Nobody’s Business «££ McGEE— flat rock news . . . .the wedding which was to be. hell betwlx miss Jenny sue green end mr. Jerry murktson, the mag gy line sotllcltor, has benn called off onner count of she heard he had another wife In georgy, and sent word she would be preasent next frlday night, for the nuptials, and he has gone, the glffs will all be returned. .» big light ensude in front of the post offis early monday morn ing when bill smith and bud Jones comments to argy about the raory torlum which mr. hoover has ar ranged with urope and fra nee. bill got mad because bud sed that mr. hoover dtddent think of It first and after cussing each other a while, words passed betwlx them and then few licks was struck befoar they DR. L. D. MOODY Osteopathic Physician Office Webb Building — PHONES — Office 200. Residence 065 OFFICE HOURS 9 to 12 — 1 to 5 — 7 to 9 Calls Answered day or Night. Thi* Woman Lo»t 64 Pound* of Fat Mrs. H. Price of Woodside, L. I., writes: ‘A year ago I weighed 100 pounds. I started to take Kruschen and now 1 weigh 126 and never felt better In my life and whafs more, I look more like 20 yrs. old than the mother of 2 children, one 19 and the other 18. Everyone of my friends say It's marvelous the way I reduc To lose fat with speed take a half teaspoonful of Kruachett In. a glass of hot water before breakfast every morning—don't miss a morning-an &S cent bottle lasts 4 weeks-get It at Stephenson Drug Co., Cleveland Drug Co., or any drug store in America. If not Joyfully satisfied sfter the first bottle-money back, adv tbustees sale or *eal estate. Under and by virtue of the authority •ontamed In that certain deed of trust: executed by So* Harding and wile, Laura Harding to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being dated March 31th. 1939 and recorded In the otflee of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County. N C. tn Book No. 197 at oago 19. secur ing an Indebtedness to the Shelby and Cleveland County Building and Loan Asso ciation. and default having been made ut the nayment of eatd indebtedness and being requested to sell seld property 1 mu on MONDAT, AUGUST 10lh 1931 at 13 00 o'clock, noon or within legal hours at the Court House Door In Shelby H. C. sell to the highest bidder tor CA8H at public auction that certain lot of land, lying and being tn No. 0 Township, Cleve land County, N. C. and bounded as fol lows: Situated In the north eastern square at the town of Bhelby, located In what Is known as "Freedmon" and fronting on Bridge street and designated as lot No At and beginning at a stake on the aouth aide of Bridge street on alley. Jackson Burchett's corner and running east with said Bridge street ebout 11S feet to Hoey's earner thence aouth l»l feel to Holmes lute; thence west 115 feet an an alley; thenee north 153 feet to the beginning of Bridge street This July 9th. 1911 JNO P MULL Trustee 4t-July-10c Restless, could not sleep «THKR® were days when J felt like X eould not get my work done. I would get 60 nervous and 'trembly* I would have to lie down. I was very rest less, and could not sleep at night My mother advised me to take Cardul, and I certainly am glad she did. It is the first thing that seemed to give me any strength. I felt better after the first bottle. I kept It up to HEALTH Dmosht was parted, bill voted for mr. hoov er but denied It up to the mory torlum, which put cotton up. . . . someboddy spread a funny pa per In old mrs. sarah Jane sim klns pey at church last Sunday night and she set on same and stayed so tickled thru the sermont that noboddy could enjoy same, it was laid to one of the brown boys who Is always so full of devilment that his mt and pa can't do noth ing with him. she dlddent know she was sitting on same till she had done laffed out loud and then she moved over for the benny diction. . . . .the mule and cow belonging to artle alien has disap-prared from his pastor and their were about* Is unknown, and as they Is the only live stock the aliens had to make a llwlng with, they ask that the publlck at large look out for them and report If saw to the poleesman. she had a crumbled horn and was giving nearly 2 gallons a day and he ancers to the name of pete and hpi a scar on his left hind leg and was a full blooded Jepsey and thpy have nothing to plow, as the rest of the family Is married and moved away. , , ,a right smart of gossip is go on about the price of cotton an soforth next fall, some of the loaf ers say that the republicans will haftcr raise It It cl5 or get beat, while others think that it will fetch c20 as noboddy was able to use anny fertilise and the crop will be too short to fetch clO. the akerage was cut considerable in this naborhood onner account of noboddy got anny help from the farm bored and ail of mr. fred landbank’s farms Is lajdng out. . . . well, mr. editor—you can count on me for a {pll collum twlste a week from now on, as 1 have laid by my crops, and don't have so much manuel labor to do about the house. If anyboddy gets killed from here, 1 will rite or foam same In promptly, as yore readers will no doubt be glad to hear name yores trulte, mike Clarke, rfd Wanted: A Family. ... .1 don't like summer time. Sum mer time means keeping batch for me about 6 weeks while the folks go away where the cool breezes blow and hotel bills flow. They are away now. The doctor told them that they couldn't stand this hot weath er, and suggested the highest priced I mountains he could think of for them to recuperate-In. . . . .1 am in the middle of my sec ond week of batching. I think I'll wash the dishes tomorrow. I have not made up any beds yet. We have 8 beds In the house, and when I ‘ tousle’' one up too bad, I move to another bed. I have not felt like sweeping up either of the rooms occupied so far. Newspapers are not quite knee-deep yet in the sit ting room. . . . ! had a death In my family yes terday. The gold-fish died. I did dent know' how to feed golf-fish, and I thought as long as he had water to swim ahout In he was all right, but he's gone now where all good little gold-fishes go. The cat left last Tuesday, a week ago. The towel in the bath-room is getting somewhat solid. I wonder where In the world that woman hides the clean towels. • • X was instructed to look alter the chickens. An old hen came In with 12 biddies about 10 days ago, but 1*11 be hanged if r can find her or her results anywheres In the yard. There are 7 other hens a-setting on nothing but excelsior, and I am letting them set, if they ain't got no more sense than that. I ran out of feed for them 4 or 5 days ago, and can not think to SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES AUGUST 15, 1931 FROM SHELBY TO Atlantic City__ $24.31 Baltimore.$17.56 Montreal __$37.96 New York ..$23.91 Philadelphia_$21.81 Washington _$15.81 Tickets Limited 21 Days For Information See Ticket Agent H. E. PLEASANTS. DP A, RALEIGH, N. C. Seaboard 1 aik lini railway fetch any home with me till after dark, and then I'm afraid to go back to the store; . . . .1 am sorry of one thing My ■wife begged pitifully that I water | her flowers and shrubbery, but it's been looking so myeh like rain for 10 days, I have waited. It hassent rained yet, and nearly everything Is dead in our yard except the nut gra&s -which sun, nor fire, nor hall, nor brimstone, nor shovel, nor hoe. nor drought can hurt or stunt. But she can plant some new flowers and stuff next summer. . . . .1 am sick of this batching, busi ness and want my people back home. I get two meals a day down town, but they ain't like the meals mother useter cook. If It would snow, I believe they would come home. I get sweet letters from them every day though and here’s the way they read: “Dear Daddy: It Is nice and cool up here. Send 20 more dollars quick. Love and kisses, Mother.’’ Twenty dollar are getting mighty scarce since Mr, Hoover straddled that moratorium on us. New Prospect News Of Current Week Mr. Clark Loses a Horse—Personal News of People Visiting About. ' Special to The Star ) New Prospect, July 30.--Mr. Ernest Clark had the misfortune of losing ja fine horse last Friday. Miss Margaret Hord returned home from Chapel Hill last week Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Beam had as their dinner guests last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dixon and son, O. C. Jr, and Mr. Julian Hord. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Stroup and two sons of Shelby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Wright. Miss Emma Sellers spent. the week-end with Miss Vangie Mc Swaln. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Newton of Shelby spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs E. O. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Lemmlc Smith of Cherryville, and Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Smith from below Waco visited Mrs. Lucinda Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beattie visited Mr. Beattie's parents, Mr. adn Mrs. P. C. Beattie during the week-end. Miss Viola Black of Waco spent the week-end with Misses Pearle and Madge Beam Mr. and Mrs. Mack Adams and children spent Sunday with Mr ' and Mrse Edgar Bridges of near Mulls Chapel. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Howell visit ed Mr, and Mrs. Bryan Gardner Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Margaret Patterson visited ir* South Carolina last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright of Mulls Chapel community spent Tuesday of this week with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Adams. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Howell visited Mr. and Mrs. Julius Howell Monday night. Gold Shipments Stop. Paris—Gold shipments from Lon don to Paris had virtually stopped, it was declared tonight at the Bank of Prance. The only shipments re ceived today were those of gold pur chased Friday and early Saturday. TEETHER For children one month old to five years of age. Relieves colds, indiges tion and bowel-troubles and is es pecially recommended for cooling fever. "Easy Teether Makes Teething Easy'’ At all Good Drug stores 25c Dr. Thornton's EASY EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as executor of t.r estate of W. W Hardin, deceased, late of Cleveland County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C. Route No. 3, at the W. W. Hardin place, on or before the 9 th day of July 1933 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 9th, day of July. 1931 W DAVID HARDIN. Executor C. B McBRAYER. Attorney to Executor. •Wuly 10c. EXECUTORS NOTICE. '.First publication in Cleveland Star July 38, 1931) Notice is hereby given that l have qualified as exeeutor of the Will of Lewis Ledford, late of Cleveland County, North Carolina, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned at Lawndale North Carolina. Route No 2 at the old homestead of said Lewis Led ford, on or before the 38 day of July 1933. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 38th day of July. 1931. Plato Ledford. Executor of the WiU of Lewis Ledford deceased. P. Cleveland Gardner, Attorney 6t-July He TRUSTEE’* SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust executed by W E Greene and wife. Verdie Green, cm Sep tember 33nd, 1930. to me as Trustee, and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and being called upon to execute said trusts, I. ss Trustee, will sell for cash te the highest bidder at public auetion at the Court House door in the Town of Shelby, N. C , on MONDAY. AUGUST 17. 1931. at 13 o clock M , the following described real estate: Lots 40 and 41 fronting on the North side of Broad Street in Shelby, N. C., and being the lots deeded W. E Greene by T R. Gold and wife on September 17th 1933. by deed recorded In Book 000 ’ ot Deeds, page 117, of the Register's office of Cleveland County. N. C . to which deed i the record thereof reference is made for metes and bounds. The foregoing property will be sold subject to any unpaid taxes existing or assessed against said property. Thts July l«th. 1931. CLYDE R HOST. Trustee -in Gains Millions Doris Duke (above), daughter of the late James B. Duke, tobacco king, whose $30,634,000 inherited from her father has been declared exempt from the United States estate tax. The Federal Board of Tax Appeals overruled the Com missioner of Internal Revenue, who sought to collect a $9,000,000 deficiency tax. Lily Mill Mention Of the Week’s News (Special to The Star.) July 28.—Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bridges a fine boy. Miss Made Bivens spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hosie Bivins. Mr. A. V. Ledford and family motored down four miles below Charlotte to see relatives Sunday. Mr. Dave Bevels changed houses because his wife needed a comfor table room with plenty of presh air because of sickness, j Mr. Fate McSwain and wife spent | the week-end with relatives at Washburn's Swithch. wir. »nu mrs. r. w. smarts uau ghter\ Edner, has returned to Lattt more to go to school again. We are sorry to know that Mr. Henry Ledbetter is in bed sick. 5. S. Association To Meet At Union "The SU Point Record System” Is The Theme For Discussion Nest Sunday. "Tlie Six Point Record System1' is the theme for discussion when the Kings Mountain Sunday School Association meets with Union Bap tist church, ten miles north of Shelby, beginning at 2:30 o'clock in [the afternoon. J. W. C06tner and L. H. Ledford directors of the Sun day school work have prepared the folUwing program: 2:30 Devotional, by A. P. Spake, of Elizabeth S. S.; 2:45 Why Records are needed in the Sunday School, By Prof. O. P, Hamrick, of Boiling Springs; 3:00 The Six Point Record System, Building the Spiritual Life of the S. S„ By Rev. L. L. Jessup; 3:30 Installation and Operation of Six Point Record System, By Fred E. Green, Double Springs, S. S.; 3:45 Reports; 3:55 Announcements; 4.00 Adjourn. A sound log does not produce mushrooms-.—African proverb. Matches used to be made in heaven; now most to them are made in an auto hand—Chinese proverb. PILES YIELD TC CHINESE HERB Don’t Buffer another minute front Tilind, itching, protruding or bleed- ‘ nt piles without testing ths newest and fastest acting treatment out. Dr. Nixon's Chlnarold, fortified with rare, imported Chinese Herb, with nmaxlng power to reduce swollen ! tissues, brings ease and comfort In a few minutes,enabling you to work and enjoy life while it continues its soothing, healing action. Don't de lay. Act in time to avoid a danger ous and costly operation. Try Dr. Nlxon'a Chlnarold nnder our guar antee to satisfy completely and ba worth 190 times the small coat or your money back. bUTlLE't) DRUG STORE SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES AUGUST 7. 1931 SHELBY TO Washington_... $13.00 (a) Baltimore_$14.00 (b) Baltimore_$15.00 Richmond _ $9.75 Portsmouth $10.75 Old Point_$10.75 Virginia Beach __$11.25 (a) Via Norfolk and Boat (b) Via All Rail Tickets limited five days in addition to date of sale. For information call or Ticket Agent H. E. PLEASANTS. DP A. RALEIGH. N. < Double Shoals News Of the Current Week Meeting Comes To A Cloae— Mr. Costner and Miss Martin Marry. Tarty Oft To Coast. Double Shoals, July 28 —The re vival meeting closed last Friday night. The ordinance of baptlms was administered Saturday morning at 10:15. Eleven were baptised, seven boys and four girls. Regular monthly services were held Satur day and Sunday. The children were happy to go back to school Monday. Miss Flor ence Seism one of the popular teachers was moved to Piedmont < to teach the sixth grade. Miss Vir ginia Harris Is the only teacher now at Double Shoals and has the first 4 grades. Mr K. W. Costner and Miss Lots \ Martin of Lawndale motored to j Oaffney last week and were married They are at present with the j groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. j Alexander Costner, Miss Tolar and mother from near] Wilmington are spending several j days visiting friends in the com-| munlty. Mbs Tolar is a former teacher at Piedmont and has many friends here. Messrs A. L. and A. D. Spangler and Chessley Hendrick, and several' others from other communities left early Monday morning for Elizabeth City where they expect to spend a week fox hunting and fishing, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Costner, and aunt, Mrs. T. A. Spangler of Shelby, attended the centennial services at High Shoals Baptist church near Cltffslde last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Costner and children and Mrs. T. A. Spangler of Shelby spent Sunday p. m. In the community. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Glascoe spent Tuesday p. m. with Mr. and Mrs Clyde Cornwell. Mr. Thurman Spangler is spend ing several days with her grand father Hunt In Mt. Sinai communi ty. Mrs. William Spangler of Reids ville returned home last Friday after spending a week here with relatives. Mr. J. M. Green of Shelby was among the pleasant visitor^ in the, community last week. Mrs. Carl Spangler has been sick with ‘mumps’’ for the past week, Mr. and Mrs. John Seism and children and Mr. L. B. Seism and children visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Seism last week, and attended sendees at the Bap tist church. Mrs. Plato Champion is very sick in Shelby hospital at this writing. The monthly services will be held at the Methodist church Sunday night at 7:30 o’clock the pastor, Rev. E. E. Snow of Fallston is expected to preach. To Return to Chile. Buenos Aalres,—Arturo Alessandri former president of Chine, will leave Thursday to return to his homeland accompanied by his five sons and a party numbering about 30 Chilean exiles. Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that “Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature’s Foundation of Perfect Health.’' Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs purify the blood by ac tivating the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. In 10 cts. and 35 cts Packages. All dealers. (Adv.) ATTRACTIVE VACATION TRIPS i Southern Railway System Offers Many Attractive Fares For Summer Vacation Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fares. Round Trip Fares from SHELBY AUGUST 7TH Washington .. $13.0« Baltimore__.. $13.00 i Norfolk --..... $10.73 Richmond .. $9.73 Virginia Beach.. $11.23 ' LIMIT August 12th. AUGUST 7TI! Atlanta _ $6.73 Birmingham... $8.73 Chattanooga..$8.75 Savannah ....._..... $3.00 New Orleans __...... $21.75 Limit Atlanta Aug. 12th. Chat tanooga-Birmingham Aug lJth. New Orleans Aug. 17th. Savan nah Aug. 14th. AUGUST 71H Jacksonville ...._...... $16.00 Miami .....-....._$26.00 Tampa ...-............ $23.51 Havana _ $50.7$ Wast Palm Beach_$25.50 Limit Jacksonville Aug. 13th, Miami. Tampa. W. Palm Beach Aug. t9th, Havana Aug. 26th. ASK TICKET AGENTS SOL'THLRN RAILWAY Ay SYSTEM Buys “Liberty” i ! Mrs. Umberto Loffrndo, (above) ! determined to be the first New j York to Rome woman flier, has j purchased the Bellanca monoplane “Liberty,” in which Hillig and Hoi- j riis hopped the Atlantic to Copen hagen recently. Hillig, photogra pher of Liberty, N. Y., who fi nanced the flight to Denmark, sold the plane to Mrs. Loffredo for 823,000. She plans to hop off on nor flight to Rome early in August. Oak Grove News Of Current Week Rev. J. L. Trollinger of Brown.; Summit is assisting the pastor. Rev. C. E, Ridge in a revival meeting at Oak Grove Methodist church near Polkville this week. Mr. Trollinger comes from the Haw River circuit and has been doing some wonderful preaching. The attendance has been good and the results of the meeting j very gratifying. The meeting comes to a close tonight. 666 LIQUID OR TABLETS Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia ill ! 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first 1 day, and checks Malaria in three days. 66f> Salve lor Baby's Cold. SERVICE AT ZEB’S BARBER SHOP If it’s a good barber you're looking for — one | that makes a trip to the I barber shop a pleasure — I drop by Zeb’s where there i are five high-class barbers, i Here’s the way they line^ip i on the chairs: HUBERT ADDINGTON— A veteran at Zeb's shop. TOM CHRISTENBERRY —former Central Shop bar ber. HOYT NICHOLS —for mer Palace barber. TOM S. ELLIOTT—for mer Shelby Cigar and Bil liard parlor barber. ZEB E. BEAM—the pro ! prietor. You’ll get first-class, sat ] isfaetory service in either chair. j Haircuts-.25 cents ! Shaves . --15 cents All Tonics_____ 20 cents Three Shower Baths Graham Street. Around Corner From Carolina Theatre. SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES AUGUST 7, 1931 FROM SHELBY ! TO No. Days Tickets Limited Hi Atlanta 3—$ 8.00 Chattanooga ___ ft—$10.00 Birmingham_6—$10.00 New Orleans . _ 10—$23.00 Savannah _____ 7—$ 8.00 Jacksonville_8—$16.00 Tampa_12—$23.50 .Miami ___12—$26.00 Havana__ 19—-$50.75 Rates to many other Florida and Gulf Coast Points. Attractive Optional Routes in Florida. Stop-Overs Allowed a t Jacksonville and all Florida Points. For Information call on Ticket Agent. H. E. PLEASANTS. DP A.. RALEIGH. N. C. Sea and Kw/' ajr LLNt railway i\ m t nr t We Fill Any Doctor Vi PRESCRIPTIONS SUTTLE’S For A Rsgtstered \ DruggLt PHONE TiO ESllUUU Avoid COLITIS Diarrhea, Dysentery and other lortns of,dis ordered stomach and bowels, respond quickly to and find relief from ANTI-FERMENT. For more than 2 generations it has been used by adults for up-set stomach and by mothers for their children to avoid Colitis.wAtTall drug stores 60c and 75c. Jktiwkmmt 16TH IN CIRCULATION IN NORTH CAROLINA The Star is 16th in circulation of all the newspapers in North Carolina. It exceeds the circulation of 160 weekly newspapers and exceeds the circulation of 20 of the 35 daily newspapers. No other form of advertising is more economical or effective. WHEN THE SUN GOES SOUTH WHEN the Winter of life confronts you will you have stored up sufficient to insure com fort and dependency despite the fact that earn injfs have ceased or decreased? — START AN ACCOUNT TODAY — Union Trust Co. SHELBY, N. C. METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC EXCURSION SATURDAY, AUGUST 8TH TO Children’s Home, Winston-Salem, N. C. SPECIAL TRAIN — Round Trip Grover, N. C. Lv. 7:00 Kings Mountain, N. C._ Lv. 7:15 Bessemer City, N. C. __ Lv. 7:25 Gastonia ____ Lv. 7:40 Lowell_ Lv. 7:50 V-ramerton - _ Lv. 7:55 Belmont Lv. 8:00 Charlotte ___ Lv. 8:25 Huntersville_Lv. 8:50 Cornelius_____ Lv. 9:00 Davidson ___Lv. 9:03 Mooresville ___________ Lv. 9:15 Fares And Schedule: AM RT Fare $1.50 AM RT Far,e 1.50 AM RT Fare 1.50 AM RT Fare 1.50 AM RT Fare 1.50 AM RT Fare 1.50 AM RT Fare 1.50 AM RT Fare 1.50 AM RT Fare 1.25 AM RT Fare 1.25 AM RT Fare 1.25 AM RT Fare 1.25 Arrive Children’s Home 11:00 A. M. Arrive "Winston-Salem, N. C., 11:10 A. M. Arrangements in Charge Rev. J. P. Morris, Pastor of Cramerton Methodisf Church. Special Baggage Car for refreshments and Picnic Baskets. Returning Special train leaves Winston-Salem 4:30 P. M., Children’s Home 4:40 P. M. Ask Committees or Ticket Agents SOUTHERN RAIL WAY SYSTEM. R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent, SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM, CHARLOTTE. N. C. lit STAH EVERY OTHER DAY 52.50 PER YEAR