Somebody Wants This Merchandise! Somebody’s Going To Get It! Read Every Word In This Ad. Come Prepared To Make The Greatest Savings Of Your Life. WRAY’S ANNUAL SPECIAL FRIDAY MORNING OF OPENING SALE Firat 50 Customers to enter store may buy a regular 5ftr Bath Mat for only— Also while it lasts, 5 yd. Bundle Sheeting for_ 10c — EXTRA SPECIALS — SATURDAY MORNING 10 O’CLOCK inch Bleached and Natural Color DRESS LINEN as Ion* as it last* 10c yd. Regular $1.00 Material Begins Friday Morning, August 7th This is no “bubble ad,” swelled to unusual dimensions, glittering with “bogus bargains.” It’s an advertisement that’s going to prove that the inseparable relations between this store and the public is held intact by that mystic word, “Confidence!” There are no baits to this Sale, no trash! No old merchandise! Nothing but quality, variety and low price. Here’s opportunity to buy nothing but standard, high quality merchandise . . . and here’s opportunity to get it all at a fraction of its real worth. It’s Clearance Time! It must be sold. Attend this feast for hungry dollars. You will recognize the real service and the positive economies in this entire store. Money would be worthless if it were not the things it would buy! And think what it will buy here!! Quality, price and economy are the potent reasons why you should stock up during Wray’s Great August Clearance Sale. WRAY’S SILK5 AND PIECE GOODS RECKLESSLY REDUCED fine "8-in. Sheeting count, per yard — Limit 10 yards to 39-in. Sea Island extra quality, per yard _ Limit 20 yards to 38-in. Silk Striped Fast colors, fine quality --- 38-in. Silk Crepes, ors, $1.00 value, now SPECIAL 36-in. solid Chambry regular 19c quality 3c customer. Sheeting, 7c customer. Shirting, 12c olid col 49c 9c One table Ginghams, brays, and play cloths, yard 36-in. Silver Lake - fiong Cloth Cham 5c 9c Curtain 9c in wide 10c 36-in. Marquisette goods, plain and fancy __ — Colored Voiles 36-in. w ide white, pink, blue 1 A and Navy ... I Uv Colored Broadcloth 36-in fast colors, regular We quality, now . Dress Prints, 36-in. Punjab & Fruit of the Loom 1 ^ fabrics, fast colors A # C 32-in. Soisette and Bokara Prints, regular 39c a value ... Z4C Crepe Prints 38-in. wide. 69c to 95c values, A new' patterns __ Genuine Hickory Shirting, heavy wt 13c Women’*, Men’* And Children’* Hosiery at Drastic Reductions Ladies’ Rayon Silk Hose, reg ular 25c value. slightly imperfect __ Men’s fancy Rayon and Lisle Sox, 25c value 10c Ladies’ Full Fashioned Pure Thread Silk Hose. All the new colors, greatest value ever known Men's Pure Silk Sox, all colors __ 79c 37c OTHER SPECIALS IN MEN’S DEPARTMENT Pair m8S_ 98C Special! Manhattan Shirts $3 shirts. $2.50 Shirts for _ Special! $1.49 and $2.00 Shirts -- to $2 $187 $ 16 97c Men’s Felt Hats All Men’s Dress Straws .00 $1 L PRICE if—». T I-.-* All $5 Byron Hats___ All Knox Hats, $7 and $8 value ____ $2 $4'97 I Men s rnnen ana Straw Caps Men’s Two Piece 19c Each. or, Per Suit Men’s Athletic Fine count, well made and reinforced Men’s Rayon Silk Underwear, per suit? 77c Underwear . 38c Underwear 37cu 69c< I August Clearance Wray’s Fine Footwear— All Reduced For This Great Event A One lot, Children’s Shoes, regular $1.39 and $1.69 values, now_*/ / C One lot Misses Sand««s & Slippers values up to $1.98, now _ Grip lot Misses Slippers, values up to $2.98 tf* | .89 All leather, now Ladies Bed Room Slippers ... 39c Men’s leather Scout Shoes, Composition hottom '_, $1 .47 Shoe Sale — Ladies' $4 to $7 values, J2.95 for the first pair and for the second pair Our entire stock of Ladies Queen Quality ^0.95 shoes, your choice One lot Men’ Bostonian and Star Brand Shoes, values up to $8.00, ^0.97 now __ $2 All Thompson Shoes in Calfskins & Kids 0T.87 Regular $10 value $7 Men’s and Boys’ Tennis shoes, well made £ and durable . BATHING SUITS All 5:5.50 and 56.00 Jantzen suits_ AJ1 $4.95 Suits__ All $3.95 Suits _ $367 $2” $247 — BATHING SUITS — All $2.95 Suits __>____ AH $2.00 Suits___ RAIN COATS AT ___________ ... $197 $119 1-3 Off Wray’s Home Necessities Must Go! I PRICE Men s, Boys , and Women's 1 Straw Work Hats . ____ 55 46 inch Oil Cloth, extra fine quality, regu lar 25c value, now. Yard ____ CELUTEX, 1 Dozen_ Ball Thread, p* 6 balls for _ OC Bleached Sheets fine quality smooth finish 81 89c 81x99 98c 17c 19c Turkish Towels, assorted rolors. Limit. Each __ Turkish Towels, double warp, Large size_ All 10c Wash Rags ______ 56 inch Bleached Table Damask plain and striped patterns _____ Pillow Cases, 42 x 36, same quality as sheets_ 81-in. Bleached Sheeting, fine quality, best grade_ 5c 10c _ 5c 39c 19c 29c MEN’S CLOTHING SPECIALS - Men s all wool buits, well tailored, of dur able materials, values up to tf* >y.£7 $25.00, now at this low price of $ /, . Also Other Asortments at— .87 $2J-87 Michaels-Stern and Middishade wits, reg ular $35.00 and $37.50 Ann.87 value------ _ Now is the time for your Overcoat, all OVERCOATS 1 PRICE at.... 2 117S1487 I18 87 $■ Boys’ All Wool 4-piece ^0.97 Suits, only __, Other ^>f.87_ fcfi-87 - ^ Q.87 Prices