Around Our TOWN OR Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM. i UUKTING NOW ANT) THEN; "SPARKING" AND "PETTING" An elderly man about town 'you wouldn't know it u> look at him and hear him express his views.' has a tip to offer Shelby girls. If Dorothy Dix will pardon the Intrusions upon her live-learn-and - love philosophy, we'll let the old timer ruminate a bit: "The reason,” he says, “that the modern girl has a harder time of Retting her man than did the girls of 30 veers ago is that she permits the boy friend to see too much of her. Understand, however, that I do not mean that due to modem styles she permits him to see too much of her loveliness and charm. What I mean is that she permits him to see het- too often. You might term my argument a debate upon the merits of 'Spark ing vs. Petting.’ If you'll go talk to such fellows as Bet (R. A.) Washburn, Audio Rudasin and C. H. Shull, and they'll open up, you'll get my idea. “In the old days we boys (Washburn, Rudasill, Shull, et al) went on our dates at 7 in the evening and left for home promptly at 9. Nowadays they go at 9 and leave at 2 in the morning. What’s more we went only once a week, Sunday evening, and perhaps once through the week when there was some Special occasion or event, but nowadays they go every rught and take a ride nearly every afternoon. As a result the boys see too much of them, they run out of anything to talk about and in a short time get bored and seek new dates. If the girls do not believe it, let them try It. Permit the boy friend to come around only one night each week and he’ll find the girl far more Interesting. Continuous association grad ually bums out the charm, perhaps that’s why romance becomes a bit drab after marriage. (Whod a’thought an old timer about Shelby could philosophise like that*) wny, a xiss oooesn t mean anything like as much these days as It aid In my sparking days. We were lucky in those days to get one kiss a ?ear, along about Christmas time, and, boy, did that kiss mean some thing! After waiting a year for it and then being permitted an oppor tunity at those shy lips—well. I’ll tell you, I’ve driven home in a buggy after one of those onee-a-year busses and felt more like riding in the rlouds than any of these aviators. It Just meant so much to us fellows that right often we decided that we couldn't wait until neat Christmas for another one and as a result we just went back next time and popped rhe question. Chances are that if she permitted the kissinf, frequently1 we wouldn’t have decided that a wedding was the only way we could get them often. Do you get me? Wen, these modem girls—and they’re a aood looking bunch—may not kiss and pet as much as the gossips say, but if they wouldn't have a date with THE boy friend every night and would make him really value that kiss when he did get it, instead of tak ing it as a matter of course, I believe they'd get somewhere, down 'that long, long trail’ to the altar, in a hurry. Just go ask some of these older fellows. For weeks and weeks after j that ance-s-year buss we just couldn’t eat or anything else And, let me fell you, when one of the sweet things gets her man hanging over Use, ropes In that manner, it won’t be long now " So, there's your prescription, girls. Take it or leave it as you will, or j shaking before using or guasle it straight. It’s your business, but maybe j -otne of the boys of today will look at it in a different light. Maybe, after j all, it would be best to ask Dorothy Dix about it, but the old timer who nfters the advice is regarded as a pretty wise student of human nature and he wasn't any "slow poke ’ among the women in his days. Nosrirree. not from what some of his pals say! * YOUNG FBL.LOW SHOWS HIS MANHOOD From Dr. C. H H comes a letter stating that the young Shelby man referred to may not appreciate the publicity but deserved rhe commenda tion nevertheless. Says the communication: The modern boy may be considered .selfish and overbearing, but I saw an incident recently that proves to the contrary and the honors for unselfish thinking go to Ralph Gardner, the governor's son. A poor, un lortunate colored boy, enjoying the freedom of a parole from prison standing on a crowded street eomer in the eity recently, accidentally stepped on a white boy s foot. The white youth and his companion re sented the act and immediately tried to force the colored boy to a back alley for a licking. Ralph saw the happening and recognized the colored boy, and he realiaed that any trouble would send the black boy back to prison for a long time. He attempted to make peace and failing to do so he hurried the colored boy to a nearby building. After another talk with rhe white boys he finally persuaded them that the act was not inten tional upon the part of the black boy What an invaluable service he thus rendered to an unfortunate victim of circumstances. If more of us would do things of this type to give the fallen a helping hand and at' least a decent break, what a better world it would be.” Shelby Shares. George Washburn has worn a mustaehio longer than any of the other younger men about Shelby . Elmer Scott, former Penney manager in Shelby for a short visit, is as effervescent and ener getic as ever . Col. C. E. McBrayer, the army physician, resembles Dave Clark, textile magazine publisher ... Afternoons this week it may be hard to find quite a number of Shelby men at their places of busi r.ess. Football practice starts ... Why are the fountains on the court square not operating? What did they cost when installed? When were they Installed? And since they are there why not use them? ... Pete Webb, the young golf pro, set a new course record on the Gastonia links last week .... A checker game is going on nearly all the time in the joint office of the Blanton electric firm and that of A. B. C. DePnest, the magistrate .... Buck Coble, former football star, has lost weight since becoming a member of the city fire department where he keeps hanging a round waiting for the siren . . . Wm. Uneberger has a little joke that would Indicate that awning cloth manufacturers would be mopping up because of the street pajama fad ... . How many overlooked it? Friday was the third anniversary of Shelby's worst disaster .... That “busted up” bridge club remark had a boomerang—and how! .... A little colored boy sitting on the floor at the rear of a Shelby drug 3tore, rocking in silent agony, tears coursing down his cheeks. Afflicted unknowingly with the worst form of social disease . . no place to sleep , . no money to pur chase medicine and none for doctor's bills . . yet a lot of us walking about whining of the bad breaks in life . . . Hal Kemp, who is being sued for *40 000 for a kiss it is alleged he “took” from a New York girl two years pgo. kissed a Shelby girl, we hear, back in the days when he was just a Carolina boy and not an internationally known orchestra leader. It’s cioubtful, the story being true, if the Shelby girl considered worth quite that much then . . . ‘If,’’ chimes in a cynical reader, “all young Shelby women knew as much about home cooking as about contract bridge all of us men would die with indigestion.” . . . Wow! TAKE A LOOK. ZIEGFELD: TAKE A LOOK Nominations have been pouring in for the prettiest working girl con test. Stenographers, hello girls, clerks, office assistants, etc., aU, according, to their supporters with enough beauty to make mere man turn his head; and look again. Here are some of the entrants among the good looking ' Shelby girls ‘making their own”: Louise Tedder, Helen Francis, Margaret Moss, Mamie Mayhue, Clara Hord, Blanche DePriest, Mary Reeves For r.ey, Della Wall, Aileen Walker, Melissa Kerr, Ruth Whlsonant, May El more, Ruth Hopper, Flossie Grice, and Mildred Boyles. There must be a prise winner in that collection, but the lists remain open THE STAR EVERY BTHER DAY 52.50 PER YEIR | Gigantic Agricultural Enterprises Are Being Planned Bv Chain Store Farming on a gigantic scale is now being planned by the big chain store* as a means to delivering cheaper and better food to their customers, according to Prof. Wal ter B. Pitkin of Columbia univer sity, who has been consulted as to the economic soundness of the scheme. He asserts that one chain store is now sending one of the shrewdest farm managers ah around the country, with funds to buy or lease thousands of rich acres. •The idea,' says Prof. Putin in an article published by Country Home, a national farm magazine, "is to supply chain stores with food from chain farms. The experiment will first be tested on a small scale If It works, there will be available millions of dollars for the acquisi tion of a veritable empire "Will it succeed? Who knows? But we must admit that the present state of business, finance and agri culture favors it as never before. We enter an eia of falling prices and declling returns on capital. That means failure for him who cannot slash production costs. Tj spells the doom of all those who having paid $300 an acre for grain land compete against others who hold equally good soil at $50 an acre. A decade of golden oppor tunities will fall into the lap., of only two kinds of citizens; those blessed with superior technical ski” in management and those who have much capital with which to ac quire farms at the bargain prices of tomorrow.” Richard Whitney, president of the New York Stock Exchange, pre dicts that within a few years multl million-dollar farming corporations will be coming to Wall Street for large-scale financing. One grocery chain cotlid easily inanago a roui.,1 million acres. Ten chains could swing ten times that area And, because the cost of pro ducing and distributing products cl these Helds would range far below that reached by any small farmer or cooperative, the chain . tores would set market prices for all growers. It is always the lowest offer that de termines the day's level. The typi cal farmer spends between $1 10 and $1.25. net, to raise a bushel of wheat, A chain store farm manager could readily grow the same for 45 cents, says Prof. Pitkin, who adds that Collins in Iowa, Bird in Kansa Wilson in Montana and Price In Texas are doing that very thing now. with acreage and capital fet smaller than the chain store's Bootblack To the Professor A professor was once accosted b\ a dirty little bootblack “Shine your shoes, sir?" The professor was dis gusted by the dirt on the lad's face ' I don't want a shine, my lad," he said, “but if you will go and wasn your face I'll give you six-pence ' "Righto, guv-nor,’’ replied the boy, as he may hl3 way to a neighboring j fountain. Soon he returned, looking] much cleaner, "Well, my boy,” said tlie professor, “you have earned your six-pence; here it is,” “I don't ] want your six-pence, guv-nor,” re-j jilied the boy. ' You hang on to it., and get your hair cut." Gusty Ous—Lady, by giving me j this dollar you have saved me from j doing a very distasteful thing. Kind Lady—And what is that? ] Dusty Gus—Work! (ioing Strong “ c? Just to prove that her seventy eight year* do not handicap her, Mr'. M, l„ Chase (above), of Atlan ta. joined a party of eleven In an attempt to climb Stone Mountain, Georgia s great boulder. Five fin ished the arduous journey, and youj can bet Mrs. Chase was Included. Night Hawks! Wifw Paul, the neighbors are complaining about you running the lawn mower at six o'clock in the morning. Hubby Which neighbored Wifie- -Those that play the radio till two a, m Two Year’s Supply of Wheat Already Made If Whf»l Crop t« fill In Half. Trier May Advance To $1.00 Per Bu »irl. All American farmers are urgeu to cut their wheal acreage exactly in half by Thomas Cathcart, agri cultural editor and statistic*) inter preter He estimates that there is a total available supply of wheat in the United States for the 1931-32 season of 1,169,000 000 bushels, or somewhat less than two year;' nor mal requirements. Should farmers rut their acreage of winter wheat for 1933 by SO pc, cent or more, the price might go up to a dollar a bushel," he writes in The Country Home. But, human nature being as it is, we cannot hope that there will be any suen drastic reduction, The course for the cautious farmer seems clear He had better not grow wheat all if he can find anything more profit able to fit Into his rotation. And those to whom wheat is normally an important cash crop might do well to ask themselves these two questions; 'Can I afford to grow wheat which may not be worth more than fifty cents a bushel next year?' and ‘Can I profitably grow wheat as a feed for livestock at present price levels?' "If a farmer cannot answer eith er of these two questions in the sffirmative he would do well to look around for some other crop. To disregard again the lesson of 1931 would be nothing short of ;anibling against great, odds." t’nlHerarj. Oswald—But, dear, a kiss speaks .’olumea" , Matilda -Well, 1 ro not fond' of rooks. Follies Girl in Jam Again •lust becausr she happens to know Tough Willie" McCabe irighti th rude New Vork police arrested and questioned Hilda Ferguson ileft), (or mer featured Follies girl. Hilda nays »hr doesn't know a thing about thi ! fight In a (iotham speakeasy during which McCabe, notorious gamblei was stabbed several times, but the rude police think differently. An even ruder Judge held Hilda in $5,0(V0 bail as a material witness. 5,000 HOMES RECEIVE T H E ST AR Every Other Day. That Means 20,000 intense Readers. If you have something to sell, tell |these 20,P00 People about it in these columns. Aboard Airliner Eastern Air Transport Smoking compartment; Washington-New York plans. Hostess offer ing CheslerfieULs. I'holos by courtesy Eastern Air Transport, Inc. I’m almost too ev cited to wnte, and there's so mack to see> both inside the plane and out. We've left Washington behind now, and I’ve just had a Chesterfield in the smoking compartment—they serve them on every ship. ' Among the eighteen passengers there’s a senator and a foreign diplo mat; and I’m surprised at the number of women. The trip is two hun dred miles and the meter in the cabin reads two miles a minute; think of that ’Tor me, the Chesterfields were the nicest touch of all. I was just dying for a smoke, and when the hostess passed them (and my favorite ciga rette at that) everyone else seemed as tickled as 1 was. And my-they did taste good I h Chesterfields are served in the smoking compartments of all these planes—the largest and most luxurious in the East. \ With the fast growth of air travel, Ches terfield makes many new friends each day, here as in city streets and country homes —wherever good taste counts. A mild cigarette—delightfully mild and smooth—with a tobacco fragrance all its own. Whether you’re air-minded or not,you’ll always find Chesterfield on the air-lino to taste—the quickest way to get there. They Satisfy l