State Refuses Lowest Bids On State Bonds FJevcn Canvas Sacks of CanccHcd Bonds Received From N. Y. Bank. Raleigh, July 27.—The State of North Carolina Is paying off its rictus whether anyone else U or not. Within the past two days the State Treasurer has received $3,352,099 worth of paid and cancelled Norlh Carolina bonds and coupons from the former holders In New York. This shipment of cancelled bonds amt coupons was received by express from the Chase National Bank of New York in eleven canvass sacks ami about, six of the clerks from the Treasurer's office were required to carry these sacks from the express wagon to the vault In the office. Since the bonds and coupons had al ready been paid and were cancelled, they were no longer of any value other than as part of the office records to be checked against the DR. F. PARKER — PHYSICIAN — Office Phones 64 and No. 2 Residence Phone 129-J DR. L. D. MOODY Osteopathic Physician Office Webb Building — PHONES — Office 200. Residence 665 Hours: 6 to 10 — 1 to 5 Calls Answered day or Night. r. ■> m Hare Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb it Son’s Drug Store. DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys. Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - - — PAINS •UIT COMINQ "When I m t iM, X m(. »•*< periodically wteh ter tW» pakw in »ay back and ■Mm. Often I w«M kn< •iam* double wttb tew in. teat far hour* m4 X eouM rt no rettaf “1 triad almart *^7. thin* that «u nnnm mended to bw. hut found nothin* that would hotp until X be*an OarduL Uy mother ttoodgtet it wo* Id w rood for me. on ah* >00 a bottle of Oardul and atartad me takfa* The hate epella tote fa normal health.’ - jfra JawoI Harrtak «*M At d« fan# fa***. ami CARDUI Help;, Wur.u n to ritrilth I ^ jSssi& _J books. Nine of the bags contained can celled coupons to the Amount of $t’.377,8l»9 while two of the bags con tained the bonds that had been valued at $1,075,100. This shipment represented only small part of the North Carolina bonds that have been paid and re deemed by the state within the last few years. The first two years oi Oovernor Gardner's administration the state paid for and redeemed $10,000,000 worth of bonds, while within this present biennium the state will pay for and redeem another $9,000,000 worth, making a total of $10,000,000 worth of state bonds that will be redeemed and cancelled during the present admin istration. Jusl Ten Years Ago (Prom Issue of The Star, July 36 1921). Judge W. P. Harding of Charlotte la holding the July term of Super ior Court here through an exchange with T. G. Bryson of Bryson City. Helen Morton was a moot charming young hostess at her beautiful country home last Satur day afternoon In honor of her col lege mate. Miss Mary Anderson Wil son of I/caksvilic who is on a visit to her room mate, Miss Lenna New ton all three of these young ladies being students at Greensboro College for Women. During the absence from the city of the local editor, Miss Miller, who will be In the north for the next ten days, it will be deeply appreciat ed if the public will phone all new. of interest to Mr. Everette Houser at the Star office as he will take her place during that time. The bond election in Shelby Sat urday on the question of issuing $30,000 worth of bonds with to build a new grammer school building carried by a majority of 12 votes. There were 481 registered and the vote stood 92 against bonds and 253 for bonds. Misses Prances Blanton and Mar garet Morgan and Messrs. Max Hamrick and Gerald Morgan motor ed to Burnsville last Friday return ing home yesterday. While there they were guests at the Nu-Wray Hotel. Misses Virginia Ball and Ruth Nuckles of Charlotte who have been the charming house guests of Misses Dorothy McBrayer and Eugenia Holland for the past ten days, and have been the recipient of much social attention returned home to day. Mrs. A. V. Wray has as her charming houseguestr her niece, Miss Luelle Oib6on of Charlottes ville, Va More Banks Opening Than Are Closing Raleigh, July 27. -— Sixty-four State banks in North Carolina have been Involved in action since Jan uary 1. until July 13, by the De partment of Banks, it is announced by Commissioner of Banka Gurney P. Hood. While 17 banks were being closed, two of which had previously been closed and were closed the second time because of failure to meet con ditions required. 27 banks in th" State were being opened, most of them having cloeed last November and December, and many of them as the result of the closing of the Central Bank & Trust Co., of Ashe ville. the report shows. Eleven branches were established largely by the larger banking or ganisations of the State and taking the places of smaller banks pre viously closed while six banks were involved In consolidations, absorp tions and mergers, also largely by the larger banks. Two branches were discontinued, the report shows. Costliest Bridge Almost Completed Washington, July 34—The cost I licst and heaviest draw bridge in the world has been practically com pleted by Uncle Sam over the Po tomac river and will be opened formally next year as part of the George Washington Bicentennial celebration. The greatest part of *14.500,000 has been expended on the Impres sive white atone span stretching from Lincoln Memorial in Washing ton to the home of General Lee in Arlington National Cemetery in Vir ginia, When sidewalks have been laid on the bridge, and elaborate approaches completed, it will mark the fruition of a three-year-old plan for spanning the river between those points. The bridge itself cost *7 500,000, in cluding *350000 for the huge draw in the center. Two policemen of Wllhelmstraase In Germany, were felled with trom bones during a riot In which com munist band fought with Its instru ments. “Plenty Grand” “Plenty Grand.” hailing from tha Hassayampa Hills of Arizona, es tablished a new national toad sprint record of 40 seconds flat at the annual horned toad derby held at Los Angeles. And he crossed the line backwards! Here pretty Norma Lee is posing with “Plenty Grand,” the speeding toad, which she placed her roll on— and won'. Nobody Wants Me ' > w&i&mmtsKMW i k The sad predicament of nobody ! wanting this cute little feller is i enough to make any juvenile ! coyote break into a full-sized howl, but this chap seems almost ready to beam with an appealing smile. ; He wa* captured by a Chicagoan in the Dakotas and offered to the i Lincoln Park 7,oo in Chicago. Refused there, he’s looking for a • home. Got onel Lowell Mason Said To Be Recovering Charlotte, - Lowell Mason, Duke University quarterback who was shot June 18 by a Charlotte policeman, will be in shape to play football when the training season opens In September, his father, Ed Mason, of Greenville S C, announced here today. , Mr. Mason said he had given hu son a "teat" by having him climo a mountain in Western North Caro lina to prove his wounded pelvis had completely healed. ’•He carried himself with the greatest of ease,” the elder Mason said, ‘‘and also the family lunch basket " "He'll he ready, just as soon as Coach Wallace Wade calls his boys out. loweli will be headed that way. He weighs almost 165 pounds. That's his normal weight, you know. SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES AUGUST 7, 1931 FROM SHELRY No. Days TO Tickets Limited Atlanta _5—$ 8.00 Chattanooga_fi—$10.00 Birmingham_6—$10.00 New Orleans ._ 10—$23.00 Savannah _7—$ 8.00 Jacksonville_8—$16.00 Tampa __ 12—$23.50 Miami ..12—$26.00 Havana_ 19—$50.75 Rates to many other Florida and Gulf Coast Points. Attractive Optional Routes in Florida. Stop-Overs Allowed a t Jacksonville and all Florida Points. For Information call on Ticket Agent. H K. PLEASANTS. nrA., R A LEIGH, v. C. Scabr^id APS Mis t a,vUv» Ai rax Collectors Are Busy In Germany IVomfn Urge Patrotism and En rourage Efforts of Present Government. Berlin,—Germany's tax collectors worked today on orders to get what was coming to the government and pay no attention to the excuses of taxpayers in arrears. The orders, set forth in a govern ment decree, directed collectors to proceed ruthlessly and to make al lowances for the hard times In only the most exceptional cases. The decree established heavy pen alties for citizens who are back In their taxes or have made faulty declarations. Recently there has been an alarming reduction In tax collections. The penalties become ef fective July 31 against all those still shy on their Income taxas. The government also ordered all persons living in Germany, as well as all incorporated companies, to offer whatever foreign currencies or credits they may have to the Relehsbank or allied Institutions be fore July 29, providing their hold ings approximate $5,000. The Relehsbank Is to decide whether to take over such funds. Persons owning less than $5,000 will be called on later, the decree said. Eight leading women's societies, including Protestant, Catholic and Jewish organizations and the Wo men's Red Cross, issued a joint man ifesto exhorting all German women to do their part to uphold peace and stability. The manifesto called on them to refrain from "faint-hearted selfish ness.'' It also urged revision of re parations payments. Postal Packages May Be Larger Now The size limit of parcel' post packages for all zones is increased from 84 Inches to 100 inches In length and girth combined, accord ing to J. H. Quinn, Shelby poet master, who Is in a receipt of the Postal Bulletin from Washington. D. C. giving announcement of the change, Mr. Quinn said that the mini mum charge on a parcel measur ing more than 84 inches but not more than 100 Inches in length and girth combined is the same as the appropriate zone charge for a ten-pound parcel. On par cels weighing ten pounds or more, which measure more than 84 Inches but not more than 100 inches in length and girth combined, the regular zone pound rates apply, it is pointed out. Under the provisions of several amended paragraphs of the Poital Laws and Regulations the limit of weight for fourth, fifth, sixth, seven th and eighth zones is increased from 60 pounds to seventy pounds, It is anounced. A big passenger bus skidded 50 yards and turned over near Auburn, N. C., Tuesday night, when the brakes locked. SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP, FARES AUGUST 15, 1931 FROM SHELBY TO Atlantic City _$24.31 Baltimore .*17.56 Montreal-S37.96 New York.. *23.91 Philadelphia___ *21.81 Washington _____ *15.81 Tickets Limited 21 Days For Information See Ticket Agent H. E. PLEASANTS. DPA, RALEIGH, N. C. Seaboard AIR. Ilne Railway SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES AUGUST 7, 1931 SHELBY TO Washington ___$13.00 (a) Baltimore__ $14.00 (b) Baltimore_$15.00 Richmond__ $9.75 Portsmouth _$10.75 Old Point_$10.75 Virginia Beach __ $11.25 (a) Via Norfolk and Boat (b) Via All Rail Tickets limited five days in addition to date of sale. For information call on Ticket Agent H. E. PLEASANTS. DP A. RALEIGH, N. C. SeaJ^mid AIK UML HALLWAY Mr*. Hoover Acquires Valuable Old Records Washington, July 27.—Mrs. Her bert Hoover has acquired an old manuscript In which President Mon roe complains bitterly against being compelled to buy furnishings for the White House out of his own funds. The manuscript relates that he was forced to buy furniture, car pets, and curtains with his own money at a time when he was short of funds and needed the money for other purposes. The manuscript, which has been purchased by Mrs. Hoover to add to her already extensive collection has many observations on public affairs. It Is entitled “observations on matters of public Interest” and 1, written with pen and ink. A good deal of it is in the handwriting of President Monroe, himself Bobby Jone*’ Father Defendant In Suit Atlanta, July 27.—Damages of $35,000 are sought In a suit filed in Pulton county superior court today by Sherwood L. Hurt of Atlanta against Robert P. Jones, father of Bobby Jones, the golfer. Hurt alleges that he. several friends and Mr. Jones went hunt ing January 26, 1930, and that while returning to Atlanta, an automobile accident occured for which Mr Jones was responsible. He said they were returning to Atlanta in his automobile and that Mi-, Jones suggested driving be cause Hurt was sleepy, Jones went to sleep at the wheel, the car plung ed off the road, and Hurt was In jured, the suit alleged. Chokes To Death In Attack Of Coughing Marion, July 27.—Mrs. J. T, Lait' 53, mother of 20 children, was chok ed to death at her home here last night when a paroxysm of caughlng ruptured the linings in her throat and allowed fluid to Issue forth in quantities sufficient to cut off her breath. She has had a weak heart and It is thought that she might have suf fered angina pectoris as well as strangulation. Dr. B. L. Ashworth, who examined her after she was dead, said that he couldn't ascer tain the cause of her death, but members of the family said that they were sure she had choaked. She died in the arms of her husbandi who was trying in vain to help her Francisco Fontano is held by the Police of Brooklyn, K. Y„ for a mur der committed in Italy eight years1 ago and will be extradited. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE, Having this day qualified as. adminis trator of the estates of Emery G. Denham and Gertrude P Denham, deceaseds, late of Cleveland County. North Carolina this ss to notify all persons having claims against tha estates to present them to the undersigned, at his office in Shelby, N C.. on or before the 13th day of July. 1833. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estates will please make immediate settlement, This July 10, 1931. FRANK L. HOYLE, Administrator of the estates of Emery G. Denham and Oer trude F. Denham, deceaseds 6t-July 13c ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having this day qualified as adminis trator of the estate of T W. Gladden, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present same to me properly proven for payment on or before the 11th day of July 1932 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of anv re covery thereof. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate settlement to the undersigned. This July lHh 1931 N. B GLADDEN. Administrator of T W. GLADDEN, deceased. t»i-13c m Urge* Extra Session To Approve Holiday Washington. July 2T—An admin istration Republican today added his voice to the cry for a special session of Congress that has arisen from the ranks of the Democrats and the politically independent represen tative Treadway of Massachusetts, ranking member of the ways and means committee, urged Preside;.t Hoover to call such a session sc that the chief executive’s debt mo ratorium plan may be assured of congressional approval before De cember 15, when the next war debt payments to the United States are due. “Bad Boy” Mayor Buy* Newspaper Newburyport, Mass.- Andrew J. "Bossy'! Gillis, Newburyport’s "bad boy'mayor, has entered the publish ing field so that he ran shoot back at any newspapers who "take a rap’ at him. He has purchased the Newbury port Commer|fal Press and his pub lication will make its initial ap pearance Saturday. His newspaper, he said, will be ''unbridled." "I -will give the pub lic the facts without censorship." he announced, adding that he might have to print It on asbestos. Work has been started at New Orleans to remodel the old mint building into a Modem Federal jail. LltJUU OK TABLETS Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checki Malaria in three days, 66U Salve lor Baby’s Cold. For children one month old to five years of age. Relieves colds, indiges tion and bowel-troubles and is es pecially recommended for cooling fever. "Easy Teether Makes Teething Easy" At all Good Drug stores ...... 25c 666 Thornton's EASY TEETHER Dr. ' Dr. D. M. Morrison OPTOMETRIST Office Days: Every Wednesday And Friday. Woolworth Bldg- Shetb.y, N. C Eyes Scient.fically Exam.ncd. Glasses Fitted, Lenses Dupli cated, Broken Framo Repaired. Through Passenger Train Service Monroe To Rutherfordton, N.. C. 8:30 am 8:30 am lv Monroe ar 8:25 pm 8:25 pm 9:15am. 9:15am ar Charlotte lv. 7:40 pm 7:40 pm 9:25 am 9:25 am lv Charlotte ar 7:20 pm 7:20 pm 10:31am 10:31 am lv Lincolnton lv 6:10pm 6:10pm 11:15am 11:15am lv Shelby lv 5:25pm 5:25pm 11:53am 12:15 pm ar Ellenboro lv 4:49pm 4:49pm 11:53 am 12:45 pm lv Ellenboro ar 4:49 pm 4:49 pm 12:30 pm 1:55 pm ar Rutherf’dton lv 4:00 pm 4:10 pm Effective Sunday, June 1st, 1931. FOR INFORMATION SEE AGENT H. E. PLEASANTS, DPA.. RALEIGH, N. C. SEABOARD 23 21 Pass Mixed Sunday Except ■> only Sunday 22 24 Mixed Pass Except Sunday Sunday Only — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — FOR. ASHEVILLE. CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON, FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.; 4:45 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE ^SHELBY:—7:10 a. m.; 11:10 a. m, ; -:00 p. m.; 4:40"’p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: ' ? LEAVE SHELBY:—11:10 a. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY;— 7:10 », m.; 11.1* a. m.; 2:00 p. m. - FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - PHONE 450 - QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY Tlie Canadian National Railway, through its president, has announc ed a reduction of all employes re ceiving J3.000 and over, of 10 per cent, Dispatches from Cape Town, South Africa Reported the killing and eat-, ing by cannibals of M. Mallot, thr Belgian district commissioner of Leopoldville. l\niTAO For A Register'd t We pm Any Doctor a PRESCRIPT JON'S Druggnr PHONE Ul\ u u u Diarrhea, Dysentery and other forms of dis ordered stomach and bowels, respond quickly to and find relief from ANTI-FERMENT. 1 or more than 2 generations it has been used by adults for up-set stomach and by mothers for their children to avoid Colitis. , At all drug stores 60c and 75c. - ' 1 -• <*»“- ililflliiMfilliiiHShi STATE MEETING AMERICAN LEGION, NORTH CAROLINA, Morehead City, N. C., July 26-27-28 Southern Railway System Announce* Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fares From Points Shown Below to Morehead City From Hound trip fare Charlotte, N. C. $6.00 Concord, N. C. $5.75 r Gastonia, N. C. $6.50 Greensboro, N. C. $5.00 Hickory, N. C. . $6.50 High Point. N. C. $5.25 Kannapolis, N. C._ $5.75 Kings Mtn., N. C. $6.50 Lexington, N. C. _ $5.50 From Hound trip fare Marion. N. C._$7.00 Morganton, N. (’.. $6.75 Newton, N. C. _ $6.25 Rut her ford ton N C $7.00 Salisbury. N. C. __ $5.50 Shclbv, N. C. $6.50 Statesville, N. C. _ $6.00 Thotnasvflle, N. C. $5.25 W.-Salem, N. C. __ $5.00 Round trip fares available from all intermediate stations Round trip tickets on sale July 25th and 26th. Final limit returning midnight August ,‘>rd. Round trip tickets good in Pullman sleeping cars up. an payment of Pullman charges. Fine opportunity to attend the American Legion state Meeting, fine surf bathing, boating, fishing and other sports and entertainment. Call on Southern Railway Agents for detail infor mation. R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent CHARLOTTE. N. C. It's FREE! With MEYER BOTH General Newspaper Advertising Cut And Copy Service Cleveland Star

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