Do You Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star Want Ads. T What You Want * In the WANT ADS* > For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size i cent per word eacQ insertion. This size type lie per word each insertipn. ■Assize type 3c per word each insertion. ! tjf A a L Y TWO HUNDRED I jjj in Cleveland county of Gen L.“j;ectric Refrigerators ana not one Has ever spent one cent tor service. Robert O. Horn. Dealer, S. Washington St., Slielby. tl Hoc WE DEVELOP KODAK FILMS i Expert work, 24-hour service. En larging and tinting. Hollywood Stu dio, ever Woolworth's. tl 20c WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY /- repairing. L. C. Davis, next door to Ellrd's. I appreciate your patron age, large or smalt. tl 16c DON’T NEGLECT FEET these hot summer days. Be fitted correctly by shoe ex perts at A. V. Wray & 6 Sons, FOR RENT: EIGHT ROOlSf t house, steam heated, well located, good condition, formerly occupied by T. P. Eskridge on W. Marion St. Fresh repainted on inside. A. Blan ton Grocery Co. tf-22c NEW AND USED AUTO PARTS. "All parts for some cars, some parts for all cars.** Automobile glass In stalled. Fink Iron and Metal Co., < West Warren St., next to Shelby Shoe Shop. . tf 25 c THREE GRADES o f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, R'e lief g r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es a t a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone 11. tfl4c FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM house on Oakland Drive. Lights and ^ water. Rent reasonable. Apply at Star office. 3t 2 p POTATO PLANTS fresh pulled, $1.50 i* per thousand. D. A. Beam. 3t-lc TWO WEEK OLD CHICKS The finest of the season on hand now. See them. Suttle Hatchery. 2t 3c FOR RENT ROOM WITH LAV atory, hot and cold water. Mrs, W. 4 A. Pendleton*. 2t 3c DON’T BUY HAY. Sow now, peas, soy beans, cow peas, cane seed. We have these and other field seed. D. A. Beam Co. 5t-lc WANTED 25,000 TO JOIN THE , Independent Burial association, f Cost is one-half cent per day For information see W. G. Spake, coun ty agent, 206 Suttle street . tf-17c WANTED TOBUY 15 OR 20 gallons blackberries. Will pay from 20 to 25 cents this week and next. Hugh McSwain 314, Blanton St. 2-2pd AWNINGS MADE AND REPAIR ed. Nice line of samples to select from. Lower prices. B. F. Seism, phone 37. Shelby. 6t 26c THE EAGLE ROLL ER Mill will be closed on 4th of July. 2t-3c s FOR RENT: TWO ROOMS FOR light house keeping with kitchen ette and sharing bath. Also two in dividual rooms. All furnished. Phone 665. Mrs. Wm. M. Roberts, Cleve y land Springs road. 6t 24c FOR RENT: ONE LARGE BED room with private bath to married couple or single gentleman. South Washington street, phone 767-w. _ tf 22c FOR SALE: GOOD PONY AND buggy. Mrs. Z R. Walker, R-l, Lat timore. 5t 29p . WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER ' or steam fitter, call the Modern Plumbing and Heating Co.. the plumbing and heating specialist Telephone 062. tf 30c GASTONIA (JUNSEKVA TORY of Music wishes to an nounce the appointment of Mr. Owen Osborn to their teaching staff. Room 16, Linebcrger Building, Shel by. , tf-19c Uncle Sam Just Short A Billion Set* To Work To full Himself Out Of Worst Financial Hole He's Been In Since The War. Washington, July 4.—Unele Sam set out today to pull himself out of his worst financial hole since the war. A check of hts books July 1 showed he lacked Just about a bil lion dollars of coming out even for the last twelve months. A statement by acting secretary Mills of the treasury blamed the $903, 000,000 deficit largely upon Increas ed expenditures for agricultural aid and relief, additional benefits to war veterans, accelerated govern mental construction activities and upon a severe decline in taxes, par ticularly income. Ordinary receipts during the fis cal year 1931 totaled $3,317,000,000 and expenditures $4,220,000,000. Re ceipts were nearily a billion dollars smaller than in 1930, Mills said, and expenditures two and a quarter bil lion greater. The collection declines give only one side of the picture. On the other, expenditures crept, in somej cases bolted, upward. The war de partment took $25,000,000 more: the department of agriculture $119,000, 000 more, chiefly in additional out lays for federal aid, highway con struction and emergency relief in drought stricken areas; additional loans through the federal farm board took $41,000,000 under the agricultural marketing act; the de partment of commerce accounted for $7,000,000 and the postal de ficiency ate into the pocket-book for $54,000,000. In addition, there were increased outlays for loans on veterans', adjusted service certifi I cates. There are some reduced expendi tures however. These included a ♦20.000,000 cut for the navy, due to armament reduction; a decrease of $48,000,000 in interest paid on the public debt and a reduction of $84,000,000 in tax refunds Bob Fetzer, Coach At University Hurt R. A. ("Bob”) Fetzer, athletic director at the University of North Carolina, was painfully cut in a motor boat accident at Morehead City Friday. Mrs. Fetzer arrived there from Chapel Hill late Saturday. De tail* of the accident were not immediately available. The Fetter’s have a summer cottage -4t Moreheid. Coach Fetzer was resting well in a hospital, but physicians said he could be removed to his cottage later. No bones were broken. Later reports said Coach Fetzer was hurled through the v/indshield when the boat struch a sand dune while traveling at a fast clip. Hit right arm was lacerated and he was reported weak from loss of blood. YOU’LL NEVER FIND better Tire Prices than these, no mater how hard you try. Typical of the bargains we offer: 29 x 4.40 — 21 _.$3.98 30 x 4.50 — 21 _$4.69 28 x 4.75 — 19 .$5.46 29 x 4.75 — 20 _$5.54 29 x 5.00 — 19 ..$5.74 30 x 5.00 — 20 .$5.81 30 x 3 .. $3.48 30 x 3 1-2 — 0. S_$3.68 “It Costs Less to Ride on U. S. Tires.” SMITH’S GARAGE, Fallston, N. C. tf-13c For sale gently Jersey bull 18 months old. Tom Webb, Shelby. 2t-6c. PRIVATE LESSONS pN all musical instruments. Room 16, over Woolworth’s. Free audition for radio broadcast ing every Thursday. See Prof. Goldman. tf-19c FOR SALE: 300 bales of straw. Clayton Heafner; 4 miles West of Lincolnton on Highway 27. 3t 6p. PRIVATE LESSONS O N organ or piano. Rates and in formation. Prof. Goldman. Thursday all day. Room 16, Lineberger Building, Shel by. tf-19t WANTED TO BUT—Quantity of barley, at my store. A. E. Elliott, Lawndale. 2t flpd. FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM house on Oakland Drive. Lights and water. Rent reasonable., ft 3p Cupid Spans 20 Years To Bring Fifi Romance * * * * * * When the Emancipated Fifty-one-Year-Old Mrs. Stillman Married Fowler McCormick, the Great God Mammon Was Ousted. Mr aW Mrs Bud SiaiMAM T As Mrs James A Stim^maw I U7ITH Husband in lO'Za. 7 « iu " wl,,y «’»ter winning a final decree of divorce from James A. Stillman, New York banker, Mra. Anne U. Stillman married Fowler McCormick, beir to the harvester million*, society gossips sat up and to look about for a motive. Why, they a»k, should a 51-year-old woman marry a man twenty years her junior? Not for money, because they ve both more than they can use, then why? The gossips overlooked the most obvious reason. Love! There has been for years a strong #7«®P»thjr between McCormick and the woman who is now his jA. staunch friend of her son “Bud,0 with whom he was at Prince ton and for whom ho acted as best man when he startled society by m*rrT*™I Lono Wilson, his mother's servant, Fowler McCormick helped Mrs. otillman through the ordeal attendant upon the sensational trial in which the paternity of her son was the point at issue. His championship of Mrs. Stillman at that time and his subsequent efforts for her happi [ seas leave no room for doubt as to the motive that was behind ths Mav-Dee«mhwr marriara. One Big Fact ONE BIG FACT ABOUT THE CLEVELAND STAR IS THAT IT IS READ 3 TIMES A WEEK, EVERY PAGE, BY 20,000 PEO PLE IN CLEVELAND COUNTY. Supreme Court Has Its Slate Clear Now Take* Vacation Until August 13 When It Gives ”, w UcfDjf Examination. Raleigh, July 6,—The North Carolina Supreme Court had clear* el its slate of all cases except three when It handed down a batch of 13 opinions July 2, and brought an end to the spring term of the court. Last, summer 30-odd cases were held over and the opinions render ed during the fall term, and for several years the number lias been larger than will go over tilts sum | mer. The small number Lit due In I part to the fact that only two cases. ! the tax cases, arising under the acts of the 1931 O- .eral Assembly, came before the court during the spring term. The court will meet August 2* to give the semi-annual examination I to the applicants for licenses to practice law in North Carolina, and j will convene for the fall term of j court August 31 Propose An Embargo On Russian Goods The United Press reports that the United States Treasury is planning an iron-clad embargo against all imports from Soviet, Russia, to be come effective on January 1 under the provisions of the Hawley-Smoot tariff forbidding the importation of goods produced by forced or lnden lured labor. At present, the ban applies only to goods produced by actual convict labor; but the treas ury will take the position that all labor in Russia is in fact forced, in asmuch as Russian manpower Is drafted under tire five-year plan and subject to penalties for disobey ing the soviet’s industrial orders. HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED EIGHT WEEKS ago we offered FOR SALE the Joe Porter 66 acres for *400.000. This is the farm that lies 4 miles northeast of Shelby, fronts on good sand clay road, has two good houses and all necessary out,buildings. Joins some of the best land own ers in the county, and makes as an average crop 32 BALES COT 1 TON, 500 bushels corn, good j wheat and other grain. We didn't { S®11 then. Every person that saw the place said it was a bargain, but they djdn't have the money, i Cotton was EIGHT CENTS. Cot ton is now bringing TEN CENTS and instead of *400.00 it takes just *500.00 more to get the place, but at that, Its the best buy in a farm in Cleveland county. We can give terms at the *4 - 500.00 but better see me at once, ft’s going to sell this time. Oliver S. Anthony Over Woolworth r—— 111 ' — ■ . Kings Mtn. Man To Head Medical Clinic CHAPEL HILL, July 5. -Robert B. Nyle, who was graduated from the University of North Carolina school of medicine in 1928, haa been appointed director of the new mll lton-and-a-half dollar Curtis clinic at the Jefferson medical school, ac cording to announcement In the current Journal of the American I Medical asociaUon Dr, Nyle came to the university! from Kings Mountain, finished htsj two-years medical course in 1925, took his last two years at Jefferson!! and did his Interne work therp. Dr, I. H Manning, dean of the! medical school, characterized his work here as “very good." and a host of friends in the state will be delighted to hear of the unusual success which Dr NvK? has attain ed. Only .3 of one percent of the peo ple in North Carolina are foreign born. The state thus maintains her leadership In the proportion of her population of native birth. Quality Furniture On Easy Terms. Phone 592. _Shelby, N. C. f SHOE NEWS j SHOES— From 43 International Shoe Factories: Total Production per day last week , -- 177,158 pairs LEATHER— Sole Leather, 4 tanneries —4,937 sides Upper Leather, fi tanner ies—23,022 sides and skins. Total production per day —27,959 sides and skins. ! STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BETER H. Fields Young Salesman Shelby, N. C. Flics and ^Mosquitoes Roaches Ants I cd Buqs I ^ if i I bjiWe m AnC Cf T' l”l’T r JO R*tfster« VOTE LAST YEAR., BUT YOU DIDN'T POOL ME ! I SAW YOU 4a IN A VOTIN4 BOOTH, THREE TIMES ! how many times DID YOU VOTE FOR YOURSELF TIMES K J M INTERESTS well, FOR the: club's BEST i YOU OU4HT to SUPFORT ME ! YOU WANJT TO SEE -TUB BEST MAM ELECTED j DON'T YOU ? cz> 3*C, IF TH&>fclS 4oin4 x: el* c r the b«sj V%km in the CLUB. ThEYT> HAVE TO HB — ELECTMS.YOU UNF 1 The Zero Hour, t THAT WAb CA6PER 'PHONING FROM t THE 4O00-FELLOW6'CUJB.MRS, HOOFER.! j H£ SAID THE PROGRESSIVE FACTION! |& HOLDING a MEETING NOW AND HE'S GOING TO TRY TO ^ET THEM TO , Wl PRESIDENT ! NOMINATE. COLONEL HOOFER FOR ,-— IP I WAS president)i'll. see what rrlo OP THIS CLUB, casper, it> be: THE HAPPIEST MAN IN THE CAN DO,COLONEL theyVe just TURNED DOWN SIX NAMES, BUT I'LL MAKE. A SPEECH FOR TOU.RlMlT NOW'. DON'T 4ET ~-^RVOUS' CASPER IS 4ETTIN4 UP TO SPEAK NOWIN JUST A PEW MINUTE'S, I'LL KNOW WHETHER |'N NOMINATED OR NOT1 I CAN'T STAND THIS * STRAIN MUCH LONGER! wtu. me1| , be NOMiNsrwf >—•—o ; w«iu Am. * KNIOW BY ■niis timb *TOMO«w|