STOCKHOLDERS MILTING. The regulsr »nnu*l meeting of the stockholders of the South Shelby Building and Loan Association will be held In the office of the asaoclation on July 18th. 1931 at 7:10 pm. Tbii July ith. 1131 J. r. ROBERTS. Secy -Trrts lt-ie. EXECCTRIXIS’ NOTICE. Notice ts hereby given that we have till day qualified aa executrixes of the »Ui of R. P. Roberts, late of Cleveland coun ty, N. C.. and all persons having claim* agatntt eald estate are hereby notified tu present them to ue properly proven for payment on or before June 11th. 1932, oi this notice will be pleaded In bar of thel> recovery. All persona Indebted to said es tate will make Immediate payment to thr undersigned This Juns llih, 1931. MAMIE C HAM BRIGHT. EDITH S HAMBR1GHT. Executrixes of the will of R. P. Roberts, dee d. R. L. Hyburn, Atty. St June 19c NOTIC E TO CREDITORS. North C«rolin». Cleveland County, Befora A. B. C. De Priest, Justice of the Peace In the matter of Floss!* Calvert. Flossie Calvert of said county atwl slat* having filed her petition before the under i.igned lor her personal properly r\i mo tion, this Is to nottfv all tha creditors of the said Mottle Calvert that •>,, • I petition will be hoard at my office In No. a township, Cleveland coumy, u„ i.,c .... day of Docember, lltlll, at Id o cluck .. m., whan and where, It they shall appear, they may ha heard. Dated thll iTth dey of June, 103!. A. B. C. DvPPLEhT, Justice of the Peace. it Juno lOp TRUSTEEI RALE. Under peerer of sale contained In dred of trust executed by Holland Eskridge on ; he 38th day of May, 103*. said deed of truft being of record tn the registry of Cleveland county. North Carolina, in book >3« at page 318, 1 aa trustee will offer for sale, for cash, at public auction, at 1] M.. July 37, 1931, at the court house door tn Bhafby. Cleveland county, North Carolina, tha following described loi of land: Lot nuiuber I tn block P tn the Cleve land Borings Estate as shown by plat of same made May lsih by 8. P. Baird, en gineer. and recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, in husk of plate No. 3 at page 33. to which slat and record rafarenoa Is made for a further description of same as shown on raid plat Is hereby made a part of tins deed: Bald lot Is situated on the west side of Westfield Road and has a front age of (to feet and extends back ITS feet The aforesaid aale Is made because of default in the payment of the indebted ness secured by the said deed of trust. This June 3sth. 1931 O. a. ANTHONY. Trustee it June 3Bc TRUSTEE'S RALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtu* of tn* authority eonialned in that certain deed of trust. exeeutetLby A. C. Beam and wile. Mar guerite h"km to the undersigned trustee, •aid deed of trust being dated January i. 1930 and recorded In the office of the reg ister of deeds tor Cleveland county. N. i\, in book No. 308 at page 13, securing an indebtedness to the Shelby and Cleveland County Building and loan association, * nd default having been made In.. the payment of said Indebtedness, and being requested to sell aaid property I will on Monday, August 3rd. 10*1 at 13 b elook, noon, or within legal hours at tha court house door In Shelbr. N. c sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction that certain lot of land lying and being In No 6 township, Cleveland county. N. C , and bounded as lollows. That lot lying and being In the town oi Waco, N C. end on the east aide ol South Main street and described by metes and bounds as follows Baginning at a stake on the east side of South Main street and runs (hence N 38 K 38 poles to a stake in the old line, thence 8. Si E. 78 poles to a stake, a new corner; thence a. Si W. 38 poles to a •take, »n the east edge of South Mam street; thence with the east edge ol the said street N Si W. 90 feet to (he beginning and being a part of that lot which VMM conveyed to A. C. Beam by David P. Dellinger commlsdloner by deed dated December 13th, 191# and recorded tn the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland eountv, N. C. In book of deeds FEE at page 38# This July Snri 1931 JNO. P. MULL, Trustee it July 3e 666 Uvjl’iu OR TABLETS Relieves g Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day. and checks Malaria In three days. 666 Salve tor Baby’s Cold. PILES CHINESE HERB QUICKLY ALLAYS PAIR ind ITCHINfi If you suffer from Itching1, blind, •trotrudlnc or bleeding Pile* you are likely to be amased at the soothing, healing power of tha rare. Imported Chinee* Herb, which fortifies t>r. Nixon's Chlnarold. It's the newest and fastest acting treatment out. Brings ease end comfort in a few (minutes so that you can work end ♦njoy life while it continue* its fioothlng, healing action. Don't de ay. Act in time to avoid a danger ous and costly operation. Trv Dr. Nixon's Chlnarold under our guar antee to satisfy completely and he worth 100 times the small coat or your mousy hack. SUTTEES DKUG STORE. INDIGESTION "My work is confining, and often I eat hurriedly, causing me to have indi gestion. Gas wiii form and I will smother and have pains in my chest. "I had to be careful what I ate, but after someone had recom mended Black-Draught and X found a small pinch after meals was so helpful, I soon was eat ing anything I wanted. "Now when I feel the least smothering or un comfortable bloating, X take a pinch of Black Draught and get relief." —cry4. V*o*rm. 1* Oilppy 8U a C. sold tn 364 peckacw. |jn DRAUGHT •ro run-down. a*r> crory month, ahould Food for f>T«r |» y«ot». Nobody’s Business QEE McGEE— JULY 9. flat rock news -We had a right bad wind storm last night W'htch turned over yore corry spondent's smoke house, but as there wassent annything In It, noboddy got hurt. It allso damaged the sehool house annex, as It blow er! a tree-over on same and mashed In the teecher's setting plnce on her rostum, but school had been Qut 5 weeks. -crops Is showing some progress and mr. brown's cotton has growed so fast he suck-seeded in getting a second mortgage on same sadday to fix his ford up and get a num ber with, and him and his fambly worshipped over at cedar lane and taken dinner with his married dar ter whose husband has not been heard from since he got his bonus. _hon. Jake smith, our local leg islator who reppersents this coun ty along with some others, who ain't got no more sense than he says that taxes won't go down un less our state can get a deller ga tion itke him that will set on the lid of the state treasure and turn off the sap suckers and abollUsh about two-thirds of all offlses now afflicting the state, he cleared 206$ at the last, genral ass sembiy. „.-.-the frogs in the swamp back of town has comments to chirp all night and the mayor has benn pe tishioned to drain the pond so'a folks can sleep when they go to bed ansoforth this frog blzness has benn an eye sore for years and years and every new town counsel we have promises to drain same befoar they get eleckted, but as soon as they cintck their Jobs, they claim that no monney is in the treasure and that ends it, We have 2 cases of verry sad' sickness in our mist at pressent. mr. owen moore was struck down with the roomy-tism in martch andj the nabors had to put in his crop and as soon as they got same in, his wife ketched the hooping coff at a quilting and she coffs so mutch, she can't bend over the stove to do the cooking, so the nabors is doing that for her. evrryboddy wonders why she diddent ketch the hooping coff when she was young so's it woulddent hurt he so bad, as it Is a child's dissease. ....presetting will be hell as usual at rehober next Sunday und the pasture has posted his texx on the black board on the left of the front steps to same and it will be—"re pent befoar it is ever lastingly too late." that Is the trouble with most of us, we put off repenting till the doctor comes the last time, and manny have gone on to thetr re wards without repenting at all. and that Is bad everyboddy invited, yores trulie, mike Clark, rfd. corry spondent. our little town was shocked this morning when news began to spread around that mrs. aggie tatc was carried to the hosspittle to have her addy nolds cut out. site; diddent know that she had them so bad till she trlde to sing a duet In church last Sunday and found out that most of her voice come! thru her nose, and then she chose the opperatlng table ansoforth. ....a freak egg was laid by one of mrs. judie smith's hens while site was gone to the pitcher show which was running—" how to man nage your husband” and as soon as she saw the said egg, she fetch ed it to the stoar and when it was] looked at by a miker seppe, it showed a fence running around a graveyard full of tombstones and she Is now afraid that it foretells the death of a loved one so far TacsTer.'s sale or real estate. Under mud by virtue of the authority contained In that certain deed of trust, executed by A. F. Champion and wife, Lueile Champion to the undersigned trus tee, said deed of trust being dated Decem ber 3, 1929 and recorded In the office of the register of deeds tor Cleveland coun ty, N. c„ In book No. 157*at page 52a, se curing an indebtedness to the Shelby and Cleveland County Building and Doan as sociation, and default having been made in the payment of aald indebtedness and being requested to sell said property ] will on Monday, August 3rd, 1931 at 12 o'clock noon or within legal hours at the court house door In Shelby. N. C sell to the highest bidder for cash at pub lic auction that certain lot of land, lying and being In No. « township. Cleveland county, N C , and bounded aa follows: Being located In Beaumonde Terrace in the eaatern pan of the town of Shelbv N. C, and being a part of lots Noa, id 13 and 14 In block E on plat of aaid property and recorded in book of plats No. 3 at page 28, the register ot deeds orfice for Cleveland county and being more specifically described as follows: Begin ning at an iron stake In the south edge ot East Graham street, said stake being 311 feet west of the corner between lots Nos. U and 12 In block C on Graham street, and runs thence 8 » degrees 30 minutes W, 100.7 feel to an Iron stake thence N. 89 degrees 50 minutes w 70 feet to an Iron stake, thence N 0 degree 10 minute* E 110 feet to an Iron .take on the south edga ef Graham street thence with aald atreet 8. *9 degrees SO minutes E. *5 feet to the beginning and being that same lot of land convaved to A r Champion and wife by D A. Beam by deed dated December 3, 1929. This July 2nd. 1931. JNO. P MULL. Trustee — Jut, An noboddy has blamed the hen. _some talk Is going the rounds that a new filling station will soon spring up on the other corner In our town, and that will make four in all, not counting the 7 that is on the out skirts, most of them Is putting In flour and meat and other veggertables, but since all of them has gone to the cash basts, they have lost nearly all of their trade, the new one has not yet said what he expects to handle in same. ....a small caff belonging to yore corry spondent went mad last mon day and bit our cook behind the gate and her head has been cut off and sent to the state board of helth, and if It Is found out that she had rabbits at the time she got bit, we will hafter to get a new cook till she takes the pasture treatment. It was a right promis ing caff, and no one seems to know how it could of got bit by a dog without finding It out. we all hope for the best, but she will bo badly missed, as her mother Is gif^-.g too old to give verry much milk and is nearly dry now. notis: the graveyard at rehober will be cleaned off next sadday and everyboddy is invited to be pressent and cut the weeds and grass off of the graves of our friends who have gone on befoar to rest on the beautiful shore where pain is not known forever more, be sure to fe ch yore maddicks and shovvels and hoes, as you won't be worth annything to either the livving, or the dead .without tools, mr. editor: plose print this for nothing, and i will rite or foam in some extry news for yore paper next week, yores trulic, mike Clark, rfd , corry spondent. McGhee Syndicate, Anderson, S. C CHATTER. -The republicans kgcp on say ing that prospjerlty is ybst'around the corner, What I want to know is—which corner? I’ve been around nearly all of them. ——If the democrats will talk about something besides booze and nomi nate a man for president who pro fesses no religion at all, they will win in a walk in 19 and 32. COTTON LETTER. .New York, July 7.—Southern selling reduced activity in the nearby months, and so did shares in Texas. Liverpool came In us due and then broke 9 points. Very little of the Wrigiey tun (d) has been spent for cotton to date, due. no doubt, to the fact that the south is too poor to chew much gum. The bumble worm is slowing down the culture of cotton in Alabama; this worm keeps the farmers busy fishing, and they have no time to fight grass or boll weevils. Call money is very cheap, but Fords and Chevrolet.® are still banking on the bonus. We advise a long hold and a short crop. . ..The farm board peged wheat at 1.18, and their peg slipped out, and then they got another peg. and pegged her at 1.12, and some thing happened to the said peg; the next pegging took place at 96. and the last peg was at 74, and now they are trimming a peg to be used at 60. The farm board has had just tta much effect on sup ply and demand as a peanut politi cian had cussing the traffic bill . ...The biggest man in Chicago is Al. Capone, next comes the Ward grafters, and finally the major looms up. Funny thing a bout law enforcement; all of the big rascals and wholesale bootleg gers are well known to the officers but they go after the half-pint boys and the crap-shooters and let the big birds alone. KanapolU, N. C. July 2, 1931 Dear McGhee: What Is your real name? How old are you? Are you married? How many children have you? What Is your ocupation, If any. be sides writing? Please answer these questions to settle an argument. Your friend, 1 ZuZu. Dear ZuZu: U) Geo. McGee. <2> Over 40. <3* Yes. are you? (4) Wife and I have 2 between us. (51 Whole sale merchant, farmer and school trustee. That settles It. Now tell me your real name. Your friend, Geo. McGee. (McGee Syndicate, Anderson, S. C.) MY BRUSH SHOWED RED. ...Oh. me, and Oh, my, and Oh, mo! Ouch, my poor jaw, and my poor head 'Hie tooth dentist, said It woulddent hurt and it diddent hurt him. He diddent flinch. He squirted several squirts or some thing into my gums ansoforth, and left me there—all alone to suffer till I became numb and possibly dumb. My tongue went dead on me first. -1 had agreed to let him pull my tooth. He charges 2 dollars for pulling a tooth and 3 dollars for extracting a tooth and 4 dol lars for drawing a tooth, but he dlddent do either to my molar <1 thought he called It a motor for a long time, model "T,” perhaps), he Just hooked a pair of pliers around It and hooked his left arm around my neck and began to twist, and did he twist? Yes, he twisted. -The tooth in question was deep ly Imbedded in-and-about my Adam's apple, and that's why. it most killed me when it parted its tenaceous hold therefrom. He runs a painless dentist business, but he refers to working on the teeth of corpses, or possibly drflnk folks. He offered to make me a nice platinum bridge for $250.00. He dlddent say what type of bridge it would be, but Judging from his price—he meant to build me a Brooklyn bridge of the cantilever suspension type. I told him—no, I thank you; I will keep on eat ing soup and mush and bananas till cotton goes back up to 8 cents. <1 still have both of my bales in the warehouse.) -1 am glad that tooth is no more. Two of my doctors told me that it had been spurting pois on into my system for 3 months, and another doctor told me that it had kept me from sleeping nor mally here-of-late, and the vet erinary surgeon told me that if I had kept it a week longer that I would of possibly had the blind staggers. Nearly everybody is hav ing his and her teeth removed now a-days. It's getting almost as sty lish as having your appendix re moved. When a doctor doesn't know what's wrong with a guy, its his teeth or tonsils or addey noids, and possibly both, and they are invariably yanked out—If the afflicted person has the money to get his yanking done. -.Good teeth should be appre ciated. I diddent pay much at tention to my own until they be gan to get bad, and then I took up brushing them every fourth or fifth day—regardless of whether or not they needed brushing, and I succeeded in savtng all of them but 22. Well, folks—I am still hurting too bad to write any more, and besides—I'm out of paper any how. So, "So long until tomorrow, or possibly the next day.” eidim HEM 1EF Mrs. Barber Visitors From Savan nah, Ga.—Mr. Nichols Visits In Washington, D. C. Earl, July 9.— Mrs. Clyde Barber and children, of Savannah, Ga.. are spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L, Hause. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hope, of Walhalla, S. C., were callers in the village Tuesday afternoon. Mr. R. E. Nichols, spent the week end in Washington, D. C., with his son, Mr. Henry Nichols. Mr. L. D. Jones, and sisters Misses Edna and Mary Sue Jones of Gaff ney, S. C. visited Mr. and Mrs. R. L, Hause Sunday afternoon. Misses Jessie Beachum, and Pau line Honeycutt, and little Miss Frances Beachum, of Charlotte, are spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beachum. Mesas H. P. Haas, and S. B. Hub bard, of Whitevllle, spent the week end at home. Miss Jessie Williams,. and Mrs. Walter Nance of Charlotte, are the guests this week of their uncle Dr. J. P. Aydelotte. Messrs Vernon Camp and Rufus Moss, of Taylors, S. C. spent the week-end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene White and son, Bettis, of Winston Salem, are spending this week with her sister, Miss Sallie Bettis. Mr. and Mrs. Step Roberts and family of Inman, S. C. were din ner guests Sunday of his mother Mrs. P. M. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Wylie, had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs Odus Moore, and children of Lau rinburg, their son John Henry is spending the week. Messrs. L. J. Davidson and Harry Hope, of Sharon, S. C. were callers In the village Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barber and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hause, motored to Chimney Rock Saturday. Maryland Gingerbread 2 eggs, 3-4 cup brown sugar, 3-4 cup New Orleans molasses, 3-4 cup melted shortening, 2 1-4 cups flour, 2 teaspoons soda, 2 tea spoons ginger, 1 1-2 teaspoons cin namon, 1-2 teaspoon cloves, 1-2 teaspoon nutmeg, l cup boiling water, 1-2 teaspoon baking powder. Add beaten eggs to sugar, mo lasses and melted shortening; then add dry ingredients which have been mixed and sifted together Add hot water last. Turn into greased shallow baking pan. Bake In moderate . oven (350 degrees Farenheit) 30 to 40 minutes. Serve warm with Whipped Cream. Pleasant Hill Community News Hnr Rains Improve, Crops. Party Visits Sea Coast. Personals. (Special to-The Star.) Pleasant Hill, July 9.—The fine rains we had for the last few days were refreshing. Crops are looking good and all the farmers are Rowing their stubble land In peas. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Francis and son Jack of Charlotte spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Francis and Mr. and Mrs. C. E | Camp. Messrs. Cellus and Roland Gantt and Wilburn McMurry spent the week end at Carolina Beach. They also visited Wrightsville Beach and other places w hile away. They re turned with a nice tan, but report ed a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Kennon Blanton and children spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blanton in: the Earl community. Mrs. Cellus Gantt and baby spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Francis. Mr. and Mrs. Minor Lowery visit ed Mr and Mrs. P. M. Thrift and j family over the week end. Mr. and Mrs^E. Q Roberts had as their dinner guests Sunday Mrs. R M. Dover and children. Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Kendrick and daughters were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom H. Lowery Sun day. Master Carl Dover spent the day Sunday with Mike Lowery. Those visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Roberts Sunday aft ernoon were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Lowery and children Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dillingham and children. Mr. and Mrs. J. CJ. Lowery and children | and Mrs. W. B Lowery. Mr. and Mrs. H. Q. Kendrick and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Tom H. Lowery Mr. and Mrs. Jake Blanton of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Gufey and Mr. and Mrs. Kennon Blanton Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kennon Blanton had as their -dinner guests Sunday Mrs. j Blanton's parents Mr. and Mrs. J.! M. Richards of near Gaffney and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blanton and children. No Reason Why Not. Wife (pathetically): 1 wonder if you'll love me when my hair has turned gray. Husband: Why not? I've loved j you the other times you have chang- j ed its color. TRUSTEE S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the authority contained in that certain deed of trust, executed by Joe Harding and wife, Laura Harding to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being dated March 27th. 102$ and recorded in the ofitce of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County, N C. In Book No. 157 at page 79. secur ing an indebtedness to the Shelby and Cleveland County Building and Loan Asso ciation. and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and being requested to sell said property 1 will on MONDAY, AUGUST 10th. 1931 at 12:00 o'clock, noon or within legal hours at the Court House Door in Shelby N C. sell to the highest bidder for CASH at public auction that certain lot of land lying and being in No. 6 Township. Cleve land County, N. C and bounded as fol lows Situated in the north eastern square 1 of the town or Shelby, located in what is known as "Freedmon" and fronting on i Bridge street &nd designated as lot Nw 87 and beginning at a stake on the south ! side of Bridge street on alley, Jackson! Burchett’s corner and running east with I said Bridge street about 115 feet to Hoev i ! corner thence south 152 feet to Holme* j Une; thence west 115 feet an an allc> j thence north 152 feet to the beginning ol I Bridge street. This July 9th. 1931. JNO. P. MULL. Trustee. 1 4t-July-10c ! Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. SHELBY AFE LEVELAND / onservalive COUNTY onscientiouj BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Learn To Save The Building And Loan Way. NEW SERIES NOW OPEN . Come In And Take A Few Share* And Get Started Right. Shelby and Cleveland County Building and Loan Association R. T. LeGRAND, 1’rcs. JNO. P. MULL, Sec. & Trcas. Mortgage Cleared In Ten Years [f you live; Immediately if you die. The Home Purchase Plan of the Equit able does it. Ask about it. WRITE FOR FREE ROOK Of Our Home Purchase Plan — CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON — H. S. WHITE, Special Agent. Equitable Life Assurance Society Charles Store Bldg. Shelby, N. C. Dear Sir: INease send me, without obligation, your FREE BOOK of the Equitable’s Loan Plan. Name_ Address___ —'—-■1 '"swmr—--... - --- LniTAT We PUI Any ■> Doctor's •k’ PRESCRIPTIONS SUTTLE’S For A Registered Druggwt PHONE m mu/uj PREPARED? Before you go on any long motor trip this summer, let us give your motor the once over. The low cost will surprise you. Our skilled mechanics and modern equipment can give you all there is in motor repairing. ROGERS MOTORS West Marion St. Shelby, N. C. Your Model A Ford Greased Free Until July 15 WANT TO KNOW THE EASY WAY TO KILL THOSE PESKY ANTS? » Killers that dry out or evaporate won't do the job. But Black Flag Powder will. It stays put! Waits for the ants and kills them when they crawl through it. Dead liest killer known for moths, roaches,, bedbugs, fleas, too. Yet harmless to humans and pets. Packed in glass —it j keeps its strength. Get some to-day! ® IM«. li F. CO. BLACK FLAG POWDER Made by the Makers of Black Flag Liquid Get acquainted this week with the most tempting of summer'* sati*fyir»g drir.ks—rich flavcrful »ced coffee. EIGHT O’CLOCK, lb. 21c RED CIRCLE, lb.25c BOKAR, lb. tin .29c flLJJWW gg* Whitohouse jg Tall Evaporated “r Cans Ml BEAMS Q£r 3 cans 19c FLOUR A&P Plain or Self-Rising 98 Bag $2.35 Iona Brand 98 & $2.29 Pickles s^TmSLj ISc Nectar Tea 19c VINEGAR 55c | Mason Jars yj 88c MTjrjei i-*CBC*ru-Eiritr:i ■*/*'• —1 >, ■>m,in. v. .ji Grandmother’s Rolls « doz. 6c P&G SOAP or STAR WASHING POWDER S for 25c OCTAGON SOAP .'■pedal or Octagon Powder S for 2Sc SUGAR lb 5c — PRODUCE SPECIALS — CANTALOUPES, each . 5c TOMATOES, 4 lbs. 25c POTATOES-New Red Bliss, 10 lbs 20c JVo. l’s LEMONS, large size, dozen . ..33c BANANAS, 6 lbs. 25c — MARKET SPECIALS — SLICED BACON, lb." 27c BOILED HAM, lb. . 37c BEEF ROAST, lb. . 17c BEEF STEAK, any cut, lb. .23c The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.

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