Utojelttttd 10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXVII, No. 70 SHELBy, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1931_Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons.“*"■ rur. (in Mtsumi _ 14.■« Late News Fair Saturday. Today’s North Carolina Weather *. .^Report: Generally fair tonight and Saturday. Baggett Announces. Ltllington, June 25.—John Robert Baggett of LilUngton today an nounced his candidacy for nomina tion In the Democratic primary next June for Attorney General of North Carolina. This action followed his endorsement by Harnett Democrats in mass meeting here Monday night. Senator Peyton MrSwain, of Shel by, Is considered as a likely candi date for the same office. Former Shelby Teacher Given Master Degree Gets Duke Honor With Shelby Boys Who Graduated. Love < . lace’s Work In Rutherford Forest City, June 26 —A. C. Love lace, superintendent of the Hen rietta-Caroleen high school, re ceived his master of education de gree at Duke university, June 10. Only ten other persons received this degree at the recent commence ment. Mr. Lovelace had the honor of graduating with the first data on the new Duke campus. An un usual coincident was that, three hoys, who graduated at Shelby high school while Mr. Lovelace was their principal, graduated with the bache lor’s degree in the same class. Mr. Lovelace has done all his course work during the past two> summers and written his thesis dur- j mg the past school year. A newj ruling requires everybody to spend live terms for this work now. By hard work Mr. Lovelace was able to average between 90 and 95 per cent on all his studies and as a re sult was elected to the educational honorary fraternity for outstanding students In education at Duke uni versity. Mr. Lovelace made an average of over 95 per cent for the four years at Wake Forest college where he received his A. B degree with the following honor, ‘ Magna rCum Laude.” Mr. Lovelace Is starting his elev enth year in school work at Hen rietta and his fifth year at Caro leen. When he came to Henrietta in 1919 there was no school building and upstairs of the company store being used for school purposes. Neither was there any high school work. Since coming to Henrietta he haa developed a high school that has become a member of the South ern association. The elementary schools at Henrietta were the first in the county to become standard schools. Mr. Lovelace was instru mental In having the building at Henrietta erected Later Prof. J. B Jones came to Caroleen and he and Mr. Lovelace laid the plans for the present school system. Prof. Jones had charge of the school during the actual con Ktruction period. Mr. Lovelace went as head of the Sylva schools in Jackson county being called from there to the prlncipalship of the Shelby high school. He was then called back to the Henrietta-Caro leen schools where as superintend-! ent he is beginning his fifth year. It is doubtful if there is another Rutherford county boy who has done so much for the children of the county as has been done by Mr Lovelace. Mr. McKinney Dies From Auto Injuries Brother-In-Law Of Mrs. C. R. Rob erta Of Shelby Dies From i' Accident. James H McKinney, age 46, a na tive of Spartanburg and for more than ten years a resident of Green ville, S. C., died in Hasden, Ala., Saturday night as a result of injur-, tes received in an automobile acci dent. Mr. McKinney was forepian of the erecting department of the Draper Company of Hopevale, Mass Funeral services were held at 6 o’clock Monday afternoon at a mor tuary in Greenville, conducted by Rev. B. D. Turnipseed and Rev. A. R. McAulay. His wife before mar riage was Miss Ethel Hammond of Greenville and is a sister of Mrs. O. C. Roberts, of Shelby, who with her husband attended the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. McKinney had visit ed the Roberts family in Shelby on several occasions. Brother, Sister In Double Wedding A brother and sister were two of the principals in a double wedding '■eremony staged Wednesday after noon at the home of their father, Mr. Joe Anthony, In the Sharon section. The couples married In the dou ble ceremony, performed by Rev. W. G. Camp, of Cherryvlile, were Solo mon Anthony and Mollia Guffy, and Lawrence Bridges Rnd Perllno Anthony Mr.- Anthony is the daughter oi N F. Guffy. and Mi Bridges the son of w e Bridges. Two White Men Shot By Negro; To Recover Younger Man Worst Injured By Load From Shotgun. Struck Him In Back. Hatcher Glover, young Shelby White man. and his father, Martin Glover, were painfully shot about two o'clock yesterday afternoon by a negro. Morris Williamson, the shooting taking place on the Thede Luti Plan tation several miles north of 1 Shelby on the river. At first it was thought that young j Glover was seriously, if not fatally, j shot. At the Shelby hospital today,' however, it was stated that the load of shot did not go so very deep in his back and it is likely that lie may be able to leave the hospital in a I Tishta Williamson, wife oi the negro who shot the two Glovers, was arrested this morning and placed under a S500 bond on the charge of aiding and abetting in the shooting. According to the Glovers the woman urged her husband to go ahead and shoot. few days. His father, shot in the back and shoulder, was able to leave after being given first-aid treatment yesterday afternoon. Negro Escapes. The negro, a son of Ike William son, ran after the shooting and has apparently escaped. Deputies comb ed tjie section all afternoon and last night but In some manner.’ it is be lieved, the negro escaped their drag net. Row Over Crops. The shooting" resulted over some feeling about the crop which the negro, who is in his early twenties, put out on the Lutz place and which was being worked by the Glovers. According to information given The Star, the negro had net been work ing his crop very well, leaving it to cut wheat for other people. The Glovers were then employed, it is said, to keep the crop from going to ruin. The negro resented their work on the crop. The two white men were in a field yesterday afternoon when the negro came up with his shotgun. He first shot at the elder Glover, the load striking him in the back and on the left shoulder and arm. Hatcher Glover then started to run, he says, for the house. The negro began chasing him and cut across a field to head him off. realizing that I the negro was gaining on him and was preparing to shoot, young Glov er says he started to fall flat on the ground. Just as he started down the negro shot, the .full load striking Glover, perforating his body from his hips to the top of the head. Quite a number of the shot cut holes In the rear of his head and neck, but the major portion of the load was scattered along his back. Officers traced the fleeing negro, they say, to his father's home. From that point they think a relative car ried him in an automobile to his father-in-law's home several miles east on Buffalo. A search was start ed there but it is thought that an othe rear picked the negro up and carried him elsewhere John Ross Has First ’31 Bloom In This County The Cleveland county cot ton crop an a whole may be a week or 10 days late but the first bloom of the year was reported about as early as ba> been customary In the past. The first bloom reported to The Star this year was found yesterday, June 25, on the Forrest Eskridge farm which Is farmed by John Ross. Convict Shakeup Here Wednesday; Parole Convicts Half Doien Convicts Here To Be Paroled, It Is Thought. Changes Made. , The shakeup in the county road system and the No. S town ship chain gang operation, brought about by the taking over of all county roads by the state, will take place here Wed ___ nesday. The feature development of the change is the probable parole of all short term convicts who will not be taken over by the state. Not Definite. Dispatches from Raleigh state that in all likelihood convicts serv ing 30-day sentences will be pa roled as the state highway commis sion and state prison authorities say they will not work convicts with terms less than 60 days. Tyre Tay lor, executive counsellor to Gover nor Gardner, has recommended that the short - termers be paroled because they would have to re turn to county jails and be an ex pense to the county as they will not be worked on the roads. Clyde Poston, superintendent of the present No. 6 gang, states that his interpretation of the likely pa role order is that it will include all convicts whose terms are scheduled to expire in July regardless of how long their original sentences may have been. According to his interpretation approximately six convicts of the 41 on the local gang will be freed Wednesday if Governor Gardner is sues the parole order. Poston Stays. Mr. Poston will remain in charge of the gang camp, temporarily at least, after it is taken over by the state forces next week. The convicts here, however, will be worked it-is understood by a foreman who will work with one of the district road engineers out of Marion. As Mr. Poston understands the temporary orders lsued to him, he will have charge of the gang camp along with several of the guards now employed. A definite working system and op eration of the gang camp has not as yet been outlined. Young Clover Girl, Who Left With Parson, Is Home, Romance Over Sobbing Girl Sent Home From Los Angeles To Protection Of Dad’s Arms. (Zoe K. Brockman in Gastonia Gazette.) A sobbing, disheveled girl, frantic with grief and loneliness and exT hausted from a harrowing exper ience and a long, wearing train trip, stepped from a northbound train at 8 o’clock this morning and fell in a heap .at the feet of the faded old couple who waited to greet her. And this graveled stretch in front of the Southern station was the end of a primrose path that a short time ago seemed most alluring to a girl bored with small-town life and eager for thrills. It was Miss 'Eugenia McLean. 21 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McLean, of Clover, S C, Tfio two months ago left her home town in company with the Rev. M. I. Ford, then pastor of Clover Metho dist church. Evidently romance had worn thin, for the girl, stranded in Los Angeles, Cal.. communicated with her parents for the first time last Friday and expressed a desire to come home Funds from the Sal '•gtjnn Army made the return trip possible, and that her parents are glad to have her safe at home goes without saying. “She is our baby one,’’ commented the mother, tears welling again into eyes dim from tears and anxiety. As for the girl herself, she said nothing. Wrapped in her fathers arms, her curly brown head burled on his shoulder, shr was beginning to sense again the feeling of secur ity. Tears dripped slowly from be neath her closed eyelids, her hands clutched her father’s bent shoulders tightly, and she would hot relin quish this hold on what meant home and protection to her to partake of refreshments offered her in the station. Miss McLean was a telephone op erator and a member of Mr. Ford s church. If the two were carrying on an affair the mother said she was unaware of it. For, was not Mr. Ford a minister, a married man and the father of four children? "I just think Eugenia was over persuaded," was her simple and in finitely touching explanation of her daughter's tragic* experience. Where Mr. Ford is now. how long since he deserted his pretty brown ICUNTtNUgD ON PAua HEN 1 Gain In Postal Receipts Shown At Local Office Gain Every Month This Year Belter Business Than 1930 Shown. June Running Ahead So Far. If postal receipts show the business trend with an; cer tainty, business is considerably better In Shelby this year than it was last. “Postal receipts for every month this year so far have shown a. gain over the same months last year, Postmaster J. H. Quinn stated to day. In the first quarter this year lie gain over the first quarter of 1930 was 23 percent. Another Gain. The second quarter, which ends with June, will not show an increase equal to that of the first quarter, but there has been a gain each month, it was stated today, Tire gain In April over April of last year was 11 percent and the may receipts were just barely ahead of those of May, 1930, but if busi ness this month holds up the June gam w'ill be greater than that of April, The present, month ends the fis cal year of the postal department but the postal receipts, upon which post office classification is based, are figured by the calendar year. It is necessary for a post office to do ♦♦0,000 worth of postal business per year to hold a first class rating and there seems to be no doubt but what the local office will hold its classi fication this year. Last year it ran a close shave, however, barely hav ing enough postal receipts to main tain the first classification given the office two years previous. 114 Bushels Wheat Made On 3 Acres Here is another example or TVTO Cleveland county fanners are ex hibiting their Wheat-producing abil ity this year Nelson G. Self, Shelby route 7, has just harvested 114 1-2 bushels of wheat from a three-acre tract. The total cost of production was only $ 19,35 The wheat is of the beardless Fullcaster variety. Odus Herndon In An Auto Accident Odus Herndon of Grover, is at the Shelby hospital suffering from in juries received in an automobile col lision in the Black Mountain section yesterday. He was first treated by a physician there and then brought to the local hospital. His injuries, sur geons say, consist of a broken collar bone and lacerations and bruises abwut the head. Combined Classes To Hear Hoey Sunday Clyde R. Hoey will teach the combine classes of the Hoey Bible class of Central Methodist church, the John Mull men’s class and the Clint Newton young men’s class at the First Baptist church Sunday morning. Mr. Hoey will no doubt be heard by several hundred men on the international lesson Sunday morning. DR.. JOt OSBORNE GOES TO HOSPITAL IN ATLANTA Dr. Joe Osborne is spending sev eral days here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. R.,Osborne, before go ing to Atlanta where he will join the staff at the Grady hospital. Dr. Osborne has for some time been dentist at the state prison in Ra leigh. He is also a graduate in medi cine. Bridges To Patten's. Mr. Howard Bridges, barber, who has been with the Hotel Charles shop, moved this week, to the Pat ton shop beneath the Union Trust bank. Scout Fish Fry, Boy Scout troop No. 7 will stage a fish fry Saturday afternoon and evening on the Ella mill lawn. The serving starts at 4 30 In the after noon and continues on in the even ing. Cotton Fashion Show. Tlie cotton bull anil cotton fash ion show sponsored by the colored woman’s club of Shelby is to be held tonight in the Carolina hotel The fashion show will be put on at 9-30 and white people arc invited to wit ness it. Is The Democratic Nominee In This Group? GEORGE WHITE U \ \1 FRANKLIN D. n U ROOSKVEiCT JOSEPH T ROBINSON I.°ok oTrr the trio **M>re. The odd* now are that ..nr of the Ihrre men will hr the Democratic nominee (or president in 1932. If the nomination does not go to Franklin D Roosevelt. Governor of New 1 ork Gover ™ Wh‘iT 0hi:\°:^n%tZ Jr KoWn,wn- “ wi" «» N«*U.« D Baker, secretary of war under Wilson. That s what the political o bservers say. Young Vale Man Shoots Himself Wednesday Morn Joe Hnll a Suicide. Worried About Hrlpins Catch Murder Fugitive. — Lincolnton, June 26.—Joe P Hull. 27. was found dead Wednesday morning at. nine oclock in the woods near his home in the Vale section of Lincoln county with a load of shot from a twelve guage shot gun in his heart. He was the i son of Squire and Mrs. J. C. Hull: i Tlie deceased had been despond ent for several months and just a few weeks before his death his wife found him in the barn just as he was ready to hang himself. About six weeks ago he was taken to the state hospital in Morganton and had been at. home only three weeks when the fatal shooting oc curred. Hull was instrumental in turning Garland Smith. Catawba county fugitive from justice, over to Lin coln county officers about a year ago. Smith was wanted for the mur der of an officer in Virginia and Hull ied Smith to the trysting place where Lincoln officers captured Smith. Tuesday night Hull read an | account of Smith’s trial in the pa j per and it frightened him. Members of his family told a representative of The News that he got up and went out of doors and walked around and told his father that if Garland Smith was freed that he I would' come back and kill him 'Hull). Early Wednesday morning Mr. Hull went out to shock wheat for his father About nine o'clock he complained of feeling bad and said that he was going to the house to rest. He went by his brother’s house. Cecil Hull, borrowed his shot gun and a shell saying that he wanted to kill a black snake which he had seen near the house. The wife of Cecil Hull, who was at the house, did not want him to take the gun and suggested that he kill the snake with a hoe. Joe Hull took the gun, went to the safe and got one shell, and started for the woods. Ten minutes later a shot was heard and when members of the family reach ed the scene, about a quarter of a mile, he was dead. He sat down in a ! hole where mica had been taken out, pulled off his right shoe and sock, placed the muzzle of the sin gle barrel gun against his heart and pulled the trigger with his toe. When Coroner Sol Warlick and Sheriff Reinhardt arrived on the scene he was just like he had fallen, face downward. He is survived by hjs father and mother, a wife and two children, Billy Joe and Evoid; two brothers, Cecil and Marvin, a half brother Walter Hull and one sister, Mrs. Clayton Richard. His wife was Miss Lula Rudisill, before marriage, the daughter of Mr, and Mrs Pink Rudisill. Shade Tree Brings In $11.50 For Cherries J. F. Dixon, of R-4, Kings Moun tain, believes in having shade trees that serve a double purpose. A large cherry tree in his front yard which serves as a shade tree, pro-j duced $11,30 worth of cherries for market this spring and left a sur plus of fifteen gallons for home use j It is a tre/nendously large tree and! the fruit this year was unusually; plentiful and perfect Hoey Not To Dedde About Senate Race Until Near End Of Year Senator Cameron Morrison. ' :j Frank Grist, Tam Bowie, rt il j will not know until along about ; Christmas iimr whether or not a certain Shelby statesman may give them battle (or the Demo cratic nomination to the United States senate. Clyde K. Hoev. of Shelby, muchly discussed prospective candidate, has as yet made no public statement as to what he may do, but it was learnrd here this week that he had informed friends in other sections of the state that he would make no de cision until late in the year. Many tilings can take place to muddle a political situation within a year’s time and Mr. i Hoey, it is understood, proposes to wait until nearer primary time before making any an nouncement. His numerous supporter* con tinue to hope that hr will deride to makr the rare as they con sider his chances eery bright. Senator McSwain and Repres entative Edwards have stated since returning from the recent general assembly session that informal polls made of the sol nns there revealed that Hoey was the leading favorite of. the prospective candidates for the senate. llerebanut* it Is considered certain that Tam.Route, of West Jefferson, will make formal an nouncement as a candidate be fore very long Gardner Urges State Departments To Cut Expenditures 20 Percent In Order To Hold Down Deficit Drastic Cat In State Expenses Nec essary To Hold Down Debt. Raleigh. June 26.—Salary slashes which become effective July i, and about which Frank L, Dunlap, di rector of personnel, talked to de partmental hearts yesterday, will make a total of *1,00,000, Henry Burke said The 10 per cent was nothing new, though the law under which it ls authorized, did not enforce that economy in that exact way. It was possible under the legislative act to affect this 10 per cent savings by other devices, such as reduction of personnel or cut in maintenance elsewhere. it is fairly certain, though, that even such economies as might be elsewhere inaugurated, would not change the plan to cut. salaries This is to be done, no mat ter what happen,*. Raleigh. June 25 -The request that state institutions and depart ments cut their expenditures 20 per cent below the appropriations made them by the last , legislature—the proposed cuts being in addition to the 10 per cent salary reductions provided by the legislature--was in cluded in budget memorandum 190, signed by Governor Gardner, which reached state officials Thursday. The memorandum contained only the request that the drastic reduc tions be made in institutional and departmental budgets, but jt car ried great weight as it came from a source that has the full power to (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN.! Bob Davis Killed In Mine Cave-In At Ellenboro; Father Died Saturday Brother Of Cleveland Man Met Death Wednesday, In Old Mica Mine. Bob Davis, of Ellenboro, whose father, Z. P. Davis, died Saturday in the Polkville section of Cleveland county, was instantly killed Wed nesday when an old mica mine near Ellenboro caved in upon him. His son, Hoyle, 19, narrowly escaped death . Davis' father, Zachariah Davis, was buried only three days before at Dysartsville in McDowell county, after dying Saturday at Polkville where he had lived for five years. A brother of the mine victim, Will S Davis, lives on Latttmore route one, this county, Davis and ills son were working in the old mine when it caved in, about a truck load of dirt and rocks falling on Mr. Davis. The boy, hear ing the cracking of rocks and dirt as it began to fall, jumped back Just in time to miss being trapped un der the debris The mine belonged to C O Dycus of the Hopewell section, and had not been worked for some time. Mr. Davis and his son only started to work in the mine Wednesday morn ing. They were prospecting, having Bone into the mine to see if there was enough mica left in it to pay them to work it. It is thought that the cave-in was caused by them Upping along the sides of the mine as they broke off parts of the mica formation, There were several tunnel leads from the entrance, which was a big hole dug into the ground. They had entered these, however, but were standing at the foot of the hole ex amining the sides. The cave-in was from tlie top of the hole. About a truckload of dirt had to be removed before Mr.- Davis' body could be re covered. The son, jumping back when he heard the dirt, and gravel coming, heard his father scream. Climbing out of the mine he ran to the home of E. B. Dycus nearby and summon ed help. Mr. Dycus, who was a brother of the owner of the mine, with the aid of several others, dug the body from under the debris. Mr. Davis was about 45 years Of age. He was married and had several chil dren He is also survived by three brothers. T B Davis, of Marion: j WUJ S. Davis, of 1 .art.] mo re route one and Ed Davis of Gastonia. Bystander Shot While Officers Unload Whiskey Walter Canipe Hit In Leg. Accident Happened In Front OC Court Houw At 1:35 Today. Nine Gallons Seised. Waller Canipe, ^oung white man of CHffeide, war shot In the right leg at 1:36 this after noon when a sawed-off shotgon in the automobile of Deputy ^‘s^rriff Boh Kendrirk was aeri dentally discharged while offt rrrs were preparing to unload nine gallons of captured whis key from the Kendrick automo bile which was parked on (he walk at the east entrance of the county court house. The gun, loaded with buckshot, was lying on the floorboard Just in front of the front seat of the tour> mg car. Deputy John Hord crawled into the front seat to help unload the whiskey from the rear seat. Canipe, his cousin and a number of other people were standing on each side of the car looking at the captured whiskey. Just as Deputy Hord got in the car the gun was in some manner discharged. It was fight thought that the deputy's foot may hare struck It, but how the gun could have been cocked is not known. One supposition is that some of the onlookers may have picked it up and laid it, down just before it was Jarred and discharged. The load of shot ploughed through the lower portion of the door, leaving a hole a little larger than a silver dollar, and struck Canipe in the right leg, just below the thigh To Hospital. Deputy Ben Cooper and Police Officer B. O Hamrick picked up the wounded man. carried him to an automobile and rushed him to the Shelby hospital. - The shooting, attracted consider - able attention as a large crowd of people had alrendy gathered about the city hall and court house to j view the whiskey. Cantpe's wound was described by Drs. Harbison and Schenck as be ing of “a serious type.” An X-ray photo made at 2 oclock revealed a compound fraettnw of the right leg several inches above the knee where the load of shot hit. None of the shot passed entirely through the leg The flesh wound was described as not being as serious as the slant ing break in the bone Canipe has been working, he said, at Cliffside but was in Shelby vis iting his uncle Henry Sisk, and his cousins. His home is near Char lotte. i. In Onek Bank. Deputy Kendrick made hi* whis key raid and capture single-hand ed shortly after noon,today. The whiskey was found' hidden" in a cache in a creek bank some distance to the right of Double Springs church, six miles or *o west of Shelby The whiskey, nine gallons in all, was put up In 18 half-gallon fruit jars. Seventeen of the Jam were filled with white whiskey, typical "white lightning.” and the 18th with charred keg corn. The whiskey was brought to Shel by in the rear end of the officer’s car and had drawn a crowd of cur ious people to the scene where the accidental shooting took place as the whiskey was being taken into the court house to hold as evidence pending an arrest. Officers returned this afternoon to the section hoping to apprehend someone in connection with the capture, Deputy Kendrick making no arrests earlier in the afternoon. Finance Company Pays A Dividend The M. and J. Finance Company, of Shelby, with branch offices in Tryon and Columbus, in Polk coun ty, has declared a dividend of two per cent on preferred and two and one-half per cent on common stock, making a total of eight and 10 per cent respectively paid on the year ending June 30, it was announced Tuesday. This makes a total of *5, 000 individends paid this year. Fred W. Blanton of Columbus is president and treasurer. Officers from Shelby are Carl 8. Thompson, j vice president, J. Lawrence Lackey ! and Ben Gold are directors j Install Masonic Officers This Ev« The new officers of Cleveland lodge 202 A. F. and A. M. will be Installed at the regular meeting oi the lodge to be held tonight at 8 o'clock in the temple. All Masons are urged to attend

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