The Cleveland Star SHELBY, N. G. MONDAY - WEDNESDAY — FRIDAY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE *T Mill, par Tiu —-- |3.oo By Carrier, per year ____ M-uu THE STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY. INC. LEE B. WEATHERS _____President end Kcutoi B. ERNEST HOEY Secretary end Foreman RENN DRUM--—____j_News Hanoi U E. DAH>- Advertising Manage: kstered as second class matter January 1, 1906, at the poetemce at Shelby. North Carolina, under the Act of Congress, March s, ins Wa wish to call your attention to the fact that it i* and naa oeen our custom to charge five cents par line tor resolutions of respect, cards of thanks and obituary notices, after one death notice nai> been published. This will be strictly adhered to. MONDAY, AUG. 3, 1931 TWINKLES R«no, m many cases, is the final solution to the often misleading assertion that two can live aR cheaply as one. There may be a more popular spot during the hot weath er than the Shelby court square, but if there is, Shelby citi »ens do wot appear to have found it. Mr. Hoover made only one mistake in his 1928 cam paign talk. He promised to “abolish poverty” when he should ^ave used the word prosperity instead of poverty. All over Cleveland county pheasants are being stocked on this and that farm. Farmers and hunters not participat ing in bringing in the pheasants should at least do their part to protect the birds. Why doesn't some magazine writer, with a fondness for digging up data, give us an article informing how well, fi nancially speaking, fruit .jar manufacturers have been get ting along since the dawn of the Volstead era? Poor congressmen! Their importance in the world seems to decrease each year. Every time one dies nowadays he features in the news only to the extent of speculating as to how much his death will effect his party’s control at the next session. In the old days school teachers asked their pupils "how many mills make a cent?" and the boys of that day, drilled thoroughly in the three R’s, answered readily. The modem youngster, if the least alert, would likely answer "None uv ’em," says The Spartanburg Herald. A glaring "streamer" headline in Saturday morning's Charlotte Observer brought us up with a jerk “HOOVER DE CLARES WAR ON GRASSHOPPERS!" Gee! Whew! What a relief after reading it all. If Mr. Hoover should by chance declare war on Japan, England, Mussolini, or Russia, wonder how large the headlines would be? Or could it be that The Observer headline waiter was innuendoing the sarcastic sug gestion that it was slreamer-headline news when Mr Hoover declared war on anything—even grasshoppers ? ’ COPS NWSD VACATION THE MAJORITY of us never consider them in that light, but ien't it only reasonable that members of the Shelby police force should have an annual vacation? They work seven days per week. It is, for them, the same old grind today, tomorrow, Sunday, on and on. When members of the force are on night duty it is often necessary for them to be back at the court house at 10 o’clock in the morning to testify in county court cases. Somehow we have the idea that Shelby citizens would endorse a plan giv ing one member of the force a week off each week during the remainder of the summer. SAYS McADOO’LL DO •WHOP CANNON already tuning up for the 1932 president ial campaign endorses William G. McAdoo as his choice for the Democratic nomination. Mr. McAdoo’ll do, we agree, as well as any other to get licked with. Incidentally, there are quite a number of Democrats who are as unwilling to m ishop Cannon pick their candidate for them as the unwilling to permit Raskob and Smith to do the [for him. McAdoo’s ability is not questioned; he just isn’t pres-j HI timber of the winning type. It is admitted, even by Real prognosticators with Republican leanings, that the ■Sm rt>reii! ocrats have the brightest chance in 1932 of electing aj resident that they have had in many years. That opportun-i ity can easily be passed up by nominating a candidate with out the personality and appeal required to elect the head of the greatest government in the w'orld. A candidate without magnetic attraction is as certain to be defeated as was Smith, running as an out-and-out wet. in 1928. As an aid to the Democratic party, which he claims is his party. Bishop Can non appears to be a valuable asset to the Republican party. AGAIN, THE MacLEAN "LAW” THE RALEIGH NEWS and Observer keeps reminding that if the MacLean law isn't a law it must be made a LAW. The convention of farmers in session in Raleigh is quoted by the Raleigh paper as being whole-heartedly in support of the MacLean measure. But in reading the fanners’ own words on the News and Observer editorial page we note that they say "... the next General Assembly must provide A GREAT PART of the State’s income from some form other than real estate and ad valorem ...” A ‘‘great part,” it seems to us, is a bit different from ‘‘all/’ As we recall it, Mr. MacLean, author of the school measure made famous by the Raleigh paper, wrote in his bill that school tax should come from some source other than land “insofar as is possible.” But in ita fight for the measure The News and Observer apparently overlooked that clause “insofar as is possible.” The last leg islature did take a sizeable amount of the tax burden off land, as taxpayers will realize this fall, snd Governor Card ner declared that in the years to come even more, and likely all school tax could be removed from land. At the present time any additional shift semed impossible. Vet the Raleigh paper rode the governor and legislative leaders unmercifully because he did not urge the lawmakers to take all scho%' tax off land and because the lawmakers did not do so. Why not tote fair about it? Rome (it must have been a smart fellow who said that) was not built in a day. Mr. MacLean, of “it is a LAW, mind you,” fame, asked that such be done only “insofar as possible,” and the farmers in con vention assembled said “A great part,” not all. “JUDGE JIM’S" PORTRAIT THURSDAY OF THIS WEEK will be a day of peculiar sen time pal interest to Cleveland county and her citizens, high, low, white, and black. At the county court house Thursday morning the Webb family will present to the county an oil portrait of the late jurist who was known and loved from one corner of the coun ty to the other as “Judge Jim.’’ It is regrettable to a certain extent that the presentation will be as early in the morning at 9:30 or 10 o'clock, for later in the day more people wrould have been privileged to attend. Yet, from another angle, it may be best, for if only a small percentage of “Judge Jim’s” friends were to come for the ceremony there would not be standing room in the court house for the crowds. As it will be everyone will get to see the painting at a future date since it is to be hung in the court room as a gift to the county from the family of the man the county gave to the courts of his State for more than a half century. General appreciation is heard from all citizens for the thoughtfulness of the family in presenting the portrait of a citizen whose friends and ad mirers are numbered by the thousand. Incidentally, in that connection. The Star, would reiter ate a former statement: In that same court building, for the enlightenment of posterity, should be hung photographs of Cols. Benjamin Cleveland and Isaac Shelby, for whom the county and county seat were named, and of all Cleveland county sons and daughters who have achieved renown or won their way into the hearts of their fellowmen. . WHAT LINDY STARTED THE WORLD has asked time and again what value there •was to the Lindbergh flight across the Atlantic other than offering proof that men could fly across the ocean. i Since that time the question has been repeated as at least a dozen other planes have spanned the same course. Replies to those queries have been evasive to a certain extent, and never definite in their prophecy. Just a mere statement that such flights boost the progress of aviation. The recent Boardman-Polan^o hop from New York to Istanbul, Turkey, supports the view, and supports it more than any other flight since Lindbergh’s, that these flights are highly beneficial to the future of aviation. The Post Gatty flight is a close second thereto. Why? Listen—After Lindy’s achievement the average person was very skeptical of such flights. He refused to look into the future and see the day when passenger planes would hop regularly across the sea and back. It was too dangerous; “Lindy,” they said, ‘‘was just lucky.” But Lindbergh only started it. A dozen others followed his trail. Post and Gatty flew around the j entire world in a little over a week. But the Boardman-Po-1 lando flight, we contend, is of more importance because it is the longest non-stop flight ever made. When they remained j in the air for a thousand more miles or so than did the lone eagle they left a thought like this in the minds of the skep tical: If others are now flying a far greater distance than did Lindbergh and many are flying the distance he did, it cannot be so long then, after all, until regular flights, safe flights, across the Atlantic will be a reality. And it will not be so many years. Boardman and rolando left New i ork in their plane and winged their way as the crow flies not only across the Atlantic but over the Alps, through wind and fog, seen only one time, to Turkey. In 49 hours, travelling better than 100 miles per hour, the two aviators covered a distance of 5,000 miles. If the first plane ever to try it flew' 5,000 miles safe ly, isn’t it logical, as aviation progresses, that ere the passing of a great number of years many planes will be flying there and four thousand miles without stopping and without great risk to their passengers. Say not if you will, but remember that your grandfather scoffed at’ the idea of flying ten miles —or even a mile. Panic Amidst Plenty “It is difficult to put into words, ’ writes \V. G. Clugston to The Nation from Topeka, Kansas, "a descrip tion of the disaster which hat com’ to the American farmer with twenty five cent wheat prices. It is diffi cult to describe what has been done to the farmer economically, and in hope, spirit, and morale; it would be dire folly to try to predict what the farmer, in his despair and des perate straits, may try to do to the political and economic struc ture of the nation if conditions do not improve before he comes out of his daacd confusion and begins to fight for the existence of himself and his family. “1 do not want to appear radical, or an alarmist, but I am firmly con vinced that there is today in the Middle West a menance to the ex isting order which is becoming more threatening than anything that has been known since the founding of the Republic. The producers who supply the food upon which the na tion lives are facing more than bankruptcy and the loss of their lands; many of them are actually faring a winter t« which they wit’ not be able to pronde their faevhe. with food and fuel unless they are aided by the government or some form of charity. In the winter wheat-producing areas the situation is more brought with danger be cause it has come at a time wfi'n the farmers, with nature's aid, have produced more bounteous crops than ever before-because, as Governor Woodring of Kansas has said, ‘we are going through a panic in the midst of plenty.’ “The question of who or what is to blame for the distressing con dition is, naturally, a controversial one," continues Mr. Clugston. "Bat the farmers’ ideas where the blame should be placed should be of in terest; It may surprise the Repub lican politicians to learn that many go back to the enactment of the Smoot Hawley tariff bill as the be ginning of their trouble—they be lieve that through the raising of import barriers other countries were brought or forced to similar pro cedure, with the result that inter national trade was curtailed and thus the world market for American grain was destroyed. Today there are probably more farmers who blame the high tariff for their hard luck than there are farmers who blame Russia, despite the fact that Russian competition has been pi*-, ed up as an important factor o supporters of the high-tariff atro city.' Miss Tart—You would be a good dancer if it were not for two thing;. Clodhopper—And what are they?; Misr, Tart- Your feet. I Morrison To Win Unless Hoey Gets In Senate Contest Coneird Faper Believes Hoey More Entitled To Office Than Any Other. • COncord Tribune.) Begins to look as though every faction within the Democratic party in the State is going to have a candidate for the United States Senate in the 1932 primary. Robert R. Renolds, of Asheville, is the lat est hopeful to enter the field, and he casts in his hat as a wet. Senator Morrison is to seek re election, and we can classify him as an anti-sales taxer; Prank D. Orist comes in from Raleigh as a remnant of the Simmons machine; Mr. Reynolds gives the wets then candidate; and when Judge Tam C. Bowie finally makes his decision the sales taxers will have their champion; with Morrison, Grist and Bowie all agreeable to the drys, It seems to us that the Reynolds candidacy but strengthens the po sition of Senator Morrison, who is going to get a certain vote regard less of who opposes him. Mr. Rey nolds polled 92.000 votes once in a campaign against Senator Overman, but we believe he will find the go ing harder next year than he did even against the popular Overman, and our opinion is strengthened by his determination to make a race as a wet. There are numerous persons in North Carolina who would like to see the prohibition laws changed but they are not going to vote tor a candidate who is merely wet and who hasn't any chance to change conditions. There are more how ever. who think the law is much better than anything previously' tri ed and they are not going to vote for any wet. There is much drinking in North Carolina, and much of it is dona in the homes of those who have voted and would vote for prohibi-1 tion. but just the tame the majority; of the pepole are not going to send any wet to Washington. Mr. Rey- j nolds will get votes, of course, but if he has no other platform he won t get anything like 92.000 votes Mr. Bowie is still “sounding out’’ sentiment, we presume, since he has made no formal announcement. He would be by for the most formid- j able opponent for Mr. Morrison un- 1 less Clyde R. Hocy should enter the I race, but even Mr. Bowie and Mr Hoey would be handicapped with Reynolds and Grist in the race, too Vou can t split the vote five ways or even four ways and defeat Mr.! Morrison. There must be concerted j opposition to deprive him of the! nomination, and we don't think * Mr. Reynolds or Mr. Grist can cen-! tralize this opposition t Mr. Hofy, with a clear field, would] come near defeating Mr. Morrison] than any man in the Slate. In fact, Mr. Hoey would be ^effected ! less by opposition than any other, man in the State, including the Senator himself, but Mr. Hoey says nothing, with others plunging in, with the, result that it’s going to be a mighty complicated affair one ! of these days. We would like to support Mr. Hoey for the Untied States Senate, for we think he deserves this high honor more than any man in the State, and thousands there are •with! similar mind, but they are not at I all agreed as to a second choice, j and therein comes the uncertainty. There are complications of many kinds, with one candidate stronger for one reason and another stronger for another reason, but with all, it seems to us, Mr. Morrison has a decided edge over the field as it. i stands today. —-*_ Had Otheg Kind. A man went into Cohen's boos; store and asked, ’’Have you a copy of Who’s Who and What's What,! by Jerome K. Jerome?'’ Cohen replied, "NO, sir, but ve! got Who’s he and Vat s He Got, by Bradstreet.” Urges Capone Quiz Evidence brought out in Federal I Court, Chicago, when AI Capone, j notorious gangster, appeared for ! sentence before Judge James H. Wilkerson, and hastily asked to withdraw his plea of guilty, will bring about a searching Congres sional investigation if Senator Thomas D. Schall (above), of Min nesota, can do anything about it. The blind Senator has demanded all correspondence in the Capone case in advance of urging an ex haustive probe. She Doesn’t Mind. "Your Otto had a fight with my Jack.” "Oh, well, boys must be boys.” “I’m glad you take it like that— I'll get the ambulance to bring your Otto home.” Best Position. Fake—What’s the best position for sleeping? Bosch—A position as night watch man. BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC EXCURSION THURSDAY AUG. 20th TO THOMASVTLLE, N. C. SPECIAL TRAIN Round Trip Fares and Schedules i r Grover 7:00 a.m. $1.50 j] Kings Mt*. 7:15 a.m. $1.50 )l Besse. City 7:25 a.m. $1.50 |[ Gastonia _ 7:40 a.m. $1.50 i Lowell 7:50 a.m. $1.50 Cramerton 7:55 a.m. $1.50 Belmont _ 8:00 a.m. $1.50 Charlotte, 8:25 a.m. $1.25 Concord 8:55 a.m. $1.00 Kannapolis 9:05 a.m. .75 Special train from Moor esville connecting with Spe : cial at Charlotte. Mooresville 7:20 a.m. $1.25 Mt Mourne 7:25 a.m. $1.25 Davidson 7:30 a.m. $1.25 Cornelius, 7:32 a.m. $1.25 ; Caldwell _1 7.30 a.m. $1.25 Huntersv'e 7:40 a.m. $1.25 i Croft_7:47 am. $1.2«: Derita_7:53 a.m. $1.25 j| The Grover and Mourvs ville trains will he consoli dated at Charlotte, arriving Thomasville 10:25 a. m. - ' : Returning special train will leave Thomasville at 4:15 P. M. Special baggage car for refreshments and Picnic baskets. Ask Committees or Tick et Agents SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM. R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent, Southern Railway System, Charlotte, N. C. Making Dreams Come True If you expect to marry—or to have a home and i acres of your own—or to travel to the far places of the earth—or to acquire a valuable education—or to be master of your own business, THEN THESE ARE YOUR BIG DREAMS. WORK—SAVE—INVEST YOUR SAVINGS I N OUR STRONG INSTITUTION Installment Shares Pay 6 Per Cent Full Paid Shares Pay 5 Per Cent Issued At All Times Cleveland Building & Loan Association J. L. SUTTLE, Secretary OFFICES WITH UNION TRUST CO. Here’s A Man With A Reputation " e *r« Phased to announce that we have secured the sendees of Mr. W. H. Yeago who has recently spent several months in Wash Ui8Tton, D. C., where he added much experience to Jus already skilled knowledge of steam heating. !!f fn^t*0 18 reJi k"own t0 Shelby people and needs no further introduction. — ESTIMATES CAREFULLY FURNISHED — ♦ W* Are In Position To Handle Your Plumbing And Heaing Requirements On The DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. — PHONE 569 — Manage Your Home With A Check Book Modem housewives now use their bank and its services more than ever. Especially is this true with checking accounts for managing home expenses. They have found that paying by check is the only RIGHT way to make pay m.ents, and that it is also the thrifty way. START AN ACCOUNT NOW FOR YOUR HOME Union Trust Co. “IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH” PICK The Man with the Savings Account EASY, isn't it? The chin up, the self-respecting air. the confident stride, are un mistakable. Money in the bank gives a man that suc cessful look. Which man are you? $1 OPENS AN ACCOUNT _k First National Bank SHELBY, N. C.

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