10 P AGES TODAY Hj M ft it. per iftftr. tin ftftrftfteel _ (take Otrrltr. tifr ttir. iin Late News Showers Thursday Today's North Carolina Weather ! Report: Thundershowers tonight | and Thursday. Not much change In temperature. Edison Better. West Orange. N. J., Aug. 5.— Thomas A. Edison was so tar re covered from his recent collapse late yesterday that his physicians per mitted him to take a half hour auto ride through his estate. Smiling. Hie 84-year-old inventor walked un-, assisted to the car and climbed into the rear seat. He chose an open touring car In preferance to a sedan. He was accompanied by Mrs. Edi son, who sat beside him, and his son, Charles, who sat in front with the chauffeur. His son told news papermen as much credit for the apparent recovery was due to the *4-ycar-old Inventor's wife as to the1 doctors. He said Mrs. Edison had kept an almost constant vigil at his father’s bedside. Crops In Need Of Showers In The County Now Late Corn Wilting UnderJ5un Lack Of Rain Being Deriously Felt .lost Now For First Time This | Tear. A couple good soaking rains would be welcomed by Cleve land eounty farmers just now. For the first time this year, it is said, crops in many sections of the county are in dire need of rain. | Com Hurting. Late corn, corn that did not get Its first good growth before the de cent dry weather, is said to be suf fering worse than any other crop. Young corn, particularly in the No. i township section and immediately! surrounding Shelby, is “barely malt-; tng it” and needs rain badly. Cot ton which was planted late is also in need of rain as are gardens and truck, patches. Several sections of the county have had showers in the last week or so that have helped, but the major, portion of the county, ac cording to farmers attending court this week, Would be glad to have several good rains, it being pointed! out that necessary moisture Just at this time will mean much to the quantity and quality of the corn production in the county. Mrs. R. M. Hoyle Buried Today Widow of Noted Methodist Minister Dies Here At Home of Her Son. Caleb Hoyle. Mrs. Rebecca Hoyle, widow of R. M. Hoyle, one of the outstanding ministers in the Western North ; Carolina conference during his lifetime, died here on Suttle street Tuesday morning at 4:45 at the home of her son. Caleb Hoyle, with whom she had been living since the death of her saintly husband about three years ago, Mrs. Hoyle was 85 years of age and '.he oldest member of Central Meth odist church since the death of Mrs. Rastus Riviere a few weeks ago. Be fore her marriage she was Miss Rebecca Wilson of this county. She was a faithful companion, a devot •d mother and noble Christian wom in whose influence for good mixed with that of her saintly husband who pioneered the Methodist cause throughout Western North Caro-1 Una. Mrs. Hoyle is the last of the Wil son family* She is survived by one son, Caleb-Hoyle, of ahelby, and one daughter, Mrs. J. Marvin Wells, of near Greensboro. One son, Joe Hoyle, died in the Fallston commun ity a number of years ago. Her re mains were taken this morning to Kings Mountain where the funeral was conducted at 10:30 o’clock by Rev. L. B.*Hayes, pastor of Central Methodist church of this place and interment was in Mountain Rest cemetery beside her husband. Memorial Service For Juniors Aug. 9 Shelby council 436 Jr. O. U. M, will hold a memorial service at Sul phur Springs Methodist church 3 p. m. Sunday, Aug. 9. Opening Ode by Juniors; song. My Country 'Tis of Thee;” prayer by Rev. J. B. Davis; Prof. Lawton Blanton will deliver the memorial address. Special selection will be sung by quartets and Dr. H. S. Plas ter will render a violin solo. Every member of council 436 is 'irged to be present and a cordial Invitation is extended the public to * t tend the sendees. Only two members have died since the last memorial service a vear ago, Mr. Miles Arnold and Hon. J. C. Newton County Wheat Crop Double Normal Year Near 40,000 Buhel* Sold Or Exchanged At Shelby Mill In July. Crop Three Time* Larger Than 1930 Crop, I* Estimate. Price Better Here. The wheat crop in Cleveland county this year was dou ble That of the normal year and three times as large as the 1930 crop, in the opinion of W. G. Smart, of the Eagle Roller Mills, Shelby, who keeps in close touch with the size and quality of county wheat crops. Those who believe Cleveland county farmers are not this year planning to live at home as they never have done in recent years should spend some time about a flour mill and see the wheat trucks and wagons rollipg in. according to Mr. Smart. Already there has been enough wheat brought to the local mills, he says, to assure that there will be no bread shortage in the county this year. “During the month of July,” Mr. Smart said, “the Eagle mill bought or exchanged flour for 38,340 bushels of Cleveland county wheat. This is approximately 15,000 bushels more than we ever purchased or exchang ed flour for in any other month.” The quality of the wheat produced in the county this year is said to be "extra good.” While wheat is not bringing w'hat farmers consider a good price any where it is bringing a better price here than anywhere else. "We haven’t paid less than 70 cents anytime this year,” Mr. Smart stated. It is pointed out that this is near double the price being received by Western grain farmers as no freight charge is deducted from the wheat sold here as is done in the Western wheat belt. Other grain crops in the county, observers believe, were increased this year in proportion to the wheat increase Invite Bulwinkle, Morrison To City About Post Office Desire To Speed Up Needed Attrac tion For Post Office In City. United States Senator Cameron Morrison, of Charlotte, and Con gressman A. L. Bulwinkle, of Gas tonia, have been invited to attend the Shelby Kiwanis meeting Thurs day night week as honor guests of the club. The object of the meeting which Kiwanians are not attempting to "keep on the mum,” is to speed along the proposed and needed ad dition to the Shelby post office. The last congress appropriated $80,000 for enlargement of the local office. Since that time the matter has drifted along. Working space in the local office, which jumped into a first-class rating since the pres ent building was erected, is cramped, and Postmaster Quinn and his force could use much more working space right now. The proposed addition will include a third story for Fed eral court rooms and offices in ad dition to larger floor space for the postal employes. It is hoped, if they accept the in vitation here, to get Senator Mor rison and Congressman Bulwinkle behind the movement to start con struction at an early date. Shelby Minister Helps Governor Of Va. Celebrate ■ i Gov. Pollard. Dr. Wall, Both Baptists, Stirk Together. Dr. Zeno Wall, First Baptist pastor of Shelby, who has often rallied to the aid of North Caro lina's Baptist governor, O. Max Gardner, yesterday did a good turn for another fellow Baptist. Governor John Garland Pollard of Virginia. Dr. Wall was a guest at the 60th birthday anniversary dinner of the Virginia governor at the Spruce Pine summer home of Associate Justice Heriot Clarkson, of the N. C. Su preme court, and Mrs. Clarkson. A majority of the guests and also the hosts at the North Carolina re sort were Episcopalians. When it came Dr. Wall’s time to speak he told the guests what Governor Pol lard had confided to him earlier in the day: "Dr. Wall, I'm glad you are to be here because you are a Bap tist and I am a Baptist, and I am In a mighty thick bunch of Episco palians here." Other speakers at the anniversary gathering at the Clarkson mountain home were Justice Clarkson and Josephus Daniels. Present also were Mrs. Heriot Clarkson, Mrs Francis Clarkson, the Rev. Thomas S. Clark* son. Mrs. Josephus Daniels, Mrs U H. Boatright, and John Pollard. Jr., daughter and son of the Virginia governor; and Rev. J. W. Rosebor ough, of Spruce Pine, who presented the visiting governor with a North Carolina table lamp. Thursday Closing Is At End Here Shelby Stores Giving Up Half-Day Holiday Movement It Was Stated Today. The Thursday afternoon closing of Shelby business houses scheduled to hold forth throughout the sum mer months has already been aban doned. It was stated today by mer chants who originally sponsored the half-day holiday each week. The movement was started early in July and a majority of the mer chants agreed, it was said, to close each Thursday afternoon for the re mainder of July and August. Prac tically all closed the first Thursday, but by the next week several did not close. The half-day holiday move ment gradually lost supporters and today it was said that very few, if any, of the stores would be closed tomorrow. Several business and public offices, it is understood, will continue to close Thursday after noons. To Survey Shelby-Marion Highway At Once, Highway Commission Says Commissioner Will Neal Hopes To Have The Route Surfaced This Fall. A surfaced highway'from Shelby to Marion, opening up fertile sections in three counties, may become a reality this fall. At least, the State Highway Commission has decided, according to information given The Star today, to make a survey of the proposed route in the immediate future. *i*5HYv**j wiiuiuooivuicr wuj iNeai, of Marion, telephoned from Ra leigh just before noon today to in form Representative Henry B. Ed wards that the highway commission at a meeting there had decided to start a survey of the road at once. Representative Edwards has been working with citizens of Cleveland, McDowell and Rutherford for some time to bring about the construction of this link. A meeting of five civic clubs was held in Shelby several weeks ago at which the importance of the road was pointed out E. B. Jeffress. highway chairman, Com missioner Neal and road engineers were present. The proposed highway would go out of Shelby by way of the fertile Polkville farming section into the Golden Valley section of Rutherford and McDowell counties and on into Marion, thus connecting the county seats of McDowell and Cleveland. In this section of the state it is believ ed the route is the most important link that could be constructed in Western Piedmont and Western North Carolina, and it would open up a section that has benefitted very little from other surfaced roads. In his telephone message, Com missioner Neal said the survey would get underway soon and it was his persona] hop* that the road could be graded and surfaced in the fall program. Dental Society In Monthly Meet Herei Tun Rutherford Count? Dentist* Speak On Society In Their County. Fight dentists attended a banquet | of the Cleveland County Dental so-! clety held last night at the Hotel' Charles, the first to be held since the organisation of the society here about a month ago. Dr. E. N. Big- i gerstaff of Splndale and. Dr. C. S j McCall of Forest City outlined the I work of the society In Rutherford! county. Following the addresses by the' visiting dentists, there was a round | table discussion. It is planned to hold! monthly meeting of the Cleveland) County Dental society of which Dr.' Pitt Beam is president and Dr. Hugh | Plaster Is secretary-treasurer. Tried To Trade A Stolen Article S Back Where Taken City police today arrested Joe Wortman, of the upper county sec tion, on the charge of stealing s raehet screwdriver at the Montgom ery Ward store. Wortman was apprehended, it is1 said, when he attempted to trade j the screw driver back to the store, saying he was not satisfied with it and wanted his money back. He is I scheduled to be given a hearing to-1 night In county court. Fix County’s Tax Levy At Meet Saturday The Cleveland countv tav rate for the year will be, fixed at a special meeting of the county commissioners Satur day morning of thia week. It was announced today by A. E. ( line, commission chairman. The commlMioners, Messrs. George Lattlmore, R. L. Weathers and Cline, met for their regular monthly teMlon Monday, but the session was devoted entirely to routine monthly business. There was little definite discussion of the tax levy and budget Monday due to the fact that the tax listers have not completed l heir final tabulation neces sary before the levy can he fixed. Full valuation may not he ready for the Saturday meet ing it la feared, as the Cor poration Commission has as yet to certify valuation on railroad property in the coun ty and other properties. A sisabie reduction on real estate is anticipated when the board determines the levy Saturday. 3 Cases Attempted Rape Before County Court Tuesday Night Two Negroes Held Without Bond For At tempted Assault On 15-Year-Old White Girl Near Boiling Springs Monday. Mar ried Woman Charges Father-In-Law With Attempt. Three men, one white and two negroeR, were given pre liminary hearings in county recorder’s court here last night on the charge of assault with intent to rape. The alleged victim of the two negroes was a 15-year-old white girl of the Boiling Springs section, and the prosecuting witness against the white man was his daughter-in-law. The negroes charged with at tempted assault on the white girl were Javan and James Thompson, aged 19 and 17 respectively. They were remanded to jail to await su perior court, trial without bond by County Judge Maurice Weathers Going For Mail. According to the evidence pre sented, the young white girl was en route to the mail box when the two negro youths accosted her and car ried her into an adjoining patch of woods. As they held her hands, it was testified, she told them some one was coming and they became frightened and ran without accom plishing their alleged purpose. The negroej were arrested and brought to jail here yesterday. They denied being near the spot where the al leged attempt was made and denied evening seeing the white girl there The alleged incident was said to have taken place about 5:30 Mon day afternoon Other Assault in t,ne otner assault case, toe i Grigg, middle-aged man of No. 4 township, was charged with an at tempt upon his daughter-in-law whose husband, son of the defend ant, at the time, July 17, was said to have been serving on the chain j gang. According to the prosecuting witness the defendant had ap proached her and made an attempt on that day but was . interrupted when his wife, mother-in-law of the prosecuting witness, came into the room. The defendant did not take the stand but when questioned in formally by the judge stated that they had merely “been caught up" with and that as a result the charge was filed. The daughter-in-law ap pears to be about 25. The case was sent to Superior court and the defendant placed un der a $500 bond Secret Assault. A case that drew many spectators to the session of county court last night was that centering about a brawl between Jess Smith and Coley Freeman, employes of a local textile jJlant. Smith was charged with a secret assault, evidence showing that Free man was cut or stabbed with a knife. The affair took place Monday. Other evidence presented tended to show that Freeman had a knife, not open, and a bottle during the melee. Smith was fined $10 and the costs and ordered to pay Freeman's medi call bill and Freeman was taxed with the costs. Judgment was deferred in the case of Wilbur Costner who plead guilty to a prohbittion law violation. Depu ties T. M. Sweexy, R. B. Kendrick, S. B. Cooper and J B Jones testi fied to capturing three gallons of whiskey in a five-gallon demijohn in an automobile in which Costner was riding Monday. Another man in the car, to whom the whiskey belonged according to Costner, made his get away. Judgment it is understood was deferred until more can be learned of the other man s connection with the affair. Stolen Cigarettes Are Recovered Here Some sleuthing on the part of railway detectives and city and county officers over the last week end resulted in the finding of 152 cartons of Lucky Strike cigarettes stolen from a railroad car at Char lotte. The trail of the ‘‘hot" cigarettes, as they are termed by officers, led to this county when John and Ro land Tait, Charlotte white men, said they were sold by them to Vernon Harris, filling station proprietor near Lawndale. The 152 cartons were finally found at Cherryville by Sea board Detective Carl Johnson and Harris. Johnson’s father, a Southern detective, Police Chief McBride Pos ton and county officers aided In the round-up. The Taits are to be given a hearing in Charlotte -Thursday with Harris, it is said, appearing as a witness against them. One of the Taits, after the trip to Shelby, show ed officers where more of the stolen tobacco was secreted near Charlotte. Grows A 20 Pound Cantaloupe in County A twenty pound cantaloupe is some "lope,” but one weighing this much has been grown by J. A. Smith, farmer of the Sharon sec tion. Mr. Smith was showing this mammouth cantaloupe here yester day and after scores of people marvelled at its size and perfection, it was suggested that he try to keep it on cold storage for exhibit at the county fair Mr. Smith says it is the Nixon variety of seed. A1 though it is of huge size, it is per fect in shape, color and cantaloups Webb Portrait To Be Unveiled Thursday At 10 Governor’* Son To Pull Cord I'nifillni Ceremony At Court Houtr Tomorrow At 10. Presentation By Hoey. A handsome oil portrait of the late Jadfe James 1* Webb.— “Jndfe Jim" to hla home eoanty—will be unrolled in the Cleveland county court house Thursday mornlnf at 10 urlock when O. Max Gardner, Jr., son of Governor and Mrs. Gardner and frandson of the veteran" Jurist, pulls the cord that will release the curtain over the paintlnf. The portrait Is being presented to the county by the widow and child ren of the beloved Jurist who served for near a half century as solicitor and Judge of the Superior court In North Carolina, ' The presentation ceremony not only has aroused wide interest in this county but is expected to draw prominent visi tors from several sections of the State. - Hoey To Talk. The painting will be presented to the county by Hon. Clyde R, Hoey, who will speak for the Webb family. The gift will be accepted by Judge Wilson Watrlick. of Newton, who was elected Judge to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Webb It la hoped that a great grand daughter of the Jurist, little Miss Gwendolyn Gardner Burgess, can also participate in the program. The hour for the presentation and unveiling was first set for 9:30 but later changed to 10 o'clock, at the request of the Webb family, so that more time might be given people over the country to get here for the unveiling. Immediate members of the family who plan to attend the unveiling are Mrs. Webb, widow of the Jurist, provided her health permits; Mrs O. Max Oardner, a daughter, and Ooverpor Gardner and four child ren—James Webb, Mrs Eugene Burgess. Ralph and O Max, Jr.,— Mrs. Madge Webb Riley, another daughter; Federal Judge E. Tates Webb, a brother, and Mrs. Webb: Mrs. C. B. Panin, of Gaffney, a neice, and Mr, Partin, and Mr Eugene Burgess Others who plan to attend in clude Mr and Mrs. Bate Gardner, of Gastonia, the former a brother of the Governor, Mr and Mrs. Tom Bost, of Raleigh, the former Raleigh correspondent for The Greensboro News; Mrs. J. F Alexander and Misses Margaret and Nell Young, of Forest City. The portrait, which will be hung In the main court room before 10 o'clock tomorrow, was painted by Louis Freeman, prominent artist of New York City. Free Will Baptists Begin Meeting Here Revival services at the Taberna cle on South Washington street will begin Sunday at 11 o’clock a. m. Rev. E. L. Beachboard. pastor of the Free Will Baptist church at Caro leen will start the revival services. After Sunday the services will be held each night at 7:45. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. Mrs.. Houser Celebrates 100th Anniversary Sunday At Elizabeth Relatives And Friends To Join In I Event At AU-Day Propam There. Hundreds of people are expected to attend the all-day services Sun day, August 9, at Elizabeth church, east of Shelby, where Mrs. Eliza beth Houser, Cleveland county's old est citizen, will be honor guest In observance of her 100th birthday. There will be a morning program, dinner on the grounds, and another program in the afternoon. The en tire program has been carefully prepared with the major idea of making It interesting for elderly people. In the morning the program will open with song and a prayer by i Rev. Lawrence Roberts. This will be followed by a special song, “Speak Gently to the Old,’’ swung by Mrs. Clarence Gardner, Mrs. Max Spake. Mrs. Max Wilson, Mrs. Andy Bor ders and Messrs. Mike Borders and Jim Allen. Another special song will be rendered by Mrs. H. E. Waldrop and Mrs C. D. Thackston Mrs i i Andy Borders is chairman of the flower committee for the day. A message from the pastor, Rev. H. E. Waldrop, will follow the special music. Concluding the morning pro gram will be another song, “No More Goodbyes,” sung by Miss Sue Bor ders, Aileen Wilson, Carl and Her man Mauney. After dinner on the grounds there will be a song and prayer service. A feature of the song service will he one of Tom Dixon’s old songs /en dered by Charlie Alexander. Then will come an address by Dr. Zeno Wall. Concluding numbers will be furnished by the quartet from the First Baptist church at Kings Moun tain Sunday School Rally At Beulah Aug. 22 The annual Sunday school rally for Cherryvllle circuit will be observ ed at Beulah Methodist church on Saturday, August 22nd City Tax Is Cut 10c; Approve 1931 Budget Tax Rate Cut Five Cents More Than Expect* Privilege Taxes Reduced Fifty Pel* Cent. Property Valuation Off A Million Dollars. A reduction of 10c on the $100 property valuation, a fifty per cent cut in the rivilege tax revenue and approval ot the 1931 budget, constituted the business of the city aider men in regular monthly session last night. Continue Suits Against Shelby; Start Baber Case Emery Winner In Moore Suit. Miut Try One Divorce Case Over Again. . The civil session of superior court was still grinding away today with Judge Wilson Warllck presiding and a large number of litigations on the calendar for disposal before court adjourns at the end of the week The two suits against the city of Shelby In connection wtth sewage or septic tank disposal were con tinued until the next term. The damage suit of George Hoyle, administrator of the Joe'Baber es tate. against the driver of the two cars in the collision in which the popular travelling man was killed, was scheduled to be taken up by the court today but may not be reached before tomorrow. Damage of $20,000 are asked of J. J, Wooten, in whose car Baber was riding, and of H. H. Cannon whose car collided with the Wooten car In the ejectment litigation be tween B. R. Moore and D. R. Emery, the latter, a tenant on the Moore farm, was the winner In a verdict handed down by a jury yestrday. Moore sought to eject Emery and was the winner In an action in coun ty court but the superior court Jury reversed the decision. The case was taken up Monday and completed yesterday just before noon, more 'CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN . Shelby Coach Will Aid Carolina School Casey Morris, Former Carolina Star Added To Coach School Facility • :- At Chapel Hill, ___ Chapel Hilt, Aug. 5.—Roy Wil son (“Casey”) Morris, popular coach at Shelby High, and one of the best known athletes ever turned out at Carolina, has been added to the staff of instruc tion, it waa announced today, for the University of North Carolina's tenth annual Coach ing school to be held here Aug. 17-89, Morris will have charge of instruc ting the high school coaches in the coaching of baseball, leaving Bill Carney, Carolina's backfield mentor, free to devote his time to instruct ing in football. The newly retined mentor played football and baseball here for four years from 1920 to 1925, rising as few men have done to the captaincy of both sports. He has had signal success coaching State championship nines at Shelby since graduation here The tax rate reduction la flv* cents more than was expected. May or McMurry announced ten day ago that he expected to recommem a cut of live cents on the rate, bir after a more thorough going ovn and cutting of appropriations, hi recommended that the rate be re duced 10c on the $100 property val nation. This means that the city' tax rate will be $1 15 as compare! with $1.25 last year O. M. Suttle who has been listing (he city property for taxes reporter that the total valuation of real anc personal property in Shelby u> $n 170,000. Outside the city limits, but in special charter school district No 33 whlch is a part, of the city school district there is listed for taxes for school purposes $686 000 The val uation of real and personal property in tl)e city is off about a million dol lnrs from last_yearls._lotal. ^—— Wrivilere. Taxes cm Thp privilege tax schedule was agreed upon at the meeting last night and slashed about fifty per cent from last year. In 1930 the city realized about $6,000 from privilege taxes, but many of the schedules wete cut and others eliminated sc that about $3,000 will be collected from this source this year. Over $1,000 a Day. The cost of running the city is over $1,000 a day, according to the budget approved last night. Tota appropriations amoun to $327,865 OOt which is raised as follows: $101 taxes* ”*ht ««nu« $124,200, water department revenuei $33,625, general revenues $24,583 'most of which amount is from street and sidewalk paving assess ments); $43,649.59 is taken from th« surplus carried over from last year These figures reveal what a giant business institution the city is. Some Appropriations Some of the appropriations to the various departments include $123. 685 for debt service or the payment of bonds and interest falling du« during the year; $3,700 for salaries of aldermen, mayor and expenses pi municipal car; $360 for public li brary; $150 for fuel for city hall; $2,500 for insurance; $500 for legal services, $10,150 for the treasurer and the operation of the office; $9, 150 for the police department; $7. 050 for the fire department; $15, 950 for street maintenance; $8,925 for the cemetery; $1,800 for public welfare; $17,035 for the water de partment; $74,500 for the light de partment; $4,650 for the city abat toir: $3,100 for gas and oil and build ing repairs; $13,750 for contingent fund and $30,000 for city schools. In the budget $5,000 is appropriat ed as a donation for the city schoot building repairs which are now un der way at the various buddings, putting the building in condition for the opening of school in September The privilege tax schedule as fin ally approved will be publish*d in Friday's Star. Native Of County Died Early Today F. M. Dixon. Native of Belwoof Section, Died At Hendersonville This Morning, Mr. F M Dixon, a native of Bel wood, Cleveland county, died thu morning at 10 o'clock at his home at Hendersonville, according to a message received by his nephew, Deputy Ed Dixon, of Shelby. Mr. Dixon had been living at Hendersonville for about 24 years and death resulted, It is said, from infirmities of old age. Funeral services are to be held there Thursday morning at 11 o’clock and a number of relatives from thi: county plan to attend. Mr. Dixon is survived by his widow who before marriage was Miss Ame lia Thompson, daughter of the late Dr Sam Thompson of the Belwood section. Surviving also are seven children, one of whom lives in this county. They are Dr. Guy Dixon, of Hendersonville: Mrs. Eury Smith, of the Sharon section of this county; a married daughter, Lillian, who lives at Asheville: Ab Dixon, of Hendersonville and formerly of Shelby; Everette Dixon and Misses Lottir and Lula Dixon, also of Hen dersonville.