.Utojtl&Uib 8 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXVH, No. 82 SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1931 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons."1 *““• “■ Late News —. Fair Saturday. Today * North Carolina Weather Report: Generally lair tonight and Saturday except probable showers on i fhe coast. Abandon Flight. Solomon, Alaska. July 10.—Two j Texans, Reg Robbins and H. S. •tones, seeking $25,000 for the first non-stop Seattle-to-Tokyo flight, were forced by unfavorable weath er to abandon their attempt yester day. The aviators ended their flight here, just 30 miles from Nome ol gold rush fame, after bumpy weath er balked attempts to take on enough ' gasoline to complete their journey to Tokyo. The monoplane Forth W'orth and its refueling ship had made five contacts over Alaska when the flight was ended before the halfway mark was reached. Since leaving Seattle at 6:57 a. m. (Eastern Standard Time I. Wednes day, the Fort Worth had covered 2,100 miles. It landed here after 26 hours and 53 minutes in the air. The . flier* were still 3,000 miles from j Tokyo, which they had expected to reach in 55 hours. Notables Speak At Educational Meet;Smith On ' 1932 Candidates On Program. Shelby School Head To Make Address. — Supt. B L. Smith of the Shelby schools Is on the program Friday .afternoon. July 17, or the State ’Educational Cpnferen.ee at Chapel Hill. His topic Is •'Education Makes .an Environment, Favorable to Busi ness." Raleigh, July 10.—A sort of Who's Who In North Carolina" list of speakers will appear on the program of the seventh annual North Caro lina Conference on Elementary Education at Chapel Hill July 16-17, as announced by M. C. S. Noble. Jr., of the State Department of Educa tion. While talks are limited to 10 min mtas, the speakers are both nume rous and prominent in many fields. For instance, the opening session Thursday night representatives of many groups, including agriculture, Dr. Clarence Poe. editor of the Pro gressive Farmer, and Charles F. Cates, president of the State Par tners Alliance; labor, R. R. Law rence, president of the State Fede ration. and George Marshall, repre senting the machinits; banking. ■Hebert M. Hanes, president of the N, C. Bankers Association: business, A, A. Schiffman, president N. C. Merchants Association; professions. Charles O. Rose, president N. C. Bar Association, and Dr. John B. ^Wright, president-elect of N. C. Medical Society, all summarized by Associate Justice George W. Connor, of N, C. Supreme Court. Guy B. Phillips, superintendent Greensboro schools, will preside, and N. W. Wal ker, dean of the University school of education, will welcome the visi tors. Jumping to the closing night, it looks like a sort of reenactment of the recent General Assembly ses sion, with a few politicians and statesmen, if any, thrown in. Repre sentative J. Walter Lambeth, Jr., Seventh N. C. district, will preside, while in the list of speakers are Attorney General Dennis G. Brum mitt, Lieutenent Governor R. T. Fountain, General Albert Cox and J: C. B. Ehringhaus, all prospective candidates for Governor; Senator B CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT.) Victim Of Trap-Gun At Bostic Is Tried Three Young Men Given Hearing On Charge Of Attempted l Bobbery. Rutherfordton, July 10.—Three young white men, Willis Johnson, Givens and George Harris, were be fore the county recorder, Fred Mc Brayer this week on charges of at tempting to enter the store of Thompson-Blggerstaff of Bostic. They waived preliminary hearing and were bound over to superior court under a $400 bond each. Giv ens made bail while Harris and Johnson are In jail here. Harris, who attempted to enter the store was shot by a trap-gun which was concealed inside the store. His wounds were not serious. Healthiest Girl And Boy At Meet Are Competing In District Contest At Charlotte Today. 4-H. Club Meet. The healthiest 4-H club boy and girl in Cleveland county are today entered in the district contest at Charlotte. They are Charles Palmer, son of Mr Am Palmer, of Folkvtlle, and Miss Elizabeth Wallace, daughter of Mrs. Irma Wallace. The latter accompanied the youngsters to the district contest. i City Used Less Water In June Than Last Year Over Half Million Gallons Daily Water Consumption Below That Of June, 1930, Despite Heat Wave. The record June heat wave, in .which there was a ‘solid week with the mercury above 90, did not result in any extra con sumption ofVater, according to the monthly report of Mr. R, V. Toms, city water superintendent. A total of 176,567,000 gallons of water wras consumed, a check at the water station reveals. This was al most a million gallons less than the 17,667,000 gallons used by the city in I1 June, 1930. Above Average The June water consumption, how j ever, was above that of the average month, the figures given above showing that Shelby used a little over a half million gallons of water per day during the month. Biggest Month The biggest water consumption of any month in the history of the city was August of last year when over 18 million gallons were consumed. Arrest Negro Charged With Attempt Assault ! Kings Mountain, July .9 — Deputy ! Sheriff Charlie Shepherd and H, C. Hicks of Grover arrested George Thomasson, 24-year old negro in a patch of woods near here Wednes day afternoon on a charge of at tempted criminal assault on a white woman at Blacksburg about ten days ago. The negro made good his es cape at the time of the alleged crime and had been hiding in the woods near Archdale three miles south of here until he was arrested yesterday. Officers stated that he was taken to Blacksburg and was identified by the woman, and water later taken to the county Jail at Gaffney, Hear Compensation Cases Here Today Three conpensation cases are to be heard in Shelby today befort Industrial Commissioner J. Dewey Dorsett. They are as follows: Shelby, July 10, 3 P.M.: Roy San ders vs. Dover Mill Co.: C. w. Brown vs. Dover Mill Co; Forest Davis vs: Cleveland Mill Power Co Johnson Memorial To Begin Revival Beginning next Sunday und con tinuing throughout the week John son Memorial Methodist church will hold revival service each evening at 7:45. Services to be held in the school building at Eastside. The pas tor, Rev. W. R. Jenkins will be as sisted by Rev. J. w Groce from Cherryville. ____ As U. S. Finance Met French Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon 1* shown at left with Pierre Etienne Flandin, French Minister of Finance, when the two representatives of their governments met for the first time in Paris to discuss the one-year war debt holiday proposed by President Hoo ver. Latest dispatches indicate that an accord has been reached be tween the United States and France through negotiations carried on ' *■' • by Secretary Mellon. . Nearly A Thousand Books Read Monthly At Public Library --' V While Finances Ktm Low—Patron age and Interest in Library Continues High, Between 800 and 1,000 books are read by patrons each month at the Shelby Public Library according to the semi-annual report just issued by Miss Stella Murchison, librarian. While finances are running low, patronage and interest, are growing in the library and the month by month report indicates that It is serving a great clientele in the com munity. The library has a total of 1.745 volumes with 42 periodicals com Sng in regularly. A committee ol ladies interested in the library con tinuing its good work in the com munity, appeared Tuesday night before the city council and asked that the appropriation be increased Action was deferred by the counci until the budget and appropriations are made later on in the month, Report for January. Total number of books returned 1027: total number of magazines 43; total number of books taker out 1181; total number of magazines taken out 44. Total number of books returrtec CONTINUED ON P\QV Kiom 1 % Daniels And Ehringhaus Appear Main Rivials Fo r Governorship --------- . Royster Again On Board Of Railroad Shelby Man a Director. Mrs Blckelt President Of N. C. Road. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the North Carolina railroad held yesterday at Greens boro Mr. D. W. Royster, of Shelby, was reelected as a director. Mrs. T. W. Bickett, wife of the late gover norf, was re-elected president of the road by the private stockholders and the state-controlled shares. Mr. D. F. Giles, of Marion, was re-elected secretary. Mr. Royster was accompanied to Greensboro by Renn Drum, who represented Governor Gardner as proxy in casting the vote for the stateowned shares. Counties And Cities Have Authority To Cut Salaries, Wages 10 Percent Legislature Left Powers of Wage Cutting To Governing Bodies. ' Special to The Star ) Raleigh, July 10.—Governing bodies of cities and counties have full authority, under the 1931 general assembly act, to reduce salaries or wages of all city or county employes 10 per cent, except salaries of teachers or other public school offi cials, Charles M. Johnson, director of local government, says in a state ment issued in reply to numerous inquiries. Director Johnson quotes section 21, chapter 429, Public Laws of 1931, which is the appropriation act, as follows: ‘'That whenever the salary of any officer or employes of any county, city, town, or other muni cipality has been fixed by the leg islative enactment, the governing body of such county, city, town or other municipality may reduce such salary by an amount not to ex ceed ten per cent of the salary so fixed; provided, this section shall not apply to salaries of teachers or other officers of the public schools.” The governing bodies, Director Johnson points out, already had the authority to reduce salaries v not fixed by legislative enactment. Sal aries of school officials and teach ers are eliminated from this provi-j sion, because another set passed providing that, salaries of school of ficials and teachers shall not be cut in excess of 10 per cent, and not that much if funds are avail able. Officials are of the belief now that salaries of such school people will be cut the 10 per cent permitted at first, and if, after, it is found that funds will be avail able to pay them more the amount of excess available will be pro-rated. Raleigh peop> are disturbed be cause the budget bureau and per sonnel division have cut wages of employes of the board of public buildings and grounds, including janitors, messengers, custodians* elevator operators and other such work for all departments, 20 per cent, rather than 10 per cent, and even question the authority. The joint appropriations commit tees of house and senate, in the meeting of February 12, has this in its minutes: “(1) Building and grounds—Motion made and carried that wages be reduced 20 percent instead of 10 per cent, which makes a reduction of $4,200 each year " Since the appropriation went through that way, there is the au thority, the requirement, in fact, regardless of its justice of the pro vision. i Gubernatorial Contest in StaU Brings Daniels and Ehring haus to Front. Raleigh. July 10—The contest for the Democratic nomination for gov ernor In the primary next spring will be between J. C. B Ehringhaus of Elizabeth City and Josephus Daniels of Raleigh, or the candidate to whom he decides to give his sup port, according to some of the ablest and best informed political students here. There is no doubt but Mr. Daniels would like to become governor of North Carolina, especially since he demonstrated his power over the 1931 general assembly and was largely responsible for keeping it here five months instead of 60 days, although he was defeated in his effort to compel the imposition of a luxury sales tax. There is also no denying the fact that in many sections of eastern north Carolina, especially in those counties in which his morning newspaper circulates, Mr. Daniels is the hero of the hour and at the present time could be elected to almost any office. For his vltrolic attacks upon the power companies, the tobacco companies and big corporations and his ad vocacy of the movement to t.ake taxes off of property and put them on the corporations and to com pel corporate business to pay the tax burden of the state, have proved popular in most sections of eastern North Carolina, with the exception of the north eastern comer, where Ehringhaus comes from. Hit* At Western Section Mr. Daniels is fully aware of his strength in the eastern part of the state He is also aware of his un popularity in the Piedmont coun CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT.I Paper Say* He Will Not Run for Governor Raleigh. July 9—the News and Observer says the possibility of A. J. Maxwell, commissioner of revenue being a candidate for governor in 1932 "is being discounted by a group which ordinarily might be expected to be the first to know about it and the first to give support.” The paper referred to the reputy tax collectors working under Mr. Maxwell in the state. It says that at a meeting they held here this week, the probability of Mr. Max well becoming a candidate was not discussed. It adds that the deputies "would be the first to discuss it.” Crops Helped Much By Rain; Wheat Is Good j Replanted Sections Show Up Well j Good Stands In Replanted Fields, Very Little Behind. Wheat Yield. j Oops In Cleveland county are are looklnt better after the re rent rains and the reneral showers of Tharsday than they { hare at any time this year, ac cording to farmers who hare visited the office of R. W. Shoffner, county agent, this week. The hot weather followed by rains at the opportune time made ; June and early July an Ideal sea jaon and all crops, particularly corn and cotton, are growing rapidly. “’It's the biggest corn crop I’ve seen in Cleveland county in many years,” one farmer said, "but the i best thing about it is that the com ! took* so fine. To look at the corn * in this county now one would think ! f » champion com county instead of a champion cotton county." All over the county crops are now In excellent condition, but in the section between Lawndale and Casar It. is said that crops have never been better. Some Wheat. Another indication of the suc cessful manner in which Cleveland county farmers have turned tc wheat and grain crops this year Is shown in the record yield of Otho Cline, one of the county's best farmers On 9 3-4 acres Mr. Cline made 360 bushels of wheat. Had some of the wheat not been blown down It is believed the tract would have easily produced 400 bushels. Making Come-Back. Two sections of the county hard hit by the hail and wind storm t month or more ago are staging a real come-back, according to the county agent. Neighbors assisted stricken farmers in replanting corn and cotton and the replanted crop are said to be coming along re markably well. They appear to be [very little behind the crops planted in the regular season. Officers Back From Long Car Iff • Iff Iff Inp lo lexas Sheriff Allen And Chief Poston Bring Prisoners Back From Houston. The saying that crime doesn't pay ; was emphasized again this week for Ralph Foust and Harley Fainter, ; young white men, who are now in I the county jail here awaiting trial for automobile larceny. They were brought back here from Houston, Texas, late Wednesday night by Sheriff Irvin M. Allen and Police Chief McBride Poston. Foust and Painter are charged with stealing a new automobile from the Eskridge garage here last May. They were later caught in Texas and local' officers notified. They will likely be given a preliminary hearing in county court Tuesday of next week. It is possible that store-break ing charges may also be filed against them. Fast Travelling. Sheriff Allen and Chief Poston left Shelby Friday of last week and covered the hundreds of miles by auto and were back home by 11:30 Wednesday night. On their last day of driving, Wednesday, they cover ed 697 mile6. The two officers thoroughly en joyed their trip and praised the courtesy and hospitality shown them by officers and citizens in Texas and the Southwest. Only at a point in Arkansas and other states did they see cotton that excels the local crop or is ahead of it, although the crop in those sec tions is usually a couple weeks ahead of the crop here. New Night Policeman To Succeed Mr. Hicks Kings Mountain. July 9.—R. D. Goforth, a former resident of Kings Mountain, who has been living in North Dakota for the past year, has been elected night policeman for the town of Kings Mountain, succeed ing H. C. Hicks who left the force July 1. This action was taken by the city council at their regular meeting this week. Goforth will take up his duties here within ten days. He served on the police force here about three months before he went west a year ago. i ' h’U. S. Is Greatest’’ ! "The greatest nation now existing on the face o£ the earth.” That wu the high compliment paid the United State* by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald (above), of Great Britain. The Premier, in speaking before the Independence Day dinner of the American So ciety in London, not only accorded the V. S. first honors, out highly praised President Hoover for hi* * - debt holiday plan. \YoungFarmers, Farm Girls To \ Gather Tuesday ! 4-H Club Encampment At Bolling: Springs. Good Enrollment Desired, Next week is the big week for young Cleveland county farmers and farm girls with the four-day sum mer training encampment of the 4-H clubs at Bolling Springs college The young farmers will be given 1 practical instruction m general farm work and the handling of live stock, and the 4-H girls wiii receive instructions in general household work, canning, and other work about j the farm home. County Agent R W Shoifner and Home Agent Mrs Irma Wallace will | b* assisted in handling the classes by Misses Evelyn Huggin and Sara Lee Hamrick. The encampment opens Tuesday. ;July 14, and continues through Fri day. I An enrollment of near 100 « hoped for. Sharon Boys Seek Baseball Contest The junior baseball team of the Sharon section is seeking baseball contests for next week' The Shar on youngsters are anxious to take on any junior team hereabouts on any open date. Other teams are asked to get In touch with Sammy Hamrick. Shelby R-3. FOUR-LEGGED CHICKEN LIVING AND THRIVING. Mr Kim Williams of the Beam’s Mill community hatched a four legged chicken about four weeks ago and the chick is still living and thriving. It is unable to use two of its legs, located Just to the rear of its natural extremeties. It mates. ! —___ County To Miss Gas Tax Levy This Year County Not To Pay For Burial Of Paupers Now Will Furnish Coffins Instrut Will Bi> Made By County Convicts. Hereafter the county of Cleve land will not make appropria tions for the buriaJ of paupers as has been the custom in the county for many, many years. At the last meeting of the board of commissioners-—A, E. Cline, Oeo. Lattimore and R. L. Weathers announced that the custom of al lowing $10 for expenses In each pauper funeral will d« discontinued. Another Plan. This does not mean that the county will not take care of bury ing paupers. Hereafter, however, the county will furnish the coffin in cases where it Is deemed necessary, or. In other words, In cases where heretofore a $10 appropriation will be made. The change is expected to prove a saving to the county In that un Irter the new plan the coffins will i be made by county convlcf* work j mg at the county home. Under 1 the new road system the 8tale road forces will not work convicts whe have terms shorter than 60 day* and these short-term convicts will be employed by the county in mak ! ing coffins or in carrying on other | work at the several county rnsU i tutions. ___ i County Court Has Jury Trials Today Court Room Filled With Spectator* This Morn. He Big Case*. "Jury day' In the Cleveland coun ty recorder s court drew a large crowd of spectators to the court room here today. The rain yester day and general Interest tn cases booked today attracted one of the largest crowds ever to attend the lower court when no case of major importance was docketed. A big portion of the morning ses sion was given over to the trial of Boyd Bostic, of No. 2 township, on a forcible trespass charge, a large number of No. 2 citizens being pres ent for the hearing Among the cases booked for the afternoon is vagrancy charge against "Kitten" Alley, white girl. Eight jury cases m all are sched uled to be disposed of during the day. Believe It Or Not, A Rock That Bends Believe it or not, James Kendrick, young son of Ous Kendrick, tn Shelby has a rock that bends. The rock was given to him by a travel ing salesman who says he got it at some town over west of Winston Salem. It measures about 18 inches in length. Hold it on the ends and it will bend fully an inch or more and is rather limber to handle. James is showing tt to his friends and proves that it will bend in anv one's hand Counties To Save Money On Tires Through New N. C. PurchasingPlan I Saving win Be On Tire* For School Trucks. And For Busses. 'Special to The Star * Raleigh^ July i —Counties will be saved from 30 to 50 per cent of the amount they have been spend ing for automobile tires through the operation of the division of pur chase and contract, even at the price,'j that have been paid by the state highway department, accord ing to \V. Z. Betts, iOr several years purchasing agent for that depart ment, and still in charge under Di rector A. S. Brower. Mr. Bette made Jie statement in connection with his announce ment that the division will receive bids until 10 o’clock July 17 for 9, 980 pneumatic tires. 10,430 pneuma tic tubes and 200 solid tires, the largest order for automobile tires ever made in North Carolina. These tires are for county trucks and busses, county and state high way equipment and for all of the] 28 state institutions and the var ious departments using trucks and buses. The order will be for a year’s supply and will be divided up into several sizes to fit the vehicles. Heretofore counties and smaller units have received from 10 to 25 percent reductions from list prices on tires, while the state highway commission, because of the volume, has received a 5 per cent reduction from list prices. The savings to the counties for this equipment will range from 30 to 50 per cent, even if it does work a hardship on local dealers who have heretofore sup plied the tires. Mr. Betts' stated that he could name four items of purchase on whlh the state will save the $400,-i 000 promised by Governor Gardner that would be saved each year by the inauguration of this division. Others ’*'111 carry the total saving far above the promised figure In savings to the taxpayers of the state, even though it often hurts the local merchants and dealers, hi said. Was Used For Bonds, Bridge Work Unable To Prediet Tax ten Until Property Valued An Fixed. Duo (n the f*rt that the total property value In Cleveland roimty hai not been determin ed aa yet county official* today were unable to make a definite prediction about the county wide tax levy. Tax listers are still at work on assessments and have not completed the task of summing up all property values. This work cannot be com pleted until after Monday when elf Irens are entitled to seek a re viaal on values where shown to be too high. Much Depends. The total county levy for the year depends to a considerable ex tent upon the revisal on valuation. A shrinkage in value Is expected and If this shrinkage Is very large It will mean that the rate in cer tain items will of necessity be in creased. Miaeing Itfm One Item of income will be great ly missed when the commissioners adopt their budget and fix the lew for the year This action will likely be taken early In August after th# tax officials complete their valua tion and listing work. The Item that will knock a hole in funds for operating expenses will be one-cent gas tax which heretofore came to the county, with the State taking over all roads this fraction of the gas tax no longer goes to the coun ty. It totalled something like $35, 000 per year, a sum equivalent to. a tax levy of around six cents. Last year this money was used for two purposes, taking care of bond pay ments and interest, and bridge con struction and repair. The latter Item will not be in th* county bud get. of expense this year with the State taking over that work, but the bond payments and interest re main to be taken care of. Increas ed charity work and the upkeep of the county home will in all probabi lity take as much as has been re quired for the bridge item. If this is the case it may be necessary, tt is pointed out, to have a generally levy for the purpose of taking care of the, bonds and the charity and county home work, items hereto fore provided for by the $35,000 gas tax. Around 50 Cents. A preliminary survey of the tax situation, taking into consideration the missing gas tax, decreased pro perty valuation and a limited school levy. Indicates that the total county levy, which, of course does not in clude special district school tax. may be in the neighborhood of 50 cents. This means a sizeable re duction in the general levy, nr about, 20 cents or more on the $100 valuation in the general levy sec tion. Mr A. E. Cline, commission chair man, has his year's budget pretty well outlined, but he must await property value figures before the budget can be definitely completed to the point that the commissioners may fix the levy. Large Crowd Attends Lattimore Funeral Eight Hundred People Attend Fu neral of Tom Lattimore, Prom inent S. C. Man. A crowd estimated at 800 attend ed the funeral Thursday of Tom Lattimore. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Lattimore of the Polkville community who died in Shelby un der an anaesthetic on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Lattimore, 30 year old graduate of State college, Raleigh, and superintendent of a cotton mill at Kershaw, S. C„ was a native of Cleveland and loved by all who knew him here and In South Carolina. He was a teacher of a men’s Bible class in a Baptist Sunday school in Kershaw and a number of his friends came up for the funeral. The funeral was conducted by three min isters from Kershaw, assisted by Rev. D. F. Putnam and all paid high and deserving tributes to his splen did life of usefulness In the com munity where he lived. •His body was burled at the Latti more burying ground under a mound of beautiful flowers sent In by friends from the two Carolines. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hamrick and two children, of Asheville returned to their home yesterday after a visit of a few days here with Mrs. Hamrick’s mother, Mrs. A. R. Put nam

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