flhe litoilfttilb 10 t>AGcS TODAY bHLLBY, N. C._\\ KDNTCSD \, JUNE 10,1931 Published Monday. Wednesday and t’riday Afternoons. Hf Mali, Carrier, o • vvar. 4 to tavuMt) r*mr, (la aovoaooi . Late News Fair And Wanner. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Generally fair tonight and Thursday. Slightly wanner in south west tonight and in west Thursday. Next President? Washington, Jane 10.—Politicians, preparing for the opening next win ter of the 1932 presidential cam paign, see the economic situation as the over-shadowing issue and Presi dent Hoover as the Republican nominee. As for the Democrats, they say Governor Franklin D. Roose velt, of New York, has a paper lead. His principal advantages, they hold, are that he should enter the field with a plurality of convention votes, that he has no strong enemies, and that the keynote of the Democratic convention will be harmony. There is a strong feeling among some Re publicans that Gifford Pinrhot, gov ernor of Pennsylvania, will head a third party, however small, as a dry candidate, with power as his chief issue. There are others who think he Is too practical to form a third party. Throng Attends Eskridge Rites Floral Offering of Over 100 Pieces. Many Out of Town Friends Pag 0 Him Tribute. A crowd of sorrowing friends and relatives that filled the spacious Eskridge home and overflowed into the yard, gathered Tuesday morn ing at 10:30 o’clock for the funeral of Mr. Chas. L. Eskridge who was found dead Sunday shortly after the noon hour In his garage office with a self-inflicted bullet wound In his head. It was one of the saddest funer als Shelby has had in years, with a floral offering numbering over 100 pieces of the choicest flowers of the season. Hearts were neavy end eyes were moist with tears as the long funeral procession moved quietly to the cemetery Just two blocks from the Eskridge home. Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church of which Mr, Eskridge was a mem ber, conducted the funeral and spoke of the genial disposition of Mr. Eskridge, his pioneer work in things mechanical and modem In Shelby; his affection for his family and friends, his civic leadership. Dr. Wall prayed for the strengthening of the business men, that others may not snap under the stress and strain of these trying times. A vio lin solo and a quartet of voices fur nished music for the funeral. The body of Mr. Eskridge was in* terred at Sunset cemetery in the Eskridge plot where his mother Mrs. Webb Eskridge and his son, Gene Eskridge, had been buried in less than 13 months, his mother having died May 26 of last year and his son having drowned July 26th of last year. As the body of Mr. Esk ridge was lowered, the song birds in the cemetery seemed unafraid of the gathered throng ns they nestled on the lower limbs of the trees sur rounding the plot and sang a sweet requiem. Many out of town visitors were here for the funeral, including for mer business associates of Mr. Esk ridge in Charlotte and other friends of prominence and Influence .from far and near. His brothers who live elsewhere will leave today or to morrow for their homes: Ladson C. Eskridge to Newberry, S. C. Guy Eskridge to New York city, Lector Eskridge to Knoxville, Tenn., where he joins his wife sick with a throat trouble* Election Day For Gaffney, No Voting Old Board Remains In When Elec tion Day Passes Without Election, Gaffney,- June 10—Election day here passed yesterday without an election. When the mayor and council be came cognizant of the fact that the election was nearing it was too late to advertise and make other prep arations for it so the same board of public works continues in office. Present members of this board are, B. G. Clary, chairman, and D. B. Wood and Waite Hamrick. This board has served for a good many years and by law remain in office until their successors have been elected and qualified This election is supposed to be held each two years in the odd year, but has been dispensed with for the last de cade, Lau year the members drew lots •\i the expiration of term and fir Eararlok’s term was to h: e eocirsd today f r t .? present arrant.rne.n th? e;. „e board will remain as is until another election year in 1933 or until some other law is made to provide an election. Third Degree Work. Third degree work will be put on Tuesday night by Cleveland lodge 302 A P. and A M 25 Boys Enter Training Camp From County County Youth* Take Training Soon Win Leave Here This Week For a Month’s Training At Fort , Bragg. Twenty-five young men from Cleveland county will leave this week to report at Port Bragg on Friday, June 12, for one month's service with the 1931 Citizens Mili tary Training camp. This number was accepted under the enrollment campaign conducted two months ago by Lee B. Weathers, chairman. Although the allotment for Cleve land was only 15 men, some of the other counties failed to furnish their quotas and 25 were accepted from Cleveland. Names of Young Men. Over 950 young men from North and South Carolina will report at Fort Bragg on Friday of this week. Those from Cleveland county are as follows: Claude L. Austell, 313 N. Morgan | street, Shelby; Boyd H. Blanton, 802 N. LaFayette street, Shelby; Andrew A. Jackson, Jefferson street, Shelby; Horace R. McSwain, 203 Clegg street, Shelby; Fairley Moore, 517 S DeKalb street, Shelby; Fred B Ropp, Jr., N. IiaFayette street, Shel by; Carl M. Stroupe, Jr„ N. LaFay ette street, Shelby; Wm. A. Stroupe. N. LaFayette street, Shelby; Battie E. Thackerson, route 6, Shelby; Everette C. Toms, Box 564, Shelby; Ralph B. Turner? Jr., Shelby; Char les E. Waldrop, 203 Suttle street, Shelby; Roy C. Willis, Box 193, Shel by: Banks L, Mauney, 114 Grover street, Shelby; Wm. J. Burns, Lawn dale, Roy F. Elmore, Star route, Lawndale, Carl E. Eskridge, route 1, Lawndale, E. Worth Toney, Lawn dale; Franklin E. Wallace, Lawn dale; Henry J. Furcron, Grover; James L. Pinkleton, Grover; Egbert L. Roark, route 1, Grover; Luther M. Greene, Boiling Springs; Jack T. Jolley, Boiling Springs. Maj, Higley Compander The camp this year will be com-i manded by Major Harvey D. Higley of the 17th Field Artillery, Fort Bragg. Major Higley, bom In Iowa, is a graduate of the U. 8. Military Aca demy at West Point. He was com missioned in 1908 and has served in the Philippines and in German/. During the World war Major Higley was in command of the Field Artil lery replacement depot at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., where thous ands of Field Artillery officers aid enlisted men were trained for com bat service. Major Higley is on the army's general staff eligibility list and Is a graduate of the Field Ar tillery school, advanced course, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, of the command and general staff school, at Fort Leaven worth, Kansas, and of the Army War college, Washington, D. C. In connection with the opening of the C. M. T. C., Major Higley stated that this movement is more popular this year than ever before, especial ly in North and South Carolina. He said that last year, 1930, there was a total of 1422 applications received for membership in the Fort Bragg C. M. T. C., while this year up to June 1, 2,091 applications for the Fort Bragg camp had been received. These Men Named To State Offices me two men pictured above have just been appointed to two of the most important state offices by Governor Gardner. Alfred 8. Brower (left) for several years comptroller and connected with the business manageiprnt of State college, was named by Governor Gardner as director of the di vision of purchase and contract, which division will have charge of pur chasing supplies and contracting for services for all state departments, institutions and divisions, as well as for the public schools of the state. Governor Gardner estimates that this division, created by the 1931 gen eral assembly, will save the state 5400,000 a year or more in the supplies and services purchased. Frank U Dunlap (right), of Wadesboro, for four terms senator from the 19th senatorial district and chairman of the Im portant senate finance committee of the 1931 general assembly, has been . named by Governor O. Max Gardner as director of personnel, to head the new division of personnel, ereated by the recent general assembly to succeed the former salary and wage commission. Senators Reply To Attack; Say President Plays Politics When He Gives Men Federal Offices Washington, June 10.—Senators spoke back this week to the attack by the law enforcement commis sion upon political Interference by the senate In the selection of fed eral district attorneys. Senator Walsh, of Montana, rank ing Democrat on the judiciary com mittee, said “if the senate is to be accused of injecting politics Into the selection of federal appointees and particularly district attorneys, it may be retorted that politics are rarely absent in the nomination of them by the executive." “Why assail the senate or sena tors in such a matter and exempt from like criticism the president who has sole power of appoint ment?" he asked. Senator Bingham, Republican, Connecticutt, defended the right and the practice of senators in rec ommending appointments to the judiciary and insisted that the sen ators were in a better position than others to know the best qualified men in their states and were held responsible for the appointments. Better Grace. Senator Caraway, Democrat. Ar kansas, turned the criticism back to the commission. He said: "That in dictment could have come In better grace from a commission that had not thought itself to be a political smoke screen for this administra tion’s failure to enforce the law.” The commission’s attack upon the senate brought into the open the conflict between considerable group of the senate and the executive over the making of appointments. President Hoover, at the outset of his administration, announced a CONTINUED ON PAGE EIOHT.I All Impeachment Charges Against Horton Of Tennessee Are Defeated House Of Representatives Throw Out Bills Against Governor Of State. Nashville, Tenn., June 10.—The Tennessee house of representatives yesterday threw out impeachment proceedings against Governor Hen ry H. Horton, whose administration has been under fire since four banks favored with state deposits collapsed last fall and tied up al most $7,000,000 In state funds Climaxing a four months' legisla tive investigation of state affairs, the house voted 56 to 40 to defeat -even articles of impeachment, thus 'disposing of them In the same man ner as the first article presented, which was beaten la t week by a "3-to-41 decision. All the charges were defeated beyond the possibil ity of reconsideration when the house members, after refusing to adopt them, passed another formal motion to reject them for all time. Horton Is Grateful. “I am deeply grateful to my friends not only for myself, but also for the state of Tennessee," the governor said when word of the house's action reached his offices. "Tennessee has been saved." Well wishers swarmed into the reception room to congratulate him. His wife and their son John, who had remained with the governor throughout the proceedings, joined in the handshaking. There was no demonstration when the seven articles awaiting disposition were taken up together and quashed. Impeachment propon ents lacked 10 votes of mustering enough strength to order the gov ernor's trial by the senate. Burras Leaves For Federal Training Attorney Chas. A. Burr us, proba tion officer for the Western North Carolina federal court, left Shelby yesterday for Minneapolis where for 10 days he will attend a school be ing given for the Instruction of probation officers. Mr. Burrus was recently appointed to the office by Judge E. Y Webb Ballot Boxes Pile Upj No New Orders Ballot boxes, containing1 the votes cast in Cleveland county last fall In the Balley-Prlt chard senatorial race, continue to pile up in the superior court clerk’s office here. Just what will be done with them no one seems to know. Judge John P. Mull, election board chairman, has received no orders since he was instructed to have the boxes assembled at the court house here for the In vestigating committee which is probing the election at the re quest of Pritchard, the defeated Republican candidate. Cotton Belt Weather Map Bulk of Cotton Small and Late. Re planting About Finished In Texas Area. (Special to The Star.; Washington, June 10.—Cotton temperatures averaged near normal in nearly all sections of the cotton belt and the week was mostly fair, there being only limited areas with appreciable rain. It was the warm est week of the season so far over considerable portions of the belt. In Texas warmer weather was helpful I and the condition and stand of cot* |ton are fair to good with replant | ing about completed. The crops con siderably later than normal. The bulk of cotton is small and late also in much of Oklahoma but weekly progress was fair to very good, cul tivating and chopping progressing in central and southern localities. Fairly good growth was reported in the central states of the belt with warm weather favorable there al though there were some complaint of poor stands and general lateness. Orowth was poor in parts of Ten nessee and late plantings and re plantings have not germinated well in Alabama because of dryness. In Georgia stands are only fair with germination slow and irregular hi the north due to lack of moisture. In the Carollnas progress was most ly good although in local areas con dition is only fair. County Acreage In Cotton; Seed Yield Cleveland county had 5,022 farms reporting as having grown cotton In 1929, according to figures issued today by the director of the census bureau at Washington. These farms had 86434 acres in cotton which produced 64,473 bales of the staple and 31347 tons of seed. The acreage In cotton was second only to one county in North Caro lina in 1929, that of Robeson which had 97,730 acres producing however onlv 41,059 bale$ Crime Decline Here Is Result Of Depression Underworld Businesi Also Slow Very Arrest* Made la County Lately Other Than Week-End Imblders, Tiling# are slow In the under world as well as In the business world. As the result of the general busi ness depression officers In this sec tion have had less activity In re cent months than since before the World war. The majority of arrests made in Shelby and the county recently have been for minor offenses and included week-end drunks and oth er merry-makers. The robbery wave that swept, the section some time ago, under the pinch of hard times, has subsided to a considerable degree. Holdups, robberies, killings, and serious assaults are in number far below what they were two years ago. lew Wrecks One noticeable feature of the de pression period Is that automobile crashes and fatalities are nothing like as numerous as they were. This change la for the same cause that is the decrease in crime--there Is not as much money in circulation to spend for gas and other fast-living accessories. Fewer automobiles are on the highways and the time has come again when a serious automo bile wreck Is once more news. Just two years ago they happened so frequently that they attracted only minor attention unless two or three were killed. Although the price of bootleg whiskey keeps dropping officers say that the manufacture of home brew is on the increase because it Is even cheaper than the new bar gain priced whiskey. Tennis Champion Beats Shelby Boy Whltelaw Kendall Defeated By Hines In Mid-Dixie Toarney Now On. Sheljby’s last bid for the Mid Dixie tennis championship was eli minated yesterday at the tourna ment In Spartanburg when White law (Slim) Kendall was defeated by Wilmer Hines, national junior ten nis champion. Hine won 8-1, 6-1. Zeno Wall and Joe Singleton, two other Shelby players, were elimin ated In the previous round. Ken dall won two matches before bow ing to the champion. Kendall and (Singleton are play ing today In the doubles tourney. , O. J. Lattimore Said To Be Critically 111 Orange J. Lattimore, prominent middle aged farmer of the Polkvllle section is said to be critically HI with creeping paralysis which has affected his entire body from his neck down. He is conscious emd talks to members of his family, but his body and limbs are helpless. The disease has been spreading dur ing the last few days and friends are alarmed about his condition Penalty Attached To Failure To List Tax listers in the various town ships of the county report a slack ening in the list of real and person al property for county taxes. R. L. Weathers, county tax supervisor, calls attention to the fact that the books are still open and that a pen alty attaches to those who fail to give In their property for taxes Tax payers should see the listers in the county In which they have real nnd personal property and attend to this watter at once in order to es cape the penalty prescribed by law Chicken* Missing? Notify The Sheriff Has the chicken roost of any Cleveland county citizen been rob bed this week? If so. It might pay to get In touch with Sheriff Irvin M. Allen. The Cleveland sheriff received a message last night from Sheriff Roblnete of Alexander county say ing that he was holding two men. Bob Towery and Am Hoyle, and a number of chickens he believed to have been stolen. Towery was seen here Monday evening and since he has a chicken stealing record In this section Sheriff Allen thinks it possible that the chickens being held in Taylorsville may have come from this county. Eyes On 1932 Political circles tn Raleigh are hear ing that Senator Peyton McJSwaln, Shelby attorney, will be a candidate for attorney general In 1932 to suc ceed Dennis G. Brummitt. Mr. Mc 8wain la not ready to make a defi nite statement about the race but la known to be considering it. Doctors Hold Monthly Meet Dr*. Parker And Gold Make Talk* At County Medical Society,. - —— Dr. 8. P. Parker and Dr. Ben Gold were the speakers at the monthly meeting of the Cleveland County Medical society held Monday night. Dr. Parker spoke on gastric ulcer, and Dr. Gold gave a report of his trip to the recent Baltimore cliutcs. The meeting was well attended by members of the society. S. S. Association At Pleasant Ridge Meeting To Be Held On Sunday June 14th. To Discus* Attendance. Having for Its theme “Increasing Attendance During the Summer Months,” the Kings Mountain Sun day school association will meet June 14th at 2 o'clock with the Pleasant Ridge church, J. W. Cost ner, superintendent of this associa tion and L. H. Ledford, associate superintendent have arranged the following program: 2:30 devotional by Rev. D o Washburn: 2:45 by Having Attrac tive Sunday Morning Programs, by Fred E. Green, Supt of Double Springs Sunday school; 3:00 by Taking a Religious Census Each Year, by J, L. Lovelace, Supt. Boil ing Springs Sunday school; 3;is solo, by Mrs. N. B. Lee, Lattimore Sunday school; 3:30, by Visiting Absentees and Prospects, by a mem ber of Zion Sunday school; 3:45 roll call and announcements; 4:00 ad journ. JOIIN' HI’D.SON HOME FOR *' VISIT AFTER OPERATION Mr. John Hudson, of Baltimore arrived in Shelby last night to spend some time with his mother, Mrs. H. T. Hudson. Mr. Hudson has Just left a Baltimore hospital where he un derwent sinus, tonsil and adenoid operation. McSwain May Get In Race For State Office In Command TT*" Major Harvey D. Higley In command of the 17th field Artillery, at Fort Brajrj where 85 young men of Cleveland county will be in training' at the Citlxens Military Training camp for one month, beginning Fri day of thin week. Another Good Day For Curb Market Expect larger Display And Record Sale* For Saturday's Market. _ The location of the Shelby curb market will be changed for market day Saturday. The new site will be on the vacant lot adjoining the Ideal service sta tion ana facing \orth Wash ington street. The second day of the curb mar ket In Shelby—Tuesday—proved a success as did the first attempt last Saturday. Good sales were reported during the two hours from s until 10 Tues day morning. Saturday Is expected to be the biggest day of all and leaders of the county demonstration clubs say they look for a larger assemblage of pro ducts than on the two previous mar ket days. The hours Saturday will be the same as those yesterday and last Saturday, 8 to 10. The location Saturday will remain where It has been on North Morgan street. Massey To Speak At Kiwanis Meet Prof. Herbert N. Massey, of Lime stone college, will bo the principal speaker at the Thursday evening meeting of the Shelby Kiwanis club. Mr. Massey, according to reports. Is an able speaker and club members are urged by officials not to miss the meeting. Cleveland Youths Graduate At State Four Cleveland county boys were among the 283 students who grad uated yesterday at North Carolina State college. They were: Oselle Gardner, H. 8. T. Lattimore, A. w. Hamrick, E. E., B. S. Mauney, E. E. and J. H. Mauney, E. E., Shelby. State Executioner Dead; Another Died After Turning Juice On Two Tom Sale Dropped Dead In Raleigh After Killing Two In Chair. Raleigh, June TO. —Joe Stone, ex ecutioner at the state's prison, is dead at his home In Robeson coun ty following an operation which his 71 years could not quite use to his recovery. Mr. Stone has been jerking the switches at the state's prison s’ nee the early months of the MacLean administration, which relieved the warden of the mandatory man-kill lng. When Mr. Stone got the as signment to kill men In the elec tric chair, J. E. Thomas, known better as “Crap.” son of the widely known "Dolly” Thomas, editor and owner of the franklin Tunes, drew a similar commission The two al ternated in throwing the 1300 volts into prisoners' bodies One Friday Thomas would kill, the next Fri day’s killing would be done by Stone, When there was a double one. Stone would kill the first one w.d Thomas the second. Of 'all the men who hdVe done these killings, Mr. Stone stood it ;h»* best. Big Tom Sale killed ’em for seven years, but each new negro or poor white who shambled into the death house chanting the cor roborative scriptures, took an Inch from the life of Tom Sale. Pounds fell off him like a fat woman living on tomato Juice. He would allow no body to relieve him. One day two blacks were doomed to die. They took no appeal. The days druggsd along for the curious, but they fair ly flew for the executioner and his prisoners. The morning came. As Bob Gray and a representative of the Greensboro Daily News walked out to the place of execution, the Greensboro paper’s scribe said to the perfect artist of the times, "Well, there will be a triple electro cution out there this morning." “How?” queried Gray. “Well, old man Sale will kill the two negroes and then he will drop dead,” the Daly News scribe said. “You are damned compacent about it,” Mr. Gray commented. The attendants brought the big black into the death chamber. He took the chair and Captain Sale “shot the Juice to him,” at Pat Far thing always said. In seven seconds «ro\’TlN('Xl> ON 1MOE BTQET.I Race For Attorney General Likely Considered As Prospective CandU date For Attorney General. Talking'None. Senator Peyton MoSwaln In formed The Star today that he had nothing to say as yet re garding discussion of his pros pective candidacy for attorney general In 1932. lie may have a statement to issue, however, within the near future he Inti mated. Raleigh, June 10.—If political ru mors going the rounds here are to be credited, there will be almost as many candidates seeking the Dem ocratic nomination for attorney general In the June primary Just • year from this month, as well as seeking the nomination for gover nor. For there are at least three po tential candidates being mentioned already and more are likely to de velop before the campaign actually gets under way. For a number of months it hM been generally known that Charles Ross, present attorney for the state highway commission, and from Harnett county, would be a candi date for Democratic nomination for attorney general, and for a time it appeared that he would not have any opposition. Then during the general assembly it became appar ent tliat Senator J, R. Baggett, of Ltilington, Harnett? county, would also probably become a candidate for attorney general. But so tar no one can be found outside of Har nett county who is inclined to take Baggett’s candidacy seriously or who believes he stands any chance of getting the nomination. Within the past few days the name of a third possible candidate has been mentioned—that of Sena tor Peyton McSwain, of Shelby, Cleveland county. It Is understood that Senator McSwain has not as yet decided whether or not he will become a candidate for attorney general, but many of his friends are confident that he will become a candidate. All of these caudidacies are of course based on the assumption that Attorney General Deunis G. Brummitt will be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for gov ernor and will not be a candidate for the office of attorney general. If Senator McSwain gets into the contest, as he is expected to do, he will probably make things interest CONTINUED ON PAOB ElQHT.i Hail Strikes Again In Same Section Does Damage In Boiling Springe And Sharon Sections. Hit Sec ond Planting. , Hail struck the Bolling Spring* and Sharon sections for the second time this season on Saturday, doing considerable damage to crops that) had been replated two weeks ago and had just come up. The worst damage seems to have been on tho farms of Dovie Moore whose dwell ing was partially blown away two weeks ago in the heavy wind, rain and hail, the T. E. Dixon farm where a tenant house was over turned two weeks ago, the Joe An thony, K. B. Patrick and Lee De brew farms as well as other adjoin ing farms. According to news received from that section, many of the crops will have to be replanted for the third time. Wliile it is too late for cot ton, these farmers plan to plant corn and peas, Mr. T. E. Dixon who lives in the area stricken for the second time this season, says the neighbors and friends have been very gielpful in rejJlantlng and he and his stricken neighbors are very thankful and grateful for the helping hand ex tended them in their distress. H. Clay Cox Moves Family To Mars Hill H. Clay Cox, Republican county chairman and former member of the city school board, has moved his family to Mars Hill where the chll-' dren will have the advantages of a junior college education. Mr. Cox is a travelling man and his territory includes the western part of the state where Mars Hill Is located, so be feels that his residence there will be almost as convenient as Shelby. One of his children was a student at Mars Hill last year and :wo will enter next fall. Shelby re sets to give up this estimable fair ly.