VUL. AXXVtl. No. 72 SHELBY, N. C. 'WEDNESD'Y, JUNE 17, 1931 8 PAGES TODAY Hiihlished Monday. Wednesday arid Kriday Afternoon*."*! “*'L «■ ——__ __ »rrter. pw fNf, (in Late News Fair And Warmer. Today’* North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight and Thursday, 'somewhat warmer in west Thurs day, Capone Guilty. Chicago. June 1".—Alphonse Ca pone. searfaeed caar of Chicago gangs, pleaded guilty to three feder al indictments yesterday, surrender ing in a three minute federal court : hearing to a mass of evidence and a ■trilling record of prosecutions. Two todlctments charging him with evad ing income taxes and another nam ing him and f>8 others for conspir acy to violate the prohibition laws on 5,000 charges were read !n Fed eral Judge James II. Wllkerson’s court. After each indictment the burly gangster meekly said “guilty.’ j On a defense motion, the court de ferred sentence until June 30. King Hearing Bill For York Is Near $5,000 Exact Trial Cost* $4,749.64 ,.a^t Trial At Lancaster Cost $1,358. Several Other Bills Sent In. York, S. C„ June 17.—The second trial of Rate King cost York coun- 1 ty $1,358. a statement received by] the county commissioners this week 1 from Clerk of Court Paul Moore, of Lancaster county shows. The total ts made up of a dozen f Items. The largest one is $1,139 60 for witness fees, Juror fees and other i payments made by the circuit court. The clerk's cost were $30 50; summoning a jury venire cost $25: board and ' lodging for the Jury panel cost $96; the jailer's bill was j $18.40; the board of the bailiffs In; charge of the Jury cost $12; sum moning witnesses cost $15.45; bring- j ing King to Lancaster from the pen- ‘ itentiary cost $7.70 and taking him ] back there cost $7.20; extra lighting of the courthouse during the night ! session of court cost $1.30. and extra1 work on the court room preparing j for the trial by proriding arrange ments for it cost $4.50; the other and smallest item in the bill is 35 cents for medicine for a sick Juror. Chester county's Clerk of Court.: J. C. Cornwall also sends a bill fori tilings occurring since the trial there ‘ which was paid for long ago. It Is] for $18.50 for copying and deliver-1 mg to Lancaster county certain ar-j tides by order of Judge Bonham,] copying order for change of place of trial, and cost of a . pedal trlp: to Lancaster to take part of the ex-, hlbits to Lancaster during the sec ond trial. These three accounts total $1. 728.75 which York county must pay to satisfy all the claims against It for the King case at this date. The official investigation of the murder of Pave Wilson King and] the first trial of her husband cost! the county $2,666.64, of Which $95 was for two autopsies and $50 for the disinterment of the body of the dead woman. The first trial at Chester cost $2,521.64 and these three Items make tlte total of $2. R66.64 expended before the arena, was moved to Lancaster. These amounts were paid some time ago. So, trials of King cost York coun ty a grand total of $4,749.54. Industrial Hearing In Shelby Monday Two Cases To Be Heard By Com mission. Hearing: At 2 In Afternoon. (Special to The Star.) Raleigh, June 17.—Chairman Matt H. Allen, of the North Carolina In dustrial Commission, started out Monday on a two weeks tour of Piedmont and Western North Caro lina cities and towns, of which he will visit 16 for the purpose of hear ing 42 workmen's compensation cas es. The two cases scheduled for hear ing In Shelby will be heard June 22 at 2:30 p. m., and are Roy Sanders vs. Dover Mill Co., and W. S. Brack ett vs. Cleveland Mill & Power Co., in vghich the Insurance carrier claifns\io further compensation is due. Poultry Meeting In City Saturday Various Phases Of Poultry Work To Be Discussed At Session. A meeting of the Cleveland County Poultry Association will be held at the court house In Shelby Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock it was an nounced today Tt. G. Turner will make a ta'k on the Importance of dewormlng birds B. Austell will discuss vaccinating for fowl pox, and County Agent R.! W. Shoffner will give a caponising demonstration and make a report of the securing of better breeding stock for the county. i City To Issue Note For $20,000; Paving Of Martin Street Urged Colored Cemetery Is Talked By Board Aldermen Authorise Note In Antici pation of Tax Collection. Other Board Action. A tax anticipation note of $20 000 was authoribed sold by the city board last night in its mid-month meeting, the purchase of a ceme tery for the colored wos discussed and a committee from the board appointed to look out a location. Mr. Barksdale was given a hearing as a representative of the Porter Con struction Co. in his effort to sell the city on the idea of buying pro fane gas for distribution in Shelby Martin St. Want Paving. A great portion of the time of the city officials was taken up In hear ing property owners on Martin street who petitioned that Martin street be included in the paving projects now under way In the city. When bids were received for the paving work now under way, Mar tin street was one of the projects. The construction company had plac ed stone on the street, but the stone was taken up this week and the paving of the street abandoned for the time being. H. Fields Young was spokesman for the Martin street petitioners and asked that this street be paved from W. Warren to Gardner, a distance of about 2,000 feet. Division Withheld. The city officials stated they were matching dollar for dollar the money being spent by No. 6 town ship road commissioners on paving in Shelby and that since these road commissioners did not know Just how much money they would have to spend, the city would not say just how far it would go In laying tar and gravel surfaces. Decision on tile Martin street project Is be ing withheld until there ts a check up with the No. 6 commissioners. A number of short streets have been Included, however, since the surfacing contract was let. All roads in the hospital grounds will be sur faced, N. Washington from Grover street to the Washington street hRS been added, together with two alleys between West Marion and West Warren at the Coca Cola Bot tling plant and another from Carl Webb’s to Hin Hudson's. To Borrow $20,000. The *20,000 note which the city offers for sale is to secure money for general operating expenses, this sum to be borrowed In anticipation of the collecting of taxes. This note will be sold in Raleigh, will run for six montlis and bear a rate of in terest not exceeding six per cent. A new cemetery for the burial of colored people has been found nec essary as the old colored cemetery near the Eastside mill Is filled. A committee from the board of aider men will seek a suitable location and undertake to negotiate a deal for Its purchase. The board was to consider the new license tax schedule last night but did not have time. These li cense tax schedules will be agreed upon before the first of July, the legislature having recently chang ed the license tax fiscal year from June 1 to July 1. Gets Jail Sentence On Whiskey Charge In county court late Monday, H. B. Ellis, of Shelby, was sentenced to three months in Jail on a whiskey charge. According to officers around three gallons of whiskey was found last week in the backyard of the house where the defendant lived on North Morgan street. May Have One Way Drive From Shelby To -Fair Tract This Fall I The new three-mile loop of surfaced road from Shelby, at East Graham street, to the conn - ty home and fair (round may relieve traffic confection op highway 20 between the city and the fair ground this fall. Dr. J. S. Dorton. fair secretary, said today If highway patrol men would permit It he would have one-way traffic to and from the Cleveland county fair this fall. Dr. Dorton's plan Is to route all east-bound traffic around the newly surfaced Horseshoe Bend loop. That would bring all motorists en route to the fair out on the highway right at the main en trance and through traffic go ing east could re-enter the high way just beyond the fair tract I without brine delayed. I'nder the plan all west-bound traffic, coming Into Shelby, would have highway 20 clear without bring held up by heavy traffic com ing the opposite direction. New Feature. A new feature of the Cleve land fair races this fall will be the barrier system of start ing the racers. All the horses will be lined up 125 feet back up the track from the judge's stand and grandstand and will start off at a slow jog until they reach the leastic barrier at the same time. When they fail to do so, the barrier will not be dropped. This will eliminate many poor starts in front of thr stands and also so much scoring on start ing order. Cotton Acreage In State Off 15 Percent, Local Co-op Director States; To Use Cotton Bagging Battle With Hoes Given Hearing In Recorder’s Court Howard Gillespie And Wife Fined, /ones Boys Taxed With Coats. A battle in which hoes were the principal weapons used was given an airing In county eourt here today. The fight, which was between the Gillespie and Jones families, took place on June 4 In a cotton patch and a road In the Bolling Springs section of No, 2 township. The par ticipants were Howard Gillespie and his wife, Gertrude; M. M. Jones and Ids sons, O. O. and Serle Jones. In the melee the elder Jones was slashed across the head with the chopping end of a hoe which, it was contended, was wielded by Mrs. Gil lespie. Her husband was also belab ored. it was testified, over the head with a hoe and Mrs. Gillespie had a gash cut in her head by some in strument, alleged to be a bolt. Gillespie and his wife were fined *50 each and the costs, thp elder Jones was acquitted and the Jones boys taxed with the costs. The affair drew considerable at tention In the No. 2 section and many citizens were present for the hearing which occupied the full ses sion of recorder's court today. HI feeling between the two families seemed to hark back to an affair in which the woman was charged with putting tacks in the road to punc ture the auto tires of a mail carrier. Legrion Po*t Will Name New Officer* New Officers for the Warren Hoyle American Legion post will be elected at a meeting to be held at the court house In Shelby tonight at 8 o'clock. Delegates to the state legion con vention will also be elected at to night's session. A11 members of the post are urg ed to be present by Commander W. S. Beam. Bishop Mouzon Files Answer To Suit; Judge Webb To Decide It Georgia Pastor Asking $50,000 Dam ages Of Bisop On Slander Charge. Charlotte. June 16.—Bishop Ed trin D. Mouzon. through his attorn eys, Stewart & Bobbitt, this week filed a demurrer in United States district court to the complaint filed several weeks ago by Rev. Rembert Smith. Sparta, Ga., Methodist min ister. in which the plaintiff asks S50.000 damages on the grounds that Bishop Mouzon slandered and libeled him during the session at Dallas Texas, of the Methodist con ference. The demurrer denies that the statement alleged to have been made by Bishop Mouzon about the Georgia minister was slanderous or libelous and further denies the libel charge on the grounds that the bishop did not print or write or cause to be printed or written any thing of a libelous nature about Rev. Mr. Smith. Claim Not Hurt. It also declares that the Georgia minister has not been hurt In any way by the statement alleged to have been made by Bishop Mouzon, that he has not been demoted in his ministerial duties, has not had his salary reduced because of the bishop's alleged statements and his church, in the same way. has not suffered because of it. The demurrer goes on to declare that whatever statement was made by Bishop Mouzon was made in his unmKUEn js eacuE axuifi.) All Vrpa|f OfT 10 Percent, Manner Says. Crop Is Two Weeks I-ate. Zeb C. Mauney, of Shelby, who at tended the regular monthly meeting | of the board of Directors of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Co j operative Association In Raleigh | Tuesday, said yesterday that, ac I cording to an estimate of that body, the cotton acreage in North Caro ltna w ill be 15 per cent less this year than last and the use of commercial fertilizers will be reduced 26 per cent , as compared to 1830. Considering dry weather this j year's crop Is making satisfactory progress, according to reports o! the twenty association field men who . are located over the cotton area of the state. Prevalent dry weather over the state, and extremely dry weather In some sections, has re tarded the growth of cotton Several of the field men reported presence of boll weevil and a few' reported i that the pests were numerous. General Manager V. B. Blalock. ; who Is the North Carolina merriber i of the board of directors of the Am j erican Cotton Co-operative Assocla ! tlon and who Just recently returned ! from a meeting of that board In New i Orleans, said that the directors of | the American association estimated i a reduction of from ten to twelve > per cent In the American cotton , acreage this year as compared with contivtusd on *aof ftuht > Mr. Webb Davis Dies At Shelby HospiatJ Funeral Service Is Conducted At Double Springs Baptist Church Tuesday. At the Shelby hospital Monday, Mr. Melton Webb Davis died within less than a month of his 61st blrth i day. Forty four years ago Mr. Davis i was married to Mary Ann Wright who survives, together with three ! daughters and two sons: Mrs. Lillie j Crow of Gaffney: Mrs. Buford Wright and Mrs. Car! Gardner of Shelby; W. H Davis of DeSota, Ga.. G, G. Davis of Kathleen. Ga. Also surviving are three brothers. Hill, Deck and Simon Davis, two sisters, Mrs. John Melton and Mrs. T. A. Bostick. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at Double Springs Baptist church by Revs. Washburn, Sisk. Jessup and Bridges. Mr. Davis was a highly esteemed citizen and greatly beloved by his host of friends. Volunteer Firemen Name New Officer* Robinson Remains At Chief. Esk ridge Assistant. McDowell Is Captain. Volunteer firemen of of the Shel by fire department elected their new officers at a business meeting held last night. J. R. Robinson was -e -elected chief, and Herman Eskridge was named assistant chief to surceerl J. L. McDowell. The latter becomes captain of the volunteers to take the place of Ted Gordon. Ernest John son was named lieutenant to suc ceed Paul Hawkins. George Elam was re-elet‘ed secretary ( With Daniels Running G. O.P. Has High Hope Governorship Could Be Won? Grissom Says A» Republican Nomi nee He Could Defeat Raleigh Editor. Is tlicre a possibility that Jose phus Daniels, widely known news paper editor of Raleigh, will be the Democratic candidate for governor?; If so, Is there a chance for the Re publicans to win the governorship from the Democrats because Pied mont and Western Carolina may re fuse to support the Raleigh man? j Writing to The, Charlotte News, J. C. Baskervlll. Raleigh correspond- | eut, lias the following to say of such prospects: ‘Tf the Democrats In North Caro | Una select a "regular'' organization , candidate for governor In their pri mary nexV’Junc, the Republicans will probably also select a "regular” organization Republican for their, candidate, the most likely choice be- 1 ;tng James S. Duncan, of Greens-j boro, chairman of the state Repub lican executive committee, in the opinion of Gilliam Grissom, V. B collector of Internal revenue for North Carolina. "However, for what he has been hearing over the state, especially from Eastern North Carolina. Mr. Grissom fee is sure that Josephus Daniels Is likely to be a dominant figure in the Democratic primary next. June and that he will win the Democratic nomination for gover nor. : i "If Mr. Daniels becomes the Dem ocratic candidate for governor, as | present indications point as a re sult of the strong approval In many i eastern counties of Daniels' views on taxation and his preaching for | economy, I feel sure that I will be | the next governor of North Caro lina,” Mr. Grissom said. ‘For If Dan- j ;iels is nominated by the Democrats, | ; the Republican party will have to ! nominate someone to oppose him who has an established record for ! safe conservatism and for real, gen ! ulne economy of administration. I think my record in my office here will Indicate that I am conservative ; and know something about economy j CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT. I j ... Mrs. Bowens Dies In Ella Mill Village; ! Was Only 29 Years Of Are. Victim of Pleurisy. Buried At Pat . terson Springs. After an illness of ten days with | pleurisy, Mrs. Blacks km Bowens jelled at her home In the Ella Mill j village this morning at the age of j 28 years. Mrs. Bowens before mar riage was Miss Mary Lee Hardin, j ' She was married eleven years ago i and is survived by her husband and two children, J. R. Bowens, age nine ■ years and Ella Lee Bowens, only ten days old. Pour sisters also sur vive: Misses Ruby, Ezma and Mable Hardin and Mrs. Rebecca Wilson.' together with one brother, Joe C. Hardin. Mrs. Bowens had been a member of the Patterson Springs church for ten years and was a fine Christian character. Funeral services will be I held Thursday morning at eleven o'clock at Patterson Springs church, the services to be in charge of Rev J. B. Davis. ,P. R. Gladden Dies at! Age 73; Buried Today j Leaves Widow And Fours Sons. Bur ial At Poplar Springs Church, Mr. P. R. Gladden, age 73 years, Idled Monday morning at the home of hts son J. T. Gladden and was burled Tuesday at Poplar Springs church, the funeral being conduct ed by Rev. D P. Putnam, assisted by Rev. G. P. Abemethy. Mr. Glad den was a fine Christian gentleman and greatly beloved by his host of friends. He Is survived by his wife! and four son. P. A., J. T.. and C. W.! Gladden of this county and Rev. B F. Gladden, of High Point Also surviving are 19 grandchil dren and three great grandchildren.! GOES TO RALEIGH IN’ RECEIVERSHIP AFFAIR — Senator Peyton McSwain will leave i Shelby Thursday morning for Ra leigh in connection with the re ceivership of the N C. Agricultural Credit Corporation. The firm was placed In the hands of receivers re-: cently at the request of a group of Cleveland county farmers. Mr. Mc , Swain Is one of the receivers. , Backs Governor on Jewsharp Right Wrong vjvTCTi.wr jia«y « . tong, ox lxmtsmna, is a nappy man agam, and with cause, for hasn’t Frank Luther, popular radio tenor come to the rescue of the Executive with a declaration that there’s only one way one to play a jewsharp correctly and that’* ‘‘forwards”T You see the Gov ernor has taken a violent dislike to anyone who would be so crude ** stroke the jewsharp toward the cheek instead of away from it, and he’s found a worthy exponent of his beliefs in smiling Frank above. The right and wrong ways of jewsharping also ate illustrated. Two Blazes In City Last Night Did Considerable Property Damage Auto, Motorcycle Burn In (jiira{r. Service Station Uit By Fire. Two fires burned an automobile, a motorcycle and a combination dwelling and filling station last night, entailing a property loss es timated to be around $3,000, At 11 o'clock last night the fire laddies, who had just gone home from a meeting of regular and vol unteer firemen, were called to the Cleveland Cloth mill where a sup posed short circuit in an automo bile caused a blaze in the gar age of W. E. Pranks, one of the night, over seers of this rayon textile plant. His car and a motorcycle together with the double garage were burned. Only partial insurance covered the loss. Ooes Back For Baby. Then at 4 o'clock this morning, all members of the Stanley household were driven from their bedrooms in the Stanley residence and filling station on N. LaFayette street op posite the First Baptist church when fire was discovered in the roof. Mrs. Joseph Carroll, wife of a city fireman, was the first to dis cover the fire and phoned in the alarm. She was sleeping in the Car roll home, second floor, when the glare or the light through her bed room window awakened her. Mem bers of the Stanley household did not know the fire was over their heads until the fire department reached the scene. The family es caped to the Palmer funeral home In their night clothes, Mr. Stanley making a second trip to the burn ing dwelling to rescue the baby. House Owned bv Palmer. The entire roof of the combina tion service station and dwelling was burned off and considerable water damage done to the furniture and household goods. Mr. Stanley states that he had recently paid for *1,500 worth of new furniture ana . carried $500 insurance. The build ' Ing Is the proparty of Oscar Palmer, local merchant, ft is understood he I carried some insurance, Mr. Painter ] wss sick at home and unable to | report at the fire. Transfer Of Camp Made Today With Representatives Of New High way Group. The Ktafet Highway Commis sion today aceepted the offer of the No. ti township road com mission and signed a lease for the. use of the No. 6 convict camp quarters, near Shelby, when the State takes over coun ty highways and convicts the first of nest month. When the new highway method was adopted, with the State plan ning to take over and maintain all county highways, the No. 6 road commission tendered the use of the new convict canip here. Nothing more was heard of the matter un til Mr. Oscar Pitts, highway official and Catawba representative In the recent legislature, came here today and met with members of the No. 6 board. Mr. Pitts accepted the offer and signed a lease to use the local camp to house prisoners for a per iod of two to four years. The use of the camp will be with out charge to the State. It is not likely. It is believed here, that all the convicts in this district, which embraces Cleveland, Ruther ford and Polk, will be housed here as Cleveland is at the extreme east ern edge of the new district fate Will Convict < Township Raleigh Amused By Grist Entrance In Senate Race; Recalls His Split Morrison Refused To Shake Hands With Grist In 1928. Differed On Smith. •Tom Best In Greensboro News.) Raleigh, June 1”.—Frank D. Grists determination to lest the right ol the poor mar to aspire to public office and try it out on Senator Cam Morrison, amuses Raleigh very much. The commissioner of labor and printing promises a statement of principles shortly. That makes Ra leigh a little impatient since the commissioner's office has been deal ing with the question of unemploy ment ever since that Issue became tcute. The Grist mind has its way if operating and everybody desires ,o know ]ust what Is in it right now. | Tlie commissioner astounded the world by beating M. L. Shipman for the nomination after having trail ed the incumbent by many thous ands. Again there was a contest and again M“r. Grist won. Meanwhile Mr. Morrison, who had been a Grist supporter and according to Mr. Shipman had chipped in a nice contribution to the Grist campaign, saw something wrong with Grist in the campaign of 1928 and publicly said so. One day the pair met in the governor's office. Mr. Morrison was talking to a newspaper man’ whom his excellency had run out about eight years ago. They were getting along pretty well. In walk ed Mr. Grist. "How sre you, governor?” Mr, icav'HNuiui as motri i Population Of Whites In City Fifth In Stat? Forty-Four Countiea Top Cleveland Onlr Font of 21 N. C. Cities Ha>, Higher Percentage of Whites Than Shelby. Only four of the 21 cities in North Carolina above 10.000 pop ulation have a higher percent age of white residents than Shelby, In Shelby, according to statistic* assembled by the University New* better, 80 percent of the city’s 10, 789 people are whte. The highest percentage ot whit* population is in Statesville—*3.8. Other cities ahead of Shelby in per centage of white population ara rhomasvllle. Concord and Gastonia In the County. Forty-tour counties have a high rr percentage of white population than Cleveland. In this county 76.9 per cent of the total population of •>1.914 I* white. In 10 eastern coun ties the negro population is larger than the white population, f Mitchell, a central mountain coun ty, retains the position it held ten years ago with the largest native white population ration of inj coun ty In the state. In Mitchell nine hundred and nlnetyslx people out of every thousand are native white Possibly this is the highest native white population ration In the Un ited States. Mitchell has fifty-six negroes and . five foreign-born whites. Warren, as ten year ago, has the smallest native white population ra tion. Nearly twothirds of the total population of Warren Is negro. Warren. Is In the heart of the old slave belt and for many decades has ! r®9ked at or near the top In ne j (?ro population ratio. If the counties are grouped ac cording to race ratio it will oe found ! the mountain and seml-moun !taln counties have high native white i ratios; the central and western Piedmont and aeveral extreme east ern counties along the coast have fair to high native white ratios; while the western coastal plain and some northern and southern Pied mont counties comprise the negro belt of the state. Negroes are con centrated In the combination cotton tobacco belt, and th the tobacco counties along the Virginia border and the cotton counties along the South Carolina border. During the last ten years the white population ration has Increas ed slightly, from 89.7 percent to 70.3 percent, which means that the white population gained more rapidly than the negro population. As a matter of fact there was an unusually large gain of both races. 25.3 percent for (CONTINtraD ON "AO» XICJHT.i Brother Of Shelby Woman Dead; Bury Today In Iredell L. P. Henkel. Mrs. Hoey’s Brother Dies At Statesville Home. Statesville, June 17.—L. P. Henkel, 69, pioneer developer of the Blowing Hock country and local business man of varied Interests, died of a heart attack at his home here yesterday. His health had been declining: for several months. Mr. Henkel was born in Catawba county, near Conover. In early man hood he removed to Lenoir and went into the livestock business with his brother, the late C. V. Henkel. Later he organized the Henkel-Cralg Live stock company. This company's in terests were in Lenoir, Hickory, New ton. Statesville and Salisbury. Mr. Henkel continued as president of the company. A promoter of Blowing Rock de velopment, Mr. Henkel was presi dent of the Green Park Hotel com pany, at Blowing Rock and presi dent of Blowing Rock Development company. Much credit is given him and his brother, C. V. Henkel, for building the highway between Lenoir and Blowing Rock. Mr. Henkel is survived by his widow, who was Miss Annie Yount, of Newton, and five daughters, Miss Celeste Henkel and Miss Christine Henkel of Statesville, Mrs. P. G. Harper of Hickory, Mrs. J. A. Wads worth of Charlotte, Mrs. H. A. Rhyne of Mount Holly. He leaves also a brother, T. L. Henkel of Hickory, and two sisters. Miss Candace Hen kel of Cleveland, N. C-. and Mrs. Ernest Hocy of Shelby. The funeral services will oe at the residence, Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, and Interment will be in the family plot in Oakwood cem etery.

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