) WEBB THEATRE f — TODAY AND THURSDAY — ^ BARBARA STANWYCK AND A BIG CAST IN “ILLICIT” Alto 3 Big VAUDEVILLE VARIETIES. — FRIDAY AND SATURDAY — GEORGE ARLISS IN “The Millionaire” WEBB THEATRE NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS The board of county commissioners will set as an EQUALIZING BOARD on the SECOND MONDAY IN JULY, 1931, at the Court House of Cleveland county, to hear complaints pertaining to the over value or under value of real and personal property in Cleveland county for the year 1931 ta^i assessment. Those having complaints to file will be given a hearing on this date as provid ed by law. otherwise assessments will re main as fixed. This June 30th, 1931. Board Of County Commissioners R. L. Weathers, Tax Supervisor IT’S EASIER TO REPAY THE MORTGAGE On your home if you’ve financed it on the Equitable’? Home Purchase Plan. Only 6r, Simple Interest is charged, and there are no commission charges nor re newal costs. The loan is repaid in convenient monthly instalments over a period of ten years. Life insurance automatical ly included. WRITE FOR FREE BOOK Of Our Home Purchase Plan — CLIP AND MAIL THIS COLTON — H. S. WHITE, Special Agent. Equitable Life Assurance Society Charles Store Bldg. Shelby, N. C. Dear Sir: Please send me, without obligation*, your FREE BOOK of the Equitable’s Loan Plan. | Name_ Address_„_ I Jtett&i f tha/ia, Notse-Sfwe THE failure says, "My luck will change." The success says, "No horse-shoe for mine. 1 make my own luck.” The failure says, "Some day my ship will come in.” The success says, “I’m building my ship in my own back yard. Here it is. A Union Trust savings account.” Open A SAVINGS ACCOUNT ' 'V,th This Bank nioti Trust Ct» LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Mrs. T. L. Gordon and children, ; formerly of Shelby, are with Mrs. (Jordon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Boyden of Greensboro, since Sunday June 21. Miss Margaret Gordon and Mas ter Theodore Gordon while in Greensboro have been spending the past week at Hamilton Lakes, the home of Hon. and Mrs A M. Scales as guests of Miss Mary Lee Scales and Master Irvin Scales. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brady and daughter, Lucille of Gaffney, S. C., were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Smith and family Sunday. Mr. W. T. Sinclair, of Charlotte, was the guest of Attorney Joe Whisnant here Monday night. 1 Mr. and Mrs Charles Roberts, ofi Red Springs, arrived here yester-J day to visit relatives. Prank Love, 1 Jr., and Bill and Henry Quinn, who . have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.|< Roberts at Red Springs, returned home with them. Miss Emily Camp of Forest City, and Miss Connell Scruggs, of Gaff-') ney, S. C.. are charming visitors at I [the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenon ! Blanton. , : Mrs. Thomas J. Summey, or ^ Moorestown, N. J., who has been visiting friends here for ten days, left this morning for Snow Hill where she will spend the remainder of the summer with her parents. Mrs. A. Pitt Beam, Mrs. Grady Lovelace and Miss Elizabeth Mc Brayer returned home yesterday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Beale |Johnson* near Raleigh, and Mrs. Cheek at Durham Mr. and Mrs. C. R, Blackley and Miss May Blackley, of Hamlet, spent Sunday here with Mr and Mrs. Shem Blackley. Mrs. Olivet Anthony was able to leave the Shelby hospital Monday ! night and return to her home. The .little daughter. Harrtette Holton' [Anthdny, will remain in the hospi-| tal for a few weeks due to the fact that other children in the home have whooping cough. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Brien, of Hamlet, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shem Blackley here on Sunday afternoon » I Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith, of Bos ton. Mass., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Lowman here this week. Mrs. Smith is a sister of Mrs. Lowman. I Mr. Smith is superintendent of the Boston Steel Works. Mrs. John Lovelace has just re turned home from Washington, D. C. , where she has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. R. Riemer, and Mr. Riemer. Oloria Lovelace and Carl Lovelace, niece and nephew of Mrs. Lovelace, also of Washington D. C., returned home with her for a two weeks visit. Mr. Higley Harmon, jr,, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Harmon, is visiting his uncle and aunt. Lieu tenant and Mrs. J. P. Dempsey, at Port Humphreys, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hester and Mr. and Mrs. Felton Hogan and lit tle son, Jackie, all of Atlanta, Ga., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniel. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bagwell of j Spartanburg, S. C., and Mr. and I Mrs. Harry Howell and son, Harry,' jr., of Gadsden, Ala., are visiting Mrs. Bagwell’s mother, Mrs. Sallie J. Mauney on McBrayer street. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Jones and chil dren. Iris and Billy, of Mt. Holly, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Holt and Mrs. J. A. Holt here recently. Misses Mabel Hord and Roberta Royster with Mr. Charles VanBer gen, of the Hague, Holland, and Mr. James Grice attended the Emerson Clayton wedding in Brevard last evening, in which Miss Kathleen Hord was a bridesmaid. Miss Hord returned home with the party. Mr. and Mrs. George Dover and family returned home Monday from a two-weeks visit in Georgia and Mississippi. Miss Roberta Royster, of Fallston, is spending this week here with Miss Kathleen Hord. Miss Mabel Hord accompanied Mr. and Mrs. William Lowery, of Patterson Springs, to Chestnut Hill on Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs. Grover King. Mrs. D B. Goforth .of Ruther Ifordton. who has been confined to the hcspita! here for ten da”? for treatment, was able to return to her home this morning Friends of Mrs. J. D. Shytle will regret to learn that she is ill and confined to her home this week Mrs. Sylvester Elliott and child* ren, of Knoxville, Ky., are here visit ing Mrs. Susan Cornwell. The Rev. Mr. Elliott has moved to Parts, Ark., ind Mrs. Elliott and the children will join him there after their visit. Mr. A. C. Dellinger left yesterday >n his vacation, during which he vtll visit relatives at Roanoke. Va. Mr. and Mrs. John Schenck, Sr., md Mrs. John Schenck, Jr., spent .he past week-end at Blowing Rock Mr. Bill Olllam, of Charlotte, will >e a supper guest of Mr and Mrs. Jhem Blackley tonight. Mrs. Robert U. Woods is in the Jhelby hospital undergoing treat nent for a few' days this week. Mrs Alex Hoyle and little daugh er, of Charlotte, spent the week-end lere with her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. D. Shytle. Mr. Kemp Nye, brother ol Mrs. ien Suttle, has been spending the last ten days here with Mr and Wrs. Suttle, and returns to his home it Blowing Rock today. Mrs Joe Hoyle, of Charlotte, spent he past week-end here visiting rel itlves. Friends here of Mr. and Mrs. 'laude Roberts, of McAdenville, will le interested in knowing that they lave just returned from a vacation trip through Florida. Mr. and Mrs Brobson have recent ly moved to Shelby from Lenoir, and ire occupying the Frank Cornwell bouse on Grover street. Friends of little Miss Fannie Mae Hudson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hudson, will be. glad to. know that she is up and seems to be re covering nicely after an attack of scarlet fever Mr. and Mrs. Ben Suttle have gone j b Blowing Rock today to visit Mrs. I Suttie's parents, and will bring their two sons, Bobby and Ben, Jr., who have been there several weeks, back home with them. Mrs. Harvey Eadon, of Atlanta, □a returned to her home today sfter spending a week here with her mother, Mrs. Ferree, in South Shel by. Mrs. Eadon, w'ho will be remem bered here as Miss Annie Lee Ferree, spent, yesterday with Mrs. P L. Hcnnessa. Mr and Mrs Claude Roberts of McAdenville, were supper guests of Mr. and Mys. Horace Grtgg here last evening. Mrs. Prank Whlsnant re turned home with, them and will spend a month. Mt. Sinai News OfCurrznt Week Shelby, R-2, July 1.—We were glad to have Rev. Mr. Pitts of Boiling Springs preach to us Sunday aft ernoon in the absence of our pas tor, Rev. j. L. Jenkins, who was busy in a revival meeting else where. Born Wednesday, June 24, to Mr. I and Mrs. Lebron Rogers a fine son, | Paul. Mother and baby are getting along nicely. Mrs. Sepaugh of Earl spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Shivar Champion. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Ellis, Mrs. C. T. Ellis and Mrs. Miller Ellis and two children, Louise and Billy, vis it*^ Mrs. Jim Humphries and also Mr. and Mrs. T. L, McSwain of near Swainsville Sunday afternoon. Mr. Taft Putnam of Winston Salem spent several days of the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Winslow Barnett of Shelby and Mrs. Julie Davis of Charlotte were the dinner guests of Mrs. J. H. Rollins Sunday. Mr. E. R. Ellis of Shelby is spend ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. C T. Elks. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben McSwain and! children visited Mr and Mrs. Ruben! Blanton of near Earl Sunday. Mr. Taft Putnam and Miss Edna Putnam were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hunt of Shel by Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hunt vis ited relatives in this community Sunday. Mr. Taft Putnam and Misses Buna Rollins and Edna Putnam spent Thursday in Asheville. Miss Norine Rollina of Gaffney visited her mother, Mrs. J. H. Rol lins Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Brainard Wcstmore-1 land and children of Blacksburg 1 spent Sunday *> ith Mr and Mrs J C. Bridget Messrs. Coran Rollins and Fen Whit* visited Mr. Arthur McBwain I of near Ear! Saturday night. Mr. R. N. Hawkins of Shelby was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mas. J H. Hawkins Sunday morn ing. r#i One Big Fact % ONE BIG FACT ABOUT THE CLEVELAND STAR IS THAI IT IS READ 3TIMESA WEEK, EVERY PAGE, BY 20,000 PEO PLE IN CLEVELAND COUNTY. Cleveland Springs SWIMMING POOL AND PAVILION DANCES FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, JULY 3, 4 and 6th - FREE PRIZES - TWO PRIZES EACH NIGHT — TWO SEASON SWIM TICKETS 1ST PRIZE. ONE SEASON TICK ET SECOND rrtTTTF.. BARGAIN NIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT ADMISSION 35c Championship Fight Returns By Radio — Round By Round Music By SHELBY BOY FRIENDS — PHONE 286 — fl HELBY c LE VELA NT) onserrative COUNTY onscienhou* BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION THE BEST WAY TO DRIVE AWAY DEPRESSIONS IS TO SAVE Learn To Save The Building And Loan Way. - New Series Opens Saturday, July 4th - Come In And Take A Few Shares And Get Started Right. Shelby and Cleveland County Building and Loan Association R. T. LeGRAND, Pres. JNO. P. MULL. Sec. & Treas. Elizabeth Arden’s Bcdttmc Treatment . . . is based on three fundamental steps—Cleans ing, Toning and Nourishing. These steps supply every need of the skin to keep it clear, tirm and smooth. Elizabeth Arden recommends for your care of the skin at night: Vmetiaa Cleenemg Cream. Removes impurities from the pores, softens and soothes the skin, leaves it pure and receptive. $1, MjJ6. Yamtiaa Ardeaa Sk i ■Tome. Wakens swift circulation, firms and whitens the skin, keeps it clear and fine. 85c. t*> >3-75 Venetian Oranfe Side Food. The best deep tissue build er, nourishes the skin, fills out lines and wrinkles. it, #1.75, t--7S, $4--S' , Elizabeth Arden’s Venetian Toilet Preparations are on sale at Cleveland Drug Co, — PHONE S5 — Ei.ru irrv Arden, Fifth Aeentte, Ksm York LOMBOK: *5 Old Bond Street »aru: c rue it U Ptiee — CAROLINA “SHELBY’S POPLl.AK PLAYHOLSE” WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY “ALWAYS GOODBYE” -FRIDAY A Srn*atlonal Drama “SHEER LUCK” t'.ttaui l.anrit. l.cwts Monr, l*»ul l'itmu[h SATURDAY W>»l»rn Action Plctui* EVERYBODY 10c EVERY DAY Jobyna Ralston, Nick Stuart and Bobby \rrnon MONDAY & TUESDAY i NEXT WEEKI “SO THIS IS ARIZONA” With W ALL* WALLS “THE VICE SQUAD” r.UJL I.L'CAS AND KAV FRANCIS COMING — OUR FIRST SPECIAL — JANET GAYNOR IN “DADDY LONG LEGS." For Better Furniture AND Better Prices SEE The Old Reliable John M. Best Furniture Co. “Shelby’s Oldest, Largest and Best Furniture Store.” . DON’T FORGET OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN. Their PRESENT is Sweet Their FUTURE is Golden Yes, they can well afford to lose themselves in day dreams. For they are D^ING SOMETHING to make their dreams com? true. 'Without sacrifice, they are gradually, consistently laying the foundation for a fu ture of independence and plenty. They do not miss their small weekly savings de posits. Yet their hank account is growing, growing, growing. No wonder their hearts and minds are at peace. No wonder they are happy. Let’s help make you happy too. You Are Invited to open a First National Savings Ac count today. An initial deposit of 51 will start YOU on the road to suc cess. First National Bank SHELBY, N. C.

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