An Epoch In The History Of A Great Store! THE BIGGEST ASSEMBLAGE OF SEASONABLE AND STAPLE MERCHANDISE EVER OFFERED TO A BARGAIN - HUNGRY PUBLIC! $125,000.00 Stock Of Ready. To-Wear, Clothing, Groceries, Notions ■] x Shoes, Dry Goods, Furniture, Feeds, Roofing Paints, Aut omobile Tires And Basement Goods ^Slaughtered and Slashed for Campbell’s Annual BEGINS FRIDAY MORNING JULY 10 FRIDAY — ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL UNFURL AND UNFOLD AN UNPARALLELED OUTPOUR OF BANNER BARGAINS THAT PRECLUDE THE POSSIBILITY OF LOWER PRICES ANYWHERE! fiOO Four String: Parlor Brooms with painted handles—a real good 50c number to be offered in this sale while thev last, at 15c, ('Limit one i broom to a customer). 15c i A Few Sample Dollar Stretchers At Campbell's One lot Rom per Cloth. Sc yard 15c Prints Reduced to 10c yard One lot Prints Reduced tc Sc yard Rest Table Oil Cloth 19c yard 15c Hickory Shirting | 10c yard 15c Rum per Clot h 10c yard Colored Broadcloth 12yzc yd. 20c Bleached Broadcloth 9c yard 15c Bleached Pajama t Checks 9c yard 1 nbleached Pa.iama Checks 7c yard One Lot Curtain Goods 5c yard 25c Embroidered or Printed Marquisette 10c yard Father George Sheeting 6y2c yd. 9-4 Seamless Sheeting 19c yard 25r Pique 5c yard BIG BANNER BARGAINS Every Day at Thi* Clearance Sale! Come Friday and Every Day While the Sale Last- 1 l SHELBY * AND SEE OPPOSITE PAGE — LAWNDALE