10 PAGES TODAY 1931 Published Monday, Wednesday and Priday Afternoons. rt> Mill, hi (Ml, (la tflUMI _ 1 Late News Showers Saturday. Today’s North Carolina Heather Report; Local thunder showers to nifht and Saturday. G'onrtcts Riot. Marquette, Mich, Aug. 28.—Four long-term prisoners, frustrated in an attempt to escape from the Mar quette branch prison, yesterday shot and killed the acting prison physi cian. wounded a guard and two trus ties and then ended their own lives when they were cornered. Warden James P. Corgan prevented a gener al prison riot, ordering all the con victs to their cells after three of the four who planned the escape bar ricaded themselves In the industrial building shortly after 8 a. m, carry-| •ng two guards as hostages, and de manded they be allowed to go free. The physician, slain at the outset •*1 the escape attempt, was Dr. A. W. flornbogen, consulting surgeon and acting prison doctor in the absence af Dr. L. L. Toungquist. The four ■prisoners who shot themselves were Andiw (Tony) Germano, Toledo, O, sentenced to 35 to 50 years for wounding a Birmingham, Mich, pa trolman; Leo Dover, Detroit, serving a life term for armed robbery, Frank Hohfer, Detroit, serving 30 to 50 years for kidnaping, and Charles Rosebnrg, Detroit, serving 20 to 40 years for armed robbery. Smart Says He Cannot Recall Killing Chief Give* Drunkenness As Defense H*v* All Evidence In Today In Slaying Of Forest City Officer. Rutherfordton, Aug. 28<-Fred Smart, charged with shooting Police CJiief Austin Price of Forest City, to death after the officer had ar rested him on a charge of drunk enness, testified in his trial for murder here yesterday that he had no recollection of anything that took place the night of the killing. Smart testified he had no knowl edge that Chief Price arrested him or that anybody spoke to him from 8 p. m. June 6, the date of the kill ing, until the next morning. He de nied telling officers anything about the slaying while he was being tak en to jail after Price had been kill ed and disclaimed any knowledge of anything that took place the night of the killing. Smart was questioned 30 minutes by Fred D. Hamrick, his own chief counsel, and was cross-examined 45 minutes by Clyde R. Hoey, of Shel by, of the prosecution. “Drunk" Testimony. The defense put up 22 witnesses, including Smart, during the day. Eleven of them gave the defend ant a good character and 10 stated that he was “drunk” the night of the killing. Practically all of the state's 18 witnesses testified Smart was "un der the influence of whiskey” the night of the killing “but was not drunk." Dr. W. C B06tic, sr., Forest City physician, the first witness in the trial, who reached the officer eight minutes after three shots had pierc ed his body, testified that any of the wounds was sufficient to have caused death. Under questioning Solicitor J. Will Pless, jr., of Mar ion, Dr. Bostic testified he exam ined the body in an undertaking establishment and found severe knife wounds in the back that also would have caused death. He said he smelled the odor of whiskey on Smart's breath, but that he did not consider the man intoxicated. , 1,000 At Trial. More- than 1,000 spectators util ised every space in the court room (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN * Solicitor Beam Improved Today In Coma For Day And Night And Condition Seemed Serious At Time. The condition of County So licitor W. Speight Beam, who has been a patient at the Shelby hospital since Wednesday after noon was said to be considerably improved today. His physician. Dr. E. B. Lattimore, mid at noon that Solicitor Beam was rallying from a coma which he had been in for a day and a night, aild was seemingly on the road to recovery. For a number of hours after the attack Wednesday morn ing he was unable to talk and was helpless physically but this condi tion is gradually improving, First reports Wednesday evening had if that the recorder's court prosecutor had suffered a stroke, but it was «aid today that he had not. the roma following a physical collapse. Attorney Pat McBrayer served as prosecutor for Solicitor Beam in county court today. Half Million Dollar Suit In Bank Closing Mismanagement I* Charge Brought Centers About Commercial Bank Which Had Kings Mountain Unit. Gastonia, Aug. 28.—Suit for the recovery of $500,000 damages for “negligence and mismanagement” has been started in this county against 24 former directors of the defunct Commercial Bank and Trust company by State Banking Commissioner Guerney P. Hood, on behalf of the bank. The 24 directors named as defen dants in the action are W. T, Love, J. White Ware, W. H. Wray, Rob ert Goldberg, J, O. Plonk, J. A, I Costner, Dr. L. A. Crowell, Dr. C. H. ! Hoover, Wade S. Buice, A. S. Kar esh, W. W. Glenn, M. E. Herndon, O. G. Palls (deceased), C. M. Rob inson, C. D. Stroupe, W. J. T, Styers, V. E. Long, R. O. Cherry, A. H Guion, J. A. Aberenthy, E. H. Byars, jr„ and E. E. Groves. Summons against all the defen dant directors have been issued and the complaint will be filed early in September by O. F. Mason, jr., at> torney for Commissioner Hood. Mr Mason has been granted a brief ex tension of time for filing the com plaint. Commissioner Hood, through Mr. Mason, has also started individual suit against two directors for re covery of sums of money secured "by Unlawful preference obtained by withdrawal of accounts on the day on which the banks were closed.” The commissioner alleged L. A. Crowell of Lincdlnton withdrew $1,000 from the Commercial bank on the day on which it closed, and that E. H. Byars, jr., did likewise. Two suits are being brought against Byars, in one of which his wife is included, asking recovery of $7,472 allegedly withdrawn from the bank on the day it closed. The Commercial Bank and Trust company, with its main branch in Gastonia and other branches in Kings Mountain, Lincolnton, Mount Holly ad Cherryville, closed in Ap ril, 1929 City Financial Statement Issue Light Department Shows Gross Profit of $60,000. Taxes Next Largest Revenue. In today's issue of The Star ap pears the official statement of re ceipts and disbursements for the city of Shelby for the thirteen month period ending June 30th. The audit includes a thirteen month period because the legislature early this year changed the fiscal year of all cities in order to make them uniform. During the year the city received from all sources $376,752.99. The largest single item of revenue was the light department which brought in $137,223.41 which this depart ment cost to maintain $76,297.30, leaving a gross profit of over $60, 000. The next largest source of rev enue was from taxes on real and personal property which amounted to $114,203.22. The third largest source of revenue was from the water department, this amounting to $41,213.41 for the thirteen month period. Operation of the water de partment cost $16,875.21, leaving a qet gross profit to the city. The audit was made by the firm of Geo. E. Scott and Company, cer tified public accountants of Char lotte. Ex-Gov. McLean Would Tax Cotton To Reduce Crop Along Plan Of Sarratt Would Permit So Man; Acres Tax Tree And Impose Tax On fextra Acres. The cotton reduction plan of W. C. Sarratt, Cleveland county farm er, whereby a tax would curb sur plus production, has attracted much favorable comment in North Caro lina and other cotton-growing states. Former Governor A. W. McLean proposes a somewhat similar method as is shown by the following dis patch from Lumberton “Cut cotton acreage on half in 1932 and let the cotton-growing states agree on a tax plan by which each cotton farmer would be allow ed so many acres tax free and im pose a privilege tax of $5 an acre in excess of the amount allotted,” said former Governor A. W. Mc Lean, of Lumberton. when asked what he would suggest in lieu of the plan adopted by the New Orleans cotton conference to prohibit the planting of any cotton in 1932. Mr. McLean said that he does not think it practical to cut out all cot ton next year, as proposed by Gov ernor Long of Louisiana. There are too many section, he said, where they can't grow any other money crop, and too many people are de pendent on raising some cotton. He thinks it would be impossible to prohibit the planting of cotton. "You can't pass such a law,” he said, "unless it is put upon some such ground as necessary to kill out the boll weevil.” Whether such a law as he pro poses, to cut cotton acreage one half and put a privilege tax of $5 per acre on every planter who ex ceeded the amount allotted to him according to the proportion of his 1931 acreage, would be constitu tional, Governor McLean would not say, but he thinks that a privilege tax has a putty wide range. Proposes Steering Committee To Aid In Charity Work Editor Suggests Food Conservation And Thrift Stop Outsiders Begging. To help tide over the depression which confront us locally, Lee B. Weathers proposed last night the appointment of a steering or ad visory committee composed of five of the soundest thinking men of the county whose duties will be to co ordinate the work of the civic and social dubs, the churches, schools and farm and home agents. Mr. Weathers contended that the government and lass could not be counted on to bring about good times. “The public treasuries must be safeguarded or they will be In the same condition England and Germany are in. We cannot expect the government to buy more wheat and cotton when it is already hold ing the bag. If it buys more, disas ter will follow. We cannot enforce no cotton’ laws; that would cause rebellion. We should not plow out every third row or destroy the sur pluses; that woul show a lack of appreciation of God's bountiful blessings. We need not expect Santa Claus to surprise us with a sudden reversal of present conditions," said the editor. Campaign Of Thrift. “We can and should do some thing locally and I suggest that five sober-thinking, sound visioned men be appointed to ait in conference and direct the co-ordination or or ganized bodies we already have. First and foremost, a campaign of thrift and economy should be taught in the schools and preached in the. pulpits, emphasizing the Import ance of conserving our abundant food supply. There are many un fortunate people who do not pro vide for the future and It Is the duty of others to help and advl6e with them. •T would suggest that this steer ing committee ask club members to go as speakers to the various schools of the county and make talks on thrift and economy to the children in order that there may be no hungry this winter because of indifference and indolence. Minis ters should be asked to preach ser mons on thrift and food conserva tion from their pulpits. The county agents should have the assistance of members of the Woman’s clubs of the town and county in impress ing this lesson on folks who need it. Stop Outsiders Begging “Public begging by people who live outside of Cleveland county should be stopped. Our alms should iCONTINUED ON PAGE TEN.I Tbad Ford’* Brother Sick In Hospital Ntriton Crocker, of Cherryvllle, a brother of Thad C. Ford of Shelby, Is in a critical condition in the U. S. Veterans Hospital, diagnosing de-j partment, Washington, D. C.. suffer ing with what is thought to be a tumor of the brain. Mr. Crocker was removed to Washington Tuesday from Gaston county. He has been unconscious for four days and his condition is reported to be very ser ious. He is a veteran of the World War Housewife Plans Flight • PlANS £bR Hop To * Housewives are usually associated with the surroundings which their titles indicate, but Mrs. Geraldine Gray laiffredo, matron of Buffalo, N. Y., likes to be different. She has be en set apart from most of her sea in the modern game of aviation, at least, for her career has taken her up in the air at numerous timet since 1914 when she began parachute Jumping from hot air balloons. In 1917, Mrs. Loffredo made her first leap from a plane and In 1925 she w as licensed as a pilot—the sixth wo man flier in the country. Her next feat in the world far above the ground is a projected flight from America to Italy as a good-will ges ture between the two nations. She doesn't believe a woman capable of flying the distance all alone, so a skilled Italian flier will accompany her as navigator. Her plane Is the “Liberty," in which Otto Hllllg, the “Hying Photographer," flew from New York to Copenhagen with Holger Holrtis. Admission To Biggest Fair Yet Is Cut To Half Price; Track Meet For High Schools Is New Feature Dor ton Says Program Will Be Above Average But Will Cost Dess. An announcement that will be of much interest to the thous ands of people who attend the big Cleveland County Fair each year was made today by Secre tary J. S. Dorton when he let it be known that general admis sion to the fair this fall will be 25 cents for all both day and night. Heretofore the general admission for adults during the day has been 50 cents and 25 cents for children and admission at night 25 cents to aU Better Program. •'We have decided that considering I the times we should reduce the ad-j mission to 25 cents." Dr, Dorton | said. "The fair is an educational event and has already become one of the outstanding annual affairs in this section of the State and we do not want the admission charge to be high enough to keep anyone away. “In making the reduction we de sire to emphasise the fact that the displays, the shows, the exhibits and the attractions will not be cheap ened one bit because of -the reduc tion for admission. Instead we have booked for this fall the biggest show that has ever played a fair in this section of the South. Our free j acts and stunts are the best to be found, and those who have been thrilled by the nightly fireworks program heretofore may expect a more sensational pyrotechnical dis play than ever. "We’re merely cutting the admis sion charge so that everyone may attend. And we know that nowhere can anyone find more entertain ment and amusement for 25 cents. It is not the aim of the fair asso ciation to profit in times like exist now and any person can take in the entire day s event for 25 cents for the free attractions cost nothing, the races may be seen from the rail as can the fireworks, and, as is known, there is not any charge to see all the fine agricultural exhibi tions and displays in the big exhibit halls. "The grandstand admission charge will remain as heretofore, but as for the other part we plan to give the people of this section the most com plete day’s entertainment they have (CONTINUED ON PAQX TUI.) Lattimore Store Entered, Robbed Thieve* Make Big: Haul At Hunt And Hewitt Store. Break Door Glass. The Hunt and Hewitt general store at Lattimore was entered and robbed of several hundred dollars worth of merchandise some time Wednesday night. So far officers have not been able to get a definite clue to the robbery and no arrests have been made. The lott included seven or eight thousand cigarettes, 300 cigars, men's hose, ladies hosiery, shirts, ties, combs. shoes, knives and watches. Entrance was made by breaking the front door glass, reaching Inside and turning the lock. Tire thieves, officers say, appar ently bundled up more loot than could be carried away in the car as a sack of sugar had been filled and left outside along with some soft drinks and candy. In making the haul merchandise was scattered all over the store and outside. It is be lieved that a passing car frightened away the thieves. School Will Open At Kings Mountain Wednesday, Sept. 2 Kings Mountain, Aug. 28.—The 1931-32 session of the Kings Moun tain public schools will open Wed nesday, Sept. 2. Monday, August 31, will be devoted to the registration of high school pupils. Every one who expects to enroll in the high school is urged to report Monday at nine o’clock for registration. Books for pupils in the grades are already in stock at Plonk Bros, store and may be purchased at any time. However, it is advised that no one who is in doubt as to the grade to which he will be assigned buy books at this time. Book lists will be given out on the opening day. Mrs. Hine Dead Mrs. John Hine, a sister of Mrs. John Hudson and a native of Bre vard, died suddenly Wednesday in New Orleans, according to a mes sage received here by the Hudson family. Funeral services were held today at the Episcopal church in Brevard. Mrs. Hine was the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs W E. Breese. -1.J--.-JUSL.JL-".!_.!■ Farmers Back Cotton Bagging Movement Here Farmers And Ginnert Attend Meet Pm* Resolution To Um Cotton R>| glng On Caintj Cotton And Other Product*. A Urge gathering of Cleveland county farmers and near dozen cotton ginnera met In the court house here yesterday afternoon to discuss the use of cotton bagging In the county tills tall. The discussion lasted for several hours and finally ended with the adoption of a resolution stating that oounty farmers would Insist that their cotton bales this fall be wrap ped In cotton and urged that all other products sold to the farmers be sacked In cotton bags. Strang Support. A daasen or more farmers made short talks and it was evident that sentiment was strongly In favor of the use of cotton bagging. Several pointed out, however, that it would be useless unless glnners cooperated and all farmers stuck together In the matter. One or two ginnem made brief talks In which they ex pressed their willingness to coop erate, They would put cotton bag ging on all cotton where farmers desired It they said but would also keep Jute for farmers who wanted that used. The glnners also remind ed that the cotton bagging would cost a little more than Jute bagging but stated that It would make no differences to them as long as the farmer was willing to pay the addi tional cost. Representatives of cotton bagging manufacturers and Jute manufac turers were present and talked to the meeting. The cotton bagging representatives Informed about how much it would cost per bale for cot ton bagging and gave other Infor mation regarding the movement. The Jute representative reminded that a percentage of Jute bagging is made el cotton and stressed the tcwmnugu o* bjum t*x ► .. bounty Financial Statement Published Show* Debt af Various Divisions, Debt Reduction* During Tear And Special Rates. In today's Star will be found an official Aatement of the financial condition of Cleveland county, pub lished as is required by law once a year. The statement shows the item ised debt of the county, townships and school districts which amounts in the aggregate to $1,001,062.60 and is less than the total bonded in debtedness of the city of Shelby. There was a reduction in the coun ty's debt during the year closing June 30th of $35,587.50. This official statement shows the tax rates for the county, township roads and school districts for the year 1931-32 as compared with the previous year, the maintenance and sinking funds of the road districts, together with the deficits and sur pluses In the school district funds. Kenneth Bridges Is Seriously 111 Kenneth Bridges, 11-year-old son of O, L. Bridges, who lives near the fairgrounds, is in a serious condi tion at the Shelby hospital. The youth was brought there Wednes day night in a coma, resulting, it is said, from diabetes. V G. 0. P. Aided Cannon In Anti-Smith Fight; Charge Personal Use Funds Chans Of Bank Accounts Trace Money To Other Than Poli tical Destinations. Washington, Aug. 38.—Edwin C Jameson, New York capitalist, who contributed $65,300 to Bishop Can non's antl-Smlth fund in 1928, read a statement to the senate campaign funds committee yester day saying that he made the con tributions at the solicitation “and in collaboration with the Republican campaign committee.’’ The name of Bascom aiemp was brought into the testimony as working on an “independent organ isation,” and Mr. Jameson ampli fied his statement by saying that, if the charts shown by Basil Manly, the committee's expert, were correct In indicating that some of the funds were diverted to other than political purposes, and If he had known such diversion was intend ed, Bishop Cannon “would not have got the monei." Although admitting that he made the contributions at the solicitation of the Republican committee or its members, Jameson Insisted that the Republican party as such did not finance the anti-Smith campaign. The committee room was throng ed with intensely interested spec tators as Manly testified. The rec ords showed Bishop Cannon open ed six new banking accounts dur ing the campaign and from one of these in which he put more than (68,000 in • politicarfunds” he with drew on his own checks $28,278. Traces Money. Manly said that of this $28,278 the checks were traced to show that $17,450 was put in the bishop‘s per sonal account In the American Na tional bank of Richmond. He said $528 was used to curtail a note on a bank at Blackstone, Virginia; $5, 000 was spent for a certificate of (CONTINUXD ON pacts TIN.) Speaks Here DR. THURMAN KITCHEN Dr. Kitchen, president of Wtkr Forest Collet* will nil the pulpit here st the First Baptist church Sunday mornint at 11 o’clock. Dr. Kitchen la a brother of the late Oovernor W. W. Kitchen and Ei Contreaaman Claude Kitchen. He Is a native of Scotland Neck and for many years was dean of the Medi cal department at Wake Forest eollece before being elected presi dent last year, succeeding Dr. Fran cis F. Gaines who resigned to ac cept the presidency of a university In Virginia. Nab Third Man In Theft Case In City June 18 ''Bubbles^ Walker Denies Aiding In Store And Garage Robbery In Shelby. "Subbies” Walker, colored, was brought here from Asheville Wed nesday night by Police Chief Mc Bride Poston and Policeman Rufus Sparks and jailed on the charge of being with Mark Washburn, colored, and his girl friend. Grace Payne, when the Wrlght-Baker depart ment store and the D. H. Cline ga rage were robbed on the night of June 18 On August 12 Washburn and the negress were arrested In Cincinnati aftd brought back here. At that time Washburn claimed that another ne gro helped him in the series of rob beries and that the other stole the new automobile from the Gllne ga rage. The woman denied any part in the robbery except that she was picked up by the two at Henrietta after the robbery. The new automo bile was later abandoned at Marion and Washburn and the woman travelled by train to Cincinnati. Some of the clothing stolen from the department store was recovered In Cincinnati and Asheville Officers did not give out Walker s name until they nabbed him Wed nesday at Asheville. Walker denied being implicated In the robberies, saying that he was not near Shelby that night. Washburn and the wom an, however, both say he was a part ner in It and stole the car Farmers On Visit To Cabarrus County A party of a dozen or more Cleve land county farmers, accompanied by R. W. Shoffner, farm agent, left Shelby early this morning for Con cord where they will make a tour of Cabarrus county. The purpose of the visit Is to Inspect the lespedeza being grown there, the production and harvesting methods used. Principal Faces Assault Charges A bout Whipping Record Crowd Here For Trial frof. C. A. Ledford, Belwood Princi pal. Alleged To Have Whipped Voting Boy. The largest orowd lo attend a oonrt hearing In Shelby sine* the sensations! French-Phil* beolt case several year* ago «h here today for the hearing in county court of assault chart* «* preferred against Prof. C. A. I.edford. principal of the (tel. wood high school. Prof. Ledford Is charged with "using more force than was neces sary" In administering a whipping to Hubert. Huffman, 10-year-old student and son of J E. Huffman, at the school on Thursdav. August 13. Pack Aisles. The case was first booked for trial last 8aturd«y but was continued un til today. When the county court opened this morning every scat In the large court room was filled and the aisles and every other available space were packed with people. Two thirds of the entire Belwood com ; muntty appeared to be in attend ance. and unusual Interest in the case was manifested by the record audience. The hearing was still underway this afternoon, not all of the State-* witnesses having completed their evidence prior to the noon recess. It Is likely that all the evidence will not be in before late afternoon. At torney Peyton McSwain is attorney fop the youth’s father and Judge B. T. Falls 1s counsel for Prof. Led ford. Both attorneys are putting up a strong fight. Evidence In. Witnesses Introduced this morning included the boy’s father. Dr. F. D. Edwards. Yates Carpenter, Grady Newton and Edward White These witnesses testified that on the morning of August 13 Prof. Led* ford was called to Miss Elliott's room of the school and the 10-year old boy turned over to him Ac cording to these witnesses, two of whom were students.. Prof. Ledford administered a whipping with a switch about, as large as the thumb and three or^our feet long. Around 25 blows were administered, It was said. There was some comment about the aphool room, one witness testified, about it being a hard whipping.” Five days alter the whipping one witness said he saw the boy and he had blue stripes on his body and back. Dr. Edwards, who was called in. testified that there were stripes on the youngster similar to those made by an ordin ary switching, but said oAly one or two indicated unusually hard blows The prosecution attempted to show by the witnesses that the youth was not exactly normal physically and mentally while the defense under took to show that he was an un ruly student. Dr. Edwards testified that the boy suffered from heart leakage and[.was of a nervous tem perament. r The father of the boy said the youth was much upget when he came home that day and could not sleep. Although the prosecution had not rested at noon and the defense had not entered upon its case it was understood that the defense would attempt to show that the conduct of the boy was such as to make a whipping necessary and that the whipping was not carried to the ex treme. The affair is the major topic of j conversation in the Belwood section ! and the scores of people in Shelby | today for the trial were outspoken in taking one or the other side in the matter. Store, Cafe Robbed In City Last Night The Banks Suttle grocery store on N. Washington street and the Caro lina colored cafe on Trade alley were robbed last night, police offic ers announced today. “Black Boy” Esau was arrested and charged with the attempted robbery at the cafe. At the Suttle store 300 pennies, sardines, crackers, cigarettes and cigars were taken. No arrests have been made as yet in this robbery Died In Hospital. tn formation was received here yesterday that Walter Howell, ex service man of Kings Mountain, died Thursday in the hospital at Mor ganton. No details were given in the message to county officials

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