County Highways To Get Markings flat* Highway Headquarters An nounce That Signs Will He Tlaced on Roads Soon. One thing to follow the taking over of all county highway* by the elate July 1st last will be the mark ing of all former county highways in every one of the 100 counties of the state, it is announced from high way headquarters. These signs will be uniform In character and will di rect travelers to roads and places of importance Provision is made in the state highway law for direction paddles, signs relating to grade crossings, narrow' bridges, school nones, draw bridges, county lines, ends and be ginnings of state maintenance, post offices and towns, places possessing historical interest, side roadway and the like With the present state highway signs and those to be placed along *11 county roads recently taken over Cleveland, as well as every other county in the stae, will be dotted w ith highway signs and markers and travelers will find it more conven ient to get about and with les sdif ficulty than before. The placing of rhese signs will begin within a short time and within a few months the entire state will have been covered Each division headquarters will look after the placing of the signs in the counties in its division Hamrick Reunion To Be Held Sunday 6th Thers will be a reunion o( the Hamrick families at the Hamrick old place eight miles north of Shel hv in the Union church community next Sunday, September 6th. All friends and relatives are invited to attend, bringing baskets of dinner. Grigg Reunion To Be Held Sunday Sept. 6 The Gngg reunion will be held .Sunday, Sept. 6th at the home of Vred Grigg near Polkville, There . will be an all day meeting of the Grigg clan and relatives and all are Invited to attend with baskets of lunch for a picnic dinner. Prisoner Knew Poe. Anamosa, Iowa—Pooling a guard by a story of his buried treasure, a prisoner at the reformatory, induc ed the guard to take him on a treas ure. hunt, and escaped. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE having b»«n made In payment of the Indebtedness secured by that, cer rain deed of trust to the undersigned as trustee ter the Ptiot Life Insurante Com pany by L. P Meggtnson and wife. Mar garet Beam Meggtnson, on the 14th day of March. 1930, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland rounty. N. C in book ISO at page 838 ne undersigned trustee will, under and by nrtue of the power of sale vested tn it by said deed of trust, and at the re nt eat of the cestui que trust and for the purpose of discharging the debt secured by said deed of trust, proceed to sell to he highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Cleveland county. Shelby forth Carolina, at 12 o'clock M. on Monday, JSeptember 28th, 1933 the following described land, to-wlt Lying In the city of Shelby. North Car olina. and being that lot of land eon ered to L. P. Megginson and wife, Mar garet Beam Megginson by deed recorded , n book 3-U. pages 94 and 3S3 of the of fice of register of deeds for Cleveland county. N C. and being Joined on the north by an alley, on the east by X. M Beam, on the south by West Graham street, and on the west by lot of John Norman, and being described by metes • nd bounds as follows: Beginning at a stake In north edge of West Oraham street, John Normans southeast corner, and runs thenee east with said edge of Graham street, 119 feet to a stake in X M. Beam’s line: thence north with Beam's line 170 feet to a stake in edge of alley, thence with al ley west 119 feet to a stake in John Nor man's line: thence south with Norman's line 170 feet to place of beginning This the 34th day of August, 1931. NORTH CAROLINA TRUST CO . Trustee, Brooks. Parker Smith At Wharton, Attys. Oreensboro. N. C. 4t Aug28c OartfuL uiNvh toft ! «* ter IT* matt i.M it 4B *t*rw CARDUi Hr-lps W 'Mt to Hl'-Jl ?1 PAJNS Around Our TOWN OR Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM. SOME MEMORIES OF OTHER DAYS BY JAY ARE DEE Days when It is a bit difficult to put hands upon anything to fill up this space it is with elation that we pick up a communication, as is being used today, In which some ohservant old timer says more in a minute than we could produce while the hands galloped completely around the clock face. The communication, from a prominent Shelby citizen who gets considerably more out of life and aees much more than many may realize, all salted down with a sound philosophy, harks back to bygone days and customs, but it’s our bet that it will be as entertaining to the youngsters as to their elders. Here goes. Dear Rennt— Coming down on the train the other day, I was thinking of you and the many advantages you have over me I also thought of one advantage I have of you and that is I can remember some habits, customs and practices that -you did not know existed 1 dotted down a few of those, as follows I can remember when there were no matches and fire was kept in the home by covering up the coals in the ashes every night.. I can remember when every smoker provided himself with * knife, a flint and a piece of punk. With the knife he knocked a •spark from the flint which ignited the punk and thereby enabled the smoker to light his pipe I can remember when men wore shawls instead of overcoat' and with pant legs stuffed down in fancy boots were considered dressed in style. I can remember when young sports wore paper collars put up in miniature water buckets and sold for 25 cents per dozen I can remember when writing pens were made from goose j quills and ink from balls that grew on oak trees. T can remember when "bull pen ’ and shinny” were national sports. I can remember when eczema was called itch and the only known remedy was the double distilled quintessence of poison ivey j which made the culprit dance Juber. I can remember that when the palate came down on the lon gue, It was pulled up by a bunch of hair on top of the head and kept up by tieing a string around the bunch close to the head I can remember when sore eyes were cured by urinaciaus ap* plications morn and night. T can remember that when all the doctors failed on a case of measles the old women of the neighborhood would cure it by administering sheep shafflm tea. I ean remember when doctors bled patients ON1A' in special eases. T can remember when ministers preached hell-fire and dam nation and salvation only through repentance at the mourners bench. I can remember when I would have swum a liver in mid winter just for a stolen glance at the things 1 am forced to look i at today with utter disgust. I can remember spending the last nickel 1 had for drug store preparations guaranteed to force a premature growth of whiskers, as the girls of that day all said that kissing a boy without a mus j tache was like eating batter cakes without syrup. 1 can rememben that when assisting a girl to mount a spir ited horse, the greatest of all thrills was adjusting her Trilby \ ' foot in the stirrup. I can remember the hoop skirt, the bustle, the Grecian Bend and the. long train, but— 1 CANNOT remember a tune when the girls were preuiei sweeter and lovelier than they are today. Aug. 27th, 1931. ‘ 1 r, n .-— THINKS HOEY TOO BIG * FOR THE SENATE Squire T. Cling Eskridge, a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat until dooms day, regrets very much that he will not have the opportunity of sup porting Clyde Hoey for the United States senate. “I have always wanted to vote for him, but to tell you the truth,” says Squire, “I’d rather vote for him for president than for anything else. That’s what I think of him’’ > And that’s how more people than you might think feel about it. 11 there was anything bigger in a political way than the presidency, then it is their idea that the presidency wouldn’t be big enough for ihe silver tongued spell-binder. A TIP FOR THE PARSONS; HAVE ANOTHER QUAKE In recalling that Monday night was the 45th anniversary of the worst earth shock ever felt in this section, Mrs. T. G. H. also recalled that a revival meeting was holding forth at the time and that after the quake Shelby people turned out as never before. They were ‘‘scared within an inch of their lives” (ever hear that expression bfore?) and they were taking no chance of another quake coming along before they could get their religious affairs in shape. If another tremor or two could be arranged maybe there wouldn’t be as many empty church pews and far less Sunday highway accidents. SHELBY SHORTS: . . . The news that Johnny Branch, Carolina s half-pint quarterback, has passed his school work and will be on the eleven this fall caused considerable elation among Shelby grid fane. That boy has the football ••IT'’ that sends them through the stadium turnstiles .... All the girls about Shelby are going strong for the Empress Eugenie hats, but we wonder how many of them can recall the romances of the charming empress who had the folks of her time talking as Marlene, Greta, Clara and Peggy altogether haven’t this sophisticated day buzzing?. Vivian'Ingle, newspaperman from historic Charleston, S. C., is spending his vacation in Shelby with his father, Rev. J. W. Ingle, retired Methodist minister. Vivian lived in Shelby back in the days when the old Fanning store, at the present Rose location, was the trading center. And he’s mar ried now ... How many men now living in Shelby have killed a mar? You’d be surprised .... It will be a pity if that up-and-coming cham pionship orchestra and band at Shelby high does not have an instructor this year .... A sign of the times: Rural visitors to Shelby are once again bringing along their lunches in shoe boxes .... ’’You're all wet," says a reader, ’’about these beauty entrants. Shelby's three most beau tiful women are married.” Maybe so, maybe so. But we’ll not use their names unless someone nominates them. We know their husbands "That colyum,” says another reader, "should be called ’The Snooper, i< pries around in this and that worser’n Walter Winchell.” Thanks A feature article in Sunday’s Charlotte Observer by A, H. Hamrick re ferred to Shelby as "an incubator of great men.” Wonder what kind cf hatching we have on now and how the last few crops of biddies will turn out? .... In among the other corn exhibits at the Cleveland County Fair late this month there will more than likely be a few exhibits of the liquid kick. Deputy Bob Kendrick will take charge of the displays in that department . . . . Something you'll not see: A Shelby father off in a corner boo-hooing because there is no change in school books this year, . , . Wonder how the new teachers’ll look? . » , v Hats off to "Granny’ Gantt, the popular proprietress of the west Shelby store. We’re hanker ing for her to make it an even hundred and then add on several more Jack Houser, who ought to know, says it isn’t the newspaper game that runs newspapermen half nuts; there’s Just something wrong at the be ginning with one who hasn’t any more sense than get in the game .... All Eskridge s covered wagou-boat gets the cake for motor oddities here about* .... A Shelby man dreamed t’other night that he beat the best ball of the Webb brothers and then when he awoke and found It wasn't so he started to throw away his cluhs . . , By the way, who Is the best feminine golfer In Shelby—meaning score and not form? .... Two of the hardest-talking, gruffest people in Shelby are really tender-hearted an unusually charitable and kind once you scratch under the surface. Go ahead and guess; we re namin’ no names .... You’d be surprised which one of those pretty Shelby working girls this colyum considers the best But nobody cares to know anyhow . . So, let * call It a day and sprawl out on a court square bench. Ehringhaus Comes Near Bringing The T wain, ‘East And West’ Together Now I* An Kutrrnrr. Writer Says, But Cannot Understand Other Sections Of N. .C. Chapel Hill Weekly. "East is East, and West ts West, and never the twain shall meet." Thus wrote Kipling, and in recent months his lines have been quoted apropos of the political situation in North Carolina. For we have a dis tinct East-West cleavage in this state. The division on geographical lines is of course not absolutely rigid and clear cut; there are some Easterners in the West and some Westerners in the East; but, broad ly. the East adheres to the Joseph us Daniels-Angus D. McLean pro gram crying for the removal of taxes from the land, a sales tax (either general or limited.! and a heavier levy upon corporations, while the West supports Gardner and Maxwell in opposition to a sal es tax and in a less hostile atti tude tow’ard corporations. In Blucher Ehringhaus, who last week announced hts candidacy for the governorship, many citisens will no doubt, see something of an ano maly. For he is a geographical’ Easterner without being a politi ea! Easterner, He cornea out posi tively against a sales tax, whether genera] or limited, and he stands squarely upon the Democratic rec ord, "which." saya his hometown paper, the Elizabeth City Independ ent, "is taken as an unequivocal in dorsement- of the Gardner adminis tration and Ore Gardner policies.” This does not accord with the views of the true blue Easterners, the followers of Josephus Daniels and Angus D. McLean, for they consider the Gardner-Maxwell doc trines fit only for scorn and con tumely. But, for our part, we do not agree that Ehrlnghauss manifesto contains an "unequivocal Indorse ment of the Gardner policies.” He does ssy that he stands upon “the record of my party—legislative and executive;” but that Is merely the conventional, inevitable declaration of anybody who offers himself as standard-bearer of one party In its contest with another; going into the Democratic primaries, or into the election campaign as a Demo cratic primaries, or into the elec tion campaign as a Democratic can didate, he could hardly aav any thing else. The manifesto does not picture Ehrtnghaus as a rubber st»nip for the Gardner adnunistra tlon; In fact, It suggest* that the performance of the recent legisla ture did not meet hla desires com pletely. The truth is that Ehrtnghaus Is not either an Easterner or a West erner, In the political sense in Which we are employing these terms. And this 1* as it should be. Nothing much good Is going to be accomplished by a bltter-end atti tude or bltter-end tactics It is not wholesome for the state that it should be divided Into two warring camps, for In such a division the common good la too apt to be lost sight of In the eagerness of each side to score a conquest over the other. A man need not be suspected of aurrendering his conviction be cause he displays a spirit of toler ance and a disposition to reconcile opposing interests. Compromise may sometimes be carried so far that It becomes weakness; but there is truth In the words of Ed mund Burke, "all government—In deed. every human benefit and en Joyment every prudent act,—is founded on compromise and bar ter," Ehringhaus has a sound under-( standing of North Carolina's prob-1 lema and he haa ideas as to how, they should be solved He has had; excellent training, he is possessed of abundant seal and energy; to gether with a keen mind he has the gift of persuasive speech; and no body need fear that he will be any man’a man but hla own Among all the entrant* In the race for Gover nor he Is, to our way of thinking the beat bet. Our own advice: If anybody calls you a taffy-eater, knock hid down We have never been able to un derstand why some folks let their picture appear in print. College President, Dr. Kitchen Speaks "Christ poi-sessed four outstand Ing characteristics that men ad mire," said Dr Thurman Kitchiii. Wake Forest college president, speaking before a large congrega tion at the First Baptist church Sunday morning. ‘ Christ was lnde pendent, courageous, unselfish and loyal In his work with mankind here on earth, l believe Christ was a man of atrong physique, a man with a commanding, human and demo cratic personality." Card of Thanks We wish to thank our fine friend and neighbors for their kindness shown us during the sickness and death of my dear wife and otn mother. We shall never forget the kind deeds and words of comfort and consolation. W. C. waits and Children. Our Exchange Is 32 POUNDS Of Isaac Shelby Flour and 16 POUNDS FEED for each BUSHEL of WHEAT \ total of 48 pounds in products. EAGLE ROLLER MILL SHELBY Toe Itch «thloto’o Foot and Nana Noll ,u,f*r from th* Qatar akin dlaeaar cauelng serara Itching of *»•••"« X*!*1, cr*rt'|n«. Pooling akin. wUh0?>r‘n4iS“.e,,,rS*P akin* DJ N1*on'» Nlaoderm? Baaed on tho famoua English Hcapital for mul* dlacMima by a leading lion don akin aperlallat. Dr. Ntron’a Nl*. oderm acta with amaalng apead, ba r5V,,'j.<*****n*<* y°r Particular akin disease Vltoderm la guaran teed. it must atop Itch and Quickly E:*r.&,i,Dortfc* SIMILE'S URUO STORE America’! favorite household package •« en the right comes along one • • • Yon wonder why you wasted time on the others! This been*waiting*aU-my>life feeling has hit millions of smokers, men and women both ... when they broke open their first Chesterfield package and caught its more pleasing aroma...when they lighted their first Chesterfield and knew, that minute, that it was milder— not sharp or biting. And alter a few puffs, they knew that the taste was better. Here were the cigarettes they had always hoped for, and looked for. Here were the cigarettes that satisfy! Salisfy’—that’s the word that "fit*.” The right tobaccos—the CHESTER FIELD kind of tobaccos, Domestic and Turkish—cured and aged, blended and cross-blended in the right way. Every thing that goes into Chesterfield is the best that money can buy and that science knows about. The paper is just right. Everything about them is just right. Notice the difference. They Satisfy... and—they’re milder. Smoke as many as you like! jGOOD • • • they’ve got to be good!

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