GET A FREE SWIM At CLEVELAND SPRINGS POOL THURSDAY AUGUST 6th TWO AMERICAN RED CROSS LIFE SAVERS IN CONSTANT ATTENDANCE. WEBB THEATRE Now Playing NORMA SHEARER IN “A FREE SOUL” - ALSO - NEWS AND ACTS ADMISSION 10 and 25c WEBB THEATRE Leave It To Us TO KEEP YOUR SUMMER THINGS FRESH AND CLEAN! Our low prices on quality dry cleaning are winning for us increasing patronage each day ... If you are not already famil iar with the quality of our work and our s»..vjce . . . TRY IT TODAY! / THE WHITEWAY “QUALITY” CLEANERS — DYERS PHONE 105 ‘‘GUARANTEED DRY CLEANING New EUGENE Permanent far $6.50 When the wave is done it will leave your hair soft and natural, whether it be white, gray, long or short. Through our method, combs and professional finger waving are unnecessary in the Eugene Permanent. Phone For Appointment 415 HAVE YOU TRIED “DOCTROVAC” Our new scientific treatment for clearing the skin, re storing youth to sagging facial muscles, curing pimples and blackheads. One trial "ill convince you there is nothing like "Doctrovac."* Gravity Beauty Salon — MAYHUE’S PLACE — ROYSTER BUILDING — SHELBY, N. C. LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wav-i lick of Bel wood, July *3. a nine and half pound aon. Mother and babe are getting along nicely. Mrs. C. A. Beam, Misses Anna Bell Harrtll, Madge Lattimore, Mtl-j dred Boyles and Nita Benton spent the week-end at Myrtle Beach. Mrs. P. F. Phllbeck and children of Lake City% Fla., are spending a few days with Mrs. Philbeck's broth er, Mr. C. H. Swafford and Mrs Swafford= Mr. Prank Abernethy. son of Rev. and Mrs. O. P Abernethy under went an operation lor' apendicitts at the Shelby hospital Saturday even ing. Reports from his bedside this morning are that he is getting along as well as could be expected Mr, W. L. McCord spent the week -: end in Asheborp and Mrs. McCord and little son, Billy, who have been spending the past month there with 1 Mrs. W. N. Parrish and Miss Mabel Parrish, returned home with him this morning Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hord, ol Charlotte, spefit Saturday right here with the former’s sister Mrs. Carl Putnam, and Mr. Putnam Mrs. O. Max Gardner and Mr. James Webb Gardner, of Raleigh, with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Burgess and little daughter, Gwendolyn Gardner, of New York City, arrived yesterday to visit Mrs. James L. Webb and Mrs. M. Webb Riley. Miss Elizabeth Austell has just returned home from a two weeks visit to Carolina Beach, White Lake and Lumberton with school friends. Mrs. J. L. McDowell and little daughter. Harriett, left Saturday to spend two or three weeks with rela tives in Virginia. Miss Clara Johnston, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Renn : Drum, and Mr. Drum left yesterday ; to return to Athens, Oa Miss Daisy Hamrick, of the Shel | by hospital, has Just returned from 1 her vacation which she spent at her ' home at Cliffside. Mtss Helen Schachner leaves this I afternoon to return to her home in i Monroe after visiting her sister, Mrs. Hugh Arrowood, and Mr. Arrowood. Friends of Mrs. James L. Webb will be glad to know that she is somewhat improved after being con fined to her bed all last week with an attack of rheumatism. i Mrs. Oliver Anthony, who spent last week with relatives in Winston Salem, has returned home Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Black, accom l panted by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hord, J of Charlotte, have just returned J from a week's trip to Miami, Fla. Miss Mary Butts, of Charlotte, visited Shelby friends over the week end. Mr and Mrs. B. C. Houser spent the day in Rutherfordton on Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Cornevin and family are spending this week 'n Newport News. Va. They expect to return home the last of this week. Mr. O. J. Holler of Union Mills, and Mr. Lewis B. Forney, attended the poultry show held at State' college last week: Miss Willie Hoyle and Miss Char-' lie Mae Laughridge spent the week end in Canton visiting Miss Mar garet Joyner. Miss Margaret Wilson, of Gastonia is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lever. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woqds and two children, Marjorie and Ann Underwood, returned home Satur day night after spending several j weeks at Virginia Beach. ■ Mr. Charlie Clegg, of Unadilla Ga„ is here visiting his uncle, Mr. F, L. Hoyle, and Mrs. Hoyle. Mrs M R. Barr and two daugh ters, Virginia and Marlon, of Dallas, Texas, spent last week with Mrs. Barr's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J M. Walker in the county. Mrs. B, Y. Allison, of Old Fort, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Wall and the Rev. Mr. Wall. Governor O. Max Gardner and Mr. Ralph Gardner will arrive in Shelby on Tuesday morning to spend some time here with Mrs. J L. Webb and Mrs. M Webb Riley. Mrs. W. H Yeago and children, Martha, Billy and Joe, spent last week in Bessemer City and Charlotte, visiting relatives I _ Friends of Mr. Carl Putnam will j regret to learn that he har been quite ill recently.^He ;pent yesterday in the Shelby hospital for treatment Miss Mary Reeves Forney spent the past week-end visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. O. J Hoi* ler, at Union Mills Mr. and Mr*. Paul Chapel, of Ban ner Elk. spent the day here yester day with the latter's slate* Miss Tinsalorla Hoey. Misses May, Ruth, Verna, and Ethel Elmore with their guests, Mrs. Roy Holland, of Winston-Salem, and Miss Bonner Swindale, of Washing ton, N. C, and also Mias Willie Hoyle spent last week on a hou>e party at Chimney Rock Dr and Mrs. W. F, Mitchell spent the day yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Mitchell in Mount Holly. They were accompanied home by Burton Mitchell, Jr., who will spend a few days with them. Mrs. Irma Wallace and Miss Eliza beth Wallace spent several days last week in Raleigh attending the State! Farm Conversion. Miss Elizabeth. ’ Wallace went on to South Hill, Va j to visit relatives. Miss Georgia Cowan, of Apex leaves today after a visit here *o Miss Kathleen Young. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Schenck with Mr. and Mrs. Hayne Blackmer of Kings Mountain, spent yesterday at Hendersonville Mrs, Sam Schenck leaves to morrow for Blowing Rock to spend a week with her children who are spending the summer there with i Mrs. John Schenck, Sr. at the! Schenck cottage. Miss Louts* Ledford, daughter cf Mr, J. F. Ledford, plans to leave sometime this month to begin train ing at the Baptist hospital at Win ston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. E. E McKinney, Misses Mildred McKinney, Dorothy Douglas, and Mabel Horo, with Mb. T. B Gold spent yesterday on a trip through the mountains Mr. and Mrs John Hudson an nounce the birth of a nine and one half pound son on August 1 at the Brevard hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Durham Moore hat'd moved to Charlotte where they will make their home in the future Mrs. Clyde Short and daughter, Patsy, returned home last night after spending a month in Ruther fordton visiting the former's parent; Mr and Mrs. J. Lee Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Hopson Austell, M.s, C. B. Suttle and Miss Lucy Ham rick leave tomorrow for Fort Depos". Ala., to visit Mr and Mr* Howard Hamrick. Dr. D. P. Bridges of Lattimore, is in the Shelby hospital where he underwent an operation on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Borders, Miss Clayton Cline and Mr. W. H. Bord ers,- Jr., have returned for a week's stay at Carolina Beach where they shared a cottage with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. McClure, of Rosman, and Mr and Mrs. Dewey King, of Chapel Hill. Miss Virginia Smith and Mr. Wal ter Smith, of Charlotte and Miss ErteUe Fronebcrger, of Bessemer City, are visiting Mrs P M. Wash burn and Mrs. W. H. Yeago L -- Miss Clay tie Beck, of the Shelby hospital, is spending her vacation this week with homefolks in AVadec boro. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Armour had as their guests for the day la;t Wednesday two of Mr Armour s sit ters, Mrs. Ti L. Thompson, of Wake Forest, and Mrs, Charles M. Stiles and three children, of Newton Mrs. Yates Barber and daughter of Macclesfield; who have been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb, Jr., left on Saturday to return to their home. Mrs. Fletcher Daniels, of Valdosta Ga., la visiting Mrs. Josh Beam at her home on N. Morgan St Mr. Graham Miller joined his brother John Miller at Myrtle Beach last Friday where he will visit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods will have as their guests this week the former's father, Dr. Henry M. Woods, of Atlantic City, and Miss Lily Woods, of Montreat. Mr*. Martha Jane Short has taken room.-; with Mrs. T. A Spangler on lee street Gene Anthony and Oliver -Ur-, thony, jr., have gone to Winston-1 Salem where they will visit their grandmother, Mrs-. Gene Holton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yeago had as their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs j; R Brown and Mr. Lacy G Yeago, Hack to Duty as Flagship I't* lv s' s;.Pennsylvania is shown majestically leaving the Philadel phia Navy \ ard, after a layoff of to o years for repairs and m er. Coa«n,»hoM^ t'annthn T'oari.‘J' '!*••• Rttd from there to the rarifit coaft, where it will become the flapsli p oT Admiral J V Chase rom WnVof5h«PUCiSC Th; «? *oin* to^e'^ company or the U. S. 5. Arizona from Hampton Hoads to Cuba, Pan ama Cana) and thence to its West Coast station. of Washington, D c The latter is a| brother of Mr Yeago. Mr and Mrs Harry Hudson, Miss] "Tumpy Hudson, and Mis. Marie Thorne leave today for Myrtle Beach where they will spend most of this week Hord Reunion Set For August 10th The annual Hord reunion will be held at the Jessie Hord home three miles east of Shelby, Monday, Augu.v, to. The public is cordially Invited to come and bring brskets of dinner Had Had Experience. "Dad what does it mean here by diplomatic phraseology?" "My son. If you tell a girl that time stand., still while you gaae In to her eyes, that is diplomacy. But If you tell her that her- face would stop a clock, you're in for it." At The Theatres t^harle; Delaney and Vera -Rey nolds play the leading roles in the Thrill-O-Dram'a, "Hell Bent for Frii-co," beginning today at the Car olina theatre. The picture is a mys tery romance, brimming with action One of the best sea fights ever screened is a high shot in the film Wednesday and Thursday at the Carolina. "Ex-Bad Boy" Normif Shearer's new picture is a filrmaauon of Adeta Regers St. Johns' celebrated novel, dealing with an “emancipated” girl whose fath er's teachings proved none too good for her. An unusually brilliant sup porting cast Includes Leslie Howard. Lionel Barrymore and James Glea son. The picture shows vivid glimpses of San Francisco, Chinatown and the scenic grandeur of the Yosemite Valley. Playing today and Tuesday at the Webb. 26-Piece Silver Set Special At $4.98 This is a good set and sells regularly at $7.50. Knives ha^e stainless steel—the other pieces silver plated on solid nickel. Sold out first lot in five days, but have secured a few more and they go at the same low price—$i.98. T. W. Hamrick Co. JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS — NEW f ™N;S™: • TRUSS Patented Non Skid Spot Pads hold with half the pressure “Ends all rupture troubles” say thousands of wearers You’ll never know reel rupture relief until you wear the new, “Non-Skid” Spot Pad Truss. It em bodies an entirely new principle for holding rupture —the “Non-Skid” Spot Pad—invented by experts who for many years have studied every possible type of rupture. Holds with half the pressure of ordinary trusses. Note the curved back piace. de signed so that it cannot rub or chafe. “Non-Skid” Pads, front and back, make it impossible for this I type of truss to slip Recommended by physicians Let our expert show you this new truss today. No obligation. Cleveland Drug Co, TVE FILL ANY DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION” Phone 65 Shelby, N. C. For Greater Results In Selling-Trv Star Adv. CAROLINA "SHKLHY’S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE” TODAY and TUESDAY A drum* of daring in th# mad race of Ufa and Jove! “HEM. BENT FOR FRISCO” *' Ui rt\arl*s Dtl»n*y and ver« Reynolds WED. and THURS The 'bifieii Uufh hit »f the ecreen! •EX-BAD BOY” With Tl»b«rt Armstrong. Jtm Arthur *nd Lola Lana — FRIDAY — Thrill in® Air specutif f THE AIR POLICE" WUh krnneih Harlan and Jo'.fnhint Dunn EVERYBODY 10s EVERY DAY SATURDAY ftirkunf Ounii rounding Hootal Tftnllinf Oun Play “AI.I A*5 THE BAD MAN** With Ktn Maynard and Virginia Brown Pair* COMING — SOON AS POSSIBLE—Return Engage ment “Daddy Long Legs," with Janet Gay nor and Warner Baxter. Fen tier Humps »poU the appearance at ffOUM* Cut* and also permit rati to aet la which qalehly weaken* ar deatroja the metal Lai us lake out the humps in your fenders and touch them up with Dure. They will be as shiny end bright and perfect as ever. Now it will be a quick and inerpensive job. If you let it go it may later cause real trouble and real expense. We will repair any other match** or blemuhea lo the body finish an your car with Bum. firing an exact color match. Drive in today and we will go over yourcar with yon tosee what itneeda. Authorised I) 111*0 ReflnUhlmg Stmtion SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON COMPANY S. MORGAN ST. SHELBY, N. C. THE FALL KNIT SUITS ARE HERE $5-95 And $10.00 To the mountains, to the seashore or back to school ... a knit suit, will come in just dandy One, two and three piece . . assorted styl es and sizes. Nash Don’t Forget The SPECIAL PRICES AT Modern Cleaners Bring your clothes to us today and assure yourself of first class work. SUITS Dry Cleaned ... 50c PLAIN DRESSES Dry Cleaned 50c Modern Cleaners Between Taxi Headquarter* and Quick Lunch WORTH BRANTON. Manage? For Greater Results In Se!linsr-Trv Star Adr.

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