•2 Do You Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star Want Ads. What You Want In the WANT ADS Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. this size 1 cent per woro each insertion. This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type Sc per word each insertion. WE DEVELOP KODAK FILMS •expert work, 24-hour service. En arging and tinting. Hollywood Stu (iio. tryer Woolworth’s. tl 20c DON’T NEGLECT F E E T! heee hot summer days. Be • itted correctly by shoe ex erts at A. V. Wray & 6 Sons, 'ity. tf-27c FOR RENT: EIGHT ROOM >ousc, steam heated, well located, tood condition, formerly occupied >y T. P. Eskridge on W. Marlon St Fresh repainted on inside. A. Blan ton Grocery Co. tf-22c FOR SALE: WHEAT STRAW AT ’ic per bale. T‘ F Bridges, Route Shelby. 3t-29p NEW AND USED AUTO PARTS. All parts for some cars, some parts for all cars." Automobile glass in stalled. Fink Iron and Metal Co . 'Vest Warren St., next to Shelby shoe Shop. tf joe DR. S C H O Ll7’~S foot expeH will b e with us August 15th. Free examination and consultation. A. V. Wray and Six Sons,! City.tf-3c FOR JOB PRINTING OF ALL vINDS—CALL THE STAR FOR DUALITY PRINTING. PRIVATE LESSONS 0 N 11 musical instruments, Mon day 12 to one o’clock, Thurs lay all day.*Private lessons only. Room 16, over Wool worth’s. Free audition for radio broadcasting every Thursday. See Prof. Gold man. • tf-19e j WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY e pairing. L. C. Davis, next door to iflrd's. I appreciate your patroc 'ge, large or small. tt 16c NEARLY TWO HUNDRED isers In Cleveland county of Gen ial Electric Refrigerators and not me has ever spent one cent tor ervlce. Robert C. Hord, Dealer, S. Washington St, Shelby. tf 25c ONE GOOD SIX ROOM HOUSE Tor rent close In. See M. C. Putnam it the Shelby Cigar and Billard Parlor. 6t.-22c. VISIT PUTNAM AND ELLIOT’S larber Shop, hair cut 25c, shave 15c ind all other work reduced during ummer. 3 first class barbers. 6t.-23c. BEST QUALITY and lowest prices on home grown peaches, Georgia Belles, Elber tas and Hales. Call my home phone 467-J or at my orchard just off of Highway No. 18 above Toluca. Tom1 Webb. 3t-3c TRY DR. SCHOLL’S FOOT -ecesslties in hot weather. A. V. Way & 6 Sons. tf-29c. NEW VICTOR^ COLUMBIA, Jkeh and Vocolion records now be ng sold at 35c. 3 for $1.00. Pendle ona Music Store. 3t-31c. LET ‘'VIC" AND GEORGE FIT vou in a tailor made suit for fall. Pit Guaranteed—$22, $25, $30, $35. A, Wray and 6 Sons. tf-July 22c GENERAL MOTORS HAVE icen making Frigldaires for over 15 .ears. Clev. Refrigerating Co. 13t-20c. FRIGIDAIRF, IS THE PRODUCT if General Motors. Cleveland Re Tigerating Company, 105 West Gra iam St. 13t-20c BEAUTIFO"WED DING Announce* n e n t s and Invita tions. The famous Re liefgraf at a liberal discount from list prices. Looks like cop per plate engraving, but considerably cheaper. We keep se crets of weddings to be. The Star. Phone 11. tflip TO CLEAN CEMETERY AT BEAVER DAM, AUG. »TH. All the members of the Beaver Dam church that can help, are urged to meet next Wednesday, August 5th at 7:00 o'clock to clean off the grave yard and church grounds. He'* Safe. A woman engaged a new maid, who answered the door one after noon. A man stood on the doorstep and asked If her mistress was at home, "Yes, sir," replied the maid: "come right in." But," stammered the visitor, “perhaps she's engaged " "Oh, she’s engaged, all right, but he's cut of town for a week, so you needn't be afraid." He Found Out. Dink—Who was dat peach T seen you wid last night? Hink—Dat wasn't no peach. Dal was a grapefruit. Dink—How does you figure dat? I Hink—Cause Ah done squeeze her I and she hit me in de eye. FOUND: NEAR BUFFALO bridge on Highway 20, bill fold con-: taining come money. Owner iden tify at Star. lt-3c. ALL VICTOR, COLUMBIA REC ords now 35e. 3 for $1,00. Pendle tons Music Store, 3t-31c. FOR SALE: PEACHES FROM orchard on highway 150 about 3 miles East of Shelby, one mile West Buffalo Mfg. Co., on Lincolnton Road. Phone 3040 Aaron A Roberts. 3t-27p FREE-WITH EACH change to Shell-Penn Motor Oil, we will grease your car Free. Expert Battery Ser vice. The Auto Inn, “Next to countv jail.” 3t-3c THREE GRADES d f Wedding • Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate 1 Engraving, Relief gra f (raised letter) and printing. Samples | upon request. All pric es a t a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone 11. tf 14c STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Drp..rtmpnt of St.tr. To all a horn these presents may coin, greeting Where..,.- It appears to my satisfaction by duly authenticated record of the pro ceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent ol all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Double Springs Light At Poirer Company, a corporation of this State Those principal office is situated at No R- F 0. No. A. Street, in the Toon of Shelby. County of Cleveland. Slate of North Carolina if. Bate Blanton being the agent the-reai and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), hae com plied with the requirement, of Chapter 21. Consolidated Statutes, entitled •■Corp orations,'’ preliminary to the Issuing 01 this Certificate of Dissolution Not therefore, I J. a. Hartness. Secre tary of State of North Carolina, do here by ceTtif" that the said corporation did on the 30th day of July. 1331 file in ev office a duly executed and attested con sent in s citing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stoele holr.rs thereof, which raid consent and the record of the proceeding-, aforesaid are no on file in my said office as pro', ided by lav. . In testimony whereof. I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 30th day of Jul-' A D 1331 J. A. Hartness, Secretary of State 4t-Aug3c. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estr.ie of Mrs. Alice Clemmer Hatley, deceased, late of Cleveland County North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present them to the undersigned at 1211 Cedar St.. Gastonia, N. C.. duly proved on or before the 2nd day of August, 1932. or this notice a 111 be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the estate are requested to make Immediate payment. This 1st day of August. 1931. Brady L. Clemmer, Admstr., Bulatnkle A Dollev. Attorneys, 6t.3c Quality Furniture On Easy I erms, . Phone 592. Shelbv. N. C. Watery Comfort The newest means of pronulsloi through the water in comfort i. this marine neckband contract o? invented by Herr Huhold, of Ber lin, shown demonstrating: its pos sibilities, The small boat-shapec affair is made of aluminum, and is fitted with two nandles which are turned simultaneously, giving impetus to a pair of tin? propel ler* on *he under side of the de vice. South Shelby Items Of News The W. M. U. of the Second Bap tist church had their regular mon thly meeting at the home of Mr,;. H. A. Thaxton on Tuesday. A \er.' interesting program was rendered. Afterwards ice cream and cake were served. There were 26 or more pres ent. My, and Mrs. Roy Kale ami child ren, and Mrs. Jack Worthy visited in Cherryville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hill and children of Kannapolis are spend ing this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hill. Mrs. Irene Roberts had as her week-end guests. Misses Elizabeth Irene, and Luella Cooper, of Blacks burg. Misses Vergie Weaver, Marie Gladden, Wylie Sanders and TJom Weaver, spent Sunday afternoon in Clover, S. C. Mr. and Mrs, Claud Burges and ton, of Hickory, visited Mr. and Mrs. Devell Grant during the week-end. Mrs. Austin Anthony and baby of the Sharon community visited Mrs, L. V. Martin, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Grover Harrill, and daugh ter, Ruth, of Caroleen were the spend the night guest of Mrs. B. C. Hamrick, Friday. Miss Jeanette Turner entertained a large number of her friends at her home on Shenanhouse St.. Saturday evening. A very enjoy able time was had through out the evening by alt: Little Billy Weaver of East Shelby is spending this week with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Weaver, Miss Ruth Hamrick is ill with typhoid fever. Miss Nevia Taylor who was tn tire Shelby hospital with a broken hip returned home Thursday of last week. Her friends are glad to learn that she is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Worthy and children, spent Sunday in Cherry ville with relatives. Mr. A. W. Duncan and son, Wil liam. motored to Hickory Grove Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moorehead and family moBored to Asheville, Sun day. Mr Wray Iwcn lias been on th" sick list for the past week but is able to be out again ory Sunday. Mcrsrs. Arthur Hicks, Guy and Brooks Singleton motored to'HIck Thc Intermediate and Junior O. A.'s of the S. Baptist church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Miss Aileen Jones. A very Interesting and inspiring pro gram was rendered. After the pro gram, games were played and re freshments were served including lemonade and watcrmellons, A large number were present. Mrs. Harvey Cooper of Blacks burg spon the week-end with Mr and Mrs. T. W. Roberts. Mr. Joe Weaver of Kings Mtn. was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mr.. R. W. Weaver, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ferree and children of Caroleen visited Mrs.' F. A. Feree Sunday afternoon. Mr Glenn Wilkie who has been spending awhile with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brodus Wilkie, left for Gainsville, Fla,, Monday, where he has been employed for quite awhile. Miss Pearl Feree of Caroleen visited Virginia Weaver Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Jack Gladden and children visited relatives in Patfccr son Springs and For! during the week-end. It Is Confusing. Counsel: Are you sure this is the man who stole your car? Plaintiff; I was until your cross examination. Now I don't know if 11 ever possessed a car. BANKRUPT SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to m order of the Referee in Bankruptcy of the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of North Carolina, the undersigned Trus tee, will r.ell at public Auction for cash to the highest bidder at 12 o'clock Noon on Monday September 7th. 1*31.. at the court house door of Cleveland County In Shelby, North Carolina, the following de scribed property, situated in the J>eart of tfie business section of Sfieroy, '1C C. and i more particularly described as follows, j A 1-5 undivided interest in that Lot j on * est side of south Lafayette street in j the Town of Shelby, N. C, on which ia located a Building formerly occupied by Farmers Hardware, said lot being a part of lot No. 12 and fronting 35 fgai.on said street and having a depth of 100 feet and being fully described in the deed made by E. M Beam and wife to A. P Weathers and C. T Hord on January 17th 1911 by deed recorded in Book ‘ YY" of Deeds at page '*.82 of Register of Deed-, of Cleveland County to which reference ts hereby made for meets and bounds in detail. This sale 1s made for purpose of getting money with which, to pay the creditors of J C. Hord Bankrupt. Sale subject to Confirmation of the Referee in Bankruptcy. This sale is made subject to mortgage in favor of J. A Horn for $1400.00 dated August 34th- W0:--and due Angusr TOtfi. 1931 . and Recorded m Book 163 at paae 285. v L T Klutz,* Trustee.. Newton. N. C 4t-Aug. 3c. Preventive Medicines Increase Span of Life Immunisation Against Disease Marks the Greatest j Stride in Medieal Science, Say* Dr. Copeland, Telling Hotr Some Illnesses Can Be Prevented. Bt ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D., Untied State* Senator from New York. former Commissioner of Health, tiev> York C»... THL past quarter of a cen tury, *reat advance* have bean made in medicine. New germs, ii iv diseases, as well na new Methods of treating o.d diseases, has* been dis covered. vne of t h 8 most important of recent ad •unees i * the -v.'lopment o f i branch of i e d i c i n e , nowri as "'pre •’ntive medi nc.” This has ' creased the lumber of -nths per rear g id greatly in- I teased the av risge span of life. Dr. Copeland r'lOtable among theae advances immunisation against disease, he word "immunisation’' >* ap lioci to inoculation, or vaceina lon. of the body, for the prevention f specific diseases. Smallpox has been all but eradt sited Oaaes of this one time dread :‘il Infection are now seldom heard of tn civilised countrie*. Thi* marked change can only he attrib uted to universal vaccination. All children should be vaccinated against smallpox before they are on* year eld Th# United St*in Public Health Service advice* that lie for* enteric* 'echooi th* child •hould he vaccinated again Another dreaded disease now con trolled by immunisation la diph theria. This dread visitation la en tirely preventable Moat person* are confuted in dis tinguishing between toxin* and anti toxins An Individual with diph theria may be greatly aided by the administration of diphtheria anti toxin Jn fact, this method ban greatly decreased the death rata among: diphtheria patients. How ever, diphtheria anti toxin will not prevent diphtheria Active Immunity or protection against diphtheria is obtained by the use of diphtheria “toxin ami toxin.“ By means pf a special lest called the "Schick Teat, it is so sible to determine whether an indi vidual Is susceptible to diphther.n If he Is, he ehould receive the toxin anti toxin end be protected egalcrt this disease By a similar met nod of application typhoid fever can be prevented. This disease i* now never found In th* Army or Nary All men enter ing the service of tTncl* Ham re ceive vaccine protect ion It should be used by everybody likely to be exposed to typhoid. Other diseases formerly feared are now well within the limna of pro ventlon. Th* future of medicine lies in prevention rather than cure. PEM!ANNUAL REPORT OF NO. Z TOWNSHIP ROAD MAINTEN ANCE FUND FROM JANUARY I# TO JULY 1. 1931 Receipts .’an 10 Balance . . .. 18,983.89 Jilly 1 deficit ..'...7 .... ... ..._ . .472,43 Total ....... $6,456.31 Disbursements C. T. Putnam, labor and payroll .. .143.90 C. I. Putnam, top soiling Boiling Springs-Shelby road .174.45 Standard Oil Co., gas. .7. __7. , , . .137.78 Flay Simmons, top soiling Horton Ferry road ... ... ... . 57.50 F. M. Ledbetter, top soiling roads ... . . .. .181,10 C. I. Putnam, top soiling roads..... . 141.00 O. I. Putnam, pay roll . .*_: . ....... ..... ...._... .....85.25 E. H. Blanton, top soiling roads.. .. . . _170.75 Edgar Moore, top soiling roads.. .... .. .. . .143.40 Newton Harrill, top soil .... . _ . _.28,23 B. W Bailey, putting in tile and road work .. 7.50 B. H. Hamrick, top soiling roads ... .. ... __ 317,76 L U. Arrowood, tiling In January . _ . ... 27.80 C. I. Putnam, top soiling Boiling Sprtngs-Cliffside road ...166.22 E G. Blanton, top soil . __ _ .... .. .. .......4.50 G:over Hamrick, top soil ..._ ...12.50 Onie Pearson, top soil ... .. ...15 33 F. B. Hamrick, top soil and book acct ... ._ 77. r. . .7, __51.10 B. H. Hamrick, top soil ... .. 14.00 Jarvis Pearson, top soil. ... ... . 4 50 lj G. Pearson, top soil . ..... ... ... ..Iq.OO Mrs. Ora Blanton, top soil ...... .. .10.00 V. H. Hamrick, top soil _.... ..........1.. .. .J_ , .12.50 L. P. Hoffman, metal piping .. .7_ 34.32 Panther Oil and Grease Manufaet, Co., grease . . ... 43.35 Mrr Oliver Hamrick, top soil .. ...-.«in W. N. Blanton. top soil_.....__ ...7... ... 3,50 J. s. Blanton, top soil .......... .... 4,25 Willie Hopper, top soil .....1.00 Vatrs Hamrick, top soli_.._.......A .. ]000 L V Blanton, top soil...•.. ^ D. Scruggs, top soil. ,5 w F. B Hamrick, top soil _.... ..... C. I. Putnam, pay roll ........ Bony McSwaln, top soil...... \j-yO Flay Simmons, top soiling roads....25* 55 J H. Hull, top soil ....... ......9 00 Flay Simmons, top soiling_.... ... .......1M.95 B. B. Harris, 10 days service as com, ...__ ..... ....90.00 C. 1. Putnam, pay roll and top soil .....2l«.*3 B. B. Harris, top soiling Cliffslde road _____ ...........79,10 F. M. Ledbetter. road work ___ .__u_;_2.30 B. B Harris, top soil ..._ _ ... ....14«.31 C. I Putnam, top soiling above Boiling Springs ....gg.44) C T Putnam, payroll ... .. ... . ...116.13 Bam Smith, top soil . . . . _ . i2S0 J. D Elliott Jr.. 18 days service as com... .4*00 Standard Oil Co., gasoline . .......73.93 C I Putnam, payroll.... . .... .......73 ^ J. B. Jones, top soiling road at Poplar Springs church ....61.80 Flay Simmons-, road work ... ..... ..... ..... ..... _...13.50 F M I*dbetter, top soiling roads .... ...._...__113.$s Byron Wilson, top soiling Burse road . . ...... ___74.50 B .H. Blanton, top sotltng Bill Blanton road ..............._.119.58 Huff Hamrick, top soiling Flint Hill road...53.13 2en Byldgea, top sotJ . .... .. ......... 11.37 J. B. Jones, top soli ... .........7.80 Kdgar Moore, top soiling Flint Hill road ..L"l13.e0 C. H. Pearson, top soiling Flint Hill road_......_.~__._13l.30 Standard Oil Co., gasoline ... ... ..77.31 C. I. Putnam, top soil .... ... .. . .......3.60 Onie Pearson, top soil . .. ......_... ........._7,0» C TT. Pearson, top soil .. . __ ____ __17.50 W. E. Moore, top soiling Shelby-Bolling Springs road _ ._101.80 R. M White, top soil. .. .. ....jg gj E. B. Hamrick, top soli _. . . . ___,..11.5* W, N. Blanton, top soil . . __ ___ __13,00 Edgar Moore, top soil __ __ ... ... .......34^ C. I Putnam, payroll _ _ _ _ _ _ __............90.50 A. B, Hamrick, labor.......«:00 June Pearson, top soil ....... g38 I. M. Hamrick, top soil_. _ . . .. I... ....__ 13,50 r 1 Putnam payroll. . _ __ .....9387 B. W. Bailey, work on roads .. ... ..... 5.Q5 B. B. Jones, top soil ...__ . ... _ .. ,1.__.....11.75 J. C. Hamrick, top soil ..._ . . _... ...... ........10.00 W. H. Skinner, top soil - --........ ...35.00 Tester Oreen, top soil. .....1250 L. U, Arrowood tiling ..._ .34.80 fitar Publishing Co., publishing report .............ttX) F. B. Hamrick, top soil .. .. . .........18.30 T F. Craven Co., drag blades ___ _____34.00 C B. Hamrick, top soiling road to Broad river_..... ....83.75 j C. T. Putnam, payroll ..... ........... ... | Hroadus Hamrick, top soil . .. . . _ ____...11.83 J J. Spurltng, top coiling .... .140.8S John M. Walker, topsoil ___... ...18.78 C. 1. Putnam, Payroll_ ... . .........90.35 M. J. Lovelace, top soil _ . .... ..................18,75 to.andard Oil Co. gasoline and oil .... ........_...155.79 C. J, Hamrick and Bona, dynamite caps and fuae 3,. __7.70 C. I. Putnam, pay roll . _ _______98.78 John Oreen, top soil ... . .. . ......_4.00 Eugene Lattlmore. top soiling Flat Rock. ....158.05 P. M. White, lumber . ... . ._.......3,75 C. H. Pearson, work o nroads . ____...... 3.35 c. I. Putnam, pay roll -- -- .-- --110.00 Alrle Jonas, work on road ... . __... ..........._...UO J D. Elliott,. 13 days as com ..... ....43.00 Charlie Morehead, work on roads . . .. .3........3.........1.75 Uncollected taxes at Sheriffs partial settlement . ..733.43 Total __ $6,438.31 I, Mary F, Yarbrough Treasurer of Cleceland County, do rolemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true and correct to the best of wv knowledge and belief. I. Mary E. Yarbrough. Treasurer of Cleveland County, do solemnly Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 39th of July..1031 A M. HAMRICK, Clerk Superior Court. A Victim Of Hi» Own Rule. TOOTS AND CASPER V7r o' Or BAMQOET TO COL HOOi-ire L A’.jT MIGhT WAS MAP WHILE HOOPER WAS SPEAK,MG. HE TASKS A LOT BUT MEVER SAYS AMVTHIMG 1 DID Y&l) HEAP THE'LATENT ROLE COLOMEL WOOFER MADE? ME VvJOM'T ALLOW MEMBERS TO PARK THEIR OARS iaJ FRONT OF THE CLUB, A^V M02E- IN FACT, HE'S ORDERED J THE COP ON THE BEAT TO PUT A \ TICKET ON AMY CAR, THATS ) L PARKED OUT IN FRQMT p-r^ THE COP OUST PUT A TICKET OAi A CAC. Sift - J L-raA-tb piaIE! WWOSE. CAR ' v»JAS IT * piiiiriinrTimnrnmminBmtiJiiJiuii'iflumjlll ■ ITS- YOOP CAR. -SIR, } I I THtMK voue WIPE L'| PACKED IT lAi FROMT V WHILE SHE'S DOlAjCrp k. SOME SWOPPtM