SOCIETY NEWS MRS. RENN DRUM. Editor. relephone The Star No. Each Morning a lo 12 O clock. Mrs. Drum can oe reached at her ho me, Phone 113. aUernoon and night.* TREASURE. l only want on* solitary son* To rise and find the surface of my heart. Articulate and brave and open wide Its shv and stubborn petals t.0 your light. 1 need this song to tell you how I hide, in Loneliness and jealousy apart One single smile, haunting and gay and strung One single look, stabbingly young! and bright. - Holget Lundbergh Regular Meeting Of Golf Club. The regular meeting of the ladies! golf club will be held at the Coun try club on Friday afternoon at 2:30 Mias Rush of I.attlmore Marries Mr. Weatherford. Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Rush of Laiti more announce the marriage of their daughter Miss Sara Lenora, to Mr. Leslie E- Weatherford on Satur day June 6, at Gaffney, S. C. They were accompanied to Gaffney by Mr Halite and Miss Oladvs Weath erford and Mr. Oolie Rush. Mr. And Mrs. Goode Dinner Hosts. Mr and Mrs. Basil Goode were fts on Tuesday evening at an in nal dinner party honoring Mr. Mrs. H. N Mulllcan, Avilee ilican. and Mias Mahota Mulli , all of Chickasha, Okla., and Mr and Mrs 8. 8. Beam, of Home stead, Fla The table decoration consisted of a basket of gladioli used as a oenterpie'ee. A delicious three course dinner was served Bible Cla»» To Have Picnic. The member* of the D Z, Newton Sunday school class of the Central Methodist church will have a fam ily picnic at Pincview lake on Fri day evening. All mem hem are cor dially invited to come and bring their families or friends. Everyone will bring picnic supper and meet at. the church between 6 and 6:30 o'clock for the trip to Pinevlew lake Invitations Of Interest Received Here. Many friends in this section will be interested in the following invi tations which have been received here recently "Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Gibson request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter. Nadelna. to Mr Wil liam Stewart Buchanan on Satur day the eleventh of July at high noon. Reynolds church. Winston Salem. North Carolina Mr Buchanan will be remembered as instructor of science, music and mathematics In the high school here for several years. Mn Battle Hostess To Bridge Clab. Mrs. Ben Suttle was a charming hostess Tuesday morning to mem bers of the Tuesday afternoon bridge club, entertaining at her home on W Marion atreet. Bridge was play ed at two tables and when cards were laid aside and scores were add ed Mrs. Durham Moore received an attractive piece of- pottery as high score award and Mrs, Shem Black- j ley was given a pretty print a.- i second high score prize Mrs Suttle was assisted by Miss t Isabel Hoev in serving simple re freshments. Bridge Party For Miss Mnllican Miss Mai lot a Mullican. of Chick - •sha, Okla . was honoree on Monday afternoon at a pretty party given by Misa Evelyn Dellinger and Mrs. Ress Hamrick, at the home of Mrs. Hamrick. The rooms were decorated with summer flowers and five tables were arranged for bridge When scores were counted the high score award, a pretty compact, went to Miss Ruth Laughndge. and the sec ond high score, a bottle of perfume, to Miss .Juanita Cline. The hostesses presented Miss Mullican with an at tractive box of stationery. Mrs. Hamrick and Miss Dellinger were assisted by Mrs. Basil Goode. Mrs. Miles Beam, and Mrs. Harland Wilson in serving a salad course! followed by a sweet course Birthday Party Far Joe And Frank Williams. • Special to The Star > Mr*. J M. Williams assisted by Misses Corene and Irene Costner entertained about 20 little boys and girls with a birthday party Satur day afternoon from one o'clock to five honoring her attractive little soys, Joe and Prank, in their third and fifth birthday anniversaries. The little honorees played num erous interesting games with their friends before they were, invited into he dining room which was beau tifully decorated with summer flow ers. The two large birthday cakes, one holding three candles and the other holding five candles, graced .he cento* of the table, where punch, cake, candy and chewing gum were served by the little boy.',' mother. The little honorees were showered with many useful and beautiful presents which pleased them very much All the little guest* reported u nice time and left wishing little Joe and Prank, many more happyj birthday*, Swimming Party And Picnic. Mr. "Snook ie Uneberger and Mr, Allen Suttle were hosts at a de lightful swimming party and pic nic at Pineview lake yesterday aft ernoon. and at dancing afterwards, In compliment to the former’s house guest, Miss Dorothy Hines, of Greensboro. About 30 members of the young set were present and aft er a delightful swim in the lake en joyed a picnic supper under the tree*. The guests were then invited bark to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Uneberger where dancing was enjoyed during the evening. Among the out-of-town guests present were; Miss Virginia Timberlake, of Gastonia. guest of Misses Minna and Peg LeGrand. and Miss Emily Marshall, of Clearwater, Fla., guest of Miss Mary Brandt Switzer. Birthday Celebration for Mrs. Hickson. Mrs. b. C. Houser and Mrs. Rus sell Laughrfcfge were hostesses at a delightful surprise birthday party on Monday afternoon, in compliment to their mother, Mrs. Georgia Hickson At 3 o’clock the guests had assem bled and were taken to the Webb theatre for the show. After enjoying the picture the party' returned to the Piedmont cafe where a long table was arranged, at which the guests found their places by means of dainty hand painted place cards in sweet pea designs. Cords extend ed to each place from mounds .of sweet peas at each end of the table and when the guests pulled the cords each drew an attractive lit tle animal as a favor. A large white birthday cake, trimmfed with green and pink icing and holding 70 lighted tapers, served as a center piece. Tall green tapers graced each corner of the table and pretty pink nut cups at each place further car tied out the decorative scheme. Pink and green ice cream and pound cake were served, the pink and green glassware being used for serving. Misses Betty Sue laughridge, Ger trude Boland, Louise Riviere and Irene Bridges, served the refresh ments Those enjoying this delightful oc casion were: Mesdames W. L. Pack ard P. v Hendrick. H. A. Logan j S A. Washburn, Dorcas Beam. Mary Mundy, S. P Roberts, C. A. Wash-! burn, J. A. Lee, w Y. Crowder. Marv ; A. Bridges. O M Abernathy. sr. Lula WhisonanL Frank Hamrick! and O P Riviere New House News Of Current Week Mr. Ed Walker, Stricken With Paralysis Is Better. Division Meeting. New House .lune 33. A W M.l U, division meeting was held at Sandy Plains Baptist church Sun day afternoon. Mr. Elmo Walker who lias been sick for - the past several weeks is slightly improved Mrs. Hessie Doty of Dobms section Is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs Crayton Hawkins and Mr. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs Troy Wiggm.s and children. Eunice and Oltha. visited Mr. and Mrs. J A Greene Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Butler and chil dren, Mr and Mrs. Fred Doty and son, J. T.. Mrs. Hessie. Doty were the dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. E. C. Hawkins Sunday Mrs. Susan Hollheld of Bostic .s visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs, Ed Walker Miss Haicel Price of Newberry, S. C. Is spending several months with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Price of near New House. Miss Belle Walker spent the week-end at the home of her cou sin. Mr. and Mrs. John Ed Davis of the Double Springs community. Misses Davie and Dorcas Bridges of Connelly Springs visited in the section over the week-end. Mrs. Spurgeon Walker and daugh ter. Grace, of Shelby, spent one dav recently with Mrs. Walker s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Greene. Mr. Ed Welker who was stricken! with paralysis some time ago. Is able; to be working again. Miss Sara Lou Whitaker has re turned home from the Shelbv hos jpital where an operation was per formed last week. Mr and Mrs. J. P. Walker visited in Ellenboro over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Odus Bowen and children visited Mrs Buna Philbeck Sundav afternoon. B. Y. p. u. will meet Sunday night at 7 45 o'clock. Upper Cleveland News Of Interest Rev. Mr. Barber Fill* Appointment Shower* Are Welcome, lor Cream Supper. (Special to The Star, i Cnaar, R-!.—Rev. Mr. Harbei fill ed his regular appointment at Lee s Chapel Sunday afternoon. He took, his text from the 20th verse of 12th chapter of Luke, "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee," The farmers were glacf to see the refreshing showers that fell Sun day. Joe Bumgardners children are sick with the whooping cough at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morris of Casar visited Mrs. Morris' mother, Mrs W. K. Hunt Sunday. Misses Lucille and Nina Self and Madge Gantt visited friends at Sunshine Sunday. The young people of the com munity enjoyed an ice cream sup per Saturday night given by Tilted Price and others Mr. Clem Hunt left for Long Is land, N. Y, Wednesday, where he will accept a position with the Davey Tree Co. Among those calling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oplius Hunt Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Tur ner of Morganton and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Self of Moriah community. Mrs. Myrtle Whtsnant spent Mon day Tii Henrietta with Dr. ,77F: Whisnant and had dental work done. Mrs. Dull Whtsnant visited her son. Mr A. W. Whisnant Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Herman Wall spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. and Mrs Westley Richard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will White of Moriah community. Mr. Clayton White spent the week-end with Clem and John Richard. Mr. and Mrs J o, Hoyle and children of Casai spent Sunday with Mrs. Hoyle's mother. Mrs. Zero Mull. Miss Lucile Self is on the sick list at this writing. Miss Winnie Whisnant visited her cousin, Miss Lois Whisnant of Hen rietta Monday. Mrs, P M. Whishant visited her mother, Mrs. Sarah Melton of Gol den Valley section Monday. There was a hail and wind storm in that section Sunday afternoon which done much damage. The wind blew down several buildings, Mr. Rolland Price carried his wife to the sanatorium at Raleigh Sunday where she will take treat ment. The little two year old child of Mr. and Mrs Vernon Weaver is very ill at this writing Trinity Community News Of The Week Church News. Converse Quartet Sings At Charlie Reasons Boy* Farm. 'Special to The Star.) Trinity. June 33— The W M O gave an instructive and interesting program Sunday morning immed iately after Sunday school on the life and Works of Miss Fannie Heck, after which a liberal collec tion was taken The Sunbeam band will hold tts i egular monthly meeting on next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mi and .Mrs. F. E. Bridges and children and Mr. Perry Robbs at tended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Victor Byers Friday afternoon at Cherokee church. Misses Joana and May Jolley, of Shelby, are spending some time here with relatives. Misses Mary Bridges and Louise Lovelace spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs Dwight Winn of Cliff side Mr and Mrs Paul Blanton, of Shelby, were callers at the home of Mrs. Zaek Brackett here last Wed nesday night. Miss Bertie Bridges spent Sunday With Miss Rebecca Bridges. The Sunday dinner guests of Mrs, John Lovelace included Mr and Mrs. Dwight Winn of Cliffsiriel Miss Joana Jolley of Shelby and Master Joe Green of Mooresboro. Those visiting in the home of Mrs. R F. Callahan Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Gaston Skinner and Mr. Julius Spurlin of Boiling Springs and Mr. and Mrs: N c Jolley and Mr. M. M Beaton of this "com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bridges and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Hill Green of Mooresboro. The Vasse quartet of Converse S C. were callers at the home of Mr. Charlie Beason Sunday, where they rendered some beautiful music. Mr. and Mrs. Dargan Winn and family of Cltffslde were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs W o Winn Sunday The spend the day guests of Mrs. X. D. N Jolley on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Greene and family of Mooresboro, Mr and Mrs. Paul Bridges and family and Miss Me* Jolley of Shelby Mr. E. E. Holcombe of Shelby has recently purchased the farm here formerly belonging to the late Mr. Berry McSwain. It is reported that he will move his bottling plant here SOQD Mt. Sinai News Of Current Week Young People Elect Officer*. Per- j *onal Mention of People Com ing And Going. Mount Sinat, June 23.—The bil lowing officer* were elected in our senior B. Y. P. U. Sunday night forj the coming quarter: Mr. Hythe Put-] nani, president: Vernia Ellis, vice! president; Ocie Putnam, recording! secretary; J. C. Ellis, corresponding secretary; Edna Putnam, Bible quiz leader; Rhea Hunt, pianist; Crete Putnam, chorister. Our B Y. P. U. has not been making ^such good grades for the last while' but with! our newly elected officers, we are! putting forth more effort to make! it A-l. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hunt o' Shelby, formerly of this place, whose marriage was a social event Of last I week were visitors in the commun-' ity Sunday afternoon. Mrs, Hunt, prior to her marriage was Miss Etha Putnam. Mr. Foy Putnam a traveling salesman, whose headquarters are in Spgrtanburg, S. C spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Rome Haynes and children of Morganton and Mr. and Mrs. Arey Weaver and son of Flint Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. W N. Wea ver. over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Hunt, Messrs. Murphy, Ralph and Clemmlc Hunt were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Greene of Hollis Sunday. Mr. Gordon Eliis who has been employed in work at Kinston re turned home Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Key and son, J. D., of Kings Mountain, visited Mr. and Mrs. David Hardin Sun day. Mr Winslow Barnett of Shelby was a caller at Mrs. J. H. Rollins Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Oren McSwain and two children, Max and Bernice, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wytte of Swains ville were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Ellis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Putnam and children of Lattlrnore visited rela tives in this community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Darvin Foster and Miss Thelma Wilson from near Waco, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. W. Hardin. Mrs. Mary McSwaln of Lattimorc spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ruben McSwaln. Mrs. Reed Blackburn of Lawndale returned home Wednesday after spending a few days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bridges and other relatives in the commun ity. Messrs. Jim Gladden and Grover Hamrick of Sharon were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lebron Rogers Sunday. Muss Mary C. Clary spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Victor Hamrick and Mr. Hamrick in Flint Hill. Messrs. J. C. and Elmo Bridges at tended a singing convention in Spartanburg Sunday. Mr. Robert Hawkins and son Bobby, of Shelby, called at Mr. and Mrs, J ,H Hawkins Sundav morn ing. Mrs J. D Branton. Miss Buna Rollins and Mr. Coran Rollins were visitors in the Ross Grove commun ity Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruby Rippy of Asheville ar rived Saturday to spend several weeks with her sister, Miss Eunice Rippy and grandmother. Mrs. w. W. Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben McSwain and children and mother, Mrs. Mary McSwaln spent the day Sunday with Mr. Robert Carpenter near Fall ston. McBrayer Wins Trip To Canadian Meeting Qualifies In Pan American Life In surance Co.. Writing *200,000 Insurance. 'Special to The Star,* New Orleans, June 22 — D. R Me Brayer, of Shelby, general agent of the Pan-American Life Insurance company of New Orleans, has quali fied to attend his company's agency convention to be held in Toronto, Canada, July 9-10-U, according to announcement by the company. The convention, which will be at tended by representatives of the in surance company and their wives from 25 of the United States, will be held in the Royal York hotel, the largest in the British Empire and ( ane of the largest in the world. The i three-day session, which will be of- ’ flcially opened by the superintend ent of insurance for the Province of 1 Ontario, will include entertainment ' sessions, as well as business and in spirational meetings to be presided aver by officers of the Insurance company and by lea^ipg represen tatives. A sight-seeing tour of Tor onto and environs and a motor launch tour of the Toronto islands will be among the entertainment features of the convention program, which will also include a banquet at the Royal York, a number of the guest will arrive or return via New York and Niagara Falls. Mr. McBrayer qualified for at tendance at his company's comen tion by writing in excess of $200,000 of life insurance during the con vention period beginning in 1930 and ending May 31, 1931. Accompany him to Canada will be his brother. Ml. Yates McBray er, Fallston News Of Current Week Home Club Work. Picnic At Shu ford Dairy Farm. Per sonal*. (Special to The Star.) Fallston, June 23.—The Home Economics club met Friday after noon. Thirteen members were pres ent. Mrs. Wallace made a delicious beet salad. This was served with crackers and greatly enjoyed by all. The personal service done by the club lor the past quarter is as fol lows: Number garments given, 25 and several pair of shoes. Eighteen! quarts of milk and vegetables val-1 ued at $5.00 were given as pellegra precentatives. Miss Rhea Lattlmore, an employe of the Stamey Co. is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. andi Mrs J. D. Lattimore of Polkville this week. Mrs Charlie Stroup accompan ied by Mrs. Mrs. O. V. Warlick and daughters. Misses Ruby and Mary Prances of near Casar and Miss Ida Dixon of near Lawndale visited their sister, Mrs. C. S. Morehead of Hickory Grove Friday. Miss Minnie Royster and Nellc Stamey of this place and Mrs. Marsh Hendrick of Beams Mill ac companied Mrs. Ida Allen and daughter, Miss Minnie Katherine of near Shelby to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bertie Hambrick of near Kings Mountain where they spent the week-end. Picnic At Dairy Farm. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cline, children and grandchildren went on their annual picnic to Shuford's dairy farm Tuesday afternoon. They were accompanied by Mr. Cline's sister. Mrs. T. A. Stamey of this place and Mrs. I. V. Hendrick of Shelby, Mrs. Hester Cline, Misses Frankie and Emma Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Kendrick and Mr. Ephrin Dellinger of this place and Mr. and Mrs. George Lattimore of near Polkville. Mr. Cline always furnishes refresh ments on this occasion which con sists of ice cream and cold drinks. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Martin and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Dellinger. Miss Minnie Royster returned to her home Sunday after having spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Ida Allen of near Shelby. Mr, M. E. Smith and little daugh ter, Ethel Lee and son. Master Carl visited Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Smith of Belwood Sunday. —- — A teachers training school begins at the Friendship church, July 8th, continuing through July 12th. Mem bers of all churches are cordially invited. Rev. a ltd Mrs. J. M. Morgan and family were the supper guests of Mrs. Greely Boyles of Toluca Sun day night. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Spurling and sons, Everette, Jr. and Carol, and Mr. and Mrs. Beauford Spurl ing and family were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spurl ing of near Lawndale Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Floyd Cline and Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Lackey returned Sunday evening after having spent several days at Wilmington. Miss Lois Martin left Monday afternoon for her home near States ville where she will spend the re mainder of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cline and children spent Sunday with their parents, Mr, and Mrs George Lat timore of near Polkville. Mr. and Mrs. Charily Stroup vis ited Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Ledford of near Casar Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Williams and ramily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Dixon of Belwood Mr. and Mrs. Chyne Hoyle and family of Cherryville visited Mr. ind Mrs. W. A. Royster Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cline and fam ily accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, John Peeler of near Flay went to Sherry Mountain Sunday. Muss Helen Palls accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Brevard Falls of At anta. Misses Martha and Sarah and Mr. C. Z. and Ralph Falls and Mr. Everette Lutz of near Bel wood and Mr. Hulo Sweezy of this place mot* rred to Chimney Rock and Asheville Sunday. Rev. E. E Snow will fill his re gu ar appointment at the Methodist :hurch Sunday night at eight! I'clock Mr. and Mrs, Clarence. Lee Hoyle ind family spent Sundav with Mrs. fif. A. Gantt. Rev. and Mrs. Jap Show and: :hildren of Bostic were the supper ruests of Rev. and Mrs E E Snow rhursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gantt and laughter, Josephine, spent Sunday1 vith Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. P O. Ross and son, Mr. Claude and daughter, Miss ?»nnie and Mr. and Mrs. George toss and family visited Mr. and! Mrs. L. E. Willis Sunday Sunday School Day At Casar June 28th Sunday school day exercises will' re held at Casar Methodist church j rn Sunday. June 28th. An interest ng program has been arranged, ac cording to Mr. A. A. Horton and the public is cordially Invited to attend. ;he program beginning at 11 o'clock The acreage to soybeans in Har nett county lias been increased by :en times this season, reports conn y agent J, o Anthony. They Are FINDING OUT that MAJESTIC has a real pro duct at an honest price. In the Electric Refrigerator, MAJES TIC has produced the last word in Electric Refrigeration. SOLD 5 MAJESTICS ON MONDAY Five MAJESTICS were sold at our store Monday, this week. More MAJESTIC Electric Re frigerators have been sold in Shelby this year than all other makes combined. Give MAJESTIC the once over before you invest your money and then spend it where you like. Prices $179.50, $247.50 and $272.50. EXCLUSIVE FEATURES OF THE MAJESTIC: Rotary Compressor Noiseless Operation All Steel Construction (no wood) Dry Zero Insulation (100%) Forced Air Cooling Unit Automatic Voltage Control Protects Motor From High and low voltage Three-year Guarantee I his with thirty other features, and designed by more than 10,000 house wives, make the MAJESTIC the out standing value of the day. # # QWU&MIC REFRIGERATOR/ 4lflOM«nC ElECTItir i/”\ FAMOUS VJ FEA1URES Pendleton's Music Store ONE OF THE FIVE OLDEST FIRMS IN SHELBY — $25 Free In Trade FIRST PRIZE $15 IN TRADE SECOND PRIZE $10 IN TRADE We will give $15 in trade to the person who sug gests the best name for our new barber shop, by six o’clock P. M„ Mon day, July 6. Second best suggestion will win $10 in trade. Everybody is eligible, except employees of the shop. Bring the name you suggest to the bar ber shop and deposit it in the box provided just inside the front door. Open Friday June 26 Shelby’s Newest And Most Completely Equipped Barber Shop Basement Weathers-Blanton Building WASHINGTON STREET NEXT TO J. C. PENNEY COMPANY > MODERN EQUIPMENT—Including- the consolida tion of the entire equipment of Charles Barber Shop. SIX SERVICE CHAIRS—With Shelby’s most com petent and experienced barbers. SERVICE FOR MEN AND WOMEN—Men, Women, and Children will enjoy our service in this new shop. Here you will find your favorite barber. FOUR PRIVATE SHOW’ER BATHS AND PR1 VATE DRESSING ROOMS—To make our service complete, we have installed four modern and pri vate showers, with a private dressing room for each. SHOE SHINE SERVICE—\ou will like the speedy Service we give from our shoe shine stand, for men, women and children. — CLIP AND USE THIS COUPON — " ..*.*... t *------I (Write the Name You Suggest, Above) : IS THE NAME I SUGGEST FOR SHELBY'S NEWEST AND MOST \ MODERN BARBER SHOP. | NAME... j ADDRESS

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