SOCIETY m£ w,s mks* rknn uhlm Ed<t°r' ralephone me star No. *-J Bach Morning 8 io 13 Ocloolc lira. Drum can na reacnec at nar noma, Phone 713, aliernoon and mgh'r i Thr Pralteiit. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned t Rave my love to an Infidel. I put my faith In the wandering wind I loved a mocker, and loved him well. He took the veils from off m.v head He raised me high, that had knelt •o low. "Give over brooding now,” he said ••The world is sweeter than you know.” X let hi mdraw me far away Prom every hidden holy place I walked into the light of day My soul fell from Its state of grace X put my faith in the wandering wind. I put my ear to the hearts of men Before strange Idols I bowed and sinned. I bowed, and fled and returned again. Bay no word of the penalty For aims like mine. 1 know it well Meat me. Father, and pray for me. My heart'* ablaze, for an infidel, Helene Mullins. (Mf lanoheen Oa Friday. A golf luncheon will be held on j Friday at 1 o'clock at the Country club house Those wishing to mate reservations will call Mrs Ben F Hendrick. Mr*. Id MeOarry T* fiitf Tea. Mr* Ed McCurry will be hostea* at, an afternoon to* *t the Country; Club house on Wednesday afternoon from K:90 to 1 30 oclock honoring her fueet. Mr*. Frank Ootwell, of Oltnten. I*f«na»l Forty F#r Team Set. Mr. John Moyle, son of Mr end Mr* F. 1* Hoyle, entertained a number of friend* at a delightful informal party on Friday evening About SO member* of the young set were present. Dancing was enjoyed on the porch and games were played on the lewn during the evening The hast was aesiated In entertain- j mg by hi* mother. Mr* Hoyle. Mis. Marietta Hoyle and Mrs M R Ban Punch and cake* were served Mr*. Colwell Rein* Knetrtained. Mr and Mrs Ed McCurry *nd their guest. Mr*. Frank Colwell, of Clinton, will be guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank Patton at Morganton at dinner tomorrow evening Mr and Mr* McCurry and Mr* Colwell, with Misses Betty and Nancy Buttle. Mesa* Theos Hopper and Bill Pendleton. Mi and Mrs Hop Auatell. and Mr and Mrs Es ley Pendleton made up a house party at tha Hopper cottage *t lake l,lire over the week-end. Mr*. Gregory Entertain* Far Two Bona Mrs. A. E. Gregory entertained at « small party on Thursday afternoon m celebration of the birthday* of her two srftall sons Gene two years old. and Tommy, four years old Twelve little friends were present and games were played on the lawn during the afternoon. Each of the children received a number of nice gift* Dixie cups, rakes and candy were nerved. Mrs Gregory was as sisted in entertaining by Mrs Yates Blanton and Mrs. Jimmy Wilson Rmall Bridge Party Celebrates Bttrhdays Mrs. D. Robinson was * hostess at bridge on last Wednesday evening at her home in Hillcrest when she en tertained In celebration of her own birthday and that of Mrs Yates McSwain. Bridge was played at three table* during the evening and when score* were added Mrs. John Wash burn received high score award for ladies, which was a manicure set Mr. Dean Duncan was given a car ton of cigarettes at high score aw ard for gentlemen. Mr*. Robinson pre sented Mrs. McBwain with a dainty piece of lingerie as an honor gift An ice and sweet course was served *t the cloee of the evening. Him Campbell h luncheon HMtew. Miss Elisabeth Campbell was a gracious hostess on Friday when she entertained at a bridge luncheon at her home on W Warren street honoring the house guests of Miss Mary Lineberger, Misses Erm God frey, Jean Ware, and Aileen Blowers and atoo Misses Lena Ware and Mary Faust Plonk, of Kings Mtn. Miss Campbell received her guests In a becoming sports frock of green crepe. Bridge was played at four tables. Miss Elisabeth Blanton was awarded a pair of silk hose as firs' prim and the second prise, a linen handkerchief, went to Miss Louise Miller. At the close of several pro gressions the hostess was assisted by her mother, Mrs. R. E. Campbell. ■tyi sister, Mrs. Esley Pendleton, in serving a pretty three-course lun cheon 3%0K Piayw* M*§*» God frev. Blowers, Plonk, and Jean and Lena Ware, also Misses Betty and Nanry Buttle Mary Lineberger. Mary Buttle, Alice Ooode King, Sara Thompson] and guest, Carolyn Wrav. of Bessemer City. Elizabeth Blanton Louise Miller and Mabel Hord, — -_—- —— Mr*. Kaley Pendleton I* Party Hostess Mrs. E.vley Pendleton was hostess j at a pretty party on Saturday aft - j ernoon when she entertained at bridge In compliment to Mrs. Prank Colwell, of Clinton, guest of Mrs Ed MeCurry, and Mrs Earl Larkin ! Walter Ramseur, Mrs. Pendleton re- j ceived in a lovely afternoon dress of! aqua marine blue, Mrs. Colwell had ; chosen for the occasion a. frock of j figured chlfion with which she wore shoes and large hat of pale blue,; Mrs- Larkin wore an attractive cos- | t,ume in shades of tan Pour tables were arranged for bridge and crystal vases filled with pink roses center ed each table Mixed flowers were used as decorations. When scores were added Mrs. Colwell was winner of the high score award and Miss Minnie Eddins Roberts of the second 1 high score prize Each of the hon orees was presented with a linen j towel The hostess was assisted by her mother, Mrs R E Campbell,! and sister. Miss Elizabeth Campbell 1 in serving a delightful salad course ! followed by an ice course with ac- i cessorlrs Mrs Hugh Arrowood Honors Sister A pretty compliment was paid Miss Helen Schachner, of Monroe, on Friday afternoon when her sister Mrs. Hugh Arrotyood, and Mrs Brady Dixon entertained at bndge in her honor at the home of Dr. and Mrs J 8 Dorton on N. 1,a Fayette street Mrs. Arrowood received in an afternoon frock of powder blue geor gete; Mrs. Dixon wore, a pink geor gette. and Miss Schachner was love ly in a sports frock of ashes of roses Bridge was played at seven tables When score were added the high score award, a linen towel, went to Mrs. Hugh Miler. and the second high score prise, a bridge set to Mis Karl Larkin, of Chicago Miss Schachner was given a double bridge set as s guest price Miss Margaret Wilson, of Gastonia visiting Mrs Charles lever, was an out-of-town guest A color scheme of pmk and green was beautifully carried out Pretty refreshment plates with sandwiches, punch apd an ice and sweet course, were served Mrs. J. 8 Dorton and Mrs Lee Nolan assisted in serving To Wrap Cotton in This Co. in Cotton ICON t'iNUKP FROM esO* ON*> Mills, all of Gastonia. N C . Globe Yarn Mills, the Catawba Spinning Co . MI Holly, N C : Melville Man-] ufacturing Co., Lincolnton, N C . Lola Manufacturing Co.. Alba Twine Mills, of Stanley, N. C.; American Cotton Mills. I A 3 of Bessemer City, N C , Lock Cotton Mills, ol Concord, N C.: the Green River Manufacturing Co. of Tuxedo. N C ; Rocky Mount Milks, Rocky Mount N. C ; Shuford Mills. ‘9 units) Hickory, N C ; Roxboro Cot ton Mills. Roxboro, N C,; Pickett Cotton Mills, High Point, N. C.; Euo Cotton Mills, Hillsboro, N. C.. 8tatesville Cotton Mills, Statesville, N. C.; Wennonah Cotton Mills, Lex ington, N. C , McAden Cotton Mill", McAdenville, N C ; Erlanger Cot ton Mills, Nokomis Cotton Mills, Lexington. N. C; Hadley-Peoples Cotton Mills, Silver City, N. C ; Waverly Mills, Inc . Ml units' Lau dinburg, N C.: Davidson Cotton Mills. Davidson, N C : Cannon Mills Kannapolis. N. C ; Caraleigh Mills Co., Raleigh, N C.; Pomona Mill'. Co. Greensboro. N. C : Chadwick Hoskins Co, Charlotte (5 units1. N. C Hillside Cotton Mills. Elm City Cotton Mills, Unity Cotton Mills, Calumet Cotton Mills. Rockweave Cotton Mills. LaGrange. GS.; Man chester Cotton Mills. Manchester, Ga; Milstead Mfg. Co., Milstead, Ga ; Calumet Cotton Mills, Hogans ville. Ga ; Perkins Hosiery Mills. Columbus. Ga . Social Circle Cot ton Mills, Social Circle, Ga Mt. Vernon-Woodbury Mills Inc.. Columbia, S. C ; Republic Cotton Mills, Great Falls, S. C ; Wallace Mfg. Co, Jonesville, S. C.; Cheraw Cotton Mills. Inc.. Cheraw, S. C; Brandon Corporation, <4 units) Greenville, 3. C.; Saxon Mills. Spartanburg, S. C : Arcade Cotton Mills, Rock Hill, S. C.; Carolina Tex tile Corp, Dillon, S. C ; Chesnee Mills of Spartanburg, S. C Quick Action. Bald 8tudent: You say you can recommend this hair restorer? Barber, yes, sir. I know a man who removed the cork from the bottle with his teeth and within twenty-four hours he had a mus tache Slew Her Babies—6Ju »* W ff * ■bblv’5 Because "he decided that ' they were better off dead than poor," Mr« Kfmice Bobbie" Foley (left), of San Francisco, Cal., chloroformed er small son and dautfhter to death, and is now on trial, charred with l*»r,r Jn“rd'r ,5rr*- I'’olf,.y >■' shown above in court with her attorney hliaaoeth Cassidy, who is fightinjc her defense on a nlea of ‘'justifi able homicide." Modern Diet to Blame For Defective Teeth land. W riling of the Importance of Healthy Dr ans a Comparison Between the hoods Cairn by Our Ancestors and Ourselves B» ROYAL S. COPELAND. M. D.. Hniierl State* Senator from New York former Commiaaioher of Health. Mew York CitV HWE yon ever viaited tile National Museum in Wash ington? If *o undoubtedly vou havs noticed a row of more than two hundred akulls. These are the ikull* of Indian* who H v e d in this country more than two hun dred year* agro. < W ilt the | teeth in thi* en tire collection of skulls only one tooth show* dental decay. Can you pic ture a similar collection o f skulls of the I>r. r«pflnn<l present American T l am sure that the number of cavities and ev idenrea of dental decay would be appalling. The food of modem civilisation •a quit* different from what was consumed by those old time Indians The Indian had to grind and tear the food with hie teeth He ate roots, berries and herbs containing minerals that strengthened bin teeth snd preserved them throughout life The white man lacks these foods and suffers In consequence. According to the United States Public. Health service, decayed teeth offord excellent breedings places for germs Many of tha disease* of childhood ran b« traced to root teeth. There is no doubt in tht minds of the genera! medical pro fession that poor teeth serve as breading plai.ea Tor many Infections Children should be taken to the dentist at an earlv age. Dental caif can begin as earlv as the age of three The youngsters should visit the dentiat every six months. The tempotarv teeth are entitled to the same care as the permanent teeth We are living in an age of pie ventive medicine. A great many dis eases can be pie vented. Good teeth ran only be obtained by dally care and proper dental attention on or caeions. These measures will pre vent much, suffering In later life. 1 cannot, overemphasis the im portance of relation to teeth Our ancestors possessed strong teeth because of their diet which differed materially from the food of todav. Ooaree food like the vegetables and cereals are stronglv recommended for children Hard, dry toast is good for the young. These foods give exercise to the teeth and aid tn their building and atrengthening. In order that the teeth of a grow ing child be healthy, it is necessary to have an abundance of two min, erals These minerals are lime and phosphorus Dime is found in green vegetables and milk. Phosphorus is found in green vegetables, freih fish cheese and', other foods. Children should have nlenty of fresh milk, fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs, cream and butter. Proper food, plus sunshine and fresh air, in sure* proper growth, sturdy bone d* velopment' snd strong teeth. Laughter Is the Twin To Physical Exercise Find Tin;? to Play. Urges Authority, for a Good laugh It Like a Tonic. Stimulating Sluggish (imitation mid Making for Better Health IT ta not surprising to mr that so many people go to the movies. The bresenee of crowds at places of entertainment is proof conclusive of the need for relaxation and fun. Men a n-d women go to •such places to forget their troubles. Lovers go because there is no place else to be.near each other. Worried business men and tired wom en go for re- 1 freshment and recuperation. It is truly re Dr. Copeland freshing to listen to the spontane ous laughter. The bright and eager faces indicate that new and pleasant thoughts have been aroused There is an atmosphere of happiness We need happiness Nobody ran brood and worry and scheme and plan, coins backward and forward over the beaten palhs of thought#, without impairing health and vigor. I A good laugh ia like a spray of cleat water over a dusty porch. It washes away tha waste products of over. I worked brain cell*. It leaves the; mind cleared for better work, for normal action I am writing this Just after seeing Charier Chaplin in •'City Lights "1 1’ is excruciatingly funnv, bu» clean and wholesome. Running through ft is a thread of tender romance. 1 left the theatre with aching sides but cleared brain. After a brisk walk to my home t sit here In cheerful mood, rested and refreshed, ready for every duty. It is fatal to health to be too seri ous. The nerves must be relaxed and the blood made to circulate more freely We need change from the regular routine To be able to plav Is one of God's richest blessings. We need not go to the other extreme, of course, but each of u* should have an occa sional recese from the bard school of life | l earn to Play I Why do we exercise? To set the heart to work and the blood to more rapid flow through the body Kmotion does the same things to u* 1 mean pleasant emotion, of course Interesting conversation, sn exciting book, an interest - holding play, a good movie — It makes no difference what the experience is so long as it holds the interest and makes us think pleasant thoughts. The sluggish circulation is stimu lated to greater activity. The mind races along at unusual speed. The brain is cleared by the cleanaing streams of blood in short, emotion of this sort does tor us what exercise does. It is a twin to physical exercise. Learn to play. Indulge the habit of play Get away from the hum drum of life now and again Tou will gain health and lengthen life by habitual, temperate indulgence in wholesome entertainment. | Answers to Health Queries ] Mia* & M. D Q.— What will cure neuralgia' 1 have used electric pad* and liniments, but cannot seem to get relief 2.—What is the cause of a bone a bscess* ' A.—Some source of infection is re sponsible for this trouble It would be wise to have a thorough physical examination including the teeth, ton-, slla sinuses. Intestines, gall bladder and kidneys. Find the cause and treatment can he prescribed 2.—Some sort of infection is re sponsible for a bone abscess K B Q —W hat causes s dry mouth and what treatment i* neces saryT A_— May be due to improper oraathing or to some mtesttoa1 dis turbartee Be sure there ia no oh jtruction or condition which is caus n* mouth breathing Hate your nose and throat examined M C. Q.—1 am a girl of XI. 1 am troubled with gas around my heart after eating—what would you ad vise? A;—Eat slowly and avoid too much rich, heavy food. Keep the ayatem Dear. For full particulars, eend * self addressed, stamped envelope and repeat your question. F S Q—What preparation do you advise to promote growth of the eyelashes and eyebrows? A—Application of I percont ye! low oxide of mercury ointmen’ should be helpful toward this end M C. C Q -How much should » girl of 1!, i ft, 114 Inch tall weigh A She should weigh about lor pounds. This is about the average weight for one of this age and height as determined by examination of a large number of persons. A fee pounds above or below the average is of little or no consequence, 'hiris. HU »r Ntnpiiv ruuin Swum, SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF ALL RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF NO. * TOWNSHIP ROAD MAINTENANCE FUND FROM JANU ARY 5 TO JULY 1, 1931. .- Receipts January 8. balance .. ... _____*16.960.24 February 2, By county, boarding prisoners In January.333.00 March 2, By county, boarding prisoners in Februay ______303.50 March 2. By No. 7 township roads, prisoners’ board_.. 80.00 April 6 By county, boarding prisoners in March__ ___ __390.50 April 6. By No. 7 township roads, prisoners’ board __... __90 00 May 4 By county, boarding prisoners tn April__ _ 436.00 May 4. By No. 7 township roads, prisoners' board ........ ... . __90.00 June 1, By county, boarding prisoners in May .. 384.00 June 1, By county, 18 feet 30 inches piping.. 39.93 June 1, By No. 7 township roads, prisoners board .. .. .. 90.00 June 16, By No. 6 hospital,,changing curbing .. ....._...._12.70 June 30, By dept, revenue, motor tax refund ....198 70 June 30, By county, boarding prisoner* in June .. 240.OO June 30. By No. 7 township roads, prisoners’ board .. 90.00 June 30. by county, sale of hogs, mules, wagons, etc.___300.00 Total receipts ......*20.018.57 me 30 Deficit, - .... -......3,231.98 *22,350.55 Clint WHimon, milk in January Coleman Blanton, hauling sand and drag, road _..1 Clyde Gold, dragging road _... Will Devine, January salary ___ _____ Tom Moore. January salary___ Arthur Moss, January salary ___ T H. Lutz, January salary Clvde Poston, Januar^salary. Sunday guard and freight Mike L Borders, 3 days time as com _ Tom Cornwell, 3 days time as com . R Cline, 10 shoats w, T. Mayes, hauling sand Riviere Oil Co., gasoline____ Cleveland Hardware Co., hardware Z B. Weathers and Sons, piping Moore and Stewart Suply Co. truck repairs .... R P Craven Company, mold board and blade*. Shelby Radiator Co, radiator repair__* J. C, Weathers, bolts. . ..... .....__ Joe W. Spangler, corn meal __ A Blanton Groceiy Co . grocery supplies.. Webb Brothers. 00 lbs lard Collins Dept. Store. 48 blankets ...* ~ V* O. Cline, 123 hours hauling soil ..._... W. C Lipscomb, shop work star Pub Co., publishing report ...._._ Southern Bell T, and T. Co., phone gervk* ... . . D. Y. Jones, January salary C’yde Gold, draggiinng road___ Tom Moore. February salary Arthur Moss, night guard .... .. 1 H. Lutz, guarding .. . ... .. Will Devine, guarding _ __ D. Y. Jones, guarding_ _ Clvde Poston, guarding and refund freight and express Mike L. Borders. 3 days time as com. Disbursements .t 1660 .22.30 ..3.50 — -.80.00 -80.00 ---70.00 .80 00 — .128.04 — .12.00 ...8.00 --90.00 - -.-32.00 .---.320 08 .30.65 .-55.98 ---10.81 .55.41 .1.00 __75 .28.00 . 18018 ..7.20 .-67.20 - ...49 20 ..8.95 -34.00 -.... 9.85 .....54 00 --520 ---.80.00 - ..70.00 ....80.00 ---80.00 . 48 00 -131.55 - ..12.00 juiu wniTOi, i nays nme as com Clint Wellmon 69 gallons milk ... . Nal Bowman Coal Co 1 ton coal . Frank Cornwell, milk and hauling soil __ Southern Bell T. and T. Co., telephone service Cleveland Hardware Co., hardware Moore and Stewart Supply Co., welding and truck parte Standard Machinery and Equip Co., plow parts Paul Webb and Son. liniment __ Quinns Drug Store, drugs .... . .. . F. H Roes and Co . convict clothing ...____ ■I. M. Gold, teams and labor .. .. jJ C. Weathers, bolts ___ Riviere Oil Co., gasoline . ... ...___ Z. B. Weathers and Sons, piping ... Campbell Dept. Store, supplies ...____ W. C. Lipscomb, shop work A Blanton Grocery Co., grocery supplies .. _ Charles h. Eskridge, truck parts .... .. C M. Peeler, dental work .. Hawkins Brothers Garage, radio repair __ __ Shelby Supply Co. hardware . ... ..... City of Shelby, water and lights ... ..... Webb Brothers, 10 bushels oats ..... .. .. Toe W. Spangler, corn meal . ... ....._ W C. Seism, teams hauling soil ........ ..... ..... A P. Spangler, teams hauling soil__ _ __ Eagle Roller Mill Co„ flour Clyde Poston. March salary and Sunday guard. __ | Win Devine. March salary . T. H. Lutr, March salary......... _ 'lorn Moore, March salary .. ...._ Arthur Moss. March salary night guard ....... ..... D. Y. Jones. March salary .... ... Mike L. Borders. 3 days time as com. ...__ Tom Cornwell, 3 days time as com .. ..... Coleman Blanton, dragging road . . . ... ..... ..... Clint Wellman, 75 gals milk ._ First National Bank, top soil . . ... .. Shelby Hardware Co., stove repair ________ .8.00 13.80 .7.00 41.85 .... 4.74 — .14.87 .. -.14.80 .3.00 .33.15 — 120.00 _52.95 -2.50 .. 275 99 — — 88.69 _10.25 -.—3 80 ...180.26 —30.30 .1500 _4.00 —72 ... .64.16 .... 6.00 .26.40 — 15.30 .. — 7 65 -21.01 — 120.00 _80.00 — .80.00 . ..80 00 _70.00 . — 52.00 _12.00 . —8.00 .12.60 _15.00 — 25.00 _8.67 Farmers and Planters Hardware Co, hardwire ...._. ...3.75 Z B. Weathers and Sons-, piping ..... ......_..... .......... 51.17 Eagle Roller Mill Co., Dour _________88.27 P. D. Weathers, hauling soil . ...... _____34.20 A. Blanton Grocery Co., grocery supplies..... 230.21 T P. Eskridge, groceries ... . .. ..... ..... ..... . ...18.05 W. C. Lipscomb, Shop work ....,.11.55 Stephenson Drug Co., drugs .......225 E. F McKinney, hauling soil ..... ..68.70 George Magness. hauling soil... ....22.40 Earl Hamrick, hauling soil .... ..32.40 W. J. Yarbrough, hauling soil ... ..12.00 Frank Cornwell, 30 gallons milk ...__ ..... .......600 City of Shelby, water and lights .... ... ..... ..... .... ..._....34.97 Southern Bell T. and T. Co., telephone rent......5.65 Webb Bros, oats and tobacco...... .....153.70 Riviere Oil Co., gasoline ... . ....375.21 Shelby Vulcanizing Co., repair tube ....... ........ ..... .......1.50 J C. Champion, 54 gals gasoline and oil.. ..24^10 Cleveland Hardware Co., hardware.....12.05 J. C. Weathers, work on drag, bolts, etc_____3 60 Moore and Stewart Suply Co, truck parts ........50.67 Paul Poston, labor on truck . ... . ... ... ..... .............9.46 Standard Machinery and Equipment Co . brake lining.....11.89 Nat Bowman Coal Co, coal ... . .....80.55 Joe W. Spangler, corn meal _...___..._33.30 D. Y Jones, April salary . .......53.00 T. H. Lutz, April salary.. ...80.00 7'om Moore, April salary.......80.00 Will Devine, April salary ... ......80.00 Arthur Moss. April salary __ . __... ..._ 70.00 Clyde Poston. April salary and freight refund .....128.76 Clint Wellman, 79 gallons milk__ _____15 80 Tom CornweH, 3 days time as com. ..... .... .... ...-8 00 Mike L. Borders, 3 days time as com__ ____,_12.00 J. P. Weathers, 82 gallons milk ..... ..... ...__1_18.40 P M. Hord. hauling soil .. ..13.00 A Blanton Grocery Co., groceries...*.233.72 Hawkins Brothers Garage, tubes Webb Bros, oats and tobacco___.. ._____ ® Weathers and Sons, piping ..... .....__ T. P. Eskridge, Irish potatoes_...__ Riviere Oil Co., gasoline_..... ..... J. C. Champion, S3 gallons oil_... ... ..... ... City of Shelby, water and lights.. ....... .... Moore and Stewart Supply Co., repairs ___ .... Quinns Drug Store, drugs___ Shelby Radiator Shop, repair work _____ W C. Lipscomb, shop work____ ..... C. M. Peeler, dental work____ ___ Stephenson Drug Co., medicine for prisoners ___ Joe W. Spangler, 38 bushels com meal__ Eagle Roller Mill, flour ...." Shelby Vulcanizing Co., tube repair. Southern Bell T. and T. Co., telephone rent. Cleveland Hardware Co., hardware ...... ..... N. A. Yarborough, teams hauling soil. Z J Thompson, screen door ......_..... ___ Ideal Service Station, truck tires - .. McMurry and Co., top soil for Kings Mountain road Charles L. Eskridge, truck parts____ ... D, H. Cline, truck parts ..... ..... .... Chlvis Blanton, plowing up soil ____ Clint Wellman. 84 gallons milk _+_..... Coleman Blanton, hauling soli and sand_....... ....14.18 ....54 75 ...-32 07 > .... 4.75 —334.25 —23.85 —34.32 -18.30 -27.40 .2.80 ....10.15 .—..7.00 -3.80 —34.20 ....32.36 .... 1.00 -4.30 18.34 — 16.00 -2.30 -59.76 — 100.00 ....27.60 : ....87.13 -1.00 —.18.80 . 41.00 L U. Arrowood, pipe.. l7 ,n Tom Cornwell, 4 1-2 days time as com.__ __.___jggri Marvin Blanton, 4 days time as com. _._.__.„....16.00 Mike L. Borders, 8 days time as com. _...33 On . V. O, Cline, wood and plowing soil___. U5n H H. S. Brazier, engineering services......50.00 A. D. 8pangler, hauling soil ..... M gtl j Clyde Poston, May salary. Sunday guard, freight refund....138.4:. T. H. Lutz, May salary .....____ .__ gc on Will Devine, May Salary .... _. on Tom Moore, May salary ....... ..... ..... ..... ...__goon Arthur Moss. May salary _______^ggn S. 8. Summey. work on street ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... ._..\.340.0n E. P, McKinney, plowing soil .......... ....._.5,00 City of Shelby, water and lights_....._........____32.0O j P. H. Ross and Co., 24 pairs shoes_..... ....._ ..._.54.00 : Riviere Oil Co., gas and oil ........ 355.40 Panther Oil and Grease Mfg. Co.. 2 drums grease_......._117.IS Joe W. Spangler, com meal ..........31.20 Charles Wilson, hauling soil . . ______gg.50 Ruth Hopper, work on contracts__. ...._ 12.50 J. P. Weathers, 96 gals milk ._ ......_ ._19.20 J. C. Weathers, parts and truck repairs ____..4.90 P. P, Craven Co., blades _ ... ..... ...___... ;...S750 D. Y. Jones. May salary . ..._._______... 53.00 Carolina Tractor and Equipment Co., supplies ___132.iv Southern Bell T. and T. Co., phone service__15.00 Moore and Stewart Supply Co., auto parts and supplies 1... 29,10 Quinns Drug Store, drug bill. ...... 13.00 T J. Wilson, hauling soil ..... ..... ......*..4.30 Garlin Borders hauling soil_...___..... ...^...7.80 •Tasper Putnam, hauling soil .....___........._.........18.80 Herbert Borders, hauling soil ..... ..... ..... ..... ..._40.30 A W. McMurry, hauling soil_____1L20 Lee Dover, hauling soil..-.... ..... ..... __.....9.40 Claude Turner, hauling soil _.. ..... .... . . ..8.20 W. H. Glacsoe, hauling soil___ J; A. Blanton, hauling soil___ ___ Eagle Roller Mill Co., flour ...__... ... Z. B. Weathers and Sons, piping . ___. W, C. Lipscomb, repair work ..... ...._ Webb Bros, oats.. .... _ ... ____ Cleveland Hardware Co., hardware bill .. ___ ... Standard Machinery and Equipment Co., truck parts . C. M. Peeler, dental work .. .... ... ... A Blanton Grocery Co., groceries . ....___ Prank Cornwell, milk . . .. ......_... J. Chiv. Blanton, top soil __..._. ..... . ....... Builtmore Concrete Co., paving old K. Mtn. road. D. R. S. Frazier, service as engineer __.•_■_...... Builtmore Concrete Co., on contract paving ..._... Builtmore Concrete Co., balance paving contract . .. D. Y. Jones, June salary . _... Arthur Moss, June salary .......... Will Devine, June salary . ....__......_ Tom Moore, June salary . . .......... T. H. Lutz. June salary’ _ ...... Clyde Poston, salary and freight refund .. D. R. S. Frazier, engineer services . ___...._ Chas Wilson, truck hire . .............__.... i Mike L. Borders, 5 days as com_____ Marvin Blanton, 4 1-2 days as com. ____ Tom Cornwell, 3 days as com. . .... Stephenson Drug Co., drug bill ___ L. J. Wiggins, fixing culvert . ........................ Riviere Oil Co., gas and oil . ..... Z. B. Weathers and Sons, piping . . .................. Snelby Supply Co., supplies for truck . ... W. C. Lipscomb, shop work . ................_..... Carolina Tractor and Equipment Co., tractor repairs - Shelby Radiator Shop, welding and repairs_... Southern Cotton Oil Co., guano . __..._ City of Shelby, water and lights..—... Southern Bell T. and T. Co., phone rent . ... Moore and Stewart Supply Co., truck parts __ E. F. Craven Co., machine blades_................ __11.40 . ..11.40 _3J.00 __75.84 .1.80 _30.00 ....38.90 ...118.41 .. .5.00 ...198.4* _12.00 _36.00 . 3,904.00 ... 28.00 . 1 804.00 .. 534.0* _52.00 ... 70.tX ... 80.00 .... 80.0f ... 80.00 ... 126 2? ... 50.00 T- 87.31 ... 20.00 ... 18.00 .... 12.00 .... 4.95 _3.00 ... 399.74 ... 45.92 ... 13 65 _9.35 ... 133.19 _3.1 .... IO.jO _37.73 ..... a-s* __14.73 _31.35 Eagle Roller Mill Co., flour _ .....40.1* Ideal Service Station, tires and tubes -_100.0" Webb Bros., hay and oats___..._....___21.00 Robert L. Ryburn, legal services - ...__......___- 37.of1 Clint Wellmon, 84 gals, millt . _-_ 18.8'’ J. P. Weathers, 91 gals, milk __________ 18.20 Frank Cornwell, 80 gals, milk ------ 12.00 Coleman Blanton, 9 hours dragging road --8.30 Campbell Department Store, 3 yds. cloth-^....7 > Chas. Wilson, overcharge on gas -----..... 5.80 Charles h. Eskridge, parts and work on truck . .—..83.8 D. H. Cline, parts and repairs on trucks .-- 138.61 Standard Machy. and Equipment Co., truck repairs and parts.1325. J. E. Schenck, col., plowing soil ------7....... l-.4f Shelby Vulcanizing Co., repairing tire and tube -..........-2.2' Nat Bowman Coal Co., coal - -.....-....-17.2' Joe W. Spangler, corn meal -----— -- 33.1' Champion Oil Co., 54 gals, oil . ..-.— 24.31 Shelby Radiator Shop, repairing and welding ..S.0< J. C. Weathers, work on scrape and truck----«•>' Moore and Stewart Supply Co., spark plugs . .......-——.— l * Shelby Hardware Co., hardware bill . __8.3» L. U. Arrowood, tiling --- 9-0r' Cleveland Hardware Co., hardware bill ___-.*•*'" Uncollected taxes at Sheriff's Partial Settlement ---2,533.2.'' Total Disbursements . ---$22,350.5.1 I, Mary E. Yarbrough, Treasurer of Cleveland County, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true and correct to the best of x»v knowledge and belief MARY E. YARBROUGH, Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 29th day of July, 1911 A. M. HAMRICK, Clerk Superior Court IRE STURM OTHER DAY S2.S8 PQt HEM)

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