WEBB THEATRE — NOW PLAYING — BE BE DANIELS — BEN LYON and LEWIS STONE IN u MY PAST” Also BOBBY JONES in HOW I PLAY GOLF and LATEST NEWS. SHOWS 1—3 — 5 — 7 — 9. BARGAIN MATINEE 1 to 6:30 — EVERYBODY 10c. PLIGHT PRICES 10 AND 25c — comingwednesday — BY REQUEST WE ARE BRINGING BACK “TRADER HORN” ONE DAY ONLY Everybody 10c — Matinee and Night to See “Trader Horn.” DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS WONDERFUL PICTURE COMING SOON — NORMA SHEARER and JOAN CRAWFORD IN THEIR LATEST PICTURES. SEE ALL THE BIG ONES AT WEBB THEATRE SMART AGAIN Don’t spend too much for youi summer and vacation wardrobe un til you see what new looking things - we can make of your last year’s gar ments. We can make them serve you another season. You’ll be surprised how much we can save you—and at no sacrifice to your well-groomed appearance. Quality Cleaners . CASH AND CARRY . /' v Next To City Cafe — S. LaFayette St . Cleveland Springs SWIMMING POOL AND PAVILION rs An Ideal Place For PRIVATE PICNICS AND PARTIES. Spring and City Water Available, pedal Rates to Swiming Parties. DANCES EVERY WEDNESDAY AND • \TURDAY NIGHT— Music By HELBY BOY FRIENDS — PHONE 286 LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News 55S5& Misses Belle Elliott, Nora Corn well and Mrs. O, P. H&mridk are at tending summer school at the Nor mal college at Asheville. Miss Corn well was at home for the week-end. Mr. Max E. Phillips of Bolling Springs and Messrs. Herbert Belch and Reinhart Blanton of Shelby spent the past week In Charlotte. They were accompanied by Mr. Vel dee Belch who went on to Red Springs “to accept a position. — Mr. Evans Hartgrove of Char lotte, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. Forney, Mr. and Mrs. Me-1 Connughey, Miss Perkins, Mr. R. G. Presness, and Mrs. Annie Reid, all of Morganton will be the spend the-day guests here today of Mr. I and Mrs. F. O. Gee. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Barnett ar rived Saturday in Shelby to visit Mrs. Barnett's father, Mr. J. T. Hawkins on Grover street. Mr. Barnett leaves this week for Roa noke, Va.. where he will conduct a Sunday school campaign. Mrs. Bar 1 nett will remain here for a month. ! Little Miss Patsy Short, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Short, under went an operation for the removal ' of tonsils and adenoids al the Shel by hospital Saturday morning. Mrs. Claude Harrill. Mrs Lester Wolfe. Mrs. Madge Wise and Mr. Collins motored to Forest City Fri day night to witness the night game of baseball. i Mrs. Henry E. Kendall, who has been visiting relatives in Danville and Greensboro will return home Thursday. She will be accompanied by her son. Mr. Wiseman Kendall, and Mrs Kendall who ■will be here loa the day. Misses Ruth and Blanche Harrill entertained quite a number of their friends Friday night at their home on East Marion street. On Saturday they enjoyed a party at Cliffside at the . home of Mr. Yates Green. Mr. and Mrs. Rv H. Rogers, of Dprham, will move. Tomorrow Into the*J. R. Ballentine home on Buttle street. . It is understood that Mr Rogers will conduct the Ford agency in Shelby. , Among the Shelby people who at tended the Y. W. A. convention in Ridgecrest on Friday were: Mr. J. F. Ledford, MLses Mary Grace and Helen Ledford. Miss Della Wall, Mrs. Shepard, Misses Mary and Frances Lucas, Miss Aileen Webb, Miss Sara Louise Falls, Mis Attic Mac Eskridge, Miss Nila Benton, Miss Mary Tedder, Miss Viola Ran dall, Mrs. J. A. Lyles. "Miss Grace Eades, Mrs. Mai Spangler, Miss Elizabeth Blanton, and Mr. T. B. Gold, jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Agnew will re turn home tonight from their wed ding trip through the North Caro lina mountain'.. Capt. M. H. Austell, of Raleigh, is here visiting his mother, Mrs. J. A. Ellis, and Mr. Ellis on S. Washing ton street. Miss Jesse Kerr, Mr. Frank Kerr. Mrs. C. H. Robbins, and Miss Julia Robbins, all of Gaffney, with Miss Lil Kerr and Miss Melissa Kerr spent the day yesterday at Chim ney Rock. Miss Louise Ledford is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Weir in Gas tonia. Mrs. Weir, who is a sister of Mrs. Tom Roberts of this place, has been critically ill for the past ten days but is somewhli improved at present. Messrs. Ollie Harris, Ed Nolan. Bill Blanton, Lyle Thompcon, Joe Philbeck, and Harvey Wray left this morning for Myrtle Beach where they will spend a week. Miss Sara Bell Elliott, of Polk ville, spent several days last week visiting her aunt, Mrs. Susan Corn well Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Eskridge and children, of Winder. Ga., who spent last week here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Esk ridge, returned to their home this morning, Mr. Eskridge having been called home. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Eskridge, of Wynne wood, Okla., who have been spending several weeks here with the former’s sister, Mrs. B. T. Palls, and Judge Falls, left this morning for Nashville, Tenn., where they will visit their son. Mr. Howard Esk ridge. and M(*s. Eskridge before re turning to their home. ~ — —-*-• M». Charles Clegg and Miss Ruth Clegg, of UmadiHa Ga., are herej visiting at the home of Mr.' and! Mrs. F. L Ho;, le. *»tj Misses Miriam Hamrick and Helen Caldwell, of Gaffney. S. C., are spending till* week here visiting Mr and Mrs Clyde Nolan. Mr. W. H. Blanton, jr., spent the week-end in Atlanta, Ga„ visiting friends. Miss Mary Louise Benton, of Laurtnburg, is here visiting her sis ter, Miss Nila Benton, and cousin, Miss Mary Virginia Lefier. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. McCord and two children, Betty and Billy, of New Orleans, who have been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McCord here for the past week, left on Friday morning tor Dayton. Ohio, where Mrs. McCord and children will spend the summer visiting relatives. Mr McCord will return to New Orleans after two weeks. Little Miss Fannie Mae Hudson? small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hudson, is 111 with "scarlet fever this week. Mr and Mrs, B. O. Stephenson left yesterday for Wrlghtsvllle Beach where they will spend this week. They will be Joined on Thurs day by Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Morgan and Miss Helen Stephenson who will spend the remainder of the week there. Mrs. Clyde Nolan returned horn” last night after spending last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pettit, at Gaffney. Mr. Nolan spent the day in Gaffney yesterday and brought, her home last night. Mr, Gerald Morgan will return to day from Atlanta where he has been spending a day or so on business. Mrs. Harry Woodson. Misses Mar garet Anthony and Muriel Wright and Mr. Marlon Camp motored to Enka yesterday to visit Mr. Steve Woodson. They also visited Lake Junajuska. < Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McMurry and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McMury were in Charlotte Sunday to visit Mr. J J. McMurry who is undergoing treatment in a Charlotte hospital. The son born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Webb, jr., of 1081 Rosewood Drive Atlanta. Ga., on June 9, nas been named Edwin Yates Webb, HI. Miss Mary H. Ellis, of Wilmington is spending a weak here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J; A. Ellis, at their home on S. Washington street Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ballentme are moving, today from their home on Suttle street and will go to Danville Va, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bumgardner and little daughter. Sue Jane, of Erwin, Tenn., returned to their home tills morning after spending ten days visiting relatives in Gastonia, Kings Mountain, and Shelby, having visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roberts and Mr. J. F. Ledford and family here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Randolph Biggers, of Patterson Springs, announce the birth of a son, Bobby Gene, at the Shelby hospital this morning Mrs. Biggers was formerly Miss Ruby Ellis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Renn. Drum spent the week-end in Athens. Ga., visit ing the later's sister, Miss Clara .Johnston. Mr. and Mrs! S. P. Smith and family and Miss Mary Sue Holland motored to Lake Lure, Henderson ville and Asheville Sunday. Mr. Ben Suttle went to Blowing Rock yesterday to bring Mrs. Suttle back home. Mrs. Suttle. with her two sons, Ben, Jr., and Bobby, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nye. The two children temaln ed over with their grandparents for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Lackey, Mrs. Bam Turner, Miss Mozelle Cornwell, the latter of Rutherford ton. Miss Eunice Westbrook, Mr. Robert Crowder, Mrs. Ray Allen. Mr. Robert fcaxnett, Mrs Betty Phillips, and Miss Dixon were among the Shelby people who attended the funeral of Mr. D. C. Williams In Lin colnton on last Thursday. Mrs. C. M. Perry and little daugh ter, Marjorie, will leave the hospital today and return to the home of the farmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lu ther McGlnty on Westfield road. Mr. Oscar Stuart spent the week end at his home in Graham. Judge and Mrs .B. T. palls with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Eskridge, of Wynne wood, Okla., spent Saturday at Blowing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Benton and two sons. W p jr. ^ Harry, of Charlotte spent the '.veek-eiid here as guests of Mr and Mrs. B. A. Lef ler. Mrs. Julius Ragsdale returned to her home at High Point yesterday after spending last week here with her parents, Mr and Mrs F, F. Mc Brayer —————— Mr and Mrs E. U House, of j Washington, D c., have been vtalt i lug the latter's parents, Mr. and j Mrs. C. S. New here. Mr. House re j turned to Washington yesterday, | Mrs. Rouse remaining here for a I longer visit. Mr. Byard Kalis spent yesterday utslting friends in Charlotte. Mr. Alton Kirkpatrick spent the week-end at Wrightsvllle Beach. Miss Dorothy Byrd Hines ,of i Oreensboro. Is here visiting at the ! home of Mr and Mrs. J D. line berger. Mr. and Mrs. W. A McCord with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. O. P, Mc i Cord and two children, Betty and j Btlly. all of New Orleans, with Mrs i Joe E. Nash, spent last Thursday at Blowing Rock Miss Isabel Williams will return : to her work on Wednesday after ; being called home last Tuesday on account of the death of her father, ! Mr. D. C. Wlllalms. prominent tex tile man of Hope Mills Mrs. R. tV. Morris and little daughter, Sue Brevard, a ere able to leave the Shelby hospital on Satur day and return to the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. B Lattlmore on N. Mor ! gan street. friends of Miss Bonnie Sanders, who IS In Minneapolis, Mttjn., tak i ing a laboratory technician course, will be interested to know that she has completed the first stmester j successfully and is spending two weeks vacation in Chicago visiting j her uncle, Mr. Jack Sanders. Food Price* Show A Further Decline Washington.- June 20.—A decline j of 2 1-2 percent in retail food prlc jes between April la and May 15 was reported today by the labor depart ment. 1 - -/ Taking 1813- as 100 the index num bers were 150.1 for May 15. 19?0; 124 for April 15. 1031; and 121 tor May 13, 1931. Total of 35 articles decreased in retail price. Butter dropped 11 per jeent; fresh eggs 9; oleomargarine 7; cheese 6; lard 5; onions 28; or anges 15 and other articles from 1 jto 4 per cent. The greatest drop in prices dur jing the month was shown by Peona land Rochester with 6 per cent and Norfolk 5. Atlanta. Dallas, Little Rock, Mobile and New Orleans showed 4 per cent decrease. • Card of Thanks. I Allow us this opportunity 'to ex i press our stncerest thanks for the (wonderful kindness and deep sym ! pathy- which you showed to us dur | ing our recent bereavement i lithe loss of our loved and devoted wife and mother. The sustaining hand of friendship which you so willingly gave, with sacrifice, Ie.ser.ed the anguish which was almost unbear able. Every act and every though: of yours seemed to j:arry with i» much consideration for us in that sorrowful and trying hour. May the giver of every goccl and perfect gift reward you for this kindness in His own good way. Yours in deepest appreciation, Walter McSwain and Family Just Couldn't Wait. j "Uncle Peter, Is a bottle of Whlo >Icy Just as good after It’s been In a cupboard for a yearf' "I don't know. It's an exper iment I've never been able to com jplete." Application. Motorist: It took me about six | weeks' hard work to learn how to ] drive my car. Friend: And what have you got I for your pains? | Motorist: Liniment. At The Theaters The Carolina's feature piny lor today and Tuesday Is "It Pays To Advertise," a comedy. With an ex cellent cast of comedians. Norman Foster, Skects Gallagher, Eugene Pallotte and Carole Lombard arc starred Wednesday's show at tiie Carolina will be "Unfaithful," with Ruth Chutterton Hebe Daniels. Ben Lyon and Lews. Stone arc the heaty-scoring respou sibles for what happens In the mod ern racy romance, "My Past.” the feature beginning the week's enter tainment at the Webb theatre to day, Added acts include Bobby Jones golf reel and news, "Trader Horn" will run Wednesday on a re turn request. SINGING CONVENTION AT NOKTH BROOK JUNE 2ITH There w ill be a singing convention at the North Brook school No. 1 in Lincoln county, 4 miles north of Cherryvllle on the fourth Sunday in June Singing will begin at 10:00 o'clock. There will be solas, choirs, quartets and duets. M J. Canlpe Is president. Mrs. H, C. Jenkins, secre tary and Mrs. D. C, Wood, assistant secretary. Uncle Henpeck -"You boys of to day want too much money. Do you know what 1 was getting when I married your aunt?" Nephew—"No, I’ll bet you didn't either." SALL Or VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under end by virtue o( the authority conferred upon ut.ln a deed of trust er rfuted by D. J Alien and wife. aula AI lea on the 2!nd day of March, l»3d and rrcorded tn book 131. page 304. ae will on Saturday the t*lh day of July. 1931. U e’eleek naan at the courthouse door m Cleveland coun ty, bhe’by. N. c . sail at public auction for cash to the htgheet bidder the follow ing land to-wlt: , ui a vr»cv» oi i*no, »s follows: 13 1-5 acres, convtyed to D. J. Allen by K L Jenkins unit wife. M H Jenkins by deed which Is registered In book of deeds, KKK pege 310; end 34*, ecre.-i devised to Zuls Allen end huebend D. J Allen, by will of J. B. IVeters, which e» ueers In book of ellls No. 4. pege 314 of l the office of the clerk of the superior court of Clemlend county. N c., end be ing bounded oil, the N. by Robert Whitaker lends, on the B by Clove Grayson end A G. Wiggins, on the $ by A. O. Wlgglr.e, end on the W by IV, B Petty, said two trects edlolnlng. asvd lying on both sides of the New Houie-Mooresboro rood; end being described by mete- end bounds ei follows: Treet No 1: Beginning et on uppe* point of e Urge rock et the edge of a fork In line of A. C. Wiggins end runs B. 43>: W. 4 37 chs. to e stone end pointers, cor ner of the J. B Weters' treet, tract No 3 herein described, thence N. 50», W with the line of tract No 3, 13.et chs. to s atone In old road bed. Robert Whitaker’, corner: thence N. 41!', K ertth Whitaker: line 13.20 chs. to a stake In middle o! branch or creek: thence down the mtddli of said stream as It meanders as follows S IS‘a B. 14 tha S. 31‘, K. 1.74 chs tt the 7»lae# sr beginning, containing 13 l-i acres. Tract No. 3 Beginning on a atone ti the old line on the W. side of the branch W. B. Petty a corner, and runs thence N 20 K 14 poles to a maple on the W. aid: of the branch. Robert Whitaker's corner, thence with hie line 3 74 B. 24 poieB to ■ persimmon; thence continuing with hli tine B. 38 poles to a stone In the road corner of tract No. 1 above; thenoc wish said tract No. IS 53 K. 44 poles to t stelae: thence S. 48 W. with A. G Wig gins' line 54 poles to a post oa';: thercs With lire line of W. B Petty s. N 53 W. 64 poles to the beginning, containing 24', acres. Tills sale 1* made by reason of the fall i ure of D. J. Allen and wife, Zula Allen to pay off end dlecharge the Indebtedness secured by eeid deed of trust. ! A deposit of 10 percent will be required from the purchaser at the sale This the 13th day of June. 1631 N1RST NATIONAL BANK OP DURHAM, Trustee. Durham, N. C. 4t June 32c BUY A HOME ON EASY TERMS 6 Rooms, brick house. North Washington street, three blocks from square, *3,750.00. Pay *33C cash, balance *34.00 month. 6 Rooms, Fred Wright house on Buttle street, *2.750.00. Pay *250 cash, balance *25.00 a month. 6 Rooms, I. J. Stillwell house on Gldney street, *2,750.00. Pay $250 cash, balance *25.00 a month 5 Rooms, Blanton street, South west Slielby. *1.400.00 Pay *150.00 cash, balance *12.50 a month. Other homes, well located at bar gain prices. 10°o cash, balance easy monthly installments. | Oliver S. Anthony Now Is A Good Time To Have Your Ring Remounted We have a wonderful lot of new Ring Mount ings in Platinum and White Gold. For the next ten days we will give you a close price on any mounting in the house. Bring your rings in and have them examined. If jour mounting is worn or slightly out of style, let us make it new and modern. T. W. Hamrick Co. JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS I CAROLINA "SHELBY'S 1*01*1 LAtt I’LAY HOUSE” TODAY & TUESDAY Nereen version of a fimow Ktacr Play. “IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE” Norman Foster. Skeels (.alia Sher. Kufene Pal WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY RUTH CHATTERTON -MM «t| l.C.ilL lette and Carole lombard FRIDAY Again—the Bril liant Charlie Chat EVERYBODY IOC EVERY DAY fur SATURDAY The screen’s dirt unravels a Untied web “THE BLACK CAMEL” WARNER OLANO, HAi.EV * EILER5. BUCK JONES IN “The Fighting* Sheriff” Dresses b) BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED CASH AND CARRY DELIVERY SERVICE THERE IS A REFRESHED NEWNESS TO WHITEWAY CLEANED GARMENTS. SEE FOR YOURSELF JUST HOW MUCH FINER OUR DRY CLEANING REALLY IS. TRY US! THE WHITEWAY “QUALITY” CLEANERS — DYERS PHONE 105 If You Save { Nothing Now, \ You Will Have j The Same j Amount When \ Old Age Comes j What you have in the future de | pends on what you save in the pres | ent. There’s no escaping that rule, a It’s both easy and simple to save* | once you get started. Saving beeom S es a game. Start Saving | To retire in a certain number of | years; to travel, or to educate your § children. Then you will enjoy sav § ing. 1 I First | National 1 Bank j SHELBY, N. C.

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