Drink-Crazed Man Shoots Wife, Self (coimmntD wom pad* on*.» father not to shoot her (the gtrl.i Her father was then tn the girl's room and had the .32 pistol near her head. Up to that time Denham had dressed and had been lying down getting up frequently to take an other drink. As he came to the bed side of the girl his wife followed him and grabbed hold of him to pre vent him from shooting. The girl then ran to a window and Jumped out, running to a neighbor's house to have the officers called. The old est boy. Rudolph, was at work and from that point on no one except the frightened younger children, who remained In the house, knows what happened. The children terri fied and half asleep can hardly as eemble the details of the tragedy. Staggers To Wife's Body. Denham and hts wife scuffled about one room and another after the girl jumped out of the window. A younger girl attempted lo help her mother but was shoved away Then Denham shot his wife, the bullet entering the left temple, and causing, it la believed Instant death. According to the second boy’s story his father then placed the gun to his head and shot himself above the right ear. In his drunken condition the bullet failed to kill him and he staggered about the house. As there were bloodstains on a pillow It Is believed that he fell across the bed nnd then got up again before he shot himself the second time. After the first shot the second boy grab bed the gun and hid It but his fa ther made him get It again. Just how long It was from the time Den ham first shot himself until he fir ed into his head again Is not known. It could have been no very long per iod of time, physicians said. The second bullet, a steel-jacket tore its way completely through his head. When officers broke into the house they found that he had staggered back near his wife's body and fell near her side. Brains were ooslng from the wound where the second bullet came out and some of the Immense amount of homebrew and bay rum he had been drinking had poured from his mouth after he fell. Mad At Girt. The erased father so far as can be learned had no worthwhile reas on for becoming enraged at either his daughter or his wife. Barly In the night the daughter, realising Ills drunken condition, would not let him go out In the yard when he pull ed out his knife and had threatened to go out and cut to pieces a boy who'had walked in the yard. It 1# believed that this Incident lingered cm. his drink-benumbed brain and he decided to get even with the girl. Ha had been in an ill angry mood all day but for this one exception his family had attempted to please him and grant all requests. Officer Kendrick poured out sev eral gallons of homebrew after he arrived at the house and irom the statements made by the children it Is believed that Denham had drunk several gallons of homebrew and bay nun since Saturday. The tragic occurrence came as a shock to the village In which the family was popular. Mrs. Denham had many friends there and Den ham was considered a good and able worker when not drinking The Children. The names of the children, whose lives were saddened by their father's Wild orgy, are as follows: Prances, 17; Rudolph, 16; Monroe, Evelyn, Thelma, Gene, Claude, Vernell and Emily, the latter 15 months of age. Here From Charlotte. The family came to Shelby from Charlotte in January of this year. According to the oldest girl they have “lived everywhere," but lived longer in Charlotte, 13 years off and on, than anywhere else. Mrs. Denham before marriage was Miss Gertrude Phillips of Alabama. Ho near relatives live in this sec tion and yesterday the young child ren had only neighbors and friends in the Ora village to comfort them Mother Arrives. l>ast night the mother of Mrs. Denham, a Mrs. Marion, of Lanett, Alabama, arrived here, being accom panied by a brother, Mr. Phillips, and a sister of the dead woman. Funearl Saturday. ""After the arrival of these relatives R was decided to hold the funeral services for Mrs. Denham at the Dover Baptist church at 9 o’clock Saturday morning with interment following in Sunset cemetery Has Early Morning Sermon For Golfers Draw* Men To Church Who Other wise Do Not Attend Services. Charity and Children. A special church service for the benefit of golfers is held at West Plains, New York, every Sunday morning at 8 o'clock where men are invited in their play clothes.. The service lasts 35 minutes. Then the players are free to go to their games The regular service at 11 o'clock is held as usual. This plan. It is said gets men to church who would not be there otherwise. Nephew—‘No, I’ll bet you didnt either." - Young Daughter Relates Details Of Tragedy Here — (COMTUIUKU KROM PAOZ ONSl him and I Jumped out of bed and ran to the window and Jumped out. (The window was seven or eight feet from the ground and the young girl hurt her arm in Jumping). I then ran to Mr. Alvin Shull's house next door and told them papa was j going to shoot mamma and me. | While Mr. Shull was putting on his clothes we heard the shots. One or two first, that was when he killed mamma, then a little later more shots. We didn't know what hap pened. Mr. Shull went after the sup erintendent of the mill and then after Mr. Starnes. They didn't know what had happened in the house and whether to try to go in or not. Then they called the sheriff and he sent Deputy Bob Kendrick over. Then they went in and found mam ma lying there dea^l and papa lying close to her. They thought he was dead too but he wasn't and soon an ambulance came and carried him to the hospital. "That's about all I know about it myself. My sister—Evelyn—said she tried to help mamma get the gun from him but he slapped her and told her to get away or he would kill her too. She said he shot him self after shooting mamma and then after a little bit shot himself again. After the first shot he walk ed from one room to another. Head Trouble. “I Just don't know what was wrong except he was drinking all that time. Before when he had been drinking he complained of something being wrong with his head" Future a Blank. The future was a dismal, puzzling blank to the young girl who now must mother eight younger broth ers and sisters. The oldest boy, Ru dolph, was working in the mill the night of the tragedy and was tak ing the event stoically with little to say. Not knowing whether her fath er would live the girl oould say lit tle about funeral plans or their fu ture. She was too stunned to think of such things. Her thoughts seem ed to be with the mother she loves and she expressed very little sym pathy or asked very seldom about her father. About her at the fu neral home were several of the lit tle brothers and sisters, playing around not realizing the extent of the dark shadow that had come into their lives. All members of the family seem ed above the average intelligence and the mother was known as one of the most intelligent and popular women of the village. The father, when not drinking, was considered a fine worker by his foremen and was a skilled loom fixer. Post, Gatty Around World For Record tCONTINUED PROM PAUE ONB.i Chamberlain and Byrd on every possible occasion. But besides the approximately 2,000 who stood In apparent docility within police lines by the administration building, hundreds of others were scattered among the hangars and along all sides of the field. Police Are Powerless. When the round-the-world plane Winnie Mae touched the turf, the crowd broke Into motion, yelling and whooping. Then it was realized there were many more than had been esctlmated. The 150 policemen on duty were powerless before the several thousand enthusiastic wit nesses of the completion of avia tion’s latest achievement. As Post and Gatty climbed from their plane, the mob surged for ward, and despite *11 efforts of po lice with night sticks''plapged out on the field. For a moment Che fliers found seclusion In an automobile, but they soon were hauled out ana carried shoulder high to the admin istration building. Wants Information on Tryon Pact Signers To Editor of The Star; 1 will appreciate the favor very much if some of your readers pos sessing information regarding any of the following men, who were signers of the Tryon County asso ciation, In August, 1775, will get in touch with me; Thomas, and Abel Beatty, John Beeman, James Baird, James Buchanan, the Carpenters and Dellingers, Richard Waffer, Robert Hulclip and David Jenkins. Correspondence Is solicited from anyone possessing information in regard to any of the other signers. I am compiling biographical sketches of the signers for publica tion in a pamphlet this fall. I have been working on this project' for several years, and will appreciate • the co-operation of anyone Inter jested. Clarence Griffin, County His torian, Rutherford County. 4 Uplndale, N C, - t - . V ' ' . " Too Busy lo Wed Elsie Janis (above), famous state actress and screen writer, admits *h® found romance with Gilbert Wilson, youthful motion picture actor, but claims she’s too busy to think of retting married. However, she wonTt deny she may wed the lucky actor some day. MIL BOWMAN ILL IN IN CHARLOTTE HOSPITAL Mr. Nat Bowman has returned to Charlotte to re-enter a hospital for treatment and Is reported now to be critically ill. He has been away from business for several weeks and It will be several weeks longer before he Is able to work again. Log Of Big Plane That Rounded Globe (Eastern Standard Time Through out.) TUesday,June23: Left Roosevelt Field, N Y., 3:56 a. m. Artlved Harbor Grace, N. F., 10:48 a. m. (1,132 miles.) Left Harbor Grace, 2:28 p, m. 'Wednesday, June 24: Arrived Chester, England, 6.45 a. m. (2,195 miles.) Left Chester 8:05 a. m. Arrived Hanover, Germany, 11:45 a. m. ,4534 miles.) Left Hanover 1:15 p. m. Arrived Berlin 2:30 p. m (154 miles.) Thursday, June 25: Left Berlin 1:38 a. m. Arrived Moscow, Russia, 10 30 a. m„ <991 miles.) Left Moscow 10:00 p. m Friday, June 26: Arrived Novosibirsk, Siberia, 8.32 a. m. (1,579 miles.) Arriving Irkutsk, Siberia, 11:55 p. m, (1,055 miles.) Saturday. June 27: Left Irkutsk 2:10 a. m. Arrived Blagoveschchensk, Siberia 7 a. m. <1,009 miles.) Left Blagoveshchensk, 9:30 p. m Sunday, June 28: Arrived Khabarovsk, Siberia, 130 a, m. (361 miles.) Monday, June 29: Left Khabarovsk, 4 a. m, Arrived Solomon, Alaska, 8:45 p, m. (2,500 miles.) Left Solomon, 11:30 p. m. Tuesday, June 30; Arrived Fairbanks, Alaska, 2:25 a. m. (520 miles.) Left Fairbanks, Alaska, 8:24 a. m. Arrived Edmonton, Alta., 6:35 p. m , <1,450 miles.) Friday, July 1: 5:30 a. m,, left Edmonton. Arrived Cleveland, 4:15 p„ m. (1. 600 miles.) Left-Cleveland, 4:44 p. m. Arrived Roosevelt Field 7:47:30 p. m. (394 miles.) Total miles flown (approximated) 15,474. Elapsed time 8 days, 15 hours, 51 minutes. Flying time: 4 days, 10 hours, 8 minutes. 15-Cent School Tax Is Limit On Land For Every Purpose Levy Must Cover Collection Costs, Discounts And Penalties Involved. Raleigh, July 3.—The levy of an ad valorem tax of 15 cent* on the ♦100 valuation of property for the support of the six months school term Is a gross and not a net tax. Attorney General D. G. Brummitt has held in a letter to Charles M. Johnson, director of local govern ment. In other words, 15 cents is all that will be levied against the real and personal property as listed in the year 1930. The cost of making the collection and the discounts and penalties are Included in the 15 cents and will be enforced on the same basis as applies to other taxes In the counties. The amount to be remitted to the state treasurer will be the amount that the 15-cent levy produces, less collection costs and discounts allowed, Mr. Brummitt holds. To Broadcast Fight Over Radio Tonighl Loral Firms To Have Open House For Patrons And Friends This Evening. Local radio dealers will hold open house tonight for their friends while the Schmellng-Strlbllng champion ship fight is being broadcasted over radio. W. A. Pendleton announces that he will be connected up with loud speaker attachment and hopes to get clear reception of the fight pro gram in which the Georgia boy la attempting to wrest the title from the German youth. Rev. John Green To Start Revival Kings Mountain, July 2.—The two weeks revival services which has been in session at the Central Methodist church here closed Tues day night of this week. Rev. James H. Green, pastor of the Lighthouse Tabernacle at St. Louis conducted the services and was assisted by th<v pastor Rev. John R. Church. Serv ices were held twice dally and were attended by the largest number of people ever to attend a revival at this church. The doors of the church are to be opened next Sun day morning. Prefers Prison To Taking Dry Pledge Gaffney, S. C., July 3 —Sentenced to the chaingang for violating the prohibition laws, E. B. Bolin, of Cherokee county, prefers the roads to signing a pledge to sell no more liquor. Governor Blackwood suspended the road sentence on condition that Bolin pay a fine and sign the pledge. Yesterday Bolin notified Conrad Jones, clerk of the county court that he would surrender and begin his term. Friends said he re fused to sign the pledge. Mr. Ellis Brings In Three Open Blooms R. O. Ellis .of the Mount Sinai community below Shelby, brought to The Star office this morning three wide open, white cotton blooms. He found a bloom in his field on June 30th but did not re port it here for the reason that he has not been in town since. Mr. Ellis says blooms will be plentiful from now on. Jeweler Is A Bean Raiser Par Excellent George Alexander, jeweler enjoys gardening as much as he does broadcasting on Saturday over his amplifying system. In his garden he has two forty foot rows of the Mc Caslan bean which is a wonder in yield. It is of the pole variety and two or thre vines yield a “mess.” Each bean measures from eight to ten inches in length. He thinks the two rows will produce fully ten bushels before the season is over. Penny Column FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM house on Oakland Drive. Lights and water.. Rent reasonable. 3t 3p TWO WEEK 'OLD CHICKS The finest of the se'ason on hand now. See them. Suttle 'Hatchery. 2t 3c FOR RENT: ROOM WITH LAV atory, hot and cold water. Mrs. W. A. Pendleton. " 2t 3c DON’T BUY HAY. Sow now, peas, soy beans, eow peas, cane seed. We have these and other field seed. D. A. Beam Co. 5t-lc Sanitary Market S PECIALS For Saturday, July 4th 1 gallon Pure Apple Vinegar ______- 30c (Bring your containers.) Side Meat, lb. _10c Thick Fat Back, lb._10c Sugar, lb.____5c Van Camp’s Tomato Soup, 4 cans_25c 8-lb. bucket Lard__87c Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls_25c 1-lb. package Assorted Sun , shine Biscuits_28c Perfect Seal Fruit Jar Rub bers, dozen- 5c Salmon, tall can, each_10c Full line fresh fruits and veg etables. — MEATS — SPECIAL — Dressed Friers, lb._30c Stew Beef, 3 lb._25c Mixed Sausage, 2 lb._25c Beef Roast, lb. __ 15c — FRESH FISH — Croakers. 3 lb. _________ 25c Trout, 3 lb. __25c Sanitary Market Next To Quinn’s Drug Store South Washington Street — PHONE 48 — Governor Sworn by Father ra* a proud day at Atlanta, Georgia, when Richard B. Russel), Sr., K1«« “nwILSf stat« s«Pre™ .Cou*> Kave the oath of office to his son, Richard B. Russell, Jr., during the inauguration of the latter iw Governor of Georgia. Russejl, Jr., shown being sworn in by his lather, is only 33 years old, the second youngest man to hold th# hifirh executive position. Postal Men Banquet Kings Mountain, July 2.—An nouncement has been made by em ployes of the local post office that the quarterly meeting and banquet of the postal employes of Cleveland county will be held in the Cline building in Kings Mountain Tues day evening, July 14, at 7:30 o’clock. The features of the program will be an address by O. B. Carpenter and a program of fun by Ward B. Threatt, humorist, of the Charlotte postoffice. The banquet is to be served by the ladies of the Central Methodist church. iDriver Of Truck Hurt Coming Here SkuU Fractured When Truck And Auto Collide. Moving Furniture. Spartanburg, S. C., July 2 —Otis Evans, 22, of Greenville, suffered e fracture of the skull, and J. C. Mul key, of 211 Clifton avenue, Spartan-! burg, suffered severe cuts- and bruis- j es about his head and body when! the coupe Mulkey was operating] smashed head-on Into a truck op-| erated by Evans’ father Wednesday! night near Cowpens at about 11 o'clock. At an early hour Thursday morn ing young Evans was in the X-ray room at a Spartanburg hospital, where his condition was said to be critical. Mr. Mulkey was also in a Spar tanburg hospital and was reported to be resting quietly after receiving emergency treatment for severe cuts about the head and body bruis es. His condition was said not to be serious. According to information receiv ed shortly after the accident, Mr. Mulkey's automobile struck the truck operated by B. Evans, father of the injured youth, as he was at tempting to pass another car. Mr. Mulkey was en route to Spartan burg. The truck was en route to Shelby, N. C., with a load of furni ture. Newspapers Did If Who said fame is fleeting? Here? , Margot Ross at her piano in Ha- * vana, Cuba, ready to practice for a career in music which was offered her through newspaper clippings. Articles appearing in American newspapers about the girl’s uncanny ability to play the piano without lessons and onW by “ear,” enlisted the support or the Curtiss Musical Institution in Phil adelphia. Now she’s going to get lessons—and all through the news papers. J. C. Penney Co. thriftily priced — of course! Silk Dresses you'd never expect to Sind for only 4-9S Cool light print* . . . prac tical prints for traveling and general wear : . dark solid colors and lovely pastels. One-piece dresses, separate jackets and jacket effects ... . dresses for sportswear, for the street, for afternoon and evening. Flat crepe, canton crepe, georgette, chiffon and •kantuna < A Vcdue Revelation! L Smart Daytime Pajamas Unbelievably Low-Priced 1 Pajamas are becoming more pop. nlar every day . , . for doing the housework in smart comfort - . . for lounging ... for tli* beach ... for bridge . . . for many, many occasions! You’ll find these clever styles irresist ible 1 One and two-piece models. Colorful Tab-Fast Cottons Women’s Rayon Underwear Formerly 49c—now .Vests , . . bloomers . ,. panties. A wonderful value group 1 Splendid quality, run-resistant rayon. Yoa get a better quality Semi-Service Silk Hose at Penney’* for Finer jmge . ., (ufl-tailuautl of the new high-1 west silk that makes boae so good-looking t Pssnt tots lllk* pta*H sole and toe heeL Smart shades. Unbelievable Value? Broadcloth Shirts =3 $1-49 Selected high quality fabrics (white and vet-dyed sohds) are cut and fashioned to rigid specifica tion* to make these super-fine garments. The vmy tat in years ... pre-sfcrtmk, long-wearing! “Solar” Yeddo Straws $1.98 “H* lightest, finest straw of af! I * • ■ *n® «Mrt and low-priced . u well! tropical SUITS C-o-o-l Summer Fabrics $13.75 Tropical worsteds, gabardine# and twist effects. Carefully tail-, ored to preserve the correct line* »nd shape of heavier weight gar. merits. *

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