Do You Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star Want Ads. Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 26c. This size 1 cent per word each insertion. This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. nearly two hundred fleers in Cleveland county of Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not one Has ever spent one cent tor service. Robert C. Hord, Dealer, a Washington St, Shelby. tf 36c COUNTY ROADS WILL be taken over by the state on July 1st. Get a county read map and a soil survey map free by renewing your sub scription to The Star for six months or longer. Only limit ed quantity of maps left. 6t22 "croquet sets — At the Cleveland Hardware Co. Wash burn’s. ltc WE DEVELOP KODAK FILMS. Expert work. 24-hour service. En larging and tinting. Hollywood Stu dio, over Wool worths. tf 20c WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY repairing. L. C. Davis, next door to EHrd’s. I appreciate your patron age, large or small. tf 16c DON’T NEGLECT FEET these hot summer days. Be fitted correctly by shoe ex perts at A. V. Wray & 6 Sons, •City,tf-27c freeIce water at Cleveland Hard ware Co. Washburn’s Place. ltc VERY SPECIAL OFFER . good until July 1st. Two val uable maps of Cleveland coun ty, one a road map showing the county highways to be taken over by the State on I July 1st, the other a soil sur vey map, showing the various ‘types of soil throughout the .county. Both are large maps [and the soil map carries with fit a description of the soils. * Renew your subscription to The Star for six months on longer and get BOTH FREE! 6t-22p BULL TONGUE }P lows and Heel ! Sweeps. Good selec tion at the Clevelanc1 Hardware Co. lt< FOR RENT: BIGHT ROOM hou», steam heated,,well located, good condition, formerly occupied by T. P. Eskridge on W, Marlon St. Fresh repainted on Inside. A. Blan ton Grocery Co. tf-22c NEW AND USED AUTO PARTS. f'AlI parts for some care, some parts Sot all cars." Automobile glass In stalled. Fink Iron and Metal Co., West Warren St., next to Shelby Shoe Shop. tf 25c THREE "GRADES o f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate ! Engraving, Relief g r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es at a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone 11. tfllc FOR SALE OR TRADE: SMALL refrigerator and Frigidaire com plete. Suitable for small market or cafe. K. E. Simpson, Rutherford ton, N. G 3t 29c TWO VALUABLE CLEVE LAND county maps FREE. One a road map showing the 793 miles of county roads, the other a soil survey showing the various types' of land, the streams, etc. You can get both of these maps by renewing your subscription to The Star for six months or longer. 6t22 FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM house on Oakland Drive. Lights and water. Rent reasonable. Apply at Star office. 3t 3 p ' DON’T LET THE HEN SUFFER by setting three weeks. Let her set a few days, then put 35 of our chicks with her. We have them every day. Suttls’s Hatchery. 4b 26c TERRA - COTTA Pipe/ Well Pipe and Drain Tile at Cleve land Hardware Cg It YOU’LL NEVER FIND better Tire Prices than these, no mater how hard you try. Typical of the bargaiils we offer: 29 s 4.40 — 21_$3.98 30 x 4.50 — 21 _$4.69 28 x 4.75 — 19 _$5.46 29 x 4.75 — 2 I.oeal (internment and eg-offtcto i_ tary of the comnjtaalon. ft July 3 GOODRICH « GOODRICH ♦ GOOOfMCH ♦ GOODRICH Any way you look at it... 26% more tread wear New Goodrich Super Cavalier Sensational Thrift Tire for 1931 ACTUALLY 26% more for your money ITm. in the new Goodrich Super Cavalier (6 Full Plies), compared with any tire at anything like the price. 26% more wear. 26% more traction. 26% more sidewall pro tection. Oversized, thicker, stouter, stur dier all the way through, In short—a Goodrich Tire—built to Good rich specifications—worthy of tjje name. And priced lower. Come in. iow more side wall BUY GOODRICH TIRES AT THRIFT PRICES Webb Bros. SHELBY, N.C. GOODRICH ♦ GOODRICH * GOODRICH '< GOODRICH * TOOTS AND GASPER— -—-—-i MR.CASPER, AS MDU KNOW, THE ANNUAL PACTION FOR-THE PRESIDENCY OF THE. 4000"FELLOWS'CLUB IS NEAR AT HAND AND IT IS,WITH PLEASURE THAT I TELL PRCi5rRESS,VE FACTION'’WOULD BE PROUD TO HAVE TtXJ BE ITS CANDIDATE FOR A SECOND term! 4eM7EL(V\tN, I THANK YCXJ FOR YOUR CONFIDENCE IN ME BUT-1 MUST DECLJNt I DO NOT CHOOSE to Rum ‘and BE5IDES, IT'S An UNWRITTEN LAW THKT hjg> J5HAU 1 they WANTED TO NOMINATE ME A4AIN,TOOT5,BUT » declined'. THE NEXT TIME, t RUN FOR OFFICE., IT'LL BE FCR GOVERNOR Of? PRESIDENT! TUO CAN WRITE THAT HOME TO YOUR FOLKS : iM NOT MUCH OF A DANCER, BUT I'M STEPPIN4 ALDN4 (N This world ! aint you 4lad too married ME ITU IM 4LAD YOU DROPPED IN > TOOT'S WILL BE HERE IN A jiffy! HEAR THAT YOU DECLINED Y»E nomination, CA«,p*R! IS THAT FINAL ? CASPER,AS LON4 AS YOU'RE NOT 4oin4 to RUN, I WISH YOUt> THROW YOUR SUPPORT OVER TO COLONEL. HOOFER !l O BE SO j PROUD IF HE >J SUCCEEDED YOU AS "THE kCLUB OHbOTWB CA-T^OUT oJT THE EA4? HE WANTS ME TO HELP HIM 4CT THE NOMINATION! THAT *5 WHY HE'S BEEN PLATW4 UP TO ME THE LAST FEW DAYS} » KNEW THERE WAS A' CAfTCM TO IT— BUT ' TVK3U4HT rr WAS A ^~77>*^yTOUCH''C0IWN4 J * 'i I Ttb __«■< jlMMV nURPtiV^: ftc The Price Of Support. HE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR THE PRESIDENCY » /« OF THE 4O0D-FE LLOWS' C LUB »5 NEAR AT HAND _ O-—<5^7 'J© Who WILL SUCCEED CASPER AS PRESIDENT -THATfe WHAT EVERY MEMBER IS ASKIN4 * t I r^T“ / / it-U SPEAK CASPER WHEN HH CONAES> AS LOM4 AS Tt5uREVrsm?E,,lll. SUPPORT NOT 40IN4 TO RUN, \ HIM,TOOTS.' HE S My I WISH TOU'O SUPPORT) PAL, AND BESIDE5.A CCH.ONEL HOOFER, J DUMB-BELL LIKE CASPER,! PLEASE, AS J HIM IN OFFICE WOULD A FAVOR TP . _-A MAKE ME STAND OUT ME * $ ) all THE more as / t HAVING BEEN A \ V*jp" *y> ^CAPABLE PRESIDEWJfU OH, FINE* ■u, SOPHIE THE 4ood NOT TET, TOOTS 1 DON'T TELL HI*A FOR A WEEK OK SO'.MS *5 PLAY1N4 T04rrMY SUPPORT* us to dinners and Murph/s IT COLONEL HOOFER BE 7WC NBLXT PRESmiTI op we FELLOWS' CL^B? CAN HE COUNT ON^fOUR UCHE? f