Fallston News Of Current Week Fallston. July 1.—A social even! of much interest was a surprise mis cellaneous shower given Mrs. Floyc Cline, a recent bride at the home ol the groom's parents Mr. and Mrs H. S. Cline. The guests were met at the door by Mrs. A. A. Lackey and Mrs. Edward Cltne. When the bride who had gone to Shelby acconrpan |ed by Mrs. Walter Lackey return ed home, she found the guests as sembled on the porch of the Cltne home. A recipe book was passed around and each one was asked tc write their favorite recipe. A table loaded with presents was then brought out and these were un wrapped by the bride. She received many beautiful and useful presents. A color scheme of pink and white was carried out In the refreshments consisting of delicious Ice cream, cake and mints. The refreshments were served by little nieces of the groom, little Misses Dorcas. Dorothy and Minnie Mae Cline, Alice and Lillian Falls and Lou Alice Ham brick. They were assisted by little Miss Clara Lee Bridges. About 50 guests were present. The out of town guests were Mrs. A. P. Ram sey, mother of the bride. Mrs. Fos ter Elliott and Mrs. Wyatt Stamey of Polkville and Miss Lottie Mac Hendrick, of Shelby. Stamey Home Remodelled The spacious home of Mrs. T. A. •tsmey which has been remodelled by skilled architects is nearing com pletion. The family is expecting to move in this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gary and lit tle son, Weller Kays, who for sev eral weeks have been visiting rela tives in Kentucky returned home Wednesday of last week. Miss Lottie Mae Hendrick of Shelby spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Falls. Mr. Warren Martin spent Sunday night with Mr. Alton Royster. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Ridings and little daughter, Helen. Mrs. Rufus Caldswell and Mrs. John York, of Forest City visited Mr. and Mrs. E A. Hoyle Sunday. Mr. Talmage Williams who is em ployed at Hickory spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Lem Williams. Mr. and Mrs, M. L. Smith and family visited Mr. and Mrs. M. L Murray of near Waco Sunday. Misses Mary Sue and Millioent Brackett of Hamlet are spending several days this week with Misses Annabelle and Elisabeth Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Zimiri Warlick of near Flay. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. War lick of near Casar and Mr. and Mrs Theodore Warlick and family of near Belwood visited Mr. and Mrs Franklin Warlick Sunday. Miss Josephine Gantt spent Tues day with Mr. and Mrs. Adlal Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hamrick spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson of the Zion com munity. Master Car) Smith spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M L Murray. to. and Mrs. A. O. Parker and little son, Clarence Robert visited Mr. and Mrs. Hall Tillman Sunday. Mias Curtis Beam was the week end ffuest of Miss Anna belle Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Ployd Cline visited Mr. and Mrs.1 A. P. Ramsey of Polk ville’ Sunday. Mr. A. 1* • Hoyle and children of Chose City, Va„ spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hoyle. to. and Mrs. John Lackey and daughters, Nathalee, Cerelda and Imogens visited Mr. and Mrs. J. R Shrum of Uncolnton Sunday. Mr. Sverette Spurling and Mr. Will Hamrick made a business trip to Statesville Monday. to. and Mrs. Henry Gantt and daughter. Miss Josephine, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adlal Elliott. Misses Anna belle and Elizabeth Lea accompanied by their guests. Missis Mary Sue and Mlllicent Brackett were the dinner guests of Misses Blanche and AUeen Hoyle Tuesday; to. and Mrs. Everett* Spurling and little sons, Everett*, Jr. and Card, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Latttmore of near PolkvlUe Sun day. A teachers training class is being held at the Fa Us ton Baptist church this week, conducted by the pastor. Kev. W. A. Elam. A short prayer service* la held each night. All members of the church are urged to attend. a KILBY SPECIAL CHABTEB SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. S3, CLEVELAND COUNTY, N. C. BONDS l«W bids will b« received bv the Lo cal Government CommiMlon of North Carolina at 1U office In Raleigh at 10 ••dock a. m„ July le. 1031. for the pur cha«« of $30,000 bonds of the Shelby Spe cial Charter school district No. 33, dated stay 1st, U31, maturing May 1st, $3,000 In tha year 1034 and tl.Ooo in each of the years 1S3S to 1043. denomination ll.ooo Bidders will name the rate of interest the bonds are to bear not exceeding six per cent. Interest payable November 1st and May 1st, both principal and Interest pay able In gold In New York City. Bonds cannot be sold for less than par. general obligations, unlimited tax. Bidders must present with their bids a certified check upon an Incorporated bank or trust com pany uncondtlonally payable to the order of the State Treasurer for two percent of the face value of bonds bid for to secure the district against any loss resultm; from the fatlure of the bidder to comply with the terms of hts bid The right to reject all blda 1s reserved There all! be no auction Purchaser wilt pay deliver charges Bonds reenterable as to prtnet pa! on!: Optnion or Mass's b*ore Tiovsd'k Palmer & Dot!;* of Boston wflj be fur r.lshad Prepare ton of bonds b ■ MeDsn iel Leals Oraensboro. N C Bonds en graved bv Security Banknote Co. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION Bv Chaa. U. Johnson, flcf'-ttri. It July lr ! J—-7“ Tons of Mail Shot About New York in Buried Tubes * * * * * * Millions of Letters Sent Through Underground Postal Tubes of Metropolis at Kate of Forty-Four Feet a Second. Pneumatic Mfiiiv Tube Station, MeuuYork ... . iiin i , 11 iiwi—mmm toADiWG Underground Maiv Carriers. In thia day and age whan apaed i< the great force back of ao many twentieth century individuate and buaineaaea, it'a intareeting to know that Uncle Sam a poatal aery ice haa not fallen below the etandard aet by the timea. it a probable that not one pereon out of 10,000 knowa that every day milliona of lettara are ehot at • apecd of 44 feet per aecond through underground tubea atretching the length of New York in order that mail for the city and the country at large may be apeeded on it* W*Y- , Through the uaa of a mate of pneumatic tubea, ateel carriera, carrjini between 500 and 600 lettara each, are raced about the city under iti busy streets. It is estimated thit the carriers travel 150,000 nulea a day and if the total capacity af the high-apeed mail ayatem wti employed contmuoualy 9,000,000 lettera would be diapatched hourly. Some aervica, what? ^ ho d Mind Being Caught? Rhum.rrf Z*7 pity onfth* **. c*«*ht by sweet In** Shumard (above), pretty winner of the invitation deep sea fishinir championship* for women at Lone Beach, Calif. It would almost amount to an honor, m fact, to “belong:-’ to such a fair creature. Inez j'7 «TeJat'-atch Of 46 fish, a few of which are shown with her. She defeated 20 other female Iiaak Waltons for the honor. Royalty Takes to ‘'Bench” The bench on the sidelines la rot too lotrl- * ..*♦ f0. t»-e rors! l*«dy o# Great Britain, as this picture thorns. The Ehiihsss o' v0*V wu.of thetecondson of Kina George and Queer. Mary, 1* shc-vn at h C- H,e e j, JacoDS> California tennis star (center >, ar.d Betty Nuthall, tugland » ace of the courts (left) whiie the elayere take a rest hetween matches at London. Eastside Village News Of Interest Young People Give Program. Per sonals Of People Coining And Going. Eastslde, July 1.—The Junior B. Y. P. U. gave a program Sunday even ing at the B, Y. P. U. hour, Mr. and Mrs. Van Pelt have re cently moved into this community from Kings Mountain, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Crawford of Sptndale have recently moved to this community. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mabry visit ed Mrs, Workman of Cliffside Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Buchanan of Red Springs spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Buchan an. Mr. and Mrs. lee Lazenby visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lazenby of Loves vllle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. O Gamble, Miss es, Eunice Lamb, Eula Hester, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jiles and the lat ter's mother, Motored to Asheville Sunday and while there visited the Asheville playground and zoo. Mr. W. J. Alexander and daughter, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sat urday and then motored to Chim ney Rock, after which they return ed to Mrs. Alexander’s. Miss Revalee Greenway spent the week end in Greenville. S. C., visit ing relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lemons spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Greenway Mr Robert Spivey of Lumberton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Myrtle Meacham and Misses Myrtle Meacham and Mettle Munn visited Mr, Joe An thony of Sharon. Mrs. Plato Champion and child ren spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Newton visit ed Mr. and Mrs. O. L, Henson of Henrietta Sunday afternoon. Miss Hattie Cline of near Double Shoals is spending this week with Miss Ruth Cline. Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Black and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ledford and little daughter spent Sunday at Cherry Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Cox spent the the week-end in Greenville, S. C„ vistting the latter’s mother. Mr. W. B. Horn of Kings Moun tain spent the w'eek-end with Mr and Mrs. P. E. Rollins. Miss Velma Cox is in Greenville now where she will remain for sev eral weeks Mr. and Mrs. Gene Morgan of Spindale spent 8unday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Van Pelt of Gastonia and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Van Pelt of Cramerton spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Van Pelt. Mrs. Ernest Bratton and children of Kings Mountain spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Splawn. ^ ins Promotion Colonel Irving J. Carr (above), Signal Corps, U. S. A., becomes Chief Signal Officer of the army on July 1, succeeding Major Gen eral George S. Gibbs, who is retir* ing. Colonel Carr has been assistant director of the Army In dustrial College in Washington, D. C., and has been in the army for SO years. Speaking Of (load Taxrs» Wmston-Salcin Journal. We think we pay a considerable 4 road tax in North Caroliua. S.x * cents on every gallon of gasoline and a tee for license to drive hit as prettv hard. But are lucky com pared to automobile owner*, in some other countries. Car owners in England pay a tax on their cars of $4,86 a horsepower. On a 29 horsepower car Germany collect.* about $300. Belgium is about as bad. France on a 20-horsepower ca> levies $8? pli* a 15 percent sales tax and a Z5 j«r cent turnover tax on the sa'es. price B^ari) collects a flat $5° on all cars. Argentina on a two-ton cars gets S2S3. This dis closes the reason for the so-called * 'European type car” which has to be made .with a little engine and light load to avoid the heavy taxes. The low price of silver doesn't seem such a calamity when the wed ding invitations begin to come in Calgary Herald. A DRAMATIC Low Point Sale STARTS FRIDA Y, JULY 3, 8:30 A. M. | Store Closed All Day Thursday Arranging Stock | Cohen’s Have Always Been Known For Value Giving! In This Event, We Will Go Far Beyond Your Ex pectations With Values That Will Help End Depression. Be Here Bright And Early Friday Morning For The GREATEST VALUES EVER OFFERED IN SHELBY! YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED!! MEN’S STRAW HATS 69c BOYS’ BROADCLOTH SHIRTS MEN’S 220 WEIGHT OVERALLS 66c Triple Stitched — TENNIS SHOES — 49c PAIR Men’s, ladies', Children’s LADIES’ RAYON BLOOMERS ROMPER CLOTH 10c YARD I EXTRA | SPECIAL j EXTRA I SPECIAL FRIDAY 10.30 A. M. 10 - QUART GALVANIZED i BUCKETS I 10c TO THE FIRST 200 PEOPLE ENTERING OUR STORE. ■ SATURDAY 10:30 A. M | 36 Inch LL I Sheeting I 3c I Yard EXTRA SPECIAL SATURDAY 2:30 P. M. Dress Patterns Absolutely FREE With All SILK DRESS Materials EXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL FRIDAY 2:30 P. M. MEN’S AND BOYS’ TRIPLE STITCHED WORK SHIRKS 2 Pockets SATURDAY 7:00 P. M. - 10 Quart Dish Pans 10c EXTRA SPECIAL TUESDAY JULY 7TH 10:30 A. M. SPECIAL PURCHASE OF GLASSWARE TUMBLERS - PITCHERS CUPS AND SAUCERS 4 FOR LADIES’ FULL Fashioned SILK HOSE 49c Fast Color Printed V OILES YAUD MEN’S WASH PANTS 88C MEN’S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS 49c LADIES’ FAST COLOR VOILE AND BATISTE DRESSES 88c 36-IN. LL SHEETING 6c YARD COHEN BROTHERS SALE STARTS FRIDAY, JULY 3RD — S;30 SHARP

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