"The golden-slinned grapefruit If beautiful to look at," says an artist But It is the Juice inside that gen erally catches the eye.—Passing Show (London.) EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the laal am and testament of D. J. Allen, deceas ed late of Cleveland county, North Caro lina. thla la to notify all persons having Claims against the estate of said i eceased to exhibit them, properly verified, to th« undersigned execuor at B. F. D. 7. Shel by, N. C-, on or before the eighth day ol May. MIS, or Dili notice will be pleadec In bar of their recovery. All persons In plea lebted to said estate will please mak< Immediate payment. This May 7. 19.11. J. LANDRUM ALLEN. Executor ol Mm Last Will and Testament of D J. Allen. «t May »c ffhag. A. Burrui, Atty. PILES YIELD TC CHINESE HERB Don’t suffer another minute front rillnd, Itching, protruding nr bleed* ng pllea ‘without testing ths newest and fastest acting treatment out. Dr. tNlxon's Chlnarold, fortified with pare. Imported Chinese Herb, with jxmaxlng power to reduce swollen, tissues, brings ease and comfort In ft few minutes, ennbtlng you to work: and enjoy life while It continues Its soothing, healing action. Don't de lay, Act In time to avoid a danger cue and costly operation. Try Dr. Mixon's Chlnarold under our guar antee to satisfy completely and ba (worth 100 times the smalt cost or your money back. BUTTLE’S DRUG STORE. FOR THAT WEEK END TRIP Round Trip Tickets FARE and ONE FIFTH Between all Stations. On Sale: FRIDAY, SAT URDAY and SUNDAY Morning. Return Limit: TUESDAY Midnight. Take a train ride and visit your Friends. “SAFER THAN STAYING AT HOME” Ask The Ticket Agent. Southern Railway System SPECIAL LOW Round Trip Fares June 19, 1931 Shelby To Washington_$13.00 ’"Baltimore_$14.00 xBaltimore u_ $15.00 Richmond_$ 9.75 Portsmouth _$10.75 Old Point_$10.75 Virginia Beach_$11.25 "Via Norfolk and Boat. xVia All Rail. Tickets limited June 24. For information call on Ticket Agent. H. E. Pleasants, D.P.A. Raleigh, N. C. SEABOARD ES* V time you are out of fix as the result of * or faulty bowel movement, try Thedford’e Black-Draught for the re relief it gives thousands of people who take it kir.K.W.Cecil,eeon«truction super intendent in Pulaski, Va, ^y,; "When I get con stipated, mj? head aches, and I have that dull, tiled feeling-just not equal to my work. I don't feal hungry and I know teat I naad something to deans# my •ystem, so I taka Black-Draught Wa have found it a great help.” 8M to 25-ctnt packages. ThedFords BLACK DRAUGHT ^JSSSn"who are run-down, or mit- I *" »£nth, should take Car- I Jut, Used for over to years, I Belwood Section Events Of Week Warllrlcs Attend Commencement. Gardens Produce Green Beans. Mrs. Walker Dead. (Special to The Star.) Belwood, June 10.—Mr. and Mrs W. C. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. John T. Warliclt and daughter, Miss Mable attended the commencement at High Point college last week. Mr. Ralph Brackett spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brackett. A large crowd from this commun ity attended the funeral of Mr. Charles Eskridge at 8helby Tues day, Born recently to Mr. and Mrs Paul Wellmon, a dainty daughter. • Mr. and Mrs. 'William Ledbetter and Mrs. T. C. Oreen and sons, Messrs. Odls and Oscar spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Yates Lemons of Sharon. Miss Mary Lou Warllck Is spend ing several days with Misses Vivian and Doris Martin. Mr. Pink Wellmon who has been in the Llncolnton hospital for some time was able to return home. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Elkins enter tained a number of their relatives Sunday with a barbecue dinner. Among those attending were Dr. and Mrs. Walter Lackey, Mrs. Ambrose Cline, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lackey, Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey and children. Dr, and Mrs. A. A. Lackey and son, Austin, Jr., all of Pallston, Mr. and Mrs. B, P. Peeler and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peeler. Several from this community at tended the funeral of Mrs. BUI Wal ker at Reeps Grove, June 1. Among those reporting new gar den beans are Mesdames Noah Hub bard, Geo. Martin, Ellie White and Mrs. S. L. Gantt. Mr. Wellington Martin spent the week-end with his grandparents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Pate Martin pf Fall ston. v ' Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Paul Cline and Mr, Cline of Lawn dale. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Buff and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dayberry and children spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. W. W. Richard. Mr. J. T. Melton of Glen Alpine is spending several days with his cousin, Mr. Harry Peeler. | Mesdames Henry Stamey, S. A. ; Peeler and daughter, Miss Dorothy ■Peeler and Mrs. Noah Hubbard and son, Mr. J. A. attended the mis sionary meeting at Belmont Tues day. Misses Ruth Tillman and Elva Richard, nurses at the State hospi tal of Morgantop spent a few days this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tillman and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Richard, j Mr. aad Mrs. George Martin and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fate Martin of Falls ton. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. M. L, Smith of Fali ston Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Chapman of Llncolnton spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norman. A Chicago man has been invited by Russia to help plan her cities. It Just goes to prove that Chicago is better than we think it is, or Russia worse.—American Lumber man. Wilkins’s submarine can bore through thirty feet of Ice. A trip on it would be great training for a so cial climber.—Wichita Eagle. 666 LIQUID OR TABLETS Relieves a Headache or Neuralfia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Malaria in three days. 666 Salve for Baby's Cold. AVOID PENALTY Tax payers must list their property for county taxes. Fail ure to do so involves a penalty which can not be escaped. See the tax lister in the township in which you own property and give in your real and personal prop erty at once. R. L. WEATHERS, County Tax Supervisor Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM. This department's telephone Jangled yesterday and a well known young business woman of the city wanted to know "If Shelby Is going to sit around and be called a country town?” She quoted The Greensboro News as saying that business houses In all cities closed one afternoon each week during the summer months and that only small towns failed to do so. She desired to know If we couldn't do something about It. 8\lre, this Is our howl against having Shelby classed as a tank town or a whistle stop on a branch railroad. THIS 'N' THAT. WISE AND OTHERWISE. “The vine-covered well out at the Buffalo cotton mill at Stubbs, re cently referred to In your column, Is really a rose-covered well,” Informs a reader, "and the roses are now In bloom”.Fans of the bewitch ing Geman talkie star will appreciate this comment by Oraham Wyer: "Clara Bow, the ‘It’ girl, retires from the screen, but the movies will always have a girl with 'them' so long as Marlene Dietrich keeps work ing” .... This weather reminds Deputy Ed Dixon that he once caught a 20-pound fish In the Catawba river near Marlon. Let's go dig some worms .... Oovernor Gardner can't play golf any better than he did before he was governor . . . Neither can we. Ahd speaking of golf, Judge Yates Webb is the only Shelby golfer who ever made a hole in one on an out-of-town course. Our scout# report that a number of elderly men about Shelby are now trying to dig up proof that they fought for the Confederacy, the BUdden desire to be classed as veterans being Inspired by reports that a fealf pint of honeet-to-goodnaw bottled-in-bond whiskey is given each veteran every day of the annual reunion. REMEMBER WAY BACK WHEN The first electric street sign In Shelby was erected 17 years ago by the Odd Fellows. The first cotton bloom of the year in 1914 was reported June 24 by W. C. Surratt. That was the year that Dewitt Quinn came back to Shelby from Henrietta and started rolling pins for Kendall's drug store. W. B. Nix started off all of his store "ads" In those days with the line "Big Nix offers-” Odus Moore, now editor of The Laurlnburg exchange, was operating a shoe store in Gastonia .. . J. Lawrence Lackey fan a grocery store .Max Gardner was captain of company G.Enos Beam was with the engineering corps in the Hawaiian islands . . . . R. T. LeGrand had Just moved to Shelby to become superintendent of the Shelby Cotton mUls.Peyton McSwaln won the freshman debating medal at Caro lina 17 years ago. And another Shelby boy, Marion Ross, won.lt the pievlous year .... Robert Lee Armour, of Davidson, had accepted a posi tion with the J. L, Suttle company. R. M. Gldney had Just succeeded Gordon Murray as county farm agent. Who would a’thought It? Shelby Shorts: Alderman Wyeth Royster has a new automobile . . . . One of the few Franklin automobiles still to be seen in this section la driven by County Manager A. E. Cline .... Remember how Just four or five years ago we believed that by this time there wouldn't be a single vacant lot on Eastfield Road In Cleveland Springs Estates? ...... A late afternoon picnic at Chapel's Bend Is being planned for the boys who come back home for the home coming fair week. Wonder how many know how Chapel's Bend got Its name?.Ever see O. M. Suttle, W A. Pendleton, J. R. Dover and R. E. Campbell without a cigar?_’.At the Piedmont cafe there is a “family table” of bachelors where matri mony frequently breaks in and takas one of the family. The last was Horace Kennedy. The n«|tt, If any?-Wonder If the man who start ed popslckles Is making as much out of them as did the Inventor of Eskimo Pies? Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 76m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, savins: freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. HAVE YOU SELECTED Your Trustees? $ We are of the sincere opinion that your estate cannot be administered so carefully, so efficiently, or so de pendably by a private individual as by the trust department of this stable banking institution. Let Us Describe Our Trust Plans To You. . Union Trust Co. “IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH” fHE STAR EKKY OTHER DAY S2.SD PER YEAR 4 double Shoals News Of the Current Week Child Swallows a Jack Stone. Meth odist Revival Underway. Man Gets Arm Cut. (Special to The Star.) Double Shoals, June 8.—Sunday was a good day for the Sunday school at the Baptist church. A Targe crowd was present. The revival began Sunday night at the Methodist church with the pastor Rev. E. E. Snow of Fallston doing the preaching. Services will begin each night at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Leland Royster arrived home last week from Furman university to spend the summer with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Royster. He will teach the adult ladles class in Sunday school this summer. Old Mr. Stork passed through this community last week and stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Plato Champion and left a big boy. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Wright and mother spent the week-end in Shel by visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lankford spent the week-end in Shelby visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stroup. Mr. Raleigh Champion cut his arm on a broken window glass last week while working in the mill. It was necessary to have a doctor take some stitches in it. Little Kathleen Champion sev eral days ago while playing with some jack stones had one In her mouth and swallowed one. She has suffered no pain. Master D. W. Towery and sister, Marie, spent the week-end in Lawn dale visiting their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. ShAman Brackett. Mr. Evans Lankford and family spent Sunday p. m. at Shelby visit ing relatives. Mr. Sherrill Eskfldge and sister, Muriel, and Miss Vangie Peeler vis ited Miss Minnie Mull at Toluca last Thursday night. Miss Orace Champion spent the week-end with Miss Grace Peeler. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stroup of Shelby spent Sunday night with Mrs. Stroup's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Lankford. Miss Captolla King of Weavervllle spent the week-end with Miss Pay Toney. ^ The whooping cough Is still ©n the go In the community. The chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Span gler, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cornwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Costner have recently Joined the whooping club. Mr. and Mrs. Tates Sperling of Waco were visitors in the commun ity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Spangler at tended the funeral of Mr. Neal at Patterson Springs Sunday p. m. CASH FOR POULTRY THE FOLLOWING CASH PRICES WILL BE PAID NEXT WEEK: HEAVY HENS_,_ LEGHORN HENS_ ' COLORED BROILERS (2 lbs. and up) LEGHORN BROILERS (2 lbs. and up) . ""I BROILERS (under 2 lbs.)_ ROOSTERS... . DUCKS... GEESE.... ..—• TURKEYS.Ill 15c lit 22c 19c 17c 7c l«c 10c 15c EAGLE Poultry Co. F. B. ROPP, Manager PHONE 149 — SEABOARD DEPOT SHELBY, N. C. Here Is the Medicine That Brought Me Health and Happiness ^“^:ii^TBjtuir'fti,i't71f:toth*r"*rii'o'HERBExTRAcT medicines and treatments failed. t restored them to health after other * wvb oi stomacn ana liver disorders, indigestion, kidney trouble, bil iousness, nervousness, bad complexion, coated tongue, severe headaches, back aches, loss of Bleep and appetite and run down condition. If yon ire troubled with any of these conditions it will pay you well to get a bottle at once. Recommended and for sale by druggist* everywhere.—Advertisement. PAUL WEBB AND SON AND LEADING DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE WHY EXPERIMENT WITH UNKNOWN FLOURS? 'UtinaMUK* CNROUlti MADE CAOLC ROLLER MILL CO. SHELBY. N.C. c-UOIVU ) YOU CAN BUY NO FINER FLOUR AT ANY PRICE. ALWAYS UNIFORM. EAGLE ROLLER MILL CO. One Big Fact ONE BIG FACT ABOUT THE CLEVELAND STAR IS THAT IT IS READ 3 TIMES A WEEK, EVERY PAGE, BY 20,000 PEO PLE IN CLEVELAND COUNTY. A. V. Wray & 6 Sons Cleveland Countys Shoe Merchants Feet Paln^ We Offer You Expert llr DR. SCHOLL’S Foot Comfort Week June 13th To June 20th Expert Shoe Fitters Foot Comfort And Foot Specialists Service! Await You at Wray’s. Consider Your Feet The Way You Feel Depends On Them U Unite the Imagination of an expert designer with the sense of utility of a master shoemaker and you get some idea of the newest "STAR BRAND" creations. Only two of the many pretty patterns that we have in stock can be shown here. Come and see the other* in our Shoe Department. Priced $2.98 to $6.95 Bathing Suits Knockouts! These new Jantzen suits are mascu line and athletic. They permit maximum expos ure to the sun and give thje utmost muscular freedom. Tightly knitted with the famous Jantzen stitch, they hold their perfect fit permanently. In new shades $4.95 to $0.00 Others Made by Rugby $r*to $485 IKY 51AK W A .NT ADS for results

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