding that the con sumption of each a vile concoction would produce paralysis of the body. Official action t.aa hern taken to provent thlv evil practice. Vendors of such "ginger" extract* are be in* prosecuted to the full oxent of the law Unfortunately. Irresponsible mak ers of so-called ginger extract* have flooded tpo market with the prod uct. Th"”*h vigorous steps have been taken against a recurrence of this peril, there still remain* a great, danger to the public, because thin substance (• atilt on the market, hidden away la obacura drug estab lishments. Make aura you get real Jamaica Ginger extract, put up by reliable firms and sold by reputable drug gists. Thia menace to the public welfare is now undergoing careful study by the United States Public Health Service. The watchful eye of this great Service ta turned upon this evil. From time to time, of ficial statements In reference to the matter will bo Issued by the United State* < comment, [“Answer* to ffrallttljiierifi | A. », C Q—What can bo don* far blind pimples? t -Goes lemon Juice harm the hair? A,—Correct the diet and keep the system clear and you wilt not b* troubled with pimples or other blem ishes. For full particulars send a ntlf-s-iilrcsaod, stamped envelope and repeat your question. 2. —No. although too much may hove a drying effect upon the scalp. • * • R. E. R Q. —What causes the legs aad ankles to swell? A.—This may be due to a heart or kidney condition. It wuuld be wise to haye an examination and urln alyata. see H. 8. <3.—CouM I contract tu berculosis by vt: mg a friend who has iuWrcuioets of the kidney7 -No. VRSL M. M. Q What causes pains in the chest and hack, making breathing very hard? A.—Tfcla la probably due to indl rorWoc. Correct your diet. * * * St TV Q—What causes dtzxiaeaa? J.—What do you advise for indi gestion? *.—What will relter# bead noises? A.—DtsaSness may be due to a cir- ’ cblatory disturbance, to an eye or ear uoadWon. or to some intestinal die- I t urbance. An exatcinatloo will Ue- I tprsuae the exact cause and tkea 1 aconite trees rnent can be prescribed. I.—Oa'rtwt ye;tr diet and avoid *•—fiboal *larrh t* otten responsi ble tor this trouble and abouM be There are 3,782 plants In Norih Carolina which had an output amounting to $5,000 or more each in the last censua year. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Hiving thie day qualified as executor under the last will and teeiament ol O J. McCall, late of Cleveland county. N. C. this ta to notify all oeraona having claim* against the said estate to present same to me properly proven on or before the »th day ol May, 1831. or tills notice will bo pleaded In bar of any recovery thereof All persons owing the said estate will please make immediate settlement to the undersigned This May 9th. 1931. wild. 8. YORTEN BURRY, R-l. Kings Mountain, ft. C.. Executor of D. J McCall. et May Up mowmMMV administrators notice. Having this day qualified aa sdmtnli trators of the estate of J. C. Runyans deceased, late of Cleveland county. North Carotins, this Is to notify all persons hav ing elalma against said estate to present them properly verified to the undersign ed, or their attorney, at Shelby, N C on or before the JOth day of Mav. 1*31. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All peraons indebted to said es i*** pleaae make immediate payment. This the 30th day ot May. 1931 * RtfWTAKS and CRAIO RUN YANS. Administrators of the Es tate of J C Runyans. Reyton MeSwain. Arty et June U administrator s notick. ** *amln!*tr>tor» of lh» OiUt. of i. 1 Rhyne. deeeasMT "uh nry “— **° all oerious having claim* SfE** «* ••*«• *t »KS *OCe*£d to «! hiblt thorn to the undersigned on or be fort the 30 th day oI May, 1033, or thta notice will bo pleaded in bar of their re 22?W. » .‘H,rSon* to sa'd 11. t«te will i>le*s« make Immediate settle ment This May Mth. 1M1. J. R. RHYNE and C. A. RHYNE All „ - m,lniSt.m°r!. Box *■ *«l Oaston'a. N C. of Estate of J B Rhyne deceased. •t June lo Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By KENN BRUM. The gang of fellow*, who were ‘‘that no 'count bunch of boys’’ about j Shelby 25 years ago, seems to have started something when they suggested ! holding a reunion of the gang here on fair week this fall. References to the old scenes and the old days stirred fond memories in many breasts, and from cast, north, west and south comes word that j former Shelby and Cleveland county citizen* will join In with the boys of other days and make It a real home-coming event. Dr. J. S. Dorton has already stepped up with an announcement of prises for former citizens who return. The big kick of the proposed home-coming week, however, will be the pleasures of once more visiting boyhood and girlhood scenes and mingling once again with friends of younger days. From the early Interest already shown, this colyum is lead to be lieve that Shelby streets will be packed on the first of October with scores ol native sons and daughters, wandering here and there recalling when such and such a house stood on this spot and when so-and-so lived on that one. There'll be trips to the favorite swimming holes of other days, visits back to the old farm, and many yarns spun about events that, are now Just a delightful bit of history. Former Shelbyltes, now living elsewhere, may as well begin planning to come back then It will be too much to miss seeing Shelby of yester year and Shelby of today all drawn together again. While the subject Is up, this comer would assure the old "dirty dozen' group tlrat Chapel s Bend Is still Chapel's Bend. If a single one of the boys of other days, when they come back the last of September, can swim up through the rocks at the old Broad river swimming hole, the drinks will be on this corner. Harry and Charlie Woodson, Buck Hardin and this colyum tried It last week. Not one In the group could make more than half the dis tance up the swift current of water where Shelby boys for 40 years test ed out theli- swimming prowess. And up on the steep hillside above, leading to the railroad track, are Initials of bygone and forgotten lose affairs. Here* a boy's Initial carved In a heart with those of a girl. Dates ranging from 1000 on until two years ago can be seen there. What memories they will stir—memories of days when Susie was Bob'* girl and Bob was Susie's fellow. (Substi tute your own names). "ARIZONA LIGHTNING" DIED GOING BACK. Sad news, this! A letter from C. O. Greene, who gives us a swelled reeling by claiming to be a regular reader of this corner, informs that "Arizona Lightning,'* the horned toad sent the colyum some time ago by Ramblin’ Bill, was found dead near the home of F. E. Greene, R. F. D carrier, seven or eight miles from Shelby. Apparently the homed hopper tired overnight of Carolina climate and started back for the blistering sands of his Arizona desert. The toad was found on the Seaboard tracks but was not bruised and evidently had died a natural death because he could not become acclimated. (Mr. Green contends that the water and chtcken hash this colyum tried to feed him killed the toad). Our idea is that he tried to get back home too quick and had heart failure while traveling along the Seaboard tracks west. If Ramblin' Bill, or his offspring, will send another, well dig him a bo* of sand and slay flies for him all summer. nance* are not as targe as they once were in Shelby, and. as Chic 'tale says, well tell you why: Those of the older set. as they grow older, find It hard to "make a light of It" any more, and these ultra modem youngsters never believe m starting to a dance until li o'clock or later. And, there you are I Shelby Shorts: “Wonder,’' wonders L. E. D„ “how mahy times the beans hnve been picked up and turned over and sifted through hands m that seed counter In front of Suttle's drug store?" . . . Have you ever noticed how people stand there and sift the beans as they watch the passing hrongs?.One of our scouts informs that Major Hopper sells more peanuts (parched goobers) than any merchant in town, and McSwaln and Son sell more plug tobacco ..... Dr. Dorton is the plain est-talking man in town—when he's uptown.Shelby girls who "dassent” wear pjajamas on the streets are buying them to wear at the beach and on their vacations this summer ..... Hundreds go up and down the steps to the second floor of the court house here each week and It’s a two-to-one bet that no one can tell how many steps there are without going back to count them-A former Shelby girl Is now with a circus In the state of Maine .... Most people go to Reno to get di vorced. Fel Babtagton, former Shelbylte, moved there several months ago and only recently got married.More overhead street signs swing over business places along the east side of South LaPayette street •than upon any other street In town .... A little group of Shelbyltes gathers each morning at 6 o'clock at the mineral water spring in Cleve land Springs Estates and—gtuate water ... A speedy bunch of college girls home for the summer to show the old town things and not a single Miss Shelby nomination In a week .... By the way, not a single can didate has been entered in the contest to determine who owes the largest grocery bill In town. OH. DEAR! IT WAS NOTHING BUT A GOAT What an ordeal it is. but it must be carried out. For generation after generation In this county peopled by sturdy farm folk it has been a by-word that “when you see it in The Star, it is so." Occasionally, as is the way with mere mortals, even those who con tribute their bit to getting out a newspaper, errors slip In. Last week such a thing happened. Remember the boxed story about the deer that galloped (do deers gallop, or just gracefully lope along?) through South Shelby last week? Well, (how mortified we are!) it want a deer. Ho really it wasn't. It was nothing but a goat, a brown goat at that. The information coms6 from P. W. G , he who brought the goat to town, and he should know. For the stumble, a thousand apologise. The Star’* repu tation for \wracity must be upheld. J. M. B., n. N. M., and W. C. H , passing It from one to another in form that the numerals of every year In which there has been a bad business depi-ession will total 13. Believe It or not, but heroare the figures: 1111 9 9 9 9 0 13 3 3 3 10 13 13 13 13 And for your consolation, if those hoodoo “IS" figures do not lie, there’ll not be another such year for M years, or in 3039, DID YOU KNOW AU THESE THINGS? Mrs. Hoover calls her distinguished husband "Bert.'' Supt. B L. Smith, of the Shelby schools, will now be known m a superintending principal ' That's the new title given ell superlntendenti by the legislature. President Zachary Taylor's blond wife smoked a pipe regularly. A century plant, supposed to bloom only once in a hundred years, will really bloom every seven or eight years In warm climate. Page Solomon if that is not enough information for one day. Nobody’s Business 6E£ McGEE-m Almanac Stuff. Do you feel bloated after eating and have shooting pains In the stum mlck, and become diray after gazing over a precipice? If so, you should take Dr. Ktllen's New Discovery lor Pink People. For sale by all un-re liable druggists and book stores. Do you have bad dreams after eating pork chops, and feel all run down when you have played bridge only 5 or « hours with unstinted continuity? Do you gulp your food and drink coffee? This condition for bodes epileptic fits, and possibly fal len arches. Dr. Chtkem’s Vegetable compound for Wild Women will put you straight. Sold by all reliable foot peddlers and bill collectors. Terms 10 cents down, balance at the cemetery. How's your liver? Too belch, don’t you, after chewing Browns Mule, and eating pigs knuckles, and drinking home-brew? Don’t you stare at flap pers, talk In your sleep, doge your landlork and eat between meals? it will take only 2 bottles of Dr. Bull Shooters Slalcat to put you on your feet again. For sale everywhere It can be found. Price only *1.20 for a 15 cent bottle, war and luxury taxes Included. Do you feel like you are choking to death after your meals? Are your digestive organs functioning? Do you see spots in front of your eyes? Do you see stars when you bump your head? Do yon roll and tumble at night after dissipating because gas has accumulated within your abdo men? Do you want to get well and stay well? Then use 2 bottles of Dr Swindler’s Digesto according to di rections, and good health is yours Mrs. Spookdoodle couldn’t eat but 8 biscuits before she took “Dtgesto,' but now she eats all she wants. It helped her husband also. It is good for both man and beast, and even a legislator runs no risk when he uses it Instead of wood alcohol. Send 2 dollars for a trial bottle. Does your wif disagree with you? Do the girls shun you? Did you know that HalUe Tosls leads one to the grave? Does your head swim and your nose run and your heart flut ter and your kidneys wiggle when you lean forward or backward or sideways? These are sure symptoms of galloping consumption, or acute anti-geodometric inciplencl-eUs of the cere-menosity of the Inter-*er ception of the perenlal gland which supUes gastric juices to the lower in testifies. Nothing within reach of mankind today will cure this mal ady except Dr. Hittem Hard’s Thornberry Juice with Sallie Patica base. For sale at all bootleggers. OLD KINO COTTON I am glad to ice the women “tak ing to cotton" here of late. The de velopment of the south depends on the use of cotton goods. Now. Just yesterday, Mrs. Brown came down town with a cotton string tied around her little finger to remind her that she should take a loaf of bread home with her. Up till very recently she used silk ex clusively for this purpose. Mies Iva rigger of the Plalnview neighborhood told my cusin Wlliet Hurt that she uses cotton thread al together now In basting her knickers preparatory to sewing them up with floes, a do not know this to be a fact, as I never saw Ira step tnto a rord ) Then there’s Reddy Jaswr of Leg go centra: she cut her finger a few days ago while helping her mother open a box of sardines for supper, DR. A. PITT BEAM DENTIST — PHONE 188 — Especial Attention To Pyorrhea. Grit Wins for Him Joe McClusky, of Fordham Uni versity, New York, is shown win ning the tWo-mile race at the In tercollegiate A. A. A. A. meet, recently held in Philadelphia, after one of the greatest displays of grit ever seen on the cinder track. In the dash around the first turn Mc Clusky was spilled. He arose, bruised, cut ana in last place. But he kept going and whipped the leader in the final lap, to win in 9 minutes 26 and 6-10 seconds. Atta boy! and sh^ tied the disfigured digit up with a cotton rag. (Heretofore, she has used only pure embossed linen for this purpose). While Miss “Nano" Kidd was bending over looking at a silk dress in a show window I observed that she had darned her hose with Flap pers Darning Cotton but as the rip had occurred considerablely above he knees, the cotton feature did not show except on sight-seeing occa sions. (I think nearly all of the younger set are trying to help the pooor cotton farmer out as much as possible). X have also understood (from cn unmarried gentleman’s source) that the draw-string the women use in keeping their armless BVD8 on is made of twisted cotton cord. This 13 a very recent innovation, and takes the place of silk straps whitch form erly passed over the shoulders and then downward toward the hips. Miss Shera Lyre of the Peekaboo community says that she sent her last wedding present through the mails tied with a cotton string In stead of a silk ribbon. If all contri butors to impending newly-weds would resort to cotton for tying *he presents extracted from them, at least 2 bales of the fleecy staple would be consumed for that purpose In the course of 15 or 20 years. (Ev ery little bit helps—as the old wo man said when Brother Brown gave her a penny for the missionary so ciety). And furthermore, there’s the bath ing beauties. 1 am told that they stuff cotton in their ears when they dive ansoforth. So, as I see It, pros perity has hove in sight. DR. S. F. PARKER — PHYSICIAN — Office Phenes 64 and No. 2 Residence Phone 129-J — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON, FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.; 3:45 p. m.; 8:45 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:10 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 1:40 p. m.; 4:40 p. m.; 9:40 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE * POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—11:10 a. m. ££JLLAYETTEVILLE intermediate POINTS: LLBAVE SHELBY—7:10 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 1:40 p. m. — FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - PHONE 450 - QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK writ* us. or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks wo eon make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY l SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. Through Passenger Train Service Monroe To Rutherfordton, N. C. 23 21 22 24 Pass Mixed Mixed Pass Sunday Except Except Sunday , only Sunday Sunday Only 1 8:30 am 8:30 am lv Monroe ar 8:25 pm 8:25 pm 9:15am. 9:15 am ar Charlotte lv. 7:40 pm 7:40 pm 9:25 am 9:25 am lv Charlotte ar 7:20 pm 7:20 pm 10:31 am 10:31 am lv Lincolnton lv 6:10 pm 6:10 pm 11:15am 11:15am lv Shelby lv 5:25 pm 5:25 pm 11:53 am 12:15 pm ar Ellenboro lv 4:49 pm 4:49 pm 11:53am 12:45pm lv Ellenboro ar 4:49pm 4:49pm 12:30 pm 1:55 pm ar Rutherf’dton lv 4:00 pm 4:10 pm Effective Sunday, June 1st, 1931. FOR INFORMATION SEE AGENT H. E. PLEASANTS, DPA., RALEIGH, N. C. SEABOARD Here Is the Medicine 8 That Brought Health and Happiness * consist of stomach and liver disorders, indigestion, kidney trouble, bil iousness, nervousness, bad complexion, coated toagne, severe headaches, back aches. loss uf sleep and appetite and vua down condition. If yon ere troubled wita any of these condition* it will pay you well to eet a bottle at once. Recommended and for tale by drtasiiti everywhere.—Advertisement. — PAUL WEBB AND SON AND LEADING DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE • • • Keep in touch with out of town Friends by Telephone Then's no uncartointy whan you talsphona! No “if*” or "butt." You talk dirocHy to tha parson you wont to reoch and gat on immadiata onsssar. Your taiaphona tokos you to onyona, onywhoro, at any Hmo. To frionds of stoms in othar cilia*—-to tha folks "bock homa" to chitdran away at school or Tsi aphonia g out of town costs IMa. To wod piocos 29 mOos assay, tho itoHoo-to-stetion day rata is obout 25 coatai 40 toilos assay, 35 canto 75 Milas, 50 canto 125 milas, 75 cants; 150 mOas, 80 cants. Whara tha stotion to-station day rota is mom thon 35 cants, tha rotas am asonfowor during tha sunning and night ported*. A SOUTHERN BELL Telephone & Telegraph Co. (INCOirOlATI D) For Greater Results In Selling-Try Star Adv. 5,000 Homes Receive The Star Every Other Day—Mr. Merchant Get Your Message To The Home Through The Star-*-You Will Get Results That Will Satisfy,

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