Cletoclanii 8 PAGES TODAY 6HELBY, N. C. WEDNESD \, JINE 24, 1931 t'utilished Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons.V Hm,L “ Unaaa) Late News Fair Thursday. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Generally fair tonight and Ihursday. Cooler in east tonight, '•it tie change in west. * Flying Atlantic. Harbor Grace, N. F.. June 24.—The " innie Mae was winging its way over the Atlantic last night bearing Wilev Post and Harold Gatty to ward Rurope on the second lap of their projected round-the-world flight. The sturdy craft took off from here for Germany at 4:57 day light time yesterday afternoon, thrrr hours and 40 minutes after conclud ing a fast flight from Roosevelt field, N. Y„ to Harbor Grace. The fliers had breakfast in New York and luncheon here. They took only sandwiches with them and hoped to have their next real meal in Berlin They left Roosevelt field at 3:5fi K. S. T„ yesterday morning and made the 1 200-mile hop here in six hours and 52 minutes. This was an average of considerably more than 150 miles an hour they hope to maintain in order to realizr their ambition of smashing the 22-day glnbe-rireling record of the German dirigible Graf Zeppelin. Grain Crops Of CountyDoubled Shoffner Says IVhcat And Oats Unusually Good. Cotton Growing: Rapidly. Corn Increase The wheat and oats crops in Cleveland county this year are practically double what they were last year That is the opin ion of County Agent R. W. Shoffner. , He bases his estimate tipon a size able increase m acreage and an un usually good yield. Practically all of the wheat and* oats In the county have been cut! and threshing is now underway. i Some Yield. An Indication of the general oat vie Id Is shown in .one patch sown by R. G. Adams, of Lattimore. Mr. Adams put one and three-eighths acres In the new variety of Norton oats, Introduced iivtbis county last tall, and recently he. threshed 89 bushels from the .one tract. A quan tity of the Norton oats was sown in the county this time and has proved very adaptable to the climate here. No Drought. No crops in the county are suf fering from lack of rain so far, ac cording to the county agent. The cotton crop, county farmers have told him. has shown more growth In the last two weeks than in a similar period in years. Corn Is looking good and also; growing rapidly. "I have just re turned from a trip across the state, the farm agent stated, "and no where did I find crops looking as good as in this county. "The best live-at-home feature i we have in the county, 1 believe, however,” he continued. "is the manner In which we have gone about gardening here. If there is a county In the state with more and! finer gardens I would certainly like to see it. It seems to me as if there will be enough Irish potatoes pro duced this year to feed the county for two years, and there are other vegetables In proportion.’* Corn, Wheat Crops Boosted By Registei One of Best Corn and Wheat Crops In History of County, Newton Says. “Cotton may not bring much this fall but we farmers,” says Register of Deeds Andy F. Newton, “are noi going to suffer very much this Win ter because we are producing what we usually have to buy.” Mr. Newton, who has kept in close touch with farm conditions since holding a county office and whose office is a gathering place for farm ers when in the city, says that the corn and wheat crops in Cleveland this year are as good as he has seen In many years. There is no exag geration, he declares, in the report that more acreage has been given over to corn, wheat and other food and feed crops this year than in any year since the county won fame as a cotton-producer. Bolijp To Open New 6 Chair Barber Shop Forrest Bolin, one of Shelby’' popular barbers will open a six chair barber shop and bath house ir the Weathers-Blanton building next to the J. C. Penney Co., on Friday of this week. The entire basement has been 'fitted up with handsome bar ber chairs and mirror cases shine stand and four shower stalls with private dressing rooms. His snop has absorbed the Charles Barber shop from which most of his barbers will! come. Fifteen dollars in trade will be given as first prize and $10 in trade as second prize for the best shop names submitted. Road Officials Here; Plans Not Complete Engineers On Visit To County WJII Krrp Cleveland Prisoners In No. 6 Camp For County Road Work. J. C. Walker, division engineer for division E, which embraces all Western North Carolina under the new highway system, and District Engineer Poteat, whose territory embraces Cleveland, Rutherford, Burke and McDowell counties, were visitors in Shelby this week. The road officials spent some time con ferring with A. E. Cline, chairman of the county commissioners, and members of the several road com missions in the county. "The newly organised system of operating all highways in the state is not functioning well enough as yet," Mr. Cltne said, “for the en gineers to know just how the road program will be carried out. At present their plan seems to be that of working out a system of main taining all the county roads they take over the first of next month. This is "such a mammoth task that they will not not be able, I would think, ^o do anything about new roads for some time yet.” District Group. ~ Division E, in which Cleveland county is located, has been divided into five districts. Cleveland and the three other counties in the district will have district headquarters at Marlon with Mr. Poteat in charge as district engineer. Two engineers who will work under him have al ready been named but Mr. Cline stated today that he did not remem ber their names. However, no engi neer or other employe yet taken on under the new system Is from this county. The idea at present, as Mr. Cline understood it, would be for the con victs in this county to be used in maintaining the roads in Cleveland. Prisoners on the No. 6 gang here when it is taken over a week from today will remain at the No. 6 camp which has been taken over by the state. In all probability, although highway officials have not an nounced it, these convicts will be used in all sections of the county where road upkeep is necessary. Heretofore the No. 6 chain gang was maintained by No. 6 township and the convicts worked only in No. 6. Beginning next week it is presum ed that they will work in all town ships as needed. Five central prison camps will be operated In the state. The nearest central camp to Shelby will be lo cated in Charlotte, it is understood, and all sick and disabled prisoners in this section will be kept there. Prisoners physically able for road work will for the most part be used on the maintenance of roads in the counties in which they are convict ed and sentenced. When heavy work elsewhere comes up, however, prisoners will be shifted about over the state, it 1s understood, according to the distribution of the work. The handling of the prisoners will. It is said, be under the direction of the state prison authorities rather than For Dry Reform Another Roosevelt has taken to the field in the interest of reform. Mrs. Archibald Roosevelt (above), daughter-in-law of the late Theo dore Roosevelt, has been appointed national secretary of the Women’s Organisation for Prohibition Re form. Mrs. Roosevelt is the for mer Grace Stackpole Lockwood. She will work for dry reform in — New York._. Gardner Spikes Political Talk \ i ; Governor Declares He Is Not Bark ing Ehrtnghaus As His Successor. i — •! Raleigh, June 24.—With political; gossip steadily increasing in Ua- j leigh, Governor O. Max Gardner! this week emphatically denied that he had been or was supporting the candidacy of J. C. B. Ehringhausj of Elizabeth City for governor. ‘"Hie people of North Carolina are competent to select their own governor without an executive or der,” the governor said. "They would not accept it. and I'm not going to issue it. Every candidate should have a fair fight without in terference. I'm not backing any can didate and will not.” Prom every part of the state re curring rumors have had it that Ehringhaus was being favored by the governor in his bid for the dem-! |ocratic nomination against R. T. I Fountain of Rocky Mount, lieuten-! ant governor, and Dennis O. Brum-1 mitt of Raleigh, attorney general. under the highway department. Short Term Prisoners. No prisoners who have sentences,' under 60 days will be taken over or j worked by the state. Just how Cleveland county will handle con victs having sentences shorter than 60 days has not been definitely de termined as yet, Mr. Cline says. Will County Receive Pay For Road Machinery Taken Over On July 1? Machinery Inventoried But Nothing Definite Known About Pay For It. Will the .il road commissions in Cleveland county receive pay for their road machinery when the state highway commission takes over all county roads, convicts and machinery next week? That question is being debated ali i over the state. The machinery in' this county has already been inven- j toried and will be taken over July! 1. There is a possibility that the state will pay for it later, but this is not definitely known. Protesting. In Raleigh today a delegation rep resenting the Mecklenburg highway commission and the Mecklenburg county commissioners will confer with state highway officials in re gard to the county’s decision not to turn over road machinery now own ed by the county to the state. The machinery is appraised by the county at $140,000. State Highway Commisstonef E. B. Jeffress said that the highway commission did not have the author ity under the 1931 road act to com pensate counties for their road ma chinery, Nor are there any funds for this purpose, he stated. , The statute provides that on July 1, on which date the state takes over all county roads lor mainten ance, "the boards of county com missioners and the several county, district and township highway or road commissions in each county shall turn over to the state highw'av commission or its duly authorized agents, all road machinery, equip ment, teams, materials and supplies of every kind on hand belonging to said commissioners or commissions, and acquired by them from road funds; and all such property as may be accepted by the state highway commission shall be duly inventor ied and appraised by said state highway commission or its duly au thorized agents.” After specifying that any equip ment not deemed by the state high way commission suitable or effi cient may be turned back to the counties for sale by them, the pro ceeds to be applied on road indebt edness. County road authorities were also prohibited from purchasing or selling any machinery after the passage of the act except with the permission of the highway commis sion. Machinery bought by the coun ties on credit may be surrendered to, the holders of the notes by agree ment, the law provides. Political Talk HasEhringkaus Shunted Aside Power* To Support Some Other? Raleigh Reports Says Influential Factors shift Away From Favorite Here. Political rumors emanating from Raleigh have it that Influential fac tors which were thought to favor J. C. B Ehringhaus, of Elizabeth City, for governor in 1931! are now desert ing him and seeking another pros pective governor behind whom to concentrate their strength. This news, whether or not de pendable, meets with very little en thusiasm in this section as the Shelby area has been "sold on" the Elizabeth City man for a year or so. When the recent general assem bly gathered In Raleigh it was generally believed by political ob servers that Ehringhaus had the in side track over the two other out standing candidates at that date. Lieutenant Governor Dick Fountain and Attorney General Dennis Brummltt. But the legislative mar at non muuoiea me waters me MacLean school measure split po litical factions of the Democratic party All three leading candidates for governor said no more about the controversial issue than pos sible. Mr. Eprringhaus. rated next to Clyde Hoev as one of North Caro i Unas most pleasing orators, consid ered it a matter for the legislators themselves to work out. Anyway, he did not shout and hurrah for the MacLean measure. Neither did he make a bitter fight upon it. But be cause he did not rally to their standards some of the bitter-enders .of the MacLean faction turned their cotmntrBD on 0*0* Siajrr t Pedisreed Poultry To Be Sold Here An auctlbn^-salo of pedigreed cockerels will be held in Cleveland county some time in August, it was learned today. The sale will conducted by the county poultry association as a movement to improve the poultry stock of the county and Increase the county’s income from poultry. The date of the auction will be announc ed later. Light Docket In Recorder’* Court Today's Session Featured By Worthless Cheek Cases. Minor Trials. The summer lullis showing up In, the county recorder's court this week with unusually light dockets yesterday and today. The majority of the cases booked; for a hearing today were of a minor nature, most of them being worth less check charges. Leave On Motor Trip To Washington State Mr. and Mrs. Rush Thompson and two daughters, Misses Elizabeth and Margaret Thompson, Mrs. W. H ; Thompson and Miss Prances Carver j will leave by auto Thursday morn-j lng for Bellingham, Wash., to spend about two months visiting relatives and friends. The party will take the Southern route, stopping by Hugo, Okla.i where they will visit Dr. C. A. Thompson, a brother of Rush Thompson. The distance from Shel by to their destination is 3,500 miles and they expect to make the trip j in between eight and nine driving! days, covering about 400 miles a j day. Local Stores Will Close July \ 6 And Observe As A Holiday Thirty-Four Stores Sign To Close Their Pisces of Business On Monday, July 6. Local stores, thirty-four of them, have signed a petition agreeing to close their doors on Monday. July 6, to observe a holiday instead of July 4, according to a petition which has just been circulated. July 4th comes on Saturday this year but because Saturday is the big shop ping day of the week, the stores will continue open that day and observe the holiday on Monday following. The stores signing the petition to close are: Shelby Hardware Co., Carolina Store, A and P. Co.. LaPayette St., Oscar O. Palmer, Kester-Groome j Furniture Co.r Cinderella Slipper; Shoppe, W. A. Pendleton, George i Alexander, jeweler, T. P. Eskridge, i Pender Store, No. 237, Mrs. D. A. I Whisonant, W. E. Crowder. J. C j Penney Co., Bee Hive. Jno. M. Best* Furniture Co.., L. C. Davis. Efird's Dept. Store, Charles Stores! Co., Inc., Farmers and Planters! Hardware Co.. Montgomery Ward1 and , Style Shop, Miller-Jones! Co., A. and P Co., Warren street.! A. V. Wray and 6 Sons, Stored! Bros. Hose's 5 and 10, Cohen Bros. Nash, lnc„ F. W. Woolwprth Co., T. W. Hamrick Co,, Wright-Baker Co, Cash Grocery Store, Piggly Wiggly store. " I Ruth Nichols Has A Crash On Ocean Hop The clear photo above chow* the monoplane of Ruth Nichols as she was flying over New Vork Bay Mon day morning In the first leg of her attempted flight across the Atlantic. In making a landing at St. John, N. B., late Monday evening, however, she wrerJted her plane and was forc ed to give up the flight for the time being She was painfully injured herself hoped to continue the flight and be the first woman to make a solo flight over the ocean, but her plane was too badly damaged. It is being being returned to New York j for repairs while Miss NlrhoU re cuperates, preparatory to making 1 another attempt. Heat Wave Holds Grip On Section; Rains Help Some Mercury Rack To 96 Monday And Tuesday. Climbing Again Today. The heat wave which swooped down upon this section last week was still holding forth to day, with very litle promise of a let-up in the next day or so. Not since Sunday, however, lias the temperature reached 100 but on Monday and Tuesday the mercury climbed to 96 in the afternoon. For three days the. morning heat has been unusual In this section and Monday afternoon only a shower of rain relieved the torrid atmosphere. Rain threatened yesterday afternoon but the clouds moved to the north and In this immediate section there was no rain, although there were' good showers In the up-county terri tory. Climbing Today. This morning the mercury in the Ebeitoft thermometer was at 90 and still climbing with indications that by mid-afternoon, unless It rains, the temperature may exceed that of Monday and Tuesday. Today's weather reports indicate that it will be cooler In the east to night but little change in tempera ture in the piedmont and west. Former Citizen Of County Dies In Ark. Geo. M. Hendrick, Native of Beam* Mill Section Dies In Atkins, Ark. A letter received by P. Cleveland Gardner from Mrs. Alice Bowden of Atkins, Arkansas, states that her father, George M. Hendrick died at Atkins, Arkansas, on May 30th. George M. Hendrick was a son of Eusebius (Sib) Hendrick and wife, Elzata Wellmon, and a brother of Juan F. Hendrick of this county. He was born and rearer near Beams Mill and left this county November 8, 1869 and settled In Polk county. Ark., when a young man, and was married there to Miss Martha Howell, a daughter of Larkin How ell of Perry county, Arkansas. Jim Hendrick, a brother of George M. Hendrick, left this county In November, 1870, and settled in Polk county, Arkansas. He married Miss Emma Howell, a sister to his broth er's wife. Jim Hendrick died Octo ber 26. 1921. Webb Goes To Finals For Carolinas TitU Shelby Boy, 1929 Champion, Beats Rippy, Fellow Townsman, To Meet Perry For Title At Greensboro. Final Match This Afternoon. Shelby Boys Lead In Honors. (Special to The Star.) Sedgefjeld Country Club, Gr^Vnsboro, June 24 (2 p. m— Fred (Snook) Vebb, sensational 16-ycar-oId southpaw golfer of Shelby, was this afternoon only 18 holes of play away from his second Junior Carolinas championship, due to his victory here this morning over Claude Brown Ripny, also of Shelby. jnus tutor noon the brilliant boy, golfer, who how holds. more title ] than any Carolina golfer anywhere! near his age Is battling Clifton Per ry, Winston-Salem star, for the title Great flat lies. Webb was forced to shoot super golf and call all of his uncanny stroking ability into play this morn ing to defeat Rippy, former caddy pal on the Cleveland Springs course at Shelby, At the end of the seventh hole Rippy was two up and it ap peared as if Hippy would take the championship away from Webb as Webb did from his older brother. Pete, two years ago. But from the seventh hole on the slender left hander burned up the bourse. He won the eighth and ninth holes and at the turn he and Rippy were all square. They halved the 10th hole, then Webb snatched the 11th. 12th and 13th to hold a three-hole lead until the match ended three and two to go. In tlie other morning round of the semi-finals Clifton Perry, of Winston-Salem, eliminated Jack Biggs, the Raleigh boy who dropped Erwin Laxton, Charlotte champion yesterday. Their Scores. Webb's score for the 18 this morn ing was 73 while Rippy turned in a 76 Both were shooting ahead of the other semi-finalists as Perry arid Biggs took 78 each for 18 holes OTHER DETAILS OF GOLF TOURNEY AND ADDITION AL SPORTS ON PAGE 8. Their match, however, carried to the 19th before Perry won,. Shelby sent three boy golfers to Greensboro for the tourney, tn which 191 youngsters entered, and all three made a name for them selves, Rlppy won his way to the semi-finals before losing to Dixie's best left-hander, Webb, and Jim Retd, the third boy. won first honors and the silver cup in the third flight. On the opening day, Pete Webb, brother of Snook, won the pro-amateur event WEBB AND KIIPY IN SEMI FINALS; REID WINNER Sedeefleld Country Club, Greens- j boro, June 24 —Three youthful golf ers. one of them already widely known in Dixie golfing circles, kept their home town of Shelby In the limelight, here today In the first round.T'SFrnatch play in the annual Junior Carolines tourney. As the first day of match play ended two Shelby boys—Fred <Snook* Webb and Claude Brown Rippy—were booked for the first flight semi-finals today and a third, fCONTWUXl) on **oi Kiotrt • Fight Looms For Morrison Next Year; Hoey Not Out Of Picture Political Picture In North Carolina Has Changed In Recent Years. • Raleigh, June 24.—United States Senator Cameron Morrison, tilling out the unexpired term of the late Lee Slater Overman, may find~'txui> self in the midst of another politic cal battle next June—reminiscent of those heated 1920 Democratic pri maries which put him in the gov ernors mansion Eleven years ago the silver-ton ed Charlotte orator was fighting a fierce battle with the youthful Oli ver Max Gardner, of Shelby, and Robert N. Page. A first primary eli minated Page, and in the second Morrison edged out Gardner to close one of the tightest gubernatorial primaries in the state's history. Period of Progress. A period of progress came with his regime. Roads- were built, schools were constructed, cities grew up. Pour years of government under Scotchman Angus Wilton McLean followed. Then Gardner, after eight years- of waiting, entered the gover nor's mansion, The state's political picture be gan to change color. Simmons was crushed for bolting Smith. Senator Overman died. A new chapter in the state's political history was begin ning. The 1932 Democratic pri j manes and the subsequent general I election will definitely decide who will play the star roles. Senator Morrison received his senatorial appointment from Gov ernor Gardner. The governor's brother-in-law, Clyde R, Hoey. was mentioned as a likely appointee, and Governor Gardner publicly declared "If Clyde Hoey wants it, he can have it.” But Mr. Hoey graciously declined. Morrison called his ap pointment at the hands of his for mer foe, "generous.” Now the time approaches for the election of a successor to Senator Overman. Undoubtedly, Senator Morrison will be a candidate, but his path is not expected to be rosy. Before Mr. Overman’s death, Mor rison had been mentioned as a candidate in 1932. Colonel T. L. Kirkpatrick, also of Charlotte, had announced he would run. And others were speculating. Appointing Foes. One of Morrison’s first acts in the senate was to approve Frank R. Mc Ninch, who led the anti-Smith forces in the state in 1928, for a post [on the federal power board. This !stirred up political talk. Mr. Mc Ninch, along with Slnitnons, had1 been considered "out of the patry." Morrison described his act as recog 1 (CONTINUED Oh PAQE EIGHT.* . Rogers Takes Ford Agency; Buys Eskridge License Bureau In Beam Building Durham Dealer Buy* Slock From Eskridge F.*tate. To Operate At Same Place. R H Rogers of Durham has ac cepted the ugency 'for the Ford mo tor products and purchased the stock of the Eskridge Garage from tha Charles L. Eskridge estate, it waa announced yesterday. Mr. Roger* comes to Shelby from Durham " here he disposed of the Ford agency he held there for a number of years, lie has been a Ford agent in North Carolina towns for the past nine years, and when this agency "•as left open because of the recent death of Chas, L. Eskridge, he read ily accepted It at the hands of th* Ford Motor Co., it being the desire of Mr Rogers to live in ,a smaller town than Durham. Same location Retained nogprs Motors Is the name of the new agency and headquarters will be maintained at the Eskridge Oarage a lease having been secured on the building Mr Rogers states that most of the Eskridge personnel of salesmen, repairmen and office men will be retained. It has been known for several days that a deal pending for a change In the agency, the doors having been closed for business while Inventory was being taken. Inven tory has been complete and the agency passed this week Into the hands of Rogers Motors, owned en tirely by Mr. R. H. Rogers, Mr Rogers has rented the Bal lentine dwelling on East suttie street and Is moving hts family here this week. His wife and three child ren are expected to arrive today. License Bureau Moves. The automobile license bureau has been moved to a store room fn the Beam building on N. Washington street and will be kept by Charles Eskridge, Jr, and Herman Eskridge. Here the headquarters of the Chas. L, Eskridge will be maintained for the collection of accounts, sale of automobile licenses and stock of Model T Parts Five Couples Marry In June Number Of June Brides Increasing But Cupid Is Not Overworked. Cleveland county has five Juno brides to show for 24 days of the bridal month, but so far Dan Cupid has had no extra spurt of business during what is termed his best busi ness month. The fifth license of the month was issued Saturday to R. Lloyd Watson of Watauga county, and .Nellie Ever hart, of Cleveland county. All five couples married so far this month were white. In recent years since the new marriage restrictions took effect in North Carolina approximately 10 couples have secured marriage li cense here each June, but with only a week to go the number will likely fall short of that mark this month. Portion Whiteway Lights Turned On Regulator Borrowed For Shelby Business Section Lighting. Repairs Soon. A portion of the lights in Shelby's "whiteway” in the uptown business section are burning again after the regulator controlling the “white way" was burned out Sunday night by a bolt of lightning. A small regulator was borrowed from a local textile plant to control the lighting system until the city regulator could be repaired, but the smaller regulator was not sufficient to burn the entire "whiteway” and only a portion of the lights are burning. It Is thought that the city regu lator will be re-wired and ready for use by Friday night. Woman Loses An Eye From Hoelngr Garden While hoeing in the garden a few days ago, the hoe struck a stick on She ground, flew into the eye of Mrs. John Morrison of Kings Mountain md inflicted an injury which neces sitated the removal of the eye ball. Mrs. Morrison was rushed to the Shelby hospital and there the eye vas removed by Dr. Torn Gold on Saturday, about twenty-four hours tfter she received the injury.

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