WEBB THEATRE TONIGHT and TUESDAY ROBERT MONTGOMERY And DOROTHY JORDAN —In— “Shipmates” t* Is Fine Entertainment. “You will love this great picture.” Also: Boby Jones “In How I Play Golf” And Latest News Reel —Everybody 10c until 6:30. Night 10 and 25c— — COMING WEDNESDAY — DOROTHY MacKAILL in “The Party Husband” SEE THE REST SHOW IN THE CITY —AT— WEBB THEATRE Get 'Em Soiled Over The 4th? Suits, dresses . . . have them re freshened . . . restored to their original beauty and shape. The cost is a very small item compar ed with the Quality Dry Cleaning you get here . . . Quality Cleaners CASH and CARRY Next To City Cafe - S. LaFayette St. UNION TRUST CO. SHELBY, N. C. STATEMENT OF CONDITION JUNE 30TH,1931 Including Branch Offices at Lattimore, Lawndale, Fallston, Mooresboro, Rutherfordton, Forest City and Caroleen. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ..._$1,144,644.42 Overdrafts _ ___V___98.45 N. C. State Bonds___71,619.12 United States Bonds _ _______~~~~ 72400.00 Other Stocks and Bonds_ 11,500.00 Banking Houses - 66’,528!l6 Other Real Estate Owned_ 34,579.40 Furniture and Fixtures _ __26,861.03 Cash on hand and due from other banks __.V317i297.37 Advances on Farm Expense_ 1,028.65 TOTAL.—...$1,746,256.60 LIABILITIES £aP‘tal.-.—.. $150,000.00 SurpJus _ 150,000.00 Undivided Profits_ 12,989.40 Reserves for Interest and Depreciation_41,172.72 Bills Payable and Re-Discounts _ 184,033.66 Bonds Borrowed __ 28,000.00 ^P08^.-.V'Y,180,’060!82 T0TAL.-.$1,746,256.60 The trend of business is improved and each week and month brings a more optimistic outlook. With economy and conservation as watch words, the custom ers of Jhe Union Trust Company should go forward and strive by team-work, economy, frugality and saving to bring about an even greater financial stability through out our section. We invite your banking business. UNION TRUST CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Mr. ana Mrs. H M Pippin were Shelby visitors yesterday. Mr. Pip pin Is pleasantly remembered here where for several years he was di rector of young peoples work at the First Baptist church. Mr. and Mr?. Pippin now live at Wren, Oa. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Huskpy of Birmingham, Ala. spent July 4th here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. LeOrand. Mr. Husky Is a nephew of Mrs. Le Grand. He is on the staff of the Birmingham Age-' Herald, Birmingham, Ala Mr. and Mrs. John W. Doggett and daughter Mary Leslie of Shelby, and Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Moss, Jr, of Spartanburg, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman Kendall in Greensboro. Mr. Steve Woodson, who has] charge of the shoe department ir I the big Enka Community store, Rn ka, spent the fourt of July here visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fields Young and family and Joe Austell attended the B. Y. P. U. convention yesterday at Ridgecrest, N. C, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Baher and children and Mrs. Jap Suttle re turned home last night after a visit of several weeks to relatives in Hal lettsville, Texas. Mrs. W. A. Thompson, of Little Rock. Ark., is here visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Blanton. Mr. and Mrs. Blanton and Mi’. Oeorge Blanton. Jr, met Mrs. Thomp son in Blowing Rock on Saturday and she returned home with them. Dr. Shepard F. Parker left yester day afternoon for Mayesville, S. C., where his marriage to Miss Mar garet Cooper will take place on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Laura Turner and daughter, Mae, of Charlotte, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Turner, of Earl, on Sun day. Misses Pearl and Margaret Corn well spent several days last v eek in Lincolnton, visiting relatives and ffriends. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Short and daughter, Patsey. and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Arey spent the week-end at Bridgewater. Misses Ruth and Louise McLeod have returned to their home in Max ton after a visit here with their sis ter, Mrs, Robert Woods, and Mr. Woods. Among the Sheftty people who at tended the doctors and nurses pic nic on Friday at Lake Silvia, near Lincolnton were; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ramseur and daughter. Louise, Misses Ellen Foster and Cleo Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Blanton oent the week-end at Bridgewater with A party of friends from Charlotte. The many friends of Mr C. C Blanton, who has been quite ill in the Shelby hospital for sometime, will be glad to know that his condi tion is somewhat improved Mr. Howe Talley, of Salem, Va„ ts working as relief operator at The Star for several weeks while each employe is taking a week's vacation. _____ o Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bailey and, son, Mr. Bill Bailey, of Atlanta, Ga., are here visiting Mrs. C. B. Suttle, sr., and Mr and Mrs. S. A McMur ry Mr and Mrs. Claude DeVan Watts and daughter. Miss Lillian Watts, and Mrs. J. H. Archibald, all of Austin, Texas, left on Saturday morning to return to their home after a visit here with Mr. Watts’ sister, Mrs O. M Suttle, and Mr. Suttle. Mrs. Ben Suttle. Messrs. Harvey White and R. W. Shoffner are leav ing this afternoon for Mayesville, S. C., to attend the Parker-Cooper wedding there tomorrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nolan and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nolan spent the day yesterday at Blowing Rock Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Lovelace and children, of Goldsboro, are here vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Grady Lovelace. Miss Virginia Smith, of Charlotte, spent the week-end here as guest of Mrs. Henry Yeago. Mrs. Julian Hord spent the week end in China Grove where she vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Holland. Miss Elisabeth Jones Is spending her vacation with her famil” at Wades boro Mr. and Mrs. Oerald McBrayer of Reidavil’e spent the week-end here with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. L. F. McBrayer. Mr. McBrayer Is mana ger of the J. C Penney Co. store there. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Patterson announce the birth of a son at the Shelby hospital on Sunday. July 5. Miss Geneva Dossier of Charlotte, spent the week-end here as guest of Miss Kathleen Hord Miss Joyce Wilson, bookkeeper at The Star office, is spending her vacation this week at Ridgecrest. Mr and Mrs. N. W. Pyle, of Chai-| lotte, spent the week-end here with! their daughter, Mrs John Schencl:. Jr., and Mr. Schenck. Mr. and Mrs. Hope Bryson. Mrs. B. L. Smith and Benjamin Smith, spent the day Friday in Gastonia visiting friends and relatives. Mr and Mr*. Yates McSwaln and; Mr. and Mrs. D. Robertson and son 1 spent the day yesterday at doone. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McBrayer | spent the wek-end In Knoxville,' Tenn., visiting relatives. Mrs. Mor gan, a sister of Mrs. McBrayer, re- j turned home with them for a visit. Miss Louise Bailey, who is study ing this summer Rt the Southern Workshop in Asheville, spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McMurry. Miss Ztll Marks, of Gastonia, was the. week-end guest of Miss Faye Dellinger here. Mrs. Harry Speck leaves tomorrow morning for Montreat where she will spend a week attending Wom an’s Work conferences. Miss Mary Lillian Speck also leaves tomorrow for Midway Farms In Tennessee [where she will spend the summer with relatives. Mr. S. P Thomas, of Ridgeway. S. C. spent the week-end here with hi* daughter. Mrs F. H Kendall, and Mr. Kendall. Mrs Hal Schenck spent the week end In Charlotte visiting relatives. Miss Roe Nichols is spending her vacation with her family at Marion. Mr. and Mrs B B. Morgan, of Gaffney, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs F. R Morgan this morning. Friends of Mrs. W. H. Thompson, who recently suffered a fractured hip while on a visit in Hugo, Okla., | will be glad to know that recent news from her bedside is to the ef fect that she is somewhat improv ed. Mr and Mrs. D. R. Yates and daughter, Phyllis, left Saturday aft ernoon for Dublin, Ga. Mrs. Yates and daughter will spend two weeks visiting friends in Dublin and Ma con: Mr. Yates returned home yes- j terday. Mrs, Dick Ballenger, of Hickory, who has been undergoing treatment in the Shelby hospital for the past several weeks, was able to leave and, return to her home on Saturday Dr and Mrs. L. A Crowell, of Lincolnton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jean Schenck for supper Sat urday night. Mrs J, H Quinn, Mrs . M. M O'Shields and son, Pete O'Shields, and Mr. Grady Lovelace are spend ing today in Asheville where they have gone to place Mr. Pete O'Shields in the Farm Life school at Swannanoa. Mrs. Clyde Nolan spent the day Friday in Hickory with her sister,, Mrs. Maynard and Mr Maynard. Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Matthews, of Andalusia. Ala. spent the week-end here with Mrs Z, J. Thompson. Dr. Matthews returned to his home yes terday, Mrs. Matthews will remain for a visit of several weeks Mrs. Flay Hoey accompanied Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith w'hen they returned to their home in Bristol. Tenn., yesterday after a visit here at the home of Mr. and Mrs S. E Hoey. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Miller and children, Misses Louise and Helen Miller, and Billy Miller, left this morning for Florence, Ala., where they will visit friends and relatives. Mr and Mrs. M. A. MeSwain and Mr. and Mrs. D. C MeSwain and Miss Mary Durham spent the day at Blowing Rock yesterday Dr. and Mrs. A Pitt Beam, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Lovelace, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Easom, and guest. Mrs. John Stevens, of Wilmington: Miss Elizabeth McSrayer and Mr Peitrv Ow#as formed a congenial part” and spent the Fourth at Lake Lure, Misses Elsie and Elizabeth G’.dne • returned' today to Appalachian Nor mal college, at Boone, after spending the Fourth here with their parents. ON PAUfc SlJt.l At the Head of His Men Sir Hubert Wilkins, noteil Arctir explorer, m shown above directing and assisting member* of the crew of the submarine Nautilus ashore after the craft'* safe arrival in Queenstown, Ireland, harbor. Sir Hubert doe* not appear to be any the worse for the stormy crossing of the Atlantic, which ended in the U. S. S. Wyoming towing the . Arctic submarine when it* eneinei hrok* rfnwn The Laundry Does It Best § LINEN SUITS .50c SEERSUCKER SUITS 50c WHITE DUCK TROUSERS 20c We wash everything - and at reasonable cost. Our all-finished family service is very popular and the price is so reason able everybody can afford it. Call 591 and our representative will call Snowflake Laundry Phone 591 CELEBRATING COLGATE 5 125th ANNIVERSARY FREE 25c TUBI OF COLGATES RIBBON DINTAL CRIAM with your burcbast of any out of tbt follorwiug articfn,: Palmolive Shaving Cream . . . S Sc Colgate * Ribbon Dental Cream . 2k Colgate'* Rapid Shave Cream . ISO Palmolive Shampoo.$0o Colgate * After Shave .... SOC Palmolive Shave Lotion .... SOo Vaieliae Hair Toole , , , , 40t Cleveland Drug Co. Phone 65 Shelby, N. C. ,5 BEAUTIFUL DRESSES BEAUTIFULY CLEANED SEND THEM TO US NOW — You’ll be de lighted with the* results. We promise that. And our prices are so rea sonable, too. THE WHITEWAY “Quality” CLEANERS — DYER& Phone 105 CASH AND CARRY AND DELIVERY SERVICE — CAROLINA — •SHELUV’S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE" MONDAY & TUESDAY “THE VICE SQUAD” PAl’L LUCAS AND KAY FRANCIS WED. AND THURS. “ANNA BELLE’S AFFAIRS” With Victor M« l.aifhlin alt frannrtr McDon ald 1 KVERYBODY 10c EVERY DAY FRIDAY “GOLDIE” • SPENCER TRACE AND JEAN HARI.OW SATURDAY BOB CLSTEB la “A RIDER OF THE PLAINS’* COMING — OUR FIRST SPECIAL — JANET GAYNOR IN “DADDY LONG LEGS.” Phone 113 TosaveyuOr FotirtKof July Garments Clean ed and Pressed . . and returned to you in the trim of condition. Try Us! Shelby Dry Cleaning Co. West Marion Street SHELBY, N. C First National Bank SHELBY, N. C. ■i : .V ; ■ v ■ - : ■ STATEMENT OF CONDITION JUNE 30TH,1931 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts _$2,868,266^83 Overdrafts - ___■__*_____ 216.34 U. S. Bonds to secure Circulation _ 250,000.00 Other U. S. Bonds owned_.__ 51,893.43 N. C. State Bonds .... 55,296.82 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank ______ 22,600.00 Other Stocks and Bonds_____113,201..Q0 Real Estate owned ^_____ 111,740.82 Redemption Fund ______ 12,500.00 Cash on hand and due from other banks_ 612,278.20 TOTAL...$4,097,891.44 LIABILITIES Capita) __ —_ Surplus _„__ Undivided Profits _ __ Accrued Interest Reserved Reserved for Taxes_ Circulation ___ Dividend No. 56 __ ..j_$250,000.00 .. 500,000.00 . 76,579.37 __ 39,857.02 ...i6,000.00 .. 260,000.00 . 15,000.00 Notes Re-discounted with Federal Reserve Bank_1.. 269,500.00 Deposits ____ 2,681,955.05 TOTAL . $4,097,891.44 Our statement above reflects improving conditions in this section and our people have muck to be thankful for from a financial status. Business along all lines seems to show some improvement and individuals and firms are proceeding with caution and economy, which plan will utimately lead to financial independence and stability. We invite your banking business and co-oper ation in every way. First National Bank SHELBY, N. C. Capita!, Surplus anti Profit* Eifht Hun dred and Twenty-Six Thousand Dollars.