Nobody’s Business * «^u «EE McGEE— ' society dots from flat rock. a big reception was hell at the pallatial home of mesdames Jones on westview bully vard friday even ing tn compliments of misses judie and sallie lou green who returned home from college last week where they had benn going to scholl, and the same was enjoyed by all. the house was decker rated from floor to garrett and the culler skeem was green Inter spersed with hunny sucker vines which was fur nished by the boy scouts who got them out of her pastor, they being nephews of the contracting parties, and do a good deed ever day excepp sunday, when all of them go to church, music was furnished by the green girts, the honner guests, on the piano and by voice with the fol lowing songs pre dominating: "sing ing in the bathing tub,” "when i and you was young, maggie,” and one or 2 others that my wife did not ketch the name of when she turned in her report to be rote in. the green girls made good rec ords at college, as 1 of them was voted the neatest and the other one i he studdiest in her books, and are descended from a long line of an cestors who reach back behind the nayflower, and is related by birth to gen. green who rode on horse back from boston and told the men at 'exington to fire when they saw the whit'-s of their eyes which they did. Jwi ivost of the talk had ' dide n»t! ever boddy had showed 'TJ Mir new dresses to the sattis 'a lien of all parties concerned, the APPLICATION FOR PAROLE. Notice is hereby given that I am ap plying to the governor of North Caro lina for a parole I was sentenced in Jan uary, 1930, to the penitentiary for three years from Cleveland county upon a plea of guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and I have been serving regularly since that time. This June 23rd. 1931 CEPH THOMS 2t 26e TRUSTEE’S SALE. B’ virtue of the power and authority in a certain deed of trust, executed the 10th day of April, 1930. by Pearl Wray Johnson < single) and recorded in book 106 page 136. and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness, and demand having been made upon the trustee to execute the trust. I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door • BheJby, N. C., on 4«uda> July 13tb, 1931. at 12 o'clock or wUfcin legal hours, the following de • artbert real estate: Being lot No. 45 of book No. 1 of plats, page 45. excepting 25 feet from the north end, and being a part of the Mrs. Z. Oreen property in the town of Shelby, N. C . same front 60 feet on Orange street, and extending back 300 feet. Terms of sale: Cash. This the 11th day of June. 1931 B. T. FALLS. Trustee 4t June 12c TRUSTEE’S SALE. Under power of sale contained in deed of trust executed by Holland Eskridge on the 25th day of May, 1926, said deed of trust being of record in the registry of Cleveland county, North Carolina, in book' 136 at page 216, I as trustee will o'fer for sale, for cash, at public auction, r.t 12 M.. July 27. 1931. at. the court house floor in Shelby, Cleveland county, North Carolina, the following described lot of land: Lot number 5 in block P in the Cleve land Springs Estate as shown by plat of ;»me made May 25th by S. P. Baird, en gineer. and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, in book of plats No 2 at page 22. to w:hich plat and record reference is made for a further description of same as shown on faid plat is hereby made a part of this heed: Said lot is situated on the west fcide of Westfield Road and has a front age of 60 feet and extends back 175 feet. The aforesaid sale is made because of default in the payment of the indebted ness secured by the said deed of trust. ThiS June 25th. 1931. .O. S ANTHONY, Trustee 4t June 26c % PILES CHINESE HERB QUICKLY ALLAYS PAlNind ITCHIHfl If you suffer from Itching, blind, protruding: or bleeding: Piles you arS likely to be amazed at the soothing’ healing power of the rare. Imported Chinese Herb, which fortifies d£ Nixon's Chinarold. It’s the newest And fastest acting treatment out. Brings ease and comfort In a few tnlnutes so that you can work and enjoy life while it continues tta -soothing, healing action. Don’t de Jay. Act In time to avoid a danger ous and costly operation. Try Dr. Nixon’s Chinarold under our guar antee to satisfy completely and be Worth 100 times the small cost or four money back. t SETTLES DRUG STORE. — YOU CAN HAVE — Your Rooms Papered Or Painted Or Your House Painted Outside At Very Low Prices At The Present Time By W. H. QUEEN. THE PAINTER AND APERHANGER FOB ARTICULAR EOPLE Th.pre are times when it is probably an advantage to have a job done the cheapest way by the cheapest painter. Generally, however, you waht quality work that will look first class. At the present you can get the best at very low prices. Why not get the best?—It's the cheapest. — W. If. QUEEN — PAINTER — PAPERHANGER — PHONE SI — P. O. BELWOOD, N. C. Jones twins, sisters of the mes dames Jones who give the reception, fetched in large trays full of sweet crackers and then the mesdames Jones brung in a pitcher full of ice tea and pored out a little to ever boddy who happened to be pressent. mrs. jones, the mother of mes dames Jones above referred to, had a book at a little table over in the corner of the setting-room where all of the guests registered their names and last post offis address and It will be handed down in histry so', their ancestors can see what was going on befoar they was born, there being nothing else to talk about, a departing line was formed and mes dames Jones stood in same and bid them all a merry goodby. well, mr. editor, if i find annything to add to this, i will rite or foam it in to you. • yores trule, mike Clark, rfd. Have Vou a l^lly Pond In Your Own Backyard? "My Town" has gone plumb daffy about backyard lily ponds, and my own dear, darling, ecomonical wife has got one in her head at last. She has lily pond catalogues pouring in by every mail, and our rear-sitting room is littered from center to cir cumference with models and designs and descriptions. There ain’t any room in any of our backyards nowadays for tire wash pot and tubs. The chicken in dustry has suffered terribly because of- this lily pond business. Why, half the folks can't find a decent place to dump the ashes from their fur nace, but nobody ain't paying any attention at all to their front yards— that is—if they have a backyard, but where there’s no backyard, lily ponds are springing up in front yards. A fairly respectable lily pond can | be built for 75 dollars and 35 cents. Qne woman diddent want to ask any one how to construct a lily pond, so she sed out to design and make her .own, so she and 2 other darkies who knew a tiny bit about cement and mortar, built one that was 7 feet deep, the normal depth of a nice one is about 2 feet) and filled it with water and that night her old man was trying to slip into the house through the kitchen, and danged if he diddent fall In that thing and was almost drowned be fore a policeman pulled him out. My wife has figgered and figger ed on her lily pool and has a list of things she wants in it. I thought all I'd have to buy was a few lily plants and some other cheap water flora, but what you reckon: you hafter put something in them pools beside flowers ansoforth, and my wife has picked out from the catalogue the following animal life, which must be in there also: 5 Japanese Snails ........ $4.50 6 Ramshorn Snails_ 8.00 7 Salamanders ......_ 6.55 2 Weather Fish ..._ 5.30 8 Tadpoles . .. 3.25 6 Assorted Snails i ...... 6.00 6 Gold Fish __ 6.00 2 Clams .... 2 00 Well, I think lily pools are all right, but it looks like it 1s going to be cheaper for us to move off some where close to a natural swamp— rather than make one of our own. Now, folks, besides all of them snails and tadpoles. It costs about 25 dol lars and 43 cents to get the grass and rock plasts for the pond. She wants me to go down to the farm and haul all of the big rocks up to our house and pile them on the sides of the driveway and path to the garden. I guess 111 have to do like everybody else. Ruin my backyard and bank account, and then have to tear all of the junk out and cart it away next year— when they go out of style. HITHERTO UNACCOMPLISHED ASCENT OF MT. BAKER MADE Seattle, Wash.—A hitherto unac complished ascent of Mount Baker, 10,780 feet high, from the north side, has been made by Milana Jank, of Munich, Germany, a fore most woman skiier, and three men companions. The peak is in the Cascade mountain in Northern Washington. The party made the climb Sun day, overcoming sleet, snow, and the rigors of a mountain storm, and re turned to this city yesterday. Mem bers of the Seattle Ski club. Bob Hayes, Dr. Otto Strizek and Ben Thompson, accompanied the Ger man Alpinist. High acre yields of Irish potatoes have somewhat offset low prices received for the crop in Beaufort county this year. About 75 percent of the crop has been dug and sold. “Until a bjetter day. Jdalitax, Tar Heels Know Little Of State Elizabeth City Advance A miner was killed In a mica mine In the western part of the state yesterday. And most of us In this section of North Carolina scarcely realize that there Is such a thing ns a mica mine In the com monwealth, Just as the folks “in them thar mountains" don't know how wide are the streams or how big the fish hereabouts unless they come and see for themselves. North Carolinians ought to play that old game of “Fruit Basket Turned Over" every summer with the easterners trekking westward and the westerners coming east ward, so that we ll all get to learn first hand something about our selves. STAR ADVS. PAYS State Rejects Bids For Gas Accepts Bids For Six Counties. All Statewide Bids And Most Local Ones Held Too High. News and Observer. Raleigh. The State rejected all statewide bids on its tender of contract for 10,000,000 gallons of gasoline, and also rejected all local bids except for six counties, the action being taken yesterday by three members of the Advisory Budget Commission who sat with the Director of Pur chase and Contract as a board of award. Thirty-eight statewide and local bids were received. The counties for which contracts were let did not Include Wilkes, where the county has been buying gasoline at a much lower figure than that paid by the Highway Commission and where the local re tail price of all companies for all 1 customers is IS cents a gallon, much 1 lower than that prevailing in the State as a whole Under the local contracts made yesterday, und any others which the State will make, it will receive the benefit of prices which have been depressed by local price wars. New bids on the gasoline were called for yesterday to be opened at 9.30 a. m. July 10. The lowest state-wide offer sub mitted yesterday was for a sis-cent discount on tank car lots from the retail price at the point at time of delivery, five cents on tank wagon lots at time at point of delivery, und three cents on retail service station delivery. This bid was offered by both the Shell Eastern Petroleum company and the Central Oil com pany. and while the Standard Oil company offered a slightly better discount, of 6.1' cents, 6,1 anti 3.1 cents respectively on the three class es of service, Its bid was not in ac cordance with specifications for the proposal of bids and could not be considered. Limitations imposed b> the Standard would have protected it from local price wars which are also said to be gotnt on at present in Louisburg, and Gastonia. Polkville School Sidelights. Too many papers on the ground When the patrons come around. Too ninny Janitors playing ball When he should be sweeping the halls. Too many home teachers in the pew When the unemployed girls are In a stew. Too many holes in the wall When the superintendent makes n call. Too many broken window glass When the patrons pass. Too many broken locks When comes the creep night flocks. Too many teachers gathered in rooms When the playground falls to boom Too many short days When the taxes are to pay. Too many pupils going to tjie store When the time lost we do deplare. Too many torn scenes and wood wings on stage When the citizens are asked to pay. Too many teachers from S. C. When our native teachers have the recipe. Too many home teachers added each year When others fall to get their share. E. C. BRIDOE8. Shelby, Route 5, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. North Carotin*. Ctaveland County. Bftor* A, B C. DePriest. Justice of th* Peace tit the matter of Flossie Calvert. Flossie Cslvert of said county and «t*t# having filed her petition before th* under signed for her personal property exemp tion. till* Is to notify all the creditor* of the said Flossie Calvert that tha said petition will be heard at my offic* In No. ft township. Cleveland county, on tha 7th day of December. 1931, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where. If they shall appear, they may b# heard. Dated this 17th day of June. 1031. ABC DePRIEST, Justice of th* Peace.