Killed Her Lover ! j* aimple country girl who nettled tin Chicago and rave her love to a fancy dancing boy, Helen Deal Kabove), IS, ha* confessed that she {hot to death Nicholas Colantino, ler lover, when she found that he waa interested in other girls, i *_-I In a word, the Pope's encyclical on labor and capital Is a criticism of Pig Business. Virginian-Pilot. k China will censor all press dis patches. Evidently got the notion ■nmebody was rending them.—Toledo Blade. Toe Itch ******* in* Hand itah why suffer from the auaar «iriM flUb SkinV4*a'.,5?irli0ord^*|J^‘l«.'ar 6UTTUC8 DR DO STORE. SPECIAL LOW Round Trip Fares June 19, 1931 „ Shelby To Washington __$13.00 "Baltimore_$14.00 xBaltimore ..._u„ $15.00 Richmond___$ 9.75 Portsmouth _$10.75 Old Point.$10.75 Virginia Beach_$11.25 ♦Via Norfolk and Boat. xVla AI1 RalL ... - Tickets limited Jane 24. For information call on Ticket Agent. H. E. Pleasants, ( DJ\Al Raleigh, N. C. SEABOARD At The Change > Critical Tine la Every Woman’! life. "During a critical time in my life I took Cardul for several I months. I had hot j flashes. I would sud denly get dizzy and seem blind. 1 would get faint and have no strength. My nerves were on edge. I would not sleep at night. "Cardul did wan ders for me. Z rec | ommend it to all women who are pass ing through the criti cal period of change. I have found It a fine medicine.”—a*ttu Mwrphy, PofUr Bboff. Mo. cardul la m purely vege table medicine end eon tains no dangerous druga • MM CARDUI Holpv Women to Health Kaek-Dnuiint 1 ■jAggr**1 Cleveland County Farming Is Talked Went Too Strong on Cotton. Now Getting Back to Best Farm Bast*. Monroe Journal. For the past ten years Cleveland county took a flyer In cotton and like everybody who takes a flyer in cotton sooner or later does, has hit the ground. Cleveland flew high and It seems that she has fallen far and hard. fen or more years ago Cleveland county was a live-at-home county. It was too near the mountain region totnyyie ever gone far with the cot ton fetish. The farmers held to the old tradition of grain and live stock and plenty at home. But suddenly the idea of progress. gTeat progress, marvelous progress, took hold up there. The banks the chambers of com merce, the leading citizens and the; wide awakd farmers—especially the town farmers operating tenants—all began to co-operate towards making the county a great cotton county. Cotton was high then and the boll weevil had Just pounced upon Geor rta and smashed the cotton crop and trove the tenants away. Cleveland leople went down to Georgia and >odlly Imported hundreds of fami les and put them to growing cotton. High degree methods of fertilizer were practiced and good machinery Introduced and men like Oovernor Gardner became famous as great farmers. In ten years Cleveland De fame the leading ootton county of the state with a crop greater than Robeson's. But In these ten years something else happened. Among those things was the present lamented business disaster. Governor Gardner, most distinguished citizen of Cleveland and one of her leading cotton states men. found It'necessary to start a campaign in the state to induce the people to go back to the old way of farming In his home county, namely to make a self-sustaining farm. And he wakes up to find that his homo coiiiSt^, In Its pursuit of the get-rlch-qulck agricultural methods, had, in the words of the The Cleve land Star, “slipped away from the best agricultural basts of all." To show this The Star cites the figures Just Issued by the government and finda the appalling record of ten years as follows: Cattle, milk, cows, hogs, chickens and grain crops are essential parts of a llve-at-home program. Here la how Cleveland cdunty has been fall ing off In recent years: In 1930 the number of cattle In the county was a third less than m 1920. We had only 5,898 milk cows as compared with over seven thousand 10 years ago. In 1930 we did not have half as many hogs as In 1920. In the 10-year period the number of chickens In the oounty decreased around 8,000. The corn crop of 1939 was only a little shp of 1919, but It was the only major crop In a llve-at-home pro gram to stand up. The oats crop fell off two thou sand bushels In 10 years. The wheat crop dropped 16,000 bushels. The 1929 hay crop was only a lit tle more than half as large os the 1919 crop. The sweet potato crop fell off one fourth, and the sorghum crop was just a little more than a third of the 1919 crop. We cannot cat our cake and haw it too. Wo cannot bank our cotton money, if we must spend it for eorn, graifi, hay and food that we could have produced ourselves. Of courso there can be no criti cism of Governor Gardner or the other Cleveland leaders who went their full length In making Cleveland the elading cotton county of the state. They did not foresee that the emphasis on cotton was going to have such effect upon the other crops. Neither did they foresee that the bottom was going to drop out of the whole cotton Industry as It haa. But the whole thing goes to show that once people begin to tie to a so-called cash crop they will even tually sacrifice everything else to IU And when all the eggs are put tn one basket, especially In agriculture, the basket Is sooner or later going to fall and smash the eggs. And when it happens as in the south that land Is owned by men who do not live upon It, but use It is a commercial tool, the tendency towards a tenancy which Is always driven towards a one crop system is irresistable. The South can never come back to a sound agriculture so long as the land Is held by specula tors, banks, mortgage companies and town landlords, all driven for casn crops for dividends on over capitali zation. The lsnd cannot support in decency the men and women who work It at the same time pay divi dends upon excessive capitalization. There will never be enough to make a great division between the two. The consequence is that neither or both get nothing or the absentee owners get ah. There are of course times when this rule does not seem to hold goood, as when cotton was high ard Cleveland county was going for it baldbeaded. but in the long run the law has a Modes and Persian immu tability. | Ho, hum! We hardly know what cigar to tune In on this evening.— I Toledo Blade Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By KI2NN DKUM. STROLLING UPTOWN WHILE SITTING AROUND HOME. This may make the television folk* mad; lfs one up on them. If you read The Star closely you perhaps have realized that you can ramble all over Shelby without leaving your home. Take Monday's paper and let's try It. We’ll call It Just acid-lln’ about and we’ll not even bother with the news: First of all. once you get to page two, right up In the left-hand cor ner is a man's left eye (look and see if it Isn't the left one). It informs that Dr. D. M. Morrison, optometrists, is In hts office on the second floor of the Woolworth building two days each week. Doc Is a great fisher man. Guess you knew that? Then we bump right Into the card of Dan Frazier, the civil engi neer and surveyor. Dan, y'know, is another one of those Concord boys (Doc Dorton's t'other) who came to the big town and made good. In the next space you find out that there la one thing hi the world which has not changed In price In 40 years. Think of that. We've been rich and we’ve been poor, things have been high, just so-so and low, but KC baking powder has been selling for two bits for two score years. But we're strolling, or add-Ung along too slowly. Dropping down the page you learn that the Seaboard la offering special round-trip fares to the beaches and other points .... and then the cheering infor mation that after 50 years Black Draught Is the best thing for bilious ness .. . Another ad-item lets you know that the Gulf people also manu facture a fluid that is Just too bad for files, mosquitoes an Jumping on to the next, page we find that the furniture merchants realize that house furnishings are a part of life. Stercht’s know it and let you know that you can get furniture there on easy terms. (S-s-ssh! The manager of that store Is the fellow who once sold a radio to Will Rogers).And Paul Webb and Son sell Devoe paint as well as that Juice we mentioned. Fact Is, If you can name something a modern drug store doesn’t sell, hold up your hand and we’ll call on you. Guess, how ever, that paint wasn’t named for Daisy Devoe (Clara "It’s" secretary) cause Devoe pa lot was being sold before Daisy swapped safety pins for shoulder straps (Do they have ’em In Hollywood?) and started painting herself ..... The Southern Public Utilities fills up a good space to tell you something your grandmother-would not have believed: You can cook an entire meal without striking a matchVr rubbing two pieces of dry wood together. Just use an electric range. • • • * THE STROLL IS ABOUT OVER; JUST ONE BLOCK Just another ad block, if you’re a little tired, and the stroll will be over. On the back page Is an ad that has been running In The Star for years and years. It was running, we suspect, when some of the most conservative, dignified business men about present Shelby were swim ming at Chapel’s Bend wtthout bathing suits and before they knew what stores really sold underwear already made up. “Grocer and bookseller” for one Shelby generation after another. Why bother to mention the name. You can tell his age by noticing his telephone number .... Then Drs. H. D. and R. L. Wilson (father and son) look out at you with a right eye, a sharp one, too, and tell you to have your eyes examined regularly. (Y’see, if you should go blind, there wouldn't be must left in life since you couldn’t read this colyum. Clear your throat and giggle and let's have another cigarette) ..... The Chesterfield people tell you (wait j!il we light this one) that 133,000 policemen stand between you and trou ble every day and night. They’re real fellows under their’Jackets Just like a good cigarette. Remember what Kipling said about a woman and a cigar being a good smoke? Let’s modernize It: "A flapper may be a flop, but a good cigarette never" ..... Anyway, we'U bet many ol those 133,000 policemen (some of them are now> will start smoking Chester fields because the cigarette folks said a good word for the bluecoats. What you say, let’s quit add-lin' around for today? [HE STIR EH OTHER Mil FES M DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL? Use Classified Advertising In The Star. 20,000 Readers aftd the Minimum Charge for a Want Adv. is Only 25c. Phone 11. mm trinity Community News Of The Week The members of the W. M. U. and Sunbeam band will have a picnic on the church grounds on next Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock. All mem bers are urged to bo present and bring well-filled baskets. The W. M. U. will have its regular monthly program at this time. The Senior B. Y. P. U. of Caro leen gave a demonstration program at our church on Sunday morning and an adult B. Y. P. U. was organ ised at the same time. An ordination service was held at Trinity church on Sunday evening at 3 o’clock when four men were added to the board of deacons, Rev J. M. Goode, or Boiling Springs, con ducted/the examination and gave the charge. Mrs. Oroell Blanton and little granddaughter of Kings Mountain have been spending a few days of last week here with Mrs. K. D. N. Jolley and Mrs. Clarence Bostic. Mrs. Jane Winn Is spending this week with her daughter Mrs. Mar vin Bailey of Spindale. Miss Josie Mae Kolllfleld spent the past week end with Misses Ruby and Mary Alice Lovelace. Mr. John Dubree, Miss Blanche Dubree, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bradford of Henrietta visited rela tives in the community Saturday. Ivjr, and Mrs. Robert N. Jolley and children of No. 1 Township were the Spcnd-the-day guests of their par ents Mr. and Mrs. K. D. N. Jolley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Ramsey of Morganton, visited relatives In the community Sunday. Miss Effie Bridges of Henrietta has been spending a few days here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bailey and little daughter spend Sunday with Mrs. Barbara Gillespie. Miss Ollie Bridges returned to her home here Thursday after having had her tonsils removed at the Shel by hospital Mr. and Mrs. Summie AlUson and sons Raymond and Jimmie of No. 1 township were callers at the home of Mr. K. D. N. Jolley Sunday after noon. Rev. M. M. Huntley of Spindale was the Saturday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bailey, Misses Effie Bridges of Henrietta and Miss Rebecca Bridges were the Sunday dinner guests of Misses Ol lie and Inna Bridges. Mrs. Paul Bridges was the spend the day guest of her sister Mrs. R. V. Green of Mooresboro Saturday. Little Miss Connie Towery of near Forest City, spent last week with her sister Mrs. Amos Jolley. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Skinner and children of Boiling Spri:|,s spent the past week end with relatives here. An exchange wants to know what United States has to worry about when It has over $15,000,000,000 In vested abroad, to which the Lexing ton Herald replies, “That's the ans wer.” And it will be difficult to think of a better one.—Philadelphia Inquirer. The low price of sliver doesn't seem such a calamity when the wed ding Invitations begin to come in.— Calgary Herald. NOTICE OF RE-SALE. Cnder order of court made In special proceeding entitled J. C. Newton and Carl Thompson, administrators, et al. ve. Robte Brackett, J. C. Brackett, et al, on May 8, 1931, the undersigned commissioner vrlll offer for resale at the court nouse door In Shelby. Cleveland county, North Caro lina. at 1J o'clock M. on June 13th. 1931. at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lot of land, lying and being In Number 9 town ship, Cleveland county, Shelby, north Car olina, and more,particularly described and defined as follows: Lot No. 1. Lying and being In No. 6 township. Cleveland county, Norm Caro Una and described as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of West Graham street and Martin street In the southwest square of the city of Shelby, North Carolina, and runs thence east with the north side of West Graham street #9 feet to a stake. A. P. Weather'e corner; thence with Weathers line north 135 feet to a etake, a new corner; thence a new line west 96 feet to a stake in east edge of Martin street: thence with south edge of said street south 135 feet to the beginning and being southern part of lot No. 5 as shown on plat In book No. 1 at page 697, tn the registry of Cleveland county, North Caro lina. This May «th, 1931. YATES BRACKETT, Commissioner. D. Z Newton, Atty. 2t May ]7c Quality is there, so results are sure School People Check On Plans Of Legislature State Capital Attempts To Interpret Work of Assembly. School Heads Meet. • Special to The Star.) Raleigh, June 8.—The state capi tal. as well as the entire state, much relieved at the closing of the long est legislative session In the history of the commonwealth, has been busy the past week .seeking to In terpret Just what that body did and to find out just where It Is—a pro cess that will continue for several weeks, some phases stretching out Into years. The school folks have been try ing to extricate themselves from what seems on its face a great, tangle, but which, after Interprets-j tlons and study, Is expected to be- j come simple and workable, even though a definite change In policy —from county operation with state rid to state operation with county Ud—has been made. The state board of equalization, charged with handling the more han $18,000,000 In school funds, held t two-day session last week, mak ng a study of the law and Its duties md requirements. The second day )f the session was held with county md city superintendents, principals md other school men, gathered at he Invitation of State Superintend ent A. T. Allen, here to learn what hey could regarding the new laws md requirements. Pear that the schools would be jreatly crippled, apparently has died town and the opinion prevails that, .n view of what might have been md at times appeared likely, the schools are to be in fair shape and may continue without serious In jury, even tf the state does have to ?et on the red side of the ledger In doing It. Local districts will not be materially affected, if local school authorities are able to get the gov erning boards of the counties and school districts to levy taxes suffi cient to supplement the funds to be secured from the state. Economies, including purchasing supplies thru the state director of purchase and contract, will not be put into effect, so bulk buying will result in import ant savings. A. S. Brower, purchasing agent, told the officials to go easy on their purchases, until he could work out some plan. E. B. Jeffress, chairman of the state highway commission, told them of the plans for county highways especially those on which school busses will operate. The local government commission, probably the most important body of those created by the general as sembly, certainly next to the school Here is the medi cine that will do the work. It’s free action on the bowels quickly relieves constipation—the usual cause of stomach disorders, kidney and liver trouble, bilious ness, dizzy feeling, gas pains, bloat ing, neuritis, coughs and colds. Try Herb Extract, formerly called Herb Juice, and know what it means to enjoy good health. You don’t need pills with this medicine. Refuse imitations, nothing like the genuine as shown above. Sold and recommended by Paul Webb & Son And Leading Druggists Everywhere. FOR THAT WEEK END TRIP Round Trip Tickets FARE and ONE FIFTH Between ail Stations. On Sale: FRIDAY, SAT URDAY and SUNDAY Morning. Return Limit: TUESDAY Midnight. Take a train ride and visit your Friends. “SAFER THAN STAYING AT HOME” Ask The Ticket Agent. Southern Railway System changes in importance, held its quarterly meeting last week, but its actions were of a routine nature. The operation is left to the execu tive committee and particularly to Charles M. Johnson, director. It is expected to be a power in the han dling of local financial problems. The advisory committee of the state banking department also met last week on Friday, and went into problems of bank examining under the new law. This body is expected, with the additional powers conferred and through Gurney P. Hood, new. commissioner of banks, to prove a great factor in stabalizlng and al laying fears regarding bank failures, following the panic of last winter. Tyree C. Taylor has entered upon his duties as executive counsel to Governor Gardner and Edward M. Gill, Laurinburg, has assumed his new post of private secretary to the governor. While the announcement Is yet to be made, Frank L. Dun lap, of Wadesboro, state senator, is expected to be named director of personnel. Meanwhile, Governor Gardner spent last week at h)s home In Shel by, in quest of needed rest, follow ing the long-drawn-out legislative session. The capital city took on a quiet aspect following the adjourn ment, but about every day brings groups to Raleigh for one purpose or another, and normalcy will soon be reached. Bethlehem Section News Of The Week Fanners Busy With Their Crops. targe Crowd at El Bethel Home Coming. (Special to The Star.) Bethlehem. June 8.—The farmers of our community have been very busy with their crops. The small grain is ripening very fast which will keep them very busy for quite awhile. Quite a bunch of our people at tended home coming at El Bethel Sunday. The S. S. received a special invitation the male quartet sang several beautiful selections. Miss Helen Bookout and brother Cecil, of Gastonia, spent the week end with their,, grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Blalock. Cecil is spending this week- with them. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Yarboro and small son Junior, Mr. Tom Blalcok visited Mrs. Yarboro and Mrs. Rush Dixon in Dallas Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bell and three children of Oak Grove community spent the week end with Mrs. Bell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dixon Miss CIo McGinnis spent Sunday with Miss Alma Bridges. Miss Josephine McDaniel spent Sunday with Miss Teora Bookout. Miss Pearl Kerr spent the week end with Miss Plccola Blalock. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McDaniel Sunday after noon were: Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Put nam and attractive ohildren of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Partou and two children of Kings Moun tain, also Misses Wright and Hord Mr. A. V. Watterson of Shelby *vis ited his wife and baby Sunday at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs J. D. Watterson. 666 LIQUID OR TABLETS Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia .» 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Malaria in three days. 666 Salve for Baby’s Cold. irf*BAKING IW POWDER *0 year* You lave in mint KC. Use LESS than ol high priced brand*. IT’S 0OU(L( ACTIHO MIlllONSOF POUNDS USED BY OUfi COVtBNMtNT Your Child’s Diarrhea Need not be at all dangerous if treated upon first symp toms. Mothers for more than a generation have put an end | to stomach and bowel dis I turbances of their children j by keeping handy a bottle ot Anti-Ferment. It settles the stomach, soothes the pains, prevents violent paroxysms, tends to regulate the bowels and in the end may avoid Colitis and more serious trou bles. It is harmless and non narcotic but a relief for Dys enterry, and Diarrhea and digestive disorders due to up set stomach and bowels. It may be obtained in separate : formulae, for adults 75c or I for children 60c at all drug j stores. Keep it ready for em i ergeneies. adv Build With Briek DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 76m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, w'e can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. HAVE YOU SELECTED Your Trustees? We are of the sincere opinion that your estate cannot be administered so carefully, so efficiently, or so de pendably by a private individual as by the trust department of this stable banking institution. Let Us Describe Our Trust Plans To You. Union Trust Co. “IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH’*