A Chicago man has been Invited] by Russia to help plan her cltier ; It Just goes to prove that Chicago' Is better than we think It la, 011 Russia worse.—American Lumber-' man. There'* No Perfect Crime. Betty—How did mama find out you didn't really take a bath? BUly—t forgot to wet the soap. 666 LIQUID OR TABLETS Relieve* a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first j day, and checks Malaria iu three days. 666 Salve for Baby’s Cold. DR. S. F. PARKER — PHYSICIAN — Office Phones 64 and No. 2 Residence Phone 129-J Dr. D. M. Morrison OPTOMETRIST Offioe Day*: Every Wednesday And Friday. W'oolworth Bid*. Shelby, N. V. Eye# Sclent.flrallr Examined, daises Fitted. I.enses Dupli cated, Broken Frames Repaired. > DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys. Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417— .. —J AVOID PENALTY Tax payer* must list their property for county taxes. Fail ure to do so involves a penalty which can- ] not be escaped. See the tax lister in the township in which you own property and give in your real and personal prop erty at once. R. L. WEATHERS, County Tax Supervisor "IF I got constipated, * I would get dizzy and hare swimming In my head. I would have very severe headache. 'Tor a while I thought I wouldn’t take anything—may be I *»uld wear out the headaches; but I found they were wearing me out. 4,I found Black Draught would re lieve this, so when I have the very first symptoms, I take Black-Draught and now I don’t have the headache. "I am a firm be liever In. Black Draught, and after using it 20 or more years, I am satisfied to continue Its use." —F. a. JfcSlMMy, Oranffi Park, Fla. i .n TMFDFORDS jJpTST! Draught month, should taka' fat ttw M roam 1 It Pay* To Advertise Women Lawyers Defend Sex in Norris Ouster * * * * * * Removal of New York Woman Magistrate as Unfit Does Not Discourage Other Fair Ones From Seeking Careers in Law and on Bench. T/Ekta M. PhiM>! PS I Rdthenreec Undaunted by the removal from the bench of Jean Norris, Man ri*" * %, .* *nd °n,y woman *>x Hundred women attorney* of New York are emphatic in their itand that just became one of their •ex hat been declared unfit there is no reason to believe women gener ally are not capable of being lawyer* and holding high judicial posi tion* of trust. Xena M. Phillip*, prominent attorney and international president of the B mines* and Professional Women's Clubs, lays jn •peaking of the Norri* ousteri “It is unfair of what women will do on the bench. One such isolated case is not indicative of the qualifica tions of our sex for such a position.” Miss Rose Rothenberg, the first woman in New York to become Assistant District Attorney, is being mentioned for the post from which Mrs. Norris was removed. A Little Bit of Nothing What the scantily-dressed bathing girl of Chicago is wearing this sea son is brought to you here with our compliments. The only troubl* is that Policeman Oscar Bahnfleth is trying to make up his hefuddlee mind whether or not Mildred Schroeder, star in a current stage pro duction, is wearing enough of a little hit of nothing with her pair of trunks and a brassiere—not to mention the smile. i i As Plane Was First Sighted A jrreat cheer arose from 10,000 throats eagerly awaiting the arrival of Wiley Post and Harold Catty at Roosevelt Field, N. Y., as the Winnie Mae was first sighted flying swiftly home to the field ‘from which it had taken off on its epochs’ flight around the world only & days and IS Hours before. Here the re,eora*hreaking monoplane is shown sailing out ol the deepening twilight of the west just a moment before it landed. For Greater Results In Selling -Try Star Adv. | # Farm Demonstration Women Boost ' Wearing Of Cotton Dress Goods Stylish dresses for all occasions ■ are being made at home by demon ! '(ration club women at low cost ! front textiles produced by southern 1 mills. So far in 1931. the home dem j onstratlon club women have held 51 style shows at which there were 59, 1922 persons. “We feel that the farm women of North Carolina are taking a lead ing part in popularizing cotton fa brics,'’ says Mrs. Jane S. McKlm rhon, assistant extension director at State college. “We began holding | our style or cotton dress shows back in 1922. During that year and in 1930, the women held 43 of these shows, with 21,016 persons attend ing. Including the shows held this spring, there have been 81,538 per sons present on these occasion*.’’ The best thing about the shows was that women who had never appeared on any stage showed no reluctance in entering the products of their handiwork, and they were glad to answer questions as to the cast of the garments and the time it took to make them. In most in stances the dresses cost from one to two dollars and never over three. Grandmothers, mothers and daugh ters all took part In t®e shows and wore their house dresses, suits, aft ernoon frocks and even sports and evening dresses before the assem bled groups of people. Mrs. McKimnion says the women are learning how to make suitable clothes of hecoming colors and properly made. In all cases, the women use material made in North Carolina or nearby southern milts. In many instances they ; have co operated with town women’s chibs in putting on similar demonstra tions and hundreds of town people have seen cotton material worked into lovely dresses. These garments, she says, are in marked contrast to commercial ones which generally cost twice as much per yard as the farm women spend on their' entire costume. EXECUTOR'S Novice. This la to notify all persons holding claims against thr estate of Z R Walker, deceased, to file same, duly verified, with Willie Walker, executor, before June 8, 10.12. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons Indebted to the said Z. R. Walker, deceased, will likewise make set tlement with Willie Walker, executor, at his rsidence In liSttlmore, Star route, North Carolina. WILLIE WALKER. Executor ol Z. R. Walker, deceaaed. O M. Mull, Atty. for Executor. fit June Rp ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified aa administrators ol the estate of J. B. Rhyne, deceased, late of Cltveland cotinty, North Carolina, this la to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 28th day of May, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All .persons indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate settle ment. This May 28th. 1931. J R RHYNE and C. A. RHYNE. Ad ministrate™. Box S. East Oastonia N. C.. of Estate of J. B. Rhyne, deceased fit June lp EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have this day qualified as executrix of the will of Charles L. Eskridge, late of Cleveland county, N. C, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me properly proven lor payment on or before June 12, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded In bnr of their recovery. AH persons Indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This June Uth, 1931. I.ELA PORTER ESKRIDGE, Execu trix of the will of Charles L. Esk ridge, Deed. R. L. Ryburn. D. Z. Newton, Attys. fit June lfic NOTICE or SERVICE Or SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina. Cleveland County, in the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. Pauline Ladson, Plaintiff TS. Edward Ladson. Defendant. The defendant, Edward Ladson. wtll take notice that on the 16th day of June, 1931. the plaintiff above named com menced an action In the superior court of Cleveland county. North Carolina as above entitled for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of adultery; and the de fendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the office of the undersigned clerk at the court house In Shelby, N C , on or before the 3rd day of September. t931, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff which is now on llle In my office or the plaintiff will applv to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This June 27th, 1931. A M HAMRICK. Clerk of Superior Court of Cleveland Couhty. N C. Horace Kennedy, Atty, for plaintiff. 4t June 29c SALE OP VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under Mid by virtue or the authority (inferred upon u» in e deed of trust ex ecuted by C. C. Martin end wife. Mettle Martin on the 3rd day of March. 1927 and recorded in boob 1*1. page 438, it will on Saturday the IHth day of duly, 1981, Ik o'clock noon it the courthouse door In Cleveland coun ty, Shelby, N. C.. sell at public auction for caali to the highest bidder the follow ing land to-wlt: Being Joined on the N. bv First Broad river, on the E. by the lands of R. J Pendleton and J. E. Martin, on the 8. bv Fred Qrigg and John Palmer, end on the W. by John Palmer and the Plrst Broad river: and being those tracts of land con veyed to C. C Msrttn by deeds registered n books 111, page 37, and CCC, page 173 cl the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county. N c. and being de scribed by me tea and bounds as follow.-: Beginning at a maple on 8. bans of First Brosd river, R. J Pendleton s corner: ihtnee with his and J. E, Martin's line. s 23 W. 131 poles to a stone til line of c, C. Martin's 11 acre tract, and comer to J E. Martina line; thence with J. K. Martin s line, 8 SI* E. 73 88 poles to a stone, J. F. Martin and Fred Grigg's cor* uer. thence with Fred Griggs line 8. SO', IV 33 48 poles to a poplar, his corner on « smell brsneh: thence down the branch N. 65 E. 38.80 poles to a poplar at fork of branch: thence down the large branch N 35 E. 2140 poles to a stake. John Pal mer's corner: thence with his line. N *3 \\. 1188 poles to a alone, thence with John Palmer a line N.. 3 w. *3 poles to a white oak on K. bank of First Broad rlyer; thence down meanders ot the river as follows: N. 191, w 28 40 poles; N 8\ W 17 poles; N. 21V, W 23 80 poles: N. 38 W 19 poles; N. 38 R. 34 poles; N. 84 E. 15 80 poles; N. 78*, E 21 poles: N 83S E 11 PO-es. N. 89'. ■*. 27 poles; 8. 81 B « poles 14 t'eresraip * beginning, containing This sale is made by reason of the fail ure of C C Martin and wife. Mattie Mar tin to pay off and discharge the Indebt dencss secured by said deed of trust A deposit of 10 percent will be required iluuiwthe purchaser at the sale. Tills the 13th dav of June. 1931 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF, IH'RHAM, Trustee. Durham N c ! • 1 June 32,; I Democrats Receive Note From McSwain About Race In 32 ; Cleveland County Man Expresses Himself On Attorney Gen eral Race. High Point, July 3.—Although nearly a year before the piimary election, High Point Democrats re ceived a "feeler*’ Tuesday on the proposed candidacy of State Sena tor Peyton McSwain for the place of attorney general, and what is; virtually an invitation to join his supporters to elect a man from p'ed mont and western North Carolina. The letter which was received from Senator McSwain and was be ing passed about among those of the Democratic faith follows in part: "For the past few weeks 1 have been giving some consideration to the matter of asking for the Demo cratic nomination for the office of attorney general of North Carolina in the next primary. The public generally does not take so much in terest in the election of an officer of this character and I must depend largely upon the support of the par ty organization and leaders in each county. I will probably not make any definite decision or statement as to whether or not I will be a candidate until sometime about the first of the year. "I am writing to ask that you confer with some of the other party leaders, and advise me what support. In your opinion, I will be able to receive In your county in the event I should become a candi date." AUMI.MSTRATOR'S NOTICE, Having Ulis day qualified as adminis trator* of the estate o( J. C. Runyans, deceased, late of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them properly verified to the undersign ed, or their attorney, at Shelby, N. C , on or before the 30th day of May. 1833. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate payment. This the 30th day of May, 1931, B H RUNYANS and CRAIG RtJN YANB. Administrators of the Es tate of .7. c. Runyans. Peyton McSwain, Alt?. fit, June lc TRUSTEE’S SALE. By virtue of the power vested In me as trustee in that certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Will H. Blanton and wife, Guz r.le Blsnton. and recorded in book 163, page 331, of the office Of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. c\, and default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured, and demand having been made on me to eve cut the trust, I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door In Shelby N. C„ on Mondsy, July II. mi, at 13 o’clock M, or within legal hours, all of the follow ing real estate, to vrlt: Being a part of the tract of laud on the F’allston road lying just east of tile Shelby hospital, subdivided and sold by the Cyclone Auction company, of Forest City, N C., and being the northern end of lots Nos. 19. 20, 21 and 22, as shown on plat recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county, N. C., in book of plats No. 1, page 62, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the west aide • of First Btreet, the northeast corner of T. L. McSwatn's lot. and runs thence witn First street 63 1-3 feet to an iron stake; thence west a new line 100 feet to an Iron stake In old line; thence south 53 1-3 feet to an Iron stake, T. L. McSwatn's north west corner in old line; thence east with McSwatn’s line 100 feet to the beginning Terms of sale: Cash. This the 15th day of June. 193] GEO. A. HOYLE, Trustee. 4t June 15c SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us In a deed of trust ex ecuted bv D. A. C, McSwain and wife, N. C. McSwain on the 17th day of February. 1928 and recorded in book 131, page 617, we will on Saturday the 18th day of July. 1931, 12 o’clock noon at the courthouse door m Cleveland coun ty. Shelby, N, C . sell at public auction for cash to the h.ghest bidder the follow ing land to-wit: All those certain pieces, parcels or tracts of land situate, lying and being In No. 7 township. Cleveland county, state of North Carolina, having such shapes courses and distances as will more fullv appear by reference to four certain plats thereof made by D R. 8 Frazier. C. E on February 10, 1926, and being more par ticularly described and defined aa follows: Tract No. 1. Beginning at the mouth of Dtlcea branch and runs thence up said branch S. 89 1-6 E. 4 8 chs. to a maple on the F{. bank of branch: thence N. 5'2 E 1.35 che. to a stone; thence S, 67's E 10 4 chs. to a poplar, thence S. 23 E. 50 units to a siaice in me Drancn; thence up same N. 85 E. 2.05 cha. 86 a poplar on N. bank of branch; thence N. 5'a IS. 10 75 cha. to a stone on N. edge of road: thence N. 63'J B. 4 05 Ch8. to a stone on N. edge of road; thence N. 3 tv. 0 chs. to a stone ;n S. bank of the branch thenc* d0"'n I . branch as It meanders to Big Branch; thence down the Big Branch x It meat:’ ders to the place of beginning, contain* tng 30Va acres more or less. Tract No. 2. Beginning at a stone pile on the S. side of the creek, and running thence S. 47 g. 19Va poles to a pine stump: thence N. 78 E. 35 poles to a pine Lise McSwaln's corner; thence with hei line N. 28 E. 38 poles to a maple on Dilces branch: thence with D. A. c Mc Swaln's line 8 89 W. 82 poles to a stone Pile; R. C. Adam's corner: thence'w ith tits line S. 20 W. 29 poles to the begin ning. containing lO’t acres, more or less Tract No. 3. Beginning at a maple on N bank of Dilces branch, and runs s 28 W. 9 cha. to a pine: thence s 74 Vi'. *75 chs. to a pine stump, thence S 48 w i 58 chs. to a stone; thence S. 84E 14 chs. to a stone on N of small branch. Lise McSwam's corner; thence with her line N. 9*b E. 14 cha. to the beginning containing 6’« acres, more or less .Tract No, 4. Beginning at a stone near a branch, and runs thence S. 04 E 8 5 chs, to a stone D A c. McSwaln's cor ner; thence wtth hts line 8 41 *« tv. 17 42 cha. to stone and blackgum stump In 8 edge of road. C. I,. Bridges' corner, thence with his line and road S. 88 W 12 8 hs to a stone on N. edge of road: thence N 3 W 9 chs. to a stone on bank of spring branch: thence up said branch as it mean ders 18.5 chs. to the beginning, containing 23'» acres, more or less. Reference is hereby made to deed from W. B MeSwaln snd wife. Ella J. Jones, widow. D A C MeSwaln recorded in book BEB at pagr 158: deed from Ella J Jones, widow to D. A c MeSwaln. recorded in book KICK at paga 2. ail Of the Cleveland count registry. This sale 1* mad# by reason of the fail ure of D. A C. MeSwaln and srlfe N. C McBw-am to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said dead of trust A deposit of 10 percent will be required from the purchaser at the sale Tins the 12th day of June, J93J FIRST NATIONAI. BANK 08 DURHAM, Trustee. biip(ittin. N. C 41 June 12c Western Union Is Trying New Service "Serial Day Letter Plan’’ Inaugur ated Local Office. Informs. "In auguratlon on an experimen tal basts of a new interstate tele graph service, conceived and devel oped by Western Union, and to be known as the serial day letter, was announced today by the Western Union Telegraph company. This establishes a new telegrapn service—the first since the advent of the night letter in 1910 and the day letter in 1911. The serial day letter is suited to the use of any.] firm or Individual having occasion j to carry on intermittent commutn-. cation with any one addressee dur ing the course of a day. It may be compared with the “running story” written by a newspaperman on the scene and during the process of a news event and sent to his news-' paper in short "adds,” or sections of a paragraph or more at a time. Substantial savings are made avail able by this service. By using it a firm can increase its volume of telegraphing substantially at a slight increase in cost. The new telegram may be filed in sections during the day for transmission, as the name Indicates, and the number of words which may be sent in one serial day letter Is unlimited. The mini mum charge per day is for 50 words and individual sections are rated at a minimum of 15 words, Appeals For Sale Farm Board Cotton Resolution Urging Board To Sell At A Fixed Price Its Three Mil lion Bairs. * _ At its closing session m Paris.; industrial cotton congress passed a resolution appealing to the United States Farm board to announce a definite program for the sale or its 3.000,000 bales of cotton. The resolu tion urges the board to sell, not at a fixed price, but in such quantities daily as will give the various co operative associations the average price for the period during which the cotton is marketed. The congress also decided to do everything legally possible to ex tend the use of Egyptian cotton and to encourage the development of Indian cotton planting, Russia's cotton acreage of 6,178. -00, an increase of 2,338,000 over 1930, should give an exportable sur plus of 1,000,000 bales over Russian domestic consumption. Consumption of American cotton by soviet Russia has been declining rapidly, drop ping to 80.500 bales in 1930 from 289,000 in 1929 and 429,000 in 1928. "The golden-skinned grapefruit is beautiful to look at,” says an artist. But it is the juice inside that gen erally catches the eye.—Passing Show (London.) Wilkins’s submarine can bore through thirty feet of ice. A trip on it would be great training for a so cial climber—Wichita Eagle. Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb & Son’s Drug Store. * f—————■%; T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Seller Phone — 82 FOR THAT WEEK END TRIP Round Trip Tickets FARE and ONE FIFTH Between all Stations. On Sale: FRIDAY. SAT URDAY and SUNDAY Morning. Return Limit: TUESDAY Midnight. Take a train ride and visit your Friends. “SAFER THAN STAYING AT HOME” Ask The Ticket Agent. Southern Railway System Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in reed of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 76m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE . .J KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CoSi MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. Through Passenger Train Service Monroe To Rutherfordton, N. C. 23 21 22 24 Pass Mixed Mixed Pass Sunday Except Except Sunday only Sunday Sunday Only 8:30 am 8:30 am lv Monroe ar 8:25 pm 8:25 pm 9:15 am. 9:15 am ar Charlotte lv. 7:40 pm 7:40 pm 9:25 am 9:25 am lv Charlotte ar 7:20 pm 7:20 pm 10:31am 10:31 am lv Lincolnton lv 6:10pm 6:10pm 11:15am 11:15am lv Shelby lv 5:25pm 5:25pm 11:53 am 12:15 pm ar Ellenboro lv 4:49 pm 4:49 pm 11:53 am 12:45 pm lv Ellenboro ar 4:49 pm 4:49 pm 12:30 pm 1 :55 pm ar Rutherf’dton lv 4:00 pm 4:10 pm Effective Sunday, June 1st, 1931. 10K INFORMATION SEE AGENT H. E. PLEASANTS, DP A., RALEIGH, N. C. SEABOARD — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — FOR. ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE. WILMINGTON. FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHE LBV :—0:45- a. m.; ":45 p.-m. FOR .CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:10 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 2:00 p. m.; 4:40 p, m. FOR WILMINGTON AND ^INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—11:10 a. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:10 a. m.; 11.10 a. m.; 2:00 p. m. — FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - PHONE 450 - QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY | Jjett&i f iha/icL Woise-Sfwe, THE failure says. “My luck nil! change.' The success says, “No horse-shoe for mine. I make my own luck." The failure says, “Some day my* ship will conic in.” The success says. “I'm building my ship in my own back yard. Here it is. A Union Trust savings account.” Open A SAVINGS ACCOUNT With This Hank Union Trust Co. ATTRACTIVE HOLIDAY VACATIONS SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM OFFERS Manv Attractive Trips for Your 4th of July Vacation. GREATLY REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES ROUND TRIP FARES FROM SHELBY, N. C. JULY 3RD ‘ Washington.. $13.00 Richmond.$9.76 Baltimore.$15.00 Virginia Beach .$11.^5 Norfolk... $10.75 Portsmouth ... $1075 LIMIT JULY 8TH . — JULY 2ND - Atlanta ..._*_ $6.75 Birmingham__$8.75 Chattanooga __ $8.75 Savannah_ $8.00 New Orleans.$21.75 Limit Atlanta July 7th. Chattanooga and Birmingham July 8th Savannah July 9th. New Orleans July 12th — JULY 2ND - Jacksonville .|18. Miami _nee. Tampa...$1 Havana_ $a W. Palm Bead)_$2 Limit Jacksonville July Miami, Tampa, West Pa Beach July 14. Havana Jj 21it. §3 Many other attractive reduced round trip fares “WtL KND” fares one fare plus 1-5, limit following Tuesd^ Coach Excursion fares one fare plus 1-10 for the roi* trip on sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday niorm| SUNDAY FARES 1 cent per mile distance 150 miles less on sale Sundays to point where round trip may completed on Sunday. Good in Coaches only. ASK TICKET AGENTS. ./ SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM.

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