Late News Showers Tuesday. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Probably local showers to night and Tuesday. 500 People Drown. St. Naialre, France. June 15.— Nearly 500 excursionists are believed , to have lost their lives when the ex cursion steamer, St. Fhilbeck sank yesterday afternoon between -St. Hildas Point and Pornic. about five miles from here. Only eight surviv ors had been picked up by rescue boats last night. It was believed that, except for these, all the passengers and crew on the boat were lost. The excursion steamer was carrying large holiday crowds on its run between Tantes and the Island of Noirmou tier. It left Nantes yesterday morn ing. The eight who were rescued from the water by boats which put out for the scene shortly after the catastrophe were men. There were a number of women and children aboard the boat. A squall struck the boat, the survivors said, and knocked the small steamer over on her beam ends. The crowd, becoming panicky, rushed to the opposite of the deck, causing the boat to rapsize and spill its passengers into the sea. Mrs. Farthing, Shelby Native, Dies In Canada Sister Of Mrs. Clyde R. Hoev of Shelby And Governor O. Max Gardner Passes. News was received here Saturday of the-death in Alberta, Canada, of Mis. R. M. Farthing, nee Addle Gardner, only surviving sister of Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey of Shelby and Governor O. Max Gardner. Mns Farthing’s death was a great shoe* to her family and friends in Shelby. It was known that she had been i;i poor health but her trouble was not thought to be serious. Brilliant Teacher. Mr*. Farthing was better known here as Miss Addie Gardner as most of her married life she had lived in Canada. She was a daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. O. P. Gardner and taugh for many years in the public schools of Shelby. She possessed a brilliant mind and was a teacher of marked ability. Her pupils who axe now grown axe numbered by the hundreds and she was respected and honored as one of the outstanding teachers in educational circles in Shelby. A few years ago she made a return visit and a number of her former pupils honored her with a most delightful banquet. Mrs. Farthing is the fifth death in the Gardner family of children in a little over five years. Col. J. T Gardner, for many years mayor of the city, was the first to die. Then followed Mrs. J. J. McMurry, Mrs. Cleo Robinson, and' Mrs. J. A. An thony .Surviving are her husband and three children, one sister,, Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey of Shelby,, three brothers. Governor O. Max Gardner of Raleigh, ,Mr. Bate Gardner of Gastonia and Mr. Will Gardner of Seaside, Oregon. Her remains were buried in Al berta, Canada, yesterday. What) White Man Gets Negro’s Chicks Tables Turned As White Man Is Convicted For Robbing A Roost. A famous editor, erroneously said to be Charles Dana, once said that "It Isn’t news when a dog bites a man, but it is news when a man bites • dog.” This, then, should be news, for it reverses the customary trend of things. In county court here last week a white man was convicted of stealing chickens from a colored man. Ed Fredell, of No. 9 township, was given three months suspended sen tence by Judge Maurice Weathers for stealing chickens from Sam Rud dy, colored. Sam had only five chickens in his roost, three were taken, and having such a small num ber, he could readily identify them. On an automobile license charge Predel was given another sentence. Try 40 Cases. Last week was a busy week in the county court, sessions being held daily. Approximately 40 cases were disposed of by the tribunal during the week, according to Deputy Clerk Charlie Woodson. Revival Gegins At Tabernacle Tonight Evangelist C. P. Wright will run a revival at the Tabernacle on South Washington street each night be ginning at 7:45 p. m, The services begin tonight, June 15th, and run for several days. He is a good preacher and will preach at any church on Invitation. Arrange to hear him during these services. All •re cordially Invited to attend. Finish First Paving Project ! In 3-Mile Loop j Horseshoe Bend Road Is Surfaced New Surface Down On Road From I East Graham Street To Highway 20 At Fair Ground. The surfacing of a little more than three miles of roadway, the first of 10 surfaring projects being carried on by the No. G road commission, was completed Saturday by noon. The con struction forces moved this week to three other projects in the north Shelby sector. Tlie three and three-tenths miles of roadway on which the oll-and gravel surfacing was* finished Sat | urdny is what is known as the old Kings Mountain road. The newly surfaced strip of roadway leaves Shelby at the end of East Graham street, at the bridge there, and fol lows the old Kings Mountain road, by Horseshoe Ben, at Hickory creek, to the Post Road and out the Post Road to Highway 20 at the fair ground Route Taken. The route of the road, as it leav es the city going east, is by way of the Clayton Peeler place, owned by the O. E. Ford company, at Horse shoe Bend, then on around the loop by the Clarence Cabaniss home and the Elzie Borders place into the Post Road, just north of the Post Road «tn. and along the Post Road by the County Home to Highway 20 at the west entrance of the fair grounds. An automobile speedo meter registers the distance as three and three-tenths miles. Com ing back into the highway a loop of around six miles is formed south east of the city by the newly sur-! faced road and highway 20. To Other Jobs. Completing the surfacing of the! loop road Saturday the construe-! tion forces moved to the surfacing projects outlined on Sumter street, the Shelby hospital drive, and the North LaFayette street extension, j Sumter street will be surfaced from North Washington to where it runs into Buttle street. The crescent driveway at the hospital will be sur faced. add North LaFayette street will be surfaced from the end of the present pavement down by the Washington school to the Hoppe. park bridge. In the loop completed Saturday the city pays its portion of the con struction cost from the East Gra- j nam street pavement end at the bridge to the bridge at the city, limits at Horseshoe Bend. The re-: maining portion of the stretch is beyond the city limits and is to be paid by the township. When the three stretches are completed in north Shelby this week the construction forces will move to the south and west sec tions of the city for six other pro jects there. When the construction bid was let, for $10,332 it was stated that the total mileage in the 10 projects would be six miles. The work is be ing done by the Biltmore Concrete company. j Lincoln Tomb Transformed The tomb of Abraham Lincoln, at Springfield, capital of Illinois, which ha* been completejy transformed and remodeled, i* ready for formal dedication by President Hoover on June 17. This exterior view shows the imposing design of the monument which rises over the tomb of the martyred Civil War President. Bottlers Agree To Pay Their Tax Despite Error Relieving Them; School Savings Are Figured Cleveland County Has Small Schools That Must Be Consolidated In New Plan. By M. R. DL'NNAGAN Star News Bureau. Raleigh, June 15.—'The most glar ing and most expensive error made, as a result ot the discoveries follow ing the recent hectic general as sembly session, involving about $100,000, although glaring, will not be expensive at all, unless some technicality prevents the North Carolina bottlers from making a gift of about that much money to the state of North Carolina during the next two years. The tax on bottlers, about $100. 000 for the biennium soon to end. was to be doubled for the next two years. Then the luxury tax measure entered and its 10 per cent caused the tax on production machinery of the bottlers to be cut back to the figure of the past two years. When the luxury- tax failed, the tax was again doubled by the conferees, but this revisal failed to get in the re venue act as ratified. The revenue department discovered the omission. But the bottlers had agreed to a doubling of their tax, reluctantly, to be sure, but preferred that to the 10 per cent tax. So. J. Elmer long, former lieutenant governor and at torney for the bottlers, comes to Ra leigh to announce that the bottlers had agreed to the doubling, they did it in good faith, they intended to (CONTINUED ON PAUE SIX ! €ight Cleveland County Laws Turned Out By Legislature; Group Is Listed These In Addition To General Public Laws. Changes In County Courts. (Special to The Star.) Raleigh, June 15.—Cleveland county had a total of eight laws en acted by the 1931 general assembly which relate to the county or its activities or the communities in the county, designated as public-local or private laws, the records of the sec retary of state show. These, of course, are in addition to the numerous other public laws which relate to the state as a whole or to some large part of it, such as the school, the road, the local gov ernment and other enactments which reach every county, and the numerous laws which touch each county in a general way only. The local government act, which, in many respects is equal in import ance to the school and road acts, is already showing its value in bring ing about a readjustment and stab alizing the financial affairs of 1 counties, cities, towns and other units, some of which needed the aid tile law gives. Some of its value is to be mini fied, especially for this year, and in particular by those units which take advantage of the law enacted which permits county commissioners to postpone the collection of 1931 taxes, or foreclosures for refusal to pay such taxes, until November 1, 1931. In case a county postpones such foreclosures, it will find it hard to market bonds or notes this year, according to Charles M. John, son, director of local government. Bond buyers, he states, are afraid of such postponement. The local acts of this county are as follows: ; Amend Ch. 91, public-local lead. ; extra session of 1921, relating to public hospital of No. 6 township, I Cleveland county. Amend. Sec, 1443, consolidated j statutes, providing for an extra : term of court, and a supplemental act to this. I Amend. Ch. 243, public-local laws | of 19H. relating to the procedure jand jurisdiction of the recorder’s court of Cleveland county. Creating in Cleveland county the office of county auditor, and assign to that office the duties now per formed by the county accountant, the tax auditor, and the county supervisor of taxation. To place the office of county so-, licitor upon a salary basis, and to provide for a clerk of the recorder's court of Cleveland county: Authorize the mayor and com missioners of Kings Mountain to sell or donate a vacant lot to the Woman's club. Amend. Sec. 10, Ch. 225, private •laws of 1913, relating to Kings I Mountain graded school distrw„ Prize Winner Miss Vera Arwood. of Polkville, who last week won first place in the Western district contest at Char lotte, will go to Raleish early next month to compete with three other district winners for the state cham pionship and the grand prise of |SC and a free trip to Washington, D. C Injured Shelby Man Dead; Hurt In Auto Wreck G. B. Webb Buried At Kings Moun tain. Back Broken In Raeford Wreck. Fayetteville. June 15.—G. B. Webb, of Shelby, who suffered a broken back in an automobile accident near Raeford Tuesday night, died in the Highsmith hospital here at 3 o’cidtk Friday morning. At the time of the accident Webb was riding in a car which had been stolen in this city while its owner, W. E. Felton, local merchant, was in a theater. Webb told officers that he was given a ride in the car by another man who disappeared after the wreck. The young man’s mother, Mrs Frank Webb, of Kings Mountain, and his brother and sister were with him when he died. The body was taken by train for burial in Kings Mountain. Webb, known as Bright, formerly lived in Shelby and was a textile worker. His mother once operated a boarding house fli Shelby Masonic Notice. Cleveland lodge No. 202 A. F. and A. M. will confer the master Mason degree Tuesday night. Members are urged to attend, visiting brethren are cordially invited. Lodge opens oromoUv at 7:30 p. ui Paved Highway To Marion Hope Of This Section Golden Valley Road Is Needed Shelby May Be District Headquar ters In New System Of Highways. Highway Commissioner Will Neal of Marlon, will be urged by citizens of Cleveland, Rutherford and Mc Dowell to do what possible to build a paved or oil-surfaced highway from Shelby to Marlon through the ' fertile Golden Valley section. For years citizens of this section i have urged the creation of this , road, which would open up one of ! the best areas In Piedmont and j Western North Carolina. Ef fords so far have been unsuccessful but as ; Mr Neal, highway commissioner under the recent reorganization ot j the State system, lives In Marlon and knows first-hand the value of I such an Important highway link It j is hoped here that favorable action j may be secured. Boosted Here. Attorney Henry B. Edwards, Clev eland county representative In the last general assembly. Is taking a leading part In asking Shelby civic organizations and business men to get In behind the movement, W’ith ; in the next week or so a meeting of representatives of the Kiwanis, j Lion and Rotary clubs of Shelby may be held to organize the move ment in which other sections which will be touched will be asked to co operate. As the two county seats are con j nected along the hoped-for route I now by separate highway links It Is pointed out that the improvement of the route as one link would not be so expensive and would be of great tyorth to citizens of three or four counties. When the new highway orgamza ! tiop was mapped out last week by the highway commissioners five main divisions were crea'ed Cleve land county was placed In District | * E ’ with 21 othsr Western Carolina j counties. Asheville is headquarters j for this division. The five divisions i were then divided into 25 highway districts, each district having ap | proximately 2.000 miles of highway. S there is a possibility, according to j reports here today, that Shelby may be made district headquarters j for one of the five districts In this division. Each district, it IS under stood, will have a district prison j camp for convicts and road workers. | The No. 6 road commissioners have j already offered the State the use of , the No. 6 convict camp which* will not be needed by the countyseat I township any more after the State takes over road work and convicts | the first of July. Three Local Nurses Pass State Board Have Finished Their Training And Will Be Graduated Here Next Fall. Three graduate nurses from the : Shelby hospital school for nurses I have been certified as passing the ' state board examination and are I now licensed to practise. They are Misses Margaret Allen, Laura Eliza j beth Shepard, Novella White, who : have completed the coure of train ing, although graduation exercises have not been held. Mtss Efla MacNlchols. superin tendent of the Shelby Hospital says | the graduating exercises will be held in the fall. By that time two | or three other nurses in training | will have completed their training j and will be graduated at the same time. Misses Allen and White are fr^m i Cleveland county while Miss Shep pardd is from Wadesboro. County Couples Help Cherokee Wedding Total Thanks to scores of Cleve land county couples who Journeyed to Gaffney in 1930 to be married, Cherokee county was one of the few Couth Carolina counties to have more marriages In 193C than in 1929. Cherokee had 1,157 mar riages in 1930 or 53 more than the 1.104 in 1929. York mar riages dropped from 3,050 to 2.800. High priced marriage li censes and costly marriage regulations combined with tb* business depression sent more C leveland couples across the line in 1930 than ever before. I Cleveland Cited As Model County In Finances For Entire State Finest Wheat Ever In County; Heads Six Inches Long, Filled It is wheat-rutting time out in rural Cleveland county and even those farmers who are pes simistic In their statements readily admit that It is the fin est wheat crop the rounty has known In years. Just one Indication as to the type of wheat this champion cotton county Is producing: I. s Sosebee. who farms on Sam Kills plantation, was in Shelby Satur day exhibiting wheat heads averaging six Inches in length and every head perfectly filled. The stalks In Mr. Sosebee s wheat average 60 inches in height and in some spots are even higher. Practically, all of his wheat was ready to be cut this week. The attention the live-at-home I movement In Cleveland county is attracting is shown by the following comment of Editor B. Arp Eowrance in The Merkten burg Times: "There is no question about plenty to eat. It is everwhere and can be seen from the roads as you drive from place to place. The gardens all look fine and growing. As I passed through Cleveland county the most no ticeable thing was the wheat fields. Never before have E seen so much wheat In Cleveland county. There appeared from the highway to be almost as much grain as cotton in that county. I am sure that Cleve land county is going to try for some other record than cotton. And It will then be a better county.” Smart Is Held Without Bond ' : ' : . i SUjrfr of Forest City Chief Given Hearing. To Seek Special Term. Rutherford ton, June 15.—The pre liminary hearing Saturday after noon In the courthouse for Fred Smart, charged with killing Chief Austin A. Price of Forest City drew more than 1,000 people. The courtroom was packed to overflowing, and many stood out side. County Recorder Fred Mc ! Brayer heard the testimony of seven witnesses and then made the fol lowing order: "The court finds probable cause jot the guilt of the defendant, of the charge of murder in the first de gree and commits him to jail with out bond to await trial at next criminal term of superior court of ; Rutherford county.” Attorney Fred Hamrick, N. C. Harris, and J. S, Dockery repres ented 8mart, They offered no tes timony and did not ask for- bail. Judge J. L. Murphy, of Hickory County Solicitor O. J. Mooneyham. C. O. Ridings and R. R. Blanton prosecuted. The prosecution decided after the hearing to ask Governor Gardner for a special term of court In July. Traffic OfTicer Garrett Edwards said he removed Smart to join in Rutherfordton soon after the kill ing. On the way Smart asked Ed wards if he cut Price and when told | he did Smart replied, "X cut him and shot him and do not care if they ! lynch me, X am in so much trou ble.” It developed today that about 9(1 percent of Forest City people want Charles R. Price of Charlotte, broth er of the dead man. as an officer again. He was chief five years in Forest City. Grows Wheat Five And Half Feet Tall Oiant wheat stalks averaging around 66 Inches In height were brought to The Star office today by Mr. J. C. Blanton, who lives below Patterson Springs. Mr. Blanton has two acres of wheat which averages close to five and one-half feet In height and a five-acre tract almost as large. The heads of the giant stalks are about five Inches in length and have 24 mash to the head and three grains to the mash. Mr. Blanton used no fertiliser and only 25 pounds of soda per acre in his best two-acre tract" 73 Inch Wheat And Four Grains To Mash Meredith White of Bolling Springs was in town this morning with a quantity of wheat stalks measuring 73 inches. The heads are well filled and compare favorably with the height of the stalks. He has three and a half acres bought for the Red Rust Proof variety which reveals a purple hue near the top of the stalk. Mr. White says the wind storm a few- weeks ago blew his wheat down badly, but he expects a good yield at that. J. Frank Dedmon of the Buffalo section east of Shelby ha$ a beau tiful lot of wheat, untouched by the hall and wind. His variety has four heavy grains to the mash and indi cations axe that he will get & yield of 25 bushels or more to the acre. Chicken House Fire The lire department answered an alarm Saturday from the residence of Mr. Roscoe Lutz, North Morgan street, where a blaze had started in a chicken house. The fire was ex tinguished after some damage had been done to the building. Nearly 100 Square Miles Of Land In York Nearing Sale For Taxes There Figures Show Large Amount of Property Under Execution By Sheriff. Land to the amount of 62.596 acres, nearly 100 square miles, is un der execution in the hands of Sher iff Fred E. Quinn to sell for taxes, besides 841 town lots and including 1,168 buildings, in York county, says the Yorkville Enquirer. Continuing the Enquirer says: This real estate subject to sale for taxes this year has a taxable value of $651,521, and in addition the sheriff is ordered by the law to sell for taxes personal property with a taxable value of $454,829. This is a total of $1,106,350 worth of property subject to sale this year for unpaid taxes on it, appraised at only what was its value on the tax returns—of course its actual value is several times the taxable value of all prop erty everywhere. For $65,177 anybody can buy at sheriff's sale for delinquent taxes a’l that property assessed at over a mil lion dollars and worth some indefin ite amount above that. For $66,177 is the taxes and penalties on it rjl Nearly 4.000 Persons. There are 3.987 different execu tions and about that number of persons and corporations involved. •UsUNTUtw'iU QH i’AUfc Six, , t $1,500 Diamond Ring Is Stolen From Mrs. Riley It was learned today that a diamond ring, valued at $1, 500, has been stolen from Mrs. Madge Webb Riley, daughter of Mrs. J. L. Webb and the late Judge Webb and a sister of Mrs. O. Max Gard ner, wife of the governor. The ring was taken from a jewelry box In the Webb Gardner residence, S. Wash ington street, about three weeks ago when Mrs. Riley and Mrs. Webb returned from Raleigh to open the residence here. It was missed about the time the residence was being renovated and cleaned up. So far there have been no clues to the theft. Hour Changed Beginning today the local West i ern Union telegraph office, on W i Marion street, will close each even i ing at 8 o'clock. Heretofore the of fice hours were 7:45 in the morn-i j lr>g until 9 at night. The closing1 j an hour earlier is temporary. Man ager R. E. Blackwelder .slates, due i to general business conditions. Near Perfect System, Official Says County Officials Cut Down Indebtedness Bv $112,000 In Just 22 Months, (Special to The Star.) Raleigh. June 15.—Cleve land county, just about near perfect in handling its finan cial and business matters as any county in North Carolina, is held up as a model for oth 'r counties in the State to aim at by ('has. M. Johnson, direc tor of local cr mem merit Mr, Johnson points out that the assessed valuation of real and per sona) property for the year 1929-30 was $38,500,000, Cleveland has a county-wide bonded Indebtedness of only *188,000 and bonded debt of $568,500 for to was hip roads, and $240,375 In special school district In debtedness. The total bonded in debtedness of the county, township* and school districts is $997,875, against which sinking funds have been set up amounting to $100,703, From these figures, it will be seen that the county and all of its town ship and districts have a net total indebtedness of $897,172. Reducing Debt. Moreover, Cleveland county- is re ducing each year its bonded indebt edness. In 1929-30, the indebtedness was reduced $73,750 and In ten months of 1930-31, was reduced $38, 775. County Home Work. In addition to these reductions, Cleveland county built a new jail al a cost of $80,000 and Improved tha county home at a cost of *18,000, all of which came out of current re venues. . Director Johnson points to Cleve land as one of the most progres sive In handling Its financial and business affairs of any county in the state. Over $11,000 In Pensions Here For Confederate Vets 32 Soldiers, 79 Widows And One Colored Laborer Who Followed Men In Gray. Pension checks to the amount of *11,390 have been received from the State treasury by A. M. Hamrick, clerk of the superior court, and ara ready for distribution among the i Confederate pensioners or Cleveland | county. On the list are 32 Confeder ate veterans, 79 class A and Class B widows and one colored laborer, "Buck" Cabanias who received $100. The pension checks are for the six month period ending July 1st. The 32 veterans received $182 50 each, 64 class A Widows received $50 and 15 class B Widows received $150 each. Mr .Hamrick says the checks are now ready for distribution among the pensioners and chocks made out to pensioners who have died since the last payment, must be returned to the state treasurer. Mr*. Eskridge Made Executrix Of Estate Mrs. Leila Porter Eskridge, wife of the late Chas. L. Eskridge has been made executrix of the Eskridge ! estate under a will written March 8 1926. The will was written by Mr. Eskridge himself over five years age on a single letter head and is con cise and complete, leaving every thing to his wife and designating an equal division of his estate among the children upon her death It was his will that all be given a good education, especially along the lines of business. The Pord agency here will con tinue under the management of his son. Chas. R. Eskridge and his brother, Herman Eskridge, both of whom have been associated with Mr, Eskridge for a number of years. American Legion To Elect New Officers On Wednesday Night On Wednesday night at 8 o’clock at the court house in Shelby the Warren Hoyle poet of the American Legion will elect new po6t offi cers. This announcement was made today by Solicitor W. S. Beam, pres ent. commander of the post, who urges that all members attend the meeting Wednesday evening. In addition to the election of of ficers the poet will also elect dele gates to the North Carolina Amer ican Legion convention which begin* at Morehead City oa July 26,

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