Says Hoover Pushed By Bank Interests To Rescue Germany Republicans Are Coming Around to Wflaon'a Idea That U. S. Must Help Stricken Nation*. Washington, July 21.—The Hoover administration Is gradually adopt ing Woodrow Wilson policies in deal ing with foreign countries. Repub lican theories failed to work. Re cent steps to save tier many have caused people here to recall the Wilson attitude toward the Con quered countries. "President Hoover's abandonment of the Insolatlonlst position which has been a cardinal principle of his own a-s well as the administrations of Coolldge and Harding is a tardy though none the less welcome recog nition of what has been a fact all along," said Representative John M. Evans, of Montana, today, through the Democratic National Committee. "That Secretary of State Stlmpson and Secretary of the Treasury Mel lon should be fully accredited dele gates to the prime ministers’ con ference in London Instead of figur ing as ‘unofficial observers,’ whicn has been the subterfuge In the past on such occasions Is a victory for EXKCCTR1XIS' NOTICE. Nolle* Is hereby given th»t we h»v* this Ray qualified as executrixes of the will •far. nobarta. late of Cleveland coun ty, N. C . and alt persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to us properly proven for payment op ot before June 18lh, 1833. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their reeoverv. All persons indebted to aald es tate wUI mat# immediate payment to ths undersigned. This June 18th, 1831. MAMIN C. KAMBRICJHT. XDTTH 8 KAMBRIGHT. Executrixes of the will of R, P Roberts, dee d. «. ti. Rybum, Atty. 6t June 18c trustee's sale or real estate. Under and by virtue of the authority •ontamed In that certain deed of true!, executed by .toe Harding and wife, Laura Harding to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being dated March 11th. 1019 and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County, N C. In Boole No. 1ST at page 19. eeeur ing an Indebtedneee to the Shelby and Cleveland County Building and Loan Aaso ctatton, and default having been made tn the payment of eaid Indebtedneee and being requested to eell said property 1 will on MONDAY, AUGUST 10th, 1931 at 11:00 o'clock, noon or within legs! hours at the Court House Door In Shelby N. C. sell to the highest bidder for CASH at public auction that certain lot of land, lying and being In No. 9 Townehlp, Cleve land County, N. C. and bounded as fol lows: Situated in the north eastern square «f the town of Shelby, located la whet le known as 'Treedmon ' and fronting on Bridge street and designated as lot No gl and beginning at a stake on the eouth tide of Bridge etreet on alley. Jackaon Burchett's corner and running east with aetd Bridge etreet about 111 feet to Hoey's corner thence south 191 feet to Holmes line; thence west 119 feet an an alley; thence north 191 feet to the beginning of Bridge street. This July 9th. 1911. JNO. P. MULL, Trustee. 4t-July-10e TRUSTEE'S SALE OP REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the authorltj contained in that certain deed of trust, executed by A. C. Beam and wife, Mer guentte Beam to the undersigned trustee, aald deed of trust being dated January 4. 1930 and recorded In the offtoe of the reg ister of deeds for Claveland county, N. C , In book No. 1*9 at page 13. securing an indebtedness to the Shelby and Cleveland County Building and Loan association, and default having been made In the payment of paid Indebtedness, and being requested to sell eaid property I will on Monday, August Ird, at 11 o'clock, noon, or wlthtn legal hours •t the court house door In Shelby, N. C , sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction that certain lot of land, lying and being tn No. 9 townehlp, Cleveland county, N. C , and bounded as follows: That lot lying and being In the town ol Waco. N C., and on the east side ol South Mein etreet and described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning et a stake on the east aids ol South Main street and runs thencs H. 39 R. 38 polss to a stake In the old line; chenoe S. 94 E l* poles to e stake, a new oorner, thence 8. 14 W. 1* poles to e stake. In the east edge of South Mam street; thence with the east edge of the said street N. *4 W. 90 feet to the beginning and being a part of that lot which was conveyed to A. C. Beam by David T. Dellinger, commissioner by deed dated December 11th, 1919 and ruoorded tn the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C. In book of deeds UR at nage M9. This July Ind. 3931. JNO. P. MULL, Trustee « July Sc —I.. — ( -IF i (otcoofttpited, 11 would get diwy and have swimming to my heed. I would have vary sever* headache. *Ttor a'while'! thought X wouldn't take ajjythin*—may be X nould wear out the headaches; but I lound they were wearing me out -X found Black Draught would re lieve this, so when I hare the very first symptoms, I take Black-Draught and now I don’t have the headache. "I am a firm be liever In Black Draught and after using It 90 or more years, I am satisfied to continue Its use.” —T. rn. *, Orwn Ark. Flo. . mi I I Mr WORTHS' Mack (Draught common screw.” Judge Evans Is saying just what j many other members of Oongre* , Republicans as well as Democrats, ! are thinking. He continued: Perhaps if Republican admlnis tratlons had been less anxious to 1 discredit Woodrow Wilson and had frankly participated In the con gresses which have at various times assembled in the effort to straighten out world conditions, those condi tions. might not have reached so desperate a crisis as that which compelled President Hoover’s pro posal for the moratorium on inter national debts. The circumstance that a European debacle must in volve the United States was as evi dent two years ago or five years ago as it was on the day President Hoo ver suggested the moratorium. It would have been a good thing had we been as frankly and as openly concerned In the arrangement of the Dawes plan and tho Young plan and the various other efforts In the same direction. The almost unanimous support aecorder the President’s recent pro posal indicates quite clearlly that the fears that caused the adminis tration to wriggle and squirm lest It be blamed for becoming Involved In European affairs were without substantial basis.” "Originally, the policy of strict Isolation was a political expedient adopted for tho sole purpose of as sailing the prestige of Woodrow Wil son and his administration," Mr. Evans added. Later it became a fetish and successive Republican Presidents bowed down before It until circumstances forced our pres ent chief executive to recognise the validity of what had been the Dem ocratic position through all the time since the World War. Had the new international policy been adopted by the Republican ad ministration before the American farmer was hopelessly bankrupt it would doubtless have had a stronger appeal to the agricultural section ” Sees Calendar With 13 Months Head of Fixed Calendar League Sara Present System Has Dis advantage*. Paris,—The year soon will have 13 months Instead of 13 In a proposal sponsored by the League of Nations and supported by 34 nations goes Into effect, according to Moses B. Cotsworth. director of the Inter national Fixed Calendar League. Disadvantages of the present cal endar, Cotsworth said, are due to three undisputed defects: The months are unequal; the month Is not an exact multiple of the week; as the ordinary year consists of 3«5 days, Just one day over 53 weeks, the week days change each year to different datee. Several plans have been proposed to remedy these defects, but the plan which Is claimed to have the most advantages and is most practical from the modern point of view Is the International fixed calendar. It would be applicable throughout the world and would accord an Inter national day of rest. Instead of the present system of Sunday repose, which Is not observed throughout the world. In conformity with Bib lical tradition, the eight day would be a day without labor, while every month would have 38 days. The new month, which would be Inserted between June and July, In order to take up the days left over from the 38-day months, would be called Sol, according to the sugges tion of Cotsworth, who Is the origi nator of the new calendar. Under the new calendar Sunday would fall on the first, eight, 15th and 33nd of the month. The day of the week would always indicate the monthly date and, conversely, the monthly date would indicate Its weekday name. The complete four weeks would exactly quarter all months, harmon lilng weekly wages and expenses with monthly rents and other ac counts. Each month-end would coincide with the week-end. Frac tions of weeks at month -ends would cease. Easter could be fixed with benefit to churches, certain industries and schools. As there would be 13 monthly settlements during the year Instead of twelve, there would be a faster turnover In money and the same volume of business could be handled with less money, resulting in considerable saving In every country. Cotsworth claims that labor, sci ence and education will benefit by the new calendar, which he hopes to see adopted by general consent of all the nations represented at Geneva. Greatest Composer. "Name .the world’s greatest com poser,” said the musical instructor. "Chloroform,” promptly replied a young man who had studied medi cine. Quit* Sufficient. "X want to lenow If I have grounds for divorce.” "Are you married?” "Yes.” “ftf rcmeaa vrvj ViaVf. One Of The Famous Gibson Girls Marries A Virginia Girl and Sister of Lady A*tor Take* Husband In London. London July 21.—The youngest of the Gibson girls, Mrs. Nora Lang horne Phipps, sister of Lady Aslor and Mrs, Charles Dana Gibson, to day became the bride of Morris Bennett "Leftie” Flynn, former Yale football player. " The wedding took place at the Prince's Row register office and was attended by a number of friends of the couple. The register was signed by the bridegroom’s father, Joseph Augustus Flynn and his brother-in law, Reginald G. Harvey. Mrs. Phipps was divorced from her first husband, Paul Phipps, an Eng lishman,, last month. Mr. Flynn has been married and divorced three times. When Charles Dana Gibson made the live lamed Langhorne sisters ol Virginia known throughout the world as the "Gibson Girls” he start ed Nora, the youngest one, on a path ol publicity which she has since been at pains to avoid. She has been one , of London's most popular hostesses and a well known figure in English society, al though her widest fame, as far as the public is concerned, comes from the fact that she is a sister of lady Astor. Today’s ceremony, In keeping with her own desire, was attended by only j the closest friends of the couple. Recently Mrs. Phipps has been liv ing with Lady Ravensdale in May fair. Her name rarely appears In the society columns and only once or twice In the past decade has she fig ured In the news. Once was when her daughter, Joyce, married Regi nald Grenfell two years ago at an elaborate wedding In St Margaret's church. Marion Boy Flies Home From Chicago Marlon, July 23,—To pay a brief visit to his parents here, Max Cor penlng, of Chicago, former Marlon boy, engaged a small airplane, winged his way across mountain and plain to Marlon, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corpenlng, and then flew back to Chicago. His parents got word from him Monday night stating that he had completed the return trip safely and had landed near Wheaton, 111. Corpenlng Is a native son of Marion. He left here several years ago and, becoming Interested in polo began to train horses for various wealthy exponents of the game. Ho has been working In Chicago most of the time, but flies to various games over the country to see In action horses that he has trained. EIGHT BOATS ENTERED FOR LAKE LURE RACES Eight motorboats have been en tered in the outboard motorboat races to be held at 3 o’clock Sun day afternoon at Lake Lure, Roy W. Parker, promoter announced yesterday. Those who will take part include the following: Grady Paris, Red Sluder, Mark Reed, Jr., Mike Muray, and John Paris, all of Asheville; Francis Little. Forest City; L. A. Plexico, Barnhill S. C.: and Dr. J C. Gasque, Jr., Columbia, S. C. Glowing. "Oh, I'm In such a perspiration!” cried the irtrl student. "Miss Wilkinson,” rebuked the austere teacher, "I hope I shall nev er again hear such an expression. Kindly remember that horses sweat, men perspire, but young ladies glow.” . Dr. Thornton’s EASY TEETHER For children one month old to five years of age. Relieves colds, Indiges tion and bowel-troubles and Is es pecially recommended for cooling fever. “Easy Teether Makes Teething Easy*’ At all Good Drug stores_35c SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES AUGUST 15, 1931 FROM SHELBY TO Atlantic City-- $24.31 Baltimore__—_ $17.56 Montreal__—__ $37.96 New York_$23.91 Philadelphia.$21.81 Washington __$15.81 Tickets Limited 21 Days For Information See Ticket Agent H. E. PLEASANTS, DPA, RALEIGH, N. C. Public Gypped By Night Clubs New York Police Chief Issues Defl-> an Challenge to Stop Practice. New York.- A defiant challenge to j all night club proprietors in New j York to quit ‘ gypping” their patrons j or be closed up was Issued today byX Police Commissioner Edward T. Mul; rooney. Mulrooney, who on August 1 be comes, under law, virtual director ol the city's night life, denounced ex isting conditions after calling some 400 night club proprietors into a conference. The new law transfers Jurisdiction over night clubs and cabarets from the city license department to the police department and Mulrooney will hold the whip hand over the re sorts. He made it known that he in tends to be tyrannical if it is neces sary. For one thing, he told the club owners, the police department will not tolerate shady night clubs own ed by or catering to the underworld. It is a wellknown fact that many night resorts, particularly in the Broadway sector, are frequented by gangsters and thugs. Occasionally these clubs have been the scene of gang warfare. Mulrooney s regulations forbid the “push button" type at entrahce “the front entrance must aland wide open during business hours," he said, "wide open to the public, police and prohibition agents " “I can’t dictate your prices," Mul rooney said. “I can't tell you how much to charge for cigarettes and food. But I can tell you one thing. Your customers are not going to be robbed hereafter. Your short change artists have got to stop. And the business of raising checks is at an end. This night club robbery is a disgrace to the city.” The police commissioner will de mand that every night club proprie tor register his name, right address, photograph and fingerprints at the headquarters, along with the name* and addresses of all employes. It is estimated that cabarets and night clubs furnish employment for more than 30,000 musicians, entertainers, kitchen workers and waiters. Teachers Renew School Licenses Approximately 3,000 License Ex pired During Summer—Many Renew. Raleigh, July 22.—The department of public instruction is at present engaged in renewing teachers' certi ficates, said Superintendent A T. Allen here today. Approximately 2.000 license expir ed this summer. Under, the old law these teachers, unless they had at tended summer school within five years, would be required to attend a session this year In order to have their certificates renewed. However, when the legislature de cided to cut teachers' salaries, it al so was decided to allow the certi ficates to be renewed during the present biennium without attend ance at summer schools. Took It All. Peggy: I'm divorcing Charlie You don’t know what I’ve gone through, living with him. Anne: Well, everybody says it was all he had. PILES Tiomm An old Chinese Proverb says, "Nine In 10 suffer from piles,” but the pain and itching of blind, protruding or bleeding piles usually are alleviated within a few minutes by soothing, healing Dr. Nixon's Chlnarold, forti fied with a rare, imported Chinese Herb, having amazing power to re duce swollen tissues. It s the new est and fattest acting treatment out. You can work and enjoy life right from the start while It continues Its healing action. Don’t delay. Act In time to avoid a dangerous and cost ly operation. Try Dr. Nixon’s Chlna rold under our guarantee to satlsD completely and lie worth 100 times the small cost or your money bade. SUTTUTS DRUG STORE. SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES AUGUST 7, 1931 SHELBY TO Washington_$13.00 (a) Baltimore_$14.00 (b) Baltimore_$15.00 Richmond_$9.75 Portsmouth _$10.75 Old Point__$10.75 Virginia Beach__ $11*25' (a) Via Norfolk and Boat (b) Via All Rail Tickets limited five days in addition to date of sale. For information call or Ticket Agent H. E. PLEASANTS, DP A, RALEIGH, N. C. Just Ten Years Ago ‘From Issue of The Star July 22, 1921) A member of the board of county commlsloners In jail charged with wife murder, Is the new blot on Burke county's record, the crime being directly traceable to the blockade liquor. Sidney A. Kincaid, well-to-do fanner and merchant, is j held for the murder of his wife last I night at their home at Chesterfield, six miles from morganton, Mr. and Mrs. John Schenck, Jr , announce the birth of a son Wed nesday at the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. Both mother and son are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. W. P, Shuford cele brated their fiftieth wedding anni versary at a family dinner party Wednesday at 1 o'clock at their home on West Warren Street. Mr. Lee M. Gold who died Sunday at the home of his brother Mr. J. O. Gold near LattimOre left all of his real and personal property to the Double Shoals Baptist church. Mr. Gold was 66 years of age, and for many years he lived near Lattimore, He was buried at Double Springs, Monday when a large crowd attend ed the services conducted by Rev. D. G. Washburn, assisted by Rev. John W. Suttle. Dr. J, Onslow Nolan of Lawndale who recently graduated at Jeffer son Medical College at Philadelphia, Pa. has accepted a position on the medical staff of the State Asylum for the Insane at Morganton. 'Die Shelby firemen, whoever they are, will receive $236. as its part of the fireman’s relief fund in North j Carolina. Ninety two towns and j cities share in the distribution. At a called meeting of the Board | of Aldermen Tuesday night of this week, a carload of cypress poles was ordered, the ear to carry 50 poles at a price of $4.71 delivered in Shelby. The city clerk was also ordered to borrow' $5,000 to pay in terest and current expenses until this years taxes are paid. Senator McSwain Does Not Think Tax Reduction Large Enough Here To the Editor of The Star In a recent issue of the Cleveland Star there appeared a news item and an editorial in which the coun ty commissioners were given credit for a possible tax reduction of' twenty-three cents in this county, j I am not writing you in any spirit of criticism; but in an effort to get the facts and the truth before the public, and with the hope that something may be done to give the taxpayers of this county the tax relief they are entitled to receive a.> a result of the legislation enacted by the recent General Assembly. The past Legislature provided for tire reduction of school tax in this county from forty-seven cents tc fifteen cents. It also turned the roads and bridges over to the state for maintenance, thereby relieving the county from any tax for the support and maintenance of bridges and roads. If the County Commissioners arc going to adopt a fifty cent tax rate for the coming year as stated in The Cleveland Star; then instead of a tax reduction we are about to have a tax increase of thirteen cents over the 1930 rate. The total county rate for 1930 was seventy three cents, distributed as follows: Schools, operating expense_47c Schools, capltol outlay and debt service _. 7c General fund...... 15c Bridges ...... ...... 4c Total .. .. ... .73c Since the Legislature reduced the school tax from forty-seven to fif teen cents, and relieved the county from maintaining it's bridges, the tax rate in this county for 1931 should be as follows Schools, operating expense . 15c Schools, capltol outlay and debt service _ 7c General fund _ 15c Total . ...... 37c When the Legislature adjourned I felt sure that we had enacted legislation that would guarantee to the people of this county a tax re duction of at least fifty per cent, or in other words that the tax rate for 1931 would not exceed thirty seven cents. If our tax rate is to wo nil Any sb » Doctor's PRESCRIPTIONS '£ SUTTLE’S For A Registered Druggist- j PHONE 370 HAVE A BAG OF SUGAR ON THE BLACK FLAG COMPANY! Black Flag Liquid costs less. Saves you enough to buy something else you want—often enough for a sack of sugar, for instance. Black Flag is the deadliest and pleasantest of insect-killers. Kills flies, mosquitoes and other insects quicker. Pleasant-smelling. Harmless to humans and pets. Money-back guarantee. f.« BLACK FLAdK ■ | a 111 n kills flies and LI 14 W I U MOSQUITOES-CMP/ Rewards Daily fulfillment of hopes . . , Freedom from worry . ... Farly Independence . . . and Contented old age ..... will come to the man who saves a part of his earnings from week to week. OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOW $1.00 WILL START YOU Union Trust Co. “IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH” exceed that amount It means one of two things first, vlie county did not collect enough revenue in 1930 to meet It's bills and is now in debt, or second, the Commissioners do not intend to practice any economy in 1931. I wish to call these matters to the attention of the taxpayers now, as the Commissioners will on the second Monday in August levy the j tax for the coming year. And if! any relief is to be secured or any effort made to persuade our Com missioners not to levy any tax in excess of thirty-seven cents as con templated by the Legislature, it must be done between now and that date. I trust 'ijM you will give this let ter the sal* space and prominence that you gave the article stthny. that the Commissioners had adopted a budget calling for a fifty cent tax rate Re pectfullv yours. Peyton McSwain Natural. Jane—And you really think Lu cille's complexion is natural? Marie--Oh. ye . She has worn it so long she wouldn't look natural without it. License Clerk—If your brakes failed to work going down hill what would you do? Silly Sally—Jump out and put a :.tone under the wheel. Doubling The Returns. Guide—Why not go to the top of the mountain? The famous six-fold echo is now twelve-fold. Tourist—How is that? Guide—During the busy season we put on extra hands.—Fliegende Blaetter. Flossie Fussalot was driving along a country road when she noticed two repairmen climbing telephone poles. "What fools." she exclaim'd to her companion; "they must think I never drove an auto before.” How 1 Woman Lost 20 Pounds of Fat Lost Her Prominent Hios— Double Chin — Sluggishne=s Lained Physical Vigor— A Shapely Figure If you're fat—first remove the cause! T>ke one half teaspoonful of KRUSCHEN SALTS in a glass of hot water every morning—in X weeks get on the- scales and note how many pounds of fat have van ished. Notice also that you have gained I in energy—-your skin is clearer—you i feel younger in body—KRUSCHEN | will give any fat person a joyous ] surprise. Get an 85c bottle of KRUSCHEN l SALTS from Stephenson Drug Co.. | or any leading druggist anywhere in ' America (lasts 4 weeks'. If this bot I tie doesn't convince you this is the j easiest, safest and surest way to lose fat-your money gladly returned. STATE MEETING AMERICAN LEGION, NORTH CAROLINA, Morehead City, N. C., July 26-27-28 Southern Railway System Announces Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fares From Points Shown Below to Morehead City From Round trip fare Charlotte. N. C. S'5.00 Concord. N. C. . Sj.75 Gastonia, N. C. _* Sfi.50 Greensboro, X. (’. So.00 Hickory, N. C. . S6.50 High Point, N. C. S5.25 ; Kannapolis, X. C. $5.75 Kings Mtn„ X. C. $G.50 Lexington. X, C. S3.50 From Round trip fare Maricn. N. C._$7.00 Morganton, N. C,_ $6.75 ' Newton. N. C. $6.25 Rutherfordton N C $7.00 Salisbury. X. C. __ $3.30 Shelby. N. C. ____ $6.50 " Statesville. N. C. _ $6.00 Thomasville. N. C. $5.25 W.-Sr.lcm, N. C. ._ $5.0(1 Round trip fares available from aM intermediate stations ' Round trip tickets on sale July 23th and 26th. Final i| limit returning midnight August 3rd. Round trip tickets good in Pullman sleeping cars op. : . on payment of Pullman charges. Fine opportunity to attend the American Region J State Meeting, fine surf bathing, boating, fishing and other sports and entertainment. Call on Southern Railway Agents for detail infor- v mation. R. H. GRAHAM. Division Passenger Ag*«t CHARLOTTE, N. C. It's FREE! With MEYER BOTH General Newspaper Advertising Cut And Copy Service Cleveland Star