8 PAGES I TODAY H? Mail, gar year. (la adranacl _ |U< > arn»r. tn.mr. (la advanaai __ aa.au I Partly Cloudy Partly cloudy with scattered thun dershowers tonight and Tuesday In ( North Carolina. State Exports Off. Washington. July 20.—Exports of merchandise- from North Carolina *ere valued at 781,356,142 during j 1030 compared with 790,524,780 the previous year, according to statis tics made public today by the de partment of commerce. Rains in the South. Atlanta, Ga., July 20.—Thunder storms struck in various parts of the south last night and today, bring ing beneficial rains In many locali ties and causing several deaths and injuries from lightning. Theree persons were killed and five Injured by a bolt that hit near Piedmont, Ala., late yesterday. Four person* were injured by lightning yesterday in Atlanta. Another thunderstorm hit here today, bring ing with it a downpour that flood ed streets. A heavy electrical and rainstorm drenched Macon late to day. Showers were general through the Georgia peach belt over the week-end. Wants Farmers ToAttendMeet _ I State Convention Fanners And i Farm Women Opens a Week From Today. ammmmmtmamm—mrnm—mmmimmmmmmtm Late News me annual convention oi Nortn Carolina farmers and farm women at Raleigh will open this year on Monday, July 27, and continue i through Friday, July 31. The pro-1 grams will be held at State college j as usual and are. expected to be very educational to farmers and farm women. A number of Cleveland county farmers and farm women attended the convention last year. County Agent R. W. Shoffner hopes that quite, a number of Cleve land people will be able to attend this year. Those who plan to do so are asked to get in touch with him so that arrangements might be made for all to go down by automobile or bus. Judge Harwood To Hold Court Here ■Will Take Place Of Judge Walter Moore For September Torn. Raleigh, July 20.—Among the special terms of court called and judges assigned to hold courts which conflict with other terms in the rame judicial district, by Governor Gardner’s office, are the following: Judge John H. Harwood has been assigned to hold the one week of criminal court in Gaston county, beginning September 14, for Judge Michael Schenck, who will be hold ing court elsewhere. Judge Harwood will also preside over the one week of civil court for Cleveland county, beginning Sep tember 21 for Judge Walter Moore, who will be elsewhere in the district. Judge Cameron F. MacRae will preside over the two weeks of special civil court called for Macon county, beginning September 14. Continue Assault Case In Cherokee Nego In Attempted Attack Near Scene Wjere Moore Attacked Woman. Gaffney. July 20—Trial of an as sault with intent to ravish charge against George Thompson, negro, which was called in circuit court here Wednesday afternoon, was con tinued to the November term of court. The July session was ad journed sine die Thursday morning. Thompson was arrested some 10 days or two weeks ago at Kings Mountain, N. C., on a warrant charging him with attacking a white woman August 1 of last year. The alleged attempt occured only a few miles from the spot where John P. Moore attacked a white woman in April of this year. Moore was elec trocuted at the state penitentiary in Columbia June 12. Mrs. Humphries Dies In Rehobeth Section Mrs. Addle May Humphries, wife of John W Humphries, died at her home in the Rehobeth community Friday morning at the age of 33 years and was buried Saturday afternoon at 2 0,’clock at Sandy Plains church, where she was a member. Before marriage Mrs. Humphries was Miss Addle May Holland, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. General Holland. She was a fine Christian charac ter, a devoted mother and neighbor. She had been sick for seven months with a heart trouble. Surviving are her husband and three children. Interment was in the cemetery at Sandy Plains, after funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. A. Elam, assisted by Rev. G, P. Abemethy. France And Germany Near End Of Dispute Germany Is Jubilant Over Prospects Relations Said To Be On New Basis After Paris Session—People Are Jubilant. At the end of the series of conferences In Paris last night it was announced that the Ger man and French ministers had agreed on the principles on which financial relief might be extended to the reich and that the conferences would be re sumed in London today. Secretary Stimson. Secretary Mellon and the British foreign secretary, Arthur Henderson left Paris during the afternoon and arrived in London last night, i where preparations were already virtually completed for the open ing of the parleys this evening. Chairman Stone of the Unit ed States farm board announc ed at Washington that hr agreed with President Hoover's view that economic rehabilitation of Europe would help solve Ameri can farmers' problem. Washington also announced that Secretary Stimson had telephoned “an optimistic view of London conferences.” Paris, July 19.—France and Ger many have buried their hatchets and relations between the two na tions have taken a new start, Julius Curtius, German foreign minister, tonight told the German, French, and foreign newspaper correspon dents. “Without violating any proprieties or any duties of loyalty to my French colleague,” Hie German for eign minister said, "I think I can say now without awaiting the offi cial communique Which we will agree to later today, that the 'Che quers spirit’ has triumphed and Franco-German relations have been placed on a new basis, “This Includes political as jeell as financial questions.” Statement to Press. Tt» ttiintst'.r staUa-this tUuUsiRtiX1 In meeting the press by ©rearrange ment, although final Franco- Ger man discussions were not to be fin ished until after the dinner arrang ed by Aristide Briand, the French foreign minister, in honor of all the foreign delegates. A joint commun ique of the leaders of both nations was to be issued at the dinner. “Not only were the Franco-Ger man discussions animated by what I wish without exaggeration to call the chequers spirit but at the same time it applies to this morning’s full sessioif of Interested powers," Foreign Minister Curtis said. “Touching words were exchanged by all the delegations present, from which it was apparent that ail real ised the close interrelation and in terdependence of nations not only of Europe but also beyond. “Moreover, all were fully con scious that if tire German crisis can not be relieved, repercussions 'Will be felt most seriously even in those national economies which now are the most stable. Chancellor Bruen ing took occasion on his part at the close of this morning's session to thank all feelingly for their in terest in the improvement of Fran co-German relations and for all offering to pull together for its solution.” The German minister said he thought the excellent spirit of the exchanges of views yesterday and today argued well for the confer ence in London tomorrow. Folks Are Jubilant. Berlin, July 19.—Berlin, the capi tal of distressed Germany, today presented a picture of prosperity to (CONTINUED ON PAGE SIX.l County Loses Only Three Schools By Consolidation Plan When the State Board of Equalization Abolished 52 hljh schools and 413 elementary schools last week Cleveland county lost only three schools In the consolidation move ment. These were the Plonk school consolidated with Pat terson Grove, Mary’s Grove consolidated with Waco, and White’s with Casar. Mrs. S. E. Riviere ! Buried Sunday' OJdcut Nembtr Of Central Metho dist Church And Mother Of R. Z, And Pink Riviere. Mrs. Sara Elizabeth Riviere, widow of Erast us Riviere, died Saturday ! evening at 7:45 o’clock at the home of her son R. Zollie Riviere on Ma rietta street, following a stroke of paralysis which she suffered on! Monday preceding. Mrs. Riviere was conscious for only a short time after she was fatally stricken on Monday morning. She was the oldest mem* ber of Central Methodist church and ! the Mother of Zollie Riviere and! Pink Riviere of Shelby and A. E. | Riviere of Anaconda, Montana. Her! husband preceded her to the grave! 30 years ago. Mrs. Riviere was bom in Colum- | bus, Ga., 86 years ago but had lived j here for over a half century. She was a kindly woman, industrious, cheerful and sweet spirited. Since the death of her husband she had made her home alternately with her children, all of whom loved her and welcomed her into their homes. Three daughters preceded her to the '&T*Ve. "ieivirt* cmf *hree sens. A. Riviere who lives in Montana, could not be here at the bedside when the the end came. Also surviving are one sister Mrs. Elias Morgan of Gaffney. 8. C„ and one brother, Mr. Tom Jackson of Porth Arthur, Texas. Twelve grand children and two great grand child ren survive. Funeral services were conducted from Mr. Riviere's residence on Marietta street where she died, on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock by her pastor, Rev. L. B. Hayes, assist ed by Rev. Zeno Wall. A quartet from the Central Methodist church choir furnished music. Interment was beside her husband in Sunset Cemetery under a mound of beauti ful flowers. Serving as pall bearers were Major Hopper. John Honey cutt. L. S. Friday, Will King, Car los Grigg and Lee B. Weathers. Legion Convention At Morehead City Post Commander Here Urges Vet* erans To Take In Approach ing Meet. All members of the American Le gion in Cleveland county are urged by Attorney W. S. Beam, comman der of the local po6t, to attend the state convention at Morehead City July 26, 27, 28. Reduced railroad rates are avail able and ample hotel facilities have been provided. The Warren F. Hoyle post has 229 members, the largest in its history, and the legion is now entering upon an era of increased mutual aid and helpfulness and serv ice to the disabled. Eleven Caldwell County Convicts Brought To State Force At Shelby Prisoners Moved From Lenoir To Shelby Gang Camp By Poston. Lenoir, July 20—Eleven county prisoners were transferred from the local Jail and temporary county chaingang to the Cleveland County chaingang late last week. Clyde G. Poston, superintendent of the state highway camp at Shel by, came here for the prisoners and 11 men were turned over to him. These men had sentences ranging from 60 days to 6 months, seven white men and four negroes being included in the transfer. The men are, white: Carl Day, 6 months; C. B. Arnettp, 6 months; Ralph Osborne, 3 months'; and Carl Bentley. 4 months. Colored: Chas. MUler, 2 months; George Wells. 4 months; flames Wills, 4 months, and Sam Perkya, 4 months. Accord!*# to Clerk of Court V. D. Guirfc there are at least five and possibly eight more prisoners here with sentences ranging up to 14 months that will be transferred to Cleveland County as soon as pos sible. This bunch of prisoners cleans out the road gang that Superinten dent Smith had been working tem porarily in this county until the highway commission issued instruc tions for their removal. The six prisoners who have been working at the county home will continue there for the remainder of their terms Heads Shriners Thomas J. Houston (above), of Medinsh Temple, Chicago, was ele vated to the position of illustrious Imperial Potentate of the North American Mystic Shrine when the business session of the Imperial Council was held in Cleveland re Club Members To Attend Convention Three Conventions To Be Held. Those Who Wish To Attend Most Make Reservation. Three conventions are soon to be be held In which Cleveland county people are Interested and those who wish to attend, must make reserva tion says Mrs. Irma Wallace, home demonstration agent. The farmers Convention and Home Demonstration Women will meet In Raleigh next week and a school bus will leave from in front of Central Methodist church next Monday morning at 6 o’clock to car ry the delegates from this county. Those who care to go should make reservation with Mrs. Wallace this week. Preference will be given to members of the organizations, but if there are any seats left, they will be open to others who wish to go. Four H club boys and girls will go to their annual encampment at ■***»&* **p* Who Wish to attend should make res ervations wtth Mrs. Wallace or Mr. Shoffner, farm agent? this week. Mrs. McWhirter Dies; Buried Last Friday Mother Of Mrs. R. P. Randall Of Shelby Passes In South Caro lina Sanitorium. Mrs. Ethel Roberts McWhirter died last Thursday morning in the State Park Sanitorium in South Carolina where ,she had been sick for a year. Mrs. McWhirter was the wife of W. D. McWhirter and moth er of Mrs. R. P. Randall of Shelby. Mrs. Randall is book-keeper at the Shelby Hardware store. Mrs. McWhirter was 46 years of age. Her remains were brought to Blacksburg, S. C., for Interment on Friday, the services being conducted from the Methodist church by Rev. W. A. Barr, assisted by Rev. E. C. and J. W. D. Bolin, the latter of Greenwood, S. C. Surviving axe the husband and seven children: Mrs. R. P. Randall of Shelby, J. H. D. McWhirter of York, S. C., Young. Ora, Coleen and Coreen (twins) and Philistine who live at Home. Company K Home From Encampment Sixty-three Men Return From Camp Glenn on Sunday After Two Weeks Stay. Company K. of Shelby returned Sunday at noon over the Seaboard from Camp Glenn, Morehead City, where they were encamped for two weeks. The 120 infantry composed of 1,500 to 2,000 were assembled in their annual encampment and the local unit. Company K. composed of 83 men showed up well in dril ling. marksmanship, and boxing. Capt. Peyton McSwaln was in charge of the local unit which re turned in two Pullman cars and a baggage car over the regular Sea board passenger train Sunday at noon. From Morehead City to Charlotte, the soldiers were on a special train bearing troops from Gastonia and Charlotte. - All of the local boys kept well while In camp and report a delight ful outing at the coast. Mrs. Kimmie Falls and Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Origg left Thursday fox a visit to relatives at Norfolk. Va. They were accompanied by Miss Mattie Lee Grigg, who has been visiting relatives in the county forj several weeks, i Building, Loan Firmsln County Show GoodYear Have Resources Over Three Million SI* Association* In County Hove 53,690 Share* In Force Now. Raleigh, July 20 —While Building and Loan associations in North Carolina have felt the stress of the economic depression during the last year or two, every one of the 238 associations have successfully wea thered the storm so far and all are in good working condition, O. K La Roque, deputy Insurance Com missioner, in charge of the Building and Loan Division, said In a recent statement. At the end of business last year these associations had assets of 692,192,373.69 and had total shares outstanding at that time of 1,860, 291. a report issued a short time ago shows. These associations had aided during the year In financing 4.490 homes, valued at »1S. 135.440.92, or an average cost of $2,925.48. It is interesting to note that the aver age home financed cost about $162 more In 1930 than it did In 1929. White members numbered 83,303 and colored members 12,612. Loans made in the year amounted to $23 - 077,548.84, loans retired totaled $27, 1043,591.78, stock retired $27,594,729. 24, while profits paid on maturod and withdrawn stock was $3,296,250, 36; on running shares and full paid stock the proflu were $1,342,206.56 and the interest paid on borrowed money $227,682.17. In Cleveland Cleveland county, the report shows has six associations, four In Shelby and two In Kings Mountain, with total resources of 63,354,182 and with 53.690 shares in force at the end of the year. These associations had financed the erection of 121 homes, with a total valuation of $247,386. They all had 2,941 shareholders at the end of the year. Fallston School Faculty Given ; School Will Open Sommer Session JoJy 27th—Registration Hoars Announced. Fallston School will open Monday, July 27, along with all other rural long term schools of Cleveland County. Registration of all ninth, tenth and eleventh grade students will be completed between the hours of nine and eleven forty-five A. M. Friday, July 24. This registration must be complete in order that ac tual recitations and work may be gin on the opening day. There may be a depression, and there may have been unfavorable legislation passed, but the type of work will not be lowered at Falls ton, and all difficulties will be sur mounted, says Supt. Gary, The faculty is exactly the same as last year. The names and num ber of years each has served follows: j W. R. Gary, Principal, 6 years; R: L. Pruit. Science, 4 years; Helen Scott, Language, 3 years; H. G. Del linger, Social Sciences, 2 years; Mrs G. H. Edmund, Seventh Grade, 6 years; Miss Edna Dixon, Fifth and Sixth Grades, 8 years; Mrs. W. R. Gary, First Grade, 5 years; Mrs. Edna Champion, Second Grade, 1 year; Miss Annie Ruth Sinclair, Third Grade, 1 year; Miss Maude Moorehead, Fourth Grade, 1 year; Truck Drivers: Clearence Dixon, and Mixon Baxter. Janitors: Vellis and Ellis Wright. Mr. Fred Goode Is Buried At Beulah Mr. Fred M. Goode of the Beulah section near Waco, died Friday, July 17th at his home, following a lingering Illness. His remains were buried Saturday afternoon at 3:00 o clock at Beulah church, services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Ben nett, pastor, assisted by Dr. Garri son of Kings Mountain. Shortly before he died, he called members of his family to his bed side. Mr. Goode Is survived by ills wife who before marriage was Miss Ritto Harmon and three children Mary Schenck. Ruth and Catherine, together with his mother, Mrs. W. O. Goode, and two sistera, Mrs. Yates Blanton and Miss Bertha Goode, both of Shelby. Flower girls were young ladles from the community In which he lived, while serving as pall bearers were George E. Goforth. Frank Olgg, B. F. Hord. L. M Wolfe, Z. V. Cline and V o. Cline. Millionaire and Diva Wed Clarence Marker (right), millionaire chairman of the Board of Direc tor* of the Foetal Telegraph and Cable Company, and Anna Caae (left) former soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Company, were wed July 18 at (St. Mary’s Catholic Church In Roslyn, L. I.. In the presence of mem bers of their respective families. Among them were Mr. and Mr*. Irving Berlin, daughter and son-in-law of the "telegraph king." Miss Case was converted to the Catholic faith before her marriage. Political Booms In State Fad To Benefit Fixed Standing Of Candidates For Races In 1932 Mr. Bollinger Dies In Lincoln County Hews was received here this morn ing of the death of Mr. F. L. Bol linger. who died last night at 9:30 o'clock at his home near Lincolnton Mr. Bollinger will be buried Tues day morning at 10 o'clock at the Amethjr Baptist church near his home. •lu tcrtec ww *»> $ Ue ana >hc following children: L. O. Bollinger of Shelby. Belvls Bollinger of Lin coln county; Misses Lois and Bill Bollinger and Mrs. Mullen of Ltn colnton and Mrs. Russel Mundav of North Wllkesbom Swarm Of Bees Take Up In Heart Of City A swarm of bets was discovered this morning in a tree between the Courtview Hotel and the Campbell Department store. It is a large swarm, perched in the top of a pear tree. Where the bees came from no one knows, but they seem to be enjoying city life and have been so far undisturbed Attend Funeral Of Child Auto Victim Mr. E. A. Huskey. Mrs. J. W. Hus key and daughter, Misses Corinne, and Willie Mae Huskey, and Mrs. E. J, Hoey, all of 8helby, attended the funeral of Mrs. Huskey's nephew little Billie Young who was killed in an accident, Thursday. Miss Willie Mae remained in Rock Hill for a few days with her Aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Young before going to Jacksonville, Fla. to visit her cousin's, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Young. Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Austell, Miss Virginia and Robert Austell of Greenville, 8. C., spent Wednesday night with Mr. Sam Austell at Earl. They were accompanied home Thursday by Misses Rebecca and Mary Sue Austell who will spend a week In Greenville. Greenville Meeting Dirt Not Put Daniel* In Rare. Morrison— Grist—Bowie Fight. Raleigh, July 20.—Many straws has* been eased out into the atmos phere during the past week, flut tered around, hither and yon, and finally come to rest almost directly under the place of origin, thus giv ing evidence of many cross currents, but little Indication of any definite direction of political triads, v 1 tn the first placeJ a big barbecue gathering was held at Greenville, for the announced purpose of honor ing Pitt county’s legislators, at which about Half of the members of the General Assembly from the east, and a few from the center and west, were present, Intimation was that It was to be something of a "com ing out" party for Joeephus Daniels, Raleigh publisher, for the race for Governor, Mr. Daniels didn't come out, but sent a message. Later he gave answer to inquirers as to his ambitions for the governorship in a sort of “don't choose to run" man ner with the words "I can say to you sincerely that I have no desire for public office." Mr. Daniels didn't close the door and probably is not adverse to the possible urging that may follow, coming from eastern admirers, par ticularly. Then, too, all of the original pros pects for gubernatorial honors were on a program for ten-minute talks at the educational conference at Chapel Hill Friday night, all modestly refrained from political talk, but verging on it in connect ing up education and democracy with governmental affairs. Recently Lieutenant Governor R. T. Fountain, who presided over Senate side the 1931 General As sembly marathon, came out boldly in criticism of the Brookings Report, which recommended many forms of centralization in North Carolina, and described the usurpation by the State of the field of local self-gov ernment. Willis Smith, presiding officer oi the House side of the same body, and likewise with gubernatorial bee? buzzing in his bonnet, took up the . (CONTINUED ON PAG* SIX ! Farmers Mutual Exchange Here To Consider Joining State Federation Poultry And Egg Exchange In This Section Plans Broader Activity. There la a possibility that the Seaboard Fanners Mutual Exchange operating In this section, will be united soon with the State Mutual In order to broaden the activity and Increase the Held of the farm organ isation. The Seaboard Exchange is for the advancement of production and sale of poultry and eggs in the seven farm counties between Monroe and Rutherfordton. B. Austell, Cleveland collnty poultryman, is the head of the organization. Mr. Austell and George Wolfe, president of the Cleveland County Poultry Assocla tion, were In Charlotte last week U attend a meeting which was con sidered the consolidation of the twc groups. Another Meeting. The meeting last week was not attended by enough directors of the Seaboard Exchange to take definite action and another meeting Is to be held in Charlotte Saturday of thfc week. Mr. Austell feels that if the ex change in this section becomes af filiated with the State Exchange 11 will result in a big boost for the poultry business of the section. The Seaboard Exchange has made a number of shipments of poultry, but affiliation with the larger organi zation would, It is believed, offer larger and better markets Fourth Victim Of Auto Smash; 46 In Jail Now No Auto Accidents Over Week-End Neirro Man Peppers HI* Wife Witt Shot, td Prisoners In JaU. IS Over Week-End. Sunday had more than lta aver age number of arrest* for minor of lruses but the week-end wan with out Its usual auto fatalities in this section. A check-up this morning does not reveal a single accident In which there was a death or an In jury which is likely to prove fatal Fourth Victim Dies. However. Mrs. W. Travis Hatlej of Kings Mountain died lna das tonla hospital as a result of her in- - Juries received last Sunday when the car In which she was riding with her husband and other relatives me! a train at a crossing near Albemarle Mrs. Hatley received Injuries on the head and arm which proved fata Friday night. Her husband, an over seer of the Cora mill at Kings Mountain suffered a fractured skill' and other injuries, but is living, ac cording to last reports. The death of Mr*, Travis Hatley makes the fourth victim of the auto train smash-up near Albemarle Iasi Sunday. Luther Hatley, age 50 wat killed outright, Mrs. John Hatley age 35 of Albemarle and sister-in law of Luther Hatley, died on th« way to a hospital H. G. Dick, ag* 50 of Albemarle, a brother of Mr* Luther Hatley, died In an Albemarl* hospital Without regaining con sciousness. It is understood thai Mrs. Hatley, the fourth victim, wni buried at Gastonia where she lives before moving to Kings Mountain. Negro Shoots Wife. Jewel, better known aa ‘Doot’ Wilson shot his wife In the leg fol lowing a quarrel at their home os E, Graham street early Sundaj morning, Wilson Is In jail and hif wife Is at home under the care of » physician. She received treatment after the shooting at the Shelby Hospital. But her Injury Is said tc be slight although she could no! report at the recorder's court this morning for a hearing for her hus band. It is understood “Doot'1 and his wife quarreled in the house early Sunday morning and his wife Idelle who cooks for Mr. and Mrs. E. Poet, ran out Into the street. “Doot”used a shot gun, but the shot ranged downward and struck the pavement before striking Idelle In the left leg. Just what brought about the domes tic trouble, officers were unable to learn. They reached the scene ehorly after the affair and arrested Wilson and loged him In Jail. 45 In Jail ine jail is about full” sale Sheriff Allen this morning. “Yoi see we get by a week-end now and then when there are very few ar rests, this week-end was a “heavy day, 15 new law violators were locked up. bringing the number in jail up to 46. There is little room for more, unless the recorder s court in sessior today, sends some out to work on th* highway, or collects fines from those able to pay. The recorder’s court is having ■ long and busy session today. Mas* of the arrests over the week-end were for violations of the prohibition law', affrays and driving cars under the influence of liquor, which car ries a minimum punishment for th« first offense of $50 and costs and forbids the convicted from driving a car for 90 days. Two Shop Lifters. Two shop lifters w-ere “caught ir the act” Saturday afternoon witi dresses, hose, gloves and baby shoes Marie Elmore and Lilly May Brooki both colored, had visited Montgom ery-Ward, Nash’s and Campbell's In their shopping bags when arrest ed were the stolen articles with tb« price tags of the stores from which they were stolen. They are to an swer for this violation in recorder: court today . Lincoln Man Is Taken By Deatl Lincolnton, July 19. — John E Hoover, 69, prominent Democrats leader in Lincoln County and regis ter of deeds for several terms untl his health failed several years ago died at his home here early today. Funeral services will be held a* Emmanuel Lutheran Church here a< 3:30 P. M. Sunday, with the Rev Voigt Cromer, pastor of the church assisted by the Rev. V. C. Riden hour, of Hickory, officiating. Messrs. W. B, and Abner Nix left Thursday for Estil, S. C., Hampton county, to visit relative* for two , weeks. 1

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