10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV11, No. 85 SHELBY, N. a FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1981 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. ay Mail, per year, (in ilvkUM) _ #XJM Carrier oer rear, tin ad ranee)_liflii Late News Generally Fair. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report. Generally fair tonight and Saturday except for local thunder shower* Saturday afternoon in west portion. Fly Atlantic. Budapest, Hungary, July 17.—Fail ing by only a few miles to reach the goal of their 3,200-mile non-stop flight from Harbor Grace, N. F., to Budapest, Capt. Alexander Magyar and Capt. George Endres were forc ed to land their transatlantic mono plane “Justice for Hungary” near <he little village of Riscke, 15 miles from here, last night. Their last drop of gasoline exhausted, they landed the ship on rough ground along a railroad track at 7:40 p. m. (1:40 p. m. E. S. T.) They had covered approximately 3,200 miles over land and sea in a little over 86 hours, averaging about 125 miles per hour, and were almost in sight of the goal when the gasoline tank ran dry. County ToLose IS Teachers By New School Plan SSaie To Employ 684 Less Teachers. Eliminate Total 465 Schools. Under the new teacher allot ment plan of the State equal isation board Cleveland Caunty will have 15 less school teachers this year than last, according to J. H. Grigg, county superinten dent of education. In the table announced yesterday irom Raleigh it is stated that Cleve land will have a total of 391 tea chers—65 high school and 226 ele mentary for white schools, and four high school and\96 elementary in the colored schools. Supt. Grigg -states there is ar\ error, however, in the number of colored teachers which are supposed to increase this year due to a much larger enroll ment last year. The white teachers to be lost un der the new plan are divided as fol lows: Eight rural elementary tea chers, no rural high school teachers; four elementary and two high school teachers in Shelby, and one high school teacher at Kings Mountain. A Big Decrease. Raleigh, July 15.—Elimination of 52 high and 413 elementary schools of the State was revealed tonight by the State board of equalization when allotment of teachers to the various counties was announced. A total of 21,894 teachers will be employed under the terms of the MacLean statewide six months school act and supplementary legis lation. This is 30 less than the number of teachers participating last year in salary allotments from the equalization fund and 684 less than the number employed under terms of the school laws in effect prior to passage of the MacLean law. As 1,249 additional teachers were employed by local authorities last year, the number of teachers for which the board is making provision for 1931-1932 term is 1,933 less than the actual number employed during the past term. No Injustice Done. The schools eliminated, the board's statement said, were consolidated with others, and every effort was made to see that no injustice was done. The board found in its state-wide survey that there were 152 schools doing high school work with less than fifty high school pupils attend ing daily. Three, and sometimes four teachers were employed to handle these pupils. It also found 651 elementarj (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN. I Save On Buying Bargain In Star Today’s Star advertisements contain Shelby’s best buys for week end shoppers. You can realise your greatest savings on clothes, dresses, automobile tires and batteries, foods, cof fee, furniture and other neces sities, in the stores of today's advertising merchants. Read the Star ads carefully and list your shopping needs. Buy from these merchants tomor row and save. Here are some of the bar gains to be found: 40c worth of laundry soap for 25c; Men’s Tailored Summer Suits at $7.95; Summer Silk Dresses at 1-2 price; Flour, 24-lb. bag for 67c; Two 10 cent packages Macroni for 15c; Silk Dresses for $4.95; 10-Piece Walnut Veneer Din ing Room Sjuit for $69.50; CtyarXntved" Automobile Tires a* $4.98: 2 pounds Coffee for 25e; Walnut Bedroom Suite ♦or $59.50 and a free mattress; Automobile Battery for $6.95; 9 cakes Laundry Soap for 22c. County Tax Reduction Of23 Cents Seen In Preliminary Budget Special Court To Hear Smart Case AtRutherfordton Governor Calls Term To Try Slayer Of Forest City Police Chief. Rutherfordton, July 17.—Fred | Smart, charged with the slaying of ' Austin A. Price, chief of police of [ Forest City, on the night of June 6, ! will be tried at a special criminal; ; session of the Rutherford county su-, I perior court here. The special term has been called by Governor O. Max Gardner to convene in Rutherford ton on Monday, August 24, with Judge Cameron F. MacRae, of Ashe- < ville presiding. Smart was given a preliminary hearing June 13 and was bound over 1 to superior court without bond. The local law firm of Quinn, Ham- , rick and Harris has been employed to represent the defendant. The prosecution will be represented by Solicitor J. Will Pless, jr., County Attorney B .T. Jones, former County , Solicitor R. R. Blanton and C. C. j Ridings, all of Forest City. Judge James L. Murphy, of Hickory, has been employed by friends of the de- j ceased officer and Clyde R. Hoey, of > Shelby, has been retained by the \ town of Forest City to aid in the prosecution. Judge H. Hoyle Sink, of Lexington, will convene two weeks' term of civil court here August 3. Goodwin Here To Operate Grocery Albemarle Man Boys Out Dellinger Model Grocery On South Washington St. The Goodwin Cash Grocery is the new name of a Shelby grocery firm. Mr. W. L. Goodwin, of Albemarle, has purchased the former Dellinger Model grocery, operated by Mr. Boyce Dellinger on South Washing ton street, and has changed the name. Mr. Goodwin's family came here with him and are now making Shelby their home. Mr. Dellinger has no plans for the immediate future Seek Homes For 7 Young Orphans Welfare Officer J. B. Smith has been asked to see if he can find homes for seven young white child ren orphaned in a double tragedy near Shelby two weeks ago. All the children are healthy and appear to be unusually intelligent. Any one interested is asked to get in touch with Mr. Smith. Spangler, Randall Open Repair Shop B. F, Spangler and R. P Randell; both well known mechanics, for merly with the Charles L. Eskridge garage, have opened a repair shop on West Warren street in the build ing with Champion Oil company. They will specialize in reparing all makes of automobiles and tractors. Presbyterian Picnic Members of the Presbyterian church Sunday school will enjoy a picnic and outing at Cleveland Springs this afternoon, beginning at 5 o'clock. Swimming and swing ing will be enjoyed, after which a picnic lunch will be served. General Levy Likely To Be Cut From 73 Cents To 50. Biggest Slash Is In School Tax For Six Months. Levy For General Purposes Is Same. A county-wide tax reduction of 23c on the $100 proper ty valuation is in prospect for the county-wide fund and the six'months school term, according to the preliminary budget submitted for publication in The Star today by County Ac Healthiest Girl Hilda Mae Hall (above), of Eustis,' Fla., chosen aa the healthiest 4-H club fir! in Florida, will enter the national contest at Chicago in No vember. An expert swimmer and a skilled golfer, her physical training for the past year has been under the direction of Florence Smock, also of | Enstis, who won the state’s 4-H clob j honors In 1929 ! Alleged Robber Is Nabbed Here City PoJicr Get Man Wanted In Mecklenburg. Said To Have Burglary Tools. James Hildred, alias J. W Phil lips, said to hail from South Caro lina, was arrested here by city offi cers Wednesday for Mecklenburg county rural police, who want him, it is said, on a robbery charge at Paw Creek. Woman Helped. Hildred's "moll," or woman, prov ed to be his undoing. Local officers became suspicious of the couple, be lieving the robbery of a local store was being planned. Both were questioned and finally the woman made the break that gave them a way and then let officers in on the full story. She told them, they say, that she was present at the Paw Creek robbery. In the car which they were travel ing, officers say, had quite a set of burglary tools in it. Young Couple Wed* Here On Wednesday Hanna Smith, of Rutherford county, and Dessie McNeilly, of Cleveland county, were married in the court house here Wednesday by Squire T. C. Eskridge. The groom is the son of Dave Smith and the bride the daughter of Zero McNeilly of upper Cleveland. Frank Grist Says He Will Be Senator; Not Worried About Race Tells Sam He Will Furnish Plenty Opposition. Talks About Hoey. • Raleigh News and Observer.) Frank Grist, who has nothing if not supreme faith In himself, re turned to town from a vacation In the Piedmont radiating optimism of a distinct senatorial hue. Mr. Grist, who used to be Com missioner of Labor and Printing, but who is now tn some doubt as to what his exact status In State gov ernment is since the Legislature took away the printing and gave him no labor other than two already organized and functioning Indepen dent bureaus, thi-ew his feet upon his half-acre desk and grinned broadly. “You can tell Cam,” he chortled, "that I am sorry he feels so badly about opposition, because he’s sure going to have it.” The commissioner stroked his bristly hair—he might be mistaken for a Fritz if everybldy In North Carolina didn’t know which side he fought on—and smiled a smile of satisfaction "I have never felt better m my life. I have heard things this last week that would make any man feel tCONTINUID ON PAG* TM l countant A. E. Cline. District Rates Decline. Also rate reductions of from 4c to 45c on the $100 valuation of property will be made In the road districts and in six of the 16 special school taxing districts. This makes a revision downward in all tax rates In the county and sub-divisions ex cept in the 10 of the 16 special school taxing districts. Budget Is Published. The budget Is not definitely fixed, but the state law requires that a budget estimate be published for the information of the tax payers and in the light of present figures available at this time, indications are that the tax rate for the six month school term and county pur poses will be reduced from 73c last year to 50c this year. Rates Analysed. The largest tax reduction is for current expenses of the six months school term. Last year there was a general county-wide levy of 47c. 'lhis will probably be reduced to 15c. The levy for general county-wide purposes will remain at 15c, the same as last year, with 4c added for a county home and outside poor and 6c for debt sendee. No. levies were made last year for these pur poses, although the county had con siderable expense to bear for these accounts. Last year there was a levy of 4c for bridges, but now that the state has taken over the county road system, there will be no levy this year for this purpose. While there is a reduction of 32c (from 47c last year to 15c this year) for current expenses of the six month school, there is a slight in crease in the levy for capital out lay and debt service for schools, all of which makes a general county wide tax reduction of 23c for county wide purposes and six months schools. Since there are • so many funds and sub-divisions, it cannot be stated in single figures Just what tax reduction there wili be In the various townships and school dis tricts. Special School Tax Districts. In the county there are 16 special school tax districts and In these dis tricts there is a special levy for an extended school term. In six of these 18 districts there will be slight reductions in the tax rate, while the rate will remain the same as last year in the other ten school districts. Then, again, there are eleven road tax districts and a special tax lor No. 6 township public hospital. While the hospital tax in No. 6 township remains the same, 8c as last year. Considerable reductions will be made for roads since the state has taken over the county road system and maintains these county roads under an extra cent per gallon on gasoline. No, 6 Township Rate. As an illustration, the entire property tax in No. 6 township last year was $1.01 on the $100 property valuation. This year the No. 6 rate will total 63c or a reduction from last year of 38c. In addition to the county-wide reduction of 23c for county pur poses and for six months scWols tax payers will be able to calcwfate what their taxes will be by referring to the following table which shows the road tax reduction in the eleven road districts. To the newly estab listed rate for road purposes for this year, must be added, the county rate of 50c and the extended school term rate, if one happens to live in a special school taxing district. It will be noticed that a big reduc tion comes on roads as only enough (CONTINUED ON PAOE TEN.) Weather Is Near Equal Hot Spell The record hot spell of the year may be already recorded In this section, but the weather this week lacks very little of being as hot as that of the heat per iod. The mercury in the Ebeltoft thermometer climbed to 95 Thursday and to many people it seemed to be the most uncom fortable day of the year. Early this morning the thermometer registered 90 and was to 92 by 11 o’clock. City Tax Rate To Re Decided At Early Date Preliminary Budget About Ready fax l-ery And Privllfif T»i Deri sion Exported At Tuesday Nlfht Meeting This Unte nest week ritisens of Shelby may know the amount of their new tax rate and Shelby business men will know Just how much privilege tax they must pay in one form or an a other. Major 8. A, McMurry Said today that auditors from the Scott and Company auditing firm hoped to have a preliminary budget outline ready to turn over to him by Mon day. When this is done and the figures checked as to Income, ex pense and property valuation, the mayor will turn the budget ligures over to the aldermen for study and later the fixing of the tax rate and other matters. No Idea Now. Until the budget figures are ready for inspection city officials are mak ing no predictions or statements. It was reported several weeks ago that all privilege taxes might be done away with. A later statement from the city hall said this would be impossible, but that the rate would be cut in most Instances. Just how much they will be re duced and Just what appropriations will be possible for this and that department or institution cannot be determined until the budget work is completed and studies. If nothing mars present plans, these Important moves are scheduled to be threshed out at the regular semi-monthly meeting of the aider men Tuesday night. Mrs. Hamrick Buried Today Wife of Alonso M. Hamrick of Pop lar Sprints Community l’asacs At Age 68 Years. Mrs Elnoro McMurry Hamrick, wife of Alonzo M. Hamrick of the Poplar Springs community died Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock at her home in the Poplar Springs community following an illness of about three years with dlabetls. She had been in bed for nearly a year and at times her condition was very grave, but she rallied and was able to recognize members of the family up until the end was near. Before marriage Mrs. Hamrick was Elnora Elizabeth McMurry. She was bom in 1863 and was married to Mr. Hamrick in August, 1881. They had been living together for nearly fifty years and were a devoted cou ple. In 1880 she joined the church at Sharon, later moving her mem bership to Beaver Dam to jcln with her husband. For a number of years they held their membership at Zoar, but when Poplar Springs church was organized, they became charter members there. Mrs. Hamrick was a kind neighbor, a devoted wife and mother and greatly beloved by her host of friends. Surviving are eight children, Mrs. W. W. Jones, Mrs. Cletoi} Hum phries, Mrs. Bezola Hamrick, Evans, Dewitt. Twitty, Creel and Miss El mira Hamrick. Three brothers, J. J., F. A. and P. B. McMurry and one sister, Mrs D D Wilkins also sur vive. There are 18 grandchildren and one’'great grandchild. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Poplar Springs Baptist church, the services in charge of Rev. D. F. Putnam and Rev. Zeno Wall. Mr. Mull Again On Board Of Hospital Takes Place On Board Again After Leaving Former State Office. Mr. O. M Mull, of Shelby, is again a member of the board of directors of the state hospital at Morganton, He attended a meeting of the board there last week. The Shelby man was a member of the board for several years but resigned when he became executive counsellor to the governor. He was succeeded by Dr. J. T. Burr us. Some time ago Dr. Burrus was named to the state board of health and Mr. Mull resigned as executive counsel lor to direct the activities of the Cleveland Cloth mill in Shelby. He was then re-appointed to the board to take the place of Dr Burrus. Back to His Boyhood Days CCalvin Coolldge, the thirtieth and former President of the United State*, la shown harking: hack to the days of his boyhood as he enjoy* a bit of trout fishing on the old Coolldge farm near the little Vermont village of Plymouth, his birthplace. This picture of Mr. CooMdge fish ing with a straw hat as part of the equipment proves he has not given up this type of headgear, which he favored so much during the presi dency while on fishing expeditions. More Than Half Cleveland Farms Operated By Tenants; Increase Dae To Greater Cotton Production Tenancy On Increase Here Similar To That Of Other <'-niton Counties. When Cleveland county started inarching to the head of the State is North Carolina's largest cotton producing county farm tenancy in the county began to increase by leaps and bounds. Neighboring counties, which do not produce so much cotton have a smaller percentage of tenant-operat ed farms. In Catawba the per ceni age of farms operated by tenants is only 29.3; in Lincoln it is 47.4 per cent; in Gaston 49.2; and in Rutherford 50.1; according to the University News Letter. Roberson has the largest number of farm tenants, 5,410, followed closely by Pitt with 5,328. Other counties that have more than three thousand tenant farmers are Cleve land, Edgecombe, Halifax, Johnson, Nash, Union, Wake, Wayne, and Wilson. Dare oounty has only fifty three farms, of which three are operated by tenants. Why Tenant Gains. There are several causes for the large Increase in tenancy and de crease in farm owners. A farmer Is classed as an owner If he has contracted to buy a farm. Many people with only a small equity In the farm have allowed the title to revert to the mortgage holders and thus changed from so-called owners to tenants. The agricultural depression has caused many farmers classed as owners to lose their farms. Usually these were only partial owners although- many full owners have lost their farms. Many farms have been sold to satisfy mortgage holders. Often land has been mortgaged for more that In would later bring on the market. The owner prefers to. be sold out rather than attempt to pay off the mortgage. Too many farm ers have mortgaged their farms in order to buy consumptive goods rather than to invest for the pur pose of making the farm more pro ductive. Many mortgage holders have been reluctant to foreclose, icoNTnruTO on page ten.i Couple Married On Court Square A public wedding, nevcrthc )**• a real wedding, was enacted on the Shelby court square Just before high noon yesterday. The contracting parties were Amsi Me Swain, of the Double Shoals section, and Mrs. Mary Ledford, of the Beams Mill sec* lion. Both gave their ages as SI. The ceremony was performed by 'Squire Sylvmnus Gardner, The wedding took place on the northern lawn of the court square, just a few feet from the building, and Police Chief Pos ton and other chance passers-by were the witnesses. Harry Sullivan Is Dead In Rock Hill Native of Shelby And Connected With Southern RaHway. Brother Here. Harry Sifllivan, native of Shelby, died in Rock Hill, S. C. Thursday afternoon at 3:30, according to word received here yesterday. Mr. Sullivan was about S3 years of age and is survived by his wife and three chil dren, Mrs. Mangum and Miss Irene Sullivan of Rook Hill and Charles Sullivan who is in the U. S. Ma rines now stationed in Cliina. One brother, Bob Sullivan, of Shelby and one sister, Mrs. N. A. Black, of Frankttnton, also survive. The funeral takes place in Rock Hill, S. C. this afternoon at 5:30 o’clock. Attending the services from Shelby are his brother, Bob Sulli van, Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Beam and Mrs. Elsie Beam. Memorial At Old Snow Hill Church Memorial services will be held at old Snow Hill church in upper Cleveland next Sunday, July 19th. Rev. T. H. Swafford of Gastonia, will preach at 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon. Forest City Man Killed In Siberia; Brought To America For Burial Body of A. Y. Hill, Killed On Con struction Job in Russia Laid to Rest in Logan, W. Va. Forest City, July 17.—The body of Austin Yates Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Gaston Hill, of Forest City, who was accidently killed in Kuz enetsk, Siberia, while at work on a construction Job there, has been re turned to Logan, W. Va., home of his wife. Funeral services and burial were held there. Mr. Hill was directing a building project in the Russian oil area for an American concern at the time of the accident June 4. A detailed letter from officials of the company to Mrs. Hill described the accident and told of the journey home. According to the message, a special train carried the body to Moscow, and previous to beginning the long trip, a picturesque cere mony was held by the more than 500 Russian workers on the project. From the hospital where Mr. Hill died to the station where the spe cial train was waiting, the letter said, is a distance of three miles, and all the Russians under Mr. Hill's supervision marched the entire dis tance. At the stattoii each man in the procession placed a wreath of forget-me-nots on the casket drap (CONTINCK) ON PAGE TEN ) Highway Heads Talk To Clabs OfCountyHere Chairman Jeffreys U Chief Speaker Five Civic Club* Hear Chairman <V State Road System Explain Plans. Five civic chibs of Cleveland county and a number of visitors paid their respects to new state highway officers at the Hotel Charles last night when Hon. E. B. Jeffries, state highway commissioner was the principal speaker. Over 100 civic club member* and visitors were pres ent. the purpose of the meeting being to urge upon the high way officials the hard surfacing of No. 190 between Shelby and Marion and the future paving of a road leading out through Bolling Springs, another down through Earl and Patterson Springs and a link between No. 18 at FaHston through Lawn dale to No. 190 at PoilcvHie. While Mr. Jeffries tw the prin cipal speaker on the program, shar ing honors with Kim as guests of the rive clubs were W. W. Neal, of Mari on, highway commissioner of this district, Mr. J. A. Poteat, division engineer, and W. A. Broadway, county highway engineer. Clubs Linked Together. Hon. O. M. Mull outlined the purpose of the meeting, pointing out that Cleveland county had bean a victim of circumstances since *he road program was started in 1921 and been descriminated against. Rev, L. B. Hayes made the address of welcome, performing a wedding ceremony which unites the civic clubs, the Ktwanis, Rotary, Lions, County Club, and Civitans of Kings Mountain in their endeavors to get more road paving in Cleveland. Introducing Mr. Jeffries was Hem Henry B Edwards® who served with him in the last General Assembly. Mr. Jeffries reviewed the high lights of the road law enacted by the last General Assembly whereby the state takes over and maintains *9.000 miles of roads. It is a gigan tic task to handle the 3,800 pris oners in county convict camps yet the organisation set up has beer? brought about in about six weeks and now 1,200 men are in the em ploy of the state highway com mission looking after the roads of the state. Road Figures It takes eight million dollars yearly to pay interest and curtail road bonds, the last of which will mature in 1964. One of the 115 mil lion dollars worth of road bonds issued, 105 thousand dollars are out standing. The overhead of the highway and vehicle department* is $700,000 annually.' Pour million dollars will be spent anually for the maintenance of county roads. It looks now, says Mr. Jeffries, like there will be a saving in the cost of maintenance of state roads and If so, this saving will be applied to the building of additional roads. No Promise Made. No promises were made as to new roads in Cleveland county by Mr. Jeffries. He was hardly expected to make any definite promise at this meeting relative to the paving of No. 190 through Polkville to Mari on, but it is understood that Mr. W. W. Neal, the division commis sioner is strongly in favor of this project. There will be a $1,800,000 Federal fund available for the construction of new roads in North Carolina during the fiscal year beginning July 1st and this will be matched by a fund of equal size by the state, making over three and a half mil lion dollars available for the con struction of new roads. Mr. Jeffries reviewed the increase in the number of automobiles from the time the road program started in 1921 from 148,000 to 474,000 last year and stated that the present revenue from the gasoline tax ts approximately a million dollars a month. First attention will be given in the matter of road work to the roads used by school trucks in transport ing the children to and from school. Mr. Jeffries would have the state stress its points of historical ami scenic beauty and thus bring in tourist travel from the outside. He predicted an early improvement in business and a continued increase in automobile ownership and travel Voder About the Same. Mr. Glenn Yoder, Shelby phar macist. who had his ankle broken In an auto collision last Sunday night, was said to be about the same today at the Shelby hospital He is gradually improving and is not con sidered seriously hurt but has been right restless for several days.

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