f m* Ittoihutib 10 PAGES TODAY FRIDAY, AUG, 21, 19.".1 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. nr Mall. par mu. (In adranaal _ W.M Oarrlar. nrr raar. on adaanoa) _ (*.».■ Late News More Showers Today's North Carolina Weather Heporl: Mostly cloudy tonight ann Saturday. Showers tonight and in east portion Saturday. Lindberghs Delayed. Tokyo. Aug. 21.—A message to the Dept, of Communications from flight Lieutenant Yosbio Tanaka, at Nemuro. today said a combina tion of carburetor trouble and un favorable weather probably will keep Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lind bergh at Ketol Island, in the cen tral Kuriles, for some time. Lieu tenant Tanaka messaged: 'There Is very little hope of repairing the Lindberghs’ motor in a short time.’’ The flight officer did not state the origin of his information, but pre sumably it was given him by the government steamer Shimushiru Haru. which has been standing by ♦be plane sinre twelve hours after it was forced down late Wednes day in the "Black Hole" of the Kurile archipelago. The communl rations department also was ad vised today that a dense fog con tinued to cloak Ketol island and the central Kuriles. The seas were reported roughening. The Lind berghs, when forced dowD by fog Wednesday on the attempted non slop flight here from Tetropavlovsk Kamchatka peninsula, alighted on the south side of the island, where they were protected from the wind. Thursday morning the wind chang ed. roughening the water, making the change desirable. Gardners Make Tour In Smoky National Park Leave Asheville Today For Trip In-' to Beautiful Mountain Sec tion There. Asheville, Aug. 21— Governor O.j Max Gardner, who with Mrs. Gard-! tier Is & guest at the home of B.! ''R Gossett, in Biltmore Forest, Ashe ville early today for High Hampton inn, at. Cashiers, preparatory to starting on a trip into the Great Smoky Mountains National park Saturday morning where he will spend the day. Will Leave Saturday At Cashiers the Governor and Mrs. Gardner will be joined by E. B. Jeffress chairman of the state highway commission, and Mrs. Jef fress and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mc Itee, of Sylva. Mrs. McKee was a member of the state senate at the !d931 session The party will leave Cashiers early Saturday morning i»ver highway No. 106 to Cullowhcc, where Governor Gardner plans to visit the Western North Carolina Teachers college. After a short visit at the college the party will motor to Sylva and thence by high way No. 10 to Bryson City. After lunch at Fryemont inn, at Bryson City, the party will go to Ela where they will be met by J. Ross Eakin, -superintendent of the Smoky park. Governor Gardner will he taken over the new Smokemont road into the park area. If weather permits the party will take a loop motor trip over route 288 by Bush men and Fontana to Deal’s Gap and return to Bryson ^pity by way of •iBanteetlah and Nantahala Gorge. Will Visit Canton The party expects to spend Sun day at Cashiers. Governor and Mrs. Gardner will return to Canton Mon day morning for a short visit with Clyde Hoey, Jr., their nephew. The governor will return to Ashe ville Monday afternoon, he said last night and will taive for Shelby early Tuesday morning. He will return here on Priday August 28 to deliver the principal address at a Smoky Park banquet and mass meeting at the Vanderbilt hotel. Hoey And Cornevin Open New Insurance Agency In The City General Headquarters In Two C*ro Mnas For Kansas City Life Comes Here. Formal announcement is made to day that Shelby becomes the Caro linas general headquarters of the Kansas City Life Insurance Com pany. with two well known local in surance men elevated to the im portant post of general agents in charge of the two Carolinas’ terri tory. Flay H. Hoey and L. R. Cornevin have resigned from their respective former companies to take over the new enterprise, and have established elaborate offices in the Weathers Building on South Washington St. Mr. Hoey has for several years represented the Jefferson Standard and later the Colonial Life in the Shelby territory. And Mr. Cornevin baa eleven years service to his credit with the Metropolitan » The Kansas City Life, the incom ing company, is one of the big shots in the insurance field in the coun try. with between five and six hun dred million dollars In insurance in force. It is not only one of the larg es*, but equally well known, in the Wg insurance field. State Prison Camp Is To Be Built In County Total Of Five To Be Erected j Site Not Definitely Selected Tor New Brick Prison Camp. Just, when construction work w:li begin on the new State prison camp near Shelby has not been definitely decided. The work, it is understood wdll get under way Just as soon as a site for the camp is selected. This so far as The Star could learn had not been done today. The acreage at the No. 6 township camp, now being used to house State convicts, is not considered large enough for the new camp quarters. Additional acreage may be secured there or a new site selected, perhaps on the county home plot. The calnp structure will be of brick and other than masons who will be employed the labor and work it is learned, will be done bv the convicts. Raieigh, Aug 21—The Stale High ways Commission has authorized the construction of five prison camps with fireproof sleeping quarters for county convicts, providing the nec essary sites and local arrangement? can be made quickly. Plans for the experimental wood en convict camp authorized by the commission two weeks ago to be erected In Wake County, were aban doned. The commission conferred with Insurance Commissioner Dan C. Boney and State Firse Marshal Sherwood Brockwell as to what kind of construction would be approved by the insurance department, ap proval of that department being made necessary by the 1931 High way Act. Brick or tile walls, cement floors and a fire resisting roof will be used in the sleeping quarters of the camps which will house around 75 prisoners each. The guard house, dinning room and kitchen will be of wood and at least fifty feet from the prisoners’ quarters An -iron mesh fence will surround the quar ters. The counties in which the com mission deemed prison camps of first importance, and in which they will be erected first providing sat isfactory arrangements can be made without delay are Wake. Cabarrus. McDowell, Cleveland, Ouplin. The cost of the camps must be brought within *10,000 each. E. B. Jef/ress, State highway' commission er ,said. After plans are modified. Jeffress was instructed to go ahead with the construction Farm Tour Starts From County Home The first annual farm tour of their own county by Cleveland county fanners will start from the county home Tuesday morning. Aug. 25. It was originally announced that the tour would start at the court house. This was an error and farmers who plan to make the day s trip are asked to gather at the county home site. An intmerary for the day has been outlined by R. w. Shoffner, farm agent, and others. It is plan ned to visit some of the leading farms in the county, particularly thc*e which have successfully taken up live-at-home methods. Much in terest in the tour centers in the in troduction of lespedeza, the increase in soy beans, and cattle. Georgia Justice Here Seeking His Ancestor’s Grave Was the grandfather of the chief Justice of Georgia's Su preme court and the great grandfather of Georgia’s gov ernor burled in Cleveland or Lincoln counties? The Star learned today that Chief Justice Richard B. Rus sell, of Georgia, was In Shelby this week seeking information about his grandfather's grave which was thought to be somewher* between Shelby and Lincolnton. Just a few weeks ago Chief Justice Russell administered the oath of offire to his own son when the latter was sworn in as governor. Jake Hambright Of Grover Dead Descendant of Col. Fredrick Ham bright—Was postmaster at Grover Several Years. Mr. Jake Hambright. former post master of Grover, died Thursday afternoon at 5:45 at the Rutherford hospital where he has been a pat ient for a short time and his re mains will be buried Saturday morn ing at H o'clock, the funeral to take place at Shiloh Presbyterian church, Grover, in which he was a deacon Mr. Hambright was a direct des cendant of Col. Fredrick Hambright one of the most prominent American officers In the battle at Kings Moun tain. He was a son of 0r. A. F. Hambright, one of the early settlers of Groyer who mamA after his mar riage across the state line into South Carolina between Grover atfd the Battleground. Mr. Hambright was one of the most successful far mers of that section, served as post master at Grover for a number of years and was one of the three com missioners appointed by the War Department to make a survey of the battleground which lead to the making for a national park. In the plans and preparation of the sesqul-centennial celebration last year at Kings Mountain, Mr. Ham bright was one of the promoters. He had been in declining health for sometime and his death was ex pected by close friends tfRd mem bers of the family. The funeral services will be conducted by the pastor of the Shiloh Presbyterian church. Rev. J. T. Dendy. Surviv ing are his wife and several child ren. Mr. Cooper New Agent For Seaboard E J. Cooper was checked In as agent for the Seaboard Air Line Railway in Shelby last week, suc ceeding C. M. Stroup, who died a few weeks ago. Mr. Cooper has been connected with the Seaboard for 34 years and has been with this line in Cheraw. S. C., for 34 years. He has moved his family to Shelby from Cheraw and they have taken the Dr. Harbison brick home on N. Wash ington street, opposite L E. Ligon. Court Rules That Tax On Trucks Of Other States Is Not Constitutional j - - i Law Of Last Legislature Nullified. Maxwell Will Not Make Appeal. Asheville, Aug. 21.—North Caro lina's effort to place a $50 tax on trucks hauling produce, fruit or fish into this state from other states was held unconstitutional by a three judge federal court. The court nullified, in effect, the action of the last general assembly which passed the peddler's tax, by making permanent a temporary in junction restraining collection of the levy. The injunction was granted to B M. Gramlin, Spartanburg, s. C, peach grower, who brought a test case against the tax act in behalf of hundreds of other orchardists and farmers who have been accust omed to marketing South Carolina produce in this state. The court—composed of Judge i John J. Parker, of Charlotte, Judge E, Yates Webb, of Shelby, and Judge | H. S. Watkins, of Anderson, S. C. held that the state has a right to impose a tax on peddlers so long as there is no discrimination against the products of other states. The opinion was written by Judge Parker and concurred in by his asso ciates. Will Not Be Appealed. Raleigh, Aug. 21—A. J. Maxwell, North Carolina commissioner of revenue said the federal court de cision holding unconstitutional this state’s "peddler” “tax" was "correct and wholesome" and will not be appealed. "This tax was made to depend on wheather the articles taxed were produced in this state or in another state, clearly does violence to the commerce clause of the federal con stitution,” Maxwell declared. "This ease went to the court be cause it was not thought a question of constitutionality of a legislative I CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN J , New Session Of Superior Court Here On Sept. 21 > Term Of Week For Civil Cases Jurlors Drawn For Snuinn Provlird j By Ust legislature. Harwood Preside*. I Th(* extra one-work session ot Superior court provided for Cleve land county by the last legislature will convene in Shelby on Monday, September 21. a month from today judge J. H. Harwood is scheduled i to preside over the court which will be devoted entirely to the civil cal* \ endar. The county bar association and j court officials deemed the extra j week a necessity to help relieve the I congested civil calendar and take | some of the weight off the two ] weeks session that comes during the hottest, weather of the summer. Jnriors Drawn. The following juriors were drawn to serve for the session: L, L. Ruppe. Jesse Jolley, Cliff Lowery. C. P Goforth, E. Y. Gall more, A. B. McSwain. N. A. Black, G, B. Jones. Forrest Blanton, B. B. Wellmon, M. Brooks, G. Y. Ham rick, E Roy Crowder. George M. Gold, Ed D Cline, Homer Beam, W. S. Peeler, and Clyde Warltck. Former Barber Here Hurt In Washington Forrmit Bolin Hit On Head With Hammer By Negro. Injury Not Seri out. Forrest Bolin, former Shelby harber non employed In Wash ington. Is in the hospital there suffering with a head Injury as the result of an altercation with a negro. Earlyesterday Police Chief Me- i Bride Poston was informed that the former Shelby man, whose wife is 1 still here, was in the hospital there | seriously injured No other definite Information was 1 received until last night when Mrs. Bolin was informed that her hus band was not thought to be serious : ly hurt and should be out of the hospital within a few days. First re l ports had it, she said, that his skull was fractured, but the last message indicated that such was not the case. The information given had It that j Bolin was struck over the head with a hammer by a negro shine boy with whom he had some words. Blindfold Driver To Exhibit Stunt In City Saturday "Nemar." Veteran Performer In Blindfold Driving Act, To Drive City Streets. Promptly at four-thirty o’clock j tomorow (Saturday) afternoon, "Ne- j mar," perhaps the best known of the blindfold drivers of the country.; will start an exhibition drive ii>: Shelby. The start will be made from the j Lawrence Lackey automobile sales- j rooms on South LaFayette street.' •'Nemar" having selected a Pontairj car in which to do his stunt, using j Texaco gas and Monarch tires. The exhibitionist has invited a j physician of Shelby to adjust the! blindfold, ,which will consist of a | metal mask, plus adhesive tape, plus layers of cloth, first having had his eyes closed and fifty cent pieces placed monacle-like over the eye sockets. "Nemar” says he will drive through the traffic of the town as fast, as the traffic officers will permit, up to fifty miles an hour. It is the speed and accuracy of these drives which has aroused such keen in terest on the part of spectators The route will be around the city generally but specific calls will be made at the following places: Sterchi Brothers, Bost's Bakery Harmrick s Jewelry Store, the Shelby Hardware Company, Cohen Bros. At each, of these places the driver will get out of his car, enter the store in which he will be given a present to be donated to a lady in the crowd. This Stunt will be per formed without removing the band age from his eyes. “Nemar” told the Star he has been conducting such exhibitions for twenty-eight years, starting his performances back in the horse and buggy days. Mrs Wayne Williams of Laurin burg, and Miss Louise McLeod, of Maxton, wiil arrive today to visit their sister, Mrs Robert Woods here. Happy Triangular Romance ! One of the strangest romance* of the world will culminate noon when June Ramsey (left), one* the toast of Broadway, marries her for mer husband's beat friend—the friend who was best man at her wed dint. And, just to make it a hit, more hizaare, the wedding wtll take plare aboard the former husband’s vateht, the Alegria, with the for mer mate anting as best man. June Ramsey, theatrical star of 1R years ago, wed Adolph Rrdmann (right), wealthy coal merchant, nearly two 1 decades ago. The bridegroom-to-be, who was heat man for June and Adolph, is Sahino dr Barrenearhea Maraachto, (lower left), millionaire sugar planter of Havana. One County Officer Gives Back Tenth Of Salary, Writer Is Told J I. Hawkins Offer* Apology When It 1* Learned Newton Cut Own Pay, A letter to The Star recently from J. L. Hawkins, a subscriber and Shelby citizen ha* brought on more talk so to speak. Mr, Hawkins had several com ments to make about the salaries of county officers and office-holders in general. Since that time, according to a letter from him today he has been informed that A. P. Newton, regis ter of deeds, has given back 10 per cent of his salary each month to the county. The Hawkins communication, cor recting the first one, says: "A short article published in The Star Aug. 17 may need amplifica tion. t made an error in one par ticular as a letter enclosed will show. To Mr Newton I offer sincere, apol ogy “And to all others referred to l want to say that no personal mat ter had anything to do with it. I personally admire them all. And had they all been out and another set in, my line of argument would have been the same. I was only off ering some suggestions whereby the terrific weight of our present gov ernment might be reduced." 1-etter Of Correction. Thp letter referred to by Mr Hawkins, one mailed him. follows: “I read your article or August 17th, in the Cleveland Star I agree with you in your article tnat the people feel about the whole matter, as you and Mr. Reinhardt- You wrote a noble article, and It will ap peal to the people "Two reasons I am writing you, first, X want to inform you t think your article is right and just to the people. Second, 1 want to Inform you as Information that Andy F. Newton, register of deeds, of Cleve land county, has paid to the county ten per cent of his salary since last December, which amounts to two hundred and sixty dollars per year. No other officer in the court house has offered to give ten per cent of their salary. In justice to Mr. New ton, I am happy to inform you of his motive in this matter. “No state elective official salary Is cut, only the appointee. No elector that Is elected by ballot has any cut, that makes It more important of Mr. Newton donating his own sal ary ten per cent. State judges sal ary, eight thousand, state solicitors salary, six thousand, no cut. School teacher's salary of an average of eight hundred and sixty-four dollars, cut ten per cent. Cut the weak to take care of the strong " Good rains fell yesterday and last night in nearly all sections of Cleve land county, farmers in the city today said. No. 6 township section it seems had less rain than most of the other sections. In some com munities the rainfall was heavy, re ports having it that streams were up considerably in the southwest section of the county. Crops were helped considerably by the rain and other showers are forecast be fore the week-end is over, j Miss Barrett To Wed On Stage Tonight Local Minister To Perform Cere mony After Main Show Is Over At Btllroy’s Tent Mu* Lula Barrett, age 1ft Mid Mr. Evans Ross, age 38 are aehedul ,*d to ba married tonight at the j BlUroy tent show on N. Washington | street where the show has been run ning nightly all this week, says the manager. Mr. Ross is the son of Mr and Mrs. W M. Ross of the Earl community, while Miss Barrett is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Barrett who live on Roberts street in West Shelby. She has been living here for ten years and has been em ployed for the past four years at the Dover MilL The Billroy show ofrers a quantity of merchandise and household goods valued at 8100 to $500 to the couple who would consent to marriage on the atage tonight and this couple took up the management. A local minister has been engaged to per (frora the ceremony which will be with the solemnity of a church wed ding.’The name of the minister is with-held but has been given to The Star. The ceremony will take place after the main show is over and be fore the concert begins. African To Speak Waimbas Dundas Candoia. from Belgium Congo and termed the “Walking Encyclopedia of Africa," will speak twice in Shelby Sunday. Sunday morning he will be at the white Presbyterian church at 10:45, and Sunday evening at'8 at the Roberts Tabernacle, colored church. He will lecture about his native customs, how they court, marry, send telegraph messages, serve God, etc. He will be dressed in native costume for the lectures. Lever Urges Farmers To Keep Cool Heads Officer’s Killer Goes On Trial At Rutherfordton Fred Smart Who Killed Forest City rolire Chief To Be Tried Next Week. Rutherford ton. Aug. 21.-Judge; Cameron F. McRae of Asher Ule will ■ convene the Superior court of Ruth- j erford county here Monday morning j lor the trial of criminal cases. This; will be a special term railed by j Governor Gardner at the request of i county authorities. While a large number of criminal eases are on the docket to be tried, the major trial next week will be that, of Fred Smart of Forest City who will face charges of murder in the first degreo Tor the killing of former Chief of Police Austin A. Price of Forest City on the night of June 8th, 1931. This trial is not like ly to get under way until Tuesday or Wednesday as the grand jury must pass on the bill. Smart must be arraigned and it is possible that a Jury will be selected from another! county. Several things can happen to delay important murder trials. Some of the state's ablest legal talent will appear in the trial- J. Will Pless, Jr., will represent the state in the prosecution. He will be assisted by C O. Ridings of Forest City, who will be chief prosecuting attorney: Judge J. L. Murphy of Hlekory, who has been employed by friends of the dead man and Hon. Clyde R. Hoey, who has been em ployed by the town of Forest City. Smart will be represented by the local firm of Quinn, Hamrick and Harris. Bustles Are Coming Back, Buyer States Fashions Of Yesteryear To Be Sty H*h A Rain, Shelby Man Think*. Ladies, alt up and prepare tor the worst. It is imminent; in fact, the hour has struck. Joe Nash, back Irom a New York buying trip, brings word of the new styles, and new is the word to be accented and duly considered. Not only, according to Mr. Nash, are the new fall styles different, they arc so radically different that what they represent is really a Jump back in time to the good old days of the hoops and the bustles. Mr. Nash, without the flicker ol a smile, declares that actually bust les are on their way back, and w'll arrive, according to authorities this fall. And with them Is coming all the trimmings. Which is to say that, in the mat ter of style, the pendulum 1/tving swung to the ballet skirt and the wide open doored back, has now swung as far the other way, that the ladies are to beconfi as old fashioned as the horse drawn vic trola, and hand kissing shleks. Asked about economic conditions north, Mr. Nash said the people are not talking hard times, but you can feel the pinch of conditions in the air. "Folks in New York,” he declared, "are just about like they are here and everywhere else, nervous and uncertain of the future, trying to grope ahead as best, they can. and trying to be hopeful,” Farm Co-ops To Get Advance Of One Cent Under Prevailing Market Price Member* Of Cooperative Get Goost By Oecision Made By Farm Board. Washington. Aug:. 21. — The Farm Board has solved one of Its cotton problems. It has decided that farmer members of cotton co-operatives which have board approval, will receive advances on cotton, co operatively marketed, of one cent less than the prevailing: price at the point of delivery. The arrangement was arrived at this week after conferences between directors of the Ameri can Cotton Co-operative Asso ciation and Farm Board mem bers. If the price of cotton should be 6 cents a pound, growers will receive and advance of S cents. If the staple falls or rises, the ratio will be preserved. Advances made last year were about SO per cent of the market price and the A. C. C. A. still holds most of the 2,100,(KM) bales which It handled for its mem bers. Primary financing for loans this year will be through com mercial and Intermediate credit banks. The board will insure second loans. Carl Williams, of Oklahoma, board member for cotton, said no accurate estimate of the funds needed to finance the ad vances could be made. He added the belief that at least 3,000.000 bales would be handled by the co-operatives this year and that under present conditions co-op eratives affiliated with the asso ciation would show a substantial increase in membership. Suggestions for dealing with •he problem created by unusual ly low prices and a prospective , abundant crop are being receiv- I ed at the board dally. AH Food Served Wa§ Home Grown >' Speaker At Ptcnlr Dinner flttvev Tlvlr Club* nere By Club Women. Halo Interfered with the serv inr of the “home-grown’* pic nic luncheon last night at Clev land Sprint* by the nhrteen homo economic clubs of tfcc county to the oMc <*nbs of the county, including: the Kiwani*. KoUry and Lion* of Shelby and I he Civitan club of Kinirs Moun tain. hut the bountiful meal was *erved nevertheless and R* Congressman A. F. Lever of « olumhus, S. C. delivered his ad dress on economics as pertain inc to agricultural products. A Home-Grown Meal. Some 300 people were present and the bountiful home-grown, mnl war •served on tables In the grove wear the swimming pool. Everything wa.« the product of farms of Cleveland county except the "seasoning.’' It, included chicken, stuffed egga, pick les, pies, cakes, ham stuffed toma toes. sandwitches and scores of nt*ie tasty thing* to eat. with an ampi< supply of buttermilk and home made grapejuice. The sixteen home economics elubr of the county came ip with an abundant supply of good thing* and after the 300 had eaten, plenty war left. Just after the meal wan serv ed. a sudden rain came and here the program was Interfered with until lights could be secured for the large pavillion, where the guests assembled to hear Mr. Lever. The speaker was a member of Congress for 18 years and chair man of the Agricultural committee which framed much important leg islation. Kwp Cool Heads. “Thern never was a time when men and women should keep heads upon their shoulders, than now.” said Mr. Lever, "for it Is in a crisis like this wd should keep r.ooi and seek out sound solutions of our trou bles. It may be there is a hidden purpose in what we are undergoing. We never realised a few years ago when we were buying all the autos we could get and all the land we desired and other things, that some one might be sawing the limb off beneath us. I saw a bushel of wheat in Texas a few weeks ago exchang ed for two packages of cigarettes. Oats in Texas bring ten cents per bushel and other farm commodi ties are accordingly low. but we must keep our heads upon our shoulders to work out. Other peo ple have gone through worse times and we will do the same.” Mr. Lever declares there are three Important elements in failing — production, credit and distribution. He traced Federal activities and legislation concerning these three elements and declared that these Federal law-s have merit and are workable, if only given proper time and trial. He declared the Ameri can farmer to be the ‘most produc tive farmer, man for man. In th< world. He is not the most pro ductive farmer, acre for acre, be cause he has so much land he does not have to be Mr. Lever contends there is no surplue of wheat and cotton. It Is a lack of orderly marketing. The 25 million unemployed people or the World want these commodities, bn*, are unable to buy them, said Mr. Lever who contends that market ing has been disorderly, but will be corrected under the farm market ing act, misnamed a Farm Relief act. Mrs. Irma Wallace who was in charge of the picnic and program had arranged a quartet from Boil ing Springs and congregational singing, whi£h were greatly enjoyed by those who remained for the pro gram following the picnic. It u understood that the home clubs of the county plan to make an annus I event for this gathering. Hon. O. M. Mull in thanking the ladies who served the meal, those who sang and Mr. Lever who spoke, pointed out that the people, especi ally the fanners, are at least blessed with plenty to eat and as for money all have company and comfort In the fact that no one has any. County Court Ha» Full Docket Today County recorder's court this morn ing started grinding away on one of the heaviest dockets in soma time. The court sessions all week have been light, but a score or so of cases were booked for disposal to day. several of them being Jury trials. None of the cases on tha docket was in connection ■witjr serious charges.