Boiling Springs News Of Interest Brash Arbor Mooting On. Mr*. Pitt) entertains. Dr. Goode • Visitor. i Special to The Stan Bolling Springs. Aug. 3®.—Mist LeRoy Pitts graciously entertained ho members of the Tongues and Heedles club at her home Saturday ivenlng. The regular business meet ng was held. It was arranged for he bylaws to be re-written and read it the nest meeting. The guests en joyed a Bible contest. The winners were given lovely bud vases. The aostets .assisted by Mrs. J. O. Pum nerlln and Miss Ithlel Summerlin, jerved delicious sandwiches and auneh. Mrs. Sterling Thom ton and Mrs. Warty Wlllbanks and two children of Beauford, Ga„ visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hendrick and little daughter and Mr Kmest Lovln of Thomarton, Ga., Mxr. J D Hicks and children of Asheville and Miss Bontee learon of Gaffney, S C., are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Phillips Mrs Sterling Thornton, Mto. Early Wlllbanks and children of Beauford, Ga, Mrs. Uriel Hamrick and Mrs. D. P. Hopper were the spend-the-day guests of Mrs. R. L. D Greene, Fri day. College Teacher Visits. Dr. and Mrs. Clement Goode and two children of Richmond. Va.. who have been Visiting Mr .Goode's fath er here for some time returned home Thursday. T)r. Good/ teaches in the University of Richmond. Miss Marjorie Ruth Ellis of Thomaston, Ga., spent the past week end with little Miss Beatrice Phil lips. Mr. Max Earl Phillips is spending a few days in China Orove, the juest of T. B. Abernathy. Mr. and Mrs. Unle Hamrick, Mr Graham Hamrick, Mrs. Rosin a Grigg and Miss Johnnie Male Me Brgyer were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Almarln* Hollifleld In Trinity community Friday evening. Miss Thelma Jolley spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mr*. Buren Moore. Mr*. Clark Brown fcl and two daughter* of Atlanta, Or., spent last reek here with her sister, Mrs L. W. Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Fangle, who have been spending the summer at Chapel Hill are expected to arrive here this Week. Mina Sarah I** Hamrick and Mr* Etta Oreena spent Tuesday in Qai tonla. Misses Kate Moore and Helen Hamllck, Mess re Vic Moore and John Hamrick went to Charlotte Saturday to meet Mis* Elisabeth Hamrick. Miss Hamrick has been at N. C. University this summer Mlse Ollie Moore returned to High Point to take up her duties there aa a teacher. Miss Alda Mae Sparks of Caro* leen spent the past weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Hamrlok. Rev. J. O. Summerlin is conduct ing a revival meeting on the Ridge between Pleasant fUdge and Beaver Dam church on Mr. John Kamriek's plantation. It is an old time brush arbor meeting, The public is invit ed to attend these services which began August 30th at 3:30 o’clock Free For Once Teeball—Did you make the most of it when your wife went away on a trip snd left you alone In the city? Peewe—Did I? Say, I dropped ashes all over the rugs, brought mud in on my feet and never took oft my hat until I felt like it. ( 0 K "PI «oc eon*Mpat*d. 11 t»o«id ait 4km •ad tar* •winuniag to to had I would hi?* tiry i«T*r» * "Bor while I toou«ht. wouldn't toii anythint—«»*▼ I «o*U mtr out X ttt«y iw*r« Mi found Slick* ao when I wy fint I tike end the • firm ke rn Sleek 1*1 || (V, I IMtack Didu^ht I Baby Killings Light , Flame of War on Gangs * * * * * * U. S. and New York Join Hands in Greatest Battle Against Crime Ever Seen. Lawless ness Cost Gotham 55 Million in 1930 Giosull IopszJ gVsmmu Blase Mr. Citlien. smugly complacent In the belief that he anil his are ] safe from ruthless gangland—and if policemen are kill In the perfor- . mance of their duty, well, what of it?—has finally become aroused to a pitch of righteous Indication which should, unless all signs fall, remove the blot of murderous crime from the first city of America. The momen tous event which has accomplished this feat was the shooting down of two Innocent babes, Michael Vengalil, 3, and Gloria lx>pex, 3 1-3. Under world runs never before had entered the sacred precincts of babyhood to take their toll. Now that they hare. Public Opinion says they must par for it. The latest outbreak of bloody violence in New York, which claim ed the life of pretty little Gloria, also snuffed out those of Policemen Walter i. Webb and Edwin V. Churchill. They died in performance of duty, protecting a payroll and trying to apprehend the bandits, but their deaths, alone, 'its feared, might never have aroused the public mind. But slain children, that's different. It may be that a “little child shall lead” New York to such dynamic action that its slate will be cleaned and safe ty and confidence restored to its citisenry. Gentle Hint. He (at U p. m.):-''Did you know I could Imitate any bird you can name?” She. "X, 1 didn't. Can you imitate a homing pigeon?” Toluca And Knob Creek Gleanings Revival To Start At Hebron. Mrs. Atwran Quite 111. Per sonals. (Special to The Star, i Toluca, Aug. 27.—We are sorry to note that Mrs. J. W. Alwran la quite ill again. Her daughter, Miss Joyce Alwran, a trained nurse from Hen dersonville. has been at her bed side. . The following spent a few days the past week at Green River fish ing: Blain and Mauney Willis, L. E. Boyles, A. O. and Edwin Costner Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ward of Vale visited at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. C. G. Boyles on last Mon day, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mull, Mrs. W. P. Mull and Mrs. W. T. S*in ,of Catawba county, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 6, A Sain on last Friday. Miss Edith Sain and Mr. Prank Houser motored to Plttsboro the past week and spent some time. Miss Sain will leave soon to teach there; another year. Mr. Carroll Mull of Charlotte spent some time the past week with his mother, Mrs. D. M. Mull. Misses Minnie and Sadie Mull ac companied by Messrs. Paul Yount and Paul Ooodnight visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W F Mull Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Sain visited at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Blain Leonhardt of Lincoln county Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Boggs of Fall ston spent last Wedneaday at the home of Mr. Boggs sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Boyles. misses uertruae ana Male seism of Cherryvllle spent last Wednes day night with Mrs. Texie Boyles. Mrs. Austin Hicks and children of Fallston spent Sunday with Mrs. Texle Boyles. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Seism spent the week-end at the home of Mrs Saln's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. r Mull of Catawba caunty Miss Ima Carpenter spent • the week-end at the home of her cou sins. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Vickers oi Shelby. Revival services will begin at Hebron Methodist church Sunday, August SO. Everybody is Invited to attend and take part In these serv ices. Rev. Cranford will asst-t Rev Morgan. Contrary to the belief of many the mass of cur people are anxious to pay their debts, and will do so whenever they can. About the only assistance that the housewives of Shelby ought to give oeddlers Is to point the way out. 'New Road Routing * To Aid Rutherford Marion-SheuTy Highway WH1 Help Gulden Valley Section Of County, Rutherfordton, Aug. 28 —Ruther ford county will get throe new high ways soon, If plans announced re cently by Highway Commissioner W. W. Neal of Marion, materialize. A state road from Marlon south through the Munford Cove section of this county connecting with highway 20 between here and Chim ney Rock is planned. A new road from Shelby to Mar ion, which will cross the northeast, comer of Rutherford county seems j assured. i The new road will be - constructed with a better grade and will be hard surfaced as soon as possible and will likely be designated as state highway No. 190. The survey on this road is expected to be com pleted soon. A new road from Rutheriordton direct to the South Carolina line and on Into Chesnee and Spartan burg. S. C„ will be constructed soon, according to Commissioner Neal. will go out South Main street here and will shorten the distance from here to Spartanburg by some 10 to 15 miles. Patterson Grove Late New* Event* (Special to The Star.) Tire revival meeting closed last weeic at Patterson Grove with 18 members added. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hord and Mr. Gilbert Hord spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Putnam. Mr. William Carrol is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Phifer were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Wayne Putnam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thornburg of Charlotte spent a few days last week visiting Mr. M. L. Thornburg and Mrs. Thornburg. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sellars and children of Lawndale spent Wed nesday with Mr. and Mrs. D. F Wright Miss Ophelia Hendrick of Beams Mill spent last week with Miss Oladys and Miss Gola Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Putnam and family of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Putnam Sunday aft ernoon, In this day of modern transpor tation small towns have to fight for their lives, but if they fight, and their Inhabitants work together, they will win out. We feel relieved! The govern ment Is printing some *1.000,000 certificates, and you know how we always hated to carry a thick wad Df bills. About the only thing about the price of v.heat and cotton is that thirty years from now, a lot of farmers will be able to say, “well 11 rctt!»njber when-——" Nobody’s Business By GEE McGEE Home Sweet Home TIME ..... After Supper PLACE . Sitting Room CHARACTERS -.Pa and Ma TOPIC .......__ Conversation Ma—Well, It's a good thing you got home when you did. Kept sup per waiting all night. I had it on the table at 7 o'clock, and you came poling in at migh nigh, 7:30. You men don't ever ttrlnk of us women. We work and slave all day and all nights and you hang around down town. Pa—But, -er, -er. Ma—Don't but-er me. I know where you were. Jimmie, turn that cat's tail a-locse. Willie, put your daddy’s pipe down. It ain’t fltten to have in nobody’s mouth. Ahd furthermore, I asked you to match a piece of pajama-cloth, and you never even thought of doing this little favor for poor me, and I’m .to tired I don’t know what to do. Pa—But, pl Ma.—Wassent for me to look aft er things around 'the house, we’d be in the county home in 8 weeks. Quit rocking on that cat’s tall. Sal lie, for the love of Mike, tune in on something else. I am sick and tired of hearing. about toothpaste and cigarettes. Oil, that’s worse. Try WOW and see if Weeny-Keenie the twins, is on. They are just grand, and they always send a fel ler a bottle of liver pill* on re quest. Pa—By the way, -«r. Ma—Sue. gimme them scissors this minute, Tom—plese quit smacking your mouth so loud. You act like you have got the only pleoc ot chewing gum in captivity. And, it does seem to me, that you could manage some way to get us a new car. Everybody el3e has one, and if you was worth the lead and buckshot it would take to shoot you, we could have something. The idea of staying in the real estate EXBCl'TOR'S NOTICE TW CREDITORS Having qualified a s executrix of the estate of J. O. Blanton, deceased, late of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this Is to notify all person! haring claims against the estate of laid deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned,, Shelby, N C., route 3. on or be # re Use ,14th day of August, 1833, or this noUee will be pleaded in ber of the# recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the air,d day of August, 1(31. C. * BLANTON, Blecutril of 3. Cl Blanton, deceased- St 34p COMMISSIONERS SALE By vlrtut of the power and authority f lren me by the Superior Court of Clete and, County, N. C., in the case entitled, "First National Bang of Shelby, Plaintiff. v«. I). A. C McSwaln, and N. C. McSwaln Defendants" X as Commissioner duly ap pointed. will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public euetlor, at the Court House door In the Town of Shelby, V C„ on; MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1931, at 11 o clock M„ the following deacrlbed reel estate, situated in No 1 Township, Cleveland County, N. C., and fully des cribed as fellows: First Tract: Lying on the North side of the Shelby-1,attlntore sand clay mad about a l-a milts Bast of the Town of Latttmore, bounded on the North by lands of B, B. Moore and Plato I«e; on the 4a«t by lands of Reuben MfSwoln; on the South by the Shelby-LattUnore sand clay road; on the West by lands of D. A. C. Ife Swaln. and hawing metes and bound* according to a pint made by O. c Thomp son, Surveyor, en February 14th 1*3J, as follows; Begining on an Iron state in Reuben McSwaln't line in South edge of sand clay road, and runs thence with his line N. 14 1-5 degrees W. 44 poles to a Red Oak; thence N. 77 1-3 degrees K 33 poles to a atone, thence N. S degrees X. S3 poles to a post oak; thence N. 84 degrees W. 48 1-1 poles to a stone; thence K. 83 de grees W. 37 feet to a stone; thence S. 41 5-8 degrees W. 8* M poles to a black gum and stone in South edge of road; thtnee N. 83 degrees B. 3 1-4 poles to a stake In sand clay road: thence with said road three calls, vis: B. 57 degrees K. 3* 73 poles; South 48 degrees X. 18 poles; s 85 degrees B. 46 poles to the beginning, containing 33 49 acres, more or less, sun ning around and including all of ehe two tracts of Isnd lying North of the new sand clay road which was conveyed to D. A. C. McSwaln by Kltjah McSwaln and safe, Susannah McSwaln, by deed dated January 31, 1(13, and recorded In the offtee of the Register of Deeds in Book • WW" page 3*3. and the" 3nd tract" conveyed to D. A. C. McSwaln by Sus annah McBwaln and othara. by deed dated January 15, 1(14, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Cleve land County, N. C. occona itsci: situated about 400 yards North of tha Fhe'by-Lattlmore sand clay road, and bounded on the North by lands of J. D. Lee and B. B Moore; on the Bast by lands of B. B Moore; on the South by a branch and on the West by lands of Mrs. Bessie Klllott and Jt. C. Davis, and bounded as follows Beginning on an ash on the North bank of Spring Bran oh. Southwest corner ol D. A. MeSwaln’i IS acre tract, and runs thence N. 10 degrees W. so poles to a stone, old eorner; thence a new line K. n degrees X. 30 poles to a stake, It. C Devle’ end D. A. C. McSwatn's corner: thence with R. C. Davis1 lint N. II de grees *. SO.40 poles to an Iron pin In North edge of gully; thence N }» degrees W 11 1-4 poles to a stake In the braneh: thence N. S3 degrees X, with the branch 11 poles to a stake: thence S. l-l de grees X. 10,40 poles to a stake. North west corner of D. A. c. McSwains 30 acre tract; thence N. SO degrees X. SO poles to a pine stump, Barry Hamrick s old corner; thence 8 3 1-1 degrees W. M poles to a ttont on the bank of the braneh; thence down the branch aa It meanders 11 poles to a stone on the bank of the branch.' Southwest eorner of D. A. C- McSwatn's 30 acre tract of land; thence down the branch as it meanders three calls, via. a S3 W. U poles, a •• W. 6 40 poles; S. SO 1-4 degree* W. 31.00 poles to the beginning, containing 41 1-0 acres, more or less, running around and including all or the 30 acre tract conveyed to D, A. C McSwaln by W. B McSwaln and others, by desd dated January 1. 1S01. and recorded In the offloe of the Register of Deeds in Book "XW‘ et page 364. end containing moet all of the IS acre traet conveyed to D. A. C. McSwaln by Sus annah McSwaln and others, by deed datod March 14. ISIS, and recorded In the of fice of the Register of Deeds In Book "BB8" at page 37. and containing a email part of the S3 acre tract of land con veyed to D. A. C. McSwaln by Susannah McSwaln and others, by dead dated Jan uary 15, lSle. and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds In Book "TV at page 3S7, at! of Cleveland -County. N. C The purchaser will assume and pay any and all unpaid taxes existing again.-: -he aforesaid property. This August Sth. 1031. J <? . whtausn; Commit-loner. * 4* itv business Pa—But, ma Ma—Who asked you to say any thing. Nobody wants any land any more. The only way anybody in the world could be Induced to buy a farm would be for you to offer to throw in a new Ford with it and enough money to keep it a-going for the next 2 years. Well, you men ain‘t like men ureter to be. My first husband could make money sitting on a rock. Pa—I wish he Ma—Aw, the dickens—you wish this and that and everything else. I wish the eame thing, and if he was—I woulddent hafter strain my eyeballs out trying to keep the wo'.f from the door. Pa—You have-er-er. Ma—You coulddent make a dol lar if you were working in a mint. The Idea of a big, strong he-man having to live often the sweat of my brow. Pa—But, you se-. Ma—Do hush and let me hare a minute’s peace of mind. Jerry, shut that door. Sudle, are you never go ing to get them teeth brushed. Oh, well, I feel Just like giving up. I ain't worth nothing nohow, only a slave. Pa—??-.!&!—?—... (And he goes to bed feeling as well as usual.) How To Become Prosperous Agaia I have hatched up a plan to bring prosperity back to America It Is ncrt copyrighted. It will work while you sleep. It won’t hurt any body. It will help everybody except politicians and public officeholders, and they don’t need any help. Here it Is In plain English: I. Dump 4fi99,m bales of cot ton into the Pacific ocean and 3, 558,333 bales of cotton into the At lantic ocean. It can be used by the whales and other wild varmints to make beds out of. They are com AMmmiuTora notick Hiring qualified u Administrator cf the estate of l#r». Allot dimmer Hatley, deceased, let* of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this Is to notify ell persons hoeing clelms against the estate to present them to the undersigned at 11)1 Cedar 'St., Gastonia, K. C., dull proved on or before the and day of August, 18M, or this notiee trill he pleaded In her of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the estate ere requested to make Immediate payment. This 1st day of August, 1811. Brady h demmer, Admstr, Bulwtnitle St UOlfsy. Attorneys. 4t.3c. NOTICK OF SALE OF UAL MTATt UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In that certain Mortvage Deed executed to the undersigned t >un date of November If, 1810. as trill np. 4 i recorded la Book lit at page 10. In mV office of the Register of Deeds for dove land County, North Carolina, given re secure the indebtedness therein dee crib® <1, In the payment of trhleh default ha* bean made and at the request of the owner and bolder of said Indebtedness, the undersigned trill I ON MONDAY, 8RPT2MBZR 38, 1831, at 11 o'clock noon, at the front door of the Court Bouae In Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, expose at public Sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described root estate, to-irtt: Beginning at a stake on Brick Street 80 feet North fttom the center of the main tract of the S. A. L. Railroad, and teat thence North, with Brick Street, 183 Jket to a stake. Hoskins' comer; thence East, with Hoskins lino 88 feet to a stake Nathan Moon's corner: thence South SO feet with Moon’s line 181 feet to a stake on West side of Buffalo Street; thence South with Buffalo Street 138.8 feet to a stake at corner of Railroad and Buffalo Street, thenv» West with Railroad right of-way 100 feet to the beginning rorner. Same betag the identical lot or parcel of land con-eyed to Andy Choat by U. M Mull, widower, by deed dated March 83. 183*3. and recorded Hi Book J-lf. M page 818. In the Reglatry lor Cleveland County, N. C-, and to whHh reference is hereby made, , Th» 30th day of August. 1831. Wltson-lAhcaster Motor Co., Inc. Cherry A r.ollowell, Attorneys, Gastonia, N. C. 4t-C4e ! DR. S. F. PARKER i - PHYSICIAN - Office Phones 64 and No. 2 ) Residence Phone 129-J ' DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor t'arm Surreys, Sub-dms* ions, Piats and General Engineering Practice. * Phone 417 - Hare Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OP'I’OMETRlSTij Office Orer Paul Webb & Son’s Drug Store plaining that the ocean bed is not comfortable at this writing. 2. Load all of the battleships ii: the world with wheat and sink It and them Into the depths of the Quit of Mexico. This will furnish food for edible fishes, and will at the same time have a tendency to reduce the over-plus of the bread making products. 3. Reduce the salaries of all gov ernment employees to what they could make If they were working for a corporation or a firm or an Individual, thus putting them on a basis of what they can earn Instead of what they can get. This alone would reduce the tak burden of the country by $3,553,777,888.99 5. Stop Issuing bonds. Jail of fice-holders who spend money thdt Is not their or the state's for cur rent expenses—until they get it In hand from taxable sources. In other words, officers who create current Indebtedness without due authority from the voters should be made to pay such Indebtedness, or be kept on the chaingang till their family paid Jor it. 8. Outlaw installment buying un til the Democrats get back In pow er. (A man can do what he prom ises while the Democrats are In power). Deed all personal and real property to the tax commission.', and the power companies and ’the insurance companies. They will ul timately own it anyhow, eo why the suspense and expense. Yep, them’-, my ideas. We should all be tenant;. Bachelor's Bliss. “Well," remarked the married man after examining his friend “ new flat, "I wish I ccruld afford a place like this." “Yes," 3ald his friend, “you mar ried men may have better halves but we bachelors usually have bet ter quarters." RAT DIE Kills Rais and Mice. Absolute!} j prevents the odor from caroasses. One package proves this. RAT DIE; comes in powder form no mixing with other foods. 50 cent size, 3 os. is enough for. Pantry, Kitchen and Cellar. 75 cent ahse, S oz. for Chicken House, Coops and small buildings. Sold and guaranteed by all drug stores. 1 adv. PONDER’S ICE CREAM “The Taste Tells” West Warren St. SHELBY, N. C. TWO NEW BARBERS Arthur Bowman has come to us from the Palace Bar ber shop, one of the best in Hickory. Clyde Daves has come to us from Elmore and Mel ton’s shop in Gaffney. Brown and Davis are both real artists in ladies and children’s hair cutting. I now have six barbers, all picked experts and each is an artist in barbering. My shop is clean and I con sider my barbers the best men obtainable. HAIR CUTS___29< SHAVES ..- 15c L. S. COOK, Manager Central Barber Casar News Notes Of Personal items Children's Day Vwteriiaj At Clovei Hill. Mr. Andy Hoyle In Hoiplt&l. (Special to The Star.) Casar, Aug. 30.—Children's day program was rendered -at the Clover Hill - Methodfct church, Sunday, August 30. Mrs R C Fortenberry Spent the wee!:-end with her sister, Mrs. R. S Shoht. Rev. P. H. Fields of Raleigh, who with his family, Is visiting in this community, conducted chapel exer cises at Casar high school one morning recently and delighted the student body with his excellent tall: Several members of the Casar school faculty spent the weekend at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Tonnle Hoyle a! Drexel spent the feek-end a; Casar with Mr. and Mrs. j h Hoyle. Mrs. Ada Derfcmey of the Mortau section Is spending this ‘week to. Alabama with her sister, Mrs. Bax ter Towery. Mias Elisabeth Morris spent the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. Ida M&theson. Mr. Andy Hoyle who has been feeble for sometime was taken to ‘he Shelby hospital for an exam lnatlon recently. Miss Oladys Wortman vthted relatives In Malden the past week end. The stock market has Its ups and downs, but the thermometer sticks right around par.—Wash vtll* South ern lumberman. IVIVIT no SUTTLE’S WS TUI Ar. 7 mescxiPT ions J'or A Registered Drujrgis TUOKE S7* 1/1% U UJ NOTCE OF TAX PENALTY Property owners in Shelby who have failed to pay taxes for 1830 or years prior to that time, are hereby notified that a penalty of orl win be added on all due and unpaid taxes beginning Sept. 1st, 1931 and that tlvs penalty will increase one per cent per month thereafter. By order of The Board, Aug. 18, 19*1. CITY OF SHELBY L. E. L1GON, Cteri. SALE OF HOME The house and lot known as the Mrs. Mary E. White homeplace, situated at No. 513 Hillcrest Street, in City of Shelby, North.Carolina, w.TI be sold on the premises at public auction on. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1931, At 11:30 O’CLOCK ✓ lamis of sale: One-fourth cash and balance in six, 12 Jfnd 18 months, with interest on deferred payment*. UNITED BANK & TRUST COMPANY EXECUTOR OF MARY E. WHITE. For further information write R. D. Douglas. Trust. Officer, United Bank & Trust Co., Greensboro, N. C. — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE. WILMINGTON, FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AMD INTERMEDIATE POINTS: -LEAVE SHELBY—9:46 a. m.; 4:45 p. m FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:10 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 2:00 p. m.; 4:40 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND LSTERMEDiATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—11:10 a. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAYE SHELBY:—7:10 a. m.; 11.10 a. m.; 2:00 p. m. — FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - PHONE 450 — QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY ATTRACTIVE LABOR DAY VACATION TRIPS SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM OFFERS GREATLY REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES FOR LABOR DAY VACATIONS Round Trip Fares From SHELBY, N. C. — SEPTEMBER 5TH — ~7~. Washington-$13.00 Richmond _. $9.75 Baltimore -$15.00 Virginia Beach __ $11.25 Norfolk -$10.75 LIMIT SEPT. 10TH. — SEPT. 5TH — Atlanta_$6.75 Birmingham __$8.75 Chattanooga *._$8.75 Savannah * „_$8.00 New Orleans_$21.75 Limit Atlanta Sept. 10th. Chattanooga * Birming ham Sept. 11th. New Or leans Sept. 15th. Savan nah Sept. 12th. — SEPT. 5TH — Jacksonville.._$16.00 Miami_$26.00 Tampa__ $23.50 Havana___$50.75 W, Palm Beach _ $25.00 Limit Jacksonville Sept. 13th. Miami, Tampa, West Palm Beach Sept ember 17th. Havana Sept. 24th. ASK TICKET AGENTS. -r SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM —

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