Cloth Mill Increases League Lead By DefeatingRhodhiss Club Here Fisher's Hurling Too Mach For \lslting Club. Weathers Hit ting Features. The Cleveland Cloth mill club »f Shelby tightened its hold on first place in the Western Caro lina league here yesterday by defeating the Dick Gurley Rhod his team 9 to 3. Up until last week Rhodhlss was tied with the Shelby club for first place. Getting Close Now. The Shelby outfit has to win only one more game to clinch the first half pennant in the league. There are only three more games and one victory will place the local outfit so well on top they cannot be over come. Good Tn Finches Pisher held the visiting club to five hits but the remarkable aspect of his hurling was his ability to mow down the visiting batters m this pinches. Once he struck out two batters with two men on the sacks, and again he whiffed two with the bases loaded. The hitting of Cricket Weathers, third-sacker. and the fielding of Giireath, southpaw first baseman, were other features for the home club. Bumgardner, the opposing pitch er. was wild or otherwise the Rhod hiss team would have made it a close battle. Dick Gurley, former Shelby coach, caught a good game for his club and seemed as active on hLs feet as in days when he star red in college and semi-pro ball but he could not connect with Fisher’s fast balls. Buff was the best hitter for the visitors. A good crowd for Thursday wit nessed the contest, Shelby.. 9 11 2 Rhodhlss . __3 5 2 Fisher and Hornsby; Bumgardner nnd Gurley, * Various Ages Of An Average Man Baltimore Evening Sun One day old. X potential president of the United States. Thirteen years old. A very bright boy for his age who may some day become the governor o£ his state or at least the mayor of his city. Eigh teen years old. A splendid type of tine young American manhood who should do exceedingly .well in what ever profession he may enter. Twenty-five years old. An earnest and hardworking fellow who is thought of highly by his employers. Has a bright future. Engaged to a nice young woman. Saving up mo ney to marry. Thirty-five years old. An earnest and hard-working fellow who is thought of highly by his employers. Has a bright future. Engaged to a nice young woman. Saving up mon ey to marry Thirty years old. Young married man doing very welL Capable and Industrious, but somewhat tacking in initiative and imagination. Chief ambition is to get out of apartment and purcnase a nouse. » Thirty-five years old. Young mar ried man and father of potential president of the United States. Own er of a house, motor car, radio and other essentials. Paying for them on installment plan. Chief ambition to keep out of debt. No sign of being considered for governor or mayor. Political activity limited to voting for his party's nominees. Chosen al ternate to district convention of Loyal Order of Patriots. Considered for assistant office manager, but passed over in interest of company’s policy of selecting mature men for positions of responsibility. FoAy years old. Still holding to job in spite of shake-ups. Consider ed for assistant office manager, but ' passed over in accordance with company's policy of selecting young men with a punch for positions of responsibility. Stall trying to keep out of debt. Forty-five years old. Father of several splendid types of fine young American manhood and woman hood who should do well in whatever profession they may enter. In the meantime splendid types of fine young American manhood and wo man hood must be supplied with rlothes and spending money. Sixty years old. Veteran of office force with not much to do. Grand father of several prospective presi dents of the United States. Decides life hasn't been so bad after all. Eighty years old. Enjoys good health. Has been regular subscriber to Daily Clarion for fifty years. Still reads newspaper without glasses. Attributes long life to moderate use of spirits and tobacco. Always voted the Republican (Democratic) ticket. Hopes to reach century mark. Card of Thanks. We w ish to thank our good friends and neighbors of Shelby and Kings Mountain for their expressions of sympathy and love In our bereave ment over the accidental death of our dear child. These words of sym pathy have been a great comfort to us in our sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen and Children Lily Mill Stages Double Bill Game For Fourth Event risy JLiumdale At 10 In Mwiinf, Henrietta Team In Afternoon. The Lily mill bam bail elnb, which has run up a string of victories, has two games hooked for tomorrow, July 4, The first game prill be with the Lawndale club at the Lily park at 10 o'clock In the morning. The afternoon game, also In the Lily park, will get going at 8:30. Both games should be fast and Interesting and fans are urged to attend. Colored Team To Play Here Monday Bob Rogers’ colored baseball team known as the Shelby White Sox, will play the Kannapolis team in the city park Monday afternoon. Frank Crosby, southpaw of fame, will twirl for the White Sox. Bob urges his white friends to witness the game as local business houses will be closed that day. Lattimore News Of Current Week Good Rains FaU. Toon* People Visit B. Y. P. V. Per sonals. I Special to The Star .) Lattimore, July 3.—The senior B Y. P. U. is progressing very nicely under the efficient leadership of our president, Miss Mabel Jones. We were indeed glad to have the Double Springs and Pleasant Ridge senior B. Y. P. U's with us Sunday night We were glad to see the good rain we had Monday afternoon and Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Rolins and son, Howard, of Mores boro, and Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Stockton and chil dren of Shelby were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Stockton. * Mr. I. H. Harrill of York, S. C. spent the week-end at home. Misses Mabel and Artha Jones spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jones. Miss Candace Rayburn who is summer school at Lenoir-Rhyne of Hickory spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Rayburn. mr. ana xurs. v. u. noveiace ana daughter, Zepher Ree, spent several daj-s of last week with their daugh ter and sister, Mrs, O. A. Jones of Ellenboro. Mrs. M. J. Stockton and Charlie, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Toms and son, George William, and Mr. and Mre. Jim Kanipe were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Doggett of Shelby. Mr. Willard Rayburn of Waco spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Rayburn. Misses Pearl Jones, Mada Belle and Mattie Lou Philbeck spent Sun day with Misses Mae and Erlene Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bridges of Spindale visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bridges one night of last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Weaver of Shelby is visiting Mrs. Weaver’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hamrick. Mr. "Toby” Bridges of Gastonia is spending awhile with his aunt, Mrs. Hatcher Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Magness ana family of Bostic spent Sunday with Mr. Magness’ mother, Mrs. Ella Magness. Miss Margaret Martin of the Zion community and Messrs. Pine With row and Baxter Scruggs of the Sandy Plains community visited in B. Y. P. U. Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hamrick and sons, Howard, Jr. and Alton, visited friends in Ellenboro Sunday after noon. Miss Mildred Cabaniss of Shelby is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henrf Caba niss. An Independence Sermon By Jessup "independence—For What" will be the topic of the Sunday night sermon at the Second Baptist church by the pastor. Rev. L. L. Jessup. This will be a discussion of some problems confronting Chris tian America on the anniversary pf American freedom. TTie morning service will be given over to a short business conference, the Lord's supper and a short mes sage by the pastor The 8unday school will assemble at 9:45 a. m., and the B. Y. P. U.’S meet at 6:30., Midweek prayer service on Wed nesday nirht at 7:45 Shelby Juniors To Play Gastonia Friday, Saturday Taunt Legion Teams Clash There In Opening of Junior World Series Flay. Gastonia Oazette. Announcement of the elimin ation games in North Carolina, between the contesting Legion Junior league teams hare been received here from the office of the state adjutant. The Oaatonia team will meet the 1 Shelby juniors at the local high school stadium Friday and Saturday of this week. Should the local team succeed in eliminating Shelby they will meet Charlotte In Oastonla on Monday, July 6, and in Charlotte on Tuesday. If necessary to play the third game It will be played In Oas tonla on Wednesday. The first game between Char lotte and local boys in Oastonla on Monday should prove a drawing card. All of the stores will be closed and In keeping with the trend of the times prices of admission have been i reduced to 35c for the grand stand and 15c for the bleachers. These prices also at the games Friday and Saturday with Shelby. The drum corps of Gaston post 23 will be In charge of the refresh ment stand and every penny of ad mission paid goes Into the fund for the carrying on of the junior league activities. Saturday will be the 4th of July and the merchants will celebrate Monday. There should be record at tendances at all the games. If these fine boys are to go far this year in the contests it will take the whole hearted support of the people to back them up and encourage them So far tills all star team, shows up far better than any local team Gas tonia has had and with the proper support will go far toward the championship. No. 1 Township News Of Week Brotlu B;tn Slightly Hart In Aato Accident. Person* I Mention. • Special to The Star.) No. 1 Township, July 1.—Rev. J. J. Boone filled his appointment Sat urday and Sunday. We are having a good attendance in Sunday school with 213 present last Sunday. Mr. W. P. Byers and his son, Broad us, and Mr. Vencil Scruggs were in an automobile wreck Sat urday. None was bad hurt except Broadus who suffered a wound in the leg by the broken wind shield. Mr. J. D. Byars is suffering very much with rheumatism. Mr. B. M. McCraw of Gaffney, S. C. was the dinner guest of Mr. Thurman Byars Sunday. Those visiting at Mr. W. P. Byars Sunday were Rev. J. J. Boone, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Byars, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Branch and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Byars, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Byars and Mr. Emmitt Byars visited Mr. and Mrs. Blane Davis Friday. Miss Flay Humphries of Grassy Pond was the dinner guest of Mr. Guy Humphries Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Earls and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jolly visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCraw Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hawkins visit ed the home of Mr. W. W. Hawkins Sunday. Mr. Andrew McCraw of near Cow pens visited Mr. J. U Humphries Sunday. TRUSTEES BALE OF BEAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of th# authority contained In that certain deed of truat, executed by A. F. Champion and wife, Luclle Champion to the underpinned trus tee, said deed of trust being dated Decem ber 3, 1939 and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland coun ty, N. C , In book No. 137 at page 539. se curing an Indebtedness to the Shelby and Cleveland County Building and Loan as sociation. and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and betng requested to sell said property 1 will on Mender. August 3rd, 1931 at 13 o'clock noon or within legal hours, at the court house door In Shelby, N. C. sell to the highest bidder for cash at pub lic auction that eertaln lot of land, lying and being In No. 6 township, Cleveland county, N. C , and bounded as follows: Being located In Beaumonda Terrace in the eastern part of the town of Shelby N. C.. and being a part of lots Nos. 10. 13 and 14 In bloek X on plat of said property and recorded in book of plats No. 3 at page 33, the register of deeds office for Cleveland county and being more specifically described as follows: Begin ning at an Iron stake In the south edge of East Oraham street, said stake being 311 feet west of the corner between lota Nos. 'll and 13 In block C on Oraham street, and runs thence S. S degrees 30 minutes W. 1*0.7 feet to an Worn stake: thence N. 19 degrees 50 minutes W, 70 feet to an iron stake: thanes N. 0 degrees 10 minutes E. 1*0 feet to an iron stake on the south edge of Oraham street; thenee with said street 6. *9 degrees 50 minutes E. *5 foot to tho beginning and being that tame lot of land convoyed to A. F. Champion and wife by D. A. Beam by deed dated December 3, 1939. This July and. 1931. ■WO r MULL, Trustee IVebb Boys Have Tough Match At Tryon On Fourth Will Play Hearon and Until; lit Feature Match. Other Shelby 1 Golfer* Going. Tryon. July 3.—Tht* year's July golf tournament at the Tryon Country club will pack an added Interest. On the morn ing of Saturday, the Fourth of July, whUe the field Is qualify ing there’ll be an 2*-hole ex hibition match between four of the most brilliant performers in the Carolina*. ’’The Webb boys from Shelby”—: Pete, now a professional, and Fred Snook), twice winner ot the Junior ttle at Sedgefield—will match shots! vlth Oliver (Zero) Lindsay and Panning Hearon, ranking amateurs: >f Shoresbrook and the Country j :lub In Spartanburg. Shelby Is spreading it around that 'the Webb hoys" can't be beat and i he people In Tryon and Spartan -1 >urg, having watched Lindsay and Hearon whip around lots of courses | n low scores, want to see what can; >e done about It. While playing the exhibition! watch, Lindsay, Hearon and Fred' iVebb will qualify for match play hat begins In the afternoon of the I same day. Tills will furnish more nterest, as last year, when Webb shattered the course record to win :he medal trophy, Lindsay and Hearon were hot on his heels. Two tournament favorites will ?lay together against last year's s’lnner and his brother, at the same Lime probably having at stake medal donors and a reputation. The tournament promises to I eclipse last season's. Crack players— men and women—are entering from! many places and play for the pile; sf handsome trophies should be the! fastest seen here in years. Players will qualify on the mom- j Ing of Saturday, the Fourth; play the first 18-hole round In the after noon; the second round next morn ing and the final round that after noon. Among other Shelby golfers who plan to participate in the Tryon tourney are Jack Hartigan. Harry Umsted. Cleveland Springs cham pion; Charlie Keel, Ted Cashion and Renn Drum. Mooresboro Route 2 News Of Week-End Mr. Bridge* Returns To Washing ton. Farmers Disappointed By Clouds. (Special to The Star.' Mooresboro, R-2, July 1.—Mr. Rob ert R. Bridges of Washington, D. C. visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bridges Tuesday night. Due to his work, however, he re turned home Wednesday accom panied by Master Roy S. Bridges, jr., and Miss Etta Bostic. The for mer will visit his father who lives there. The farmers of this vicinity were disappointed Tuesday when the clouds failed to yield any rain ex cept a small sprinkle which soon vanished under the violent rays of the sun. Mr, Brokter Blanton of Richmond, Va., is visiting friends and relatives in and around Mooresboro this week. Mr. Joe Bridges who has been under the supervision of physicians for some time with an injured back was pronounced all right last Sat urday. Farmers of this community are preparing to live at home the com ing year as they have just finished storing away the best wheat harvest in years to await the coming of threshers. We Shoe 'Em 22 per cent of the child ren’s shoes manufactured in the United States are made by our company. Statistics show that one third of the population of the United States is under the age of 15 years. “STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BETTER” H. FIELDS YOUNG, Salesman Ora Club Will Try To Defeat C. C. Saturday Fast Independent Team To Meet league Outfit. Shelby Mill Play* The Ora milt baieball club ha» to be shown that the Cleve land Cloth mill club of the Western Carolina league is the best outfit In Shelby. And the Oras have extended an open house to all baseball fans here abouts to see the argument set tled Saturday afternoon. July 4. at the city park. The Cloth mill club will play its league game with Rhodhlss at Rhodhiss in tho morning, returning here In the afternoon for the game with Ora which Is to be one of the big features of the Fourth here abouts. Opinion about town as to the out come Is pretty well divided, both clubs having plenlly of supporters who are confident their pick will come through victorious. Johnny Putnam will attempt to stop the C. C. outfit, and Ferguson or Smith may be on the mound for the leag uers Another Double Bill I he Shelby Mill club Is also sched uled for a double bill on the Fourth and Shelby is assured of plenty of baseball as the afternoon game will be played here Hamrick To Hurl In the morning the Shelby mill club goes to Avondale for a game, and m the afternoon the two clubs will return to the Shelby park lor the contest. Sherrill Hamrick will more than likely do the hurling for the Shelby club in the home game, and the many fans who are plan ning to attend are assured that a fast contest will be played. All in all it will be a big after noon for Shelby baseball bugs ELLENBORO COMPANY Is ON FULL DAY SCHEDULE Forest City.—The Ellenboro Man ufacturing company, of Ellenboro, 01 which W. H. Relk, of Charlotte, Is president, is now operating on a full day schedule. Rayon bed spread are being manufactured. This com pany recently Installed 28 looms and a modern dyeing department. HowAnimals Aid In War on Disease Study of Animal Diseases Has Brought Cures for Many j Ailments, Soys Authority, IT riling of Tularemia By R. S. COPELAND, M. D., j ft. S. Senator from Few York. Former Commissioner of Hrsttk, j Few York City. MUCH valuable information has bean contributed to mankind by the study of animal disease*. Thi* method of j obtaining knowledge has often , solved many perplexing arvfJ difficult prob lems. I i»ll. Me ! Coy described * disease of ro dents. It waa p a r t i c u larly c o rrt m o n in Tulare County in the West and was believed to b e prevalent only in that sec tion of the coun try. It thus re Dr. Copeland cciven vne name oi iuiHinma and the germ causing the disease was called "bacterium tulareuse.” It was originally believed to be only h disease of animals, par ticularly of rodenta. aurh aa the wild rabbit and squirrel. Subsequently, It was noted that man often had this ailment. The transmission of this disease I occurs either by. handling diseased animals or by the bite of certain In sects which lisvs previously fod on I a diseased animal. So far as known. this disease Is believed to be found j onjy in the United States and Japan. ! The attack comes on suddenly. A ' pustule or pimple appears at the I point of' infection. This pustule Is painful and eventually forme an ulcer. Headache is uauallv nresent. with chills, general body pain*, i vomiting and fevei. The fever may be very high and j last for two or three weeks. K«- i eovery is slow .but it always follows, [ In itjanv rases, however It mav he months before the individual regain* his former strength. Since this disease is found among persons handling unhealthy animals, precautions against infection abou.d be taken. During the rabbit eeaaon animals should be carefully eia mined for anv possible contamination. in an attempt to prevent the dis ease among laboratory workers, the wearing of rubber gloves has been made compulsory. It Is advisable that In contaminated areas all cooks, marketmen and hunters wear rubber a'nves when dressing rabbits, i Are You Prepared For Your Guests ? WE WILL BE OPEN THE 4TH Come in and Select Your Needs — Prompt Delivery on all Orders — — CLOSED MONDAY— THIS BEAUTIFUL 5-PLY WALNUT VENEER 3 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE You must see it to appreciate the value, ON EASY TERMS_ .. iPOJ.DU Springs or 50-lb. Mattress free with each Suite sold for the Fourth. - MANY BEAUTIFUL FIBER SUITES - Consisting of Setter and 2 Chairs in the Gay colors of the season. (OQ Cfi AND UP ON EASY TERMS_ mass IT COSTS LESS AT STERCHI THE STAR EVERY OTHER D» S2.SB PER YEtD BEGIN YOUR INDEPENDENCE With Us Tomorrow Save $1.00 A Week —AND HAVE $400 at the end of 332 weeks. You save during this time ?S32, and we pay •'68.00 in profits. That makes ?400. SAVE $2.00 A WEEK *ND HAVE $800.00 And So On NEW SERIES OPEN TOMORROW JULY 4 Start As Many Shares As * Vnu ('an Carry <J. L. Suttle. Secty. Cleveland Building 4k Loan Assn. SHELBY, N. C. Stores Open All Day Saturday, July 4tiK Closed All Day Monday, July 6tK 4th of July You will find your A & P Store stocked with everything neces sary for yonr noting. A * P Pure Grape Juice ££ 19c Clicquot Chib Gingerale X betttes 27c ENCORE Olives I’latn <>r Staffed 3 *£" 25c Stuffed •m 4 or Jar l^V N.B.C. Crackers 5c V«rNtiM 3 ute 13c ' Rajah Salad Dressing”.!? 15« Peanut Butter hi. 17c Sparkle £!£ 3 pkgs. 19c Grandmother’s Rolls Wntpped 6C BREAD Pullman—II m Int- ,v»n(lmiho» El Rio Coffee 2 ibs. 25c Cigarettes Camel, Chesterfield Old Gold, Luck. Strike CARTON 1 $1.25 _ A. & P. MARKET SPECIAL FRANKFURTERS — SMOKED — Pound... BOILED HAM — SLICED — Pound_-.-. CURED HAM — SLICED — Pound ..— STEW MEAT — B Pounds--r-" BEEF ROAST — Pound -----— 15c 37 c 29c 25 c 15c A, & P. PRODUCE SPECIALS — CORN — 7 Large Ears _ CANTALOUPES - Each__ WATERMELONS Large Size_ OKRA — Pound __ POTATOES — Nr. 1 Rrd Blls* — 10c & 10 lb. 25c 12ic 39c 15c 19c 3 CAKES PALMOLIVE SOAP AND 1 PKG. PALMOLIVE BEADS 19c £ Atlantic & Pacific S

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