Iceland taf 8 PAGES TODAY 1 Late News Fair Tuesday. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Generally fair tonight and Tuesday. Not so warm Tuesday and in Interior tonight. t Die In Plane. Cincinnati, Ohio. Aug. 1#.—Si* persons, five men and one woman, were killed Instantly here yesterday when the Clncinnati-Atlanta air plane of the Embrey Riddle division of the American Airways crashed on the bank of the Little Miami river one minute after Its take-off from 1.unken airport at 8:40 o'clock. The dead: William E. Keith (196 Rum son avenue), and W. P. Brimberry^ (393 Peachtree street), both of At-1 lanta, Ga.; V. B. Baum. (1795 Foster| avenue), Memphis, Tenn.; ML T. Odell, Cincinnati, Pilot; Miss Wren na D. Hughes, and William J. De ward, co pilot, both of Fort Thomas, Ky. A broken hub of the propeller on the right hand motor of the Ford tri-motored plane caused the trage dy, airport officials said. The plane was in charge' of Odell, who was transferred to the Cincinnati divis ion of the American Airways on August 1, with Dewald. Good Show In Senate Fights; Other Contests Reynolds Best At Playing To Grand stand. Brooks And Hoey Still Talked. 'Bv M R. Dunnagan, star News Bureau.) ..Raleigh, Aug. 10.—Now that four candidates have announced for the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate, each an ex cellent showman in his own peculiar way, that contest is expected to be pin to take on color, life and anima tion that will place it, almost, if not entirely, in a class to itself in North Carolina political campaigns { Watching Brooks. The latest word has come from A. i U. Brooks. Greensboro, who has left the tvay open for entry later, if he deems it advisable or expedient to make a quintet of it, or if it gets still further into & free-for-all. Mr. Brooks is not expected to enter, unless, by some chance, Thomas C. iTam) Bowie, of West Jefferson, the latest entrant, should retire from the race, and that is not on the horizon. Mr. Brooks and Mr. Bowie, have conferred about it, probably before, but certainly at lunch on the, day Mr. Bowie’s announcement ap peared, a week or more ago. Mr Bowie admits that. It is consider ed, that they have an understand ing, had one before Mr. Brn^ie an nounced, and that Mr. Brooks is not to get in, unless Mr. Bowie gets out, although the Brooks statement leaves him free to do as he pleases Bowie For Governor. Mr. Bowie wanted to run for Governor five or six years later, and had told friends of his purpose, con ditionally. That is why his plat-‘ < CONTINUED on page eighi,> Bury Roberts Youth At Elizabeth Today Body Arrived Snnday From Mid* land.-Ontario, Canada Where Was Drowned. The body of James Roberts, 20 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lester Roberts arrived Sunday from Midland, Ontario, Canada and was taken immediately to the home of his parents east of Shelby. He was drowned while bathing in one of the Great Lakes, according to a tele gram received here last week. Young Roberts was cook on a Lake freight steamer during the summer and the news of his death was learned here with great sorrow. He is the first to die in a family of 14 children. The funeral services were held this morning at 11 o'clock at Eliza beth Baptist church with Rev. H. E. Waldrop, the pastor assisted by Rev. W. G. Camp in conducting the services. A large crowd attended the funeral rites. Yougn Roberts was well known in Shelby, having clerked for several years in one of the A. and P. Tea stores. This was his second summer on the Great Lakes. Eight years ago he joined Elizabeth Baptist church and was baptised by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Waldrop. Page And Walker Wed Here Saturday Mr. Foy Page and Miss Effie Wal ker were quietely married at the Cleveland M. P. Parsonage, on Sat urday, August 8th. Mrs. Page is the attractive dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Walker, of near Casar, and her many friends will be glad to hear of her marriage to Mr. Page. 7 Mr. Page is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Page, of the Moriah section, and for the past few years has been farming with his father. The young couple will make their home in upper Cleveland. Their many friends wish - them success and happiness through life. County Fair Program Most Entertaining Yet Diversified Farming Paramounted Free Attractions, Shows, Fireworks Program Most Elaborate Ever Given. The Cleveland county lair in Its1 eighth annual exposition this year promises to be the most interesting and entertaining yet staged here. A preliminary announcement, made by Dr. J. S. Dorton, secretary and manager, informs that the agri cultural features of the fair will be built around diversified farming. In the last year Cleveland farmers have farmed in a more business-like, sys tematic method than ever before and the fair exhibits will paramount the value of food and feed crops, live stock, poultry, etc. Good Attractions. It being a year of economy, fair officials figure that for hundreds of people the fair will be the big amusement event of the year. In other words, a record attendance is anticipated as the fair program is both entertaining and educational. The Model Shows of America, the largest tented aggregation in the world, will play the Cleveland fair for the first time. It is the peer of all outdoor attractions and it is the first time this mammoth show has exhibited at a county fair Fireworks. The fireworks feature for seven years has been one of the major drawing cards of the local fair. Real izing this fair officials have arrang ed what they claim to be the moet spectacular program ever brought here. Historic scenes in panoramic form will be shown in the display. These scenes will include the des struction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the only Biblical fireworks spectacle ever produced. Other scenes will show Dante's Inferno, the World in Rotation^ the End of the Rainbow, CONTHTOBD ON PAGE GIG HI I Visiting Ministers Preach In Shelby Andrews, Abernethy And Craig; Fill Uptown Pulpits Sunday Morning. Visiting ministers filled the pulpits in Shelby’s three uptown churches yesterday. Rev. W. E. Abernethy preached at Central Methodist church in the ab sence of the pastor. Rev. L. B. Hay es. Rev. Mr. Abernethy is a former pastor of the church. Dr. Clarence Andrews, medical missionary to Africa filled the pul pit at the First Baptist church. The Presbyterian pulpit was filled yesterday morning by Rev. Carl B. Craig, of Suffolk, Va, Has Eight Dollar Currency Of 1778 In Cleveland county there is an eight-dollar bill worth considerably more than that. Mr. O. C. Padgett has in his pos session an eight dollar United Stat es bill issued in 1778, not long after the American independence. The bill, which is 153 years of age and was printed by Hall and Sellers, has been handed down through the generations in his family. Hundreds Attend 100th Birthday Of Mrs. E. Houser County'* Only Centenarian Enjoys Elizabeth Church Event In Her Honor. Six hundred people gathered Sunday at Elizabeth Baptist church, three miles east of Shelby, to pay honor to Mrs. Elizabeth Houser, Cleveland county’s oldest woman and only centenarian. Although her hearing is unpaired and her eyesight is dimmed, her mental faculties are clear and she recalled Incidents that happened back in the early periods of her life. It was not only a gathering to pay tribute to Mrs, Houser, but a general gathering of other older people of the county. Up to 11 o’clock, 42 peo ple seventy years and older had reg istered. Rev. H. E. Waldrop, pastor of the Elizabeth church, says many others who had passed the allotted three score years and ten, registered their names during the day’s pro gram 100th Birthday. Mrs. Houser who was celebrating her 100th birthday sat in front of the pulpit, walked In and out of the 'CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Game Wardens Have Fish Fry Saturday Game Laws And Opening Of Hunt ing Season Talked At Cleveland Springs Deputy Game Warden of Cleve land county and County Warden H C. Long enjoyed a fish fry Saturday evening at Cleveland Springs After the social session the ward ens discussed the game laws and regulations covering the approach ing season. The first season, the opossum season, open October 1 In stead of October 15. Licenses are now on sale at the Cleveland Hardware, the Farmers Hardware, in Shelby; with Chas. Dilling, at Kings Mountain and will later be on sale at other points. The wardens in their meeting al so urged that farmers of the county remember to leave a little cane and other grain for the quail to feed upon. Cleveland Among Bond Sales Group Raleigh, Aug. 10.—The local gov ernment commission has advertised for bids on revenue anticipation notes for six or seven local govern ment units, to be received by August 12 and August IS, among them be ing the following: Notes of the town of Wilkesboro, $2,000, bids until August 12. Notes of Alexander county, $18, 000, bids until August 12. Notes of the town of Andrews, $2,500 bids until August 17. Notes of Cleveland County, $40, 000, bids until August 13. Notes of Robeson county $20,000, bids until August 13. N. C. Government System Now Attracts Interest Of Other States Chicago, Second Largest City, In quiries About New Legislation Here. Raleigh, Aug. 10.—Chicago, the big city of the middle west and sec ond largest in the nation, is calling upon North Carolina for nelp in solving the financial problems that have been vexing her for months, this call coming to Governor O. Max Gardner from Fred W. Sargent, member of the mayor’s special com mittee of Chicago, asking for com plete information regarding the lo cal government act passed by the 1931 general assembly. Mr. Sargent, one of the committee of big business men named to help get Chicago out of the red, is presi dent of the Chicago and Northwest ern Railway Co. He expressed the hope that North Carolina’s local government act may be helpful to the Chicago committee in its work. He stated that his attention was called to the act by an article recent ly appearing in "Business Week.’ quotations from which follow: “North Carolina is making the most drastic move of any, a move that is being watched closely by other states which may copy the plan if it works. And it appears to be working. “Four years ago the state estab lished an advisory commission with considerable power in directing the fiscal affairs of the 100 counties. In 1929 the commission’s power was ex tended. And now the legislature has set up a new ‘Local Finance Gov ernment’ with absolute power over all of the fiscal policies of every lo cal government unit in the state. "This complete mandatory state control began in the spring, and is working out even better than expect ea. Large immediate and future sav ings have been made possible by cen tral marketing of new securities. In addition, much unnecessary local fi nancing has been delayed or stop ped’’ Mr. Sargent’s letter is only one of many that are coming from many sections of the country making in quiry about and asking for copies of the state’s new local government act Civil Session OfCourtEnds; Five Divorces ' Warlick Adjourned Court Friday Two More Divorces Granted. Girl Gets Damage Verdict Against Mill. The civil session of superior court adjourned here Friday afternoon after disposing of quite a number | of civil litigations and granting a total of' five divorces. Three of the divorces, one of which Is held open : until the next session of court, werf. granted the first week of court with j Judge Moore presiding and two were granted last week while Judge Warlick was here. Hurt By Tombstone. At Friday's session Clyde Span gler and Harold Spangler, a minor were awarded a Judgment of $106 against S. A. Willis, trading as the Cleveland Granite and Marble i Works. The Judgment covered the cost of Injuries suffered by the youth when' a tombstone on display j tumbled over and crushed his leg i and foot. GeU $1,604) Pearl Mode was awarded $1,500 damages against, the Eastslde Man- 1 ufacturing company in another damage suit. Reuben Keeter was granted a di vorce from his wife, Essie Dalton Keeter, on the grounds of five years ' separation. Dewitt McSwaln was granted a divorce from his wife, Rose Mc Swain, the basis of the action being adultery on the part of the wife. No Extra Clerks For Court House | Commissioners Say Regular Office Force Must Handle County Clerical Work. There will be no extra clerk* employed at the Cleveland county court house this year, according to a ruling made by the county commissioners at a special meeting held Saturday The committee passed a resolution saying that there will be no extra clerical workers employed in county offices “during the ensuing year The resolution adddd “We request that the work be done by the regu lar office force now employed." This latter line Is taaken to mean that none of the present force is to' be cut off. E. P. Coogles Buried | In Atlanta Sunday Gulf OU Salesman Died Friday In j Asheville. Wm Well Known Here. Mr E. P. Coogles, salesman (or j several years in Cleveland and Ruth j erford counties for the Gulf oil firm died Friday in Asheville, death re-1 suiting from an- aftermath of a ton- i sil operation, it is said. Funeral services were held yester day at Atlanta, Georgia, his former home. Mr. Coogles, who divided his head quarters between Spartanburg, t where his wife and child lived, and the Royster .office of the Gulf firm here, was a very popular young salesman and well liked by all who knew him. McCarver Winner J Over “Babe” Carr Well Known Lightweight Loses De cision To Rival Here Saturdav Night. Babe Carr, Shelby lightweight and j aspirant for the lightweight title, is still in the foot of his comeback ! trail. In a 10-round bout here Saturday night he lost a decision to Tommy McCarver in what was termed Carr's comeback effort in a series of fights for the title. Carr did some heavy slugging in several rounds and the decision did not meet with full ap proval. He did not, however, appear to be in perfect condition and seem- j ingly'will have to take his training | and conditioning more seriously if! he hopes to attract outside attention as he once did Zoar Outfit Win* From Gaffney Club The Zoar second team defeated the Gaffney Manufacturing second team at the Ella park Saturday. The hitting of Humphries and Hollifield for Zoar and Bolin for Gaffney featured Grasshoppers’ Devastation The tremendous devastation wreaked by millions of grasshoppers swarming over western and middle-western States is graphically pic tured. Entire fields of eorn and grain are wiped out in the manner illustrated on one Nebraska corn field. This picture was made after the plague of insects had eaten the leaves from the com and show* the stalks standing with the pests Clinging lo them. Brick Prison Camp May Be Built Here Permanent Camp For State Road Forces Likely. Need 25 Acres. It is likely, The Star lea! camp to house State Highway near Shelby at an early date mission and officials of the £ Patrolman Hurt In Cycle Crash Highway Motorcycle Patrol man Joe Singleton, Shelby boy was painfully Injured Satur day morning when his motor cycle flipped over with him in some gravel while en route to Marion from Shelby. Singleton, a new member ol the patrol, was going to Mar lon to report before being as signed to his post at Boone when the accident occured. He Is now at his home here he was not resting so well today but expects to be bach on duty within a week. His worst injuries were ruts on the arm and shoulder. Hit By Deputy’s Car And Injured; Lights “Blinded” Earl Costner Has Leg Broken, skuil Frartured. Was Helping Push Auto. • Earl Costner, of the Beam’s Mill section, had his left leg: * fractured, just above the ankle, and his skull fractured Satur day night when struck by an automobile driven by Deputy Sheriff Frank Walker. At the Shelby hospital today It was said that Costner’s injuries although serious would not likely prove fatal. Deputy Walker, it is said, was blinded by the lights of an ap proaching car when his automobile hit Costner who was helping push another car. * According to reports given The Star, yopng Costner wa* helping some other boys, whose auto had run out of gas, to push their car Along. He was pushing at the rear end and Df%mty Walker's car, it is ’aid, struck him when the deputy pulled to the right as an auto ap proached from the opposite direc tion. The lights from tha approach ing car and the fact that the car being pushed had no lights prevent ed the deputy from seeing Costner sr the car, it is said. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baber and two •hildren, Jean and Gwendolyn are sack at home after spending last ■veek in Washington, D. C., New rork City, and other points of in eres ned today, that a brick prison prisoners will be erected in or by the State Highway Com* late prison. The former No e ton iu>jnp gaiif camp, north of Shelby, is already be ing used on state road work In sev eral counties in this road district which has headquarters at Marion. Permanent Affair, If the camp Is erected here it wit be a permanent construction. The No. 6 camp, it is said, is not com modious enough for all the prison ers it is necessary to house here The capacity of the former No. ( camp Is 40 and the new camp will be double that size. or will have s capacity of 80 to 100 prisoners. There is a possibility, should the new camp be erected here, that the site will be changed from the pres ent location of the former No. 6 camp The state will require 25 acres of land for the site of the new camp, it is said, and there are only 12 acres in the No. 6 camp plot now being used by the state. There is a possibility that additional acreage will be secured at the present gang camp site, In the Hopper park sec tion, just north of Shelby, while there Is a chance that the new camp may be erected on some part of the big county home farm, Mr. Oscar Pitts, of Catawba coun ty, one of the state prison camp of ficials, was a visitor in Shelby Fri day night and Saturday in connec tion with the proposed new camp. While here he conferred with the county commissioners, with Repres entative Henry B. Edwards, an as sociate in the last legislature; and with others County Tax Rate Cut Down 23c; Road Tax Off; Rates Are Fixed Valuation Off $1,700,000 In The County. Road Tax Reduction Ranges From 10c To 45c. May Save The Taxpayers $150,000 Yearly. There was a drop in the total valuation of seal and per sonal property in Cleveland county of $1,700,000 this year under last year, but in the face of this drop, the county com missioners on Saturday set the tax rate for 1931, 23c lower than last year for county purposes and made reductions ranging from 10 to 45c in the various township road districts. 18 Cases Tried In County Court Grind At Night Youths Freed On Chicken Stealing Charge. Aged Woman Gets Term For Disorderly House. The county recorders court on Friday night established a new record for night sessions by dis posing of 18 rases, the court hold ing forth until 11:30. % Two more cases were tried Sat urday morning. The ease which was expected to attract major Interest at the Friday night session failed to develop. It was an assault case growing out of the Superior court habes corpus proceeding in the Camp matter of the custody of a child. The case, due to the absence of necessary witnesses, was continued until next Saturday, Carl Bridges and Raymon Gray, young white men of No. 6 township were found not guilty by a jury on a chicken stealing charge. Other Friday night cases ran a varied gauntlet of minor offenses. Including worthless checks, public drunkenness, driving drunk, and violating the prohibition law. In an unusual court hearing Po liceman Paul Stainey was cleared of an assault charge, The prose cuting witness was a colored woman Arvilla Flack. She and four others testified in the matter and were positive that Policeman Stamey was the officer who pushed them awgy when they began arguing with him about the arrest of another colored woman on a larceny charge. Posi tive evidence was then introduced to show that Policeman 8tamey was op his vacation and out of the city on the night of the alleged assault and Judge Weathers ordered a ver dict of not guilty. At Saturday's session of court Harriet Green, aged white woman, was given a 12 months stay at the county home on the charge of oper ating a disorderly house. Katie West was given a 30-day jail sentence on the charge of an assault with deadly weapon. Couple Married At Court House Mr. Claude Anthony and Miss Eunice Bracket, both of the Sharon section, were married at the court house here Saturday afternoon. The marriage was performed by ’Squire T. C. Eskridge. Large Cotton Crop Indicated By Department Report; To Hit Price - 15 Million Bales, Million and One Half Over Last Year Is Forecast. Washington, Aug 10.—Cotton pro duction this year, indicated by the condition of the crop, August 1, was announced Saturday by the Departs ment of Agriculture at 15,584.000 equivalent 500-pound bales. Last year’s ginned production was 13,932. 000 bales. The condition of the crop on Au gust 1 was 74 9 per cent of a nor mal. indicating a yield of 183.8 pounds pei- acre The condition a year ago was 62.2 per cent of a normal, with final yield of 147.7 pounds, and the ten-year average condition on August 1 is 67.5 per cent, with acre yield averaging 154.4 pounds. Acreage in cultivation this year on July 1 was 41,491,000 acres That area reduced by the ten-year aver age abandonment between July 1 and time of picking, brings the probable area to be picked this year to 40,129,00 acres, on which figure the department based its indicated total production. The July 1 condition and indicated total production (in thousands of bales), by State, follows: Indicated State Condition Production Virginia ...- 82 38 North Carolina_ 78 713 South Carolina .... 71 835 Georgia .".-... 64 1,109 Florida . 74 37 Missouri ......_... 86 231 Tennessee __.... 7n 472 Alabama ... 70 1.263 Mississippi .. 73 1,771 Louisiana ....._ 72 886 Texas .. 75 50i8 Oklahoma ...•. 78 1,200 Arkansas .. 84 1,61* New Mexico.' 90 86 | Arizona ..92 131 California _92 194 All other States_81 6 United States total 74.9 15,584 Lower California_ 82 34 In addition to the reduction* tr the county-wide levies and the road district levies, slight reductions wer» made in a number of the school dis tricts Valuation Off The rates were definitely fixed Saturday at a called meeting of tha county commissioners A. E. Cltne, George Lattlmore and R. L. Weath ers, Action could not be taken ear lier for the reason that the tax supervisor's office had not arrived at the total valuation of real and personal property as llated during the summer. It was found that the total property valuation will ap proximately $36,800,000 this year m compared with $38,500,000 in 1830. This represents a drop in values of $1,700,000 most of which Is In per sonal property as thfre was no quadrennial real estate re-valua tlon this year Tax Reduction 1150,0007 Last year the total tax burden, for the county, road and school dis tricts was about $485,000. In 1838 It was slightly more than $500,000. It la not known what the reduced levies for 1831 will raise in the aggregate, but it is thought that the reduc tions win effect a saving in taxes in Cleveland county of from $150,000 to $176,000. Or to put ft another way, the tax on land has been re duced and put on gasoline, corpora tions, incomes, etc., which means a shift from land to other sources of tax revenue. Tax payers will be able to calcy late their taxes from the following schedule. To the county-wide rate of 50c las compared with 73c coun ty-wide rate last year) should be added the road tax in the county In whiijh one lives and special school district tax, if one happens to live in such a school district enjoying a (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT.t Hold Man, Woman In Cincinnati For Officers In Shelby Mark Washburn Wanted Here Pe* Stealing Car And Breaking In Store. City officers will leave some kirns this week for Cincinnati to bring back Mark Washburn, oolored, and his feminine companion, Oraoe Payne, who are wanted here on larceny charges. Washburn, city police say, is the man who several weeks ago stole a new Chevrolet automobile from the D. H. Cline garage here and also broke into the Wright-Baker de partment store, Trulove's cafe and a colored barber shop. Quite a bit of loot was taken from the depart ment store and slot pool tables were robbed in the other places. The new automobile was recovered the following day In Marlon, McDowell county, cemetery where it had been abandoned. The woman, a telegram to Chief McBride Poston from Cincinatti in formed, had dresses and coats with her which it is believed were taken from the Wright-Baker store. She joined Washburn, it is thought, after he left Shelby. Another wire today from Cincin nattl Informed Chief Poston that requisition papers would not be nec essary as the man and woman had waived extradition. r a Cotton Off 120 Points. Cotton on the New York ex change was off 120 points from Saturday's, close at 1:30 today as a result of 'he govern ment's estimate of a large crop. There was a break of ISO points on the Oct. open ing, but it had rallied by noon today and made a net loss of only 120 points. Oct. closed Saturday at 1:13 and Decem ber at 8:31. At 1:30 today Oct. was 6:93; Dec. 7:11